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济阳拗陷坨147井沙三段岩心的颗粒流沉积中.存在一系列特殊的同沉积期变形构造。包括:颗粒流向下侵蚀。并沿纹层面挤入到下伏油页岩层中.形成伸长状的小砂体;砂楔上部的泥页岩薄层在后续流体的冲刷下向后翻卷变形;翻卷片被撕裂、断开混入到颗粒流中。并被流体拖曳变形;变形体被继续拖曳形成脉状分叉的拖曳痕。上述几种现象可以构成一个连续的变化序列,与油页岩的薄互层和颗粒流的流体是形成上述连续变形构造的重要条件。对这种现象的研究.有助于进一步了解重力流的冲刷、沉积过程。  相似文献   

大巴山弧形构造带中段渔渡地区侏罗纪叠加变形研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大巴山构造带是秦岭造山带南部发育的一个以逆冲推覆构造为特征的构造带。通过在大巴山弧形构造带中段渔渡地区进行的详细构造解析发现,大巴山构造带在侏罗纪以来经历了至少两期变形叠加,变形地层三叠系嘉陵江组—侏罗系沙溪庙组。早期变形以与滑脱构造相关的轴向北西—北北西向箱状或隔挡状褶皱为主,并在深部发育顺层滑脱构造,变形时代为晚侏罗世到早白垩世。晚期变形与北侧逆冲相关,导致右行走滑变形,主要形成右行走滑断层和北西—北北西向紧闭褶皱,变形时代比第一期稍晚,为晚侏罗世之后到早白垩世。两期变形形成的褶皱延伸方向一致,与区域构造线的方向协调,而且在远离北侧镇巴断裂的地区变形强度有减弱的趋势,两期变形叠加形成共轴或斜交叠加构造。研究表明,变形与大巴山冲断—推覆构造带向南逆冲有关。  相似文献   

小秦岭金矿田位于华北克拉通南缘的华熊地块北缘,发育有产出于不同走向剪切带内的金矿脉.但是,目前研究和认识对矿脉和剪切带、以及不同方向矿脉之间的构造关系并不清晰.选择小秦岭中部善车峪一带的典型NNE向矿脉开展构造变形与矿化特征研究.结果表明:NNE向金矿脉以右阶排列的石英脉透镜体为特征,主体产状为120°∠70°;矿脉产...  相似文献   

Natural consolidation characteristics of viscous debris flow deposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pore water pressure and water content are important indicators to both deposition and consolidation of debris flows, enabling a direct assessment of consolidation degree. This article gained a more comprehensive understanding about the entire consolidation process and focused on exploring pore water pressure and volumetric water content variations of the deposit body during natural consolidation under different conditions taking the viscous debris flow mass as a study subject and by flume experiments. The results indicate that, as the color of the debris changed from initial dark green to grayish-white color, the initial deposit thickness declined by 3% and 2.8% over a permeable and impermeable sand bed, respectively. A positive correlation was observed between pore water pressure and depth in the deposit for both scenarios, with deeper depths being related to greater pore water pressure. For the permeable environment, the average dissipation rate of pore water pressure measured at depths of 0.10 m and 0.05 m were 0.0172 Pa/d and 0.0144 Pa/d, respectively, showing a positivechanging trend with increasing depth. Under impermeable conditions, the average dissipation rates at different depths were similar, while the volumetric water content in the deposit had a positive correlation with depth. The reduction of water content in the deposit accelerated with depth under impermeable sand bed boundary conditions, but was not considerably correlated with depth under permeable sand bed boundary conditions. However, the amount of discharged water from the deposit was greater and consolidation occurred faster in permeable conditions. This indicates that the permeability of the boundary sand bed has a significant impact on the progress of consolidation. This research demonstrates that pore water and pressure dissipations are present during the entire viscous debris consolidation process. Contrasting with dilute flows, pore pressure dissipation in viscous flows cannot be completed in a matter of minutes or even hours, requiring longer completion time — 3 to 5 days and even more. Additionally, the dissipation of the pore water pressure lagged the reduction of the water content. During the experiment, the dissipation rate fluctuated substantially, indicating a close relationship betweenthe dissipation process and the physical properties of broadly graded soils.  相似文献   

A large amount of loose debris materials were deposited on the slope of mountainous areas after the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. During and after the earthquake, these loose debris deposits collapsed and slide into valleys or rivers, changing river sediment supply condition and channel morphology. To investigate the mechanisms of granular flow and deposition, the dynamics of slope failure and sediment transportation in typical mountainous rivers of different intersection angles were analyzed with a coupling model of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Discrete Element Method(CFD-DEM). The numerical results show that the change of intersection angle between the granular flow flume and the river channel can affect the deposit geometry and the fluid flow field significantly. As the intersection angle increases, the granular velocity perpendicular to the river channel increases, while the granular velocity parallel to the river channel decreases gradually. Compared to the test of dry granular flow, the CFD-DEM coupling tests show much higher granular velocity and larger volume of sediments entrained in the river. Due to the river flow, particles located at the edge of the deposition will move downstream gradually and the main section of sediments deposition moves from the center to the edge of the river channel. As a result, sediment supply in the downstream river will distribute unevenly. Under the erosion of fluid flow, the proportion of fine particles increases, while the proportion of coarse particles decreases gradually in the sediment deposition. The build-up of accumulated sediment mass will cause a significant increase in water level in the river channel, thus creating serious flooding hazard in mountainous rivers.  相似文献   

Debris flows form deposits when they reach an alluvial fan until they eventually stop.However,houses located in the alluvial fan might affect the debris flow flooding and deposition processes.Few previous studies have considered the effects of houses on debris flow flooding and deposition.This study conducted model experiments and numerical simulations using the Kanako2D debris flow simulator to determine the influence of houses on debris flow flooding and deposition.The model experiments showed that when houses are present,the debris flow spreads widely in the cross direction immediately upstream of the houses,especially when the flow discharge is large or the grain size is small.Houses located in the alluvial fan also influence the deposition area.The presence of houses led to flooding and deposition damage in some places and reduced the damage in others.The simulation also demonstrated the influence of houses.Both the model experiment and the simulation showed that houses change the flooding and deposition areas.  相似文献   

Better understanding of the role of vegetation and soil on hydraulic resistance of overland flow requires quantitative partition of their interaction. In this paper, a total of 144 hydraulic flume experiments were carried out to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of overland flow. Results show that hydraulic resistance is negatively correlated with Reynolds number on non-simulated vegetated slopes, while positively on vegetated slopes. The law of composite resistance agrees with the dominant resistance, depending on simulated vegetation stem, surface roughness, and discharge. Surface roughness has greater influence on overland flow resistance than vegetation stem when unit discharge is lower than the low-limited critical discharge, while vegetation has a more obvious influence when unit discharge is higher than the upper-limited critical discharge. Combined effects of simulated vegetation and surface roughness are unequal to the sum of the individual effects through t-test, implying the limitation of using linear superposition principle in calculating overland flow resistances under combined effect of roughness elements.  相似文献   

逆冲构造是较为常见的构造形式,其由弱到强的变形过程及应力定量分布状态目前还不是很清楚。以库车前陆盆地东部逆冲构造为例,基于构造剖面的解析,将逆冲构造活动分为4个阶段:初始期、发展期、成熟期和改造期,并运用有限元计算分析方法对不同阶段剖面进行了精细数值模拟计算。研究表明:逆冲构造的扩展并不是一个简单线性发展的过程,而是前翼、后翼不断往复迁移推进的历程。简单的逆冲断褶带发育于逆冲构造初始期,应力主要集中在后翼;变形向后翼扩展,转折端范围不断增加对应逆冲构造发展期,应力主要集中于转折端;变形向前翼扩展,前翼范围开始增大对应逆冲构造成熟期,应力主要集中于转折端和前翼靠近转折端区域;后翼掀斜,前翼竖直,前翼前缘大量新的逆冲断层发育对应逆冲构造改造期,应力主要集中于前翼前缘。理清逆冲构造变形过程及应力集中分布范围的差异,可为后期指导裂缝发育部位以及超压异常发育带的预测奠定较好的基础。   相似文献   

A new type of drainage channel with an energy dissipation structure has been proposed based on previous engineering experiences and practical requirements for hazard mitigation in earthquakeaffected areas. Experimental studies were performed to determine the characteristics of viscous debris flow in a drainage channel of this type with a slope of 15%. The velocity and depth of the viscous debris flow were measured, processed, and subsequently used to characterize the viscous debris flow in the drainage channel. Observations of this experiment showed that the surface of the viscous debris flow in a smooth drainage channel was smoother than that of a similar debris flow passing through the energy dissipation section in a channel of the new type studied here. However, the flow patterns in the two types of channels were similar at other points. These experimental results show that the depth of the viscous debris flow downstream of the energy dissipation structure increased gradually with the length of the energy dissipation structure. In addition, in the smooth channel, the viscous debris-flow velocity downstream of the energy dissipation structure decreased gradually with the length of the energy dissipation structure. Furthermore, the viscous debris-flow depth and velocity were slightly affected by variations in the width of the energy dissipation structure when the channel slope was 15%. Finally, the energy dissipation ratio increased gradually as the length and width of the energy dissipation structure increased; the maximum energy dissipation ratio observed was 62.9% (where B = 0.6 m and L/w = 6.0).  相似文献   

川东隔档式构造区岩溶地下水流系统表现出多级次嵌套结构的特征,之前主要是定性的水文地质条件分析,缺乏来自水化学方面的量化依据。利用41个浅层和19个深层岩溶水样的水化学资料开展分析,发现浅层岩溶水为HCO3-Ca·Mg型,ρ(Mg2+)较低,深层岩溶水为SO4-Ca·Mg型且ρ(Mg2+)明显偏高,说明地下水在岩溶含水层中的滞留时间与ρ(Mg2+)具有正变关系。对典型剖面地下水流系统的分析表明,优先采用ρ(Mg2+)来评价地下水滞留时间,将地下水排泄点ρ(Mg2+)小于20,50 mg/L分别作为划分局部-中间、中间-区域水流系统的依据。浅层岩溶水受地貌作用控制明显,其中浅切沟谷泉点为局部地下水流系统的排泄点,深切沟谷泉点一般属于中间或区域流动系统的排泄点。ρ(Mg2+)反映了泉水循环的滞留时间,也能够反映钻孔所揭露的深循环特征。这种水化学识别方法可为相似岩溶区识别地下水流系统的多级次嵌套结构提供参考。  相似文献   

Building vulnerability evaluation in landslide deformation phase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Building vulnerability evaluation is important in the risk assessment on earthquake and flood hazards. But for landslide hazard, it is also a very important part for the people in buildings. Most discussions or researches about building vulnerability are for landslide failure, few for landslide in deformation phase. For this objective, this paper discussed about building vulnerability evaluation using Zhaoshuling landslide as an example Zhaoshuling landslide named located in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. After a field survey on the geological condition of landslide, detailed field investigation on the buildings’ location and structure is carried out. To get landslide surface deformation, numerical simulation method is used under the combining condition of water fluctuation and rainfall. Then building deformation and probable damage degree is analyzed according to landslide surface deformation and the relative theory in mining. Based on the national standard building damage classification system, the vulnerability of all the buildings on the landslide is semi-quantitatively evaluated.  相似文献   

Based on the data from the Cost-benefit Data of Farm Produce and the China Agricultural Yearbook, this paper aims to examine the spatial and temporal change characteristics of total grain production and its affecting factors. The results show that: 1) During 1980 to 2007, total grain production increased from 3.20 × 108 t to 5.02 × 108 t in China, with annual increasing rate of 1.68%. From the regional disparities, most of the regions present increasing trend of total grain production except for several regions with higher level of economic development; 2) Grain sown area decreased from 1.17 × 108 ha in 1980 to 1.06 × 108 ha in 2007, which has negative effect on total grain production; 3) The increase of grain yield per unit area caused by land use intensity changes contributed to the increase of total grain yield greatly. However, as the land use intensity showed that farmers pay more attention to labor-saving input but not yield-increasing input, the less enthusiasm of farmers in grain production may become an important constraint on future grain production increase in China; 4) Based on the results, this paper proposed different land management policies in different regions, for example, the government should protect cultivated land, promote large scale production. As to the less developed regions, the government should pay more attention to agricultural subsidies to promote farmers’ enthusiasm in grain production.  相似文献   

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