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Remains of scaled chrysophytes, magnetic minerals and pollen were used to analyze the recent paleolimnological history of a small lake, Lake Waynewood, in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. Important shifts in all three variables were observed over the 133 years represented by the core. The most significant changes occurred near the turn of the century when the watershed was heavily logged. Before the logging event, species such asSynura sphagnicola, S. spinosa, Mallomonas galeiformis andM. duerrschmidtiae were co-dominant members of the flora. Subsequent to the deforestation of the watershed other taxa, includingM. crassisquama, M. caudata andS. petersenii, increased in relative importance. Concurrent with changes in the scaled chrysophytes was a six-fold increase in the concentrations of magnetic material, presumably the result of increased erosion caused by the logging. Changes in pollen grains also correlate well with the onset of the deforestation event. The scaled chrysophyte inferred specific conductivity of the lake has more than tripled, with the primary increase occurring concurrent with the commencement of logging and the increase in magnetic mineral material. The effects of other human-related disturbances are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results of mineral magnetic measurements and geochemical analyses of late Glacial sediments from two marl-precipitating lakes in the Northwest of England. Mineral magnetic assemblages dominated by detrital and/or authigenic ferrimagnetic minerals, and enhanced delivery of metal elements, characterise a lower (Oldest Dryas) and an upper (Younger Dryas) phase of catchment instability, with detrital clay and silt sedimentation. Magnetic mineral assemblages with lower concentrations of finer ferrimagnetic grains characterise the authigenic carbonate sediments (marls). The marls indicate both enhanced lake productivity and catchment stability in response to prevailing warm conditions during the Bølling - Allerød Interstadial. The Bølling - Allerød marl phase contains two short-term, low amplitude shifts characterised by changes in the concentration and the size of ferrimagnetic grains. These shifts may represent the Older Dryas and the Amphi-Atlantic Oscillation, short-lived Northern hemisphere climatic deteriorations. Overall, the results suggest that marl lakes are sensitive indicators of Lateglacial climatic change, and that these changes are readily identifiable through the use of mineral magnetic measurements.  相似文献   

本文以天山北坡三工河流域为例,利用1958年、1968年和1978年3期航片、1987年彩红外航片、1998年Landsat TM、2004年SPOT 5和2014年Landsat OLI影像,构建绿洲及其外围荒漠7期土地利用/土地覆被数据集,综合分析1950s屯垦戍边以来现代绿洲演变和外围荒漠植物群落变化。结果表明:①1950年以来,屯垦戍边使位于三工河冲洪积扇中下部的老绿洲不断向冲积平原扩张,老绿洲外围以柽柳和梭梭为建群种的土质荒漠景观不断转变为新绿洲,绿洲面积增加了4倍多。其中1958-1968年和2000s以来是绿洲变化最为显著的两个阶段,这两个阶段分别对应了农业用地和建设用地增幅最大的时期。② 三工河流域的现代绿洲演变过程中存在“地方管辖区”和“兵团农场区”两种基本管理模式,也正是这两种模式相互渗透、相互交叉融合,共同推动了现代绿洲演变。③三工河流域1950s-2004年现代绿洲演变具有干旱区绿洲演变的普遍特征,但2004年以后的演变仅适用于有较大规模跨流域调水或新增水源的绿洲演变情形。现代绿洲的扩张以荒漠植被的砍伐和破坏为代价,导致绿洲外围植物群落结构发生了显著的变化,这使得绿洲外围荒漠生态系统的保护愈加困难  相似文献   

Measurements of two small streams in northeastern Vermont, collected in 1966 and 2004–2005, document considerable change in channel width following a period of passive reforestation. Channel widths of several tributaries to Sleepers River in Danville, VT, USA, were previously measured in 1966 when the area had a diverse patchwork of forested and nonforested riparian vegetation. Nearly 40 years later, we remeasured bed widths and surveyed large woody debris (LWD) in two of these tributaries, along 500 m of upper Pope Brook and along nearly the entire length (3 km) of an unnamed tributary (W12). Following the longitudinal survey, we collected detailed channel and riparian information for nine reaches along the same two streams. Four reaches had reforested since 1966; two reaches remained nonforested. The other three reaches have been forested since at least the 1940s. Results show that reforested reaches were significantly wider than as measured in 1966, and they are more incised than all other forested and nonforested reaches. Visual observations, cross-sectional surveys, and LWD characteristics indicate that reforested reaches continue to change in response to riparian reforestation. The three reaches with the oldest forest were widest for a given drainage area, and the nonforested reaches were substantially narrower. Our observations culminated in a conceptual model that describes a multiphase process of incision, widening, and recovery following riparian reforestation of nonforested areas. Results from this case study may help inform stream restoration efforts by providing insight into potentially unanticipated changes in channel size associated with the replanting of forested riparian buffers adjacent to small streams.  相似文献   

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