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Single crystals of sanidine which were experimentally deformed so as to introduce the (010)[100] slip system were examined by transmission electron microscopy (tem). Dislocation glide is mainly manifested in the samples deformed at 700° C, with a strain rate \(\dot \varepsilon = 1 - 2 \times 10^{ - 6} s^{ - 1} \) . In addition to the expected slip system another more important one, (12 \(\bar 1\) )[101], was found. The dislocations lying in (010) present a glissile dissociation. These observations have been discussed in term of the feldspar structure. Models for glissile dissociation in (010) are proposed: [100]=1/2[100]+1/2[100] or 1/2[101]+1/2[10 \(\bar 1\) ] and [101]=1/2[101]+1/2[101].  相似文献   

Experimental observations are reported of weakening of sediment-like aggregates by addition of hard particles. Sieved mixtures of calcite and halite grains are experimentally compacted in drained pressure cells in the presence of a saturated aqueous solution. The individual halite grains deform easily by pressure solution creep whereas calcite grains act as hard objects and resist compaction. The fastest rate of compaction of the mixed aggregate is not obtained for a 100% halite aggregate but for a content of halite grains between 45% and 75%. We propose that this unusual compaction behavior reflects the competition between two mechanisms at the grain scale: intergranular pressure solution at grain contacts and grain boundary healing between halite grains that prevent further compaction.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the accurate prediction of defect properties and processes by quantum methods, with emphasis on ionic systems. Such approaches are of especial value for situations where direct experiment is difficult because of timescale or of extremes of temperature or pressure. In most cases one has to solve an electronic structure problem coupled with a technique for including polarisation and distortion of the surrounding solid. Such polarisation terms can be large and even dominant, and usual simplistic approaches are insufficient. I discuss several aspects, all including use of empirical potentials, namely (i) strategies for combining electronic structure and distortion, (ii) classical calculations of quantum energies, and (iii) cases where one needs quantum dynamics. Examples are given for work expoiting codes developed at Harwell.  相似文献   

The Alpine Haselgebirge Formation represents an Upper Permian to Lower Triassic evaporitic rift succession of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Eastern Alps). Although the rocksalt body deposits are highly tectonised, consisting mainly of protocataclasites and mylonites of halite and mudrock, the early diagenetic history can be established from non-tectonised mudrock bodies: Cm-sized euhedral halite hopper crystals formed as displacive cubes within mud just during shallow burial. The crystals were deformed by subsequent compaction. Later, migrating fluids led to the replacement of halite by anhydrite retaining the shapes of deformed halite cubes. Polyhalite formed from subsequent enhanced fluid migration. Mudrock provided water by dewatering, while potassium and magnesium were dissolved from primary salt minerals. When these fluids interacted with sulphates, polyhalite precipitated. 40Ar/39Ar analyses date the polyhalite from within the retaining shapes of deformed halite hopper-shaped cubes from two localities to ca. 235–232 Ma (Middle Triassic). At this time, ca. 20–25 Ma after sedimentation, polyhalite crystallised at shallow levels.  相似文献   

Direct observations of the phase transformations in cubanite both on heating and cooling have been made in a transmission electron microscope. Low temperature orthorhombic cubanite undergoes a cation disordering process at about 200° C resulting in a hexagonal wurtzite type structure. The reordering process takes place by the growth of independently nucleated regions of short range order. Long range order is difficult to attain in short term experiments due to the lack of order correlation between regions. At a slightly higher temperature a transformation from hexagonal close-packing to cubic close-packing takes place within the sulphur structure, by the propagation of partial dislocations along alternate close-packing planes. This transformation is irreversible. On cooling the disordered cubic structure, cation ordering takes place as an alternative to the transformation back to hexagonal close-packing, but in the absence of an ordering scheme at this composition based on the cubic subcell, the ordering process results in the exsolution of chalcopyrite. This transformation is interpreted in terms of metastable, kinetically controlled behaviour.  相似文献   

Dislocation structures in naturally deformed olivine from garnet peridotite xenoliths from South African kimberlites have been studied by electron microscopy. The substructure consists mainly of straight subboundaries of dislocations with Burgers vectors [001]. Most of the dislocations have both edge and screw components, and the slip planes are mainly (100). The dislocation density between the subboundaries is low.The slip planes in olivine are discussed in relation to the olivine structure. The observed dislocation structures seem to indicate that the large difference in strain rate between natural and experimental deformation will produce a difference in the slip mechanisms.The nature of the deformation lamellae visible in optical microscope is discussed.  相似文献   

Optical and electron optical (SEM, TEM, AEM) techniques were employed to investigate the fine structure of eight ataxite-iron meteorites. Structural studies indicated that the ataxites can be divided into two groups; a Widmanstätten decomposition group and a martensite decomposition group. The Widmanstätten decomposition group has a Type I plessite microstructure and the central taenite regions contain highly dislocated lath martensite. The steep M shaped Ni gradients in the taenite are consistent with the fast cooling rates, ≥500°C/my, observed for this group. The martensite decomposition group has a Type III plessite microstructure and contains all the chemical group IVB ataxites. The maximum taenite Ni contents vary from 47.5 to 52.7 wt% and are consistent with slow cooling to low temperatures ≤350°C at cooling rates ≤25°C/my. Ordered FeNi and the cloudy border structure were not observed in any of the ataxites. Modest reheating to ≤350°C may have been responsible for the lack of these structures.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction It is the focus of geology and biology that the creature preserved in the geological history and the organic evolution.The creature preserved in geological history by these things:sedimentary,frozen earth,chrysophoron and evaporation salt.Evaporation salt can preserve the microbe  相似文献   

Crystals of synthetic barite (BaSO4), celestite (SrSO4), and their solid solutions were recrystallized from brine by thermal cycling. Electron probe microanalyses show that the solid solutions are homogeneous within detection limits. The molar composition of solid solution crystals approximates the ideal value based on the ratio of equilibrium constants for barium and strontium sulfates.  相似文献   

Summary The Fracture process zone in compact tension specimens of Indiana limestone was investigated to study its effect on the fracture mechanics parameters in such materials. Specimens were tested up to the peak load, and propagation of the crack from a preexisting notch was monitored. Experiments were designed to study the two features of the fracture process zone in rocks: ligament connections and microcracking.To observe this zone with high sensitivity and accuracy, laser interferometry methods were adopted. Holographic Interferometry was used to observe initial crack propagation. To obtain more quantitative measurements of the displacement field, in realtime, the recently developed technique of electronic speckle pattern interferometry was applied. This technique can provide continuous video recording of the interferometric fringe pattern, depict the evolution of the fracture process, and measure profiles of crack opening displacements.The macroscopic observations of full-field displacement by the laser techniques were supplemented by post mortem observation of the fracture region under a scanning electron microscope. Regions around the crack were studied after the test for possible presence of microcracks.An interactive finite element code was used to compute the stress intensity factors of the propagating crack-tip and displacements. Finite element computations were used to evaluate the effect of the process zone on crack propagation.  相似文献   

Thermal analysis of the halite liquidus in the system NaCl-H2O has been conducted for NaCl mole fractions (XNaCl) greater than 0.25 (i.e., > 50 wt. % NaCl) at pressures between 0.3 and 4.1 kb and temperatures greater than 450°C. The position of the liquidus was located by differential thermal analysis (DTA) of cooling scans only, as heating scans did not produce definitive DTA peaks. The dP/dT slope of the liquidus is positive and steep at high pressures, but at high XNaCl, and pressures below 0.5 kb it appears to reverse slope and intersects the three-phase curve (liquid-halite-vapour) at a shallow angle. However, due to the complex nature of the DTA signal when P <- 0.5 kb, there is considerable doubt about exactly what event has been recorded in the experiments conducted at these low pressures.The solubility of halite can be expressed as a function of the mole-fractional-based activity of NaCl in the liquid phase (L) in temperature (T, °K) and pressure (P, bars) In αNaCl(L.T.P) = ?19.884 ? 0.001275T ? 1388T + 3.2305 In (T) ? 0.07574PT Our liquidus data (based on 10 compositions) above 500 bars for these brines were combined with this equation to generate activity coefficients of NaCl which were fit within their experimental uncertainties to the following one parameter Margules equation In γNaCl(L.T.P) = (0.7268 ? 695.7T ? 0.1217PT)(1 ? XNaCl)2. Concentrated solutions of NaCl show negative deviations from ideality which rapidly increase in magnitude with decreasing XNaCl.  相似文献   

The optical interference phenomenon of an iridescent grandite garnet was examined by using white light and laser light on the analogy of the X-ray diffraction method. A kinematical interpretation was also made for the observed angle and intensity of interference light. The regularly stratified layers which cause iridescence are deduced to be periodic twins oriented parallel to the growth layers in each sector with a periodicity of about 1,000 Å.  相似文献   

This paper considers the basic principles of the strain analysis method based on the analysis of antitaxial regeneration fibrous fringes around linear rigid inclusions in a low-viscosity rock matrix. This method has been developed for pressure shadows composed of fibrous minerals, whose orientation is controlled by the major elongation direction rather than the orientation of rigid inclusions. This approach is applicable only for rocks exposed to uniform coaxial straining. The strain ellipse is calculated in two ways: for three variably oriented strain markers, it is calculated using Mohr’s circles, and for numerous strain markers by average body ellipse. The strain ellipsoid is calculated using the parameters of a few strain ellipses calculated with three and more non-parallel planes. This paper provides the data on the method testing in reference sites of Dora–Pil’ ore field in the Upper Indigirka district and Vangash area in the Yenisei Range. Regeneration fibrous fringes around fragments of fern fossils and linear rutile metacrystals were used as markers. The results of strain analysis obtained for the reference sites in the Upper Indigirka district made it possible to describe the signs of variable strain stages of developing strike-slip zones making up the Adycha–Taryn Fault Zone. Sublatitudinal ore-bearing strike-slip zones are characterized by a subvertical orientation of the elongation axes X of elongated strain ellipsoids, which are subperpendicular to quartz–carbonate veins and slope kink zones. NW-trending strike-slip zones are characterized by subhorizontal orientation of the Z shortening axes of flattened strain ellipsoids, which are subparallel to the normals of quartz–carbonate veins and veinlets. The results of strain analysis obtained for reference sites in the Vangash area made it possible to describe the thrust strain environment following the metamorphism stage and to reveal specific features in the formation of the strain textures of ore-bearing rocks based on their rheological properties.  相似文献   

砂浆孔隙溶液水盐相变特性是研究其水-热-盐耦合模型以及水泥基材料损伤机理的关键理论基础。为探究河西走廊盐渍土地区砂浆孔隙溶液水、盐相变规律,首先利用差示扫描量热法测定水盐相变过程中热流、相变温度等热参数;其次基于热量守恒和水分质量平衡方程,初步实现水盐分离;然后分别计算不同温度下的冰、盐晶和未冻水含量,揭示了低温下砂浆孔隙溶液水盐相变机理;最后结合微观扫描和物质能谱图,明晰了砂浆内部劣化机制。研究结果表明:随着盐浓度增大,砂浆孔隙溶液冻结温度降低、相变时间延后、水盐相变顺序调换及未冻水含量向低温方向移动;相同盐浓度下,氯化钠对砂浆孔隙溶液冻结温度的降幅最大,混合盐次之,硫酸钠最小;砂浆在低温盐侵蚀下遭受物理化学耦合作用,其中氯化钠对砂浆破坏性最大,混合盐次之,硫酸钠劣化相对较轻。  相似文献   

冀磊  刘福来  王舫  田忠华 《岩石学报》2021,37(2):513-529



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