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Small-scale (scales of ∼0.5–256 km) electric fields in the polar cap ionosphere are studied on the basis of measurements of the Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE-2) low-altitude satellite with a polar orbit. Nineteen DE-2 passes through the high-latitude ionosphere from the morning side to the evening side are considered when the IMF z component was southward. A rather extensive polar cap, which could be identified using the ɛ-t spectrograms of precipitating particles with auroral energies, was formed during the analyzed events. It is shown that the logarithmic diagrams (LDs), constructed using the discrete wavelet transform of electric fields in the polar cap, are power law (μ ∼ s α). Here, μ is the variance of the detail coefficients of the signal discrete wavelet transform, s is the wavelet scale, and index α characterizes the LD slope. The probability density functions PE, s) of the electric field fluctuations δE observed on different scales s are non-Gaussian and have intensified wings. When the probability density functions are renormalized, that is constructed of δE/s γ, where γ is the scaling exponent, they lie near a single curve, which indicates that the studied fields are statistically self-similar. In spite of the fact that the amplitude of electric fluctuations in the polar cap is much smaller than in the auroral zone, the quantitative characteristics of field scaling in the two regions are similar. Two possible causes of the observed turbulent structure of the electric field in the polar cap are considered: (1) the structure is transferred from the solar wind, which is known to have turbulent properties, and (2) the structure is generated by convection velocity shears in the region of open magnetic field lines. The detected dependence of the characteristic distribution of turbulent electric fields over the polar cap region on IMF B y and the correlation of the rms amplitudes of δE fluctuations with IMF B z and the solar wind transfer function (B y 2 + B z 2)1/2sin(θ/2), where θ is the angle between the geomagnetic field and IMF reconnecting on the dayside magnetopause when IMF B z < 0, together with the absence of dependence on the IMF variability are arguments for the second mechanism.  相似文献   

Based on the model of large-scale high-latitude current systems developed at IZMIRAN (IZMEM model), it has been indicated that auroral electrojets and current systems concentrated in the polar cap were the generators of long-period geomagnetic variations during the BEAR experiment on the electromagnetic field registration at the Scandinavian test site on June 1–July 15, 1998. Precisely circumpolar current systems, prevailing in the high-latitude ionosphere during the periods of a quiet magnetospheric state, which is characterized by the presence of the northern vertical (B z >0) component of the IMF vector in the solar wind, are responsible for the magnetotelluric fields.  相似文献   

The suggestion that the polar cap can completely disappear under certain northward IMF conditions is still controversial. We know that the size of the polar cap is strongly controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Under a southward IMF, the polar cap is usually large and filled with weak diffuse polar rain electrons. The polar cap shrinks under a northward IMF. Here we use the global auroral images and coincident particle measurements on May 15, 2005 to show that the discrete arcs (due to precipitation of both electrons and ions) expanded from the dayside oval to the nightside oval and filled the whole polar ionosphere after a long (8 h) and strong (~5–30 nT) northward IMF Bz, The observations suggested that the polar cap disappeared under a closed magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The response of the dayside ionospheric flow to a sharp change in the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) measured by the WIND spacecraft from negative Bz and positive By, to positive Bz and small By, has been studied using SuperDARN radar, DMSP satellite, and ground magnetometer data. In response to the IMF change, the flow underwent a transition from a distorted twin-cell flow involving antisunward flow over the polar cap, to a multi-cell flow involving a region of sunward flow at high latitudes near noon. The radar data have been studied at the highest time resolution available (2 min) to determine how this transition took place. It is found that the dayside flow responded promptly to the change in the IMF, with changes in radar and magnetic data starting within a few minutes of the estimated time at which the effects could first have reached the dayside ionosphere. The data also indicate that sunward flows appeared promptly at the start of the flow change (within 2 min), localised initially in a small region near noon at the equatorward edge of the radar backscatter band. Subsequently the region occupied by these flows expanded rapidly east-west and poleward, over intervals of 7 and 14 min respectively, to cover a region at least 2 h wide in local time and 5° in latitude, before rapid evolution ceased in the noon sector. In the lower latitude dusk sector the evolution extended for a further 6 min before quasi-steady conditions again prevailed within the field-of-view. Overall, these observations are shown to be in close conformity with expectations based on prior theoretical discussion, except for the very prompt appearance of sunward flows after the onset of the flow change.  相似文献   

The influence of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on the occurrence of sporadic E (Es)-layers in the southern polar cap ionosphere has been investigated. We statistically analysed ionogram and Doppler velocity observations made using a HF digital ionosonde located at Casey, Antarctica (66.3°S, 110.5°E; 81°S magnetic latitude) during the two summer campaign intervals 1 January to 18 February, and 1 November to 31 December 1997. The ionogram and Doppler velocity measurements were used to determine the Es-occurrence and electric field vectors (assuming E×B/B2 drift), respectively. Concurrent IMF data were obtained from measurements made on board the Wind spacecraft. First, the gross properties of the IMF dependence of Es-formation were obtained: the occurrence rate was higher for negative By and/or positive Bz, and lower for positive By and/or negative Bz. To reconcile these gross properties with the electric field theory of Es-layer formation, the detailed diurnal variation of both Es-occurrence and the ionospheric electric field were obtained for different orientations of the IMF. The main statistical results are that: (1) the By component mainly controls the occurrence of the midnight Es-layers through its influence on the corresponding South West electric field; and (2) the Bz component mainly controls the occurrence of the evening Es-layers. However, the change in the occurrence rate for evening Es-layers was not related to the strength of the associated North West and North East electric fields. The total occurrence of Es-layers depended more on By than on Bz, owing to the dominance of By-controlled midnight Es-layers in the occurrence distribution. Nevertheless, the dependence of Es-occurrence on Bz was important. We suggest that the increase in Es-occurrence for positive Bz might be explained by the intermittent production of lower F-region ionisation by polar showers and squalls, which also increase in frequency and intensity for positive Bz. The importance of metallic ion transport within the ionosphere is also considered.  相似文献   

It is well known that the cross polar cap potential is saturated under a strong interplanetary electric field and is often said to be related to the ionospheric currents. To investigate the other factors influencing this phenomenon, a global magnetohydrodynamics simulation not including the feedback from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere was conducted. The simulation results showed that an increase in the southward IMF causes a smaller increase in the cross polar cap potential than that caused by an increase in the solar wind velocity. This difference was caused by the transportation of reconnected magnetic field lines towards the tail.  相似文献   

We have analysed a database of 300 h of tristatic ionospheric velocity measurements obtained overhead at Tromsø (66.3° magnetic latitude) by the EISCAT UHF radar system, for the presence of flow effects associated with the y-component of the IMF. Since it is already known that the flow depends upon IMF Bz, a least-squares multivariate analysis has been used to determine the flow dependence on both IMF By and Bz simultaneously. It is found that significant flow variations with IMF By occur, predominantly in the midnight sector (2100/0300 MLT), but also pre-dusk (1600/1700 MLT), which are directed eastward for IMF By positive and westward for IMF By negative. The flows are of magnitude 20/30 m s–1 nT–1 in the midnight sector, and smaller, 10/20 m s–1 nT–1, pre-dusk, and are thus associated with significant changes of flow of order a few hundred m s–1 over the usual range of IMF By of about ±5 nT. At other local times the IMF By-related perturbation flows are much smaller, less than 5 m s–1 nT–1, and consistent with zero within the uncertainty estimates. We have investigated whether these IMF By-dependent flows can be accounted for quantitatively by a theoretical model in which the equatorial flow in the inner magnetosphere is independent of IMF By, but where distortions of the magnetospheric magnetic field associated with a penetrating component of the IMF By field changes the mapping of the field to the ionosphere, and hence the ionospheric flow. We find that the principal flow perturbation produced by this effect is an east-west flow whose sense is determined by the north-south component of the unperturbed flow. Perturbations in the north-south flow are typically smaller by more than an order of magnitude, and generally negligible in terms of observations. Using equatorial flows which are determined from EISCAT data for zero IMF By, to which the corotation flow has been added, the theory predicts the presence of zonal perturbation flows which are generally directed eastward in the Northern Hemisphere for IMF By positive and westward for IMF By negative at all local times. However, although the day and night effects are therefore similar in principle, the model perturbation flows are much larger on the nightside than on the dayside, as observed, due to the day-night asymmetry in the unperturbed magnetospheric magnetic field. Overall, the model results are found to account well for the observed IMF By-related flow perturbations in the midnight sector, in terms of the sense and direction of the flow, the local time of their occurrence, as well as the magnitude of the flows (provided the magnetic model employed is not too distorted from dipolar form). At other local times the model predicts much smaller IMF By-related flow perturbations, and thus does not account for the effects observed in the pre-dusk sector.  相似文献   

We investigate the dayside auroral dynamics and ionospheric convection during an interval when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) had predominantly a positive Bz component (northward IMF) but varying By. Polar UVI observations of the Northern Hemisphere auroral emission indicate the existence of a region of luminosity near local noon at latitudes poleward of the dayside auroral oval, which we interpret as the ionospheric footprint of a high-latitude reconnection site. The large field-of-view afforded by the satellite-borne imager allows an unprecedented determination of the dynamics of this region, which has not previously been possible with ground-based observations. The location of the emission in latitude and magnetic local time varies in response to changes in the orientation of the IMF; the cusp MLT and the IMF By component are especially well correlated, the emission being located in the pre- or post-noon sectors for By < 0 nT or By > 0 nT, respectively. Simultaneous ground-based observations of the ionospheric plasma drift are provided by the CUTLASS Finland HF coherent radar. For an interval of IMF By 0 nT, these convection flow measurements suggest the presence of a clockwise-rotating lobe cell contained within the pre-noon dayside polar cap, with a flow reversal closely co-located with the high-latitude luminosity region. This pattern is largely consistent with recent theoretical predictions of the convection flow during northward IMF. We believe that this represents the first direct measurement of the convection flow at the imaged location of the footprint of the high-latitude reconnection site.  相似文献   

The data of continuous observations of ELF emissions (polar chorus) at South Pole Antarctic observatory (Φ = ?74.02°) for 1997–1999 and during the superstrong magnetic storms of October and November 2003 are analyzed. It has been established that an increase in polar chorus is as a rule observed during the initial and recovery phases of a magnetic storm at positive values of the IMF vertical component (IMF B z > 0). Under such conditions, South Pole is located in the region of closed field lines. It has been found that the generation of polar chorus at South Pole abruptly ceases during the storm main phase after the IMF B z southward turning and beginning of an intense substorm in the nightside auroral zone, probably, because this observatory appears in the region of projection of the open magnetosphere due to the expansion of the polar cap.  相似文献   

We present data from conjugate SuperDARN radars describing the high-latitude ionospheres response to changes in the direction of IMF By during a period of steady IMF Bz southward and Bx positive. During this interval, the radars were operating in a special mode which gave high-time resolution data (30 s sampling period) on three adjacent beams with a full scan every 3 min. The location of the radars around magnetic local noon at the time of the event allowed detailed observations of the variations in the ionospheric convection patterns close to the cusp region as IMF By varied. A significant time delay was observed in the ionospheric response to the IMF By changes between the two hemispheres. This is explained as being partially a consequence of the location of the dominant merging region on the magnetopause, which is 8/12RE closer to the northern ionosphere than to the southern ionosphere (along the magnetic field line) due to the dipole tilt of the magnetosphere and the orientation of the IMF. This interpretation supports the anti-parallel merging hypothesis and highlights the importance of the IMF Bx component in solar wind-magnetosphere coupling.  相似文献   

A search for Pc3–4 wave activity was performed using data from a trans-Antarctic profile of search-coil magnetometers extending from the auroral zone through cusp latitudes and deep into the polar cap. Pc3–4 pulsations were found to be a ubiquitous element of ULF wave activity in all these regions. The diurnal variations of Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations at different latitudes have been statistically examined using discrimination between wave packets (pulsations) and noise. Daily variations of the Pc3–4 wave power differ for the stations at the polar cap, cusp, and auroral latitudes, which suggests the occurrence of several channels of propagation of upstream wave energy to the ground: via the equatorial magnetosphere, cusp, and lobe/mantle. An additional maximum of Pc3 pulsations during early-morning hours in the polar cap has been detected. This maximum, possibly, is due to the proximity of the geomagnetic field lines at these hours to the exterior cusp. The statistical relation between the occurrence of Pc3–4 pulsations and interplanetary parameters has been examined by analyzing normalized distributions of wave occurrence probability. The dependences of the occurrence probability of Pc3–4 pulsations on the IMF and solar wind parameters are nearly the same at all latitudes, but remarkably different for the Pc3 and Pc4 bands. We conclude that the mechanisms of high-latitude Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations are different: Pc3 waves are generated in the foreshock upstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock, whereas the source of the Pc4 activity is related to magnetospheric activity. Hourly Pc3 power has been found to be strongly dependent on the season: the power ratio between the polar summer and winter seasons is 8. The effect of substantial suppression of the Pc3 amplitudes during the polar night is reasonably well explained by the features of Alfven wave transmission through the ionosphere. Spectral analysis of the daily energy of Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations in the polar cap revealed the occurrence of several periodicities. Periodic modulations with periods 26, 13 and 8–9 days are caused by similar periodicities in the solar wind and IMF parameters, whereas the 18-day periodicity, observed during the polar winter only, is caused, probably, by modulation of the ionospheric conductance by atmospheric planetary waves. The occurrence of the narrow-band Pc3 waves in the polar cap is a challenge to modelers, because so far no band-pass filtering mechanism on open field lines has been identified.  相似文献   

We study the influence of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and convection electric field on the rate and destination of polar wind and other thermal (low-energy) ion outflows, and its resulting effects on magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling, using single-particle trajectory simulations in conjunction with ion velocity distribution measurements on Akebono and IMF and ionospheric convection data. We find that the ions preferentially feed the dusk sector of the plasma sheet when the IMF is duskward (By>0), and are more evenly distributed in the plasma sheet when the IMF is dawnward. The flow of oxygen ions originating from the noon or dusk sectors of the polar cap has a higher probability of reaching the magnetosphere and beyond compared with that from the dawn or midnight sectors, due to the increased centrifugal acceleration associated with the larger magnetic field curvature near noon and the increased convection electric field in the dusk sector. The flow is enhanced and confined to lower L-shells at times of strongly southward IMF, compared with that at times of northward IMF. The outflow rate to both the plasma sheet and the magnetotail correlates strongly with the ion temperature. As a result, the IMF and the convection electric fields affect both the overall magnitude and the detailed distribution of mass transfer from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere in magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling.  相似文献   

The distribution of the electric potential, generated by the magnetospheric field-aligned currents flowing along the auroral oval and in the dayside cusp region at the upper atmospheric boundary in the polar ionosphere, is calculated. The obtained electric potential distributions are used to calculate the electric field strength near the Earth’s surface. The results of the model calculations are in good agreement with the electric field measurements at Vostok Antarctic station. It has been indicated that large-scale magnetospheric fieldaligned currents, related to IMF variations, can affect variations in the electric field strength in the polar regions via changes in the electric potential in the polar ionosphere, associated with these currents.  相似文献   

We report observations of the cusp/cleft ionosphere made on December 16th 1998 by the EISCAT (European incoherent scatter) VHF radar at Troms and the EISCAT Svalbard radar (ESR). We compare them with observations of the dayside auroral luminosity, as seen by meridian scanning photometers at Ny Ålesund and of HF radar backscatter, as observed by the CUTLASS radar. We study the response to an interval of about one hour when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), monitored by the WIND and ACE spacecraft, was southward. The cusp/cleft aurora is shown to correspond to a spatially extended region of elevated electron temperatures in the VHF radar data. Initial conditions were characterised by a northward-directed IMF and cusp/cleft aurora poleward of the ESR. A strong southward turning then occurred, causing an equatorward motion of the cusp/cleft aurora. Within the equatorward expanding, southward-IMF cusp/cleft, the ESR observed structured and elevated plasma densities and ion and electron temperatures. Cleft ion fountain upflows were seen in association with elevated ion temperatures and rapid eastward convection, consistent with the magnetic curvature force on newly opened field lines for the observed negative IMF By. Subsequently, the ESR beam remained immediately poleward of the main cusp/cleft and a sequence of poleward-moving auroral transients passed over it. After the last of these, the ESR was in the polar cap and the radar observations were characterised by extremely low ionospheric densities and downward field-aligned flows. The IMF then turned northward again and the auroral oval contracted such that the ESR moved back into the cusp/cleft region. For the poleward-retreating, northward-IMF cusp/cleft, the convection flows were slower, upflows were weaker and the electron density and temperature enhancements were less structured. Following the northward turning, the bands of high electron temperature and cusp/cleft aurora bifurcated, consistent with both subsolar and lobe reconnection taking place simultaneously. The present paper describes the large-scale behaviour of the ionosphere during this interval, as observed by a powerful combination of instruments. Two companion papers, by Lockwood et al. (2000) and Thorolfsson et al. (2000), both in this issue, describe the detailed behaviour of the poleward-moving transients observed during the interval of southward Bz, and explain their morphology in the context of previous theoretical work.  相似文献   

The dynamic behaviour of the northern polar cap area is studied employing Northern Hemisphere electric potential patterns derived by the Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE) procedure. The rate of change in area of the polar cap, which can be defined as the region of magnetospheric field lines open to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), has been calculated during two intervals when the IMF had an approximately constant southward component (1100- 2200 UT, 20 March 1990 and 1300–2100 UT, 21 March 1990). The estimates of the polar cap area are based on the approximation of the polar cap boundary by the flow reversal boundary. The change in the polar cap area is then compared to the predicted expansion rate based on a simple application of Faraday’s Law. Furthermore, timings of magnetospheric substorms are also related to changes in the polar cap area. Once the convection electric field reconfigures following a southward turning of the IMF, the growth rate of the observed polar cap boundary is consistent with that predicted by Faraday’s Law. A delay of typically 20 min to 50 min is observed between a substorm expansion phase onset and a reduction in the polar cap area. Such a delay is consistent with a synthesis between the near Earth neutral line and current disruption models of magnetospheric substorms in which the dipolarisation in the magnetotail may act as a trigger for reconnection. These delays may represent a propagation time between near geosynchronous orbit dipolarisation and subsequent reconnection further down tail. We estimate, from these delays, that the neutral X line occurs between \sim35RE and \sim75RE downstream in the tail.  相似文献   

The STARE system (Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment) provides estimates of electron drift velocities, and hence also of the electric field in the high-latitude E-region ionosphere between 65 and 70 degrees latitude. The occurrence of drift velocities larger than about 400 m/s (equivalent to an electric field of 20 mV/m) have been correlated with the magnitude of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) components Bz and By at all local times. Observation days have been considered during which both southward (Bz<0) and northward (Bz>0) IMF occurred. The occurrence of electric fields larger than 20 mV/m increases with increases in Bz magnitudes when Bz<0. It is found that the effects of southward IMF continue for some time following the northward turnings of the IMF. In order to eliminate such residual effects for Bz<0, we have, in the second part of the study, considered those days which were characterized by a pure northward IMF. The occurrence is considerably lower during times when Bz>0, than during those when Bz is negative. These results are related to the expansion and contraction of the auroral oval. The different percentage occurrences of large electric field for By>0 and By<0 components of the IMF during times when Bz>0, clearly display a dawn-dusk asymmetry of plasma flow in the ionosphere. The effects of the time-varying solar-wind speed, density, IMF fluctuations, and magnetospheric substorms on the occurrence of auroral-backscatter observations are also discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal effects in the thermosphere and ionosphere responses to the precipitating electron flux and field-aligned current variations, of the order of an hour in duration, in the summer and winter cusp regions have been investigated using the global numerical model of the Earths upper atmosphere. Two variants of the calculations have been performed both for the IMF By < 0. In the first variant, the model input data for the summer and winter precipitating fluxes and field-aligned currents have been taken as geomagnetically symmetric and equal to those used earlier in the calculations for the equinoctial conditions. It has been found that both ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances are more intensive in the winter cusp region due to the lower conductivity of the winter polar cap ionosphere and correspondingly larger electric field variations leading to the larger Joule heating effects in the ion and neutral gas temperature, ion drag effects in the thermospheric winds and ion drift effects in the F2-region electron concentration. In the second variant, the calculations have been performed for the events of 28–29 January, 1992 when precipitations were weaker but the magnetospheric convection was stronger than in the first variant. Geomagnetically asymmetric input data for the summer and winter precipitating fluxes and field-aligned currents have been taken from the patterns derived by combining data obtained from the satellite, radar and ground magnetometer observations for these events. Calculated patterns of the ionospheric convection and thermospheric circulation have been compared with observations and it has been established that calculated patterns of the ionospheric convection for both winter and summer hemispheres are in a good agreement with the observations. Calculated patterns of the thermospheric circulation are in a good agreement with the average circulation for the Southern (summer) Hemisphere obtained from DE-2 data for IMF By < 0 but for the Northern (winter) Hemisphere there is a disagreement at high latitudes in the afternoon sector of the cusp region. At the same time, the model results for this sector agree with other DE-2 data and with the ground-based FPI data. All ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances in the second variant of the calculations are more intensive in the winter cusp region in comparison with the summer one and this seasonal difference is larger than in the first variant of the calculations, especially in the electron density and all temperature variations. The means that the seasonal effects in the cusp region are stronger in the thermospheric and ionospheric responses to the FAC variations than to the precipitation disturbances.  相似文献   

Pulsating of the generalized ion and neutral polar winds   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A three-dimensional, time-dependent model of the ion and neutral polar winds was used to study their dynamic evolution during the May 4, 1998 magnetic storm. The simulation tracked the dynamics of five species (O+, H+, Hs, Os, and electrons) and covered a 9-h period. During the storm, Dst decreased to −210 nT, Ap reached 300, and Kp was elevated. The IMF Bz component was southward at the start of the storm and for several hours thereafter and then turned northward. However, the magnetospheric energy input to the ionosphere exhibited a 50-min oscillation, with the plasma convection and particle precipitation patterns expanding and contracting in a periodic manner. As a consequence, the ion and neutral polar winds pulsated with an approximate 50-min period. The H+ and O+ ions displayed cyclic upflows and downflows in the topside ionosphere as well as a highly structured spatial distribution that varied with time. The vertical flux of the neutral Hs atoms was upward at the top of the ionosphere, but the magnitude varied in a cyclic manner in response to the oscillating stormtime energy input. The vertical flux of neutral Os atoms was downward at the top of the ionosphere and varied significantly with the stormtime energy input. For H+, O+, and Hs, the maximum total (integrated) vertical flux during the storm was upward at the top of the ionosphere, with values of 8–9×1025 particles/s for H+, 2–4×1026 particles/s for O+, and 2–3×1027 particles/s for Hs. The corresponding total vertical Os flux was predominately downward, with only localized areas with positive fluxes.  相似文献   

The polar geomagnetic activity resulting from solar wind–magnetosphere interactions can be characterized the Polar Cap (PC) indices, PCN and PCS. PC index values are derived from polar magnetic variations calibrated on a statistical basis such that the index approximate values in units of mV/m of the interplanetary “geo-effective” (or “merging”) electric field (EM) conveyed by the solar wind. The timing and amplitude relations of the PC index to solar wind plasma and magnetic field parameters are reported. The solar wind effects are parameterized in terms of the geo-effective electric field (EM) and the dynamical pressure (PDYN). The PC index has a delayed and damped response to EM variations and display saturation-like effects for EM values exceeding 10 mV/m. Steady or slowly varying levels of solar wind dynamical pressure have little or no impact on the PC index above the effects related to EM for which the solar wind velocity is also a factor. Sharp increases in the dynamical pressure generate impulsive variations in the PC index comprising a initial negative impulse of 5–10 min duration followed by a positive impulse lasting 10–20 min. Typical amplitudes of both the negative and the positive impulses are 0.2–0.5 units. A sharp decrease in the pressure produces the inverse sequence of pulses in the PC index. Auroral substorm activity represented by the AL index level has a marked influence on the average PC/EM level at the transition from very quiet (AL0 nT) to disturbed conditions while more or less disturbed conditions (AL<100 nT) have no systematic effect on the average PC/EM values. At distinct substorm events the PC/EM ratio has a minimum (0.8) in the pre-onset phase at around 20 min before substorm onset. The average ratio gradually increases in the expansion phase to reach a maximum value (1.1) at around 40 min after substorm onset (or 20 min after the largest (negative) peak in AL). At substorm recovery during the next 2 h the PC/EM ratio decreases. Finally, we report on the application of polar magnetic variations to model the disturbance storm time (Dst) index development during magnetic storms by using the PC index as a source function to quantify the energy input to the ring current representing accumulated storm energy and characterized by the Dst index.  相似文献   

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