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The paper reports the results of a survey of Galactic star-forming regions in the methanol lines 8?1–70 E at 229.8 GHz, 3?2–4?1 E at 230.0 GHz, 00–1?1 E at 108.9 GHz, and a series of J 1J 0 E lines near 165 GHz. In addition to the methanol lines, lines of methyl cyanide (CH3CN), cyanoacetylene (HC3N), methyl formate (HCOOCH3), and sulphur dioxide (SO2) were detected. Analysis of the data indicates that the methanol emission arises in warm (30–50 K) gas.  相似文献   

An original method for determining the main parameters of the radio emission of pulsar subpulses at decameter wavelengths is proposed. The method involves the combined use of spectral and correlation analyses for the recorded signals. The novelty of the method is connected with two conditions that must be fulfilled to determine all the characteristics of the subpulse decameter emission. First, the signal-to-noise ratio in the output data must be increased, which can be done only by accumulating more data. Second, the phase characteristics of the subpulse component in the main pulse window must be preserved during the accumulation process. The method proposed makes it possible to fulfill these conditions simultaneously. A reference transfer function obtained from a spectral analysis of data with a relatively high number of individual detected pulses is used in the correlation analysis. The method is used to determine the drift rate, subpulse component width, individual subpulse width, secondary periods P 2 and P 3, and the subpulse structure coherence timescale recorded for the pulsar PSR B0809+74 at the central frequency 23.7 MHz. Perspectives for future application of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of the structure of the radio galaxy 3C338 at decameter wavelengths obtained using the URAN-1 and URAN-2 radio interferometers are presented. The structure of this object at these wavelengths differs appreciably from images obtained at higher frequencies. The most probable simple models for the radio brightness distributions at 25 and 20 MHz are determined: two extended components with sizes from 40″ to 50″ whose centers are separated by 90″–100″ in position angle about 100°, and a single compact component 9″×4″ in size, whose flux density does not exceed 10% of the total flux density of the radio galaxy.  相似文献   

An analysis of the angular structure of the radio galaxy 3C 234 at decameter wavelengths based on data obtained on the URAN-1 and URAN-2 interferometers is presented. Four of the five model components that describe the radio-brightness distribution at centimeter wavelengths are observed at decameter wavelengths: two compact components and two neighboring extended components. The fifth, undetected, component is the most extended, and encompasses the central region of the radio source, including the nucleus of the galaxy. Self-absorption is detected in the compact components, whose angular sizes are determined to be 0.27±0.03″ (northeast component) and 0.55±0.05″ (southwest component), in agreement with direct measurements at centimeter wavelengths. Most of the decameter emission of the radio galaxy is associated with its extended components.  相似文献   

A search for a relationship between class I and class II methanol maser flux densities has been carried out. A large sample of mixed-type sources has been studied, with each source in the sample radiating as a class I and class II maser simultaneously. In methanol maser groups for which the positions of prominent spectral features at different radial velocities coincide at different frequencies, the fluxes are anticorrelated, and are related as log S 6.7+12.2 = (?1.68 ± 0.38) × log S 44 + (4.01 ± 0.60). For group I, which includes sources with preferred pumping for masers emitting at 6.7 GHz, the relationship between the 6.7 GHz masers and 44 GHz masers is less steep than for group II, which contains sources with normal pumping of class II masers. This implies that class I methanol masers that correspond to group I are suppressed more strongly.  相似文献   

Results of long-term (2002–2010) monitoring of giant radio pulses of the pulsar PSR B0531+21 in the Crab Nebula at ν = 44, 63, and 111 MHz are reported. The observations were conducted on the LPA and DKR-1000 radio telescopes of the Lebedev Physical Institute. The giant pulses were analyzed using specialized software for calculating the magnitude of the scattering τ sc , signal-to-noise ratio, and other required parameters by modeling the propagation of a pulse in the scattering interstellar medium. Three pronounced sharp increases in the scattering were recorded in 2002–2010. Analysis of the dependence between the variations of the scattering and dispersion measure (data of Jodrell Bank Observatory) shows a strong correlation at all frequencies, ≈0.9. During periods of anomalous increase in scattering and the dispersion measure, the index γ in the frequency dependence of the scattering in the Crab Nebula, τ sc (ν) ∝ ν γ , was smaller than the generally accepted values γ = 4.0 for a Gaussian and γ = 4.4 for a Kolmogorov distribution. This difference in combination with the piece-wise power-law spectrum may be due to the presence of a dense plasma structure with developed Langmuir turbulence in the nebula, along the pulsar’s line of sight. The magnetic field in the Crab Nebula estimated from measurements of the rotation measure toward the pulsar is 100 μG.  相似文献   

Radio flux measurements of the Crab nebula have been performed over many years relative to Orion A at 927 MHz and relative to Cygnus A and Virgo A at 151.5 MHz. The inferred average secular rates of decrease in the radio flux of the Crab nebula are d 927 MHz = ?0.18 ± 0.10% yr?1 over 1977–2000 and d 151.5 MHz = ?0.3 ± 0.1% yr?1 over 1980–2003. The weighted mean flux-decrease rate averaged over several years of relative measurements at 86, 151.5, 927, and 8000 MHz is d mw = ?0.17 ± 0.02% yr?1. The secular flux decrease is frequency independent, with an upper limit of |dα/dt| < 3 × 10?4 yr?1 for the absolute value of the rate of change of the spectral index, and remains constant in time when averaged over long time intervals. The results of our measurements at 151.5 and 927 MHz combined with published absolute measurements at 81.5 and 8250 MHz are used to determine the radio spectrum of the Crab nebula for epoch 2010.0.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the radial scales, central surface brightnesses, and colors of 400 disks of various types of galaxies. For nine galaxies, the brightness decrease and the central disk brightness were obtained via a two-dimensional decomposition of the U BV RI J H K photometric images into bulge and disk components. We used published disk parameters for 392 of the galaxies. The central surface brightness μ 0,i 0 and linear (disk) scale length h vary smoothly along the Hubble sequence of galaxies within a rather narrow interval. The disks of relatively early-type galaxies display higher central K surface brightnesses, higher central surface densities, higher central mass-to-luminosity ratios M/L(B), smaller sizes (relative to the diameter of the galaxy D 25), redder integrated colors, and redder central colors. The color gradient normalized to the radius of the galaxy and the “blue” central surface brightness of the disk, μ 0,i/0(B), are both independent of the galaxy type. The radial disk scales in different photometric bands differ less in early-type than in late-type galaxies. A correlation between the central disk surface brightness and the total luminosity of the galaxy is observed. We also consider the influence of dust on the photometric parameters of the disks.  相似文献   

We describe and compare methods for reducing radio circular-polarization data for Active Galactic Nuclei on parsec (VLBI) scales, and present results derived by applying these methods to 15 GHz observations of 29 AGN obtained on the Very Long Baseline Array. Circular polarization was detected in six of these objects, with characteristic degrees of several tenths of a percent. According to results obtained in other studies and the new results presented here, the most probable mechanism for the formation of the circular polarization is Faraday conversion of linear polarization when the radio emission passes through a magnetized plasma. For the objects OJ 287, 1334-127, and 3C 279, which were observed at several epochs, we find a constant degree and sign of the circular polarization on time scales of several years, testifying to the presence of stable ordered magnetic fields in the corresponding regions.  相似文献   

The pulse structure of the pulsar B1822-09 has been studied at 112, 62, and 42 MHz. The observations were conducted in 2010 on the Large Scanning Antenna and the DKR-1000 radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. The shape of the main pulse and interpulse undergo considerable changes at low radio frequencies. In the main pulse, the precursor disappears and is replaced by a new component that trails 50 ms behind the main component. At 62 MHz, the interpulse acquires a pronounced two-peaked shape. At 62 and 112 MHz, as well as at higher frequencies, the brighter second component of the interpulse follows the main pulse at 185° and has a relative amplitude of about 5%. The main pulse width changes with frequency according to the power law W 0.5ν −0.15 in the frequency range 42–4750-MHz. The interpulse width follows this law only in the range 325–4750 MHz; at 112, 102, and 62 MHz, the interpulse is almost a factor of three broader than themain pulse. The parameters of the pulse’s scattering on interstellar plasma inhomogeneities and the initial pulse width before it enters the scattering medium have been measured at 62 and 42 MHz. The frequency dependence of the characteristic scale for scattering of the pulses of B1822-09 corresponds to a Kolmogorov spectrum for the electron-density fluctuations in the interstellar medium in the direction toward this pulsar.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of sunspot oscillations and related radio sources in the active regions AR 8949, AR 8951, and AR 8953 is carried out using SOHO MDI data and simultaneous observations with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph, with a one-minute time resolution on scales of tens to hundreds of minutes. The radio sources in the selected active regions are ~40 000–60 000 km away from the corresponding spots, with the periods of long-term oscillations of the radio sources being ~12% longer.  相似文献   

Preliminary resuts of interferometric observations of 4C 21.53 and PSR 1937+214 at 25 and 20 MHz are presented. The observations were obtained using the URAN-1 and URAN-2 interferometers, with baselines of 42.4 and 152.3 km. In addition to the pulsar radiation, which provides about 70% of the total flux of the object, radio emission from extended components with dimensions of several tens arcseconds has been detected for the first time. The angular size of the pulsar is 3″ at 25 MHz and 4″.8 at 20 MHz. The pulsar’s low-frequency spectrum deviates appreciably from the power law derived at higher frequencies.  相似文献   

We consider the influence of a non-dipolar magnetic field on the gamma-ray emission from the polar regions of a radio pulsar. The pulsar is treated in a Goldreich-Julian model with a free flow of charge from the surface of the neutron star. When finding the intensity of the gamma-ray radiation of the pulsar tube, both curvature gamma-ray radiation from the primary electrons and non-resonance inverse Compton scattering of thermal photons from the polar cap on primary electrons are taken into account. When finding the height of the upper plate of the pulsar diode, we included only positrons created by the curvature radiation of primary electrons. We assumed that the polar cap is heated by the return positron current. The influence on the gamma-ray emission of variations in both the radius of curvature of the magnetic force lines and in the electric field due to the non-dipolarity of the magnetic field were taken into account. The presence of even weak non-dipolarity of the magnetic field leads to a sharp decrease in the intensity of the gamma-ray emission from the pulsar tube at energies 1–100 MeV, while the intensity of the inverse Compton radiation (at energies 1–100 GeV) varies only relatively weakly.  相似文献   

Average profiles for 180, mostly faint, pulsars at 102 and 111 MHz are presented. Pulse shapes have been obtained for the first time for most of the faint pulsars (about 50% of the total sample). A comparison with high-frequency data (mostly at 234, 408, 610, 925, and 1408 MHz) demonstrates appreciable changes in the profile width and shape with frequency. For most pulsars, the number of components is preserved, but the intensities of individual components can change. As a rule, the profile width increases with decreasing frequency. The possible generation of emission at the cyclotron frequencies is considered.  相似文献   

Data on thermal radio emission and absorption in and near the directions towards supernova remnants are used to estimate the distribution of ionized gas surrounding remnants of type II supernovae. The amount of absorption and emission toward the supernova remnants are determined by two types of HII regions. The first are extended HII regions around the supernova remnants (Strömgren spheres), while the second are more compact and bright HII regions surrounding early-type stars. In the early stages of evolution of the supernova remnants (1000–3000 yrs), the amount of thermal absorption and emission is minimum, apparently indicating that only the supernova Strömgren zones contribute in these stages, while there is an absence of absorption or emission from the compact HII regions. Possible mechanisms for this scenario are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of the nebula S3 associated with the WO star in the galaxy IC 1613 and of an extended region surrounding S3 are reported. The star and bright core of the nebula were observed with a multipupil fiber spectrograph mounted on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Images in the principle spectral lines and integrated spectra of the star and three compact clumps were obtained, and the radial-velocity field constructed. An extended region of the galaxy was observed with the Very Large Array at 21 cm. A giant ring or H I shell enclosing a large fraction of the stellar population in IC 1613 was discovered. The WO star and associated bipolar nebula, which we discovered earlier, lie at the inner edge of the H I ring. A local H I deficiency and two arclike H I ridges were also detected for the first time and probably represent the neutral component of the bipolar shell surrounding the WO star. The two arclike ridges may also have been produced by the collective stellar wind (and supernova explosions?) in OB association No. 9 from the list of Hodge. A scenario for the formation of the extended bipolar feature is discussed, based on the new data.  相似文献   

We present the results of monitoring of the integrated fluxes of variable extragalactic sources at 4.8 and 8.6 GHz at the Svetloe Radio Astronomy Observatory (Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences) from 1999 up to the present. More than 1000 observations of 36 sources have been carried out over this monitoring interval. We describe some of the most interesting flares detected in a number of sources, including the well-known objects 0851+202, 3C 345, and BL Lac. Even observations of variability at two frequencies can be very useful for planning astrophysical and astrometric observations. We briefly discuss the possibility of enhancing the effectiveness of the monitoring by expanding the range of frequencies to 22 GHz and adding polarization observations.  相似文献   

A wavelet analysis of the flare-intensity variations has been carried out for a solar flare observed with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph at 17 and 34 GHz and the spectrometer of Purple Mountain Observatory at 4.5–7.5 GHz. The signals contain a well-pronounced periodicity with a period of P = 14–17 s and stable, coherent behavior at frequencies higher and lower than the peak frequency. We simulated the modulation of the gyrosynchrotron emission by fast sausage magnetoacoustic oscillations for the cases of low and high plasma density in the radio source. The synchronism of the pulsations at high and low frequencies can be realized only in the case of high plasma density, when the low-frequency turnover of the microwave spectrum is due to the Razin effect, not self-absorption. Published in Russian in Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2007, Vol. 84, No. 7, pp. 655–664. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

The physical conditions in the radio sources CTA 21 and OF+247 are studied assuming that the low-frequency spectral turnovers are due to synchrotron self-absorption. The physical parameters of the radio sources are estimated using a technique based on a nonuniform synchrotron source model. It is shown that the magnetic-field distributions in the dominant compact components of these radio sources are strongly inhomogeneous. The magnetic fields at the center of the sources are B ~ 10?1 G, and the fields are two to three orders of magnitude weaker at the periphery. The magnetic field averaged over the compact component is B ~ 10?3 G, and the density of relativistic electrons is n e ~ 10?3 cm?3. Assuming that there is equipartition of the energies of the magnetic field and relativistic particles, averaged over the source, 〈E H 〉 = 〈E e 〉 ~ 10?7–10?6 erg cm?3. The energy density of the magnetic field exceeds that of the relativistic electrons at the centers of the radio sources. The derived parameters of CTA 21 and OF+247 are close to those of the hot spots in the radio galaxy Cygnus A. On this basis, it is suggested that CTA 21 and OF+247 are radio galaxies at an early stage of their evolution, when the hot spots (dominant compact radio components) have appeared, and the radio lobes (weak extended components) are still being formed.  相似文献   

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