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The data obtained from long-term field studies in the Baikal Rift area are summarized. A new stratigraphic scheme is developed on the basis of previous stratigraphic research of N.A. Logachev. The new elements of the scheme are (1) the use of regional correlation horizons; (2) recognition of pre-Tankhoi (pre-Late Oligocene) sediments correlated with the Maastrichtian-Early Oligocene deposits of the Baikal Fore-deep; (3) elimination from the scheme of the Khalagai and Anosovka formations and distinction on their basis of the Tagai, Sasa, Osinovka, and Shankhaikha formations; (4) recognition of several weathering crust beds and Neogene paleosols. The “lower Eopleistocene (Upper Pliocene)” red-rock formation of Logachev is subdivided into the following stratigraphic units: the Cretaceous-Paleogene unit characterized by a few finds of Early Oligocene fossils, the Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene red clay bearing numerous fossil remains, and the Upper Pliocene reddish clay with abundant localities of fossils. The sections examined in the land portion of the Baikal Rift are correlated with bottom sediments of the Baikal depression and are subdivided into three instead of the two commonly accepted large tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic complexes. Stratigraphic studies provide a new insight into the history of the Baikal Rift and into some general questions of the continental rift formation.  相似文献   

In the basal interval, sedimentary cover of the Arakapas ophiolite massif (southern Cyprus) is composed of metalliferous sediments of the Perapedhi Formation that is divided into three sequences based on diverse radiolarian assemblages. These are basal umbers of the Cenomanian age presumably (2–20 m), interlayering cherts and umbers of the Turonian-Coniacian (6–10 m), and opoka-like cherts of the Coniacian-Santonian. Higher in the succession, there are olistostrome deposits of the Moni Formation, which unconformably rest on the eroded underlying strata. In this formation also divisible into three sequences, the lower one 200 to 300 m thick is composed of variegated, presumably Campanian silty clays containing olistoliths of basic, presumably Upper Triassic volcanics, Lower Cretaceous sandstones, and opoka-like cherts and cherty limestones of the Albian-lower Cenomanian. Next sequence (100–200 m) is represented by alternation of variegated silty and green bentonitic clays of the Campaian, which enclose frequent olistoliths and horizons of fine-clastic olistostrome breccias. The upper sequence of upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian bentonitic clays (50–100 m) contains interlayers of ash tuffs and clayey cherty sediments. Carbonate deposits of the upper Maastrichtian-Paleogene, conformably overlie the Moni Formation.  相似文献   

Radiolarian assemblages from the Upper Cretaceous carbonate-cherty deposits of the East European platform are analyzed. Biostratigraphic subdivisions ranked as radiolarian beds are distinguished in sediments of the Moscow syneclise, Voronezh anteclise, and the Ul’yanovsk-Saratov depression. The correlation between biostratigraphic beds established in three tectonic structures and variants of their coordination with radiolarian subdivisions in southern and northern areas of Russia are considered. The key importance of radiolarians for the subdivision and correlation of the Upper Cretaceous cherty deposits is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Extremely fine‐grained pelagic oozes overlie basal basaltic lavas on Malaita Island, on the Pacific flank of the Solomon Islands group. These sediments contain up to 20% planktonic (but not benthonic) Foraminifera, but have less than 5% acid‐insoluble clay and little or no terrigenous material. They are associated with radiolarian chert and with finely disseminated marine manganese. The Foraminifera include several species of Globotruncana, referred to G. arca, G. havanensis, G. lapparenti and G. tricarinata. The sediments accumulated in a low‐energy, deep‐water environment (exceeding 1,000 m.) during Late Cretaceous (Senonian) time, probably in the late Senonian. These sediments are the oldest in the Solomon group and older than any so far found in the outer part of the Melanesian re‐entrant. Their age supports the idea that the Solomon Islands began their geological history in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin of Neogene age were investigated in this study using different geochemical methods. The results of the inorganic part analyses suggest that during genesis of the sediments, the contents of Na2O, B and As changed the most, which indicates that genesis of the investigated sediments was followed by climate changes and volcanic activity. The quantity of other macro- and microelements did not vary significantly. Investigations of the organic substance showed that it is native organic matter, which has been preserved to a significant extent, formed predominantly of algal precursor organisms, which provided good quality, deposited under reducing conditions and that it is at a low maturity level. As it has been established that genesis of the investigated sediments was mostly affected by an arid climate with more intensive salinity, the aim of this study, was also to identify the processes which were the most affected by the change in salinity, as well as biomarkers which are the most sensitive to this change. The results led to the conclusion that the salinity increase in the depositional environment had a primary effect on the preservation of the organic substance and the formation of the mineral searlesite. In addition, it was noticed that besides the Sq/nC26 ratio, the parameters nC17/nC27, CPI and Ph/nC18, are also significantly sensitive to salinity change in a depositional environment in case of immature organic substance deposited under reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Radiolaria-based dating of chert intercalations in basaltic sequences of ophiolitic associations, which are widespread in the west of circum-Pacific foldbelt being barren of macrofossils, is an important source of information about tectonic events and factors responsible for opening and destruction of basins floored by oceanic crust and for emplacement of relevant tectonic sheets into accretionary prisms and orogenic structures. Described in the work are the Middle (Bajocian-Callovian), Middle-Late (Callovian-Oxfordian) and Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) radiolarian assemblages. According to taxonomic composition and morphology of radiolarian tests, the first assemblage is of the North Tethyan type, while the other two are of the Boreal affinity.  相似文献   

The subject of the study was the taxonomy of the ammonite fauna from the Upper Barremian marls and marly limestones of the Donji Milanovac Formation outcropped at the Boljetin Hill (Danubicum Unit). These sediments yielded a rich ammonite fauna which included also representatives of two superfamilies, Desmoceratoidea and Silesitoidea. The Desmoceratoidea include the family Barremitidae to which belong Plesiospitidiscus boljetinensis n. sp., Barremites balkanicus, Montanesiceras breskovskii n. sp., Barremitites strettostoma strettostoma and B. panae, Torcapella serbiensis n. sp., Pseudohaploceras tachthaliae, P. portaeferreae, Melchiorites haugi and Patruliusiceras cf. crenelatum. The Silesitoidea are represented by the family Silesitidae with Silesites trajani and S. seranonis. With the exception of the new, possibly endemic species, Plesiospitidiscus boljetinensis n. sp., Montanesiceras breskovskii n. sp., and Torcapella serbiensis n. sp., these taxa are common in the Tethyan regions. The studied deposits with ammonites belong to the lower part of the Late Barremian, in particular to the upper part of the Toxancyloceras vandenheckii ammonite Zone up to the lower part of the Imerites giraudi Zone.  相似文献   

Different palynomorph groups (spores and pollen of terrestrial plants, dinoflagellate cysts, prasinophytes, acritarchs, Zygnemataceae algae, and others) have been thoroughly studied to define major patterns in their distribution depending on the impact of different environmental factors and to establish their paleoecological characteristics. The comparative analysis of palynomorph assemblages from coeval Cenomanian-Coniacian sediments of the Ust’-Yenisei area, Berezovskaya 23k, Yuzhno-Russkaya 113, Leningradskaya-1 boreholes and Santonian-Campanian sequences of the Ust’-Yenisei, Khatanga and Polar Urals regions reveals transgressive-regressive cycles, which are best evident in coastal sections and smoothed in their marine counterparts. The biofacies and compositions of palynomorphs form the regular succession from the periphery toward central parts of the West Siberian basin. The facies successions in Santonian-Campanian sections of the eastern and western parts of the basin are inconsistent with each other, which may be explained by influence of both the West Siberian and Russian seas on sedimentation in its western areas.  相似文献   

In this study, the molecular composition and biomarker distribution of lacustrine sediments from Val-1 drillhole in the central zone of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin were investigated at depth interval of 0–400 m. Former investigations have shown that the core material can be separated into six depth intervals based on bulk geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics. Concerning the quality of organic matter, presence of specific minerals, and high salinity and anoxicity, or alkalinity, three zones are of highest interest, defined at depth intervals of 15–75 m (A), 75–200 m (B) and 360–400 m (F). The first aim of the study was to identify which biomarkers characterize these specific intervals. The second aim, addressing the transitions zones of these intervals, was to extend the changes in the characteristics of the organic substance, to reflect the changes of conditions in the depositional environment as well as to define biomarker parameters which are the most sensitive sedimentological indicators.The sediments from the hypersaline anoxic and alkaline environment show high contribution of algal precursor biomass, what is in accordance with the good quality of organic substances in the sediments from these zones. High squalane content and low content of regular isoprenoid C25 are typical for hypersaline anoxic environment, whereas sediments from alkaline environment have high regular isoprenoid C25 content.Transition to specific sedimentation zones is characterized by change in total organic matter content, and of both free and pyrolysis-derived, and change in hydrogen index value. In the biomarker distributions, more significant changes were detected in distributions of n-alkanes and isoprenoids, compared to polycyclic alkanes. The most intensive changes in alkane distribution are reflected in changes in n-C17 content compared to n-C27, and phytane compared to n-C18. In addition, significant sensitivity was seen in ratios between squalane and n-alkane C26 (hypersaline depositional environment), or isoprenoid C25 and n-alkane C22 for high alkalinity environment.This study showed that Sq/n-C26 ratio can be used to assess the quality of organic substance in immature lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

Detailed clay mineralogical analyses were carried out on Late Permian/Early Triassic carbonate sediments exposed on the Chaotian section (Sichuan Basin, Central China). The clay assemblages are dominantly composed of illite in platform carbonates and clay seams, and illite–smectite mixed-layers (I/S) in tuff layers (K-bentonites) intercalated in the carbonate succession. Detrital and authigenic volcanogenic clay minerals have been partially replaced through illitisation processes during burial, raising questions about diagenetic effects. The precise determination of I/S occurring in K-bentonites shows that the sediments reached a temperature of about 180 °C, which is consistent with (1) previous estimates based on fluid-inclusion homogenisation temperature analysis, (2) the burial depth of the sedimentary series deduced from the post-Palaeozoic geological history of the Sichuan Basin and (3) the new data (Tmax) obtained on organic matter indicating the transition between oil and gas windows. The Wangpo Bed, located close to the Guadalupian–Lopingian Boundary, is interpreted either as a volcanic acidic tuff or as a clastic horizon. This controversial origin probably results from mixed volcanogenic and detrital influences. The Wangpo Bed is therefore interpreted as a reworked bentonite as revealed by the occurrence of I/S similar to those found in tuff layers, together with preserved detrital kaolinite.  相似文献   

The distribution, relationships, and stratigraphical significance of the microfaunas (mainly foraminifera) in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Western Australia are discussed, and palaeogeography and palaeoecology considered.Formations deposited during the Cenomanian-Turonian are the Gearle Siltstone and Alinga Greensand and perhaps the Molecap Greensand. Among the foraminifera recorded are the stratigraphically restricted planktonic formsGlobotruncana (Praeglobotruncana)stephani subspp. andG. helvetica.The Gingin Chalk and the lower part of the Toolonga Calcilutite were deposited during the Santonian. These formations contain the crinoid generaMarsupites andUintacrinus, several species ofGlobotruncana andNeoflabellina, andBolivinoides strigillata. Santonian beds are known in sub-surface sections as far north as the area of the Warroora Anticline.The Toolonga Calcilutite extends up into the lower Campanian, andGlobotruncana arca appears in the fauna. The occurrence of Campanian beds in the Perth Basin cannot be proved; most of the Poison Hill Greensand may be of this age. On foraminiferal evidence, deposition of the Korojon Calcarenite began during the Campanian. Important species identified areGlobotruncana arca,Cibicides voltziana andBolivina incrassata.The upper beds of the Korojon Calcarenite and the Miria Marl are of Maestrichtian age. The Miria Marl contains the speciesGlobotruncana stuarti,G. citae andG. contusa. The upper beds of the Poison Hill Greensand may range into the Maestrichtian.Published by permission of the Director, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra, Australia.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Capricorn Formation near Ashburton Downs in northwestern Australia formed during the latter stages of the convergence of the Pilbara and Yilgarn Cratons. Palaeocurrent and facies analyses show that the southwesterly derived sediments were deposited in terrestrial environments and in a lake or shallow sea with a shoreline trending southeast. Intraformational debris flows suggest instability during sedimentation. Zircon grains from an accretionary lapilli tuff, dated at 1804 ± 7 Ma by the SHRIMP U—Pb method, show that the Capricorn Formation was deposited at the same time as granitic plutons were intruded in the Gascoyne Complex to the south and west. Although the Capricorn Formation was deposited with marked angular unconformity over the turbiditic Ashburton Formation, both formations could have been deposited in a foreland basin on the northeast flank of the growing Ashburton Fold Belt.  相似文献   

In the Turonian and Maastrichtian, the “Diabase-chert Formation” and the “Volcanogenic flysch” were formed as two specific rock series, due to the synchronous basic volcanism of the Drenica area in Kosovo (Yugoslavia). Comparison with other localities of the Inner Dinarides has proved that, regardless of their different stratigraphic position, each of these two formations exhibits in individual localities great lithological and structural similarities. Both formations are associated with large tectonic zones with ophiolitic occurrences which extend from the Alps through the Yugoslav Inner Dinarides, northern and northeastern Greece, part of Turkey (Asia Minor) and further southeast.The Diabase-chert Formation is a lateral facies of Turnonian limestone. It is represented by a characteristic regime of a specific geochemical character, brought about by synchronous basic volcanism, and by the introduction of volcanogenic components — these factors are responsible for great lithological diversity and very rapid lateral and vertical changes. A certain consistency in the lithological composition is only noticable in the closing horizons of this formation at its transition into limestone sediments.The volcanogenic flysch was formed as a result of subvolcanic activity synchronous with flysch sedimentation whereby semi-consolidated flysch sediments acquired certain volcanogenic-sedimentary characteristics. The most intensively disturbed parts around submarine flows of diabase have been recognized as the “zone of highly disturbed flysch”. The zone is conformably overlain by the stratified cherty-clayey zone. This continues into the “zone of ball sandstone”, and ends with the “zone of normal flysch”. Their newly acquired characteristics resulting from synchronous basic volcanism distinguish them clearly from normal flysch and make them a special type of flysch — the volcanogenic flysch.  相似文献   

Changes in morphological diversity and taxonomic composition of late Albian-early Turonian foraminiferal and radiolarian assemblages from the northern Peri-Tethys are considered. Several stages are defined in evolution of planktonic foraminifers: polytaxic (Albian-Cenomanian), oligotaxic (Cenomanian-Turonian boundary period), and polytaxic (Turonian). The Albian-Cenomanian stage was characterized by intense development of rotaliporids representing an intricate group of planktonic foraminifers, which became extinct in the terminal Cenomanian. An intense speciation of the radiolarian genus Crolanium and last occurrences of its most species, the index species C. cuneatum included, was characteristic of the terminal Albian. Spheroid and discoid radiolarians were dominant in the Cenomanian, while the Turonian was marked by intense development of all the radiolarian morphotypes.  相似文献   

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