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中国森林乔木林碳储量及其固碳潜力预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加强对我国森林碳储量和固碳潜力的研究,是制定中国增汇减排政策的重要依据,对我国国际气候谈判和全面了解森林碳汇潜力具有重要作用。利用我国第七次和第八次森林资源清查中各优势树种的面积和蓄积量数据,采用IPCC材积源生物量法(volume-biomass method),估算了我国森林(乔木林)碳储量和碳密度及其分布,分析我国不同省份天然乔木林和人工乔木林碳储量龄组结构特征;建立分区域、分起源主要优势树种的单位面积蓄积-林龄Logistic生长方程,结合我国森林2020年和2030年面积蓄积增长目标,预测我国乔木林2010—2050年间碳汇潜力。结果表明:第八次清查期间中国乔木林总碳储量为6135.68 Tg,碳密度为37.28 Mg/hm 2;天然乔木林和人工乔木林的碳储量分别为5246.07 Tg和889.61 Tg,分别占总碳储量的85.50%和14.50%。到2050年,中国乔木林和新造林的总碳储量和平均碳密度将分别达到11125.76 Tg和52.52 Mg/hm 2,与2010年相比分别增加81%和41%。分析结果表明中国乔木林有很大的碳汇潜力,将在应对和减缓全球气候变化中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

减少毁林可为减缓大气温室气体浓度上升做出重要贡献,因此减少毁林的议题已被提上气候公约谈判的议事日程(议题6),将成为今后相当长时间内谈判的重要议题之一。通过调研和分析各缔约方提交的对减少毁林提案的意见及附属科学技术咨询机构(SBSTA)第24届会议的谈判情况,对各国的观点进行了归纳总结和剖析。  相似文献   

适应气候变化是发展中国家的重要谈判议题。《联合国气候变化框架公约》2015年达成《巴黎协定》后如何落实适应议题实施细则成为关注焦点。发达国家以温室气体排放总量大为理由,施压中国等发展中大国出资全球适应气候变化行动;发展中国家内部对适应气候变化受害方和出资方的划分存在较大分歧,造成适应议题下发展中国家集团难以形成合力,《巴黎协定》实施细则谈判进展缓慢。中国气候变化南南合作作为中国与其他发展中国家之间重要的气候变化领域合作形式,能否通过寻找发展中国家契合点,依据合理机制,对适应谈判发挥一定作用,须及早进行利弊分析及顶层设计。文章通过分析美欧日对外援助的机制、梳理非洲小岛国等主要发展中国家集团在应对气候变化不利影响方面的需求、总结以往中国适应项目对外援助情况的基础上,提出了今后中国气候变化南南合作与适应谈判中需要注意的问题,包括区分适应援助和减缓援助、避免中国气候变化南南合作的属性被误读等问题,为争取广阔外交利益、合理构建南南合作机制提供政策建议。  相似文献   

详细介绍了《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第13次会议通过的"巴厘路线图"的具体内容。"巴厘路线图"规划了未来两年将要谈判的重要议题,包括发达国家在2012年后减排温室气体义务;发展中国家未来温室气体减排行动;适应气候变化;发达国家未来向发展中国家提供技术转让、资金支持和能力建设等。这些议题谈判的成败,将对未来保护气候的国际努力、对未来全球的气候环境产生决定性影响,从而对谈判前景做了分析  相似文献   

 详细介绍了《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第13次会议通过的"巴厘路线图"的具体内容。"巴厘路线图"规划了未来两年将要谈判的重要议题,包括发达国家在2012年后减排温室气体义务;发展中国家未来温室气体减排行动;适应气候变化;发达国家未来向发展中国家提供技术转让、资金支持和能力建设等。这些议题谈判的成败,将对未来保护气候的国际努力、对未来全球的气候环境产生决定性影响,从而对谈判前景做了分析  相似文献   

IPCC第五次评估报告第二工作组报告《气候变化2014:影响、适应和脆弱性》以气候变化风险为核心理念,对气候变化的影响进行了系统性的评估,对适应气候变化相关的需求、选择、机会、约束和局限性等方面进行了全面综合的论述。报告发布正值《联合国气候变化框架公约》谈判的关键时期,作为德班平台新协议谈判的重要信息来源,第二工作组报告将对全球长期目标、适应及其与减缓的关系、损失与损害等重要议题谈判产生重要的影响。为了在下阶段更好地开展国际谈判和国内相关工作,应深入解读报告的主要结论并做到科学的应用。  相似文献   

气候变化、生物多样性、土地荒漠化的国际协作在全球范围内越来越受到重视。本文系统梳理了里约三公约交叉议题及其进展情况,并对其进行了综合评价。里约三公约交叉议题可归纳为减缓领域、适应领域、损失和损害以及战略计划和目标四大类,未来会日益强调基于生态系统方式实现协同增效。本文还提出了中国谈判及履约建议:(1)主动引领交叉议题谈判进程;(2)构建和完善国家协同履约机制;(3)结合南南合作、一带一路等开展区域合作。  相似文献   

林业行业应对气候变化的措施和成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从植树造林,发挥森林吸碳和固碳作用,加强天然林保护,提高森林的碳汇潜力两大方面,陈述了林业对减缓全球气候变化的贡献。同时介绍了国家林业局在气候变化的基础科学和应用科学研究领域,开展的卓有成效的工作;介绍了国家林业局陆地生态系统定位研究网络的基础建设、与气候变化有关的科学研究的立项与课题开展情况。最后,从探讨提高森林碳汇的方法、推进加强森林碳保护的措施、寻找林产品碳替代的途径等三方面,论述了今后一段时期林业行业在减缓气候变化中的重要任务,分析中国林业在继续增加森林面积和碳汇能力方面具有的潜力。  相似文献   

利用重建的中国全新世植被图和现代植被碳密度资料,初步估算了全新世期间中国及其分区每2 ka陆地生态系统碳储量的变化情况。结果表明:近10 ka期间,中国陆地生态系统碳储量在6 ka BP前后达到最大,此后开始降低,尤其是近2 ka降幅明显。新石器时期,特别是农业文明开始以后,人类活动对陆地植被的持续干预可能是造成陆地生态系统碳储量长期减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

全新世中国陆地生态系统碳储量变化的估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用重建的中国全新世植被图和现代植被碳密度资料,初步估算了全新世期间中国及其分区每2 ka陆地生态系统碳储量的变化情况。结果表明:近10 ka期间,中国陆地生态系统碳储量在6 ka BP前后达到最大,此后开始降低,尤其是近2 ka降幅明显。新石器时期,特别是农业文明开始以后,人类活动对陆地植被的持续干预可能是造成陆地生态系统碳储量长期减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

地球系统动力学模式及模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将地球上大气、海洋、地理环境和生态各圈看成一个有机的整体进行研究,并统一协调全球气候、生态与环境变化的有关研究(如WCRP、IGBP、IHDP、DIVERSITAS及IPCC、Global Change等),现称为地球系统动力学。它是新兴的学科,其核心之一就是要建立地球系统动力学理论模式并作模拟研究。本文主要概述了我国地球系统动力学模式研制和发展的有关现状及近年来特别是中国科学院“三期创新”资源和海洋科技创新基地重要方向项目群“地球系统动力学模式研究”启动前后所取得的阶段性成果及主要进展,指出了我国地球系统动力学模式发展应重点研究和解决的科学问题及其主要特色,其中有不少结果是新颖的和具有我国特点的。  相似文献   

When social movements achieve some success in meeting goals, elite opponents may see compromise and collaboration with movement organizations as a desirable option. The consequences for advocacy organizations of elite concessions are contested. Some highlight the political opportunities created by elite support, such as increased access to financial resources, political processes, and new audiences. Others identify potential liabilities, including demobilization, bureaucratization, and the co-optation of advocacy frames. Herein is presented a framework for analyzing the pathways through which realignments among elite opponents influence social movement struggles, using the first fifteen years of the international climate negotiations as a historical case. After years of pressure from environmental advocacy organizations, some global oil corporations shifted their climate policy stance from obstruction to collaboration. These realignments in turn affected the activities, framing strategies, policy access, and cross-group relations of climate advocacy groups, benefiting some to the detriment of others.  相似文献   

有关雪盖模型内部及界面过程的参数化方案的敏感试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In order to develop a seasonal snow model of land surface process as accurately as possible for climatic study, it is necessary to fully understand the effects of important snow internal processes and interaction with air and to get an insight into influence of several relevant parameterization schemes with parameters' uncertainty to some degree. Using the snow model (SAST) developed by first author and other one and some useful field observation data, this paper has conducted a series of sensitivity studies on the parameterization schemes. They are relative to compaction process, snow thermal conduction, methodology of layering snow pack and to key parameters such as snow albedo, water holding capacity. Then, based on the results from the sensitivity studies, some useful conclusions for snow cover model improvement are ob tained from the analysis of the results.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas mitigation options help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions so as to avoid the adverse environmental impacts due to global warming/climate change. They have different characteristics when evaluated using different criteria. For example, some options may be very cost effective, while some may have an additional advantage of reducing local pollution. Hence, selection of these options, for consideration by a national government or by a funding agency, has to incorporate multiple criteria. In this paper, some important criteria relevant to the selection are discussed, and a multi-criteria methodology is suggested for making appropriate selection. The methodology, called the Analytic Hierarchy Process, is described using two illustrations.  相似文献   

We have designed a cloud generation scheme for use in the LMD GCM. It predicts the mixing ratio of the cloud's condensed water as a new prognostic variable. At present it does not fully interact with the radiation schemes, but the aim is to predict the cloud optical properties. We have used the Meteosat/ISCCP data to evaluate this scheme. Such a comparison allows us to place some constraints on the coefficients which are used in the parameterizations, such as the precipitation thresholds for the cloud's liquid water content and the relative variability of water vapour within a grid box. There is generally a good agreement between observed and simulated results, although there appear some discrepancies in the cloud's apparent temperatures.  相似文献   

浅谈适应气候条件的建筑设计策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以广西一些城市地域特点的气候条件为背景,浅析建筑设计适应气候条件的一些思路和若干手法和策略。  相似文献   

It is well accepted within the scientific community that a large ensemble of different projections is required to achieve robust climate change information for a specific region. For this purpose we have compiled a state-of-the-art multi-model multi-scenario ensemble of global and regional precipitation projections. This ensemble combines several global projections from the CMIP3 and CMIP5 databases, along with some recently downscaled regional CORDEX-Africa projections. Altogether daily precipitation data from 77 different climate change projections is analysed; separated into 31 projections for a high and 46 for a low emission scenario. We find a robust indication that, independent of the underlying emission scenario, annual total precipitation amounts over the central African region are not likely to change severely in the future. However some robust changes in precipitation characteristics, like the intensification of heavy rainfall events as well as an increase in the number of dry spells during the rainy season are projected for the future. Further analysis shows that over some regions the results of the climate change assessment clearly depend on the size of the analyzed ensemble. This indicates the need of a “large-enough” ensemble of independent climate projections to allow for a reliable climate change assessment.  相似文献   

周祥龙 《气象科学》2010,30(2):234-238
中国是沙尘天气频发、观测记录历史悠久的国家,有关沙尘天气术语经过不断的演变,日趋完善、规范。根据2003年修订出版的《地面气象观测规范》、2006年发布的"沙尘暴天气监测规范"(GB/T20479—2006)、"沙尘暴天气等级"(GB/T20480—2006)等国家标准,发现在行业规范和国家标准中,有关沙尘天气术语定义存在互为掣肘的现象,对此展开分析和讨论,并对相关术语提出了一致的定义,为推动国家标准的应用和今后的修订提供参考。  相似文献   

Global action networks (GANs) are civil society initiated multi-stakeholder arrangements that aim to fulfill a leadership role for systemic change in global governance for sustainable development. The paper develops a network approach to study some of these GANs as motivators of global collective action and investigates how in their interaction processes the actors involved create the organizational capacity for collective change. Based on a variety of case studies, the paper highlights crucial factors determining the performance of GANs; among them the characteristics of the issue field and the development stage of the GAN. The analysis also shows how GANs play two crucial roles, sometimes in combination, sometimes successively. These are labelled as the broker and entrepreneur role. The paper concludes with some conditions for collective action that are underexposed in collective action theory.  相似文献   

In this work, some wavelet methods are introduced to study the atmospheric boundary layer under stable conditions, where intermittent events and non-stationary turbulence take place. Such behavior makes classical methods, based on Fourier transform, difficult to use or even of no application.The wavelet transform is used to detect and characterize some structures in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. First, a wave-like event with a 16 min period is detected and analyzed in a wind record. The sum of some Morlet wavelets is proposed as a model for the oscillations. Afterwards, the wavelet transform is introduced to the study of non-stationary small scale turbulence. It provides the time evolution of the energy and a good location in time of the spots of turbulence. Finally, some wavelet tools are used to characterize a traveling structure, provided that it is simultaneously detected at different locations. The phase differences in the wavelet transform give the wavelength and the phase speed of the oscillations, whereas a double transform method is introduced to estimate the group velocity of the structure.  相似文献   

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