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青海锡铁山碳质片岩型铅-锌矿床的矿化结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章应用地质、地球化学分析,对锡铁山矿区新发现的(碳质)片岩型矿体的矿化结构、矿体类型及其典型元素分带特征进行综合研究,得出以下结论:锡铁山矿床具“双层结构”,由大理岩型矿体和碳质片岩型矿体组成;碳质片岩型矿体主要赋存于滩间山群沉积岩组中上部,产出层位高于大理岩型矿体;碳质片岩型矿体的倒转型热水喷流沉积结构与含矿层倒转有关。研究表明,矿区找矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   

四川天宝山铅锌矿床硫化物微量元素组成:LA-ICPMS研究   总被引:9,自引:11,他引:9  
"川滇黔接壤铅锌矿集区"是我国西南大面积低温成矿域的重要组成部分,对于其中铅锌矿床是否属于MVT型矿床存在较大争议。本文以该矿集区中代表性矿床——四川天宝山矿床为例,通过LA-ICPMS原位元素分析,结合元素Mapping,以认识该矿床中闪锌矿和方铅矿微量元素组成特征及其赋存状态。研究表明,矿床中闪锌矿以富集Cd、Ge贫Fe、Mn、In、Sn、Co为特征,这些元素均以类质同象形式赋存于闪锌矿中,但含量变化范围较大,这可能与其成矿流体属于低温混合流体有关,这类盆地卤水流体在长期和长距离运移过程中,流经不同基底地层,活化出其中不同微量元素,因此成分变化较大,但以低温元素为主。此外,矿床中闪锌矿Ge和Cu呈现较好正相关关系,暗示其与Zn置换方式为:nC u~(2+)+Ge~(2+)(n+1)Zn~(2+),这可能是该矿床富集Ge的重要原因之一;矿床中方铅矿以富集Ag、Sb贫Bi为特征,含微量Cd和Tl,类质同象是这些元素主要赋存形式,其置换方式为(Ag)~(1+)+(Sb)~(3+)2Pb~(2+);矿床中Ge主要赋存于闪锌矿中,而方铅矿中不含Ge。总体上,本矿床硫化物微量元素组成与MVT型矿床基本一致,明显有别于喷流沉积型矿床、岩浆热液型矿床和远源夕卡岩型矿床,其成矿温度属于低温范围,成矿流体运移方向可能为深部→浅部。结合其矿床地质地球化学特征,本文认为天宝山铅锌矿床属于MVT型矿床,但其中闪锌矿中富集Cu,而方铅矿中富集Ag,可能暗示其形成具有一定特殊性。  相似文献   

The Xitieshan deposit (~ 64 Mt at 4.86% Zn, 4.16% Pb, 58 g/t Ag, and 0.68 g/t Au) is hosted by the Middle to Late Ordovician Tanjianshan Group of the North Qaidam tectonic metallogenic belt, NW China. This belt is characterized by island arc volcanic, ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic and ophiolitic rocks. The Tanjianshan Group constitutes a succession of metamorphosed bimodal volcanic and sedimentary rocks, which are interpreted to have formed on the margin of a back-arc ocean basin between the Qaidam block and the Qilian block.Four stratigraphic units are identified within the Ordovician Tanjianshan Group. From northeast to southwest they are: 1) unit a, or the lower volcanic-sedimentary rocks, comprising bimodal volcanic rocks (unit a-1) and sedimentary rocks (unit a-2) ranging from carbonates to black carbonaceous schist; 2) unit b, or intermediate-mafic volcaniclastic rocks, characterized by intermediate to mafic volcaniclastic rocks intercalated with lamellar carbonaceous schist and minor marble lenses; 3) unit c, a purplish red sandy conglomerate that unconformably overlies unit b, representing the product of the foreland basin sedimentation during the Early Silurian; 4) unit d, or mafic volcanic rocks, from base to up, comprising the lower mafic volcaniclastic rocks (unit d-1), middle clastic sedimentary rocks (unit d-2), upper mafic volcaniclastic rocks (unit d-3), and uppermost mafic volcanic rocks (unit d-4). Unit a-2 hosts most of the massive sulfides whereas unit b contains subordinate amounts.The massive stratiform lenses constitute most of the Xitieshan deposit with significant amount of semi-massive and irregularly-shaped sulfides and minor amounts in stringer veins. Pyrite, galena and sphalerite are the dominant sulfide minerals, with subordinate pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Quartz is a dominant gangue mineral. Sericite, quartz, chlorite, and carbonate alteration of host rocks accompanies the mineralization.U-Pb zircon geochronology yields three ages of 454 Ma, 452 Ma and 451 Ma for the footwall felsic volcanic rocks in unit a-1, sedimentary host rocks in unit a-2 and hanging-wall unit b, respectively. The Xitieshan deposit is considered to be coeval with the sedimentation of unit a-2 and unit b of the Tanjianshan Group. The Xitieshan deposit has been intensely deformed during two phases (main ductile shear and minor ductile-brittle deformation). The main ductile shear deformation controls the general strike of the ore zones, whereas minor deformation controls the internal geometry of the ore bodies. 40Ar-39Ar age of muscovite from mylonitized granitic gneisses in the ductile shear zone is ~ 399 Ma, which is interpreted to date the Xitieshan ductile shear zone, suggesting that Early Devonian metamorphism and deformation post-dated the Tanjianshan Group.The Xitieshan deposit has many features similar to that of the Bathurst district of Canada, the Iberian Pyrite Belt of Spain, the Wolverine volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in Canada. Based on its tectonic setting, host-rock types, local geologic setting, metal grades, geochronology, temperatures and salinities of mineralizing fluid and source of sulfur, the Xitieshan deposit has features similar to sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) and VMS deposits and is similar to volcanic and sediment-hosted massive sulfide (VSHMS) deposits.  相似文献   

熊欣  李建康  张珈铭  严清高  王臻 《岩石学报》2023,39(7):2085-2100

扎乌龙花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床位于四川省和青海省交界处, 其西部矿体被称为青海草陇矿床, 是我国西部松潘-甘孜稀有金属成矿带的重要组成。扎乌龙矿床Li2O资源储量预估高达157万t, 最主要的锂、铍矿石矿物为绿柱石和锂辉石。前人以扎乌龙伟晶岩脉内多阶段的流体包裹体为研究对象, 着重剖析了其岩浆热液演化过程。然而, 迄今为止尚缺乏锂铍矿物学和同位素方面的研究来加深对该矿床岩浆热液演化及成矿作用方面的理解。14号钠长石-锂辉石型伟晶岩脉是扎乌龙花岗伟晶岩型矿床出露面积最大、锂储量最高的伟晶岩脉, 也是研究该稀有金属矿床成矿作用过程的理想对象。该伟晶岩脉具有一定的内部分带性, 由边部至核部分为: 石英-白云母带(Ⅰ带)、微斜长石-钠长石带(Ⅱ带)、钠长石-锂辉石带(Ⅲ带)和石英-锂辉石带(Ⅳ带)。绿柱石和锂辉石矿物结构和化学组成表明, 扎乌龙14号脉锂铍矿化主要可划分为两个阶段: 第一阶段为岩浆阶段, 主要形成均一或振荡环带结构的原生绿柱石和锂辉石; 第二阶段为热液阶段, 主要表现为流体与原生矿物发生再平衡, 原生锂辉石发生蚀变形成云母等矿物, 原生绿柱石边部和内部缝隙产出相对富Cs2O或Na2O含量的次生绿柱石。14号伟晶岩中原生和次生绿柱石的Cs2O含量(0.71%~2.28%)均低于世界上许多其他Li-Ta-Cs伟晶岩脉, 表明其岩浆结晶分异程度相对较低。Ⅲ和Ⅳ带原生锂辉石均呈现出不均匀的δ7Li值(-1.70‰~1.67‰), 表明锂辉石结晶于流体出溶的环境。次生锂辉石相对略低的δ7Li值(-1.90‰~-0.03‰)表明了热液阶段锂的再活化沉淀对于锂同位素组成产生了一定的影响。次生绿柱石较原生绿柱石的Cs2O含量增加有限, 热液作用未形成高度富铯或锂的矿物如铯馏石和锂云母, 表明热液作用对于原生稀有金属矿物的改造有限。总体而言, 与加拿大Tanco和可可托海3号脉伟晶岩相比, 扎乌龙14号脉伟晶岩熔体的分异程度较低, 出溶的富Cs流体有限, 未发生较大规模的晚阶段热液交代作用, 成矿作用以伟晶岩熔体的结晶作用为主。


锡铁山SEDEX型铅锌矿床成矿物质来源综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锡铁山矿床是我国大型铅锌矿床之一,Zn Pb金属量超过2000X10(4)t,矿石品位在10%~25%之间.为全面了解矿床成矿流体和成矿金属元素的来源,笔者在野外调研的基础上,系统研究了该矿床不同类型矿体中铅、硫、碳、氧、氩、锶等同位素组成特征.铅同位素组成特征显示矿床中的原始铅主要来源于地壳深部或上地幔,在造山带期受到改造;矿石中方铅矿δ(34)S为0.19‰~3.89‰,反映出含矿热液具深源流体的特征;(87)Sr/(86)Sr集中在0.70875~0.72240之间,表明成矿物质来源应以壳源为主,有部分幔源物质的混入.从而判定锡铁山铅锌矿床成矿物质可能最初来源于晚奥陶世地层,晚泥盆世至晚石炭世(317Ma)受到第一次变质改造;200~279Ma是主要的变质改造成矿期.  相似文献   

Rhenium and osmium isotopes in sulfide minerals from the Bagdad porphyry Cu–Mo deposit have been used to determine timing of mineralization and the source of osmium and, by inference, ore metals. Molybdenite, chalcopyrite and pyrite were analyzed mainly from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite units, which are characterized by moderate to strong potassic alteration (secondary biotite and K-feldspar). Rhenium concentrations in molybdenite are between 330 and 642 ppm. Four Re–Os analyses of two molybdenite samples from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite yield a weighted average age of 71.8±0.2 Ma (2s). Analyses of a third sample from a molybdenite vein in Precambrian rocks, outside of the main ore zone, yield a weighted average age of 75.9±0.2 Ma (2s), and provide evidence of two separate mineralization episodes. Chalcopyrite samples contain 6 to 12 ppt Os and 1.7 to 4.1 ppb Re; 187Os/ 188Os initial ratios are between 0.1 and 0.8. Pyrite samples have osmium and rhenium concentrations varying in the range 8–17 ppt and 3.9–6.8 ppb, respectively. Analyses from these pyrite samples yield an eight-point isochron with an age of 77±15 Ma (2s) and an initial 187Os/ 188Os ratio of 2.1±0.8 (MSWD=0.90). The results presented here add to the growing body of work indicating that porphyry-type mineralization is produced by long-term, multiple episodes of magmatism and associated mineralization. The data also support the hypothesis that a significant part of the metals and magmas may have a crustal source, as has been suggested for other copper deposits and districts in Arizona.  相似文献   

锡铁山矿床是中国西部的超大型铅锌矿产地之一,产于柴北缘晚奥陶世滩间山群的大理岩和片岩之中,是与海相火山喷流-沉积有关的矿床。很多学者已经从地球化学、岩石学、同位素测年等对该矿床的成矿时代、成矿流体性质、矿床成因等开展了研究,但对于锡铁山矿区构造控矿特征一直存在争议,普遍认为褶皱构造对矿区的控矿作用明显。文章主要以详实的野外观测为基础,分析了矿区的褶皱和断裂构造特征,探讨了构造对矿(床)体的控制作用,为矿区找矿勘查工作部署提供依据。通过详实的野外实测和综合对比分析表明,锡铁山矿区总体上为单斜层,不发育大型的褶皱构造,但是层内褶皱发育,包括A型褶皱和B型褶皱。发育在滩间山群a段内的A型褶皱,其褶皱枢纽与拉伸线理倾向南东,与矿区矿体的总体倾伏方向一致;而在滩间山群d段内的A型褶皱,其枢纽倾向北西;矿区内发育了多条北西西走向的大型断裂,其编号为F1—F6;分析表明,F1断层发育在早期塑性变形基础之上,晚期叠加了叠瓦逆冲推覆作用,造成了矿体及赋矿围岩的局部倒转;F2断裂大规模的左行走滑-逆冲作用导致了矿区滩间山群不同岩性段地质体的拼合接触,造成了矿区部分含矿地质体的缺失;野外填图揭示出,左行走滑的F3断裂从北西往南东,走向从330°逐渐转变为290°方向,并在南东侧末端,发育了一系列分支的左行走滑-正断层,组成"马尾状"构造,截切了矿体与围岩,并发生了横向错移。以此构造控矿特征为基础,结合矿床成因分析,进一步分析了锡铁山矿区深部的找矿方向,认为矿区南东侧深部具有良好的找矿空间;并以07号勘探线为例,根据F3及其分支断层的错移情况,分析了矿体可能被错移的位置。   相似文献   

富乐铅锌矿床位于川滇黔铅锌矿集区东南部,该区域是我国重要的铅锌银及分散元素成矿带。该矿床的形成分为早成矿期、主成矿期和晚成矿期。应用电子探针和LA-ICPMS原位分析技术,测定了不同期次白云石和方解石的主-微量元素组成。研究表明,白云石和方解石具有不显著的Eu异常向正Eu异常和强负Ce异常向弱负Ce异常演化的趋势,表明硫化物和白云石的沉淀是由于流体氧逸度和温度降低,成矿时流体环境从碱性变为中性再到弱酸性导致的。从成矿早期到成矿晚期,Fe和Mn呈下降趋势,碱性环境下Fe和Mn进入到碳酸盐矿物中,而在酸性环境下Fe和Mn会被释放到流体中,说明由于交代作用的由强变弱,其成矿环境是从碱性为主向以酸性为主演变的;从早到晚Sr呈上升趋势,可能表示热液-围岩不断的反应使得围岩中的Sr不断的被释放到流体中。Fe-Sr图解和Mn-Sr图解表明,成矿过程存在两种流体的混合。综合以上研究,本文认为富乐铅锌矿床可能是由氧化、酸性的富含金属的流体与还原、碱性的亏损金属的流体混合导致矿质沉淀形成的。  相似文献   

夏塞银多金属矿床中硫化物和硫盐系列矿物特征及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黄典豪  胡世华 《矿床地质》2000,19(4):363-375
夏塞矿主档是大型的热液脉型银多金属矿床,通过对大量矿石光(薄)片观察和电子探针分析表明,除主要(方铅矿、富铁闪锌矿)和次要(黄铁矿、毒砂、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿等)硫化物外,硫盐毓硫物十分发育,主要有Cu-Sb-Ag硫盐(黝铜矿、含银黝铜矿和银黝铜矿)、Sb-Ag硫盐(深红银矿、辉锑银矿)、Pb-Sb硫盐(脆硫锑铅矿、硫锑铅矿)和Bi-Pb硫盐(斜方辉饿铅矿)。此外,尚有少(微)量黄锡矿、锡石、自然饿和银金矿等。银的硫盐硫物和硫化物(辉银矿)乃是获得银的主要工业矿物,这些硫盐毓矿物常与硫化物伴生,多沿方铅矿、富铁闪锌矿、黄铁矿等的解理、裂隙或粒间产出,这些研究结果不仅有助于了解矿化作用过程,而且为矿床评价,组分综合利用和选冶提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Summary 32 carbonate samples from a series of metamorphic rocks of greenschist to almandine-amphibolite facies in the Zillerthal Alps were investigated by optical and chemical methods, X-ray diffractometry, and the scanning electron microscope.The carbonates consist mainly of calcite which contains up to 11 mole % (MgCO3+FeCO3). Some of the calcites are characterized by skeleton-like dolomitic exsolutions of rhombohedral shape that are orientated on rhombohedron planes of the calcite matrix.The relations between metamorphic grade and calcite composition will be discussed. The (FeCO3+MgCO3)-content of calcite depends on the temperature of formation, CO2 pressure, and the Fe and Mg concentrations of the carbonate-forming solutions.
Mineralogische und chemische Zusammensetzung von Karbonaten aus den Zillertaler Alpen, Tirol (Österreich)
Zusammenfassung 32 Karbonatproben aus den Zillertaler Alpen (Tirol, Österreich) wurden mit optischen und röntgendiffraktometrischen Methoden sowie mit dem Elektronenrastermikroskop untersucht.Die Karbonate sind Calcite, die bis zu 11 Mol% (MgCO3+FeCO3) enthalten. Die Calcitkristalle zeichnen sich durch skelettartige Dolomitentmischungen aus, die parallel zu Rhomboederflächen des Calcites orientiert sind.Die Karbonate stammen aus einer Serie metamorpher Gesteine der Grünschiefer- bis Almandin-Amphibolitfazies. Es werden die Beziehungen zwischen der Calcitzusammensetzung und dem Metamorphosegrad diskutiert. Der (FeCO3+MgCO3)-Gehalt der Calcite hängt von der Bildungstemperatur, vom CO2-Druck und vom Fe- und Mg-Gehalt der Lösungen ab, aus denen sich die Karbonate gebildet haben.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Fractionation of sulfur isotopes and selenium was measured between coexisting pyrite and chalcopyrite and between coexisting pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite from the Besshi deposit of Kieslager-type, Central Shikoku, Japan. In all the pyrite-chalcopyrite pairs studied, 34S is enriched in pyrite relative to chalcopyrite, while selenium is enriched conversely in chalcopyrite relative to pyrite. The mean 34Spy-cp value is +0.53±0.36 per mil, and the mean value of the distribution coefficient of selenium, Dcp-py, is 2.58±0.64. In all the pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite pairs studied, the two minerals are very close to each other both in sulfur isotope and Se/S ratios. The mean 34Spo-cp value is –0.08±0.16 per mil and the mean Dcp-po value is 0.99±0.05. The results have been discussed in comparison with similar data obtained for the Hitachi deposits of Kieslager-type, Japan (Yamamoto et al. 1983).  相似文献   

大溶溪钨矿床为湘西地区一层控型白钨矿矿床,白钨矿主要分布于矽卡岩和石英网脉中。在详细野外地质调查和室内镜下观察的基础上,利用EPMA和高精度LA-ICP-MS测试技术,对该矿主要矽卡岩矿物的矿物学和地球化学特征进行了研究,并初步揭示了其形成机制。研究表明,大溶溪矿区含钨矽卡岩为还原型类矽卡岩,矽卡岩矿物主要为辉石和石榴子石;辉石为透辉石—钙铁辉石—锰钙辉石系列;石榴子石以钙铝榴石为主,但锰铝榴石+铁铝榴石含量也较高。该区辉石REE具有总量较低、轻重稀土元素分馏不明显、正Ce和正Eu异常的特征;而石榴子石REE具有较高的稀土总量,呈现明显的重稀土元素富集、轻稀土元素亏损、负Ce异常、强烈正Eu异常的特点。辉石Ce和Eu异常可能与其形成时的水/岩反应及氧化还原条件有关。REE进入石榴子石的方式以REE~(3+)等价置换Al~(3+)的形式为主,正Eu异常主要为Eu~(2+)等价置换钙铝榴石Ca~(2+)所致,而负Ce异常则反映出热液沉淀正Ce异常辉石之后热液体系中贫Ce元素。该区含钨矽卡岩主要为热液与含锰灰岩在平衡机制下发生扩散交代作用所形成;而含钨石英网脉内发育的辉石、石榴子石等钙硅酸盐矿物,则是热液沿裂隙、孔隙对富钙变质砂岩进行交代的产物。矽卡岩形成过程中,相对贫Mn的辉石和石榴子石主要受交代流体作用控制,形成于一种相对高温、中等水/岩比的条件下;而相对富Mn的辉石和石榴子石,则可能是形成于靠近围岩一侧的相对低温、低水/岩比的环境中,部分锰质来自被交代的围岩。  相似文献   

The Bleiberg Pb-Zn deposit in the Drau Range is the type locality of Alpine-type carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits. Its origin has been the subject of on-going controversy with two contrasting genetic models proposed: (1) the SEDEX model, with ore forming contemporaneously with sedimentation of the Triassic host rocks at about 220 Ma vs. (2) the epigenetic MVT model, with ores forming after host rock sedimentation at about 200 Ma or later. Both models assume that, on a deposit or even district scale, a fixed paragenetic sequence of ore minerals can be established. The results of our detailed petrographic, chemical and sulfur isotope study of two key ore-samples from two major ore horizons in the Wetterstein Formation at Bleiberg (EHK02 Erzkalk horizon and Blb17 Maxer Bänke horizon) demonstrate that there is no fixed paragenetic sequence of ore minerals. Small-scale non-systematic variations are recorded in textures, sphalerite chemistry and δ34S. In each sample, texturally different sphalerite types (colloform schalenblende, fine- and coarse-grained crystalline sphalerite) co-occur on a millimeter to centimeter scale. These sphalerites represent multiple mineralization stages/pulses since they differ in their trace element inventory and in their δ34S. Nonetheless, there is some correspondence of sphalerite micro-textures, sulfur isotope and chemical composition between the two samples, with microcrystalline colloform schalenblende being Fe-rich, having high Fe/Cd (15 and 9, respectively) and a light sulfur isotope composition (δ34S −26.0 to −16.2‰). Cadmium-rich and Fe-poor sphalerite in both samples has relatively heavier sulfur isotope composition: in sample EHK02 this sphalerite has Fe/Cd of ∼0.5 and δ34S from −6.6 to −4.6‰; in sample Blb17 Fe/Cd is ∼0.1 and δ34S ranges from −15.0 to −1.5‰. Barite, which is restricted to sample EHK02, has δ34S ≈ 17‰. The large variations in δ34S recorded on the mm to cm-scale is consistent with variable contributions of reduced sulfur from two different sulfur reservoirs. The dominant reservoir with δ34S values <−20‰ likely results from local bacteriogenic sulfate reduction (BSR), whereas the second reservoir, with δ34S about −5‰ suggests a hydrothermal source likely linked with thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). Based on this small- to micro-scale study, no simple, deposit-wide paragenetic and sulfur isotope evolution with time can be established. In the Erzkalk ore (sample EHK02) an earlier Pb-Zn-Ba stage, characterized by heavy sulfur isotope values, is succeeded by a light δ34S-dominated Zn-Pb-F stage. In contrast, the several mineralization pulses identified in the stratiform Zn-Pb-F Maxer Bänke ore (sample Blb17) define a broad trend to heavier sulfur isotope values with time. The interaction documented in these samples between two sulfur reservoirs is considered a key mechanism of ore formation.  相似文献   

渌井矿床是广西西大明山地区内一个典型的脉状铅锌矿床,矿体赋存于寒武纪地层中,主要受断裂构造控制。本文在详细野外调查的基础上,通过对其流体包裹体、硫化物矿物化学和硫同位素的系统测定和分析,探讨了成矿流体性质和矿质来源。流体包裹体研究表明,渌井矿床主成矿阶段流体包裹体类型以富液相的气液两相包裹体和纯液相包裹体为主,主成矿期包裹体均一温度为237~281℃(平均值为256℃),对应盐度为3.54%~12.69%(均值为8.39%)。硫化物电子探针分析结果显示,闪锌矿以富集Fe、Cd、In而贫Mn、Ga、Ge等元素为特征,多属于形成温度偏高的含铁闪锌矿类型。硫化物硫同位素研究显示,δ34S值总体变化范围为-1.9‰~4.4‰,呈塔式分布,均值为1.7‰,位于零值附近,暗示渌井矿床硫化物的硫主要来源于岩浆。综合矿床地质、流体包裹体、硫化物矿物化学及硫同位素特征可知,渌井矿床应归属于热液脉型铅锌矿床范畴,在成因上与本区深部的隐伏岩体具有密切的联系,成矿时代可能为燕山晚期。  相似文献   

青海锡铁山铅锌矿床的矿体成因类型讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在青海锡铁山大型铅锌矿床中,奥陶系滩涧山群3个不同层位(O3tn^b组片岩、O2tn^b组片岩与大理岩过渡带、O3tn^a-2组片岩)同时发育层状矿体和脉状矿体,大理岩中还发育不规则囊状矿体。通过对上述不同层位、不同类型矿体的分布特征、产状、矿石结构和构造的详细观察和研究发现.3个层位的层状矿体均是SEDEX型海底喷流沉积作用的结果。O3tn^b组片岩及其与大理岩过渡带中的层状矿体属近源(proximal)产物.与之伴生的脉状矿体则属该层状矿体的喷流沉积补给带;O3tn^a-2组片岩中的层状矿体属远源(distal)沉积,而大理岩中的不规则囊状矿体则是造山后深部流体活化围岩或再活化早期层状矿体中的成矿物质.并强烈交代大理岩的产物:北侧O3tn^a-2组片岩中的脉状矿体也为造山后流体叠加的产物,可能是大理岩中不规则囊状矿体的导矿通道。  相似文献   

西藏浦桑果铅锌多金属矿床位于南冈底斯成矿带火山岩浆弧内,矿区矽卡岩型铅锌矿体主要呈似层状和透镜状近东西向赋存于白垩系塔克那组第4岩性段矽卡岩化大理岩中,矽卡岩矿物较发育。为进一步查明矽卡岩矿物种属及矽卡岩类型,剖析矽卡岩的形成环境及其与成矿的关系,在对矽卡岩矿物系统的显微镜下鉴定基础上,利用电子探针对矿区内主要矽卡岩矿物化学成分进行了系统分析。结果表明,石榴子石主要为非连续的钙铁榴石钙铝榴石类质同像系列(And47.39~98.17Gro0.59~50.22Ura+Pyr+Spe0~3.53),且早期主要形成钙铁榴石,部分钙铁榴石含锰质较高;单斜辉石主要为钙铁辉石-锰钙辉石-透辉石类质同像系列(Hd37.91~74.16Jo0.91~61.66Di0.43~46.07);似辉石主要为硅灰石,端员组分为Wo99.09~99.26En0.50~0.56Fs0.13~0.24;角闪石主要为镁角闪石,具钙质角闪石属性;绿帘石贫铁、镁而富铝、钙;绿泥石属于密绿泥石类。矿床矽卡岩矿物组合特征表明,浦桑果矿床矽卡岩兼具钙质矽卡岩和锰质矽卡岩的特征。早期矽卡岩形成于高温、偏碱性、强氧化的开放体系中,成矿流体具有较高氧逸度。锰质矽卡岩矿物特征及独立银矿物的存在综合表明矿区具有银矿找矿潜力,为下步找矿工作提供了思路和方向。  相似文献   

Tianqiao carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposit, controlled by NW-trending F37 thrust fault and NW-trending Tianqiao anticline, is located in the eastern part of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou (SYG) Pb-Zn metallogenic province, southwestern Yangtze Block, southwest China. Ore bodies in this deposit are hosted in the Devonian-Carboniferous carbonate rocks, and ore minerals include sphalerite, galena and pyrite, while the gangue minerals are dominated by calcite and dolomite. Using high-precision solid thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), this paper reports the strontium isotopic compositions (0.7119 to 0.7167) of sulfide samples from the Tianqiao deposit in order to trace the origin of hydrothermal fluids. Compared with the country rocks, the calculated 87Sr/86Sr200 Ma values of sulfide range from 0.7118 to 0.7130, higher than those of the age-corrected Devonian to Permian sedimentary rocks (0.7073 to 0.7101) and the Middle Permian Emeishan flood basalts (0.7078 to 0.7039), but lower than those of the age-corrected Proterozoic basement rocks (such as the Kunyang and Huili Groups, 87Sr/86Sr200 Ma=0.7243 to 0.7288). This implies a mixed strontium source between the older basement rocks and the younger cover sequences. Together with geologic and previous isotopic evidences, we considered that the fluids' mixing is a possible mechanism for sulfide precipitation in the Tianqiao deposit.  相似文献   

云南会泽铅锌矿床粘土矿物K-Ar测年及其地质意义   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
文章应用K_Ar法测得会泽铅锌矿床矿体中的蚀变粘土矿物年龄为(176.5±2.5)Ma,该年龄为成矿作用第一阶段黄铁矿形成的年龄,略早于第二阶段方铅矿、闪锌矿和方解石的形成年龄。该年龄表明这些铅锌矿床的形成与峨眉山玄武岩浆活动(251~262Ma)有明显的时间间隔,而可能为特提斯板块向大陆俯冲期间在大陆边缘岩浆弧后伸展带形成的MVT矿床。  相似文献   

青海锡铁山铅锌矿床类型刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
锡铁山铅锌矿床是我国大型块状硫化物矿床之一。该矿床类型认识长期存在争议,目前已有越来越多学者将其视为SEDEX型矿床。本文在近年来块状硫化物矿床成矿构造背景研究进展归纳整理的基础上,结合柴达木盆地北缘早古生代区域地质研究进展,提出锡铁山矿床的成矿构造环境不是以往认为的陆内裂谷,而是活动大陆边缘弧后/间盆地裂谷。鉴于成矿构造环境变化,锡铁山矿床类型也应作出相应调整,由原来的SEDEX型矿床改为VSHMS型矿床。这样做可以达到三个方面的目的:其一,有利于解决现存的成矿构造背景认识与区域地质认识不一致的矛盾;其二,有利于保障本区目前和未来大规模展开的区域成矿研究及找矿勘查评价建立在正确的成矿背景认识前提之下;其三,将矿床类型划分与成矿构造背景相结合,进而用矿床类型揭示构造背景,体现了矿床研究为地球系统科学服务的宗旨。  相似文献   

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