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V. B. Braginsky 《Astronomy Letters》2008,34(8):558-562
Modern ground-based gravitational-wave antennas designed to detect bursts of gravitational radiation from astrophysical catastrophes are described. Basic antenna characteristics, peculiarities of the noise background in antennas from various sources, and methods of their suppression are presented. The contribution from cosmic rays to the background is estimated. New programs of searching for low-frequency gravitational waves and potentialities for increasing the sensitivity of antennas of new types are briefly described. 相似文献
《New Astronomy》2016
Gravitational wave bursts in the formation of neutron stars and black holes in energetic core-collapse supernovae (CC-SNe) are of potential interest to LIGO-Virgo and KAGRA. Events nearby are readily discovered using moderately sized telescopes. CC-SNe are competitive with mergers of neutron stars and black holes, if the fraction producing an energetic output in gravitational waves exceeds about 1%. This opportunity motivates the design of a novel Sejong University Core-CollapsE Supernova Survey (SUCCESS), to provide triggers for follow-up searches for gravitational waves. It is based on the 76 cm Sejong university telescope (SUT) for weekly monitoring of nearby star-forming galaxies, i.e., M51, M81-M82 and blue dwarf galaxies from the unified nearby galaxy catalog with an expected yield of a few hundred per year. Optical light curves will be resolved for the true time-of-onset for probes of gravitational waves by broadband time-sliced matched filtering. 相似文献
《New Astronomy》2017
This paper attempts to formulate a way for calculating the intensity of gravitational wave from two point masses in Keplerian circular and elliptic orbits. The intensity is calculated with the assumption that the orbital plane of the binary undergoes small oscillation about the equilibrium x-y plane. This problem is simplification of a physically possible orbit where one of the point masses is spinning whereby the spin-orbit force drives the orbital plane to wobble in a complicated manner. It is shown that the total energy of gravitational wave emitted by the binary in this case is dominated by the parameters which take into account the oscillation of the plane. The results presented are in fact a generalization of the classic results of Landau and Lifshitz. 相似文献
Valerio Pirronello 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1984,102(1):11-19
The problem of the generation of a gravitational wave by an acoustic one is studied in the high-frequency domain for a perfect fluid. The negative result which is found may be of some relevance for astrophysical and cosmological applications. 相似文献
We investigate how fast magnetosonic waves can be produced from a pinching current sheet, by using 3-D MHD code. We show that
after magnetic pinch of the current sheet due to pressure imbalance, the current sheet begins to expand by an excess of plasma
pressure at the center of the current sheet. During the expansion phase, strong fast magnetosonic waves can be created at
the steep region of the density gradient and propagate away from the current sheet. It is shown that the fast magnetosonic
waves become unstable against modulational instability, as found by Sakai (1983). After the emission of the fast magnetosonic
waves, the current sheet will relax to a new equilibrium state, where the current sheet can be heated by adiabatic compression.
The emission processes of the fast magnetosonic waves from the current sheet, as well as the modulational instability of these
waves that can lead to effective plasma heating through the Landau damping of the slow waves, are important for an understanding
of coronal heating and coronal transient brightening. 相似文献
A. A. Saharian 《Astrophysics》1993,36(3):258-262
Erevan State University. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 323–430, July–September, 1993. 相似文献
Observational manifestations and intrinsic properties of the RCR sources in terms of a unified model
We present a summary results of the study of radio sources showing significant variations of integral flux density using the data from the RATAN-600 surveys of 1980–1994 at a frequency of 7.6 cm. The majority of the detected variable sources have flat radio spectra, although there are also all other spectrum types found. Point and compact sources predominate, although all known morphological structures are found in the sample. Variability is detected both in quasars and galaxies. Using the catalog data, we found brightness variations in the optical and/or infrared ranges for a half of host objects of radio sources. We analyzed the properties of nonvariable and variable RCR sources. We compared the ratio of absolute magnitude to radio luminosity for sources with the active nucleus types determined from the optical data. It is found that this parameter is approximately the same for quasars with different radio luminosity. It isminimum for the strongest radio galaxies and grows up to the level characteristic of quasars with the decrease of radio luminosity. Considering that the ratio depends on obscuring properties of a dust torus, such behavior can be explained if we assume that the torus geometry and its optical depth depend on the source long. This parameter is slightly higher among variable sources than among nonvariable ones which counts in favor of the nucleus more open to an observer. 相似文献
In addition to disturbances caused by the residual atmosphere at satellite heights, irregularities in the orbits of so-called close satellites are caused by the finite mass distribution of the Earth. This is at variance with phenomena in usual celestial mechanics, where the perturbations created pertain to the presence of stars assimilated to point masses.It is shown that a faithful gravitational picture of the Earth may be offered by means of a fictitous mass distribution confined to the equatorial plane of the Earth. This solution, first derived by Maxwell in a somewhat analogous electrostatic problem had been extended to gravitational phenomena and a family of actual equipotential surfaces have been derived.The dynamical analysis resulting from this particular structure provides two prime integrals in finite terms, supplemented by another equation directly related to the period of the orbit. The latter is written in an approximate way, and the overall discussion provides a direct numerical explanation of the precession of the plane of the satellite orbit around the polar axis from east to west if the satellite motion, as projected upon the equatorial plane takes place from west to east; it also accounts for the motion of the major axis of the ellipse within the plane of the orbit; finally it explains the distortion of the orbit within its own plane. 相似文献
C. Palomba 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2005,359(3):1150-1164
We study, via a Monte Carlo simulation, a population of isolated asymmetric neutron stars where the magnitude of the magnetic field is low enough so that the dynamical evolution is dominated by the emission of gravitational waves. A starting population, with age uniformly distributed back to 100 Myr (or 500 Myr) and endowed with a birth kick velocity, is evolved in the Galactic gravitational potential to the present time. In describing the initial spatial distribution, the Gould belt, with an enhanced neutron star formation rate, is taken into account. Different models for the initial period distribution are considered. The star ellipticity, measuring the amount of deformation, is drawn from an exponential distribution. We estimate the detectability of the emitted gravitational signals by the first and planned second generation of interferometric detectors. Results are parametrized by the fraction of the whole galactic neutron star population made up of these kinds of sources. Some possible mechanisms, which would make possible the existence of such a population, are discussed. A comparison of the gravitational spin-down with the braking due to a possible interaction of the neutron star with the interstellar medium is also presented. 相似文献
New data are given on internal gravitational waves observed from hydroxyl emission. The source of these waves is seen in certain sections of the jet stream excited by active meteorological formations lying beneath them. 相似文献
Th. Grammenos 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1994,211(1):31-40
In this work, a thermodynamic treatment of a Friedmann-like model of nonadiabatic spherical gravitational collapse is presented. The calculations have been performed according to Eckart's theory of dissipative relativistic fluids, while the diffusion approximation has been adopted for the radiation transport. The conclusions deduced are in agreement with the predictions of the theory of late stellar evolution. 相似文献