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First data on major, minor and trace element (XRF. 1CP-MS) concentrations in the volcanic rocks of the IVS 50th anniversary Fissure Tolbachik eruption are reported for the period from 27.11.2012 to 25.01.2013; scheme of lava flows distribution by March 2013 is made. The volcanic rocks of the new eruption are substantially different from the other studied volcanic rocks of Tolbachinsky Dol by their higher alkalis and incompatible elements content. The rocks of the first three days of eruption (Menyailov Vent) have higher silica and alkalis content than all previously reported volcanic rocks of Tolbachinsky Dol. Volcanic rocks of the Naboko Vent, at silica content similar to high-Al basalts of Tolbachinsky Dol, have different concentrations of trace elements and some major elements (K2O, CaO, TiO2, P2O5). REE and other incompatible element concentrations in the rocks of the Menyailov Vent are higher than in the rocks of the Naboko Vent at the same element ratios. The differences of the volcanic rocks of the two vents of the new eruption may be caused by the fact that the erupted lavas came from the different levels of the same magma chamber.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Fluoborite extremely close to the fluorine endmember of the fluoborite Mg3[BO3]F3–hydroxylborite Mg3[BO3](ОН)3 series has been found in exhalations of...  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - This paper in focused on the data for ludwigite and yuanfuliite of the new fumarolic genetic type. These ferric–magnesian borates (oxoborates) have been found in...  相似文献   

A new mineral romanorlovite has been found in the upper, moderately hot zones of two fumaroles, Glavnaya Tenoritovaya (Major Tenorite) and Arsenatnaya (Arsenate), located at the second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. It is associated with avdoninite in both fumaroles, and in Glavnaya Tenoritovaya, it is also associated with belloite, sylvite, carnallite, mitscherlichite, sanguite, chlorothionite, eriochalcite, chrysothallite, and mellizinkalite. Romanorlovite occurs as prismatic, equant, or tabular tetragonal crystals up to 0.1 mm in size, crystal clusters up to 0.5 mm, and crusts up to 2 × 2 mm in area. The mineral is transparent with vitreous luster. Its color varies from yellow-brown to dark brown, and tiny crystals are honey- or golden-yellow. Cleavage is not observed. Romanorlovite is brittle. The Mohs hardness is ca ~3. The calculated density varies from 2.72 to 2.79 g/cm3 depending on the content of admixed Pb. The mineral is optically uniaxial (–), ω = 1.727(3), ε = 1.694(2). The Raman spectrum has been reported. The chemical composition of the holotype sample (wt %; electron microprobe data, contents of О and H calculated by stoichiometry) is as follows: 21.52 K, 0.89 Pb, 28.79 Cu, 0.02 Zn, 44.74 Cl, 4.85 Ocalc, 0.41 Hcalc, total 101.22. Its empirical formula calculated based on Cl25 with (ОН)4(Н2О)2 is K10.90Pb0.09Cu8.97Zn0.01Cl25(OH)4 · 2H2O. The simplified formula is K11Cu9Cl25(OH)4 · 2H2O (Z = 4). Romanorlovite is tetragonal, space group[ I4/mmm. The unit cell parameters are (1) holotype: a = 17.5804(7), c = 15.9075(6) Å, V = 4916.5(3) Å3; (2) the sample enriched in Pb on which the crystal structure was refined: a = 17.5538(19), c = 15.8620(17) Å, V= 4887.7(9) Å3. The strongest reflections of the powder XRD pattern (d, Å–I[hkl]) are 12.48–56[110], 11.74–36[101], 8.80–100[200], 7.97–34[002], 6.71–40[112], 3.165–32[512], 2.933–80[215, 433], 2.607–38[514]. The mineral is named in honor of Roman Yu. Orlov (1929-2005), Russian mineralogist and physicist, who worked in the Department of Mineralogy, Moscow State University.  相似文献   

The crystal structure (R = 0.0194) of arcanite β-K2SO4 was studied on a single crystal from exhalations of the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). The mineral crystallizes at a temperature of ≥350–430°C and associates with langbeinite, aphthitalite, hematite, tenorite, johillerite, and others. Arcanite is orthorhombic, Pnma, a = 7.4763(2) Å, b = 5.77262(16) Å, c = 10.0630(3) Å, V = 434.30(2) Å3, Z = 4. Its structure contains isolated SO4 tetrahedra, whereas K cations center ten- and nine-fold polyhedra.  相似文献   

Primitive arc magmatism and mantle wedge processes are investigated through a petrologic and geochemical study of high-Mg# (Mg/Mg + Fe > 0.65) basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites from the Kurile-Kamchatka subduction system. Primitive andesitic samples are from the Shisheisky Complex, a field of Quaternary-age, monogenetic cones located in the Aleutian–Kamchatka junction, north of Shiveluch Volcano, the northernmost active composite volcano in Kamchatka. The Shisheisky lavas have Mg# of 0.66–0.73 at intermediate SiO2 (54–58 wt%) with low CaO (<8.8%), CaO/Al2O3 (<0.54), and relatively high Na2O (>3.0 wt%) and K2O (>1.0 wt%). Olivine phenocryst core compositions of Fo90 appear to be in equilibrium with whole-rock ‘melts’, consistent with the sparsely phyric nature of the lavas. Compared to the Shisheisky andesites, primitive basalts from the region (Kuriles, Tolbachik, Kharchinsky) have higher CaO (>9.9 wt%) and CaO/Al2O3 (>0.60), and lower whole-rock Na2O (<2.7 wt%) and K2O (<1.1 wt%) at similar Mg# (0.66–0.70). Olivine phenocrysts in basalts have in general, higher CaO and Mn/Fe and lower Ni and Ni/Mg at Fo88 compared to the andesites. The absence of plagioclase phenocrysts from the primitive andesitic lavas contrasts the plagioclase-phyric basalts, indicating relatively high pre-eruptive water contents for the primitive andesitic magmas compared to basalts. Estimated temperature and water contents for primitive basaltic andesites and andesites are 984–1,143°C and 4–7 wt% H2O. For primitive basalts they are 1,149–1,227°C and 2 wt% H2O. Petrographic and mineral compositions suggest that the primitive andesitic lavas were liquids in equilibrium with mantle peridotite and were not produced by mixing between basalts and felsic crustal melts, contamination by xenocrystic olivine, or crystal fractionation of basalt. Key geochemical features of the Shisheisky primitive lavas (high Ni/MgO, Na2O, Ni/Yb and Mg# at intermediate SiO2) combined with the location of the volcanic field above the edge of the subducting Pacific Plate support a genetic model that involves melting of eclogite or pyroxenite at or near the surface of the subducting plate, followed by interaction of that melt with hotter peridotite in the over-lying mantle wedge. The strongly calc-alkaline igneous series at Shiveluch Volcano is interpreted to result from the emplacement and evolution of primitive andesitic magmas similar to those that are present in nearby monogenetic cones of the Shisheisky Complex.  相似文献   

The author describes a subterminal radial fissure eruption of Mt. Etna that took place in February 1964. A sketchmap and a chemical analysis of the lava are given.
Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser beschreibt den subterminalen Radialspaltenausbruch des Ätnas im Februar 1964 und fügt eine chemische Analyse der geförderten Lava bei.

Résumé L'auteur décrit une éruption subterminale de l'Etna qui a eu lieu sur une fissure radiale en février 1964. Une carte de la région sommitale de l'Etna et une analyse chimique de la lava sont ajoutées.

Riassunto L'autore descrive l'eruzione radiale verificatasi al cono terminale dell'Etna nel Febbraio del 1964. Dà inoltre un rilevamento schematico della zona del cratere centrale ed il chimismo della roccia.

, 1964 .

Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75. birthday

This study is a part of the researches, carried out with the funds of the National Research Council of the Italy under the direction of Prof. A.Ritmann.  相似文献   

In study of plagioclases, amphiboles, and melt inclusions, we have determined the physicochemical parameters of crystallization of melts in the intermediate suprasubduction chambers of volcanoes representing different types of subduction magmatism on the Kamchatka Peninsula: the young basaltic systems of Tolbachik Volcano (Klyuchevskaya group) and ancient Ichinskii Volcano (Sredinnyi Ridge) with alternating basaltic and felsic eruptions. For Tolbachik Volcano, we have found that plagioclase lapilli formed from basaltic melts at 1075-1115 °C and low (< 1 kbar) pressures at depths of 2-3 km. Andesite minerals crystallized within a wider range of temperatures and pressures (1220-1020 °C and 3.3-1.6 kbar) in an intermediate chamber at depths of < 10 km. The melts were generated in basaltic magma chambers (detected well by geophysical methods at depths of 18-20 km) with minimum temperatures of ~ 1290 °C. For Ichinskii Volcano, three levels of intermediate chambers are distinguished. Andesites formed at depths of < 23 km at < 1225 °C. Dacitic melts were generated from an intermediate chamber (14 km) at 1135-1045 °C as a result of differentiation of andesitic magmas. Dacites formed in the uppermost horizons (9-3 km) at 1130-1030 °C. Despite the similarity between differentiation processes in the intermediate chambers of the Kamchatka volcanoes, each volcano is characterized by specific magmatism. The lavas of basaltic volcanoes (Tolbachik) and those of andesitic volcanoes (Ichinskii) differ in genesis and differentiation.  相似文献   

Subvolcanic environments in supra‐subduction zones are renowned for hosting epithermal deposits that often contain electrum and native gold, including bonanza examples. This study examined mineral assemblages and processes occurring in shallow‐crust volcanic settings using recent eruption (2012–2013) of the basaltic Tolbachik volcano in the Kamchatka arc. The Tolbachik eruptive system is characterized by an extensive system of lava tubes. After cessation of magma input, the tubes maintained the flow of hot oxidized gases that episodically interacted with the lava surfaces and sulphate‐chloride precipitates from volcanic gases on these surfaces. The gas‐rock interaction had strong pyrometamorphic effects that resulted in the formation of molten salt, oxidized (tenorite, hematite, Cu‐rich magnesioferrite) and skarn‐like silicate mineral assemblages. By analogy with experimental studies, we propose that a combination of these processes was responsible for extraction of metals from the basaltic wall rocks and deposition of Cu‐, Fe‐ and Cu‐Fe‐oxides and native gold.  相似文献   

A new Cu-rich variety of lyonsite has been found from fumarolic sublimates of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). The empirical formula is Cu4.33Fe 2.37 3+ Ti0.26Al0.26Zn0.07(V5.85As0.07Mo0.07P0.01S0.01)O24. The crystal structure was studied on single crystal using synchrotron radiation, R = 0.0514. The mineral is orthorhombic, Pnma, a = 5.1736(7), b =10.8929(12), c = 18.220(2) Å, V = 1026.8(2) Å3, and Z = 2. The structural formula is (Cu0.6Ti0.3Al0.3Fe 0.2 3+ 0.6)Σ2Cu2(Fe 2.2 3+ Cu1.8)Σ4(V5.8As0.1Mo0.1)Σ6O24. It is proposed to recast the simplified formula of lyonsite as Cu3+x (Fe 4?2x 3+ Cu2x )(VO4)6, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.  相似文献   

New data are presented for lavas from the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Aleutian arc. Radiogenic isotopes are strikingly homogeneous in the Kamchatka lavas and although incompatible trace element ratios exhibit much greater variability, much of this appears to result from shallow level, crystal fractionation. The data reveal little systematic across-arc change in radiogenic isotopes or trace element ratios. The Nd and Pb isotope data overlap those for Pacific MORB and limit the amount of sediment that could be incorporated in the mantle source region to <1% which is insufficient to account for the observed La/Ta ratios (50–68) in the high-MgO lavas. The lack of a positive correlation between La/Ta and depth to the slab suggests that melt–wall rock interaction was not important in controlling this ratio. Instead it is inferred that La/Ta increased during partial melting and that DLa/DTa = 0.11–0.06, possibly due to residual amphibole. Ba, U, Sr and Pb were added to the source by an aqueous fluid from the subducting slab and its inferred isotopic composition indicates that this fluid was derived from the altered oceanic crust. The addition of U resulted in a large range of (238U/232Th) from 0.79–2.48 similar to that observed in the Mariana and Lesser Antilles island arcs. However, (230Th/232Th) = 0.79–2.34, and the majority of samples lie close to the equiline indicating that the time since U/Th fractionation is generally ≥150 thousand years. The large width of the volcanic zone is assumed to reflect protracted fluid release from the subducting slab over the depth interval 170–380 km possibly coupled with extension across the Central Kamchatka Depression. The data from the Aleutians contrast strongly with those from Kamchatka. Radiogenic isotope data indicate that the Aleutian lavas contain a significant recycled sedimentary component, consistent with elevated 10Be/9Be ratios. The Aleutian lavas have (230Th/232Th) = 0.79–2.34 and exhibit a significant range of U/Th disequilibria [(238U/230Th) = 0.75–1.01]. However, 10Be/9Be is positively correlated with (238U/230Th) suggesting that the 10Be signal was carried by the aqueous fluid from the slab. The U/Th disequilibria for the Aleutian lavas lie close to a 30 thousand year reference line suggesting that this fluid was released from the slab ∼30 thousand years ago similar to recent estimates from the Lesser Antilles, Marianas, and Tonga-Kermadec island arcs from which it is inferred that fluid addition was the trigger for partial melting. Given that the rate of convergence in Kamchatka is similar to that in the Aleutians, Marianas and Tonga-Kermadec the inferred greater time since␣fluid release in Kamchatka requires further investigation. Received: 24 September 1997 / Accepted: 7 July 1998  相似文献   

The enigmatic appearance of cuboctahedral diamonds in ophiolitic and arc volcanic rocks with morphology and infrared characteristics similar to synthetic diamonds that were grown from metal solvent requires a critical reappraisal. We have studied 15 diamond crystals and fragments from Tolbachik volcano lava flows, using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SRXRF) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). FTIR spectra of Tolbachik diamonds correspond to typical type Ib patterns of synthetic diamonds. In TEM films prepared using focused ion beam technique, we find Mn-Ni and Mn-Si inclusions in Tolbachik diamonds. SRXRF spectra indicate the presence of Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-Mn inclusions with Cr, Ti, Cu, and Zn impurities. LA-ICP-MS data show variable but significantly elevated concentrations of Mn, Fe, Ni, and Cu reaching up to 70 ppm. These transition metal concentration levels are comparable with those determined by LA-ICP-MS for similar diamonds from Tibetan ophiolites. Mn-Ni (+Fe) solvent was widely used to produce industrial synthetic diamonds in the former USSR and Russia with very similar proportions of these metals. Hence, it appears highly probable that the cuboctahedral diamonds recovered from Kamchatka arc volcanic rocks represent contamination and are likely derived from drilling tools or other hard instruments. Kinetic data on diamond dissolution in basaltic magma or in fluid phase demonstrate that diamond does not form under the pressures and temperature conditions prevalent within the magmatic system beneath the modern-day Klyuchevskoy group of arc volcanoes. We also considered reference data for inclusions in ophiolitic diamonds and compared them with the composition of solvent used in industrial diamond synthesis in China. The similar inclusion chemistry close to Ni70Mn25Co5 for ophiolitic and synthetic Chinese diamonds scrutinized here suggests that most diamonds recovered from Tibetan and other ophiolites are not natural but instead have a synthetic origin. In order to mitigate further dubious reports of diamonds from unconventional tectonic settings and source rocks, we propose a set of discrimination criteria to better distinguish natural cuboctahedral diamonds from those produced synthetically in industrial environments and found as contaminants in mantle- and crust-derived rocks.  相似文献   

新托尔巴奇克火山研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
位于堪察加半岛的新托尔巴奇克山是世界上有史以来仅遥六个大裂隙喷发的火山之一,也是迄今对喷发研究得最为详尽的三个火山之一。本文从喷发活动、玄武岩、气体成分与升华物,喷发区地球物理特征,喷发预报,地震,形变及喷发机制等方面综合论述了该火山的观测观察成果,并指出这些成果对我国火山研究有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

金刚石的晶格畸变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
金刚石是均质性矿物,但在偏光镜下常常显示非均质性。这给宝石鉴定带来了一定的困难。本利用偏光显微镜研究了24金刚石在正交偏光显微镜下的特性及其定向红外光谱,指出金刚石的非均质性与杂质元素如氮、硼和氢的分布不均匀有关,包裹体的存在是产生晶格畸变(塑性变形)的重要原因。这一结果与利用红外光谱、喇曼光谱和阴极发光研究的结论一致。  相似文献   

<正>A geodynamical revolution in modern geosciences was initiated by Chopin(1984)and Smith(1984),who discovered metamorphic coesite in rocks of the Dora Maira Massif,Italy and the Western gneiss region,Norway,respectively.The term"UHP metamorphism"was born and such rocks which initially have been considered as products of an exotic process on a local scale,  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Abstract—The paper contains data on rutile, tripuhyite, and unusual Ti-rich cassiterite found in sublimates of active fumaroles at the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka,...  相似文献   

Steklite KAl(SO4)2 has been found in sublimates of the Yadovitaya (Poisonous) fumarole at the second cinder cone of the northern breach of the Great Fissure Tolbachik Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Steklite was approved as a valid mineral species by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature, and Mineral Classification of the International Mineralogical Association on June 2, 2011 (IMA no. 2011-041). The name steklite is left for this mineral, as it was named by Chesnokov et al. (1995) for its technogenic analog from a burnt dump of coal mine no. 47 at Kopeisk, the Southern Urals, Russia. It is named after the Russian word steklo, meaning glass, in allusion to the visual similarity of its lamellae to thin glass platelets. At Tolbachik, steklite is associated with alumoklyuchevskite, langbeinite, euchlorine, fedotovite, chalcocyanite, hematite, and lyonsite. It occurs as hexagonal or irregular-shaped lamellar crystals with the major form {001} reaching 30 μm in thickness and 0.2 mm (occasionally up to 1 mm) in width. The crystals are frequently split. They are combined into openwork aggregates or thin crusts up to 1.5 × 2.5 cm in area. Steklite is transparent and colorless, with vitreous luster. The cleavage is perfect, parallel to (001). The mineral is brittle. The Mohs’ hardness is 2.5. D calc is 2.797 g/cm3. Steklite is optically uniaxial, (?), ω = 1.546(2), ? = 1.533(3). The chemical composition (wt %, electron-microprobe data) is as follows: 0.09 Na2O, 18.12 K2O, 0.08 CaO, 0.03 MnO, 2.02 Fe2O3, 18.18 Al2O3, 61.80 SO3. The total is 100.37. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of eight O atoms is: (K0.997Na0.008Ca0.004)Σ1.009(Al0.925Fe 0.066 3+ Mg0.003Mn0.001)Σ0.995S2.01O8. Steklite is trigonal, space group P321, a = 4.7281(3), c = 7.9936(5) Å, V = 154.76(17)Å3, Z =1. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d, Å-I[hkl]) are: 8.02–34[001], 4.085–11[100], 3.649–100[011, 101], 2.861–51[012, 102], 2.660 - 19[003], 2.364–25[110], 2.267–14[111, 111, 103], 1.822–12[022, 202]. In the structure of steklite examined in microtwinned crystal with R = 0.0732, the SO4 tetrahedral anions are shared-corners with distorted AlO6 trigonal prisms to form 2 [(Al, Fe) (SO4)2]? layers coplanar to (001). The K+ cations are in the interlayer space. The type specimen of steklite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

The regional tectonic structure is considered with characterizing the Penzhina-West Kamchatka folded zone as an intracontinental rift and the Ukelayat-Sredinnyi block as a separated part of the Omolon Massif. It is assumed that the Malka-Petropavlovsk (Nachiki) zone of transverse uplifts is a southern continuation of the Penzhina-West Kamchatka folded zone.  相似文献   

中国原生金刚石的碳同位素组成及其来源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国两大主要的原生金刚石产地--山东蒙阴和辽宁复县产出有大量的高质量金刚石.通过对这些纯净金刚石碳同位索组成的激光消熔质谱分析,发现这些地区单颗粒金刚石普遍存在碳同位素组成环带,而且含固态矿物包裹体的金刚石比不含包裹体的金刚石的环带结构更为明显;同时揭示了形成这些金刚石的碳来源于地幔深部,即幔源碳,而无来自地表的由重循环作用形成的壳源碳.  相似文献   

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