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A model is presented for an accretion disc with turbulent viscosity and a magnetically influenced wind. The magnetic field is generated by a dynamo in the disc, involving the turbulence and radial shear. Disc-wind solutions are found for which the wind mass flux is sufficient to play a major part in driving an imposed steady inflow, but small enough for most material to be accreted on to the central object. Constraints arise for the magnetic Reynolds and Prandtl numbers in terms of the turbulent Mach number and vertical length-scale of the disc's horizontal magnetic field. It is shown that the imposition of a stellar boundary condition enhances the wind mass flux in the very inner region of the disc and may result in jet formation.  相似文献   

We study the effects of winds on the time evolution of isothermal, self-gravitating accretion discs by adopting a radius-dependent mass-loss rate because of the existence of the wind. Our similarity and semi-analytical solution describes time evolution of the system in the slow accretion limit. The disc structure is distinct in the inner and outer parts, irrespective of the existence of the wind. We show that the existence of wind will lead to a reduction of the surface density in the inner and outer parts of the disc in comparison to a no-wind solution. Also, the radial velocity significantly increases in the outer part of the disc, however, the accretion rate decreases due to the reduced surface density in comparison to the no-wind solution. In the inner part of the disc, mass loss due to the wind is negligible according to our solution. But the radial size of this no-wind inner region becomes smaller for stronger winds.  相似文献   

In this paper we look at one of the effects of irradiation on a warped accretion disc in the context of active galactic nuclei (AGN). A warp will catch a substantial amount of the radiation emitted by the central object. We consider the fluid motions that may arise inside a warped disc when the surface is subject to a radiation stress, and also the net mass flows that result. We find that, to first order, we have a balance of the viscous and Coriolis-type forces. The radial radiation stress causes outward motion of the surface layer, but only the azimuthal Poynting–Robertson drag leads to an increase in the net accretion rate. We investigate the distribution of the velocity perturbations and find them to be significant in determining the local structure of the disc.
An unexpected result is that the picture changes significantly when we take into account the periodic illumination of the warped disc. A type of resonance at the local Keplerian rotation frequency causes a flow that penetrates the whole thickness of the disc; these flows are faster than the flows due to unchanging illumination. They totally dominate the induced flows in terms of sheer mass, but significant impact on disc structure still occurs only near the surface, where velocity perturbations typically go up to some kilometres per second.  相似文献   

We consider the shape of an accretion disc whose outer regions are misaligned with the spin axis of a central black hole and calculate the steady state form of the warped disc in the case where the viscosity and surface densities are power laws in the distance from the central black hole. We discuss the shape of the resulting disc in both the frame of the black hole and that of the outer disc. We note that some parts of the disc and also any companion star maybe shadowed from the central regions by the warp. We compute the torque on the black hole caused by the Lense–Thirring precession, and hence compute the alignment and precession time-scales. We generalize the case with viscosity and hence surface density independent of radius to more realistic density distributions for which the surface density is a decreasing function of radius. We find that the alignment time-scale does not change greatly but the precession time-scale is more sensitive. We also determine the effect on this time-scale if we truncate the disc. For a given truncation radius, the time-scales are less affected for more sharply falling density distributions.  相似文献   

We present the results from a monitoring campaign of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy PG 1211+143. The object was monitored with ground-based facilities ( UBVRI photometry; from 2007 February to July) and with Swift [X-ray photometry/spectroscopy and ultraviolet (UV)/optical photometry; between 2007 March and May]. We found PG 1211+143 in a historical low X-ray flux state at the beginning of the Swift monitoring campaign in 2007 March. It is seen from the light curves that while violently variable in X-rays, the quasar shows little variations in optical/UV bands. The X-ray spectrum in the low state is similar to other narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies during their low states and can be explained by a strong partial covering absorber or by X-ray reflection on to the disc. With the current data set, however, it is not possible to distinguish between both scenarios. The interband cross-correlation functions indicate a possible reprocessing of the X-rays into the longer wavelengths, consistent with the idea of a thin accretion disc, powering the quasar. The time lags between the X-ray and the optical/UV light curves, ranging from ∼2 to ∼18 d for the different wavebands, scale approximately as  ∼λ4/3  , but appear to be somewhat larger than expected for this object, taking into account its accretion disc parameters. Possible implications for the location of the X-ray irradiating source are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the gravitomagnetic interaction of a black hole (BH) with a misaligned accretion disc to study BH spin precession and alignment jointly with BH mass M BH and spin parameter a evolution, under the assumption that the disc is continually fed, in its outer region, by matter with angular momentum fixed on a given direction     . We develop an iterative scheme based on the adiabatic approximation to study the BH–disc co-evolution: in this approach, the accretion disc transits through a sequence of quasi-steady warped states (Bardeen–Petterson effect) and interacts with the BH until the spin   J BH  aligns with     . For a BH aligning with a corotating disc, the fractional increase in mass is typically less than a few per cent, while the spin modulus can increase up to a few tens of per cent. The alignment time-scale     is of  ∼105–106 yr  for a maximally rotating BH accreting at the Eddington rate. BH–disc alignment from an initially counter-rotating disc tends to be more efficient compared to the specular corotating case due to the asymmetry seeded in the Kerr metric: counter-rotating matter carries a larger and opposite angular momentum when crossing the innermost stable orbit, so that the spin modulus decreases faster and so the relative inclination angle.  相似文献   

We consider the power of a relativistic jet accelerated by the magnetic field of an accretion disc. It is found that the power extracted from the disc is mainly determined by the field strength and configuration of the field far from the disc. Comparing it with the power extracted from a rotating black hole, we find that the jet power extracted from a disc can dominate over that from the rotating black hole. However, in some cases, the jet power extracted from a rapidly rotating hole can be more important than that from the disc, even if the poloidal field threading the hole is not significantly larger than that threading the inner edge of the disc. The results imply that the radio-loudness of quasars may be governed by its accretion rate, which might be regulated by the central black hole mass. It is proposed that the different disc field generation mechanisms might be tested against observations of radio-loud quasars if their black hole masses are available.  相似文献   

The accretion disc in active galactic nucleus (AGN) is expected to produce strong outflows, in particular an ultraviolet (UV)-line-driven wind. Several observed spectral features, including the soft X-ray excess, have been associated with the accretion disc wind. However, current spectral models of the X-ray spectrum of AGN observed through an accretion disc wind, known to provide a good fit to the observed X-ray data, are ad hoc in their treatment of the outflow velocity and density of the wind material. In order to address these limitations we adopt a numerical computational method that links a series of radiative transfer calculations, incorporating the effect of a global velocity field in a self-consistent manner { xstar Simulation Chain for Outflows with Radiative Transfer ( xscort )}. We present a series of example spectra from the xscort code that allow us to examine the shape of AGN X-ray spectra seen through a smooth wind with terminal velocity of 0.3 c , as appropriate for a UV-line-driven wind. We calculate spectra for a range of different acceleration laws, density distributions, total column densities and ionization parameters, but all these have sharp features that contrast strongly with both the previous 'smeared absorption' models, and with the observed smoothness of the soft X-ray excess. This rules out absorption in a radiatively driven accretion disc wind as the origin of the soft X-ray excess, though a larger terminal velocity, possibly associated with material in a magnetically driven outflow/jet, may allow outflow models to recover a smooth excess.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a fully relativistic approach to modelling both the continuum emission and the reflected fluorescent iron line from a primary X-ray source near a Kerr black hole. The X-ray source is located above an accretion disc orbiting around the black hole. The source is assumed to be a static point source located on an arbitrary position above the disc, on or off the axis of rotation. We carry out Monte Carlo simulations in order to estimate the iron line spectrum as well as its equivalent width. Because of the gravitational lensing effect, an enhancement of the iron line is expected when the primary source is located close to the central black hole. We find that for a source located on the axis of rotation the enhancement is relatively modest. An observer at inclination 30° would measure an equivalent width of ∼300 eV in the extreme case of a maximally rotating black hole and a source located at height 1.5 gravitational radii from the centre. This corresponds to an equivalent width enhancement factor of about 2 compared with the classical value where no lensing effect comes into play. However, when allowing the source to be located off the axis of rotation, much stronger enhancement can be obtained. In the extreme case of a maximally rotating black hole and a source located just above the approaching side of the disc, an observer at inclination 30° could measure an equivalent width as high as ∼1.5 keV (i.e., ∼10 times the classical value). We also find that observers located at high inclination angles observe a stronger line than observers at low inclination angles.  相似文献   

We study the vertical structure of the transition layer between an accretion disc and a corona in the context of the existence of a two-phase medium in thermally unstable regions. The disc is illuminated by hard X-ray radiation, and satisfies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium. We take into account the energy exchange between the hot, Compton-heated corona (∼108 K) and cool disc (∼104 K) arising from both radiative processes and thermal conduction. In the case including thermal conduction, we perform a local stability analysis, and conclude that thermal conduction does not suppress thermal instability. In spite of the continuous temperature profile T ( τ ) there are regions of strong temperature gradient, in which spontaneous perturbations can lead to cloud condensation in the transition layer. We determine the minimum size λ TC of such a perturbation.  相似文献   

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