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We report hard X-ray emission of the non-thermal supernova remnant G337.2+0.1. The source presents centrally filled and diffuse X-ray emission. A spectral study confirms that the column density of the central part of the object is about N H∼5.9(±1.5)×1022 cm−2 and its X-ray spectrum is well represented by a single power-law with a photon index Γ=0.96±0.56. Detailed spectral analysis indicates that the outer region is highly absorbed and quite softer than the inner region. Characteristics already observed in other well-known X-ray plerions. Based on the gathered information, we confirm the SNR nature of G337.2+0.1, and suggest that the central region of the source is a pulsar wind nebula (PWN), originated by an energetic though yet undetected pulsar.  相似文献   

We present high spatial resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A with the Chandra observations. The X-ray emitting region of this remnant was divided into 38 × 34 pixels of 10″× 10″ each. Spectra of 960 pixels were created and fitted with an absorbed two component non-equilibrium ionization model. From the results of the spectral analysis we obtained maps of absorbing column density, temperatures, ionization ages, and the abundances of Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca and Fe. The Si, S and possibly Ca abundance maps show obvious jet structures, while Fe does not follow the jet but seems to be distributed perpendicular to it. The abundances of Si, S and Ca show tight correlations between one another over a range of about two dex. This suggests that they are ejecta from explosive Oburning and incomplete Si-buming. Meanwhile, the Ne abundance is well correlated with that of Mg, indicating them to be the ashes of explosive C/Ne burning. The Fe abundance is positively correlated with that of Si when the latter is lower than 3 times the solar value, and is negatively correlated when higher. We suggest that such a two phase correlation is due to the different ways in which Fe was synthesized.  相似文献   

We present a single-explosion model study of the 3C 400.2 supernova remnant (SNR), made with two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations. The numerical simulations were made with the adaptive grid code yguazú-a . Several initial scenarios have been tested in order to reproduce the centrally peaked X-ray emission observed for this remnant. This study reveals that the explosion of the SN inside a pre-existing stellar wind bubble successfully generates the observed morphology, when thermal conduction is included in the model. The best morphological fit is obtained at an evolution time of 21 000 yr, when the total luminosity is  1.2 × 1034 erg s−1  .  相似文献   

An axisymmetric model for the Crab nebula is constructed to examine the flow dynamics in the nebula. The model is based on that of Kennel & Coroniti, although we assume that the kinetic-energy-dominant wind is confined to an equatorial region. The evolution of the distribution function of the electron–positron plasma flowing out in the nebula is calculated. Given viewing angles, we reproduce an image of the nebula and compare it with the Chandra observation.
The reproduced image is not ring-like, but is rather 'lip-shaped'. It is found that the assumption of a toroidal field does not reproduce the Chandra image. We must assume that there is a disordered magnetic field with an amplitude as large as the mean toroidal field. In addition, the brightness contrast between the front and back sides of the ring cannot be reproduced if we assume that the magnetization parameter σ is as small as ∼10−3. The brightness profile along the semimajor axis of the torus is also examined. The non-dissipative, ideal-magnetohydrodynamic approximation in the nebula appears to break down.
We speculate that if the magnetic energy is released by some process that produces a turbulent field in the nebula flow and causes heating and acceleration – for example, by magnetic reconnection – then the present difficulties may be resolved (i.e. we can reproduce a ring image and a higher brightness contrast). Thus, the magnetization parameter σ can be larger than previously expected.  相似文献   

We report results of an 18-ks exposure with the ACIS instrument on Chandra of the powerful z =0.62 radio galaxy 3C 220.1. The X-ray emission separates into cluster gas of emission-weighted kT ∼5 keV , 0.7–12 keV luminosity (to a radius of 45 arcsec) of 5.6×1044 erg s−1 and unresolved emission (coincident with the radio core). While the extended X-ray emission is clearly thermal in nature, a straightforward cooling-flow model, even in conjunction with a point-source component, is a poor fit to the radial profile of the X-ray emission. This is despite the fact that the measured properties of the gas suggest a massive cooling flow of ∼130 M yr−1, and the data show weak evidence for a temperature gradient. The central unresolved X-ray emission has a power-law spectral energy index α ∼0.7 and 0.7–12 keV luminosity of 1045 erg s−1, and any intrinsic absorption is relatively small. The two-point spectrum of the core emission between radio and X-ray energies has α rx=0.75 . Since this is a flatter spectrum than seen in other sources where the X-ray emission is presumed to be radio-related, regions close to the active galactic nucleus (AGN) in this source may dominate the central X-ray output, as is believed to be the case for lobe-dominated quasars. Simple unification models would be challenged if this were found to be the case for a large fraction of high-power radio galaxies.  相似文献   

Our Chandra observation of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 66B has resulted in the first detection of an X-ray counterpart to the previously known radio, infrared and optical jet. The X-ray jet is detected up to 7 arcsec from the core and has a steep X-ray spectrum, α ≈1.3±0.1 . The overall X-ray flux density and spectrum of the jet are consistent with a synchrotron origin for the X-ray emission. However, the inner knot in the jet has a higher ratio of X-ray to radio emission than the others. This suggests that either two distinct emission processes are present or differences in the acceleration mechanism are required; there may be a contribution to the emission from the inner knot from an inverse Compton process or it may be the site of an early strong shock in the jet. The peak of the brightest radio and X-ray knot is significantly closer to the nucleus in the X-ray than in the radio, which may suggest that the knots are privileged sites for high-energy particle acceleration. 3C 66B's jet is similar both in overall spectral shape and in structural detail to those in more nearby sources such as M87 and Centaurus A.  相似文献   

We have used a deep Chandra observation of the central regions of the twin-jet Fanaroff–Riley class I (FRI) radio galaxy 3C 31 to resolve the thermal X-ray emission in the central few kpc of the host galaxy, NGC 383, where the jets are thought to be decelerating rapidly. This allows us to make high-precision measurements of the density, temperature and pressure distributions in this region, and to show that the X-ray emitting gas in the centre of the galaxy has a cooling time of only  5×107 yr  . In a companion paper, these measurements are used to place constraints on models of the jet dynamics.
A previously unknown one-sided X-ray jet in 3C 31, extending up to 8 arcsec from the nucleus, is detected and resolved. Its structure and steep X-ray spectrum are similar to those of X-ray jets known in other FRI sources, and we attribute the radiation to synchrotron emission from a high-energy population of electrons. In situ particle acceleration is required in the region of the jet where bulk deceleration is taking place.
We also present X-ray spectra and luminosities of the galaxies in the Arp 331 chain of which NGC 383 is a member. The spectrum and spatial properties of the nearby bright X-ray source 1E 0104+3153 are used to argue that the soft X-ray emission is mostly due to a foreground group of galaxies rather than to the background broad absorption-line quasar.  相似文献   

We have observed the supernova remnant (SNR) G290.1−0.8 in the 21-cm H  i line and the 20-cm radio continuum using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The H  i data were combined with data from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey to recover the shortest spatial frequencies. In contrast, H  i absorption was analysed by filtering extended H  i emission, with spatial frequencies shorter than 1.1 kλ. The low-resolution ATCA radio continuum image of the remnant shows considerable internal structure, resembling a network of filaments across its 13-arcmin diameter. A high-resolution ATCA radio continuum image was also constructed to study the small-scale structure in the SNR. It shows that there are no structures smaller than ∼17 arcsec, except perhaps for a bright knot to the south, which is probably an unrelated object. The H  i absorption study shows that the gas distribution and kinematics in front of SNR G290.1−0.8 are complex. We estimate that the SNR probably lies in the Carina arm, at a distance 7 (±1) kpc. In addition, we have studied nearby sources in the observed field using archival multiwavelength data to determine their characteristics.  相似文献   

We made the first CO(I—0) mapping to SNR G21.8-0.6 and SNR G32.8-0.1, both associated with OH 1720 MHz maser.Based on the morphological correspondence and velocity and position agreement between the radio remnant and the CO clouds,we tentatively identify the clouds that are respectively interacting with the two SNRs.  相似文献   

We collected the basic parameters of 231 supernova remnants (SNRs) in our Galaxy, namely, distances (d) from the Sun, linear diameters (D), Galactic heights (Z), estimated ages (t), luminosities (L), surface brightness (∑) and flux densities (S1) at 1-GHz frequency and spectral indices (α). We tried to find possible correlations between these parameters. As expected, the linear diameters were found to increase with ages for the shell-type remnants, and also to have a tendency to increase with the Galactic heights. Both the surface brightness and luminosity of SNRs at 1-GHz tend to decrease with the linear diameter and with age. No other relations between the parameters were found.  相似文献   

We present a catalogue of 17 filamentary X-ray features located within a  68 × 34  arcmin2  view centred on the Galactic Centre region from images taken by Chandra . These features are described by their morphological and spectral properties. Many of the X-ray features have non-thermal spectra that are well fitted by an absorbed power law. Of the 17 features, we find six that have not been previously detected, four of which are outside the immediate  20 × 20  arcmin2  area centred on the Galactic Centre. Seven of the 17 identified filaments have morphological and spectral properties expected for pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) with X-ray luminosities of  5 × 1032  to 1034 erg s−1 in the 2.0–10.0 keV band and photon indices in the range of  Γ= 1.1  to 1.9. In one feature, we suggest the strong neutral Fe Kα emission line to be a possible indicator for past activity of Sgr A*. For G359.942−0.03, a particular filament of interest, we propose the model of a ram pressure confined stellar wind bubble from a massive star to account for the morphology, spectral shape and 6.7 keV He-like Fe emission detected. We also present a piecewise spectral analysis on two features of interest, G0.13−0.11 and G359.89−0.08, to further examine their physical interpretations. This analysis favours the PWN scenario for these features.  相似文献   

We examine the properties of the X-ray gas in the central regions of the distant ( z =0.46) , X-ray luminous cluster of galaxies surrounding the powerful radio source 3C 295, using observations made with the Chandra Observatory . Between radii of 50 and 500 kpc, the cluster gas is approximately isothermal with an emission-weighted temperature, kT ∼5 keV . Within the central 50-kpc radius this value drops to kT ∼3.7 keV . The spectral and imaging Chandra data indicate the presence of a cooling flow within the central 50-kpc radius of the cluster, with a mass deposition rate of approximately 280 M yr−1. We estimate an age for the cooling flow of 1–2 Gyr , which is approximately 1000 times older than the central radio source. We find no evidence in the X-ray spectra or images for significant heating of the X-ray gas by the radio source. We report the detection of an edge-like absorption feature in the spectrum for the central 50-kpc region, which may be caused by oxygen-enriched dust grains. The implied mass in metals seen in absorption could have been accumulated by the cooling flow over its lifetime. Combining the results on the X-ray gas density profile with radio measurements of the Faraday rotation measure in 3C 295, we estimate the magnetic field strength in the region of the cluster core to be B ∼12 μG .  相似文献   

We present a two-component supernova remnant model for the case of Magellanic remnant DEM L316 obtained from two-dimensional, axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations. We study different scenarios which consider a possible collision between the shells and also the effects of thermal conduction. Synthetic X-ray maps were obtained from numerical results in order to directly compare with the observed morphology of this object. We find a good agreement is achieved when thermal conduction is included, reproducing both the observed morphology and the total X-ray luminosity very well. Finally, our results suggest that the two components of DEM L316 are not in physical interaction.  相似文献   

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