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A paleomagnetic, rock-magnetic and paleointensity study has been carried out on 14 basaltic lava flows from two Pliocene (K–Ar age between 3.09 ± 0.10 Ma and 4.00 ± 0.15 Ma) sequences (Apnia and Korxi) from the eastern Djhavakheti Highland in southern Georgia (Caucasus).Measurement of strong-field magnetisation versus temperature curves yielded three types of thermomagnetic curves: (i) Reversible curves with magnetite as only remanence carrier (type H); (ii) irreversible curves with magnetite as only carrier of remanence (type H) and (iii) irreversible curves showing a low Curie-temperature phase and magnetite (type L). Analysis of hysteresis curves showed that samples were characterised by a mixture of single-domain and multi-domain grains.Paleomagnetic experiments allowed determining characteristic components for all flows and normal polarities (6 flows), reversed polarities (7 flows) and intermediate polarities (1 flow) were observed.. Paleomagnetic poles were calculated using only those sites unequivocally showing normal or reversed polarities. The paleomagnetic pole obtained from flows of both combined sequences (latitude λ = 77.9°N, longitude ϕ = 152.1°E, n = 13, A95 = 11.8°, k = 13.4) showed a good agreement with the 5 Ma window of the European synthetic apparent polar wander path of Besse and Courtillot (2002). The paleomagnetic direction of the combined Apnia-Korxi flows agrees well with the expected one, showing no significant tectonic rotation. The latter cannot be however, completely excluded in the Korxi section. In that section, analysis of the angular dispersion of virtual geomagnetic poles yields a much higher value than expected.Paleointensity experiments using the Coe method were performed on 31 specimens from 10 flows. After application of specific selection criteria, 19 samples from 8 flows were observed to provide successful determinations, with mean flow values showing a wide scatter. If only flows with more than one successful paleointensity determination are taken into account, virtual dipole moments (VDMs) vary between 3.5 × 1022 A m2 and 8.3 × 1022 A m2. In intermediate polarity site AP2 no weak transitional paleostrength values were observed.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes paleomagnetic results obtained from the Neoproterozoic rocks of the western margin of the Siberian craton. On the basis of the obtained paleomagnetic poles and available paleomagnetic data for the Precambrian of Siberia, a new version of the Neoproterozoic segment of the apparent polar wandering path (APWP) is proposed for the craton and is compared with the Laurentian APWP. The superposition of these paths suggests that in the Neoproterozoic the southern margin of the Siberian craton (in modern coordinates) faced the Canadian margin of Laurentia. Most likely, in the end of the Mesoproterozoic and during the Neoproterozoic the Siberian craton and Laurentia were connected to form the supercontinent Rodinia. At 1 Ga the western margin of the Siberian craton was a northern (in modern coordinates) continuation of the western margin of Laurentia. The available paleomagnetic data on Laurentia and continental blocks of Eastern Gondwana (Australia, Antarctica, India, South China) and the proposed APWP trend allowed a new model for the breakup of this segment of Rodinia. Analysis of a total of the data available suggests that strike-slip movements on the background of the progressive opening of the oceanic basin between Siberia and Laurentia were predominant in the south of the Siberian craton during the Neoproterozoic. Similar kinematics is typical of the western margin of Laurentia, where strike-slip motions are probably associated with the progressive opening of the ocean basin between Laurentia and eastern Gondwana.  相似文献   

The motion of Adria, the largest lithospheric fragment in the Central Mediterranean region, has played an important role in the tectonic development of the surrounding mountain chains and even of distant areas, like the Eastern Alps or the Pannonian basin. The available paleomagnetic data were insufficient to constrain this motion, except in a general way. In this paper, new paleomagnetic results are presented from one of the stable parts of Adria which emerge from the Adriatic Sea. The results were obtained on weakly magnetic platform carbonates of the mud-supported type, collected from 21 geographically distributed localities.The results, combined with mean paleomagnetic directions from selected localities from a pioneer study in Istria that were chosen using statistical criteria, were divided into three age groups (Tithonian–Aptian, Albian–Cenomanian, Turonian–Coniacian). The paleomagnetic poles calculated for each of them (Tithonian–Aptian): λ(N) = 47°, (E) = 275°, k = 67, α95 = 9.4°, N = 5; Albian-Cenomanian: λ(N) = 58°, (E) = 253°, k = 145, α95 = 4.3°, N = 9; Turonian–Coniacian: λ(N) = 63°, (E) = 261°, k = 50, α95 = 7.3°, N = 9) reveal a moderate shift during the Cretataceous, which is comparable with that calculated from the African reference poles. However, the Istrian apparent polar wander path is slightly displaced from the African curve, as a consequence of about 10° counterclockwise rotation of Istria, with respect to Africa. This rotation angle is more that 10° smaller than the difference measured for the Mid-Late Eocene between the paleomagnetic direction of platform carbonates from Istria and the African reference direction. This difference may be the consequence of a small clockwise rotation of Istria, with respect to Africa, most probably at the end of Cretaceous.  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原北部阿尔金断裂东缘早白垩世-第三纪红层与玄武岩38个采点的系统古地磁测定,获得了研究区早白垩世-第三纪高温特征剩磁分量。结果表明,昌马乡早白垩世红层与玄武岩剖面层面坐标下高温特征剩磁平均方向(Ds=32.8°,Is=59.4°,κs=36.2,α95=8.1°)和北大窖早白垩世玄武岩剖面层面坐标下高温特征剩磁平均方向(Ds=335.4°,Is=55.1°,κs=34,α95=9.6°)均通过了褶皱检验,可能代表岩石形成时的原生剩磁。旱峡地区早白垩世地层层面坐标下高温特征剩磁平均方向(Ds=26.1°,Is=49.5°,κs=28.6,α95=7.3°)和红柳峡早第三纪地层层面坐标下高温特征剩磁平均方向(Ds=355.4°,Is=48.3°,κs=135.8,α95=7.9°),这两组高温特征剩磁方向在地理坐标下均远离现代地磁场方向,且具有正、反双极性特征,说明其也可能代表了岩石形成时的原生剩磁方向。结合已有阿尔金断裂及周边早白垩世-第三纪古地磁结果,提出柴达木块体在新生代印度/欧亚大陆碰撞挤压下并没有发生明显的整体顺时针旋转作用,青藏高原东北地区的块体旋转作用是阿尔金断裂左旋走滑作用在青藏高原东北缘转换的重要表现形式。  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive paleomagnetic study on Paleoproterozoic (2173–2060 Ma) plutonic and metamorphic rocks from French Guiana, representative of the full range of the main Transamazonian tectonothermal steps. Twenty-seven groups of directions and poles were obtained from combination of 102 sites (613 samples) based on age constraint, similar lithology and/or geographical proximity. Paleomagnetic results show variations between rocks of different ages which are supposed to be characteristic of magnetizations acquired during uplift and cooling of successive plutonic pulses and metamorphic phases. This is also reinforced by positive field tests (baked contact and reversal tests). Recent U/Pb and Pb/Pb on zircon and complementary 40Ar/39Ar on amphibole and biotite allow questioning the problem of magnetic ages relative to rock formation ages. Estimated magnetic ages, based on amphibole dating as a proxy, enable us to construct a Guiana Shield apparent polar wander path for the 2155–1970 Ma period. It is also possible to present paleolatidudinal evolution and continental drift rates related to specific Transamazonian tectonic regimes.French Guiana and probably the Guiana Shield were located at the Equator from ca. 2155 to 2130 Ma during the Meso-Rhyacian D1 magmatic accretion phase, related to subduction of Eorhyacian oceanic crust. After closure of the Eorhyacian Ocean and collision of West African and Amazonian plates, the Guiana Shield moved. The first evolution towards 60° latitude, occurs after 2080 Ma, during the Neorhyacian D2a post collisional sinistral transcurrent phase. During the Late Rhyacian D2b phase, up to 2050 Ma, the Guiana Shield reaches the pole and starts to move to lower latitudes on an opposite meridian. By the Orosirian D2c phase, from ca. 2050 to 1970 Ma, the Guiana Shield reaches the Equator.Based on the amphibole 40Ar/39Ar dates, we estimate the continental drift between 12 and 16 cm/y for the Meso to Late Rhyacian period followed by a lower rate between 9 and 14 cm/y up to Orosirian time. This study highlights rock ages and magnetic ages are prerequisite to any continental reconstruction especially when it is shown continental drift is important for a 100–200 Ma time period. Our results confirm the possibility of APWP construction on Paleoproterozoic plutonic rocks but suggest improvement will rely on the combination with multidisciplinary approaches such as structural geology and multi-method radiometric dating.  相似文献   

The 12 to 13 July 2003 andesite lava dome collapse at the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, provides the first opportunity to document comprehensively both the sub‐aerial and submarine sequence of events for an eruption. Numerous pyroclastic flows entered the ocean during the collapse, depositing approximately 90% of the total material into the submarine environment. During peak collapse conditions, as the main flow penetrated the air–ocean interface, phreatic explosions were observed and a surge cloud decoupled from the main flow body to travel 2 to 3 km over the ocean surface before settling. The bulk of the flow was submerged and rapidly mixed with sea water forming a water‐saturated mass flow. Efficient sorting and physical differentiation occurred within the flow before initial deposition at 500 m water depth. The coarsest components (~60% of the total volume) were deposited proximally from a dense granular flow, while the finer components (~40%) were efficiently elutriated into the overlying part of the flow, which evolved into a far‐reaching turbidity current.  相似文献   

We present a detailed magnetostratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic profile through the Riphean (Tonian) Katav Formation in the southern Urals. The study confirms the primary nature of the magnetization in these rocks. The cyclostratigraphic study identified several orbital periods including the 405 ka long eccentricity. This allows us to quantify the reversal frequency in the Katav and our estimates range of 7–12 reversals per million years. Based on our study, we identify an interval of magnetic field reversal hyperactivity in the Neoproterozoic interval. Age estimates for the Katav are contentious and range somewhere between 800 Ma and 900 Ma based on carbonate Pb-Pb ages and stable isotope correlations. The paleomagnetic poles obtained in this study of the Katav (and overlying Inzer) Formation do not fit anywhere on the Baltica apparent polar wander path between 1100 Ma and 900 Ma. Furthermore, they lie 90° away from the 900 Ma segment of the path. We tentatively estimate their age to be closer to 800 Ma and perhaps confirm a previously hypothesized pulse of rapid true polar wander between 825 Ma and 790 Ma.  相似文献   

We examine the development of the Yanjinggou anticline, a fault-propagation-fold in the southern Longmen Shan, through an integrated study of structural geometry, strain, and paleomagnetism. The 3-D structural and strain restoration models generated in our analysis reveal that the NE-trending Yanjinggou fold has a curved map trace that is convex to the southeast. The fold has three distinct regions characterized by different strain patterns: contraction in the core of the fold, extension in the outer arc, and a forelimb with distributed shear. To further understand the kinematics of the Yanjinggou anticline, we performed paleomagnetic analysis on 184 oriented samples collected across the structure. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements and stepwise thermal demagnetization were conducted. A strike test was applied to the high temperature component (HTC) in order to identify rotation around the arc. The result indicates that the Yanjinggou anticline is a progressive arc, with a minor initial curvature and a dominant secondary curvature related to vertical-axis rotation synchronous with thrusting. The primary curvature and initial development of the structure correlates with the growth of the southern Longmen Shan in Late Miocene. The secondary curvature correlates with displacement extending since Late Pleistocene toward the southeast into the central basin along the detachments that underlie the structure. Lateral gradients in displacement along this underlying detachment provide a mechanism for producing the vertical rotation of the anticline. AMS results and historical earthquake analysis imply that the fault-propagation fold, along with other NE trending structures in the southern Sichuan basin, are tectonically active and accommodate east-west crustal shortening in the basin. By integrating 3-D structural and strain restoration modeling with systematic AMS and paleomagnetic methods using statistical analysis, we closely constrain how the Yanjinggou anticline developed, and provide insights into the formation of fault-related folds with curved shapes in map view, which are common in other fold-and-thrust belts around the world.  相似文献   

Within a large collection of lavas from the Roccamonfina volcano are rocks which represent the most mafic samples yet recorded from Roccamonfina and which are amongst the least differentiated lavas found in the Roman co-magmatic region as a whole. These rocks extend both high-K and low-K series to more primitive values. However, petrographic and geochemical considerations rule out a primary origin, and even these mafic samples appear to record the effects of repeated episodes of fractional crystallization and hybridization. Relatively potassic samples from the low-K series are apparently transitional between low-K and high-K series, as previously delineated. However, these intermediate-K samples are not transitional in their Sr isotopic composition, suggesting that there is no continuum between low-K and high-K magma source regions. Rather, the compositional range within the low-K series appears predominantly to reflect variation in the degree of melting of a common mantle source. Analysis of the low-K series data, using an inverse method suggests a source containing amphibole and garnet, and indicates that these phases were consumed during the melting processes responsible for the low-K series magmas. The role of amphibole is further indicated by the association of low K2O with elevated Rb concentration and, for example, higher Ce/Yb. Such variations are taken to reflect the consumption of high K/Rb amphibole during the initial phase of partial melting.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean (MOO) has significantly affected the configuration of the modern Asian continent. Although a scissor-like closure of the MOO has long been proposed, when and how the MOO closed are still hotly debated, especially the timing of initial closure of the MOO in its western segment, hindering our understanding of both the evolution of the MOO and tectonics of the northern Asian continent. In order to uncover the timing of initial closure of the MOO, we performed a multidisciplinary study in sedimentology, detrital zircon U-Pb dating and paleomagnetic on the Late Triassic clastic strata from the Tarvagatay Block and the Amuria Block (AMB) on the both sides of the Mongol-Okhotsk Suture. The upper Triassic strata on both sides of the suture were dominated by plant fossil-bearing alluvial-fluvial facies sediments, which unconformably overlain pre-Triassic geological units, indicating a terrestrial setting after the closure of the MOO. Detrital zircon U-Pb dating results revealed consistent age distribution patterns for samples from both sides of the suture with a predominant peak at ∼253–251 Ma and a secondary peak at ∼359–357 Ma, representing two main arc magmatic events during the bidirectional subduction of the MOO in the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous and Late Permian-Early Triassic. Coeval Late Triassic paleomagnetic poles were obtained from the northern AMB and Tarvagatay Block, revealing a comparable paleolatitude of the AMB (∼31–33°) and Tarvagatay Block (∼32–34°) in the Late Triassic, arguing for that the western segment of the MOO should have closed at the Late Triassic. The compilation of sedimentology, detrital zircon U-Pb dating, magmatic and paleomagnetic evidence provides integrated constraints on the Late Triassic initial closure of the MOO in its western segment.  相似文献   

Em Mrton  Lszl Fodor 《Tectonophysics》2003,363(3-4):201-224
We carried out an integrated paleomagnetic and structural study in the Transdanubian Range, western and central Hungary. As a result, the Tertiary tectonic history of this area can be characterized by three events of counterclockwise (CCW) rotation and four or five phases of brittle deformation. The change of the orientation of stress axes between phases is mainly apparent and reflects the rotation of the faults predating a particular rotation event. The first two rotation events (R1 and R2) were probably governed by the rollback mechanism of the subducting European plate. We suggest that these rotations were taking place from 18–17 and 16–14.5 Ma, respectively, i.e. simultaneously with the rotations of the North Hungarian Paleogene Basin and the main part of the Western Carpathians. However, the angle of both rotations was less in the Transdanubian Range due to increasing distance from the subduction front. The differential rotation was accommodated by extensional faulting by formation of a graben system. On the other hand, the youngest rotation event R3 seems to be connected to the renewed rotation of the Adriatic plate around 5 Ma. Our combined data set strongly supports earlier conclusions, namely, that the different subunits of the Eastern Alpine–Western Carpathian–Northern Pannonian unit (Alcapa) did not form a rigid unit, although they moved in similar manner.  相似文献   

The Kapuskasing Structural Zone (KSZ) reveals a section through the Archean lower crustal granoblastic gneisses. Our new paleomagnetic data largely agree with previous work but we show that interpretations vary according to the choices of statistical, demagnetization and field-correction techniques. First, where the orientation distribution of characteristic remanence directions on the sphere is not symmetrically circular, the commonly used statistical model is invalid [Fisher, R.A., Proc. R. Soc. A217 (1953) 295]. Any tendency to form an elliptical distribution indicates that the sample is drawn from a Bingham-type population [Bingham, C., 1964. Distributions on the sphere and on the projective plane. PhD thesis, Yale University]. Fisher and Bingham statistics produce different confidence estimates from the same data and the traditionally defined mean vector may differ from the maximum eigenvector of an orthorhombic Bingham distribution. It seems prudent to apply both models wherever a non-Fisher population is suspected and that may be appropriate in any tectonized rocks. Non-Fisher populations require larger sample sizes so that focussing on individual sites may not be the most effective policy in tectonized rocks. More dispersed sampling across tectonic structures may be more productive. Second, from the same specimens, mean vectors isolated by thermal and alternating field (AF) demagnetization differ. Which treatment gives more meaningful results is difficult to decipher, especially in metamorphic rocks where the history of the magnetic minerals is not easily related to the ages of tectonic and petrological events. In this study, thermal demagnetization gave lower inclinations for paleomagnetic vectors and thus more distant paleopoles. Third, of more parochial significance, tilt corrections may be unnecessary in the KSZ because magnetic fabrics and thrust ramp are constant in orientation to the depth at which they level off, at approximately 15-km depth. With Archean geothermal gradients, primary remanences were blocked after the foliation was tilted to rise on the thrust ramp. Therefore, the rocks were probably magnetized in their present orientation; tilting largely or entirely predates magnetization.  相似文献   

New structural, geochronological and paleomagnetic data were obtained on dolerite dikes of the Nola region (Central African Republic) at the northern border of the Congo craton. In this region, metavolcanic successions were thrust southward onto the craton during the Panafrican orogenic events. Our structural data reveal at least two structural klippes south of the present-day limits of the Panafrican nappe suggesting that it has once covered the whole Nola region, promoting the pervasive hydrothermal greenschist metamorphism observed in the underlying cratonic basement and also in the intrusive dolerite dikes. Paleomagnetic measurements revealed a stable dual-polarity low-inclination magnetization component in nine dikes (47 samples), carried by pyrrhotite and magnetite. This component corresponds to a paleopole at 304.8°E and 61.8°S (dp = 5.4, dm = 10.7) graded at Q = 6. Both metamorphism and magnetic resetting were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method on amphibole grains separated from the dikes at 571 ± 6 Ma. The Nola pole is the first well-dated paleomagnetic pole for the Congo craton between 580 and 550 Ma. It marks a sudden change in direction of the Congo craton apparent polar wander path at the waning stages of the Panafrican orogenic events.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Fourth of July Batholith and cross-cutting mafic dikes have been studied geochronologically, geobarometrically and paleomagnetically to estimate subsequent tectonic motion of the Cache Creek Terrane (CCT) in the northern Canadian Cordillera. 40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages from a granodiorite phase are similar to U–Pb zircon ages and indicate rapid cooling of the batholith upon intrusion, suggesting that the magnetization age is coincident with the 173-Ma crystallization age. Argon ages of biotite from the granodiorite and two mafic dikes have similar ages of 165 Ma, which dates cooling through 280 °C.Aluminum-in-hornblende geobarometry indicates differential uplift of the batholith across a north–south fault zone along Atlin Lake with >6 km more uplift on its eastern side. Also, the eastern side has been tilted downward to the south–southwest by 9°.Combined paleomagnetic data from 20 granitoid and 11 mafic dike sites yield an in situ paleopole at 55°W, 63°N (dp=5°, dm=5°) and a tilt-corrected paleopole at 81°W, 55°N (dp=5°, dm=6°). Compared to the 173-Ma reference pole for the North American craton, the tilt-corrected pole suggests a significant southward translation of 16.1±3.7° and a significant clockwise rotation of 107±7°. The translation estimate is similar to the Jurassic Teslin Crossing pluton in the Stikine Terrane, however, the rotation estimate is very different. This could indicate that the Cache Creek Terrane was at a similar latitude of the Stikine Terrane, but the two were not yet amalgamated.  相似文献   

The Illapel Plutonic Complex (IPC), located in the Coastal Range of central Chile (31°–33° S), is composed of different lithologies, ranging from gabbros to trondhjemites, including diorites, tonalites and granodiorites. U/Pb geochronological data shows that the IPC was amalgamated from, at least, four different magmatic pulses between 117 and 90 Ma (Lower to mid-Cretaceous). We present new paleomagnetic results including Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) from 62 sites in the plutonic rocks, 10 sites in country rocks and 7 sites in a mafic dyke swarm intruding the plutonic rocks.Remanent magnetizations carried by pyrrhotite in deformed country rock sediments nearby the intrusive rocks indicate that tilting of the sedimentary rocks occurred prior or during the intrusion. The paleomagnetic study shows no evidence for either a measurable tilt of the IPC or a significant rotation of the forearc at this latitude range. Moreover, new 40Ar/39Ar ages exclude any medium- to low-temperature post-magmatic recrystallization/deformation event in the studied samples. AMS data show a magnetic foliation that is often sub-vertical. Despite an apparent N–S elongated shape of the IPC, the large variations in the orientation of the AMS foliation suggests that this plutonic complex could be made of several units distributed in a N–S trend rather than N–S elongated bodies.Previous works have suggested for this area a major shift on tectonic evolution from highly extensional during Lower Cretaceous to a period around 100 Ma, associated with exhumation and compressive deformation to conform the present day Coastal Range. The low degree of anisotropy and the lack of evidence for a tectonic fabric in the intrusive rocks indicate that the shift from extensional to compressional should postdate the emplacement of the IPC, i.e. is younger than 90Ma.  相似文献   

The distribution of gold in high-temperature fumarole gases of the Kudryavy volcano (Kurile Islands) was measured for gas, gas condensate, natural fumarolic sublimates, and precipitates in silica tubes from vents with outlet temperatures ranging from 380 to 870°C. Gold abundance in condensates ranges from 0.3 to 2.4 ppb, which is significantly lower than the abundances of transition metals. Gold contents in zoned precipitates from silica tubes increase gradually with a decrease in temperature to a maximum of 8 ppm in the oxychloride zone at a temperature of approximately 300°C. Total Au content in moderate-temperature sulfide and oxychloride zones is mainly a result of Au inclusions in the abundant Fe–Cu and Zn sulfide minerals as determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Most Au occurs as a Cu–Au–Ag triple alloy. Single grains of native gold and binary Au–Ag alloys were also identified among sublimates, but aggregates and crystals of Cu–Au–Ag alloy were found in all fumarolic fields, both in silica tube precipitates and in natural fumarolic crusts. Although the Au triple alloy is homogeneous on the scale of microns and has a composition close to (Cu,Ni,Zn)3(Au,Ag)2, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that these alloy solid solutions consist of monocrystal domains of Au–Ag, Au–Cu, and possibly Cu2O. Gold occurs in oxide assemblages due to the decomposition of its halogenide complexes under high-temperature conditions (650–870°C). In lower temperature zones (<650°C), Au behavior is related to sulfur compounds whose evolution is strongly controlled by redox state. Other minerals that formed from gas transport and precipitation at Kudryavy volcano include garnet, aegirine, diopside, magnetite, anhydrite, molybdenite, multivalent molybdenum oxides (molybdite, tugarinovite, and ilsemannite), powellite, scheelite, wolframite, Na–K chlorides, pyrrhotite, wurtzite, greenockite, pyrite, galena, cubanite, rare native metals (including Fe, Cr, Mo, Sn, Ag, and Al), Cu–Zn–Fe–In sulfides, In-bearing Pb–Bi sulfosalts, cannizzarite, rheniite, cadmoindite, and kudriavite. Although most of these minerals are fine-grained, they are strongly idiomorphic with textures such as gas channels and lamellar, banded, skeletal, and dendrite-like crystals, characteristic of precipitation from a gas phase. The identified textures and mineral assemblages at Kudryavy volcano can be used to interpret geochemical origins of both ancient and modern ore deposits, particularly gold-rich porphyry and related epithermal systems.  相似文献   

Several Gigantopithecus faunas associated with taxonomically undetermined hominoid fossils and/or stone artifacts are known from southern China. These faunas are particularly important for the study of the evolution of humans and other mammals in Asia. However, the geochronology of the Gigantopithecus faunas remains uncertain. In order to solve this problem, a program of geochronological studies of Gigantopithecus faunas in Guangxi Province was recently initiated. Chuifeng Cave is the first studied site, which yielded 92 Gigantopithecus blacki teeth associated with numerous other mammalian fossils. We carried out combined ESR/U-series dating of fossil teeth and sediment paleomagnetic studies. Our ESR results suggest that the lower layers at this cave can be dated to 1.92 ± 0.14 Ma and the upper layers can be dated to older than 1.38 ± 0.17 Ma. Correlation of the recognized magnetozones to the geomagnetic polarity timescale was achieved by combining magnetostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and ESR data. The combined chronologies establish an Olduvai subchron (1.945–1.778 Ma) for the lowermost Chuifeng Cave sediments. We also analyzed the enamel δ13C values of the Gigantopithecus faunas. Our results show that southern China was dominated by C3 plants during the early Pleistocene and that the Gigantopithecus faunas lived in a woodland-forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

The age of spreading of the Liguro–Provençal Basin is still poorly constrained due to the lack of boreholes penetrating the whole sedimentary sequence above the oceanic crust and the lack of a clear magnetic anomaly pattern. In the past, a consensus developed over a fast (20.5–19 Ma) spreading event, relying on old paleomagnetic data from Oligo–Miocene Sardinian volcanics showing a drift-related 30° counterclockwise (CCW) rotation. Here we report new paleomagnetic data from a 10-m-thick lower–middle Miocene marine sedimentary sequence from southwestern Sardinia. Ar/Ar dating of two volcanoclastic levels in the lower part of the sequence yields ages of 18.94±0.13 and 19.20±0.12 Ma (lower–mid Burdigalian). Sedimentary strata below the upper volcanic level document a 23.3±4.6° CCW rotation with respect to Europe, while younger strata rapidly evolve to null rotation values. A recent magnetic overprint can be excluded by several lines of evidence, particularly by the significant difference between the in situ paleomagnetic and geocentric axial dipole (GAD) field directions. In both the rotated and unrotated part of the section, only normal polarity directions were obtained. As the global magnetic polarity time scale (MPTS) documents several geomagnetic reversals in the Burdigalian, a continuous sedimentary record would imply that (unrealistically) the whole documented rotation occurred in few thousands years only. We conclude that the section contains one (or more) hiatus(es), and that the minimum age of the unrotated sediments above the volcanic levels is unconstrained. Typical back-arc basin spreading rates translate to a duration ≥3 Ma for the opening of the Liguro–Provençal Basin. Thus, spreading and rotation of Corsica–Sardinia ended no earlier than 16 Ma (early Langhian). A 16–19 Ma, spreading is corroborated by other evidences, such as the age of the breakup unconformity in Sardinia, the age of igneous rocks dredged west of Corsica, the heat flow in the Liguro–Provençal Basin, and recent paleomagnetic data from Sardinian sediments and volcanics. Since Corsica was still rotating/drifting eastward at 16 Ma, it presumably induced significant shortening to the east, in the Apennine belt. Therefore, the lower Miocene extensional basins in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and margins can be interpreted as synorogenic “intra-wedge” basins due to the thickening and collapse of the northern Apennine wedge.  相似文献   

We present an updated paleomagnetic pole from the Gwalior Sills in the Bundelkhand craton within the Northern India Block (NIB). Geochronological results from baddeleyite grains from one of the sills yielded an age of 1719 ± 7 Ma which together with a previously published age indicates the emplacement of sills between 1712 and 1756 Ma (∼1730 Ma). The paleomagnetic pole calculated from additional sites in this study, combined with previous studies, falls at 13.5°N, 173.7°E (A95 = 3.6°, K = 98) indicating near equatorial latitudes for northern India. Limestone sampled a few meters above the contact with the sill exhibits similar directions consistent with having been baked by the sill. The pole does not resemble any younger poles from Peninsular India and receives a reliability score of R = 5. Dykes in the Singhbhum craton are slightly older (1765 Ma) and indicate low paleolatitudes for the Southern Indian Block (SIB). Although the Gwalior and Singhbhum poles data indicate low latitudes for both the NIB and SIB, they are statistically different and indicate that a rotation of at least 65° is required to bring the poles into accord. We propose that the NIB and SIB were in proximity but were separated by an ocean basin. We propose the name Gotosindhu (‘Ancient Sea’) for the body of water separating the NIB and SIB. We also review previous models for the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent during this time and critically examine the position of the NIB/SIB in those reconstructions.  相似文献   

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