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The Thukela Bank, KwaZulu-Natal, supports a diverse ecosystem and South Africa’s only prawn fishery. Oceanographic studies suggest riverine input is not important for the biology of this system, whereas biological studies suggest the contrary, with prawn catches increasing with increased fluvial run-off. The aim of this study was to determine (i) the importance of riverine and marine organic matter for the Thukela Bank food web; and (ii) whether there are seasonal changes in the Thukela River stable isotope values, and, if so, whether these are reflected in the isotope values of demersal organisms. Estuarine organic matter, sediments and demersal organisms were collected from several sites across the bank in the wet and dry seasons of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Marine particulate organic matter was also collected in 2010 and analysed for δ13C and δ15N, as well as C/N ratios. There were strong seasonal changes in isotopic values of organic matter and fauna, especially faunal δ13C. There was an apparent time-lag in organisms assimilating riverine organic matter isotopic values, with the isotopic signature of demersal organisms reflecting that of riverine organic matter from the previous season, which is likely the result of tissue turnover time. In 2010, Thukela Bank sediment organic matter was of riverine origin and this maintained the demersal food web. We conclude that Thukela River organic matter is an important input to the food web of the Thukela Bank, indicating that any future damming of the catchment area could have serious consequences for this ecosystem.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the seasonality, abundance, sources and bioreactivity of organic matter in the water column of the western Arctic Ocean. The concentrations of particulate and dissolved amino acids and amino sugars, as well as bulk properties of particulate and dissolved organic matter (DOM), were measured in shelf, slope and basin waters collected during the spring and summer of 2002. Particulate organic matter concentrations in shelf waters increased by a factor of 10 between spring and summer. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) concentrations exhibited only minor seasonal variations, whereas dissolved amino acid concentrations doubled between spring and summer, and dissolved amino sugars increased by 31% in shelf waters of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Concentrations of DOC did not exhibit a significant seasonal change in surface waters of the Canada Basin, but dissolved amino acid concentrations increased by 45% between spring and summer. No significant seasonal differences were detected in the concentration or composition of DOM in waters below 100 m in depth. Concentrations of particulate and dissolved amino acids and amino sugars were strongly correlated with chlorophyll-a, indicating a plankton source of freshly produced organic matter. The amino acid and amino sugar compositions of freshly produced DOM indicated that a large portion of this material is bioavailable. While freshly produced DOM was found to be relatively bioreactive, preformed DOM in the Arctic appears to be less bioreactive but similar in degradation state to average DOM in the Atlantic and Pacific. These data demonstrate substantial summer production of POM and DOM on the Chukchi and Beaufort shelves that is available for utilization in shelf waters and export to the Canada Basin.  相似文献   

The grain size distribution of bulk sediment samples was decomposed in a core to reconstruct paleoceanographic evolution over the past 60 ka in the northern Norwegian Sea. The results show that sediments consisted of 3–4 grain populations derived from the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and Barents Ice Sheet (BIS). The grain size data suggest three palaeoceanographic evolution stages: (1) an environment affected by BIS and NAC and changed with the interstadial/stadial transition in phase with the Greenland ice-core record at 60–31 ka BP, during which discharge of icebergs and the content of the coarsest population containing ice-rafted debris (IRD) in the sediments increased significantly during stadial, while the fine silt population containing volcanic glasses increased with the enhancement of NAC during the interstadial; (2) an extreme environment controlled by BIS at 31–13 ka BP. BIS reached to its maximum at about 31 ka BP and the turbid plumes that formed at the leading edge of BIS contributed to a significant increase in the clayey population in sediments. Icebergs drained into the northern Norwegian Sea with periodical calving of the BIS at 31–19 ka BP. Subsequently, the ablation of the BIS discharged massive floods with clayey sediments and icebergs into the Norwegian Sea at 19–13 ka BP, resulting in a constant increase in clay and IRD in sediments; and (3) a marine environment similar to the present one under the strong influence of NAC following the complete melting of the BIS after 13 ka BP, NAC is the dominant transport agent and no IRD occurred in sediments. The fine silt populations containing volcanic glasses transported by NAC significantly increased.  相似文献   

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