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In an attempt to elucidate the pre-Variscan evolution history of the various geological units in the Austrian part of the Bohemian Massif, we have analysed zircons from 12 rocks (mainly orthogneisses) by means of SHRIMP, conventional multi-grain and single-grain U–Pb isotope-dilution/mass-spectrometry. Two of the orthogneisses studied represent Cadomian metagranitoids that formed at ca. 610 Ma (Spitz gneiss) and ca. 580 Ma (Bittesch gneiss). A metagranite from the Thaya batholith also gave a Cadomian zircon age (567±5 Ma). Traces of Neoproterozoic zircon growth were also identified in several other samples, underlining the great importance of the Cadomian orogeny for the evolution of crust in the southern Bohemian Massif. However, important magmatic events also occurred in the Early Palaeozoic. A sample of the Gföhl gneiss was recognised as a 488±6 Ma-old granite. A tonalite gneiss from the realm of the South Bohemian batholith was dated at 456±3 Ma, and zircon cores in a Moldanubian metagranitic granulite gave similar ages of 440–450 Ma. This Ordovician phase of magmatism in the Moldanubian unit is tentatively interpreted as related to the rifting and drift of South Armorica from the African Gondwana margin. The oldest inherited zircons, in a migmatite from the South Bohemian batholith, yielded an age of ca. 2.6 Ga, and many zircon cores in both Moravian and Moldanubian meta-granitoid rocks gave ages around 2.0 Ga. However, rocks from the Moldanubian unit show a striking lack of zircon ages between 1.8 and 1.0 Ga, reflecting an ancestry from Armorica and the North African part of Gondwana, respectively, whereas the Moravian Bittesch gneiss contains many inherited zircons with Mesoproterozoic and Early Palaeoproterozoic ages of ca. 1.2, 1.5 and 1.65–1.8 Ga, indicating a derivation from the South American part of Gondwana.  相似文献   

Precision U–Pb (SHRIMP-II) isotope geochronological data, obtained for the first time, make it possible to suggest that sediments of the Neocomian primitive island arc sequence are missed or poorly developed in the South-Western part of the Mainitskii terrane of the Koryak Highlands. However, Late Albian mature island arc tuff and tuffaceous–turbidite formations are common. This enables us to extend the age range of the Mainitskii island arc from the Early Neocomian to the Late Albian and to suggest a two-stage pattern of its development. The isotope-geochronological data obtained for plagiogranite and moderately acid subvolcanics, previously attributed to the Koryak–Western Kamchatka volcanoplutonic belt, indicate that it is possible to combine them into the Middle Miocene postsubduction? polygenic complex. In addition, owing to modern high-precision isotope–geochronological methods, it has become possible to determine the age of gold–sulfide mineralization of the Talyaigin ore field, paragenetically related to the manifestations of the Middle Miocene Vilyuneiveem complex.  相似文献   

Zircon ages recorded in gneissic rocks have recently been used as criteria to define and correlate various tectonic units and crustal blocks in the central European Variscides. A SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronological study of the Strzelin gneiss in the Fore-Sudetic Block (SW Poland) indicates the presence of: (1) inherited zircon cores of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic 206Pb-238U ages (between ca. 2,000 and 1,240 Ma), and (2) zoned rims of Neoproterozoic age with two distinct means of 600±7 and 568±7 Ma. The Proterozoic age range of the cores suggests that different Precambrian crustal elements were the source for the protolith of the gneiss. A likely scenario is the erosion of various Proterozoic granites and gneisses, sedimentation (after 1,240 Ma), and partial resistance of the original components to subsequent metamorphic dissolution and/or anatectic resorption (in Neoproterozoic times). The zoned zircon rims of both of the younger Neoproterozoic ages are indistinguishable in the cathodoluminescence images. The data are interpreted in terms of two different thermal events inducing zoned zircon overgrowth at ca. 600 and 568 Ma. In general, the new results confirm earlier assumptions of the Proterozoic age of the gneiss protoliths, and indicate their similarity to orthogneisses in the East Sudetes tectonic domain (e.g. the Velké Vrbno and Desná gneisses). The Neoproterozoic dates are different from the age of 504±3 reported earlier for the Gocicice gneiss from a neighbouring locality in the Strzelin Massif. The new data strongly indicate a Moravo-Silesian (Bruno-Vistulian) affinity for the Strzelin gneiss and support the hypothesis that the Strzelin Massif lies within the tectonic boundary zone between the West- and East Sudetes domains, which represents the northern continuation of the Moldanubian Thrust.  相似文献   

The Kodzko Metamorphic Complex (KMC) in the Central Sudetes consists of meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks metamorphosed under greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions. They are comprised in a number of separate tectonic units interpreted as thrust sheets. In contrast to other Lower Palaeozoic volcano-sedimentary successions in the Sudetes, the two uppermost units (the Orla-Googowy unit and the Kodzko Fortress unit) of the KMC contain meta-igneous rocks with supra-subduction zone affinities. The age of the KMC was previously assumed to be Early Palaeozoic–Devonian, based on biostratigraphic findings in the lowermost tectonic unit. Our geochronological study focused on the magmatic rocks from the two uppermost tectonic units, exposed in the SW part of the KMC. Two orthogneiss samples from the Orla-Googowy unit yielded ages of 500.4±3.1 and 500.2±4.9 Ma, interpreted to indicate the crystallization age of the granitic precursors. A plagioclase gneiss from the same tectonic unit, intimately interlayered with metagabbro, provided an upper intercept age of 590.1±7.2 Ma, which is interpreted as the time of igneous crystallization. From the topmost Kodzko Fortress unit, a metatuffite was studied, which contains a mixture of genetically different zircon grains. The youngest 207Pb/206Pb ages, which cluster at ca. 590-600 Ma, are interpreted to indicate the maximum depositional age for this metasediment. The results of this study are in accord with a model that suggests a nappe structure for the KMC, with a Middle Devonian succession at the base and Upper Proterozoic units at structurally higher levels. It is suggested here that the KMC represents a composite tectonic suture that juxtaposes elements of pre-Variscan basement, intruded by the Lower Ordovician granite, against a Middle Palaeozoic passive margin succession. The new ages, combined with the overall geochemical variation in the KMC, indicate the existence of rock assemblages representing a Gondwana active margin. The recognition of Neoproterozoic subduction-related magmatism provides additional arguments for the hypothesis that equivalents of the Teplá-Barrandian domain are exposed in the Central Sudetes.  相似文献   

This study presents the first U–Pb zircon data on granitoid basement rocks of the Tatra Mountains, part of the Western Carpathians (Slovakia). The Western Carpathians belong to the Alpine Carpathian belt and constitute the eastern continuation of the Variscides. The new age data thus provide important time constraints for the regional geology of the Carpathians as well as for their linkage to the Variscides. U–Pb single zircon analyses with vapour digestion and cathodoluminescence controlled dating (CLC-method) were obtained from two distinct granitoid suites of the Western Tatra Mountains. The resulting data indicate a Proterozoic crustal source for both rock suites. The igneous precursors of the orthogneisses (older granites) intruded in Lower Devonian (405 Ma) and were generated by partial melting of reworked crustal material during subduction realated processes. In the Upper Devonian (365 Ma), at the beginning of continent–continent collision, the older granites were affected by high-grade metamorphism including partial melting, which caused recrystallisation and new zircon growth. A continental collision was also responsible for the generation of the younger granites (350–360 Ma). The presented data suggest multi-stage granitoid magmatism in the Western Carpathians, related to a complex subduction and collision scenario during the Devonian and Carboniferous. Received: 19 February 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

The Ordovician Macquarie Arc in the eastern subprovince of the Lachlan Orogen, southeastern Australia, is an unusual arc that evolved in four vertically stacked volcanic phases over ~ 37 million years, and which is flanked by coeval, craton-derived, passive margin sedimentary terranes dominated by detrital quartz grains. Although these two terranes are marked by a general absence of provenance mixing, LA-ICPMS analysis of U–Pb and Lu–Hf contents in zircon grains in volcaniclastic rocks from 3 phases of the arc demonstrates the same age populations of detrital grains inherited from the Gondwana margin as those that characterise the flanking quartz-rich Ordovician turbidites. Magmatic Phase 1 is older, ~ 480 Ma, and is characterised by detrital zircons grains with ages of ~ 490–540 with negative εHf from 0 to mainly –7.78, 550–625 Ma ages with negative εHf from 0 to ?26.6 and 970–1250 Ma (Grenvillian) with εHf from + 6.47 to ?6.44. We have not as yet identified any magmatic zircons related to Phase 1 volcanism. Small amounts of detrital zircons also occur in Phase 2 (~ 468–455 Ma), hiatus 1 and Phase 4 (~ 449–443 Ma), all of which are dominated by Ordovician magmatic zircons with positive εHf values, indicating derivation from unevolved mantle-derived magmas, consistent with formation in an intraoceanic island arc. Because of the previously obtained positive whole rock εNd values from Phase 1 lavas, we rule out contamination from substrate or subducted sediments. Instead, we suggest that during Phase 1, the Macquarie Arc lay close enough to the Gondwana margin so that volcaniclastic rocks were heavily contaminated by detrital zircon grains shed from granites and Grenvillian mafic rocks mainly from Antarctica (Ross Orogen and East Antarctica) and/or the Delamerian margin of Australia. The reduced nature of a Gondwana population in Phase 2, hiatus 1 and Phase 4 is attributed to opening of a marginal basin between the Gondwana margin and the Macquarie Arc that put it out of reach of all but rare turbiditic currents.  相似文献   

The Malay Peninsula lies on two continental blocks, Sibumasu and East Malaya, which are intruded by granitoids in two provinces: the Main Range and Eastern. Previous models propose that Permian–Triassic granitoids are subduction-related and syn-to post-collisional. We present 752 U–Pb analyses that were carried out on zircons from river sands in the Malay Peninsula; of these, 243 grains were selected for Hf-isotope analyses. Our data suggest a more complex Sibumasu–East Malaya collision history. 176Hf/177Hfi ratios reveal that Permian–Triassic zircons were sourced from three magmatic suites: (a) Permian crustally-derived granitoids, (b) Early-Middle Triassic granitoids with mixed mantle–crust sources, and (c) Late Triassic crustally-derived granitoids. This suggests three Permian–Triassic episodes of magmatism in the Malay Peninsula, two of which occurred in the Eastern Province. Although the exact timing of the Sibumasu–East Malaya collision remains unresolved, current data suggest that it occurred before the Late Triassic, probably in Late Permian–Early Triassic. Our data also indicate that Sibumasu and East Malaya basements are chronologically heterogeneous, but predominantly of Proterozoic age. Some basement may be Neoarchaean but there is no evidence for basement older than 2.8 Ga. Finally, we show that Hf-isotope signatures of Triassic zircons can be used as provenance indicators.  相似文献   

The southern segment of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB) in India was an active convergent margin during Mesoproterozoic, prior to the final collision in Neoproterozoic during the assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent. Here we present mineralogical, whole-rock geochemical, zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic data from a granitoid suite in the Bopudi region in the EGGB. The granitoid complex comprises quartz monzodiorite with small stocks of rapakivi granites. The monzodiorite, locally porphyritic, contains K-feldspar megacrysts, plagioclase, quartz, biotite and ortho-amphibole. The presence of mantled ovoid megacrysts of alkali feldspar embaying early-formed quartz, and the presence of two generations of the phenocrystic phases in the rapakivi granites indicate features typical of rapakivi granites. The K-feldspar phenocrysts in the rapakivi granite are mantled by medium-grained aggregates of microcline (Ab7 Or93), which is compositionally equivalent to the rim of Kfs phenocryst and Pl (An23–24 Ab75). The geochemistry of both the granitoids shows arc-like features for REE and trace elements. LA-ICP-MS zircon analyses reveal 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1582 (MSWD = 1.4) for the rapakivi granite 1605 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 3.9) for the monzodiorite. The zircons from all the granitoid samples show high REE contents, prominent HREE enrichment and a conspicuous negative Eu anomaly, suggesting a common melt source. The zircons from the monzodiorite have a limited variation in initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.28171–0.28188, with εHf(t) values of −2.2 to +2.8. Correspondingly, their two-stage Hf isotope model ages (TDM2) ranging from 2.15 to 2.47 Ga probably suggest a mixed source for the magma involving melting of the Paleoproterozoic basement and injection of subduction-related juvenile magmas. The prominent Mesoproterozoic ages of these granitoids suggest subduction-related arc magmatism in a convergent margin setting associated with the amalgamation of the Columbia-derived fragments within the Neoproterozoic Rodinia assembly.  相似文献   

In the external units of the Sardinian Variscides Nappe Zone, volcanic and volcanoclastic successions of Middle Ordovician age follow Lower Paleozoic calc-alkaline magmatism developed at the northern Gondwana margin. We present geochemical and zircon U–Pb isotopic data for the Truzzulla Formation, a low-to-medium-grade metamorphic volcanic–volcanoclastic succession belonging to the Monte Grighini Unit, the deepest unit in the Nappe Zone. Geochemical and radiometric data allow us to define a Late Ordovician (Katian) magmatic (volcanic) event of calc-alkaline affinity. These new data, in conjunction with previously published data, indicate that in the Sardinian Variscides, the age of Lower Paleozoic Andean-type calc-alkaline magmatism spans from Middle to Late Ordovician. Moreover, the age distribution of calc-alkaline volcanics and volcanoclastic rocks in the Nappe Zone is consistent with a diachronous development of Middle–Late Ordovician Andean-type magmatic arc through the portion of the northern Gondwanian margin now represented by the Sardinian Variscides. This reconstruction of the Sardinian Variscides reflects the complex magmatic and tectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana in the Lower Paleozoic.  相似文献   

Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe zircon U–Pb dating and geochemical data of igneous rocks from the composite K?odzko–Z?oty Stok (KZS) Granite Pluton, Sudetic Block, indicate that the granitoids represent an Early Carboniferous Viséan phase of Variscan metaluminous, high-K, I-type, syn-collisional granite magmatism within the Saxothuringian Zone of the Central European Variscides. Igneous zircon records hypabyssal magmatism that produced various granitoids and lamprophyre (spessartite) emplaced from ca. 340 to 331 Ma. The KZS granitoids have compositions ranging from granodiorite to monzonite, low A/CNK ratios (<1), and are associated with abundant mafic members. Most of them are alkaline, highly potassic, and moderately evolved. The major and trace element contents of the KZS granitoids suggest geochemical heterogeneity, and the hybrid nature of magmas derived from a range of sources in the middle crust, with a strong input of material from the upper mantle. Mixing of magmas of mantle origin with high-K material from partly melted continental crust was probably a more important factor than fractional crystallization, in controlling the evolution of the magmas. The mean Pb–U ages of the main population of igneous zircon from a quartz monzodiorite (?elazno) and hornblende monzonite (Droszków) are 340.2 ± 2.5 Ma and 339.5 ± 3.1 Ma, respectively. A slightly younger biotite-hornblende granodiorite from Chwalis?aw, 336.7 ± 2.5 Ma, was cut by a spessartite dyke at 333.1 ± 3.1 Ma. This indicates that mafic magmas were immediately intruded into fractured, probably incompletely solidified, granodiorites. The lamprophyric dyke also contains igneous zircon of Neoproterozoic age, 566.3 ± 6.4 Ma, typical of the crust in the Saxothuringian Zone. Tonalite from Ptasznik Hill near Droszków is of similar age to the spessartite, 331.5 ± 2.6 Ma. High REE contents in the tonalite and its igneous zircon indicate advanced differentiation of granitic magma, producing a more leucocratic melt associated with post-magmatic activity including abundant late crosscutting pegmatites and quartz veins, and contact metasomatic mineralization. The KZS granitoids have rather similar petrographic and geochemical characteristics to granitoids from other parts of the Central European Variscides, where a thickened orogenic root caused a substantial rise in crustal temperatures, producing granitoid magmas closely correlated with regional tectonic activity between the Saxothuringian and Brunovistulia Terranes at the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

The Yandangshan syenite is a representative Late Cretaceous igneous pluton cropping out in SE China. U–Pb zircon dating using LA‐ICP‐MS yielded a crystallization age of 98±1 Ma for the syenite. Petrographically and geochemically of shoshonitic affinity, it is enriched in LREE and LILE, and has a pronounced Nb–Ta trough in the primitive mantle‐normalized trace element spider diagram. Zircon ?Hf(t) values vary from ?3.04 to ?7.71, displaying a unimodal distribution. The syenite also has high Sr [(87Sr/86Sr) i  = 0.7086–0.7089], low Nd [?Nd(t) = ?6.57 to ?7.64] isotopic ratios, plotting in the enriched mantle field on an ?Nd(t) versus (87Sr/86Sr) i diagram. We propose that the Yandangshan syenite was generated by pyroxene‐dominated high‐pressure fractional crystallization from basaltic magma that was derived from an enriched mantle source. Although coexisting Yandangshan rhyolites have Sr–Nd isotopic compositions similar to the Yandangshan syenite, they were not derived from the same source. Instead, the rhyolitic magma was produced by partial melting of crustal materials as a result of the underplating of basaltic magma. The crust‐like Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic signature of the Yandangshan syenite is ascribed to mantle sources that were enriched by subducted sediments. Formation of Yandangshan syenite may represent roll‐back of the subducting palaeo‐Pacific plate and migration of the arc front to the Yandangshan area at ~98 Ma.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of metamorphosed siliciclastic rocks in the Orlica-?nie?nik Dome (Bohemian Massif) identifies the main sources for the Neoproterozoic [the M?ynowiec Formation (MF)], Early Cambrian [the Stronie Formation (SF)] and Late Cambrian/Early Ordovician [the Goszów quartzites (GQ)] sediments. The MF developed from erosion of a Cadomian magmatic arc along the northern Gondwana margin. The variegated SF, with supra-subduction affinities, shows chemical characteristics pointing to erosion of the freshly exhumed Cadomian orogen and detritus deposition in the back-arc basin. The very different chemical features of the GQ indicate deposition in a basin sited on a passive continental margin. The explanation proposed for the observed changes in chemical composition involves three main stages: (1) The pre ~540 Ma evolution of an active continental margin and related back-arc basin ceased with the collision and accretion of the magmatic arc to the Gondwana margin; (2) Early Cambrian rift to drift transition (540–500 Ma) and development of a depositional basin filled with detritus derived from remnants of the magmatic arc; (3) Peri-Gondwana break-up leading to the formation of shallow-water passive margin depositional basins filled with quartz-rich detritus resembling Early Ordovician Armorican quartzites known from other parts of the Variscan Belt.  相似文献   

The Pirgadikia Terrane in northern Greece forms tectonic inliers within the Vardar suture zone bordering the Serbo-Macedonian Massif to the southwest. It comprises Cadomian basement rocks of volcanic-arc origin and very mature quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks. U–Pb laser ablation sector-field inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of detrital zircons from the latter reveal a marked input from a Cadomian–Pan-African source with minor contribution from Mesoproterozoic, Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean sources. The metasedimentary rocks are correlated with Ordovician overlap sequences at the northern margin of Gondwana on the basis of their maturity and zircon age spectra. The Pirgadikia Terrane can be best interpreted as a peri-Gondwana terrane of Avalonian origin, which was situated close to the Cadomian terranes in the Late Neoproterozoic–Early Palaeozoic, very much like the Istanbul Terrane. The second unit investigated is the Vertiskos Terrane, which constitutes the major part of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif in Greece. It comprises predominantly igneous rocks of Silurian age and minor metasedimentary rocks of unknown age and provenance. U–Pb analyses of detrital zircons from a garnetiferous mica schist of the Vertiskos Terrane indicate derivation from 550 to 1,150 Ma-old source rocks with a major Cadomian peak. This, combined with minor input of >1,950 Ma-old zircons and the absence of ages between ca. 1.2 and 1.7 Ga suggests a NW Africa source. The protolith age of the garnetiferous mica schist is presumably Early Ordovician. One sample of garnet-bearing biotite gneiss, interpreted as meta-igneous rock, comprises predominantly subhedral zircons of igneous origin with late Middle Ordovician to Silurian ages. We suggest that the rock association of the Vertiskos Terrane is part of an ancient active-margin succession of the Hun superterrane, comparable to successions of the Austro- and Intra-Alpine Terranes. The new data of this study provide evidence of occurrences of Avalonia- and Armorica-derived terranes in the Eastern Mediterranean and moreover help to clarify palaeogeographic reconstructions for the peri-Gondwana realm in the Early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

Numerous intrusive rocks of varying ages and compositions exist in the Paleozoic to Tertiary periods in the Eastern Pontides. Carboniferous intrusive rocks are commonly observed in the southern part of the Eastern Pontides. The nature of the rocks in the northern part of the region has not been determined because of Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary volcano-sedimentary units. Whole-rock geochemical, isotopic and geochronological data obtained from five different mapped granitoid bodies located in the northern part of the Eastern Pontides allow for the proper reconstruction of Carboniferous magmatism and the geodynamic evolution of the region.According to laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating, the Özdil, Soğuksu, Seslikaya, Kızılağaç and Şahmetlik plutons have similar 206Pb/238U vs. 207Pb/235U concordia ages of 340.7 ± 1.8 Ma and 323.1 ± 1.5 Ma, 348.4 ± 1.6 Ma, 335.4 ± 1.4 Ma, 337.2 ± 0.6 Ma and 334.5 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively. The aluminium saturation index (ASI) values of all of the samples from the plutons are between 1.0 and 1.32, which indicate peraluminous melt compositions. The plutons have SiO2 contents between 59 and 79 wt.% and show low- to high-K calc-alkaline characteristics. The plutons are enriched in large-ion lithophile and light rare earth elements and are depleted in high-field strength elements. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns are characterized by concave-upward shapes and pronounced negative Eu anomalies, with LaCN/YbCN = 1.9–46.8 and EuCN/Eu* = 0.19–1.76. The studied plutons show considerable variations in 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.70255 to 0.71006) and εNd(i) values (− 4.8 to − 7.1), as well as Nd model ages (1.15 to 2.47 Ga). The Pb-isotopic ratios are 206Pb/204Pb = 17.11–18.60, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.58–15.64 and 208Pb/204Pb = 36.95–38.62. The crystallization temperatures of the melts range from 676 to 993 °C, as determined by zircon and apatite saturation thermometry.These data suggest that the Carboniferous granitic magmas were produced by the partial melting of meta-mafic to meta-felsic lower crustal source rocks, with minor contributions from the mantle. Collectively, these rocks represent a late stage of Hercynian magmatism in the northern part of the Eastern Pontides.  相似文献   

The northwestern region of Peninsular India preserves important records of Precambrian plate tectonics and the role of Indian continent within Proterozoic supercontinents. In this study, we report precise SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from granitoids from the Sirohi terrane located along the western fringe of the Delhi Fold Belt in Rajasthan, NW India. The data reveal a range of Neoproterozoic ages from plagiogranite of Peshua, foliated granite of Devala, and porphyritic granite of Sai with zircon crystallization from magmas at 1015 ± 4.4 Ma, 966.5 ± 3.5 and 808 ± 3.1 respectively. The plagiogranite shows high SiO2, Na2O and extremely low K2O, Rb, Ba, comparable with typical oceanic plagiogranites. These rocks possess low LREE and HREE concentrations and a relatively flat LREE–HREE slope, a well-developed negative Eu-anomaly and conspicuous Nb and Ti anomalies. Compared to the plagiogranite, the foliated Devala granite shows higher SiO2 and moderate Na2O, together with high K2O and comparatively higher Rb, Ba, Sr and REE, with steep REE profiles and a weak positive Eu anomaly. In contrast to the plagiogranite and foliated granite, the porphrytic Sai granite has comparatively lower SiO2 moderately higher Na2O, extremely high Y, Zr, Nb and elevated REE. The geochemical features of the granitoids [HFSE depletion and LILE enrichment, Nb- and Ta-negative anomalies], and their plots in the fields of Volcanic Arc Granites and those from active continental margins in tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest widespread Neoproterozoic arc magmatism with changing magma chemistry in a protracted subduction realm. Our results offer important insights into a long-lived active continental margin in NW India during early and mid Neoproterozoic, consistent with recent similar observations on Cryogenian magmatic arcs widely distributed along the margins of the East African Orogen, and challenge some of the alternate models which link the magmatism to extensional tectonics associated with Rodinia supercontinent breakup.  相似文献   

Detrital zircons from the Ordovician and Devonian sedimentary cover of the Siberian Craton were analyzed for U/Pb geochronology to understand their sediment provenances. Five main age-peaks were identified in the zircon U/Pb age-spectra: (1) Neoarchaean – early Palaeoproterozoic (2.7–2.4 Ga); (2) late Palaeoproterozoic (2.0–1.65 Ga); (3) minor early Neoproterozoic (1.0–0.75 Ga); (4) Ediacaran (0.65–0.60 Ga) and (5) Cambrian – Early Ordovician (0.54–0.47 Ga), reflecting the main magmatic events in the sediment source regions. The oldest zircons (groups 1 and 2) are derived from the Siberian Craton which amalgamated during the Neoarchean – Palaeoproterozoic. The Neoproterozoic zircons (groups 3 and 4) likely sourced from southwestern basement uplifts and Neoproterozoic belts of the Siberian margin such as the Yenisey Ridge and Baikal-Muya region. The provenance of the youngest zircons (group 5) can be traced to the Altai–Sayan fold-belt, where peri-Gondwanan microcontinents and island-arcs accreted to Siberia during late Neoproterozoic – early Palaeozoic progressive consumption of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean.  相似文献   

Granitoid plutons are often difficult to radiometrically date precisely due to the possible effects of protracted and complex magmatic evolution, crustal inheritance, and/or partial re-setting of radiogenic clocks. However, apart from natural/geological issues, methodological and analytical problems may also contribute to blurring geochronological data. This may be exemplified by the Variscan Karkonosze Pluton (SW Poland). High-precision chemical abrasion (CA) ID-TIMS zircon data indicate that the two main rock types, porphyritic and equigranular, of this igneous body were both emplaced at ca. 312 Ma, while field evidence points to a younger age for the latter. This is in contrast to the earlier reported SIMS (SHRIMP) zircon dates that scattered mainly between ca. 322 and 302 Ma. In an attempt to overcome this dispersion, at least in part caused by radiogenic lead loss, the CA technique was used before SHRIMP analysis. The 206Pb/238U age obtained in this way from a sample of porphyritic granite is 322 ± 3 Ma, ~16 Ma older than the untreated zircons; another porphyritic sample yielded a mean age of 319 ± 3 Ma, and the mean age was 318 ± 4 Ma for an equigranular granite sample – all three somewhat older than the age obtained by ID-TIMS. Older SIMS dates of ca. 318–322 Ma might indicate either faint inheritance or that zircon domains crystallized during earlier stages of Karkonosze igneous evolution. The ID-TIMS results have been used to re-assess the whole-rock Rb–Sr data. Excluding a porphyritic granite with excess radiogenic 87Sr, it appears that isotopic homogeneity was achieved for most samples during the 312 Ma event, as shown by a pooled 21-point isochron with an age of 311 ± 3 Ma and an initial 86Sr/86Sr of 0.7067 ± 4. Local crustal contamination by stopping of metapelitic material might account for the more radiogenic Sr isotope signature observed in biotite-rich schlieren. A critical re-evaluation of all available SHRIMP data using the ID-TIMS age of 312 Ma as a benchmark suggests that the observed scatter may be partly attributed to analytical and methodological problems, in particular failing to distinguish subtly discordant spots from truly concordant ones, which is a serious limitation of the microbeam analytical approach. Other likely pitfalls contributing to geochronological scatter are identified in the published Re–Os ages on molybdenite and the 40Ar/39Ar data on micas. A scenario postulating a 15–20 milliion year evolution of the Karkonosze Pluton cannot be established on the basis of available geochronological data, which rather supports a brief igneous event, although a more protracted pre-emplacement evolution is possible. A short timescale for crystallization of large igneous bodies, as suggested by the ID-TIMS data from the Karkonosze Granite, is in line with models of transport of granitic magmas through dikes to form large plutons.  相似文献   

Two island arcs of different ages have been reconstructed in the Neoproterozoic history of southeastern East Sayan: Dunzhugur and Shishkhid. According to earlier concepts, the Dunzhugur arc formed at ~1020 Ma and underwent collision with the Siberian(?) continent at ~810 Ma. The Shishkhid arc formed somewhat earlier than 800 Ma and existed till the end of the Late Baikalian (~600 Ma, from indirect data). This primitive geologic history, when each arc existed for 200 Myr, was suggested because of the deficit of direct data, and its reconstruction cast doubt. In this work we present results of preliminary dating of detrital zircons separated from the volcaniclastic rocks composing the above arcs. We analyzed 12 zircon crystals from the Dunzhugur volcanic clastics, whose 206Pb/238U age varies from 844 ± 8 to 1048 ± 12 Ma (1σ). Five most ancient zircons form a concordant cluster with an age of 1034 ± 9 Ma (2σ). Hence, the arc formed earlier than it was assumed and existed for a long time, most likely, till its collision with the continent. We also studied two zircon samples from the volcaniclastic rocks of the Oka accretionary prism, which probably formed in the Shishkhid arc. All ten crystals of the first sample form a concordant cluster with an age of 813 ± 7 Ma (2σ). The analyzed zircons of the second sample arrange in two clusters, with an age of 775 ± 8 Ma (2σ, nine crystals) and 819 ± 17 Ma (three crystals). Thus, the Shishkhid arc formed earlier than it was assumed, at the end of the Early Baikalian, and underwent active volcanism at least till 775 Ma. Dating of detrital zircons from the volcaniclastics generated at the mature stage of the Shishkhid-arc evolution will help to reconstruct partly or completely its history in the period 775–600 Ma.  相似文献   

U–Pb LA ICP–MS dating of zircon from rocks of the Nekrasov gabbro–granitoid complex within the eastern margin of the Middle Urals was performed. The average U–Pb age calculated from three concordant measurements (326 ± 8 Ma) shows that their intrusion occurred at the Serpukhov Stage of the Early Carboniferous. According to the ideas on periodization of magmatic processes within the eastern sector of the Middle Urals, the formation of this complex corresponds to the final episodes of the continental marginal (supersubduction) magmatism.  相似文献   

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