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在WTO与FTA的影响下日本进入新的贸易发展阶段,日本贸易政策也做出了相应调整,其多边部分主要包括日本与GATT/WTO及其他国际组织的相互作用关系;区域部分主要是日本的FTA战略与战略实施进程。在此研究的基础上,从中国政策制定角度给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

正古老的"丝绸之路""丝绸之路"源于中国,但"路"之名是德国地理学家李希霍芬在造访中国时发表的《中国旅行纪》一书中提出的。他把公元前114年至公元127年,历时两个半世纪、由中国开辟、从长安经西域与中亚以及与印度连接的丝绸贸易之路命名为Seidcustrassen(德文)。该路径跨越100多年的发展,可分为陆上和海上,陆上又分草原丝路、沙漠丝路和西南丝路;海上可分  相似文献   

运用扩展的三维引力模型考察了1990–2009年间122个国家的双边水产品贸易情况,对影响各国水产品贸易的主要因素进行了实证分析。在此基础上,对我国水产品出口和进口贸易潜力进行了测算,发现中国水产品贸易总体上表现为"贸易饱和",但对印度等市场存在"贸易不足"。最后就如何提升一国的潜在贸易量给出了具体建议。  相似文献   

就全球而言,由于矿产资源分布的不均衡,导致了世界各国矿产资源禀赋有丰有欠,各个国家因其经济发展水平、文化历史背景、以及矿业在国民经济中的地位等条件的不同,决定了其所采取的矿产资源政策的不同。因此,各国在制定矿产盗源政策时,所侧重的方面也不一致。通过对美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、印度、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯和日本等国家矿产政策的研究,归纳出国外矿产政策的主要特征及对我国矿产政策的启示。  相似文献   

<正>据黄金业内数据显示,中国在2009年一举超越印度,成为世界黄金消费第一大国。印度多年来作为世界的黄金消费大国,每年平均要消费700吨黄金,但由于近年金价高涨以及印度人们对首饰需求低迷,迫使印度在2009年将黄金消费第一的宝座拱手让给了中国。  相似文献   

印度,东濒孟加拉湾,西临阿拉伯海,与中国、孟加拉国、巴基斯坦、尼泊尔、缅甸、不丹和锡金接壤,国土面积297.32万平方公里,2005年统计人口10.80亿。印度是一个现有矿产资源种类不齐全、资源储备也不富足的国家。印度政府对本国矿产资源实力有非常清醒的认识,制定了系统完备的矿  相似文献   

印度全国有2000多家私营和800多家公营采矿企业,印度矿产品和矿产相关产品的出口占印度出口总额的20%。去年印度矿业产值占国内生产总值的3.5%和全国工业总产值的11%。经济的不断发展使印度对矿产资源的需求强度逐步加大。印度政府先后四次修订采矿管理法,以宽松政策鼓励开发国内外矿产资源和利用国内外资金。  相似文献   

分析了对中印两国间的服务贸易往来现状,阐述了中印两国服务贸易合作的有利因素和不利因素,并对两国服务贸易发展与合作提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

2004年11月,首届中国-东盟博览会取得了巨大成功,双方商品贸易累计成交10.33亿美元,共签订涉外投资项目129个,总投资额达49.68亿美元,为中国-东盟自由贸易区的全面启动打下了良好的基础。中国-东盟自由贸易区全面启动后,中国与东盟将在经济关系上更加紧密,双方的依赖程度将进一步加深。因此,紧密配合中国-东盟自由贸易区的发展来制定国土资源使用战略目标。  相似文献   

<正>中国是农业大国,合理的开发利用现有的土地资源,制定适宜现行经济发展的土地政策尤为重要。城乡建设用地增减挂钩用地是国家推出的支持社会主义新农村建设、促进城乡统筹发展、破解保护与保障"两难"困境的一项重要管理措施。回顾城乡建设用地增减挂钩用地政策的发展历程,分析政策本身产生的多重效应,思考并解决  相似文献   

This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China‘s accession into WTO on the future development of its spatial economy in particular. Through an approach of increasing returns, external economy, product differentiation and path-dependence, with foreign trade costs incurred by different regions within the large country discriminated, a model of investment and employment flow is developed as a simulation of a large country‘s process of integration with the world economy. The modeling indicates that in the process of integration, as there exist differences in foreign trade costs among different regions within the large country, either the spatial economy of the country deviates from its symmetric structure in autarky and falls into a core-periphery relationship, or the effect of industrial agglomeration is reinforced, amplified and locked in, if the agglomeration had been started. The economic gap on either the aggregate or structural basis between different regions within the large country will increase rapidly as the integration proceeds.  相似文献   

我国正处在由传统经济向知识经济转变的重要时期,信息化、知识化已成为当今世界经济发展的主要方向。我国测绘产业面临知识经济的挑战和机遇,应当加强人才资源、信息资源的开发和利用,加快数字化、网络化、集成化、智能化建设,逐步实现由传统测绘产业向地理信息产业的转变,为我国国民经济信息化建设提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

物流在国民经济中发挥着重要作用,区域物流关系着地区的经济发展。着重分析了西昌地区的物流现状,并就西昌地区物流的发展提出初步构想。  相似文献   

Based on the basic trade gravity model and Xinjiang's practical situation, new explanatory variables (GDP, GDPpc and SCO) are introduced to build an extended trade gravity model fitting for Xinjiang's bilateral trade. From the empirical analysis of this model, it is proposed that those three variables affect the Xinjiang's bilateral trade positively. Whereas, geographic distance is found to be a significant factor influencing Xinjiang's bilateral trade negatively. Then, by the extended trade gravity model, this article analyzes the present trade situation between Xinjiang and its main trade partners quantitatively in 2004. The results indicate that Xinjiang cooperates with its most trade partners successfully in terms of present economic scale and developing level. Xinjiang has established successfully trade part- nership with Central Asia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, East Asia and South Asia. However, the foreign trade development with West Asia is much slower. Finally, some suggestions on developing Xinjiang's foreign trade are put forward.  相似文献   

The studies on environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations are helpful to design and implement environmental protection countermeasures.In order to eliminate the adverse effects of insufficient observation values on the accuracy of regression results and dynamic information quantity of fitting equation during empirical study,panel data of the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China from 1985 to 2007 were selected based on the adjustment of classical regression model in this paper.Panel unit root test and panel cointegration analysis method were applied to investigating the environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China and its three groups divided by foreign trade dependence.The results show that all scale effects are positive,while all technical effects are negative and unable to counteract positive scale effects.Foreign trade development is regarded as an important cause for outstanding eco-environmental problems in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China.Total effects and structural effects are significantly different among different groups because of spatial variations in environmental policies,export destinations,source of FDI,etc.Following the principle of′coordinating generality and considering differences comprehensively′,it is essential to issue a series of policies and countermeasures corresponding to differences in regional environmental effect of foreign trade,in order to coordinate the relationship between foreign trade development and eco-environment in each region.  相似文献   

I.~~IC~acacomeNacacomenawoadsiN~chIcInChinawiththeimplementofthestrategyofoverallopeninguptotheoutsideworld,NortheastChinahasbasicallyformedanopenpatternwithsimultineousdevelopmentofborderopeningandcoastopening.Althoughthecoastopeningissmallerindegree,theherderopeningtakesanimnytantPOsitioninChina.Borderopeningandcoastopeninghavedifferentdirections,presentingthefollowingaspects.First,asfortheopeningaim,borderopeningaimstoutilizefrontiersuperiorityonthebasisofequalityandmutualbenefit,tofor…  相似文献   

The object of the paper is to provide an insight into the changes in livelihood strategies of the people in the Garhwal Himalayas over time. From sustaining an economy based on transit trade and subsistence agriculture, there has been a shift towards tourism in recent times. This shift has been due to the tradition of pilgrimage to the higher reaches and also due to promotion by the state by developing infrastructure and providing incentives. The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the policies of the colonial state and the events leading to the destruction of forests and the impoverishment of the self-sustaining semi-pastoral economy in the Garhwal Himalayas are outlined. It is argued that the destruction of forests and subsequently, the economy of the Himalayas were directly responsible for the large-scale migration to the plains. This also led to further exploitation of forests by the people who were unfamiliar with any other form of livelihood. The paper also discusses the policies of the newly independent Indian state and sees them as an extension of the British policy of large-scale exploitation of Himalayan forests for the purpose of development and economic growth. In the third section, the growth of ecotourism as a direct outcome of the orocess of deforestation and as resulting from the need of society to conserve and yet to earn a livelihood is discussed. The case study of the Gangotrir egion examines the dilemma faced by the people of Garhwal in sustaining their livelihood, income or the development in the area. In addition, tourism has fostered monopolies of groups external to the region thereby contributing neither to the income or the development in the area. In addition, there is an added threat to the environment-deforestation, and erosion-a direct outcome of increased and unplanned tourism. Such problems demand state intervention and management of t.ourism. The conclusion to the paper asserts that in order that the requirements of the society to progress and to sustain itself in its natural habitat are not compromised, it is essential to increase the process of democratization by strengthening local structures and by vesting the community with the autonomy to determine its future. The paper therefore argues that ecotourism in the Himalayas undertaken without local involvement is not desirable. The constant need for local monitoring of external agencies or even of the State‘s participation and the need for re-evaluation of environmental standards are cumbersome details that add to the costs of promoting low-impact tourism. To be viable, ecotourism should be community based and the needs of the community, their ideas of conservation should be given prime importance and local community must be encouraged to review the standards governing conservation. Local structures should thus receive patronage and promotion, so that ecotourism becomes a dynamic facet of economic development.  相似文献   

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