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J. Gallant  M. ?uk 《Icarus》2009,202(2):371-382
We calculate the current spatial distribution of projectile delivery to the Earth and Moon using numerical orbital dynamics simulations of candidate impactors drawn from a debiased Near-Earth Object (NEO) model. We examine the latitude distribution of impactor sites and find that for both the Earth and Moon there is a small deficiency of time-averaged impact rates at the poles. The ratio between deliveries within 30° of the pole to that of a 30° band centered on the equator is small for Earth (<5%) (0.958±0.001) and somewhat greater for the Moon (∼10%) (0.903±0.005). The terrestrial arrival results are examined to determine the degree of AM/PM asymmetry to compare with the PM excess shown in meteorite fall times. We find that the average lunar impact velocity is 20 km/s, which has ramifications in converting observed crater densities to impactor size distributions. We determine that current crater production on the leading hemisphere of the Moon is 1.28±0.01 that of the trailing when considering the ratio of craters within 30° of the apex to those within 30° of the antapex and that there is virtually no nearside-farside asymmetry, in agreement with observations of rayed craters. As expected, the degree of leading-trailing asymmetry increases when the Moon's orbital distance is decreased.  相似文献   

Tabaré Gallardo 《Icarus》2006,184(1):29-38
The aim of this work is to present a systematic survey of the strength of the mean motion resonances (MMRs) in the Solar System. We know by applying simple formulas where the resonances with the planets are located but there is no indication of the strength that these resonances have. We propose a numerical method for the calculation of this strength and we present an atlas of the MMRs constructed with this method. We found there exist several resonances unexpectedly strong and we look and find in the small bodies population several bodies captured in these resonances. In particular in the inner Solar System we find one asteroid in the resonance 6:5 with Venus, five asteroids in resonance 1:2 with Venus, three asteroids in resonance 1:2 with Earth and six asteroids in resonance 2:5 with Earth. We find some new possible co-orbitals of Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We also present a discussion about the behavior of the resonant disturbing function and where the stable equilibrium points can be found at low and high inclination resonant orbits.  相似文献   

The locations of the fully despun, double synchronous end states of tidal evolution, where the rotation rates of both the primary and secondary components in a binary system synchronize with the mean motion about the center of mass, are derived for spherical components. For a given amount of scaled angular momentum J/J′, the tidal end states are over-plotted on a tidal evolution diagram in terms of mass ratio of the system and the component separation (semimajor axis in units of primary radii). Fully synchronous orbits may not exist for every combination of mass ratio and angular momentum; for example, equal-mass binary systems require J/J′ > 0.44. When fully synchronous orbits exist for prograde systems, tidal evolution naturally expands the orbit to the stable outer synchronous solution. The location of the unstable inner synchronous orbit is typically within two primary radii and often within the radius of the primary itself. With the exception of nearly equal-mass binaries, binary asteroid systems are in the midst of lengthy tidal evolutions, far from their fully synchronous tidal end states. Of those systems with unequal-mass components, few have even reached the stability limit that splits the fully synchronous orbit curves into unstable inner and stable outer solutions.Calculations of material strength based on limiting the tidal evolution time to the age of the Solar System indicate that binary asteroids in the main belt with 100-km-scale primary components are consistent with being made of monolithic or fractured rock as expected for binaries likely formed from sub-catastrophic impacts in the early Solar System. To tidally evolve in their dynamical lifetime, near-Earth binaries with km-scale primaries or smaller created via a spin-up mechanism must be much weaker mechanically than their main-belt counterparts even if formed in the main belt prior to injection into the near-Earth region. Small main-belt binaries, those having primary components less than 10 km in diameter, could bridge the gap between the large main-belt binaries and the near-Earth binaries, as, depending on the age of the systems, small main-belt binaries could either be as strong as the large main-belt binaries or as weak as the near-Earth binaries. The inherent uncertainty in the age of a binary system is the leading source of error in calculation of material properties, capable of affecting the product of rigidity μ and tidal dissipation function Q by orders of magnitude. Several other issues affecting the calculation of μQ are considered, though these typically affect the calculation by no more than a factor of two. We also find indirect evidence within all three groups of binary asteroids that the semimajor axis of the mutual orbit in a binary system may evolve via another mechanism (or mechanisms) in addition to tides with the binary YORP effect being a likely candidate.  相似文献   

The spin rate distribution of main belt/Mars crossing (MB/MC) asteroids with diameters 3-15 km is uniform in the range from f=1 to 9.5 d−1, and there is an excess of slow rotators with f<1 d−1. The observed distribution appears to be controlled by the Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect. The magnitude of the excess of slow rotators is related to the residence time of slowed down asteroids in the excess and the rate of spin rate change outside the excess. We estimated a median YORP spin rate change of ≈0.022 d−1/Myr for asteroids in our sample (i.e., a median time in which the spin rate changes by 1 d−1 is ≈45 Myr), thus the residence time of slowed down asteroids in the excess is ≈110 Myr. The spin rate distribution of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) with sizes in the range 0.2-3 km (∼5 times smaller in median diameter than the MB/MC asteroids sample) shows a similar excess of slow rotators, but there is also a concentration of NEAs at fast spin rates with f=9-10 d−1. The concentration at fast spin rates is correlated with a narrower distribution of spin rates of primaries of binary systems among NEAs; the difference may be due to the apparently more evolved population of binaries among MB/MC asteroids.  相似文献   

D.J. Scheeres 《Icarus》2007,189(2):370-385
The energetics and dynamics of contact binary asteroids as they approach and pass the rotational fission limit is studied. We presume that the asteroids are subject to an external torque, such as from the YORP effect, that increases their angular momentum. Furthermore, we assume the asteroids can be described by a fairly minimal model comprised of a sphere and ellipsoid resting on each other. The minimum energy configurations for contact binary asteroids at different levels of angular momentum are computed and discussed. We find distinct transitions between different configurations as the angular momentum of the system is increased. These indicate that rapidly rotating contact binary asteroids may seek out clearly different relative configurations than slowly rotating systems. We find a single end state of the systems prior to rotational fission, and distinct dynamical outcomes as a function of mass distribution and shape when the rotational fission limit is exceeded. Our theoretical results agree qualitatively with observed properties of near-Earth asteroids, and can be used to help explain the spin-rate barrier, contact binaries, and the observed morphology of most NEO binaries.  相似文献   

We present the first observational measurement of the orbit and size distribution of small Solar System objects whose orbits are wholly interior to the Earth's (Inner Earth Objects, IEOs, with aphelion <0.983 AU). We show that we are able to model the detections of near-Earth objects (NEO) by the Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) using a detailed parameterization of the CSS survey cadence and detection efficiencies as implemented within the Jedicke et al. [Jedicke, R., Morbidelli, A., Spahr, T., Petit, J.M., Bottke, W.F., 2003. Icarus 161, 17-33] survey simulator and utilizing the Bottke et al. [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.-M., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433] model of the NEO population's size and orbit distribution. We then show that the CSS detections of 4 IEOs are consistent with the Bottke et al. [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.-M., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433] IEO model. Observational selection effects for the IEOs discovered by the CSS were then determined using the survey simulator in order to calculate the corrected number and H distribution of the IEOs. The actual number of IEOs with H<18 (21) is 36±26 (530±240) and the slope of the H magnitude distribution (∝10αH) for the IEOs is . The slope is consistent with previous measurements for the NEO population of αNEO=0.35±0.02 [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.-M., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433] and αNEO=0.39±0.013 [Stuart, J.S., Binzel, R.P., 2004. Icarus 170, 295-311]. Based on the agreement between the predicted and observed IEO orbit and absolute magnitude distributions there is no indication of any non-gravitational effects (e.g. Yarkovsky, tidal disruption) affecting the known IEO population.  相似文献   

We present a model of near-Earth asteroid (NEA) rotational fission and ensuing dynamics that describes the creation of synchronous binaries and all other observed NEA systems including: doubly synchronous binaries, high-e binaries, ternary systems, and contact binaries. Our model only presupposes the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect, “rubble pile” asteroid geophysics, and gravitational interactions. The YORP effect torques a “rubble pile” asteroid until the asteroid reaches its fission spin limit and the components enter orbit about each other (Scheeres, D.J. [2007]. Icarus 189, 370-385). Non-spherical gravitational potentials couple the spin states to the orbit state and chaotically drive the system towards the observed asteroid classes along two evolutionary tracks primarily distinguished by mass ratio. Related to this is a new binary process termed secondary fission - the secondary asteroid of the binary system is rotationally accelerated via gravitational torques until it fissions, thus creating a chaotic ternary system. The initially chaotic binary can be stabilized to create a synchronous binary by components of the fissioned secondary asteroid impacting the primary asteroid, solar gravitational perturbations, and mutual body tides. These results emphasize the importance of the initial component size distribution and configuration within the parent asteroid. NEAs may go through multiple binary cycles and many YORP-induced rotational fissions during their approximately 10 Myr lifetime in the inner Solar System. Rotational fission and the ensuing dynamics are responsible for all NEA systems including the most commonly observed synchronous binaries.  相似文献   

We report radar, photometric, and spectroscopic observations of near-Earth Asteroid (136617) 1994 CC. The radar measurements were obtained at Goldstone (8560 MHz, 3.5 cm) and Arecibo (2380 MHz, 12.6 cm) on 9 days following the asteroid’s approach within 0.0168 AU on June 10, 2009. 1994 CC was also observed with the Panchromatic Robotic Optical Monitoring and Polarimetry Telescopes (PROMPT) on May 21 and June 1-3. Visible-wavelength spectroscopy was obtained with the 5-m Hale telescope at Palomar on August 25. Delay-Doppler radar images reveal that 1994 CC is a triple system; along with (153591) 2001 SN263, this is only the second confirmed triple in the near-Earth population. Photometry obtained with PROMPT yields a rotation period for the primary P = 2.38860 ± 0.00009 h and a lightcurve amplitude of ∼0.1 mag suggesting a shape with low elongation. Hale telescope spectroscopy indicates that 1994 CC is an Sq-class object. Delay-Doppler radar images and shape modeling reveal that the primary has an effective diameter of 0.62 ± 0.06 km, low pole-on elongation, few obvious surface features, and a prominent equatorial ridge and sloped hemispheres that closely resemble those seen on the primary of binary near-Earth Asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4. Detailed orbit fitting reported separately by Fang et al. (Fang, J., Margot, J.-L., Brozovic, M., Nolan, M.C., Benner, L.A.M., Taylor, P.A. [2011]. Astron. J. 141, 154-168) gives a mass of the primary of 2.6 × 1011 kg that, coupled with the effective diameter, yields a bulk density of 2.1 ± 0.6 g cm−3. The images constrain the diameters of the inner and outer satellites to be 113 ± 30 m and 80 ± 30 m, respectively. The inner satellite has a semimajor axis of ∼1.7 km (∼5.5 primary radii), an orbital period of ∼30 h, and its Doppler dispersion suggests relatively slow rotation, 26 ± 12 h, consistent with spin-orbit lock. The outer satellite has an orbital period of ∼9 days and a rotation period of 14 ± 7 h, establishing that the rotation is not spin-orbit locked. Among all binary and triple systems observed by radar, at least 25% (7/28) have a satellite that rotates more rapidly than its orbital period. This suggests that asynchronous configurations with Protation < Porbital are relatively common among multiple systems in the near-Earth population. 1994 CC’s outer satellite has an observed maximum separation from the primary of ∼5.7 km (∼18.4 primary radii) that is the largest separation relative to primary radius seen to date among all 36 known binary and triple NEA systems. 1994 CC, (153591) 2001 SN263, and 1998 ST27 are the only triple and binary systems known with satellite separations >10 primary radii, suggesting either a detection bias, or that such widely-separated satellites are relatively uncommon in NEA multiple systems.  相似文献   

Jay McMahon  Daniel Scheeres 《Icarus》2010,209(2):494-509
A previous theory by the authors for detailed modeling of the binary YORP effect is reviewed and expanded to accommodate doubly-synchronous binary systems, as well as a method for non-dimensionalizing the coefficients for application to binary systems where a shape model to compute its own coefficients is not available. The theory is also expanded to account for the effects of primary J2 and the Sun’s 3rd body perturbation on the secular orbit evolution. The newly expanded theory is applied to the binary near-Earth Asteroid 1999 KW4, for which a detailed shape model is available. The result of simulation of the secular evolutionary equations shows that the KW4 orbit will be double in size in approximately 22,000 years, and will reach the Hill radius in approximately 54,000 years. The simulation also shows that the eccentricity will alternate growing and shrinking in magnitude, depending on the location of the solar node in the body-fixed frame. Therefore the eccentricity is not fixed to evolve in the opposite sign as the semi-major axis unless the circulation of the node (with a period of 500 years) is averaged out as well. The current orbit expansion rate for KW4 of 7 cm per year is shown to be detectable with observations of the mean anomaly which grows quadratically in time with an expanding orbit. Finally, the KW4 results are scaled for application to a number of other binary systems for which detailed shape models are not available. This application shows that the orbits considered can expand to their Hill radius in the range of 104-106 years. This implies rapid formation of binary systems is necessary to support the large percentage of binaries observed in the NEA population.  相似文献   

We use numerical integrations to investigate the dynamical evolution of resonant Trojan and quasi-satellite companions during the late stages of migration of the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Our migration simulations begin with Jupiter and Saturn on orbits already well separated from their mutual 2:1 mean-motion resonance. Neptune and Uranus are decoupled from each other and have orbital eccentricities damped to near their current values. From this point we adopt a planet migration model in which the migration speed decreases exponentially with a characteristic timescale τ (the e-folding time). We perform a series of numerical simulations, each involving the migrating giant planets plus test particle Trojans and quasi-satellites. We find that the libration frequencies of Trojans are similar to those of quasi-satellites. This similarity enables a dynamical exchange of objects back and forth between the Trojan and quasi-satellite resonances during planetary migration. This exchange is facilitated by secondary resonances that arise whenever there is more than one migrating planet. For example, secondary resonances may occur when the circulation frequencies, f, of critical arguments for the Uranus-Neptune 2:1 mean-motion near-resonance are commensurate with harmonics of the libration frequency of the critical argument for the Trojan and quasi-satellite 1:1 mean-motion resonance . Furthermore, under the influence of these secondary resonances quasi-satellites can have their libration amplitudes enlarged until they undergo a close-encounter with their host planet and escape from the resonance. High-resolution simulations of this escape process reveal that ≈80% of jovian quasi-satellites experience one or more close-encounters within Jupiter’s Hill radius (RH) as they are forced out of the quasi-satellite resonance. As many as ≈20% come within RH/4 and ≈2.5% come within RH/10. Close-encounters of escaping quasi-satellites occur near or even below the 2-body escape velocity from the host planet. Finally, the exchange and escape of Trojans and quasi-satellites continues to as late as 6-9τ in some simulations. By this time the dynamical evolution of the planets is strongly dominated by distant gravitational perturbations between the planets rather than the migration force. This suggests that exchange and escape of Trojans and quasi-satellites may be a contemporary process associated with the present-day near-resonant configuration of some of the giant planets in our Solar System.  相似文献   

This note discusses the stability of collinear equilibrium points around a rotating system composed of two masses rigidly connected by a massless rod in the case, where the centripetal force outweighs the gravitational force. It is found that a stable region appears at L1 when the ratio of gravitational to centripetal acceleration is less than 0.125, and that there is always no stable area at L2 and L3; the result is applied to the fast rotating Asteroid 2000EB14.  相似文献   

Coupled thermal-orbital histories of early lunar evolution are considered in a simple model. We consider a plagioclase lid, overlying a magma ocean, overlying a solid mantle. Tidal dissipation occurs in the plagioclase lid and heat transport is by conduction and melt migration. We find that large orbital eccentricities can be obtained in this model. We discuss possible consequences of this phase of large eccentricities for the shape of the Moon and geochronology of lunar samples. We find that the orbit can pass through the shape solution of Garrick-Bethell et al. (Garrick-Bethell, I., Wisdom, J., Zuber, M. [2006]. Science 313, 652), but we argue that the shape cannot be maintained against elastic deformation as the orbit continues to evolve.  相似文献   

P. Lamy  I. Toth 《Icarus》2009,201(2):674-713
We present new color results of cometary nuclei obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) whose superior resolution enables us to accurately isolate the nucleus signals from the surrounding comae. By combining with scrutinized available data obtained with ground-based telescopes, we accumulated a sample of 51 cometary nuclei, 44 ecliptic comets (ECs) and 7 nearly-isotropic comets (NICs) using the nomenclature of Levison [Levison, H.F., 1996. In: Rettig, T.W., Hahn, J.M. (Eds.), Completing the Inventory of the Solar System. In: ASP Conf. Ser., vol. 107, pp. 173-192]. We analyze color distributions and color-color correlations as well as correlations with other physical parameters. We present our compilation of colors of 232 outer Solar System objects—separately considering the different dynamical populations, classical KBOs in low and high-inclination orbits (respectively CKBO-LI and CKBO-HI), resonant KBOs (practically Plutinos), scattered-disk objects (SDOs) and Centaurs—of 12 candidate dead comets, and of 85 Trojans. We perform a systematic analysis of all color distributions, and conclude by synthesizing the implications of the dynamical evolution and of the colors for the origin of the minor bodies of the Solar System. We find that the color distributions are remarkably consistent with the scenarios of the formation of TNOs by Gomes [Gomes, R.S., 2003. Icarus 161, 404-418] generalized by the “Nice” model [Levison, H.F., Morbidelli, A., VanLaerhoven, Ch., Gomes, R., Tsiganis, L., 2008. Icarus 196, 258-273], and of the Trojans by Morbidelli et al. [Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., 2005. Nature 435, 462-465]. The color distributions of the Centaurs are globally similar to those of the CKBO-HI, the Plutinos and the SDOs. However the potential bimodality of their distributions allows to possibly distinguish two groups based on their (BR) index: Centaur I with (BR)>1.7 and Centaurs II with (BR)<1.4. Centaurs I could be composed of TNOs (prominently CKBO-LI) and ultra red objects from a yet unstudied family. Centaurs II could consist in a population of evolved objects which have already visited the inner Solar System, and which has been scattered back beyond Jupiter. The diversity of colors of the ECs, in particular the existence of very red objects, is consistent with an origin in the Kuiper belt. Candidate dead comets represent an ultimate state of evolution as they appear more evolved than the Trojans and Centaurs II.  相似文献   

Multiple large impact basins on the lunar nearside formed in a relatively-short interval around 3.8-3.9 Gyr ago, in what is known as the Lunar Cataclysm (LC; also known as Late Heavy Bombardment). It is widely thought that this impact bombardment has affected the whole Solar System or at least all the inner planets. But with non-lunar evidence for the cataclysm being relatively weak, a geocentric cause of the Lunar Cataclysm cannot yet be completely ruled out [Ryder, G., 1990. Eos 71, 313, 322-323]. In principle, late destabilization of an additional Earth satellite could result in its tidal disruption during a close lunar encounter (cf. [Asphaug, E., Agnor, C.B., Williams, Q., 2006. Nature 439, 155-160]). If the lost satellite had D>500 km, the resulting debris can form multiple impact basins in a relatively short time, possibly explaining the LC. Canup et al. [Canup, R.M., Levison, H.F., Stewart, G.R., 1999. Astron. J. 117, 603-620] have shown that any additional satellites of Earth formed together with (and external to) the Moon would be unable to survive the rapid initial tidally-driven expansion of lunar orbit. Here we explore the fate of objects trapped in the lunar Trojan points, and find that small lunar Trojans can survive the Moon's orbital evolution until they and the Moon reach 38 Earth radii, at which point they are destabilized by a strong solar resonance. However, the dynamics of Trojans containing enough mass to cause the LC (diameters >150 km) is more complex; we find that such objects do not survive the passage through a weaker solar resonance at 27 Earth radii. This distance was very likely reached by the Moon long before the LC, which seems to rule out the disruption of lunar Trojans as a cause of the LC.  相似文献   

Ishan Sharma 《Icarus》2009,(2):636-654
Many new small moons of the giant planets have been discovered recently. In parallel, satellites of several asteroids, e.g., Ida, have been found. Strikingly, a majority of these new-found planetary moons are estimated to have very low densities, which, along with their hypothesized accretionary origins, suggests a rubble internal structure. This, coupled to the fact that many asteroids are also thought to be particle aggregates held together principally by self-gravity, motivates the present investigation into the possible ellipsoidal shapes that a rubble-pile satellite may achieve as it orbits an aspherical primary. Conversely, knowledge of the shape will constrain the granular aggregate's orbit—the closer it gets to a primary, both primary's tidal effect and the satellite's spin are greater. We will assume that the primary body is sufficiently massive so as not to be influenced by the satellite. However, we will incorporate the primary's possible ellipsoidal shape, e.g., flattening at its poles in the case of a planet, and the proloidal shape of asteroids. In this, the present investigation is an extension of the first classical Darwin problem to granular aggregates. General equations defining an ellipsoidal rubble pile's equilibrium about an ellipsoidal primary are developed. They are then utilized to scrutinize the possible granular nature of small inner moons of the giant planets. It is found that most satellites satisfy constraints necessary to exist as equilibrated granular aggregates. Objects like Naiad, Metis and Adrastea appear to violate these limits, but in doing so, provide clues to their internal density and/or structure. We also recover the Roche limit for a granular satellite of a spherical primary, and employ it to study the martian satellites, Phobos and Deimos, as well as to make contact with earlier work of Davidsson [Davidsson, B., 2001. Icarus 149, 375–383]. The satellite's interior will be modeled as a rigid-plastic, cohesion-less material with a Drucker–Prager yield criterion. This rheology is a reasonable first model for rubble piles. We will employ an approximate volume-averaging procedure that is based on the classical method of moments, and is an extension of the virial method [Chandrasekhar, S., 1969. Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven] to granular solid bodies.  相似文献   

We present results of a simulation of a steady-state binary near-Earth asteroid (NEA) population. This study combines previous work on tidal disruption of gravitational aggregates [Walsh, K.J., Richardson, D.C., 2006. Icarus 180, 201-216] with a Monte Carlo simulation of NEA planetary encounters. Evolutionary effects include tidal evolution and binary disruption from close planetary encounters. The results show that with the best known progenitor (small Main Belt asteroids) shape and spin distributions, and current estimates of NEA lifetime and encounter probabilities, that tidal disruption should account for approximately 1-2% of NEAs being binaries. Given the best observed estimate of a ∼15% binary NEA fraction, we conclude that there are other formation mechanisms that contribute significantly to this population. We also present the expected distribution of binary orbital and physical properties for the steady-state binary NEAs formed by tidal disruption. We discuss the effects on binary fraction and properties due to changes in the least constrained parameters, and other possible effects on our model that could account for differences between the presented results and the observed binary population. Finally, we model possible effects of a significant population of binaries migrating to the near-Earth population from the Main Belt.  相似文献   

In the last three years we have carried out numerical and semi-analytical studies on the secular dynamical mechanisms in the region (semimajor axis a < 2 AU) where the NEA orbits evolve. Our numerical integrations (over a time span of a few Myr) have shown that: (i) the linear secular resonances with both the inner and the outer planets may play an important role in the dynamical evolution of NEAs; (ii) the apsidal secular resonance with Mars could provide an important dynamical transport mechanism by which asteroids in the Mars-crossing region eventually achieve Earth-crossing orbits; (iii) in this region, due to the interaction with the terrestrial planets, the Kozai resonance can occur at small inclinations, with the argument of perihelion ω librating around 0° or 180°, providing a temporary protection mechanism against close approaches to the planets. The location of the linear secular resonances in this zone has also been obtained by an automatic procedure using a semi-numerical method valid for all values of the inclinations and eccentricities of the small bodies, and also in the case of libration of the argument of perihelion. A map of the secular resonances in the (a, i) plane shows — in agreement with the numerical integrations — that all the resonances with the terrestrial and giant planets are present, and also that some of them overlap. Thus the way is now open to fully take into account secular resonances in modelling the dynamical evolution of NEAs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The triaxial figures are very common shape of most of planetary satellites as well as of smaell bodies as asteroids. There are 21 satellites in the Solar System triaxial figures of which were detected in situ evidently (Davies et al., 1995). However, the total number of triaxiaxial satellites in the Solar System should be in fact larger. In this paper the general theory of triaxiality due to tidal forces is discussed in regard to the very recent numerical data. Since they orbit synchronously, as a rule: their orbital periods are equal to the rotational periods, the tidal forces may be responsible for their triaxial figures. On the other hand the origin of triaxiality of asteroids due to another process and the of their figures cannot be axplained by the tidal effects.  相似文献   

Though the Moon is considered to have been formed by the so-called giant impact, the mass of the Earth immediately after the impact is still controversial. If the Moon was formed during the Earth's accretion, a subsequent accretion of residual heliocentric planetesimals onto the protoearth and the protomoon must have occurred. In this co-accretion stage, a significant amount of lunar-impact-ejecta would be ejected to circumterrestrial orbits, since the mean impact velocity of the planetesimals with the protomoon is much larger than the escape velocity of the protomoon. Orbital calculations of test particles ejected from the protomoon, whose semimajor axis is smaller than that of the present Moon, reveal that most of the particles escaping from the protomoon also escape from the Hill sphere of the protoearth and reduce the planetocentric angular momentum of the primordial Earth-Moon system. Using the results of the ejecta simulations, we investigate the evolution of the mass ratio and the total angular momentum (Earth's spin angular momentum + Moon's orbital angular momentum) of the Earth-Moon system during the co-accretion. We find that the mass of the protomoon is almost constant or rather decreases and the total angular momentum decreases significantly, if the random velocity of planetesimals is as large as the escape velocity of the protoearth. On the other hand, if the random velocity is the half of the escape velocity of the protoearth, the mass ratio is kept to be almost as large as the present value and the decrease of the total angular momentum is not so significant. Comparing with the results of giant impact simulations, we find that the mass of the protoearth immediately after the Moon-forming impact was 0.7-0.8 times the present value if the impactor-to-target mass ratio was 3:7, whereas the giant impact occurred almost in the end of the Earth's accretion if the impactor-to-target mass ratio was 1:9.  相似文献   

An Öpik-based geometric algorithm is used to compute impact probabilities and velocity distributions for various near-Earth object (NEO) populations. The resulting crater size distributions for the Earth and Moon are calculated by combining these distributions with assumed NEO size distributions and a selection of crater scaling laws. This crater probability distribution indicates that the largest craters on both the Earth and the Moon are dominated by comets. However, from a calculation of the fractional probabilities of iridium deposition, and the velocity distributions at impact of each NEO population, the only realistic possibilities for the Chicxulub impactor are a short-period comet (possibly inactive) or a near-Earth asteroid. For these classes of object, sufficiently large impacts have mean intervals of 100 and 300 Myr respectively, slightly favouring the cometary hypothesis.  相似文献   

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