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To understand the characteristic responses of natural geological samples, viz., black granite, green marble, and graphite sheet, and to have “an a priori” knowledge of their physical property through electrical resistivity imaging, the physical model laboratory setup has been established to conduct scale model studies over targets of finite dimensions and resistivities. The present experiment involves IRIS make SYSCAL Pro-96 measuring system using 48 electrodes with 2-cm interelectrode separation in the laboratory model tank. In the present communication, we have presented the 2D cross section images using Wenner, Wenner–Schlumberger, and dipole–dipole array configurations over the resistive (granite, marble) and conductive (graphite) sheets. In the case of resistive target (black granite sheet, green marble), the combined usage of dipole–dipole and Wenner–Schlumberger arrays provided more accurate measures on target parameters, i.e., the combined usage of both the arrays is preferable in searching high-resistive targets beneath the low-resistive ones over burden. The shape of the resistive target (green marble sheet) is inappropriate when the thickness of the target is greater than one half of the minimum array separation. As the thickness of the target increases, the signatures of the target become feeble, and hence, the shape of the resistive target is not properly reflected in the corresponding tomogram. The response over graphite sheet indicates that the true parameters of the target are not reflected in the cross section, and the existence of the low-resistive (high-conductive) target in the host medium (water) deviates the resistivity of the medium. The target parameters from the cross section using dipole–dipole array are somewhat correlated with true parameters in the case of thin targets at shallow depths. In the case of the sequence of layers of gravel–marble gravel–sand gravel simulated in a small model tank in the physical model laboratory, the thickness of the high-resistive marble layer beneath the low-resistive gravel layer is enhanced conspicuously because of the significant resistivity contrast between gravel and marble.  相似文献   

New evidence supported by petrography (including mineral chemistry), lithogeochemistry, U-Pb geochronology by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), and physicochemical study of fluid and melt inclusions by LA-ICP-MS and microthermometry, point to an orogenic setting of Lagoa Real (Bahia-Brazil) involving uraniferous mineralization. Unlike the previous models in which uraniferous albitites represent Na-metasomatised 1.75 Ga anorogenic granitic rocks, it is understood here that they correspond to metamorphosed sodium-rich and quartz-free 1.9 Ga late-orogenic syenitic rocks (Na-metasyenites). These syenitic rocks are rich not only in albite, but also in U-rich titanite (source of uranium). The interpretation of geochemical data points to a petrogenetic connection between alkali-diorite (local amphibolite protolith) and sodic syenite by fractional crystallization through a transalkaline series. This magmatic differentiation occurred either before or during shear processes, which in turn led to albitite and amphibolite formation. The metamorphic reactions, which include intense recrystallization of magmatic minerals, led uraninite to precipitate at 1.87 Ga under Oxidation/Reduction control. A second population of uraninites was also generated by the reactivation of shear zones during the 0.6 Ga Brasiliano Orogeny. The geotectonic implications include the importance of the Orosirian event in the Paramirim Block during paleoproterozoic S?o Francisco Craton edification and the influence of the Brasiliano event in the Paramirim Block during the West-Gondwana assembly processes. The regional microcline-gneiss, whose protolith is a 2.0 Ga syn-collisional potassic granite, represents the albitite host rock. The microcilne-gneiss has no petrogenetic association to the syenite (albitite protolith) in magmatic evolutionary terms.  相似文献   

Land subsidence is one of the frequent geological hazards worldwide. Urban areas and agricultural industries are the entities most affected by the consequences of land subsidence. The main objective of this study was to estimate the land subsidence (sinkhole) hazards at the Kinta Valley of Perak, Malaysia, using geographic information system and remote sensing techniques. To start, land subsidence locations were observed by surveying measurements using GPS and using the tabular data, which were produced as coordinates of each sinkhole incident. Various land subsidence conditioning factors were used such as altitude, slope, aspect, lithology, distance from the fault, distance from the river, normalized difference vegetation index, soil type, stream power index, topographic wetness index, and land use/cover. In this article, a data-driven technique of an evidential belief function (EBF), which is in the category of multivariate statistical analysis, was used to map the land subsidence-prone areas. The frequency ratio (FR) was performed as an efficient bivariate statistical analysis method in order compare it with the acquired results from the EBF analysis. The probability maps were acquired and the results of the analysis validated by the area under the (ROC) curve using the testing land subsidence locations. The results indicated that the FR model could produce a 71.16 % prediction rate, while the EBF showed better prediction accuracy with a rate of 73.63 %. Furthermore, the success rate was measured and accuracies of 75.30 and 79.45 % achieved for FR and EBF, respectively. These results can produce an understanding of the nature of land subsidence as well as promulgate public awareness of such geo-hazards to decrease human and economic losses.  相似文献   

In the past years, many applications of history-matching methods in general and ensemble Kalman filter in particular have been proposed, especially in order to estimate fields that provide uncertainty in the stochastic process defined by the dynamical system of hydrocarbon recovery. Such fields can be permeability fields or porosity fields, but can also fields defined by the rock type (facies fields). The estimation of the boundaries of the geologic facies with ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) was made, in different papers, with the aid of Gaussian random fields, which were truncated using various schemes and introduced in a history-matching process. In this paper, we estimate, in the frame of the EnKF process, the locations of three facies types that occur into a reservoir domain, with the property that each two could have a contact. The geological simulation model is a form of the general truncated plurigaussian method. The difference with other approaches consists in how the truncation scheme is introduced and in the observation operator of the facies types at the well locations. The projection from the continuous space of the Gaussian fields into the discrete space of the facies fields is realized through in an intermediary space (space with probabilities). This space connects the observation operator of the facies types at the well locations with the geological simulation model. We will test the model using a 2D reservoir which is connected with the EnKF method as a data assimilation technique. We will use different geostatistical properties for the Gaussian fields and different levels of the uncertainty introduced in the model parameters and also in the construction of the Gaussian fields.  相似文献   

The quantitative interpretation of gravity anomalies reveals a concealed granitoid pluton within the core of the Pautovaya Horst (southeastern extremity of the Iníyali-Debin Synclinorium, northeast Russia). Using a new interpretative gravimetry method, a 3D density model is developed for the study area with its geological-petrological explanation. The model satisfies the necessary condition that the solution of inverse gravimetry problems provides the true solution.  相似文献   

The Masila area is located in the Hadhramaut region in east central Yemen. Oil was first discovered in the area in late 1990 with commerciality being declared in late 1991. Oil production began in July 1993. By the end of December 1999, the daily production rate was set at 210,000 stock tank barrels/day (STB/D) of very low gas–oil ratio (GOR) oil under partial to full water drive. About 90% of the reserves are found in the Lower Qishn Clastics Member of the Qishn Formation. This paper focuses on the detailed 3D geological modeling of the Lower Cretaceous Sequence conducted through an integrated study. There are three critical areas in the process of modeling reservoirs that involve geological and geophysical modeling, reservoir characterization, and reservoir flow modeling. This paper presents methodologies found useful during the modeling of these reservoirs including field case histories for the Lower Cretaceous reservoir in the Masila oilfield.  相似文献   

天然岩体中广泛发育两侧岩性不同的异性结构面,开展异性结构面变形和强度特性研究旨在为岩体稳定性评价和利用提供依据。选取三峡库区侏罗系典型的砂岩-泥岩异性岩层,首先运用分形几何理论,定量计算了平直和4种不同不规则起伏形态结构面的粗糙度系数JRC值,然后基于PFC2D颗粒流程序,分别开展了以上5种形态异性结构面的数值剪切试验,获得了各形态结构面在不同正应力下的剪切应力-位移曲线。根据数值试验结果,采用巴顿的JRC-JCS模型分析了异性结构面强度特性,并与同性结构面强度性质进行对比研究。最后,在考虑异性结构面剪切破坏机制的基础上,引入强度因子的概念,提出了新的适用于异性结构面强度评价的两类改进巴顿准则。研究结果表明:异性岩体结构面抗剪强度介于相同粗糙度的两种同性结构面强度之间,在较低正应力下接近软岩同性结构面强度,符合Ⅰ型改进巴顿准则;在较高正应力下偏向硬岩同性结构面强度,符合Ⅱ型改进巴顿准则。实际工程中可利用改进准则并根据异性结构面应力状态对岩体稳定性进行评价,弥补了以往研究的不足。  相似文献   

Journal of Earth System Science - Hydrological models are simplified representations of natural processes and subject to errors. Uncertainty bounds are a commonly used way to assess the impact of...  相似文献   

The present study illustrates the interest of using the elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) method to characterize any geological sample matrix with respect to hydrogen. ERDA is combined with Rutherford back scattering (RBS) and particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE), allowing the simultaneous characterization of the matrix with respect to major and trace elements (Z > 15). Analyses are performed by mapping of a 4 × 16 μm2 incident beam of 4He+ on large areas (50 × 200 μm2). The method is almost not destructive and requires no calibration with respect to well known hydrous samples. Hydrous and nominally anhydrous phases in contact with each other in the same sample may both be characterized. The depth of the analyses is limited to several μm beneath the surface, allowing tiny samples to be investigated, provided their sizes are larger than the incident beam. Our setup has been improved in order to allow H determination on a micrometric scale with a 5-15% relative uncertainty and a detection limit of 94 wt ppm H2O. We present multi-elemental mappings on a large panel of samples: (1) natural and analogue synthetic glasses from Stromboli volcano (0.44-4.59 wt% H2O), natural rhyolitic glasses (1466-1616 wt ppm H2O); (2) magmatic rhyolitic melt inclusions from Guadeloupe Island (4.37-5.47 wt% H2O) and their quartz host crystal (2020 ± 230 wt ppm H2O); (3) nominally anhydrous natural (82-260 wt ppm H2O) and experimentally hydrated (240-790 wt ppm H2O) olivines; natural clinopyroxenes (159-716 wt ppm H2O); natural orthopyroxenes (201-452 wt ppm H2O); a natural garnet (90 wt ppm H2O). Results show that ERDA is a strong and accurate reference method that can be used to characterize geological sample from various matrix compositions from high to low water contents. It can be used to calibrate other methods of microanalysis such as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) or secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS).  相似文献   

The development of satellite technology is rapidly increasing the evolution of remote sensing. Satellite images give extensive useful information about the land structure that is easily manageable in the process of generating true, high-speed information which allows the forecasting of future environmental and urban planning. Remote sensing comprises active and passive systems. Passive sensors detect natural radiation that is emitted or reflected by the object or surrounding area being observed. Active systems which produce their own electromagnetic energy and their main properties are their ability of collecting data in nearly all atmospheric conditions, day or night. These systems are frequently used to generate a digital elevation model (DEM) because they cover large areas. DEM supplies essential data for applications that are concerned with the Earth’s surface and DEMs derived from survey data are accurate but very expensive and time consuming to create. However, the use of satellite remote sensing to provide images to generate a DEM is considered to be an efficient method of obtaining data. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a new geodetic technique for determining earth topography. InSAR measurements are highly dense and they only give information in Line of Sight of Radar. In the study, interferograms were produced from the InSAR images taken by ERS satellites in 1992 and 2007 and we developed the methods to generate a DEM using the InSAR technique and present the results relating to Kayseri Province in Turkey. The accuracy of the DEM derived from the InSAR technique is evaluated in comparison with a reference DEM generated from contours in a topographical map.  相似文献   

代高飞  尹光志  皮文丽  李东伟 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1263-1266,1282
根据冲击地压发生的力学条件和地质条件,引入(Ruina,1983年1单状态变量本构模型(Single state variable model,SSVM)对冲击地压的动力学行为和演化行为进行了描述。研究表明:模型中参数K,β对冲击地压系统动力学行为和状态变量演化行为贡献较大,而系统动力学行为和演化行为对φ,f初值的敏感性相对较低。模型模拟了冲击地压系统的粘滑特性和冲击地压系统的动力失稳过程,较好地解释了冲击地压的发生机理,为冲击地压失稳破坏的预测预报提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A geological cross-section between Vulcan Peak (Klamath Mountains) and Gold Beach (Pacific Ocean) shows several tectonic sheets thrust to the west. From the coast to the east, in tectonic superposition:
1. (1) The metamorphosed Franciscan Complex includes the Tithonian-Neocomian Otter Point and Dothan Formations, and, above them, a mélange unit and the Colebrooke Schist.
2. (2) Over them all lie the Red Flat, Game Lake and Snow Camp peridotite units, which are cut by granodioritic dykes of the Nevadan Orogeny and covered by Tithonian-Neocomian sediments (Myrtle Group). We have considered these granite-bearing ultramafic units as klippen thrust westward from the Klamath Mountains.
Several stages of deformation are superimposed:
1. (1) Disconformable upon the Otter Point Formation are the unmetamorphosed detrital Cape Sebastian and Hunters Cove Formations. Their Late Cretaceous age gives here an upper limit to the Franciscan metamorphism and tectonics.
2. (2) The first reworked fragments of Colebrooke Schist or ultramafic units are not found in the Campanian Cape Sebastian basal conglomerates (which are affected by some thrusting), but in the Middle Eocene Lookingglass Formation. Thus, major thrusting happened during Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary times.
A geodynamic model is given: in southwestern Oregon, the Franciscan was probably deposited during Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous (Tithonian and Neocomian) times in a marginal basin, between an island arc to the west (Otter Point Formation in part) and the North American continent (Klamath Mountains) to the east. This Franciscan marginal basin was probably closed during the Early Cretaceous (i.e. Franciscan subduction). The present day structures (thrust plates, folds) are probably due mainly to the later collision between the continental margin and the arc and, to a much lesser degree, to early subduction, the marginal basin being consumed by subduction first, and then by collision.  相似文献   

根据冲击地压发生的力学条件和地质条件, 引入 (Ruina,1983年)单状态变量本构模型(Single state variable model, SSVM)对冲击地压的动力学行为和演化行为进行了描述。研究表明:模型中参数K, 对冲击地压系统动力学行为和状态变量演化行为贡献较大,而系统动力学行为和演化行为对 ,f初值的敏感性相对较低。模型模拟了冲击地压系统的粘滑特性和冲击地压系统的动力失稳过程,较好地解释了冲击地压的发生机理,为冲击地压失稳破坏的预测预报提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In the present work, geological and geophysical methods were used to delineate the locations of multiple mafic intrusions at the Claytor Nature Study Center (CNSC) near Bedford, VA. An investigation of the groundwater hydrology of CNSC was launched in 2007. As a first step in that project a preliminary geological survey revealed sparse evidence of a number of diabase intrusions in the area. While diabase intrusions are not particularly permeable features, contact metamorphism of the host rock could provide conduits for groundwater due to stress fractures and joints and high-temperature recrystallization of the rock matrix. Following the geological survey, geophysical surveys including seismic refraction, ground penetrating radar, and magnetic ground measurements were conducted to determine the location and extent of these multiple igneous intrusions. Seismic and radar surveys proved to be inconclusive, but the magnetic surveys showed strong magnetic anomalies. The magnetic data were obtained using a Geometrics G-856 proton precession magnetometer and were interpreted using the Mag2dc algorithm and SGeMS geostatistical software. The results show that the intrusions are dikes that cut across nearly perpendicular to the regional metamorphic structures and trend generally north–south with a dip of approximately 75°–90° to the west. These findings are consistent with one of the general directions of stresses associated with the North Atlantic seafloor spreading in late Triassic or early Jurassic period. Subsequent hydrologic testing and groundwater modeling confirm the role of the dikes in the overall hydrogeology of the site.  相似文献   

Landslide susceptibility and hazard assessments are the most important steps in landslide risk mapping. The main objective of this study was to investigate and compare the results of two artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms, i.e., multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basic function (RBF) for spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility in Vaz Watershed, Iran. At first, landslide locations were identified by aerial photographs and field surveys, and a total of 136 landside locations were constructed from various sources. Then the landslide inventory map was randomly split into a training dataset 70 % (95 landslide locations) for training the ANN model and the remaining 30 % (41 landslides locations) was used for validation purpose. Nine landslide conditioning factors such as slope, slope aspect, altitude, land use, lithology, distance from rivers, distance from roads, distance from faults, and rainfall were constructed in geographical information system. In this study, both MLP and RBF algorithms were used in artificial neural network model. The results showed that MLP with Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno learning algorithm is more efficient than RBF in landslide susceptibility mapping for the study area. Finally the landslide susceptibility maps were validated using the validation data (i.e., 30 % landslide location data that was not used during the model construction) using area under the curve (AUC) method. The success rate curve showed that the area under the curve for RBF and MLP was 0.9085 (90.85 %) and 0.9193 (91.93 %) accuracy, respectively. Similarly, the validation result showed that the area under the curve for MLP and RBF models were 0.881 (88.1 %) and 0.8724 (87.24 %), respectively. The results of this study showed that landslide susceptibility mapping in the Vaz Watershed of Iran using the ANN approach is viable and can be used for land use planning.  相似文献   

The non-linear apparent resistivity problem in the subsurface study of the earth takes into account the model parameters in terms of resistivity and thickness of individual subsurface layers using the trained synthetic data by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Here we used a single layer feed-forward neural network with fast back propagation learning algorithm. So on proper training of back propagation networks it tends to give the resistivity and thickness of the subsurface layer model of the field resistivity data with reference to the synthetic data trained in the appropriate network. During training, the weights and biases of the network are iteratively adjusted to make network performance function level more efficient. On adequate training, errors are minimized and the best result is obtained using the artificial neural networks. The network is trained with more number of VES data and this trained network is demonstrated by the field data. The accuracy of inversion depends upon the number of data trained. In this novel and specially designed algorithm, the interpretation of the vertical electrical sounding has been done successfully with the more accurate layer model.  相似文献   

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