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Two localities on the Leizhou Peninsula, southern China (Yingfengling and Tianyang basaltic volcanoes) yield a wide variety of mantle-derived xenoliths including Cr-diopside series mantle wall rocks and two distinct types of Al-augite series pyroxenites. Metapyroxenites have re-equilibrated granoblastic microstructures whereas pyroxenites with igneous microstructures have not thermally equilibrated to the mantle conditions. An abundant suite of megacrysts and megacrystic aggregates (including garnet, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, ilmenite and apatite) is interpreted as the pegmatitic equivalents of the igneous pyroxenite suite. Layered spinel lherzolite/spinel websterite xenoliths were formed by metamorphic differentiation caused by mantle deformation, inferred to be related to lithospheric thinning. Some metapyroxenites have garnet websterite assemblages that allow calculation of their mantle equilibration temperatures and pressures and the construction of the first xenolith geotherm for the southernmost China lithosphere. Heat flow data measured at the surface in this region yield model conductive geotherms (using average crustal conductivity values) that are consistent with the xenolith geotherm for the mantle. The calculated mean surface heat flux is 110 mW/m2. This high heat flux and the high geotherm are consistent with young lithospheric thinning in southern China, and with recent tomography results showing shallow low-velocity zones in this region. The xenolith geotherm allows the construction of a lithospheric rock type section for the Leizhou region; it shows that the crust–mantle boundary lies at about 30 km, consistent with seismic data, and that the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary lies at about 100 km.  相似文献   

The upper mantle flow beneath the North China Platform   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we establish an upper mantle convection model which is constrained by regional isostatic gravity anomalies. Comparing the computed convection patterns with the tectonic features of the North China Platform we find that there are two positive anomaly centers connected with upward flows. These anomalies belong to the tectonic units of the Shan-Xi geoanticline and the Lu-Xi geoanticline. The centers of downward flows are connected with the tectonic units of the Liao-Ji geosyncline. It is reasonable to suggest that the upward mantle flows push the lithosphere upward and generate the observed positive isostatic gravity anomaly. The downward mantle flows pull the lithosphere down and generate the negative anomaly. However, the use of simple analysis makes it difficult to explain the complex lithospheric dynamics of this region. In order to understand lithospheric structures and tectonic features we must investigate the mechanical properties of the lithosphere and the relationship between the lithosphere and the mantle. These problems are discussed in the last section of this paper.  相似文献   

渭河盆地岩石圈热结构与地热田热源机理   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
岩石圈热结构是盆地现今地温场研究的重要延伸和扩展,是了解大陆岩石圈构造变形及演化等大陆动力学问题的重要窗口,更是地热田热源机理研究的核心问题.本次工作,在系统分析渭河盆地现今地温场和水动力系统基础上,编制了渭河盆地大地热流分布等值线图;通过实测生热率等热物性参数,利用一维稳态热传导方程计算了研究区岩石圈热结构,并分析了渭河盆地岩石圈热结构特征和地热田热源机理.结果表明,渭河盆地现今大地热流值分布范围为62.5~80.2 mW·m-2,平均为70.8±4.8 mW·m-2,西部明显高于东部,西安坳陷最高,咸礼凸起次之;渭河断裂并不是控热断裂,其沟通作用引起的水热循环一定程度上影响了浅部热量再分配,对渭河盆地地温场并没有起到明显的控制作用.西安坳陷-咸礼凸起地壳热流介于32.2~37.5 mW·m-2之间,平均为34.6 mW·m-2;地幔热流分布范围为33.8~38.9 mW·m-2,平均为36.0 mW·m-2;地壳热流和地幔热流的总体变化趋势一致,西安坳陷高于咸礼凸起,分析认为西安坳陷沉积层厚度大于后者,且沉积层放射性生热率更大,是造成西安坳陷地壳热流高于咸礼凸起的原因,而西安坳陷相比咸礼凸起更高的地幔热流,表明西安坳陷深部活动性强于咸礼凸起.西安坳陷和咸礼凸起地壳/地幔热流比值相近,介于0.93~1.01之间,平均为0.96,"热"岩石圈厚度约为95~101 km.渭河盆地岩石圈热结构特征与鄂尔多斯盆地在很大程度上具有相似性,暗示着二者具备相似的深部稳定性,这与渤海湾盆地为代表的中国东部中-新生代主动裂谷盆地岩石圈热结构特征截然不同,表明渭河盆地为被动伸展裂陷.从鄂尔多斯盆地、渭河盆地、山西裂谷到华北盆地,"热"岩石圈厚度的有序变化表明太平洋板块俯冲引起的地幔对流对华北地块深部动力学行为的影响主要发生在太行山以东,而太行山以西的鄂尔多斯盆地和渭河盆地则影响甚微,这种空间差异影响从侧面暗示着华北克拉通破坏过程的有序性.综合分析渭河盆地地质-地球物理资料认为,岩石圈表层伸展破裂、深部重力均衡调整进而引起软流圈被动上涌,其产生的相对高地幔热流的热传导和深大断裂沟通的水体热对流相互叠加作用,共同构成了渭河盆地中-低温地热田的热源机理.  相似文献   

杨亭  傅容珊  黄川  班磊 《地球物理学报》2014,57(4):1049-1061
在地球表层存在着占地表面积约30%的具有低固有密度、高黏度的大陆岩石圈.由于其特殊的物理化学性质,大陆岩石圈通常不直接参与下方的地幔对流,但其与地幔对流格局有着重要的相互影响.大量研究显示,在中太平洋和非洲的下地幔底部,存在着两块占核幔边界(CMB)面积约20%的高密度热化学异常体(由于其剪切波速度较低,常称作低剪切波速度省(LSVPs)).LSVPs的演化既受地幔对流的影响,同时也影响地幔物质运动的格局和动力学过程.本文系统研究了存在大陆岩石圈,下地幔LSVPs的地幔对流模型.模拟结果显示:(1)当大陆体积较小时,其边缘常伴随着俯冲,大陆区域地幔常处于下涌状态,其上地幔温度较低,大陆岩石圈在水平方向处于压应力状态.随着大陆体积的增大,大陆边缘的俯冲逐渐减弱,大陆区域地幔由下涌转为上涌,其上地幔温度较高,大陆岩石圈水平方向处于拉应力状态.(2) 岩石圈与软流圈边界(LAB)在大陆下方较深,温度较低;在海洋区域较浅,温度较高.随着大陆体积的增大,陆洋之间LAB深度、温度的差异逐渐减小.(3)大陆区域地幔底部LSVPs物质的丰度与大陆的体积呈正相关.当大陆体积较小时,大陆下方的LSVPs丰度比海洋区域少.随着大陆体积的增大,大陆下方LSVPs的丰度逐渐增大.(4)海洋地区地表热流高,且随时间波动大,大陆地区地表热流低,随时间波动较小;LSVPs区域的核幔边界热流低.  相似文献   

Eric S.  Andal  Shoji  Arai  Graciano P.  Yumul Jr 《Island Arc》2005,14(3):272-294
Abstract   The Isabela ophiolite shows a complete ophiolite sequence exposed along the eastern coast of northern Luzon, the Philippines. It forms the Cretaceous basement complex for the northeastern Luzon block. This ophiolite is located at the northern end of a trail of ophiolites and ophiolitic bodies along the eastern margin of the Philippine Mobile Belt. This paper presents new findings regarding the nature and characteristics of the Isabela ophiolite. Peridotites from the Isabela ophiolite are relatively fresh and are composed of spinel lherzolites, clinopyroxene-rich harzburgites, depleted harzburgites and dunites. The modal composition, especially the pyroxene content, defines a northward depletion trend from fertile lherzolite to clinopyroxene-rich harzburgites and more refractory harzburgites. Variation in modal composition is accompanied by petrographic textural variations. The chromium number of spinel, an indicator of the degree of partial melting, concurs with petrographic observations. Furthermore, the Isabela ophiolite peridotites are similar in spinel and olivine major-element geochemistry and clinopyroxene rare earth-element composition to abyssal peridotites from modern mid-oceanic ridges. Petrological and mineral compositions suggest that the Isabela ophiolite is a transitional ophiolite subtype, with the fertile lherzolites representing lower sections of the mantle column that are usually absent in most ophiolitic massifs. The occurrence of the fertile peridotite presents a rare opportunity to document the lower sections of the ophiolitic mantle. The variability in composition of the peridotites in one continuous mantle section may also represent a good analogy of the melting column in the present-day mid-oceanic ridges.  相似文献   

The Curie depth map of India compiled from MAGSAT data has been used for preparing the lithosphere thickness and the surface heat flow density maps of the Indian Craton, utilizing the concept of magnetothermometry. The lithosphere thicknesses of the major Indian geological units/provinces, as obtained from the prepared map, are found to be in reasonably good agreement with the previously published values for these regions. Also, the surface heat flow density values obtained from the prepared maps closely follow the previously published results. The maps are useful in providing first order estimates of lithosphere thickness and surface heat flow density of the important geological units/provinces of India.  相似文献   

地幔对流拖曳力对中国大陆岩石层变形的影响   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
采用较为符合实际岩石层变形的非线性幂指数本构关系,基于ANSYS有限元平台, 模拟了近20万年来中国大陆地区地表运动及演化过程,探讨了印度板块挤压作用和地幔对流拖曳力各自对于中国大陆地区地表形变运动格局的影响.模拟结果与观测数据的比较表明:在印度板块的挤压和地幔拖曳力联合作用下,中国及东亚大陆岩石层运动形变模式能够和现代GPS观测有较好的吻合; 印度大陆和欧亚大陆的碰撞以及印度大陆的持续向北推进、挤压所产生的应力环境,一直主导了以青藏高原为核心的我国西部地域岩石圈构造、运动和演化,但其影响随着远离青藏高原地区而逐渐变小;地幔对流产生的作用于岩石层底部的拖曳力是中国大陆(特别是远离碰撞带)岩石层运动构造变形的重要驱动力.然而在构造复杂和东部靠近太平洋板块的区域,模型预测结果和GPS观测还存在一定的差距,这说明在未来的中国大陆岩石层变形运动的数值模拟中,应当采用更为复杂的构造模型和驱动力因素.  相似文献   

Continental mantle heat flow values are obtained by subtracting the radiogenic heat produced in the lower crust and lithosphere beneath the crust from reduced heat flow values reported for various heat flow provinces. The significance of continental mantle heat flow values thus obtained is that they can be considered essentially as representing the residual heat of cooling of the continental lithosphere. A plot of these mantle heat flow values against 1/t where t is the geologic age of the last thermal event suggests a linear trend. It is also found that the recently proposed relationQ=500 (1/t) for the variation of oceanic heat flowQ (in mW/M2) with aget (in million years) provides a reasonably good fit to the mantle heat flow data. The constant thickness plate model however, is found to be unsatisfactory in explaining the variation of continental mantle heat flow with age.  相似文献   

The mantle xenoliths included in Quaternary alkaline volcanics from the Manzaz-district (Central Hoggar) are proto-granular, anhydrous spinel lherzolites. Major and trace element analyses on bulk rocks and constituent mineral phases show that the primary compositions are widely overprinted by metasomatic processes. Trace element modelling of the metasomatised clinopyroxenes allows the inference that the metasomatic agents that enriched the lithospheric mantle were highly alkaline carbonate-rich melts such as nephelinites/melilitites (or as extreme silico-carbonatites). These metasomatic agents were characterized by a clear HIMU Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic signature, whereas there is no evidence of EM1 components recorded by the Hoggar Oligocene tholeiitic basalts. This can be interpreted as being due to replacement of the older cratonic lithospheric mantle, from which tholeiites generated, by asthenospheric upwelling dominated by the presence of an HIMU signature. Accordingly, this rejuvenated lithosphere (accreted asthenosphere without any EM influence), may represent an appropriate mantle section from which deep alkaline basic melts could have been generated and shallower mantle xenoliths sampled, respectively. The available data on lherzolite xenoliths and alkaline lavas (including He isotopes, Ra < 9) indicate that there is no requirement for a deep plume anchored in the lower mantle, and that sources in the upper mantle may satisfactorily account for all the geochemical/petrological/geophysical evidence that characterizes the Hoggar swell. Therefore the Hoggar volcanism, as well as other volcanic occurrences in the Saharan belt, are likely to be related to passive asthenospheric mantle uprising and decompression melting linked to tensional stresses in the lithosphere during Cenozoic reactivation and rifting of the Pan–African basement. This can be considered a far-field foreland reaction of the Africa–Europe collisional system since the Eocene.  相似文献   

The basalt-borne peridotite xenoliths from Jiangsu-Anhui provinces were analyzed for whole rock Os isotopic compositions in two laboratories of USTC, China and CRPG, France, respectively. The187Os/188Os ratio of the sample set ranges from 0.119 to 0.129 (25 samples, USTC) and from 0.117 to 0.131 (17 samples, CRPG). The Os isotopic compositions of most samples are less than 0.129 and depleted relatively to the primitive mantle, showing a good correlation with the major element compositions. With the187Os/188Os-Al2O3 alumichron, the samples yield a model age of 2.5 ± 0.1 Ga (data of USTC) and 1.9 ± 0.1 Ga (data of CRPG), late Archean to early Pro-terozoic. The two samples with the lowest187Os/188Os ratio (0.119 and 0.117) have the TRD (Re depleted age) of 1.1 Ga (USTC) and 1.4 Ga (CRPG), mid-Proterozoic. The Os isotope model age shows that the peridotite xenoliths from Cenozoic alkali basalt in Jiangsu-Anhui provinces have an old formation age (early- to mid- Proterozoic). They are not newly produced mantle after the Phanerozoic replacement of the lithosphere mantle, but residual fractions of Proterozoic mantle.  相似文献   

Azimuthal anisotropy in lithosphere on the Chinese mainland from observations of SKS at CDSN(郑斯华)(高原)Azimuthalanisotropyinlit...  相似文献   

We investigate the seismic structure of the western Philippine Sea using two sets of seismological observations: ScS reverberations, which provide the layering framework for a regional upper mantle model, and observations of frequency-dependent phase delays for direct S waves, surface-reflected phases (sS, SS, sSS), and surface waves (R1, G1), which constrain the velocity and anisotropy structure within the layers. The combined data set, comprising 17 discontinuity amplitudes and layer travel times from the ScS-reverberation stack and more than 1000 frequency-dependent phase delays, was inverted for a path-averaged, radially anisotropic model. Mineralogical estimates of the bulk sound velocity and density are incorporated as complementary constraints. The final model, PHB3, is characterized by a 11.5-km thick crust, an anisotropic lid bounded by a sharp negative G discontinuity at 89 km, an anisotropic low-velocity layer extending to 166 km, a subjacent high-gradient region, and transition-zone discontinuities at depths of 408 km, 520 km and 664 km. The lid is slower than in a comparable model for the Tonga–Hawaii corridor (PA5), but also significantly thicker, requiring a compositional variation between the two regions. We explore the hypothesis that the thickness of the oceanic lid is controlled by the melting depth at the spreading centers during crust formation, and that the thicker crust and lid in the Philippine Sea results from deeper melting owing to a higher potential temperature and perhaps a higher water content in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The basalt-borne peridotite xenoliths from Jiangsu-Anhui provinces were analyzed for whole rock Os isotopic compositions in two laboratories of USTC, China and CRPG, France, respectively. The 187Os/188Os ratio of the sample set ranges from 0.119 to 0.129 (25 samples, USTC)and from 0.117 to 0.131 (17 samples, CRPG). The Os isotopic compositions of most samples are less than 0.129 and depleted relatively to the primitive mantle, showing a good correlation with the major element compositions. With the 187Os/188Os-Al2O3 alumichron, the samples yield a model age of 2.5 ± 0.1 Ga (data of USTC) and 1.9 ± 0.1 Ga (data of CRPG), late Archean to early Proterozoic, The two samples with the lowest 187Os/188Os ratio (0.119 and 0.117) have the TRD (Re depleted age) of 1.1 Ga (USTC) and 1.4 Ga (CRPG), mid-Proterozoic. The Os isotope model age shows that the peridotite xenoliths from Cenozoic alkali basalt in Jiangsu-Anhui provinces have an old formation age (early- to mid- Proterozoic). They are not newly produced mantle after the Phanerozoic replacement of the lithosphere mantle, but residual fractions of Proterozoic mantle.  相似文献   





依靠最新的中国大地热流数据、精细的地壳分层结构, 通过求解一维稳态热传导方程获得各个热流测量点对应的热岩石圈厚度, 通过克里金插值法绘制中国陆地热岩石圈厚度分布等值线图.计算结果表明, 中国陆地各构造区的热岩石圈厚度差异较大, 稳定的克拉通地区最厚, 可达200 km以上, 造山系次之, 多在100~200 km之间, 破坏的克拉通地区岩石圈最薄, 可以低于100 km. 通过对比三大克拉通地区的热岩石圈厚度和地震岩石圈厚度, 得出了四点认识: (1) 塔里木克拉通西部、中上扬子克拉通、华北克拉通西部以及南华北基本保留了稳定的克拉通巨厚岩石圈特征, 而华北克拉通东部的渤海湾盆地、下扬子克拉通以及塔里木克拉通东南部则发生了大规模的减薄; (2) 华北克拉通西部从鄂尔多斯向东北的银川—河套凹陷及向东南的汾渭凹陷的岩石圈厚度和流变边界层厚度逐渐变薄, 主要受控于地幔对流强度的增强; (3) 华北克拉通东部的南华北依然保持稳定, 而渤海湾的岩石圈厚度减薄显著, 体现了华北克拉通破坏在空间上的不均匀性; (4) 扬子克拉通自西向东岩石圈厚度和流变边界层厚度逐渐变薄, 可能受控于太平洋板块的俯冲, 和华北克拉通东部经历了相似的地球动力学过程.


Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle in eastern China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Based on the polarization analysis of teleseismic SKS waveform data recorded at 65 seismic stations which respectively involved in the permanent and temporary broadband seismograph networks deployed in eastern China, the SKS fast-wave direction and the delay time between the fast and slow shear waves at each station were determined by use of SC method and the stacking analysis method, and then the image of upper mantle anisotropy in eastern China was acquired. In the study region, from south to north, the fast-wave polarization directions are basically EW in South China, gradually clockwise rotate to NWW-SEE in North China, then to NW-SE in Northeast China. The delay time falls into the interval [0.41 s, 1.52 s]. Anisotropic characteristics in eastern China indicate that the upper mantle anisotropy is possibly caused by both the collision between the Indian and Eurasian Plates and the subduction from the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plates to the Eurasian Plate. The collision between two plates made the crust of western China thickening and uplifting and the material eastwards extruding, and then caused the upper mantle flow eastwards and southeastwards. The subduction of Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate has resulted in the lithosphere and the asthenosphere deformation in eastern China, and made the alignment of upper mantle peridotite lattice parallel to the deformation direction. The fast-wave polarization direction is consistent with the direction of lithosphere extension and the GPS velocity direction, implying that the crust-upper mantle deformation is possibly a vertically coherent deformation. Supported by Special Project for the Fundamental R & D of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DQJB06B06), Special Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2006FY110100), China Digital Earthquake Observation Network Project “North China Seismic Array”, and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40334041 and 40774037)  相似文献   

对2016-2019年华北中部地区(34.7°-41.1°N,110.3°-119.7°E)流动地磁矢量观测数据进行处理,得到连续3期岩石圈磁场年变化数据,并对岩石圈磁场空间分布形态进行分析.研究发现,磁异常分布与岩石圈结构之间有一定相关性,在太行山隆起以西、临清坳陷、鲁西断隆和鲁西断隆以东等主要结构单元表现出不同程度...  相似文献   

The ∼0.2 mm/yr uplift of Hawaiian islands Lanai and Molokai and Hawaiian swell topography pose important constraints on the structure and dynamics of mantle plumes. We have formulated 3-D models of mantle convection to investigate the effects of plume-plate interactions on surface vertical motions and swell topography. In our models, the controlling parameters are plume radius, excess plume temperature, and upper mantle viscosity. We have found that swell height and swell width constraints limit the radius of the Hawaiian plume to be smaller than 70 km. The additional constraint from the uplift at Lanai requires excess plume temperature to be greater than 400 K. If excess plume temperature is 400 K, models with plume radius between 50 and 70 km and upper mantle viscosity between 1020 and 3×1020 Pa s satisfy all the constraints. Our results indicate that mantle plume in the upper mantle may be significantly hotter than previously suggested. This has important implications for mantle convection and mantle melting. In addition to constraining plume dynamics, our models also provide a mechanism to produce the observed uplift at Lanai and Molokai that has never been satisfactorily explained before.  相似文献   

The peridotite xenoliths from Wangqing display a downward-concave PGE pattern with Pt at maximum due to Pt-Pd fractionation, which is different from the flat or negatively sloped patterns commonly observed for worldwide peridotite xenoliths and massifs. Taking into account the difference in partition coefficients of Pt and Pd between alloy and sulfide melt, it is suggested that some of the Wangqing peridotites must have been equilibrated with a melt in which alloy and sulfide coexisted. Segregation of Pt-rich alloy from Pd-sulfide melts due to density contrast and extraction of residual melts without sulfide saturation resulted in the fractionation of Pt from Pd. Project supported by the Ministry of Human Affairs and a part of an international collaboration program between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France), and Australian Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering (AINSE) grant to SJR.  相似文献   

We present the preliminary results of axisymmetric numerical simulations of thermal convection in the mantle with a phase transition boundary at 660 km depth and a viscosity interface at 1000 km depth. The results, obtained for Ra = 2 × 10 6 , are compared with the case when both the phase and the viscosity boundaries are located at the same depth of 660 km.  相似文献   

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