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Sm–Nd ages of garnet from the northern Coast Mountains of south-eastern Alaska, USA, constrain the timing of thermal events in polyphase metamorphic rocks of the western metamorphic belt and provide new data on the spatial extent of Cretaceous regional metamorphism. Bulk garnet–whole-rock Sm–Nd ages for a sillimanite-zone amphibolite (Taku Inlet) and a biotite-zone metapelite (Tracy Arm) are 77±17 Ma and 59±12 Ma, respectively. Garnet core–whole-rock (80±9 Ma), core–matrix (84±9 Ma), rim–whole-rock (59±4 Ma) and rim–matrix (62±4 Ma) ages were obtained from a sample collected 200  m west of a Palaeocene Coast plutonic–metamorphic complex sill-like pluton that separates medium-grade metamorphic rocks from high-grade metamorphic rocks and voluminous Tertiary plutons in the core of the orogen. The garnet core ages of c. 80 Ma indicate that the regional metamorphic grade reached garnet zone prior to the intrusion of the plutons and high-grade metamorphism of rocks to the east. Similar ages for the younger plutons, the youngest garnets and the rim of a multistage garnet ( c. 59 Ma) indicate a later episode of contact metamorphic garnet growth. Documentation of pre-71 Ma garnet-zone metamorphism along the western edge of the Coast plutonic–metamorphic complex confirms that Albian to Late Cretaceous metamorphism associated with crustal thickening affected this part of the orogen. The similarity of garnet Sm–Nd ages to independent age estimates for metamorphic events confirms that this technique provides useful estimates for the timing of Late Cretaceous to Tertiary thermal events. The c. 20  Myr difference between garnet core and rim ages suggests that the Sm–Nd isotope systematics of a single garnet grain can be used for distinguishing between multiple metamorphic events.  相似文献   

Ultra-high-pressure eclogites from the Dabie orogen that formed over a range in temperatures (∼600 to > 700 °C) have been investigated with combined Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd geochronology. Three eclogites, sampled from Zhujiachong, Huangzhen and Shima, yield Lu–Hf ages of 240.0 ± 5.0, 224.4 ± 1.9 and 230.8 ± 5.0 Ma and corresponding Sm–Nd ages of 222.5 ± 5.0, 217.6 ± 6.1 and 224.2 ± 2.1 Ma respectively. Well-preserved prograde major- and trace-element zoning in garnet in the Zhujiachong eclogite suggests that the Lu–Hf age mostly reflects an early phase of garnet growth that continued over a time interval of c. 17.5 Myr. For the Huangzhen eclogite, despite preserved elemental growth zoning in garnet, textural study reveals that the Lu–Hf age is biased towards a later garnet growth episode rather than representing early growth. The narrow time interval of <6.6 Myr defined by the difference between Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages indicates a short final garnet growth episode and suggests a rapid cooling stage. By contrast, the rather flat element zoning in garnet in the Shima eclogite suggests that Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages for this sample have been reset by diffusion and are cooling ages. The new Lu–Hf ages point to an initiation of prograde metamorphism prior to c . 240 Ma for the Dabie orogen, while the exact peak metamorphic timing experienced by specific samples ranges between c . 230 to c. 220 Ma.  相似文献   

Sm–Nd garnet‐whole rock geochronology, phase equilibria, and thermobarometry results from Garnet Ledge, south‐eastern Alaska, provide the first precisely constrained P–T–t path for garnet zone contact metamorphism. Garnet cores from two crystals and associated whole rocks yield a four point isochron age for initial garnet growth of 89.9 ± 3.6 Ma. Garnet rims and matrix minerals from the same samples yield a five point isochron age for final garnet growth of 89 ± 1 Ma. Six size fractions of zircon from the adjacent pluton yield a concordant U–Pb age of 91.6 ± 0.5 Ma. The garnet core and rim, and zircon ages are compatible with single‐stage garnet growth during and/or after pluton emplacement. All garnet core–whole rock and garnet rim‐matrix data from the two samples constrain garnet growth duration to ≤5.5 my. A garnet mid‐point and the associated matrix from one of the two garnet crystals yield an age of 90.0 ± 1.0 Ma. This mid‐point result is logically younger than the 90.7 ± 5.6 Ma core–whole rock age and older than the 88.4 ± 2.5 Ma rim‐matrix age for this sample. A MnNaCaKFMASH phase diagram (P–T pseudosection) and the garnet core composition are used to predict that cores of garnet crystals grew at 610 ± 20 °C and 5 ± 1 kbar. This exceeds the temperature of the garnet‐in reaction by c. 50 °C and is compatible with overstepping of the garnet growth reaction during contact metamorphism. Intersection of three reactions involving garnet‐biotite‐sillimanite‐plagioclase‐quartz calculated by THERMOCALC in average P–T mode, and exchange thermobarometry were used to estimate peak metamorphic conditions of 678 ± 58 °C at 6.1 ± 0.9 kbar and 685 ± 50 °C at 6.3 ± 1 kbar, respectively. Integration of pressure, temperature, and age estimates yields a pressure‐temperature‐time path compatible with near isobaric garnet growth over an interval of c. 70 °C and c. 2.3 my.  相似文献   

Garnets from recrystallized, staurolite- and kyanite-bearing mica schists from the central Saualpe basement, representing the host rocks of the type-locality eclogites, give concordant Sm–Nd garnet–whole-rock isochron ages between 88.5±1.7 and 90.9±0.7 Ma. The millimetre-sized, mostly inclusion-free grains show fairly homogeneous element profiles with pyrope contents of 25–27%. Narrow rims with an increase in Fe and Mn and a decrease in Mg document minor local re-equilibration during cooling. According to phengite geothermobarometry, peak metamorphic conditions at 90 Ma were close to 20  kbar and 680  °C and similar to those recorded by the eclogites. The garnet rims record about 575  °C/7  kbar for the final stages of metamorphism. A phengitic garnet–mica schist, sampled at the immediate contact with the Gertrusk eclogite, gave a garnet–whole-rock Sm–Nd age of 94.0±2.7 Ma.
Garnet porphyroclasts separated from a pegmatite–mylonite of the Koralpe plattengneiss near Stainz are unzoned and show spessartine contents of 15%. Composition and Sm–Nd ages of close to 260 Ma point to a magmatic origin for these garnets.
The garnet data from the Saualpe document an intense Alpine metamorphism for this part of the Austroalpine basement. The mica schists recrystallized during decompression and rapid exhumation, at the final stages of and immediately following a high- P event. The Koralpe data show that high Alpine temperatures did not reopen the Sm–Nd isotope system, implying a closure temperature in excess of c . 600  °C for this isotopic system in garnet.  相似文献   

Garnet peridotites from the southern Su‐Lu ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terrane, eastern China, contain porphyroblastic garnet with aligned inclusions comprising a low‐P–T mineral assemblage (chlorite, hornblende, Na‐gedrite, Na‐phlogopite, talc, spinel and pyrite). Orthopyroxene porphyroblasts show fine exsolution lamellae of clinopyroxene and minor chromite. A clinopyroxene inclusion in garnet shows some orthopyroxene exsolution lamellae. Both the rims of porphyroblastic pyroxene and garnet and the matrix pyroxene and garnet crystallized at the expense of olivine. This is interpreted as a result of metasomatism of the peridotites by an SiO2‐rich melt at UHP conditions. A chromian garnet further overgrew on the rims of the garnet. The XMg values (Mg/(Mg+Fe)) of porphyroblastic garnet decrease from core to rim and vary in different peridotite samples, while the compositions of both the porphyroblastic and the matrix pyroxene are similar in terms of Ca–Mg–Fe. The Mg‐rich cores of porphyroblastic garnet and orthopyroxene record high temperatures and pressures (c. 1000 °C, ≥5.1 GPa), whereas the matrix minerals, including the rims of porphyroblasts, record much lower P–T (c. 4.2 GPa, c. 760 °C). Sm–Nd data give apparent isochron ages of c. 380 Ma and negative εNd(0) values (c.?9). These dates are considered meaningless due to isotopic disequilibrium between garnet cores and the rest of the rocks. The isotopic disequilibrium was probably caused by metasomatism of the peridotites by melt/fluids derived from the coevally subducted crustal materials. On the other hand, the Rb–Sr isotopic systems of phlogopite and clinopyroxene appear to have reached equilibrium and record a cooling age of c. 205 Ma. It is suggested that the garnet peridotites were originally emplaced into a low‐P–T environment prior to the c. 220 Ma continental collision, during which they were subducted together with crustal rocks to mantle depth and subjected to UHP metamorphism. An important corollary is that at least some of the coevally subducted crustal rocks in the Su‐Lu terrane have been subjected to peak metamorphism at P–T conditions much higher than presently estimated (≥2.7 GPa, ≤800 °C).  相似文献   

In the Orlica‐?nie?nik complex at the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif, high‐pressure granulites occur as isolated lenses within partially migmatized orthogneisses. Sm–Nd (different grain‐size fractions of garnet, clinopyroxene and/or whole rock) and U–Pb [isotope dilution‐thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID‐TIMS) single grain and sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP)] ages for granulites, collected in the surroundings of ?ervený D?l (Czech Republic) and at Stary Giera?tów (Poland), constrain the temporal evolution of these rocks during the Variscan orogeny. Most of the new ages cluster at c. 350–340 Ma and are consistent with results previously reported for similar occurrences throughout the Bohemian Massif. This interval is generally interpreted to constrain the time of high‐pressure metamorphism. A more complex evolution is recorded for a mafic granulite from Stary Giera?tów and concerns the unknown duration of metamorphism (single, short‐lived metamorphic cycle or different episodes that are significantly separated in time?). The central grain parts of zircon from this sample yielded a large spread in apparent 206Pb/238U SHRIMP ages (c. 462–322 Ma) with a distinct cluster at c. 365 Ma. This spread is interpreted to be indicative for variable Pb‐loss that affected magmatic protolith zircon during high‐grade metamorphism. The initiating mechanism and the time of Pb‐loss has yet to be resolved. A connection to high‐pressure metamorphism at c. 350–340 Ma is a reasonable explanation, but this relationship is far from straightforward. An alternative interpretation suggests that resetting is related to a high‐temperature event (not necessarily in the granulite facies and/or at high pressures) around 370–360 Ma, that has previously gone unnoticed. This study indicates that caution is warranted in interpreting U–Pb zircon data of HT rocks, because isotopic rejuvenation may lead to erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   

S. Jung  E. Hellebrand 《Lithos》2006,87(3-4):193-213
Rare earth element (REE) and other trace element (Y, Sr, Ti, Cr, V, Na) abundances in garnet from a garnet-bearing metapelite, a pelitic migmatite, a syn-tectonic granite and a post-tectonic leucogranite were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in order to identify the effective variables on the trace element distribution between garnet and the host rock. Garnet from the garnet-bearing metapelite, the pelitic migmatite and the syn-tectonic granite is zoned with respect to REE. The cores are enriched by a factor of 2–3 relative to the rims. For the garnets from the garnet-bearing metapelite equilibrium distribution following a simple Rayleigh fractionation is responsible for the decreasing concentrations in REE from core to rim. Garnet from the pelitic migmatite shows a more complex trace element pattern following distinct enrichment and depletion patterns for Ti, V, Cr and REE from core to rim. These features suggest disequilibrium between garnet and the associated melt in which the enrichment of trace elements probably correspond to a period of open-system behaviour in these rocks at a time when the garnet, originally nucleated in the metamorphic environment was incorporated into the melt. The garnet from the syn-tectonic granite shows stepwise decreasing concentrations in REE from core to rim: a REE-rich core can be distinguished from a broad REE-depleted rim. Notably, from core to rim an inflection of the Yb / Er and Yb / Dy ratios is visible. Whereas the decrease of HREE abundance in the core region of the garnet from the syn-tectonic granite may arise from equilibrium partitioning during garnet growth, the inflection can be interpreted as a result of partial melting. Garnet cores with high Yb / Er and Yb / Dy >  1 nucleated in the metamorphic environment without the presence of a melt whereas the rims with lower Yb / Er and Yb / Dy <  1 crystallized in the presence of a melt. Garnet from the leucogranite has lower REE abundances and is considered to be of igneous origin. In contrast to garnet from the other samples, its core has low trace element abundances, whereas its rim is significantly enriched in REE but depleted in Ti. These features suggest that only the outermost rim was in equilibrium with the melt. For this garnet, liquid diffusion controlled partitioning is more likely to explain the extreme trace element variation. An evaluation of Sm and Nd concentrations in garnet and a comparison of Sm–Nd and U–Pb garnet ages and U–Pb monazite ages form the terrane indicate that the observed LREE systematics in the different garnet species are a primary feature and are not homogenized by volume diffusion during high grade amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   

Ophiolites exposed across the western Tauride Belt in SW Turkey represent tectonically emplaced fragments of oceanic lithosphere incorporated into continental margin following the closure of the Neotethys Ocean during the Late Cretaceous. The mantle sections of the ophiolites contain peridotites with diverse suites of geochemical signatures indicative of residual origin by melt depletion in both mid‐ocean ridge (MOR) and supra‐subduction zone (SSZ) settings. This study uses a laser‐ablation inductively‐coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) for in situ measurements of trace elements in primary mantle phases in order to identify the upper mantle petrogenetic processes effective during variable stage of melt extraction in these discrete tectonic settings and to discriminate between the effects of reaction with chemically distinct mantle melts migrating through the solid residues. Trace element signatures in pyroxenes suggest small‐length scales of compositional variations which may be interpreted to be a result of post‐melting petrogenetic processes. Relative distribution of rare earth elements and Li between coexisting orthopyroxene‐clinopyroxene pairs in the peridotites suggests compositional disequilibrium in sub‐solidus conditions, which possibly reflects differential effects of diffusive exchange during melting and melt transport or interaction with subduction melts/fluids. On the basis of Ga abundances and Ga–Ti–Fe+3# [Fe+3/(Fe+3 + Cr + Al)] relationships of chrome‐spinels it is documented that the peridotites have experienced the combined effects of partial melting and variable extent of melt‐solid interaction. The MOR peridotites have spinels with geochemical signatures indicative of melt‐depleted residual origin with subsequent incompatible element enrichment through melt impregnation, while the Ga–Ti–Fe+3# relationships of chrome‐spinels in SSZ peridotites indicate that these highly depleted peridotites are not simple melt residues, but have been subject to significant compositional modification by interaction with subduction related melts/fluids. The observed compositional variations, which are related to long‐term tectonic reorganisation of oceanic lithosphere, provide evidence for a time integrated evolution from a mid‐ocean ridge to a supra‐subduction zone setting and may be a possible analogue to explain the coexistence of geochemically diverse MOR–SSZ suites in other Tethyan ophiolites. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sm–Nd, Lu–Hf, Rb–Sr and SIMS U–Pb data are presented for meta‐gabbroic eclogites from the eclogite type‐locality ( Haüy, 1822 ) Kupplerbrunn–Prickler Halt and other areas of the Saualpe (SE Austria) and Pohorje Mountains (Slovenia). Mg‐rich eclogites derived from early gabbroic cumulates are kyanite‐ and zoisite rich, whereas eclogites with lower Mg contents contain clinozoisite ± kyanite. Calculated PT conditions at the final stages of high‐pressure metamorphism are 2.2 ± 0.2 GPa at 630–740 °C. Kyanite‐rich eclogites did not yield geologically meaningful Sm–Nd ages due to incomplete Nd isotope equilibration, whereas Sm–Nd multifraction garnet–omphacite regression for a low‐Mg eclogite from Kupplerbrunn yields an age of 91.1 ± 1.3 Ma. The Sm–Nd age of 94.1 ± 0.8 Ma obtained from the Fe‐rich core fraction of this garnet dates the initial stages of garnet growth. Zircon that also crystallized at eclogite facies conditions gives a weighted mean U–Pb SIMS age of 88.4 ± 8.1 Ma. Lu–Hf isotope analysis of a kyanite–eclogite from Kupplerbrunn yields 88.4 ± 4.7 Ma for the garnet–omphacite pair. Two low‐Mg eclogites from the Gertrusk locality of the Saualpe yield a multimineral Sm–Nd age of 90.6 ± 1.0 Ma. A low‐Mg eclogite from the Pohorje Mountains (70 km to the SE) gives a garnet–whole‐rock Lu–Hf age of 93.3 ± 2.8 Ma. These new age data and published Sm–Nd ages of metasedimentary host rocks constrain the final stages of the eo‐Alpine high‐pressure event in the Saualpe–Pohorje part of the south‐easternmost Austroalpine nappe system suggesting that garnet growth in the high‐pressure assemblages started at c. 95–94 Ma and ceased at c. 90–88 Ma, probably at the final pressure peak. Zircon and amphibole crystallization was still possible during incipient isothermal decompression. Rapid exhumation of the high‐pressure rocks was induced by collision of the northern Apulian plate with parts of the Austroalpine microplate, following Jurassic closure of the Permo‐Triassic Meliata back‐arc basin.  相似文献   

The Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex, as a part of the ophiolites on the southern side of the North Qinling belt, consists of gabbro and norite-gabbro. They were derived from different magma series: the gabbro was derived from tholeiitic magma series with higher TiO2, REE abundance and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio ; norite-gabbro was derived from calc-alkali magma series with lower TiO2, Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio and REE abundance and much lower HREE abundance, which suggests that the source of the norite-gabbro magma was deeper and controlled by eclogite facies. Geochemical characteristics of both plutonic rocks are similar to those of island-arc basalts, such as relatively high contents of Ba, Pb and Sr and relatively low contents of Nb, Zr and N j.The Sr, Nd isotopic characteristics of the Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex are similar to those of ophiolites. Its εNd values are constant, about+2; whereas εst values have wide variation from - 6.4 to +31.2 and positively correlate with Na2O, H2O+ and CO2 contents and the Fe3+/Fe  相似文献   

Syngenetic carbonate nodules constitute an interesting feature of the glaciogene sediments of various Talchir basins in peninsular India. Petrographic, cathodoluminescence and sedimentary results suggest that many of these nodules contain primary carbonate precipitates whose geochemical signatures can be used for determining environment of deposition and provenance of the sediments and drainage source. Several nodules were collected from Gondwana basins of east-central India and analyzed for stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios, REE and trace element composition, and Sr isotope ratio. The mean δ18O and δ13C values of the calcites in the nodules are — 19.5% and-9.7% (w.r.t. PDB) respectively suggesting a freshwater environment (probably lacustrine) for formation of these objects. Trace element ratios (Eu/Eu * and La/Yb) of the nodule samples show that the source of the sediments in the Damodar valley basin was the granites, gneisses and intrusives in the Chotanagpur region. The sediments in the Mahanadi valley were derived from granulites, charnockites and granites of the eastern ghat region. The Sr concentration of the carbonate phase of the nodules is low, ranging from 10–60 ng/g. The87Sr/86Sr ratios of the samples from the west Bokaro basin and Ramgarh basin vary from 0.735 to 0.748 (mean: 0.739) and from 0.726 to 0.733 (mean: 0.730) respectively. These values are consistent with our proposition that water of these basins drained through the granitic rocks of the Chotanagpur region. In contrast, the87Sr/86Sr ratios of the samples from the Talchir basin (Type area) of Mahanadi valley vary from 0.718 to 0.723 (mean: 0.719). These87Sr/86Sr ratios are close to those of the granulites in the adjoining eastern ghat belt suggesting that area as the drainage source.  相似文献   

Abstract The Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex, as a part of the ophiolites on the southern side of the North Qinling belt, consists of gabbro and norite-gabbro. They were derived from different magma series: the gabbro was derived from tholeiitic magma series with higher TiO2, REE abundance and Fe3+ / Fe2+ ratio; norite-gabbro was derived from calc-alkali magma series with lower TiO2, Fe3+ / Fe2+ ratio and REE abundance and much lower HREE abundance, which suggests that the source of the norite-gabbro magma was deeper and controlled by eclogite facies. Geochemical characteristics of both plutonic rocks are similar to those of island-arc basalts, such as relatively high contents of Ba, Pb and Sr and relatively low contents of Nb, Zr and Ni. The Sr, Nd isotopic characteristics of the Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex are similar to those of ophiolites. Its 8Nd values are constant, about +2; whereas 8Sr values have wide variation from — 6.4 to +31.2 and positively correlate with Na2O, H2O+ and CO2 contents and the Fe3+ / Fe2+ ratio. The ?Nd—Nd / Th, ?Nd—La/Nb and ?Nd—Ba/Nb diagrams clearly show that there were significant components of terrigenous sediments in the mantle source of the Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex. It suggests that large amount of sediments had been carried into the mantle by the subducted ancient Qinling sea plate during the Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

黄小文  漆亮  孟郁苗 《矿床地质》2013,32(6):1188-1210
东天山黑峰山铁矿床、双峰山铁矿床以及沙泉子铜铁矿床位于新疆哈密盆地以南,是东天山阿齐山-雅满苏构造带的重要矿床。文章利用磁铁矿、黄铁矿和方解石的微量元素及稀土元素组成示踪了这些矿床的成矿流体来源和性质,初步探讨了矿床的成因类型。激光剥蚀(LA)-ICP-MS磁铁矿微量元素分析表明,三个矿床的磁铁矿具有非常低的w(V)、w(Cr)和w(Ti)(平均分别为68×10-6、13×10-6和237×10-6),指示磁铁矿形成于热液过程而不是岩浆分异。黄铁矿中较高的Cu含量可能反映了含Cu矿物微颗粒的存在。黄铁矿中较低的Pb、Zn含量可能反映了成矿流体中较低的Pb2+和Zn2+浓度。黄铁矿中的Co/Ni比值表明这些矿床均为火山-热液成因。三个矿床黄铁矿的稀土元素总量都很低(ΣREE为0.58×10-6~3.02×10-6),黑峰山铁矿中的黄铁矿轻、重稀土元素分馏不明显,双峰山铁矿和沙泉子铜铁矿中的黄铁矿均为轻稀土元素富集型,(La/Yb)N分别为3.51~13.4和2.76~17.2。三个矿床略有差别的方解石稀土元素配分模式,反映了其流体组成和形成机制的差别。黑峰山铁矿中的重稀土元素富集型的方解石稀土元素配分模式为方解石Sm-Nd定年提供了依据。三个矿床的黄铁矿和方解石均无Ce异常,黑峰山铁矿中的黄铁矿和方解石表现为负Eu异常,而双峰山铁矿和沙泉子铜铁矿中的黄铁矿和方解石表现为正Eu异常,反映了三个矿床均形成于较高的温度,前者成矿流体可能为碱性,后两者成矿流体为酸性、还原性。结合前人研究成果认为,黑峰山铁矿、双峰山铁矿及沙泉子铜铁矿均为火山热液-充填(交代)矿床。  相似文献   

大别山东部双河附近面理化榴辉岩中, 所有榴辉岩相矿物包括石榴石、绿辉石乃至金红石都受到强烈拉伸。用透射电镜可以观察到石榴石晶体中塑性变形的显微构造, 包括自由位错、位错环、位错壁和位错网。拉伸石榴石的应变轴比表现为 X> Y> Z。运动学标志如石榴石的不对称碎斑和旋转的金红石颗粒, 表明有旋转应变的作用。石榴石和金红石的福林系数分别为118 和098。所有这些都表明石榴石是在接近于平面应变的条件下形成。由于石榴石颗粒在应变前后体积未变,因此也是在简单剪切作用条件下形成的。根据石榴石韧性变形要求的温度条件, 此种变形应在榴辉岩相条件下发生, 代表一次向南的逆冲作用, 经过展开后, 逆冲的方向为南西。根据石榴石的流变律, 其韧性变形的最低温度估计约为 800℃。石榴石中普遍有一组透入性破劈理, 它产生于面理化榴辉石折返后的角闪岩相早期, 形成于石榴石韧性变形之后。破劈理及其中反S形破劈理的运动指向表明有向北的滑动, 发生在主簿源复背斜形成之前; 主簿源复背斜使面理化榴辉岩的产状由倾向北改变为倾向南。根据面理化榴辉岩及其围岩的同位素年龄, 估算出面理化榴辉岩在200~190 Ma 期间的平均垂直折返速率为9m m /a。此外, 还  相似文献   

Using the single-zircon evaporation technique and U-Pb method, the authors have conducted an isotope geochonological study of the Huilanshan granulite and Shima garnet-bearing plagioclase gneiss (" country rocks" of the Shima eclogite) in the Dabie Mountains. The study shows that these rocks have peak metamorphic ages of 443-455 Ma, which are essentially consistent with that of the Caledonian high-ultrahigh pressure eclogites. This indicates the existence of the Caledonian collisional orogeny in the Dabie Mountains.  相似文献   

Integrated petrographic and chemical analysis of zircon, garnet and rutile from ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) granulites in the Anápolis–Itauçu Complex, Brazil, is used to constrain the significance of zircon ID‐TIMS U–Pb geochronological data. Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element (REE) profiles of zircon cores have positive‐sloping heavy‐REE patterns, commonly inferred to be magmatic, whereas unambiguous metamorphic grains and overgrowths have flat to slightly negatively sloping heavy‐REE patterns. However, in one sample, a core of zircon interpreted as having formed prior to garnet crystallization and a metamorphic zircon formed within microstructures involving garnet breakdown both display elevated heavy‐REE (and Y) with positive‐sloping patterns. DREE(zrc/grt) partition coefficients suggest an approximation to equilibrium between zircon and garnet cores, although progressive enrichment in heavy REE towards garnet rims occurs in two of the samples investigated. Titanium‐in‐zircon thermometry indicates zircon growth during both the prograde and post‐peak evolution, but not at peak temperatures of the UHT metamorphism. By contrast, zirconium‐in‐rutile thermometry of inclusions armoured by garnet records crystallization temperatures, based on the upper end of the interquartile range of the data, of 890 to 870 °C and maximum temperature around 980 °C, indicating prograde and retrograde growth close to and after peak conditions. Rutile located in retrograde microstructures records crystallization temperatures of 850 to 820 °C. Rutile intergrown with ilmenite and included within orthopyroxene, which is associated with exsolved zircon, records temperatures 760 °C, consistent with Ti‐in‐zircon crystallization temperatures. ID‐TIMS U–Pb geochronological data from two of the four samples investigated define upper intercept ages of 641.3 ± 8.4 Ma (MSWD 0.91) and 638.8 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD 1.03) that correlate with periods of zircon growth along the prograde segment of the P–T path. Individual zircon U–Pb dates retrieved from all samples range from 649 to 634 Ma, indicating a maximum duration of c. 15 Myr for the UHT event. This period is interpreted as recording modest thickening of hot backarc lithosphere located behind the Arenópolis Arc at the edge of the São Francisco Craton consequent upon terminal collision of the Parána Block with the arc during the amalgamation of West Gondwana.  相似文献   

对大别山黄土岭麻粒岩中的锆石进行了LA-ICPMS微区微量元素分析.结果表明,黄土岭麻粒岩中锆石的不同区域有不同的微量元素组成,麻粒岩相变质锆石的大多数微量元素含量明显低于岩浆锆石,表明麻粒岩相变质条件下形成的锆石具有较低的微量元素组成.锆石及其共生矿物的微量元素分析结果表明,该麻粒岩中变质锆石Eu负异常是变质锆石形成时长石稳定存在的结果.锆石与石榴子石之间微量元素分配特点表明,变质锆石与石榴子石之间到达了平衡.这些结果表明,该样品的变质锆石形成于麻粒岩相峰期变质阶段,这些变质锆石区域测定的年龄结果对应于麻粒岩相峰期变质作用时间.锆石和共生矿物的微量元素分析对锆石的成因及得到的年龄的解释具有重要的指示意义.锆石与石榴子石之间微量元素的分配特征,不但可以指示锆石与石榴子石之间是否达到平衡,而且可以通过石榴子石这一"桥梁",为锆石的U-Pb年龄提供合理的p-T条件限定.  相似文献   

The prograde deserpentinized peridotites from the talc zone in the Happo-O’ne complex, central Japan, show differences in their field relation and mineral assemblage with the high-P retrograde peridotites of the other part of the complex. They show a mineral assemblage, olivine + talc + antigorite ± prograde tremolite ± chlorite, formed by thermal metamorphism around the granitic intrusion at T, 500-650 °C and P < 7 kbar. The olivine has numerous opaque inclusions and high Fo (91.5-96.5) relative to the retrograde olivine, reflecting its formation by deserpentinization. The prograde tremolite, which is low in Al2O3 (<1.0 wt.%), Cr2O3 (<0.35 wt.%), and Na2O (<0.6 wt.%) but high in Mg# (up to 0.98) and SiO2 (up to 59.9 wt.%), is different in size, shape and chemistry from the retrograde tremolite. The prograde peridotites display a U-shaped REE pattern (0.02-0.5 times PM), similar to diopside-zone retrograde metaperidotites, possible protoliths. They are enriched in LILE (e.g., Cs, Pb, Sr, Rb) relative to HFSE (e.g., Ta, Hf, Zr, Nb), like their protoliths, because of their local re-equilibration with the fluid released during dehydration of the protoliths. They have high contents of REE and some trace elements (e.g., Cs, Th, U, Ta) relative to their protoliths because of an external-element addition from the granitic magma. In-situ analyses of peridotitic silicates confirmed that the prograde tremolite and talc display a spoon-shaped primitive mantle (PM)-normalized REE pattern (0.1-3 times PM) in which LREE are higher than HREE contents. The prograde tremolite is depleted in Al, Na, Cr, Sc, V, Ti, B, HREE and Li, but is enriched in Si, Cs, U, Th, HFSE (Hf, Zr, Nb, Ta), Rb and Ba relative to the retrograde tremolite; the immobile-element depletion in this tremolite is inherited from its source (antigorite + secondary diopside), whereas the depletion of mobile elements (e.g., Li, B, Na, Al) is ascribed to their mobility during the deserpentinization and/or the depleted character of the source of tremolite. The enrichment of HFSE and LILE in the prograde tremolite is related to an external addition of these elements from fluid/melt of the surrounding granitic magma and/or in situ equilibrium with LILE-bearing fluid released during dehydration of serpentinized retrograde metaperidotites and olivine-bearing serpentinites (protoliths). The prograde olivine is higher in REE and most trace-element contents than the retrograde one due to the external addition of these elements; it is enriched in B, Co and Ni, but depleted in Li that was liberated during deserpentinization by prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

本文对嫩江地区中生代双峰式火山岩进行了锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb年代学和岩石地球化学研究。测年结果显示嫩江地区中生代双峰式火山岩形成于127.5Ma的早白垩世晚期。岩石地球化学研究表明,早白垩世晚期火山岩具有双峰式组合特点,基性端员富碱,富含轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素,亏损重稀土元素和高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti、Y),形成于富集的岩石圈地幔的部分熔融和分离结晶作用,形成的过程可能含有少量的陆壳混染。酸性端员显示A型流纹岩的特征,为幔源岩浆底侵,使中下地壳岩石发生部分熔融的成因。双峰式火山岩组合的存在暗示其形成于陆内拉张的构造环境。结合区域上中生代火山岩的空间展布特征,嫩江地区早白垩世晚期双峰式火山岩的形成应与太平洋板块向欧亚大陆的俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   

The trace elements characteristics of the migmatitic gneisses (biotite-garnetand hornblende-biotite), granulite facies rocks (charnockitic gneisses) and meta-peridotite in the area of Southwest Obudu Plateau indicate that the area exhibits a high degree of geochemical variability. Compatible trace elements (Ni and Cr) are comparatively high in the granulite facies rocks and meta-peridotite. Ni ranges from 28×10-6 to 266×10-6 whilst Cr ranges from 62×10-6 to 481×10-6 for the granulite facies rocks (charnocki...  相似文献   

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