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Using a consistent perturbation theory for collisionless disk-like and spherical star clusters, we construct a theory of slow modes for systems having an extended central region with a nearly harmonic potential due to the presence of a fairly homogeneous (on the scales of the stellar system) heavy, dynamically passive halo. In such systems, the stellar orbits are slowly precessing, centrally symmetric ellipses (2: 1 orbits). We consider star clusters with monoenergetic distribution functions that monotonically increase with angular momentum in the entire range of angular momenta (from purely radial orbits to circular ones) or have a growing region only at low angular momenta. In these cases, there are orbits with a retrograde precession, i.e., in a direction opposite to the orbital rotation of the star. The presence of a gravitational loss-cone instability, which is also observed in systems of 1: 1 orbits in near-Keplerian potentials, is associated with such orbits. In contrast to 1: 1 systems, the loss-cone instability takes place even for distribution functions monotonically increasing with angular momentum, including those for systems with circular orbits. The regions of phase space with retrograde orbits do not disappear when the distribution function is smeared in energy. We investigate the influence of a weak inhomogeneity of a heavy halo with a density that decreases with distance from the center.  相似文献   

One of the possible bar formation mechanisms in the disks of galaxies was proposed by Lynden-Bell (1979). The presumed amplification of a weak seed oval stellar surface density perturbation in the central regions of the galaxy through the alignment of the major axes of precessing elliptical orbits underlies it. According to his qualitative reasoning, the orbits are aligned along the perturbation if the precession rate diminishes with decreasing angular momentum at a constant adiabatic invariant. Using a rigorous approach based on finding the system’s stable stationary points, we show that this condition is not the only one that determines the orbit alignment orientation. The orbit precession direction in the unperturbed potential and the rate of decrease of the bar potential amplitude with radius also turn out to be important. In some cases, the latter can even be more important.  相似文献   

We study spherical and disc clusters in a near-Keplerian potential of galactic centres or massive black holes. In such a potential orbit precession is commonly retrograde, that is, the direction of the orbit precession is opposite to the orbital motion. It is assumed that stellar systems consist of nearly-radial orbits. We show that if there is a loss-cone at low angular momentum (e.g. due to consumption of stars by a black hole), an instability similar to loss-cone instability in plasma may occur. The gravitational loss-cone instability is expected to enhance black hole feeding rates. For spherical systems, the instability is possible for the number of spherical harmonics   l ≥ 3  . If there is some amount of counter-rotating stars in flattened systems, they generally exhibit the instability independent of azimuthal number m . The results are compared with those obtained recently by Tremaine for distribution functions monotonically increasing with angular momentum.
The analysis is based on simple characteristic equations describing small perturbations in a disc or a sphere of stellar orbits highly elongated in radius. These characteristic equations are derived from the linearized Vlasov equations (combining the collisionless Boltzmann kinetic equation and the Poisson equation), using the action-angle variables. We use two techniques for analysing the characteristic equations: the first one is based on preliminary finding of neutral modes, and the second one employs a counterpart of the plasma Penrose–Nyquist criterion for disc and spherical gravitational systems.  相似文献   

We give arguments for a basically unified formation mechanism of slow (Lynden-Bell) and fast (common) galactic bars. This mechanism is based on an instability that is akin to the well-known instability of radial orbits and is produced by the mutual attraction and alignment of precessing stellar orbits (so far, only the formation of slow bars has been explained in this way). We present a general theory of the low-frequency modes in a disk that consists of orbits precessing at different angular velocities. The problem of determining these modes is reduced to integral equations of moderately complex structure. The characteristic pattern angular velocities Ωp of the low-frequency modes are of the order of the mean orbital precession angular velocity \(\bar \Omega _{pr}\). Bar modes are also among the low-frequency modes; while \(\Omega _p \approx \bar \Omega _{pr}\) for slow bars, Ωp for fast bars can appreciably exceed even the maximum orbital precession angular velocity in the disk Ω pr max (however, it remains of the order of these precession angular velocities). The possibility of such an excess of Ωp over Ω pr max is associated with the effect of “repelling” orbits. The latter tend to move in a direction opposite to the direction in which they are pushed. We analyze the pattern of orbital precession in potentials typical of galactic disks. We note that the maximum radius of an “attracting” circular orbit rc can serve as a reasonable estimate of the bar length lb. Such an estimate is in good agreement with the available results of N-body simulations.  相似文献   

We consider disk and spherical subsystems of stars with nearly radial orbits under conditions when the well-known radial orbit instability is not possible. This requires that the precession of stellar orbits be retrograde, i.e., in the direction opposite to the orbital rotation of stars. We show that an instability that is an analogue of the loss-cone instability known in plasma physics can then develop in the presence of a “loss cone” in the angular momentum distribution of stars, which ensures a deficit or even absence of stars with low angular momenta. Examples of systems with a loss cone are the centers of galaxies or star clusters with massive black holes. The instability can produce a flux of stars onto the galactic center, i.e., it can serve as a mechanism of fueling the nuclear activity of galaxies. Mathematically, the problem is reduced to analyzing simple characteristic equations that describe small perturbations in a disk and a sphere of radially highly elongated stellar orbits. In turn, these characteristics equations are derived through a number of successive simplifications of the general linearized Vlasov equations (i.e., the system that includes the collisionless Boltzmann kinetic equation and the Poisson equation) in action—angle variables.  相似文献   

The instability of anisotropic disk systems with elongated stellar orbits has been investigated. N-body generalized polytropic models of stellar disks have been constructed. They are shown to be unstable with respect to the bar formation at any degree of anisotropy. This result differs from the results of the studies of such models by other authors. The bar pattern speed and amplitude have been found. The initial distribution of precession rates and the adiabatic invariants of stellar orbits have been calculated. A bar is shown to be formed in such systems due to the radial orbit instability.  相似文献   

In publications presenting analytical results on the non-coplanar motion of a circumbinary planet it was shown that the unperturbed elliptical orbit of the planet undergoes simultaneously two kinds of the precession: the precession of the orbital plane and the precession of the orbit in its own plane. It is also well-known that there is also the relativistic precession of the planetary orbit in its own plane. In the present paper we study a combined effect of the all of the above precessions. For the general case, where the planetary orbit is not coplanar with the stars orbits, we analyzed the dependence of the critical inclination angle ic, at which the precession of the planetary orbit in its own plane vanishes, on the angular momentum L of the planet. We showed that the larger the angular momentum, the smaller the critical inclination angle becomes. We presented the analytical result for ic(L) and calculated the value of L, for which the critical inclination value becomes zero. For the particular case, where the planetary orbit is not coplanar with the stars orbits, we demonstrated analytically that at a certain value of the angular momentum of the planet, the elliptical orbit of the planet would become stationary: no precession. In other words, at this value of the angular momentum, the relativistic precession of the planetary orbit and its precession, caused by the fact that the planet revolves around a binary (rather than single) star, cancel each other out. This is a counterintuitive result.  相似文献   

We study the various approximations used to investigate the eigenmode spectrum for systems with highly elongated stellar orbits. The approximation in which the elongated orbits are represented by thin rotating spokes, with the rotation imitating the precession of real orbits, is the simplest and most natural one. However, we show that using this pictorial approximation does not allow the picture of stability to be properly presented. We show that for stellar systems with a plane disk geometry, this approach does not allow unstable spectral modes to be obtained even in the leading order in small parameter, which characterizes the spread of nearly radial orbits in angular momentum. For spherical systems, where the situation is more favorable, the spectrum can be determined but only in the leading order in this parameter. A rigorous approach based on the solution of more complex integral equations given here should be used to properly investigate the stability of stellar systems.  相似文献   

In our previous paper (hereafter, paper I) we presented analytical results on the non-planar motion of a planet around a binary star for the cases of the circular orbits of the components of the binary. We found that the orbital plane of the planet (the plane containing the “unperturbed” elliptical orbit of the planet), in addition to precessing about the angular momentum of the binary, undergoes simultaneously the precession within the orbital plane. We demonstrated that the analytically calculated frequency of this additional precession is not the same as the frequency of the precession of the orbital plane about the angular momentum of the binary, though the frequencies of both precessions are of the same order of magnitude. In the present paper we extend the analytical results from paper I by relaxing the assumption that the binary is circular – by allowing for a relatively small eccentricity ε of the stars orbits in the binary. We obtain an additional, ε-dependent term in the effective potential for the motion of the planet. By analytical calculations we demonstrate that in the particular case of the planar geometry (where the planetary orbit is in the plane of the stars orbits), it leads to an additional contribution to the frequency of the precession of the planetary orbit. We show that this additional, ε-dependent contribution to the precession frequency of the planetary orbit can reach the same order of magnitude as the primary, ε-independent contribution to the precession frequency. Besides, we also obtain analytical results for another type of the non-planar configuration corresponding to the linear oscillatory motion of the planet along the axis of the symmetry of the circular orbits of the stars. We show that as the absolute value of the energy increases, the period of the oscillations decreases.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions are presented for a family of three dimensional periodic orbits with three equal masses which connects the classical circular orbit of Lagrange with the figure eight orbit discovered by C. Moore [Moore, C.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3675–3679 (1993); Chenciner, A., Montgomery, R.: Ann. Math. 152, 881–901 (2000)]. Each member of this family is an orbit with finite angular momentum that is periodic in a frame which rotates with frequency Ω around the horizontal symmetry axis of the figure eight orbit. Numerical solutions for figure eight shaped orbits with finite angular momentum were first reported in [Nauenberg, M.: Phys. Lett. 292, 93–99 (2001)], and mathematical proofs for the existence of such orbits were given in [Marchal, C.: Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 78, 279–298 (2001)], and more recently in [Chenciner, A. et al.: Nonlinearity 18, 1407–1424 (2005)] where also some numerical solutions have been presented. Numerical evidence is given here that the family of such orbits is a continuous function of the rotation frequency Ω which varies between Ω = 0, for the planar figure eight orbit with intrinsic frequency ω, and Ω = ω for the circular Lagrange orbit. Similar numerical solutions are also found for n > 3 equal masses, where n is an odd integer, and an illustration is given for n = 21. Finite angular momentum orbits were also obtained numerically for rotations along the two other symmetry axis of the figure eight orbit [Nauenberg, M.: Phys. Lett. 292, 93–99 (2001)], and some new results are given here. A preliminary non-linear stability analysis of these orbits is given numerically, and some examples are given of nearby stable orbits which bifurcate from these families.  相似文献   

We consider the solid-solid interactions in the two body problem. The relative equilibria have been previously studied analytically and general motions were numerically analyzed using some expansion of the gravitational potential up to the second order, but only when there are no direct interactions between the orientation of the bodies. Here we expand the potential up to the fourth order and we show that the secular problem obtained after averaging over fast angles, as for the precession model of Boué and Laskar [Boué, G., Laskar, J., 2006. Icarus 185, 312-330], is integrable, but not trivially. We describe the general features of the motions and we provide explicit analytical approximations for the solutions. We demonstrate that the general solution of the secular system can be decomposed as a uniform precession around the total angular momentum and a periodic symmetric orbit in the precessing frame. More generally, we show that for a general n-body system of rigid bodies in gravitational interaction, the regular quasiperiodic solutions can be decomposed into a uniform precession around the total angular momentum, and a quasiperiodic motion with one frequency less in the precessing frame.  相似文献   

Recent results on periodic orbits are presented and it is shown that the periodic orbits can be used in the study of planetary systems and triple or multiple stellar systems. Triple stellar systems are stable even for close approaches of the three components. Also stable triple systems exist with nearly zero angular momentum. For the planetary systems a global view is obtained from which it is clear which configurations are stable or unstable and also what factors affect the stability. Also, the relation between resonance and instability is studied by making use of periodic orbits.  相似文献   

We investigate the secular dynamics of three-body circumbinary systems under the effect of tides. We use the octupolar non-restricted approximation for the orbital interactions, general relativity corrections, the quadrupolar approximation for the spins, and the viscous linear model for tides. We derive the averaged equations of motion in a simplified vectorial formalism, which is suitable to model the long-term evolution of a wide variety of circumbinary systems in very eccentric and inclined orbits. In particular, this vectorial approach can be used to derive constraints for tidal migration, capture in Cassini states, and stellar spin–orbit misalignment. We show that circumbinary planets with initial arbitrary orbital inclination can become coplanar through a secular resonance between the precession of the orbit and the precession of the spin of one of the stars. We also show that circumbinary systems for which the pericenter of the inner orbit is initially in libration present chaotic motion for the spins and for the eccentricity of the outer orbit. Because our model is valid for the non-restricted problem, it can also be applied to any three-body hierarchical system such as star–planet–satellite systems and triple stellar systems.  相似文献   

An investigation into the possibility that material drawn out of a star goes into orbit around that star if electromagnetic effects are included, has been made. It is found that if the body has an initial charge of some 1037 e.s.u., and decreasing with time then sufficient angular momentum can be transferred to make orbits not intersecting the stellar surface possible.  相似文献   

The inclination of low-eccentricity orbits is shown to significantly affect orbital parameters, in particular, the Keplerian, nodal precession, and periastron rotation frequencies, which are interpreted in terms of observable quantities. For the nodal precession and periastron rotation frequencies of low-eccentricity orbits in a Kerr field, we derive a Taylor expansion in terms of the Kerr parameter at arbitrary orbital inclinations to the black-hole spin axis and at arbitrary radial coordinates. The particle radius, energy, and angular momentum in the marginally stable circular orbits are calculated as functions of the Kerr parameter j and parameter s in the form of Taylor expansions in terms of j to within O[j 6]. By analyzing our numerical results, we give compact approximation formulas for the nodal precession frequency of the marginally stable circular orbits at various s in the entire range of the Kerr parameter.  相似文献   

Techniques from dynamical systems theory have been applied to the construction of transfers between unstable periodic orbits that have different energies. Invariant manifolds, trajectories that asymptotically depart or approach unstable periodic orbits, are used to connect the initial and final orbits. The transfer asymptotically departs the initial orbit on a trajectory contained within the initial orbit’s unstable manifold and later asymptotically approaches the final orbit on a trajectory contained within the stable manifold of the final orbit. The manifold trajectories are connected by the execution of impulsive maneuvers. Two-body parameters dictate the selection of the individual manifold trajectories used to construct efficient transfers. A bounding sphere centered on the secondary, with a radius less than the sphere of influence of the secondary, is used to study the manifold trajectories. A two-body parameter, κ, is computed within the bounding sphere, where the gravitational effects of the secondary dominate. The parameter κ is defined as the sum of two quantities: the difference in the normalized angular momentum vectors and eccentricity vectors between a point on the unstable manifold and a point on the stable manifold. It is numerically demonstrated that as the κ parameter decreases, the total cost to complete the transfer decreases. Preliminary results indicate that this method of constructing transfers produces a significant cost savings over methods that do not employ the use of invariant manifolds.  相似文献   

The stellar three-body problem has been approached by directly integrating the equations of motion in the orbital elements. The problem is set up in a barycentric chain with the orbits as perturbed ellipses.The integration was performed using the semi-analytical stroboscopic method, which is particularly useful for solving differential systems that depend on several slow variables and one fast, angular variable. Perturbation theory is applied and the solution for a particular order is obtained by way of successive approximations on the fundamental period of the fast variable.  相似文献   

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