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重金属污染植物修复技术的研究与应用现状   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
利用植物修复污染土壤是当前国际学术界的热点研究领域。系统阐述了植物修复技术的概念与内容,对重金属污染植物修复技术研究与应用的现状、植物修复技术的优缺点进行了重点评述,介绍了国外开展的一些典型应用案例,并对这一领域的发展作了展望。  相似文献   

金属矿区土壤重金属污染的植物修复研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周涛发  李湘凌  袁峰  范裕  张鑫 《地质论评》2008,54(4):515-522
受矿业活动影响,金属矿区及周边土壤重金属污染已成为严重的环境问题之一。植物修复技术是近年来发展起来的清除土壤中重金属的一种有效、经济的生态技术。重金属污染土壤植物修复技术主要有植物固定、植物挥发和植物吸收等方式,植物固定技术是利用植物阻隔土壤中重金属的迁移,而植物挥发和植物吸收则是将土壤中的重金属移除。本文系统总结了迄今在金属矿区土壤重金属污染的植物固定和植物吸收修复技术研究方面的现状与进展,包括矿区超富集植物筛选、超耐受性植物筛选、提高重金属生物有效性的高效活化剂以及降低重金属迁移能力的化学钝化剂研究等。提出了当前相关领域研究中存在的主要问题,并提出了进一步研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

被污染土壤的植物修复研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
周国华 《物探与化探》2003,27(6):473-475,489
植物修复是利用植物吸收、降解、挥发、根滤、稳定、泵吸等作用机理,达到去除土壤、水体中污染物,或使污染物固定以减轻其危害性,或使污染物转化为毒性较低化学形态的现场治理技术.植物修复对于重金属污染土壤的治理修复具有重要意义.已有研究在累积与超累积植物的寻找筛选、植物对重金属等有害物的耐毒和解毒机理、植物修复现场环境调控及根际处理技术等方面取得了大量成果.现代分子生物学、基因工程技术发展有可能使植物修复技术取得重大突破.  相似文献   

植物修复在治理矿区重金属污染土壤中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
矿业活动是环境中污染土壤的重金属的主要来源,采用植物修复技术具有物理、化学修复方法所无法比拟的费用低廉、不破坏场地结构、不造成地下水的二次污染等优点。文章从植物稳定、植物提取和植物一微生物以及动物的协同修复等三个方面简要介绍了对矿区污染土壤进行植物修复的研究进展。  相似文献   

水新芳  赵元艺  王强 《地质论评》2021,67(3):752-766
随着人们对矿山环境修复越来越重视,受矿山重金属污染土壤的修复技术不断向前发展,涌现出的新技术方法在矿山重金属污染土壤修复中发挥着日益重要的作用.本文通过对物理化学、植物、微生物和动物四大类矿山重金属污染土壤修复技术理论研究、试验和现场应用等方面入手,搜集大量资料,综述该四大类修复技术的研究现状和主要进展.总结提出矿山重...  相似文献   

矿山重金属污染土壤修复技术进展及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水新芳  赵元艺  王强 《地质论评》2021,67(2):67030022-67030022
随着人们对矿山环境修复越来越重视,受矿山重金属污染土壤的修复技术不断向前发展,涌现出的新技术方法在矿山重金属污染土壤修复中发挥着日益重要的作用。本文通过对物理化学、植物、微生物和动物四大类矿山重金属污染土壤修复技术理论研究、试验和现场应用等方面入手,搜集大量资料,综述该四大类修复技术的研究现状和主要进展。总结提出矿山重金属污染土壤修复技术重点向4个方向发展:以低成本为导向的常规技术优化,包括常规廉价材料的有效利用、修复重金属污染的同时回收利用重金属(超积累植物和化学回收)等;以高精端新技术为导向的效率提升,包括纳米材料、生物薄膜等新型高效修复材料的研发、基因工程等,通过微观机理的精细研究大幅提高修复效率以降低总体成本;联合不同修复技术,如微生物—植物、化学—植物、物理—化学等联合修复技术,取长补短以实现更好的修复效果;加强不同修复技术的数据库和智能决策系统建设,促进技术成果转化。  相似文献   

植物修复技术在污染治理中的应用现状   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
植物修复技术是利用活的植物对污染土、污染地下水等介质进行修复。植物对金属元素的净化机理是植物积累、根系过滤、植物根系对土的稳定作用;植物对有机物的净化机理是植物降解、生物刺激和植物的蒸发作用;此外植物的水力控制也是控制污染的主要途径。目前国外在利用植物修复卤代烃、农药、汽油、柴油、重金属、放射性物质、废旧炸药、处理污染填土淋滤液、利用植物分解处理空气中的污染物质或将氧化氮转化为氮气等多方面的研究已取得很多重要成果,而其中最为显著的是利用杂交植物对卤代烃污染地下水进行修复和研究利用转基因植物吸收土壤中的甲基汞。我国在植物修复技术方面的研究也取得重大成果,如利用凤眼莲修复污水中的某些农药、利用蜈蚣草叶片富集砷,利用印度芥菜对土壤中难溶态镉的吸收等。  相似文献   

电动力学技术在受污染地下水和土壤修复中新进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
综述了电动力学技术的原理及其在受污染土壤和地下水修复方面的应用.电动力学技术利用电渗析、电迁移和电泳使土壤孔隙中的水和荷电离子或粒子发生迁移运动.大量研究表明,电动力学技术能够高效地去除土壤和地下水中的重金属离子.最新研究表明电动力学技术也能够直接去除有机污染物,其与生物修复优化组合有可能成为高效"绿色"修复技术.这种技术具有安装方便、操作简单和成本低廉的特点,而且不影响生态环境,是非常有发展前景的一种环境修复技术.  相似文献   

【研究目的】土壤重金属污染是造成土壤生态环境质量下降、农作物重金属超标,甚至危及人体健康的主要因素。采矿及冶炼活动是土壤重金属污染的主要来源,中国矿山贫矿多、难选矿多、共伴生矿多,矿山开采过程中产生了大量的有毒有害重金属进入土壤,由于采矿活动造成土壤重金属污染严重。目前,寻找合适的方法修复矿区重金属污染土壤是国内外环境科学领域研究的热点和难点。【研究方法】本文通过查阅大量矿区重金属污染土壤修复技术方向的文献,综述了国内外关于矿区土壤中重金属污染的特点、危害及修复技术最新研究进展。【研究结果】目前矿区土壤重金属污染的修复方法包括:(1)工程修复技术:客土法;(2)物理修复技术:电动修复法、玻璃化法、热处理法等;(3)化学修复技术:土壤淋洗法、固定/稳定化法等;(4)生物修复技术:植物修复法、微生物修复法等。【结论】目前客土法是使用较广、最有效的处理技术,植物修复技术是应用前景最好的技术。在实际矿山重金属污染土壤修复中,单一的修复技术往往存在一定的局限性而不能满足修复需求,因此可采用多种修复技术相结合的联合修复方法相互补充,以达到最佳修复效果。  相似文献   

纳米材料在土壤重金属污染修复中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
崔岩山  王鹏飞  琚宜文 《地球科学》2018,43(5):1737-1745
重金属污染土壤的修复一直是国内外环境研究者关注的重点环境问题之一.近年来,纳米材料在土壤重金属污染修复中的应用也受到了越来越多的关注.综述了主要纳米材料及其改性材料修复土壤重金属的应用、纳米材料的组合技术应用以及影响纳米材料修复土壤重金属效果的主要因素,提出了今后该领域应重点加强研发新的纳米材料,同时提高其在土壤中的扩散能力,研究从室内实验到田间实验的应用;进一步深入探讨了纳米材料在土壤中的环境行为及相关机理等,以期充分理解并进一步推动纳米材料在土壤重金属污染修复中的应用.   相似文献   

环境硒污染的植物修复研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硒污染已成为全球性的环境问题,严重威胁人类健康和环境安全。本文概述了环境硒污染植物修复技术的研究进展,包括硒富集植物的应用、富集硒的机理及生物技术对它们的改造。指出了当前研究在硒富集植物富集机理及田间应用时的不足;并展望了今后如何进一步寻找和使用生物技术培育硒超富集植物、探求富集机理和田间试验。  相似文献   

In natural systems heavy metals are present in very low concentrations (less than micro-molar) , so precise measurement of the free metal ions is difficult. Recently, a new method has been developed called the Donnan membrane technique (DMT). Several heavy metals could be measured simultaneously using this method. Furthermore, all the metals did not interfere with each other, and the balance between the measured system and the surrounding condition could not be disturbed. Improvements were made according to the internal condition. The free heavy metal ion concentrations were measured in different systems using the improved method, and satisfied results have been obtained.  相似文献   

The natural variation in heavy metal contents of subsurface sediments in the southern Netherlands is described, based on a series of 820 bulk geochemical analyses. The detrital heavy metal contents of these sediments show linear correlations with Al as a result of their joint occurrence in phyllosilicates. Anomalous enrichments occur as a result of the presence of glauconite (As, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn), pyrite (As) or Fe-oxides (As, Ba, Ni, Zn), due to the interaction of organic-rich subsurface material with groundwater (Co, Ni, Zn) or as a result of anthropogenic pollution in topsoils (Cu, Pb, Zn). The contents of Al, Fe, K and S are well suited to determine background values, and to identify the cause for anomalous accumulations of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in different environmental compartments can be hazardous to ecosystems. Budgets of Cd, Pb and Zn in small ecosystems of the Shubra E1-Kheima area in Egypt are presented. The budgets are not in steady state because they change with time. So the concentrations of the metals are a function of time. The critical loads of heavy metals to soils can be calculated from an inventory of inputs and outputs of the trace components in the catchment area.Critical time is an important parameter for critical load evaluation because it can indicate which of the heavy metals may be the most acute threat to the soils. Egyptian soil in the Shubra ElKheima area seems to be in danger of heavy metal pollution by Zn, Cd and Pb. The calculated critical loads and their exceedances are approximate indicators of the hazards in the soil system.The critical time is a warning signal to initiate an environmental evaluation of possible pollution hazards.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash is world-widely defined as hazardous waste because of its high concentration of heavy metals and high toxic equivalents of dioxin-like compounds. Therefore, if not properly disposed, it would pose a risk of being released into the environment including soil and groundwater. Heavy metals in the MSWI fly ash are considered as the most dangerous component owing to their leaching characteristics and migration capability. To get a better knowledge of their releasing behavior, it is important to assess the potential environmental mobility of heavy metals in MSWI fly ash and to investigate the factors affecting their leaching characteristics. Fly ashes from four MSW incinerators were characterized and leaching of heavy metals according to both Chinese HVEP and USA TCLP were performed. A geochemical modeling computer program, PHREEQC (version 2) was used to calculate the equilibrium concentration, the speciation and possible precipitation of heavy metals in the leaching systems. In the modeling, the heavy metals, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, were input as master aqueous species in solutions, while the major and accessory components, Ca, Na, K, Cl, S, etc., were defined as finite solids. The agreement between the experimental results and the modeling ones varies for different metals as well as for different fly ashes. In general, the fitness of the modeling for different heavy metals is: Pb〉Zn〉Cd〉Cu. The modeling is excellent for fly ashes with low calcium but high chloride content, or with high concentration of heavy metals, which favor the implicit postulation of component input in the modeling, i.e., high availability of heavy metals.  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤萃取方法选择及参数优化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
土壤重金属污染是国际土壤与环境研究的热点和难点问题之一。重金属在土壤中存在的形态和各种形态的比例是决定其迁移性和生态影响的关键因素。常用的形态分析方法包括Tessier五步萃取法、BCR三步萃取法和水萃取法等。在比较三种萃取方法的基础上,在法国北部冶炼厂周围土壤和焦作矿区土壤污染研究中采用水乙酸两步萃取法,采用蒸馏水和0 11 mol/L的乙酸,液固比20,25 ℃条件下恒温振荡16 h。  相似文献   

The distribution characteristics of heavy metals in Guiyang urban soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guiyang is located in southwestern China,which is a famous tourism city,and is awarded the title of"the Summer Capital of China".A study on heavy metals in Guiyang urban soils was conducted.The results showed that the concentrations of Cd,Cu,Ni,Pb and Zn in Guiyang urban soils are significantly higher than their background values and Cu,Zn and Pb in Guiyang soils are accumulated seriously.The distribution characteristics of heavy metals in 3 districts are described as follows:the level of heavy metals in soils follows the order of Nanming District> Yunyan District>Xiaohe District.The spatial distribution of metals in urban soils of Guiyang shows that the level of metals in the central and eastern parts of Guiyang is relatively high,and its characteristics are attributed to the influence of commercial activities,heavy traffic and industrial emission.Compared with some other cities in China,Guiyang is characterized by relatively high accumulation level of Cd,Cu,and Zn in its soils.  相似文献   

Sixty-two soil samples collected from different functional zones of Guiyang were analyzed for total concentrations and sequential extraction of Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd by ICP spectrometry. The average total concentrations ofCr, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in the soils of Guiyang were 92.9, 51.6, 44.1,139.3 and 0.28 mg/kg, respectively. The soils have been polluted by Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd to some extent in comparison with the background values of Guiyang. Significant differences were recognized in the concentrations of Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in different functional zones. As for the sequential extraction, Cr, Cu and Zn were present mainly in the residual fraction, and Pb was present mainly in the oxidizable fraction. The reducible fraction of Cd accounts for 47.5%, and the residual fraction is lowest. The mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals follow the order of Cd〉Pb〉Cu〉Cr〉Zn.  相似文献   

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