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Early Eocene carbonate sediments of the Umlatdoh Limestone (Meghalaya, N-E India) represent a shallow marine shelf environment. The major biotic components characterizing these carbonates are calcareous green algae and small to larger benthic foraminifera. Based on the biogenic associations and general sedimentological features, five major facies types (MFTs) are distinguished. They are dominated by poor to moderately sorted grainstones followed by packstones, rudstones and wackestones. Considerable abundance of Halimeda, scarcity of z-corals and poor to moderate occurrence of filter-feeding organisms imply mesotrophic to a slightly oligotrophic nutrient regime. Rare occurrence of geniculate coralline algae is probably due to the lack of suitable substrate and environmental conditions. High incidence of grainstones and packstones, fairly preserved microfossils and few reworked specimens indicate a parautochthonous mode of deposition. Preponderance of Alveolina and Nummulites indicate the possible advent of larger foraminiferal turnover (LFT) in the east Tethys during or even before early Eocene. A conceptual palaeoenvironmental model for the studied succession is provided to showcase various facies gradients, bathymetry levels and shelf zones pertinent to the Umlatdoh Limestone.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the first record of a palynofloral assemblage recovered from the Fulra Limestone Formation exposed at the confluence of Fulra and Panandhro Nalas in the west of Babia hill, Kachchh basin, Gujarat. The recovered palynoflora consists of dinoflagellate cysts, fungal spores and ascostromata, pteridophyte spores, gymnosperm and angiosperm pollen. Some of the important constituents of the palynofloral assemblage are: Lygodiumsporites, Polypodiaceasporites, Polypodiisporites, Margocolporites, Tricolporopilites, Tricolporopollis, Graminidites, Aplanosporites, Phragmothyrites, Spiniferites, Operculodinium and Achomosphaera. Palynological data suggest that the Fulra Limestone Formation was mostly laid down in a shallow marine environment under a warm and humid tropical climate. Abundance of terrestrial palynofossils in some of the samples clearly points towards the relative proximity of the shore. A late middle Eocene age has been assigned for the Fulra Limestone Formation on the basis of recorded palynofossils.  相似文献   

The present paper records nine species of coralline algae from the Prang Formation of middle-late Eocene age from the Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya. The algae are associated with the larger foraminifera including Nummulites, Alveolina and Discocyclina throughout the succession. The temporal distribution of algal species indicates that seven species are known from the Eocene. Of the remaining two, one ranges from the Palaeocene to Eocene and the other is Palaeocene in age. The coralline algae and larger foraminifers are differentiated into two associations, the lower one indicating inner-ramp environment of high energy and the upper one showing deposition in relatively calm waters of deeper ramp environment.  相似文献   

A detailed ichnological study performed on the Bhuban Formation, Surma Group (Lower to Middle Miocene) of Mizoram, India reveals the occurrence of rich and diverse trace fossils. These have been collected from the two localities in Aizawl, i.e., Bawngkawn and Ropaiabawk, where sandstone—shale sequence is well exposed. Total 20 ichnospecies of 14 ichnogenera have been identified which include Arenicolites isp., Cochlichnus anguineus, Helminthopsis abeli, Laevicyclus mongraensis, Ophiomorpha borneensis, Palaeophycus tubularis, Palaeophycus heberti, Palaeophycus sulcatus, Palaeophycus alternatus, Pholeus abomasoformis, Pholeus bifurcatus, Planolites beverleyensis, Planolites annularis, Polykladichnus irregularis, Rhizocorallium isp., Skolithos linearis, Taenidium satanassi, Teichichnus rectus, Thalassinoides horizontalis and Thalassinoides paradoxicus. Ethologically these ichnogenera display dwelling and feeding activities of the infaunal organisms. Arenicolites, Ophiomorpha, Polykladichnus and Skolithos are the members of the Skolithos ichnofacies while Palaeophycus, Planolites, Rhizocorallium and Thalassinoides are the members of the Cruziana ichnofacies. The presence of Skolithos ichnofacies indicates sandy shifting substrate and high energy conditions in foreshore zone while the Cruziana ichnofacies indicate unconsolidated, poorly sorted soft substrate and low energy condition in the shoreface/offshore zone. These ichnogenera indicate foreshore to shoreface-offshore zone of shallow marine environment for the deposition of the rocks of the Bhuban Formation of Mizoram.  相似文献   

The Thakkhola-Mustang Graben represents the extensional tectonic phase of the Tibetan Plateau uplift and whole Himalayan orogeny. It is situated at the northern side of the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Ranges and south of the Yarlang Tsangpo Suture Zone. Stratigraphically, the oldest sedimentary units are the Tetang and Thakkhola Formations (Miocene), while the Sammargaon, Marpha and Kaligandaki Formations lying disconformably above these formations represent Plio-Pleistocene units. In this study, different lacustrine carbonates and calcretes were investigated within different lithological units and depositional environments to interpret the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological evolution of the area.Geological mapping, construction of columnar sections and carbonate sampling were carried out in the field, and stable oxygen and carbon isotope analyses and thin section analyses were done in the laboratory. Lacustrine facies contained abundant pelletal, charophytic algae, oncolitic algal micritic palustrine limestones with ostracods, and micritic mudstones with root traces. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis from the carbonates show a range of δ13C values from −0.6‰ to 11.1‰ (V-PDB) and δ18O values from −13.5‰ to −25‰ (V-PDB).Discontinuous growth of oncolites and spherical pellets (25–40 μm in diameter) in micritic limestone, algal mats and charophyte algae indicate the presence of both shallow and deep water carbonates. Ostracods in dark micritic carbonates indicate quiet and calm water conditions. Microfabrics of the carbonates suggest that they were deposited in a flat and shallow lacustrine environment. The δ18O values of the investigated limestones of the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben suggest that it attained the current elevation level prior to the east-west extension of the Himalaya.  相似文献   

The petrological details of the ultramafic-mafic-alkaline complex related to Sylhet Trap occurring near to Mawpyut (25°25′N:92°10′E) of Jaintia hills district Meghalaya, northeastern India, are poorly known. Field investigations indicate that the Mawpyut body occurs as a pluton distinctly intrusive into adjacent low grade metasedimentary Shillong Group of rocks. This body reveals development of two broad lithotypes namely ultramafic (olivine clinopyroxenite, clinopyroxenite and plagioclase bearing ultramafic) and mafic (mostly gabbro, orthopyroxene gabbro, olivine gabbronorite, mela gabbro and mela-gabbro-norite) with minor presence of later syenitic veins. Though, in general, the pluton shows mineralogical variations, the field boundaries among those petrographic types are not discernible. Careful consideration of major and trace element chemistry of the constituent lithomembers clearly suggest progressive insitu fractionation of a common parent magma.  相似文献   

From the Kruja Zone of Albania, shallow-water carbonates assigned to the lower Campanian are described and grouped into six microfacies types of shallow subtidal to intertidal depositional settings. The limestones display internal layering suggestive of microbial fabrics with abundance of nubeculariid foraminifera, incertae sedis Thaumatoporella Pia, and subordinate calcimicrobes of possible cyanobacterial origin: Gahkumella Zaninetti, Girvanella sp., and Decastronema kotori (Radoičić). The nubeculariid morphotypes with ornamented tests and microbial coatings reveal some kind of mutualistic relationship comparable to Late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic Tubiphytes Maslov and Crescentiella Senowbari-Daryan et al. The present study expands our knowledge on the micropalaeontological characteristics of the Late Cretaceous “DecastronemaThaumatoporella association” widespread in carbonate platforms of the peri-Mediterranean region. Our findings indicate that nubeculariids may have played an important binding role in Late Cretaceous peritidal laminated limestones.  相似文献   

The Ponnaiyar River is one of the largest rivers of the Tamil Nadu state (India), flowing a distance of 430 km from its point of origin to the sea. This work contributes with new data of magnetic and elemental composition of river sediments, and improves the knowledge obtained by preliminary and previous studies of rivers from Southeastern India. Magnetic susceptibility, anhysteretic and isothermal remanent magnetization and chemical determinations (major and trace metals) were measured. Magnetic results reveal the predominance of magnetite-like mineral with magnetic grain size variations along the river and in depth. Most of the uppermost samples have the major presence of trace metals and higher values of magnetic concentration. Magnetic and chemical variables were also analysed as potential pollution indicators using multivariate statistical techniques: canonical correlation and fuzzy c-means clustering analyses, which confirmed the existence of relationships, but not in a simple way, between magnetic and chemical variables. Furthermore, fuzzy analysis allows classifying the data in different well-differentiated groups regarding the trace metal load, concentration and feature-dependent parameters. The most polluted samples show high concentration of trace elements and magnetic carriers, softer and coarser magnetic minerals; on the contrary, the unpolluted samples (from the deepest sediments) have the opposite characteristics.  相似文献   

The Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin is located in northeast of Iran and southeast of Turkmenistan in the Middle East. The Khangiran formation represents the last marine deposition in the Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. The early Eocene planktonic and benthic foraminifera from the Khangiran formation which belongs to the lower 376 m thickness of this formation are identified and biostratigraphically evaluated. Due to rarity of Morozovella species, planktonic foraminiferal zonation was difficult to determine in this formation. The determination of upper part of the late Paleocene for the lower 124 m of this formation is according to the lowest occurrence of Acarinina sibaiyaensis species. From E5 to near middle of E7 biozone, increasing trend of Acarinina frequency and a peak in Morozovella species and decreasing trend of frequency of Subbotina and Pseudohastigerina species indicate the warm and oligotrophic condition of the seawater during sedimentation of the studied interval. Toward the Ypresian-Lutetian boundary, the increasing trend of Pseudohastigerina and Subbotina species and decreasing in frequency of Acarinina species suggest the low-oxygen level, eutrophic and intermediate condition of the seawater. In this formation, the high abundance of the epifaunal taxa such as Anomalinoides spp., Cibicidoides spp., Gyroidinoides spp., and Lenticulina spp. from the base (late Paleocene sediments) up to E6 biozone reflects oligotrophic and oxic shallow water conditions. The occurrence of several peaks in abundance of Bulimina and Uvigerina species at the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary suggests eutrophic condition. These paleoecological conditions could be correlated with fluctuations in the numbers of the planktonic foraminifera.  相似文献   

A Late Quaternary permafrost profile from the Labaz Lake area (Taymyr Peninsula, Central Siberia) has been investigated using analyses of diatoms, pollen, sedimentology and geochemistry. A sedimentation gap for the termination of the Pleistocene and the start of lacustrine sedimentation in the Boreal can be inferred. At that time shallow-lake conditions prevailed and a connection to the Labaz Lake is probable. The diatom data provide indications for the assessment of the Holocene environmental development of the study site in more detail. The most favourable climatic conditions and comparatively higher water level stands are inferred for the early Atlantic. Towards the end of this period the gradual transition to a wetland with poor-fen character took place. Within the Subboreal there was a short episode with mild climate conditions. At that time the last trees occurred in the Labaz Lake area and somewhat higher water level stands were likely. The Subatlantic climate deterioration led to further drying up of the wetland along with a lowering of water pH and permafrost aggradation. The transition from a locality with low-centre to one with high-centre polygons is still underway.  相似文献   

This paper reports the discovery of a rare partial skeleton of a woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis Blumenbach, 1799) and associated fauna from a low Pleistocene terrace of the River Tame at Whitemoor Haye, Staffordshire, UK. A study of the sedimentary deposits around the rhino skeleton and associated organic‐rich clasts containing pollen, plant and arthropod remains suggests that the animal was rapidly buried on a braided river floodplain surrounded by a predominantly treeless, herb‐rich grassland. Highlights of the study include the oldest British chironomid record published to date and novel analysis of the palaeoflow regime using caddisfly remains. For the first time, comparative calculations of coleopteran and chironomid palaeotemperatures have been made on the same samples, suggesting a mean July temperature of 8–11 °C and a mean December temperature of between ?22 and ?16 °C. Radiocarbon age estimates on skeletal material, supported by optically stimulated luminescence ages from surrounding sediments, indicate that the rhino lived around 41–43 k cal a BP. The combined geochronological, stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental evidence places the assemblage firmly within the Middle Devensian (Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3). This would agree with other regional evidence for the timing of aggradation for the lowest terrace of the Trent and its tributary systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

徐洋  刘成林  曹养同 《地质学报》2021,95(7):2183-2192
古盐湖成盐演化具有多期次、连续性和淡化—咸化—盐化的周期性特征,系统研究成盐剖面的沉积韵律有利于恢复古盐湖成盐演化特征.本文以库车盆地KL4钻孔含盐系剖面及其74个石盐样品为研究对象,将含盐系剖面划分为4个成盐韵律,在此基础上开展岩相学、石盐元素地球化学以及石盐流体包裹体氢氧同位素分析等工作.结果显示:剖面上部Ⅲ和Ⅳ成...  相似文献   

This paper discusses an experimental approach to examine uranium exploration avenue over the geologically extended parts of Mahadek basin in Meghalaya, amid some of the environmental constraints. Study comprises periodic measurements of prevailing ambient gamma levels across 320 georeference points, in relation to the major litho units of Mahadek basin, covering 673 line km of Khasi Hills. Acquired sample data points were then analysed in geostatistical software (SurferTM) to develop analytical model of sample variogram having bearing on the uranium exploration in the area. Study findings have given encouraging surface indicators with mostly elevated gamma levels over the parts of West Khasi Hills. Delineated gamma anomalous zones are lithologically well correlated including to that of existing uranium occurrences in the basin. Identified anomalous zones over the parts of West Khasi Hills by this study work, are mainly associated with the Mahadek sandstone (Upper and Lower Mahadek) and Precambrian basement granites. Lower Mahadek sandstone is host rock for uranium mineralisation in the basin. Initial findings suggest with the closer spatial resolution (~1 km) of sample data points, the approach adopted by the study work holds promising application in locating potential uranium exploration targets especially to the extended and inaccessible parts of the basin.  相似文献   

The Bathonian ammonite assemblages have been previously poorly recorded in Kutch. The present study has unearthed a rich array of ammonite taxa ranging from the Middle to Upper Bathonian. While Oxycerites Rollier (1909) is a new record from Kutch, the oldest occurrence of Choffatia Siemiradzki (1898) has been found from the Middle Bathonian horizon. Oxycerites cf. orbis (Giebel) is a zonal index of the Late Bathonian in other areas and thus facilitates interprovincial correlation. Besides, palaeobiogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of many species have been modified based on new information. For example, macrocephalitin species, i.e., Kamptokephalites cf. etheridgei Spath (1928), Macrocephalites bifurcatus transient intermedius Spath (1928), M. cf. mantataranus Boehm (1912) were previously known from West Pacific, Indonesia have been now found in Kutch. Gracilisphinctes Buckman (1920) has been previously known to occur during the Middle Bathonian time, the present work extends its stratigraphic distribution up to the definite Upper Bathonian horizon. Procerites hians (Waagen) an endemic species in Kutch previously known from the Upper Bathonian beds, its stratigraphic range has been extended down to the Middle Bathonian.Detail taxonomy of the newly obtained taxa has been done and in many cases sexual dimorphism has been recognized.  相似文献   

The Bathonian ammonite assemblages have been previously poorly recorded in Kutch. The present study has unearthed a rich array of ammonite taxa ranging from the Middle to Upper Bathonian. While Oxycerites Rollier (1909) is a new record from Kutch, the oldest occurrence of Choffatia Siemiradzki (1898) has been found from the Middle Bathonian horizon. Oxycerites cf. orbis (Giebel) is a zonal index of the Late Bathonian in other areas and thus facilitates interprovincial correlation. Besides, palaeobiogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of many species have been modified based on new information. For example, macrocephalitin species, i.e., Kamptokephalites cf. etheridgei Spath (1928), Macrocephalites bifurcatus transient intermedius Spath (1928), M. cf. mantataranus Boehm (1912) were previously known from West Pacific, Indonesia have been now found in Kutch. Gracilisphinctes Buckman (1920) has been previously known to occur during the Middle Bathonian time, the present work extends its stratigraphic distribution up to the definite Upper Bathonian horizon. Procerites hians (Waagen) an endemic species in Kutch previously known from the Upper Bathonian beds, its stratigraphic range has been extended down to the Middle Bathonian.Detail taxonomy of the newly obtained taxa has been done and in many cases sexual dimorphism has been recognized.  相似文献   

This study represents air quality data of SO2 and As concentrations around the mining–metallurgical complex Bor (Serbia) from 1994 to 2008. Daily and annual SO2 concentrations greatly exceed current air quality standards in the studied area. The “hot spot” with the highest SO2 and As annual concentrations during 15 years was the urban-industrial area (the town core). Daily SO2 concentrations and meteorological parameters during the period from 2005 to 2008 were statistically analysed to develop suitable prediction equations for daily SO2 concentrations. Anode copper production is an important but not the only factor that has influence on SO2 concentrations. By stepwise multiple linear regression analysis, it was determined that daily SO2 concentrations are most influenced by maximum wind gust, relative humidity and air temperature at all the measuring sites. The prediction equations of daily SO2 concentrations represent a good model with regression coefficients from 0.854 to 0.926 at all the measuring sites. Correlation analysis showed that eastern and western winds increase SO2 concentrations, thus increasing the health risk of the inhabitants in the study area.  相似文献   

巴西大坎波斯盆地下白垩统湖相碳酸盐岩油气资源丰富,但是硅化碳酸盐岩的出现不仅使原始碳酸盐岩沉积微相类型和沉积模式有待系统研究,还给深水油气勘探开发带来了挑战。基于古地貌、壁芯薄片、测井响应等数据,分析了坎波斯盆地东部下白垩统硅化碳酸盐岩原始沉积的古水介质、湖平面变化及沉积微相,厘清了湖相碳酸盐岩发育的主控因素,建立起相应的沉积模式。借助Fischer曲线可将硅化碳酸盐岩发育段划分为一个可容空间由大减小再增大的三级旋回,湖平面表现为先下降后上升;湖盆中央古隆起周缘类似远端变陡缓坡,发育了灰泥坪、藻礁、颗粒滩、滩前前积体和滑塌体等5种沉积微相;古地貌决定了藻礁和颗粒滩发育在构造高部位的相对深水区,同时受湖平面变化而发生垂向互层叠置;该段碳酸盐岩沉积时期,湖平面至少出现过两次下降、三次上升,可以划分为高位湖退、低位湖退、低位湖侵、高位湖侵四个演化阶段。研究成果为湖相碳酸盐岩硅化成因分析、硅化作用过程研究及硅化碳酸盐岩中有利储层的寻找奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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