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Observations of redshift-space distortions in spectroscopic galaxy surveys offer an attractive method for observing the build-up of cosmological structure. In this paper, we develop and test a new statistic based on anisotropies in the measured galaxy power spectrum, which is independent of galaxy bias and matches the matter power spectrum shape on large scales. The amplitude provides a constraint on the derivative of the linear growth rate through   f σ8(mass)  . This demonstrates that spectroscopic galaxy surveys offer many of the same advantages as weak lensing surveys, in that they both use galaxies as test particles to probe all matter in the Universe. They are complementary as redshift-space distortions probe non-relativistic velocities and therefore the temporal metric perturbations, while weak lensing tests the sum of the temporal and spatial metric perturbations. The degree to which our estimator can be pushed into the non-linear regime is considered and we show that a simple Gaussian damping model, similar to that previously used to model the behaviour of the power spectrum on very small scales, can also model the quasi-linear behaviour of our estimator. This enhances the information that can be extracted from surveys for Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) models.  相似文献   

Using N -body simulations of flat, dark energy-dominated cosmologies, we show that galaxies around simulated binary systems resembling the Local Group (LG) have low peculiar velocities, in good agreement with observational data. We have compared results for LG-like systems selected from large, high-resolution simulations of three cosmologies: a ΛCDM model, a ΛWDM model with a 2-keV warm dark matter candidate, and a quintessence (QCDM) model with an equation-of-state parameter   w =−0.6  . The Hubble flow is significantly colder around LGs selected in a flat, Λ-dominated cosmology than around LGs in open or critical models, showing that a dark energy component manifests itself on the scales of nearby galaxies, cooling galaxy peculiar motions. Flows in the ΛWDM and QCDM models are marginally colder than in the ΛCDM one.
The results of our simulations have been compared to existing data and to a new data set of 28 nearby galaxies with robust distance measures (Cepheids and surface brightness fluctuations). The measured line-of-sight velocity dispersion is given by  σH= (88 ± 20  km s−1) × ( R /7 Mpc)  . The best agreement with observations is found for LGs selected in the ΛCDM cosmology in environments with  −0.1 < δρ/ρ < 0.6  on scales of 7 Mpc, in agreement with existing observational estimates on the local matter density. These results provide new, independent evidence for the presence of dark energy on scales of a few megaparsecs, corroborating the evidence gathered from observations of distant objects and the early Universe.  相似文献   

21-cm emission from neutral hydrogen during and before the epoch of cosmic reionization is gravitationally lensed by material at all lower redshifts. Low-frequency radio observations of this emission can be used to reconstruct the projected mass distribution of foreground material, both light and dark. We compare the potential imaging capabilities of such 21-cm lensing with those of future galaxy lensing surveys. We use the Millennium Simulation to simulate large-area maps of the lensing convergence with the noise, resolution and redshift-weighting achievable with a variety of idealized observation programmes. We find that the signal-to-noise ratio of 21-cm lens maps can far exceed that of any map made using galaxy lensing. If the irreducible noise limit can be reached with a sufficiently large radio telescope, the projected convergence map provides a high-fidelity image of the true matter distribution, allowing the dark matter haloes of individual galaxies to be viewed directly, and giving a wealth of statistical and morphological information about the relative distributions of mass and light. For instrumental designs like that planned for the Square Kilometre Array, high-fidelity mass imaging may be possible near the resolution limit of the core array of the telescope.  相似文献   

The Arecibo H i Strip Survey probed the halos of approximately 300 cataloged galaxies and the environments of approximately 14 groups with sensitivity to neutral hydrogen masses >/=107 M middle dot in circle. The survey detected no objects with properties resembling the high-velocity clouds (HVCs) associated with the Milky Way or Local Group. If the HVCs were typically MHi=107.5 M middle dot in circle objects distributed throughout groups and galaxy halos at distances of approximately 1 Mpc, the survey should have made approximately 70 HVC detections in groups and approximately 250 detections around galaxies. The null detection implies that HVCs are deployed at typical distances of 相似文献   

There are a number of theoretical and observational hints that large numbers of low-mass galaxies composed entirely of dark matter exist in the field. The theoretical considerations follow from the prediction of cold dark matter theory that there exist many low-mass galaxies for every massive one. The observational considerations follow from the observed paucity of these low-mass galaxies in the field but not in dense clusters of galaxies; this suggests that the lack of small galaxies in the field is due to the inhibition of star formation in the galaxies as opposed to the fact that their small dark matter haloes do not exist. In this work we outline the likely properties of low-mass dark galaxies, and describe observational strategies for finding them, and where in the sky to search. The results are presented as a function of the global properties of dark matter, in particular the presence or absence of a substantial baryonic dark matter component. If the dark matter is purely cold and has a Navarro, Frenk & White density profile, directly detecting dark galaxies will only be feasible with present technology if the galaxy has a maximum velocity dispersion in excess of 70 km s−1, in which case the dark galaxies could strongly lens background objects. This is much higher than the maximum velocity dispersions in most dwarf galaxies. If the dark matter in galaxy haloes has a baryonic component close to the cosmic ratio, the possibility of directly detecting dark galaxies is much more realistic; the optimal method of detection will depend on the nature of the dark matter. A number of more indirect methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

Mass-to-light ratio gradients in early-type galaxy haloes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owing to the fact that the near future should see a rapidly expanding set of probes of the halo masses of individual early-type galaxies, we introduce a convenient parameter for characterizing the halo masses from both observational and theoretical results:  ∇ϒ  , the logarithmic radial gradient of the mass-to-light ratio. Using halo density profiles from Λ-cold dark matter (CDM) simulations, we derive predictions for this gradient for various galaxy luminosities and star formation efficiencies  εSF  . As a pilot study, we assemble the available  ∇ϒ  data from kinematics in early-type galaxies – representing the first unbiased study of halo masses in a wide range of early-type galaxy luminosities – and find a correlation between luminosity and  ∇ϒ  , such that the brightest galaxies appear the most dark-matter dominated. We find that the gradients in most of the brightest galaxies may fit in well with the ΛCDM predictions, but that there is also a population of fainter galaxies whose gradients are so low as to imply an unreasonably high star formation efficiency  εSF > 1  . This difficulty is eased if dark haloes are not assumed to have the standard ΛCDM profiles, but lower central concentrations.  相似文献   

We develop a coupled model for the evolution of the global properties of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the formation of galaxies, in the presence of a photoionizing background due to stars and quasars. We use this model to predict the thermodynamic history of the IGM when photoionized by galaxies forming in a cold dark matter (CDM) universe. The evolution of the galaxies is calculated using a semi-analytical model, including a detailed treatment of the effects of tidal stripping and dynamical friction on satellite galaxies orbiting inside larger dark matter haloes. We include in the model the negative feedback on galaxy formation from the photoionizing background. Photoionization inhibits galaxy formation in low-mass dark matter haloes in two ways: (i) heating of the IGM and inhibition of the collapse of gas into dark haloes by the IGM pressure, and (ii) reduction in the rate of radiative cooling of gas within haloes. The result of our method is a self-consistent model of galaxy formation and the IGM. The IGM is reheated twice (during reionization of H  i and He  ii ), and we find that the star formation rate per unit volume is slightly suppressed after each episode of reheating. We find that galaxies brighter than L are mostly unaffected by reionization, while the abundance of faint galaxies is significantly reduced, leading to present-day galaxy luminosity functions with shallow faint-end slopes, in good agreement with recent observational data. Reionization also affects other properties of these faint galaxies, in a readily understandable way.  相似文献   

We use galaxy groups selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) together with mass models for individual groups to study the galaxy–galaxy lensing signals expected from galaxies of different luminosities and morphological types. We compare our model predictions with the observational results obtained from the SDSS by Mandelbaum et al. for the same samples of galaxies. The observational results are well reproduced in a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model based on the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 3-yr data, but a ΛCDM model with higher σ8, such as the one based on the WMAP 1-yr data, significantly overpredicts the galaxy–galaxy lensing signal. We model, separately, the contributions to the galaxy–galaxy lensing signals from different galaxies: central versus satellite, early type versus late type and galaxies in haloes of different masses. We also examine how the predicted galaxy–galaxy lensing signal depends on the shape, density profile and the location of the central galaxy with respect to its host halo.  相似文献   

We follow the evolution of the galaxy population in a ΛCDM cosmology by means of high-resolution N -body simulations in which the formation of galaxies and their observable properties are calculated using a semi-analytic model. We display images of the spatial distribution of galaxies in the simulations that illustrate its evolution and provide a qualitative understanding of the processes responsible for the various biases that develop. We consider three specific statistical measures of clustering at     and     : the correlation length (in both real and redshift space) of galaxies of different luminosity, the morphology–density relation and the genus curve of the topology of galaxy isodensity surfaces. For galaxies with luminosity below L ∗, the     correlation length depends very little on the luminosity of the sample, but for brighter galaxies it increases very rapidly, reaching values in excess of 10  h −1 Mpc. The 'accelerated' dynamical evolution experienced by galaxies in rich clusters, which is partly responsible for this effect, also results in a strong morphology–density relation. Remarkably, this relation is already well-established at     . The genus curves of the galaxies are significantly different from the genus curves of the dark matter, however this is not a result of genuine topological differences but rather of the sparse sampling of the density field provided by galaxies. The predictions of our model at     will be tested by forthcoming data from the 2dF and Sloan galaxy surveys, and those at     by the DEEP and VIRMOS surveys.  相似文献   

We study the formation of tidal tails in pairs of merging disc galaxies with structural properties motivated by current theories of cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies. In a recent study, Dubinski, Mihos & Hernquist showed that the formation of prominent tidal tails can be strongly suppressed by massive and extended dark haloes. For the large halo-to-disc mass ratio expected in CDM cosmologies their sequence of models failed to produce strong tails like those observed in many well-known pairs of interacting galaxies. In order to test whether this effect can constrain the viability of CDM cosmologies, we construct N ‐body models of disc galaxies with structural properties derived in analogy to the recent analytical work of Mo, Mao & White. With a series of self-consistent collisionless simulations of galaxy–galaxy mergers we demonstrate that even the discs of very massive dark haloes have no problems developing long tidal tails, provided the halo spin parameter is large enough. For our class of models, the halo-to-disc mass ratio is not a good indicator of the ability to produce tails. Instead, the relative size of disc and halo or, alternatively, the ratio of circular velocity to local escape speed at the half mass radius of the disc is a more useful criterion. This result holds in all CDM models. While tidal tails can provide useful information on the structure of galaxies, it thus appears unlikely that they are able to constrain the values of the cosmological parameters within these models.  相似文献   

Low-frequency observatories are currently being constructed with the goal of detecting redshifted 21-cm emission from the epoch of reionization. These observatories will also be able to detect intensity fluctuations in the cumulative 21-cm emission after reionization, from hydrogen in unresolved damped Lyα absorbers (such as gas-rich galaxies) down to a redshift z ∼ 3.5. The inferred power spectrum of 21-cm fluctuations at all redshifts will show acoustic oscillations, whose comoving scale can be used as a standard ruler to infer the evolution of the equation of state for the dark energy. We find that the first generation of low-frequency experiments (such as MWA or LOFAR) will be able to constrain the acoustic scale to within a few per cent in a redshift window just prior to the end of the reionization era, provided that foregrounds can be removed over frequency bandpasses of ≳8 MHz. This sensitivity to the acoustic scale is comparable to the best current measurements from galaxy redshift surveys, but at much higher redshifts. Future extensions of the first-generation experiments (involving an order of magnitude increase in the antennae number of the MWA) could reach sensitivities below 1 per cent in several redshift windows and could be used to study the dark energy in the unexplored redshift regime of 3.5 ≲ z ≲ 12. Moreover, new experiments with antennae designed to operate at higher frequencies would allow precision measurements (≲1 per cent) of the acoustic peak to be made at more moderate redshifts (1.5 ≲ z ≲ 3.5), where they would be competitive with ambitious spectroscopic galaxy surveys covering more than 1000 deg2. Together with other data sets, observations of 21-cm fluctuations will allow full coverage of the acoustic scale from the present time out to z ∼ 12.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of the mass distribution in galaxy and cluster haloes are essential to test the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm. The cosmological model predicts a universal shape for the density profile in all haloes, independent of halo mass. Its profile has a 'cuspy' centre, with no evidence for the constant density core. In this paper, we carry out a careful analysis of 12 galaxy clusters, using Chandra data to compute the mass distribution in each system under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. Due to their low concentration, clusters provide ideal objects for studying the central cusps in dark matter haloes. The majority of the systems are consistent with the CDM model, but four objects exhibit flat inner density profiles. We suggest that the flat inner profile found for these clusters is due to an underestimation of the mass in the cluster centre (rather than any problem with the CDM model), since these objects also have a centrally peaked gas mass fraction. We discuss possible causes for erroneously low-mass measurements in the cores of some systems.  相似文献   

Using detailed mock galaxy redshift surveys (MGRSs) we investigate the abundance and radial distribution of satellite galaxies. The mock surveys are constructed using large numerical simulations and the conditional luminosity function (CLF), and are compared against data from the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). We use Monte Carlo Markov chains to explore the full posterior distribution of the CLF parameter space, and show that the average relation between light and mass is tightly constrained and in excellent agreement with our previous models and with that of Vale & Ostriker. The radial number density distribution of satellite galaxies in the 2dFGRS reveals a pronounced absence of satellites at small projected separations from their host galaxies. This is (at least partly) owing to the overlap and merging of galaxy images in the 2dFGRS parent catalogue. Owing to the resulting close-pair incompleteness we are unfortunately unable to put meaningful constraints on the radial distribution of satellite galaxies; the data are consistent with a radial number density distribution that follows that of the dark matter particles, but we cannot rule out alternatives with a constant number density core. Marginalizing over the full CLF parameter space, we show that in a ΛCDM concordance cosmology the observed abundances of host and satellite galaxies in the 2dFGRS indicate a power spectrum normalization of  σ8≃ 0.7  . The same cosmology but with  σ8= 0.9  is unable to match simultaneously the abundances of host and satellite galaxies. This confirms our previous conclusions based on the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions and the group multiplicity function.  相似文献   

Dwarf galaxy rotation curves and the core problem of dark matter haloes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The standard cold dark matter (CDM) model has recently been challenged by the claim that dwarf galaxies have dark matter haloes with constant-density cores, whereas CDM predicts haloes with steeply cusped density distributions. Consequently, numerous alternative dark matter candidates have recently been proposed. In this paper we scrutinize the observational evidence for the incongruity between dwarf galaxies and the CDM model. To this end, we analyse the rotation curves of 20 late-type dwarf galaxies studied by Swaters. Taking the effects of beam smearing and adiabatic contraction into account, we fit mass models to these rotation curves with dark matter haloes with different cusp slopes, ranging from constant-density cores to r −2 cusps. Even though the effects of beam smearing are small for these data, the uncertainties in the stellar mass-to-light ratio and the limited spatial sampling of the halo's density distribution hamper a unique mass decomposition. Consequently, the rotation curves in our sample cannot be used to discriminate between dark haloes with constant-density cores and r −1 cusps. We show that the dwarf galaxies analysed here are consistent with CDM haloes in a ΛCDM cosmology, and that there is thus no need to abandon the idea that dark matter is cold and collisionless. However, the data are also consistent with any alternative dark matter model that produces dark matter haloes with central cusps less steep than r −1.5. In fact, we argue that based on existing H  i rotation curves alone, at best weak limits can be obtained on cosmological parameters and/or the nature of the dark matter. In order to make progress, rotation curves with higher spatial resolution and independent measurements of the mass-to-light ratio of the disc are required.  相似文献   

We simulate the collisional formation of a ring galaxy and we integrate its evolution up to 1.5 Gyr after the interaction. About 100–200 Myr after the collision, the simulated galaxy is very similar to observed ring galaxies (e.g. Cartwheel). After this stage, the ring keeps expanding and fades. Approximately 0.5–1 Gyr after the interaction, the disc becomes very large (∼100 kpc) and flat. Such extended discs have been observed only in giant low surface brightness galaxies (GLSBs). We compare various properties of our simulated galaxies (surface brightness profile, morphology, H  i spectrum and rotation curve) with the observations of four well-known GLSBs (UGC 6614, Malin 1, Malin 2 and NGC 7589). The simulations match quite well the observations, suggesting that ring galaxies could be the progenitors of GLSBs. This result is crucial for the cold dark matter (CDM) model, as it was very difficult, so far, to explain the formation of GLSBs within the CDM scenario.  相似文献   

We study the formation of galaxies in a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations with a multiphase treatment of gas, cooling and feedback, focusing on the formation of discs. Our simulations follow eight isolated haloes similar in mass to the Milky Way and extracted from a large cosmological simulation without restriction on spin parameter or merger history. This allows us to investigate how the final properties of the simulated galaxies correlate with the formation histories of their haloes. We find that, at   z = 0  , none of our galaxies contains a disc with more than 20 per cent of its total stellar mass. Four of the eight galaxies nevertheless have well-formed disc components, three have dominant spheroids and very small discs, and one is a spheroidal galaxy with no disc at all. The   z = 0  spheroids are made of old stars, while discs are younger and formed from the inside-out. Neither the existence of a disc at   z = 0  nor the final disc-to-total mass ratio seems to depend on the spin parameter of the halo. Discs are formed in haloes with spin parameters as low as 0.01 and as high as 0.05; galaxies with little or no disc component span the same range in spin parameter. Except for one of the simulated galaxies, all have significant discs at   z ≳ 2  , regardless of their   z = 0  morphologies. Major mergers and instabilities which arise when accreting cold gas is misaligned with the stellar disc trigger a transfer of mass from the discs to the spheroids. In some cases, discs are destroyed, while in others, they survive or reform. This suggests that the survival probability of discs depends on the particular formation history of each galaxy. A realistic ΛCDM model will clearly require weaker star formation at high redshift and later disc assembly than occurs in our models.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution simulations within the cold dark matter (CDM) and warm dark matter (WDM) models, we study the evolution of small-scale structure in the local volume, a sphere of 8-Mpc radius around the Local Group. We compare the observed spectrum of minivoids in the local volume with the spectrum of minivoids determined from the simulations. We show that the ΛWDM model can easily explain both the observed spectrum of minivoids and the presence of low-mass galaxies observed in the local volume, provided that all haloes with circular velocities greater than 20 km s−1 host galaxies. On the contrary, within the ΛCDM model the distribution of the simulated minivoids reflects the observed one if haloes with maximal circular velocities larger than  35 km s−1  host galaxies. This assumption is in contradiction with observations of galaxies with circular velocities as low as 20 km s−1 in our local Universe. A potential problem of the ΛWDM model could be the late formation of the haloes in which the gas can be efficiently photoevaporated. Thus, star formation is suppressed and low-mass haloes might not host any galaxy at all.  相似文献   

Voids are a dominant feature of the low-redshift galaxy distribution. Several recent surveys have found evidence for the existence of large-scale structure at high redshifts as well. We present analytic estimates of galaxy void sizes at redshifts   z ∼ 5–10  using the excursion set formalism. We find that recent narrow-band surveys at   z ∼ 5–6.5  should find voids with characteristic scales of roughly 20 comoving Mpc and maximum diameters approaching 40 Mpc. This is consistent with existing surveys, but a precise comparison is difficult because of the relatively small volumes probed so far. At   z ∼ 7–10  , we expect characteristic void scales of ∼14–20 comoving Mpc assuming that all galaxies within dark matter haloes more massive than  1010 M  are observable. We find that these characteristic scales are similar to the sizes of empty regions resulting from purely random fluctuations in the galaxy counts. As a result, true large-scale structure will be difficult to observe at   z ∼ 7–10  , unless galaxies in haloes with masses  ≲109 M  are visible. Galaxy surveys must be deep and only the largest voids will provide meaningful information. Our model provides a convenient picture for estimating the 'worst-case' effects of cosmic variance on high-redshift galaxy surveys with limited volumes.  相似文献   

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