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Geochemistry of dust aerosol over the Eastern Pamirs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Pamirs are situated in the inner part of the Asian continent, a region which plays a critical role in Asian dust emission and transport. This study measured the elemental composition of atmospheric dust aerosol samples collected during the period between July 2004 and April 2006 at Mt. Muztagata, Eastern Pamirs, at a high-altitude (38°17′N, 75°01′E, 4430 m). The Muztagata aerosol samples show Ca/Al (∼0.7) and Fe/Al (∼0.7) ratios that are distinguishable from those from other sites. The La/Th ratios (averaging 2.30-2.36) and Th/U ratios (averaging 2.75-3.11) indicate typical eolian deposition. The dust aerosol samples have very similar rare earth element (REE) patterns, with relative enrichment of light REE, a slight depletion of heavy REE, and a strongly negative europium anomaly (δEu values averaging 0.65). The Muztagata dust shows homogeneity of composition during the sampling period, with minor variations due to seasonal effects and possible different air mass, suggesting the possibility of a well-mixed atmospheric background dust on a regional scale. The zonal Westerlies dominate and the longitude circulations are relatively very weak for dust transport dynamics in the Pamirs and Tien Shan regions. Our results demonstrate a distinct difference in elemental composition between dust over the Eastern Pamirs and that over Inilchek, Central Tien Shan, indicating that the Asian dust emission regions have great variations in their chemical properties, and provide a better constraint on the climatic impact of Asian dust.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mineral dust aerosols affect Earth’s radiative balance and are an important climate forcing and feedback mechanism. Dust is argued to have played an important role in past natural climate changes through glacial cycles, yet temporal and spatial dust variability remain poorly constrained, with scientific understanding of uncertainties associated with radiative perturbations due to mineral dust classified as “very low”. To advance understanding of the dust cycle, we present a high-resolution dust record from the Red Sea, sourced principally from Arabia, with a precise chronology relative to global sea level/ice volume variability. Our record correlates well with a high-resolution Asian dust record from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Importing our age model from the Red Sea to the Chinese Loess Plateau provides a first detailed millennial-scale age model for the Chinese loess, which has been notoriously difficult to date at this resolution and provides a basis for inter-regional correlation of Chinese dust records. We observe a high baseline of dust emissions from Arabia and China, even through interglacials, with strong superimposed millennial-scale variability. Conversely, the distal EPICA Dome C Antarctic ice core record, which is widely used to calculate the radiative impact of dust variations, appears biased to sharply delineated glacial/interglacial contrasts. Calculations based on this Antarctic dust record will therefore overestimate the radiative contrast of atmospheric dust loadings on glacial/interglacial timescales. Additional differences between Arabian/Asian and circum-Saharan records reveal that climate models could be improved by avoiding ‘global mean’ dust considerations and instead including large-scale regions with different dust source variability.  相似文献   

The paper addresses influence of dust particles on the aerosol loading over the major deserts in the northern hemisphere. The role of dust aerosols in the total aerosol concentration and size distribution of the particles are analysed. It is observed that the aerosol loading is high in the northern hemisphere of which the deserts and adjoining areas in Asia and Africa play a leading role. Over the entire oceanic region, except some parts of the Atlantic Ocean near to the West coast of Africa and the Arabian Sea, aerosol loading is less. The Sahara Desert is the prominent source of dust aerosols throughout the year. The deserts of Asia are also prominent sources of dust aerosols on a global basis. Above 70% of the total aerosol optical depth (AOD) is contributed by the dust particles, reaching to around 90% during spring months March, April and May over the Sahara Desert, which is the major source of dust aerosols. Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport model is used to estimate the dust aerosol concentration over the deserts of Asia and Africa. The model output almost agrees with the regions of dust loading obtained from the Envisat/SCIAMACHY. Hence, the model is reliable in estimating the dust aerosol loading over the major dust aerosol sources. The major portion of the total dust loading belongs to coarse mode particles.  相似文献   

The compilation of analyses of continental and oceanic spinel Iherzolites show that these two types of Iherzolites have very similar compositions. Their composition range differ from that of African garnet Iherzolites, and the data suggest that the mantle beneath Africa has an anomalous composition. If the composition of the upper mantle may be estimated from that of Iherzolites, the compositions of spinel Iherzolite should form the basis for this estimate. It is suggested that the compositions of spinel Iherzolite represent both undepleted and depleted compositions, and a representative composition for the primitive mantle is proposed on this basis.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing provides important observational constraints for monitoring dust life cycle and improving the understanding of its effects on local to global scales. The present work analyzes the dust aerosol patterns over the arid environment of the Sistan region in southeastern Iran, by means of multiple satellite platforms aiming to reveal the spatio-temporal distribution and trends. The dataset includes records of Aerosol Index (AI) from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) (1978–2001) and 6-year AI records from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard Aura. Moreover, the aerosol optical depth is analyzed through 11-year records from Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) aboard Terra (2000–2010) and from Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra (2000–2007) and Aqua (2002–2011). The main focus is to determine the similarities and differences in dust variability over southwest Asia, in general, and the Sistan region, in particular. The results show a marked seasonal cycle with high aerosol loading during summer and lower in winter, while MISR, MODIS, and TOMS/OMI observations agree in both terms of monthly and seasonally mean spatial and temporal patterns. The higher aerosol concentrations during summer are interpreted as a result of the combined effect of the seasonal drying of the Hamoun lakes and the strong northerly Levar winds favoring dust erosion from the alluvial deposits in Sistan. After prolonged drought period, the dust aerosol load over the area has increased in the beginning of the 2000 s and decreased after 2004, thereby leading to an overall declining trend during the last decade. Such a trend is absent during the winter period when dust emission over the region is minimal.  相似文献   

拉萨市夏季大气降尘单颗粒矿物组成及其形貌特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用带能谱的电子扫描电镜(SEM-EDX)对拉萨市夏季正常天气下收集的大气自然沉降气溶胶样品进行分析,研究了拉萨市大气降尘矿物组成和各种物相形貌特征信息。拉萨市大气颗粒物含有硅酸盐颗粒、富钙颗粒、富铁颗粒、富碳颗粒(燃煤飞灰颗粒和燃油飞灰颗粒)和植物残体颗粒。根据颗粒物数量统计发现拉萨市大气颗粒物以硅酸盐颗粒为主,富钙颗粒和富铁颗粒次之,需要指出的是以燃油飞灰为主的富碳颗粒已占到一定比重,说明以燃油为主的机动车尾气对拉萨大气污染在加强。研究结果表明,大气降尘矿物成分及其形貌特征可以用作判定污染物来源的重要标志,拉萨大气中颗粒来源的多样性决定了治理措施也应综合进行。  相似文献   

This paper considers characteristic features of the composition and distribution of chemical elements in aerosols over the Northern Caspian, which can be used for a more reliable prediction of possible negative consequences of atmospheric pollution related to the beginning of the large-scale exploitation of oil and gas deposits in the shelf zone of the Caspian Sea. It was shown that the contents of aerosols, their grain-size composition, and major-element composition change under the influence of (1) transboundary transport of terrigenous dust by air masses, (2) variations in the intensity of turbulent and convective mixing in the near-surface atmosphere, and (3) variations in air humidity.  相似文献   

河水理化性质和元素组成特征直接影响到水体利用功能,入海河流元素输送量对近岸海洋生态环境具有重要影响。在中国东部33条入海河流下游河段或河口区布设了水地球化学调查点,分别在2007年夏季(丰水期)、2007年底—2008年初(枯水期)采样并测定了河水酸碱度、电导率值以及溶解态常量和微量元素浓度。研究表明,多数北方河流水体酸碱度、电导率值以及常量元素浓度高于南方河流,与中国土壤及其常量元素组成的南北分带相吻合,反映了我国南北气候分带对河水地球化学特征的控制作用,推断少数河流酸碱度、电导率和常量元素浓度的异常分布与海水混合作用、人为污染等作用有关;部分河流水体中微量元素浓度背离于区域正常浓度,其原因一是与区域地球化学背景有关,二是与城市污染影响有关,通过对比部分城市上、下游水体元素浓度证实城市污染的影响;研究认为丰水期易溶元素Na、Ca、K、Zn、Se浓度较低反映了大量降水的稀释效应,而丰水期河水Al、REE、Fe、Pb、Tl等元素浓度明显高于枯水期,主要与丰水期暴雨形成的地面径流携带大量胶体颗粒进入地表水有关。  相似文献   


松嫩沙地位于欧亚黄土带最东端,其物质组成的研究有利于重建松嫩平原冰期—间冰期粉尘传输路径。为此,系统采集了松嫩沙地123个河流沙和风成沙样品,对其进行分粒级的常量、微量和稀土元素以及Sr-Nd同位素组成等地球化学分析,并利用Frequentist模型进行风尘物源定量重建,探讨松嫩沙地不同区域、不同粒级组分对哈尔滨黄土的贡献及搬运路径。结果表明,松嫩沙地经历了初级的化学风化过程(<63 μm、<30 μm、<10 μm组分CIA平均值分别为55.20、57.46、57.51),有较低的再循环历史(<63 μm、<30 μm、<10 μm组分CIA/WIP比值的平均值为0.98、1.08、1.04)。根据不同粒度组分的元素地球化学与Sr-Nd同位素组成特征,将松嫩沙地划分为西北部和西南部两个地球化学分区。不同粒度组分地球化学组成的定量重建结果表明,这两个分区不同粒级组分(<63 μm、<30 μm、<10 μm)对哈尔滨黄土的贡献度分别为:75.7%~88.5%、73.4%~84.9%、61.0%~89.7%(西南部)和11.5%~24.3%、15.1%~26.6%、10.3%~39%(西北部)。本研究揭示了末次冰期以来松嫩平原粉尘传输路径以西南方向为主,与冰期以西北风为主导的环流模式存在差异。


通过对青藏高原西部慕士塔格峰海拔7 010 m处提取的41.56 m 冰芯中Sb记录的研究, 揭示了1955-2000年期间与中国西部接壤的中亚有关国家区域人类活动. 结果表明: Sb的浓度在1~51 pg·g-1之间, 分别为加拿大北极雪冰中Sb浓度的5倍和格陵兰中部的12倍, 表明中亚区域大气中Sb的自然循环已经受到了人类活动的影响. Sb的浓度变化揭示了吉尔吉斯斯坦国Sb矿生产是慕士塔格冰芯中Sb的重要来源; 20世纪90年代Sb的浓度变化也揭示了塔吉克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦煤炭燃烧是慕士塔格冰芯中Sb的来源之一. Sb的浓度变化揭示了在20世纪60年代中后期开始到90年代初期这时间段内中亚与Sb有关的区域人类活动呈增加趋势, 自90年代初期随着前苏联解体开始呈减弱趋势.  相似文献   

We found thirty compound chondrules in two CV3 carbonaceous chondrites. The abundance in each meteorite relative to single chondrules is 29/1846 (1.6%) in Allende and 1/230 (0.4%) in Axtell. We examined petrologic features, major element concentrations and oxygen isotopic compositions. Textural, compositional and isotopic evidence suggests that multiple, different mechanisms are responsible for the formation of compound chondrules.Seven compound chondrules are composed of two conjoined porphyritic chondrules with a blurred boundary. At the boundary region of this type of compounds, a poikilitic texture is commonly observed. This suggests that the two chondrules were melted when they came to be in contact. On the other hand, seventeen compound chondrules consist of two conjoined chondrules with a discrete boundary. The preservation of spherical boundary planes of an earlier-formed chondrule of this type implies that it already solidified before fusing with a later-formed chondrule that was still melted. Six samples out of 17 compound chondrules of this type are composed of two BO chondrules. The BO-BO compound chondrules have a unique textural feature in common: the directions of the barred olivines are mostly parallel between two chondrules. This cannot be explained by a simple collision process and forces another mechanism to be taken into consideration.The remaining six compound chondrules differ from the others; they consist of an earlier-formed chondrule enclosed by a later-formed chondrule. A large FeO enrichment was observed in the later-formed chondrules and the enrichment was much greater than that in the later-formed chondrules of other types of compounds. This is consistent with the relict chondrule model, which envisages that the later-formed chondrule was made by a flash melting of a porous FeO-rich dust clump on an earlier-formed chondrule. The textural evidence of this type of compound shows that the earlier-formed chondrule has melted again to varying degrees at the second heating event. This implies that FeO concentrations in bulk chondrules increases during the second heating event if an earlier-formed chondrule was totally melted together with the FeO-rich dust aggregates.Silicate minerals such as olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in compound chondrules have oxygen isotope compositions similar to those in single chondrules from CV3 chondrites. The oxygen isotope composition of each part of the compound chondrule is basically similar to their chondrule pair, but silicates in some chondrules show varying degrees of 16O-enrichment down to −15‰ in δ18O, while those in their partners have 16O-poor invariable compositions near 0 ‰ in δ18O. This implies that the two chondrules in individual compounds formed in the same environments before they became conjoined and the heterogeneous oxygen isotope compositions in some chondrules resulted from incomplete exchange of oxygen atoms between 16O-rich chondrule melts and 16O-poor nebular gas.  相似文献   

The ferromagnesium trace-element content of the Chitaldrug metabasalts is not compatable with its normative composition. The major elements resemble quartz-normative tholeiites and some trace-elements like Co are even higher or similar to that of olivine-normative tholeiites or the deep-oceanic tholeiites. The relationship between MgO and ferromagnesium traces is sympathetic but of very low order. The high ferromagnesium trace content in this suite and its poor relation with major elements suggest that probably the Archaean/Early Precambrian upper mantle had higher levels of these elements than the present mantle. Lateral compositional inhomogeneities in the Archaean upper mantle are also indicated from the available trace-element data over the Archaean metabasalts from different shields.  相似文献   

祁连山-黑河流域水循环中的大气过程   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
利用气象台站探空资料、地面观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析气候资料,分析了祁连山-黑河流域水循环中的大气过程,结果表明:受西风带波动影响的水汽来源贫乏是此区大气水汽含量少的原因之一;水汽输送通量辐散是此区大气水汽含量少的原因之二;就年平均而言,祁连山-黑河流域大气水汽含量仅为高湿的江南地区的20%,为半干旱区的华北中部的约40%;高海拔的祁连山区因降水效率高,地面蒸发量小,地表水物质易于聚积形成径流;黑河流域因降水效率低,降水量值与地面蒸发量值相当,对地表水的贡献很小。在祁连山黑河流域25°×25°区域上空,大气年输入水量为6678亿m3,输出为6502亿m3,净输入水量为176亿m3;输入水汽呈逐年减少的趋势。20世纪70~80年代有明显的下降,近40年来祁连山黑河流域的气温在升高,大气中的水汽含量在减少,降水量的减少将难以避免。  相似文献   

Chemistry of Aerosols over Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contents of elements in aerosols sampled during the First Chinese Arctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-1) show great differences from one element to another. Na, K,Ca, Mg, A1, F, and Cl are the major components in the aerosols, whose contents are larger than 30 ng/m^3. The chemical elements whose contents vary between 0.1 - 30 ng/m^3 are Br,Sr, Cr, Ni, and Zn. The chemical elements whose contents are close to or slightly higher than 0.1 ng/m^3 are Rb, Ba, Zr, Th, and Pb. The contents of As, Sb, W, Mo, Au, La, Ce, Nd,Sin, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Sc, Co, Hf, Ta, and Cd are less than 0.1 ng/m^3. The mass concentration data for the same element, as observed during CHINARE-1, are almost accordant, but much lower than what is observed in the China‘ s seas or the coasts of China. The enrichment factor and electron microscopic analyses and lead isotope tracing were used to distinguish their sources.Four groups of sources can be classified as follows: anthropogenic: As, Sb, W, F, Mo, Au,Cu, Pb, Cd, V; crustal: La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Fe, Sc, Cr, Co, Ba, Zr, Hf,Ta, Cs, Mn, Th, U; oceanic:Na, K, Ca, and Mg; and mixing: Rb, Sr, Ca, and Mg.  相似文献   

This study examines the major element composition of mantle-derived garnets recovered from heavy mineral concentrates of several Proterozoic kimberlites of the diamondiferous Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field (WKF) and the almost barren Narayanpet Kimberlite Field (NKF) in the Eastern Dharwar Craton of southern India. Concentrate garnets are abundant in the WKF kimberlites, and notably rare in the NKF kimberlites. Chemical characteristics of the pyropes indicate that the lithology of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath both the kimberlite fields was mainly lherzolitic at the time of kimberlite eruption. A subset of green pyropes from the WKF is marked by high CaO and Cr2O3 contents, which imply contribution from a wehrlitic source. The lithological information on SCLM, when studied alongside geobarometry of lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths, indicates that there are thin layers of harzburgite within a dominantly lherzolitic mantle in the depth interval of 115–190 km beneath the WKF. In addition, wehrlite and olivine clinopyroxenite occur locally in the depth range of 120–130 km. Mantle geotherm derived from xenoliths constrains the depth of graphite–diamond transition to 155 km beneath the kimberlite fields. Diamond in the WKF thus could have been derived from both lherzolitic and harzburgitic lithologies below this depth. The rarity of diamond and garnet xenocrysts in the NKF strongly suggest sampling of shallower (<155 km depth) mantle, and possibly a shallower source of kimberlite magma than at the WKF.  相似文献   

The evolution of major mineral compositions and trace element abundances during fractional crystallization of a model lunar magma ocean have been calculated. A lunar bulk composition consistent with petrological constraints has been selected. Major mineral compositions have been calculated using published studies of olivine-melt, plagioclase-melt, and pyroxene-olivine equilibria. Trace element abundances have been calculated using experimentally-determined partition coefficients where possible. In the absence of experimental determinations, published partition coefficients obtained by analyzing phase separates from porphyritic volcanic rocks have been used. Trace elements studied are La, Sm, Eu, Lu, Rb, Sr( Eu2+), Ni, Co, and Cr.The first mineral to crystallize is olivine, which varies in composition from Fo98 at the liquidus to Fo95 at 50% solidification. Orthopyroxene crystallizes from 50 to 60% solidification with a restricted composition range of En95-En93. Plagioclase and Ca-rich clinopyroxene (XWo arbitrarily set equal to 0.5) co-crystallize during the final 40% solidification. Plagioclase changes in composition from An97 to approximately An93, while clinopyroxene evolves from En46 to approximately En40. The concomitant evolution of major element abundances in the melt is also discussed.The concentration of Ni in the melt decreases rapidly because solid-melt partition coefficients are significantly greater than unity at all stages of crystallization. The concentration of Cr in the melt increases slowly during olivine crystallization, then drops precipitously during the crystallization of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. The concentration of Co in the melt decreases slowly during olivine and orthopyroxene crystallization, after which it returns slowly to its initial concentration. Rubidium and Sr are not fractionated relative to one another until the onset of plagioclase crystallization. Ratios of Rb/Sr, normalized to their initial concentrations in the magma, do not rise above 10 until 95% of the magma has solidified. The ratios of Eu/Sm and La/Lu, normalized to their initial concentrations in the magma, remain essentially unfractionated until the onset of crystallization of clinopyroxene plus plagioclase, at which point the normalized La/Lu ratio increases to approximately 1.3 at 100% solidification and the normalized Eu/Sm ratio decreases to approximately 0.2 at 100% solidification.The model calculations are used to place approximate constraints on the bulk composition of the primitive Moon. Consideration of the effect on plagioclase composition of the activities of NaO0.5 and SiO2 in the melt suggests that the primitive Moon contained less than 0.4 wt % NaO0.5 and approximately 42–43 wt % SiO2. Concentrations of the REE in model lunar anorthosites are consistent with the returned samples. Concentrations of the REE in several model ‘highland basalts’ (considered to be representative of the average lunar terrae) are too low when compared with returned samples. Several possible explanations of this discrepancy are considered. The possible role of spinel in a twostage geochemical evolution of mare basalt liquids is discussed.  相似文献   

Particulate trace metal (Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn) and major element (Fe, Mn and Al) concentrations have been determined following intensive sampling over two consecutive spring tidal cycles in the 'turbidity maximum zone' (TMZ) of the Port Jackson estuary, Australia. Salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and chlorophyll a were also determined. A three-factor analysis of variance was used to test temporal variability in concentrations of particulate trace metals and major elements as a result of tidal oscillation. Estuarine master variables, such as temperature and pH, varied within a narrow range; nevertheless, the tidal signal was clear for surface and bottom waters. In surface water, no variance was detected in SPM concentrations between consecutive tidal cycles or between tidal stages (i.e. flood, ebb and slack water). In bottom water, however, SPM concentrations were significantly higher (PА.05) at flood tide than at slack high water and ebb tide. Concentrations of particulate trace metals and major elements in surface water do not display significant variability between tidal cycles or stages. Nevertheless, differences within each tidal stage were significant (PА.05) for all elements. In bottom water, only particulate Fe and Al exhibited significant differences (PА.05) between tidal cycles, whereas particulate Ni was the only trace element that presented significant differences (PА.05) between tidal stages, following the distribution of SPM, with highest concentrations at flood tide. Among the metals studied, significant variation was found at all three temporal scales examined (i.e. from hours to consecutive tidal cycles), although the patterns of variation were different for each metal. The semi-diurnal fluctuation of SPM and particulate trace metal concentrations during spring tides is interpreted as a resuspension-deposition cycle caused by cyclical oscillations of bottom currents. The results are discussed in the context of the implications of tidal cycle influence on the geochemistry and cycling of particulate trace metals in the Port Jackson estuary.  相似文献   

Based on the catastrophic June 28, 2014, Arshan debris flows in the Eastern Sayan Mountains, the structure and lithological composition of the debris are studied and a debris flow defense system is proposed. Among five debris flows in this region, two flows 4.1 and 5.6 km long are scrutinized. The grain size and mineral composition of fans and mudflows, as well as their evolution scenario are studied. The paper also examines the engineering-geological features of debris flow sediments and their textural-structural and physical alterations in the course of settling. Specific attention is devoted to the lithological and climatic constraints of debris flows. It is noted that sediments of recent mudflows are characterized by a high underconsolidation and deliquescence, promoting the formation of high-plastic and fluidal zones that can migrate actively. The approach proposed for debris flow defense measures lies in the construction of flow diversion dams designed for orienting the debris flows toward the “debris dump site.”  相似文献   

The Haast and Clutha rivers drain opposing flanks of New Zealand’s Southern Alps. Major element analyses of grain size fractions (2–1 mm, 1 mm–355 μm, 355–63 μm, and <63 μm) from bedload sediments collected throughout the reach of each river suggest that weathering is strongly partitioned between the chemical weathering of carbonates and the physical weathering of silicates. Sand size fractions from both rivers are depleted in CaO (∼0.2–2.1 wt%) relative to source schists (∼3 wt% CaO), while silt fraction CaO concentrations range from 2–5 wt%. The depletion of CaO in the sediments is interpreted to be due at least in part to removal of carbonate during chemical weathering of the schist protolith in the soil zone. The observed covariance of CaO and P2O5 concentrations in all river sediment suggests that most CaO is bound in a combination of phosphate-bearing minerals such as apatite along with other heavy mineral phases with similar hydrodynamic properties (e.g. epidote). Chemical index of alteration (CIA) values for grain size fractions from both rivers are similar (Haast: 54–63, Clutha: 49–61) and do not systematically vary with grain size or sample location. Al2O3–CaO + Na2O–K2O (A–CN–K) relationships suggest that CIA values are controlled by albite–muscovite mixing rather than feldspar weathering. Both A–CN–K relationships and modal mineralogical calculations from Clutha river samples indicate progressive downstream attrition of muscovite from coarser to finer grain size fractions. In contrast, Haast river sediments display less variable normative muscovite concentrations and no downstream enrichment/depletion trends.  相似文献   

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