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The residual south polar cap of Mars (RSPC) is distinct from the residual north polar cap both in composition and in morphology. CO2 frost in the RSPC is stabilized by its high albedo during southern spring and summer despite the relatively large insolation during that period. The morphology of the RSPC in summer displays a bewildering variety of depressions that are formed in relatively thin layers of CO2. The increase of the size of these depressions between each of the first three years of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) observations may possibly signal some sort of climate change on the planet. For example, the erosion of the bright plateaus might reduce the RSPC albedo and affect the energy balance. The Mars Orbiter Cameras (MOC) on MGS observed Mars for four consecutive martian years before contact with the spacecraft was lost in late 2006. During this period coverage of the polar regions was particularly dense because MGS flew over them on every orbit. In this paper we report on the four-year behavior of the morphological features in the RSPC and on the large-scale variability in RSPC albedo over the period. The changes in the size of the surface features in the RSPC due to backwasting that were first observed between Mars years (MY) 24 and 25 and subsequently between MY25 and M26 was observed to continue at the same rate through MY 27. The results indicate that on average thicker layers in the RSPC retreat faster than thinner ones, roughly in proportion to their thickness. We argue that a simple difference in porosity between the A and B layers can explain this difference although other factors could be involved. The large-scale albedo of the RSPC decreases as the depressions are uncovered by sublimation of seasonal CO2. However, any interannual differences in albedo due to the backwasting process are masked by interannual differences in the summer dust opacity in the RSPC region.  相似文献   

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observes Mars from a nearly circular, polar orbit. From this vantage point, the Mars Color Imager extends the ∼5 Mars years record of Mars Global Surveyor global, visible-wavelength multi-color observations of meteorological events and adds measurements at three additional visible and two ultraviolet wavelengths. Observations of the global distribution of ozone (which anti-correlates with water vapor) and water ice and dust clouds allow tracking of atmospheric circulation. Regional and local observations emphasize smaller scale atmospheric dynamics, especially those related to dust lifting and subsequent motion. Polar observations detail variations related to the polar heat budget, including changes in polar frosts and ices, and storms generated at high thermal contrast boundaries.  相似文献   

The condensing CO2 south polar cap of Mars and the mechanisms of the CO2 ice accumulation have been studied through the analysis of spectra acquired by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) during the first two years of ESA's Mars Express (MEX) mission. This dataset spans more than half a martian year, from Ls∼330° to Ls∼194°, and includes the southern fall season which is found to be extremely important for the study of the residual south polar cap asymmetry. The cap expands symmetrically and with constant speed during the fall season. The maximum extension occurs sometime in the 80°-90° Ls range, when the cap edges are as low as −40° latitude. Inside Hellas and Argyre basins, frost can be stable at lower latitudes due to the higher pressure values, causing the seasonal cap to be asymmetric. Within the seasonal range considered in this paper, the cap edge recession rate is approximately half the rate at which the cap edge expanded. The longitudinal asymmetries reduce during the cap retreat, and disappear around Ls∼145°. Two different mechanisms are responsible for CO2 ice accumulation during the fall season, especially in the 50°-70° Ls range. Here, CO2 condensation in the atmosphere, and thus precipitation, is allowed exclusively in the western hemisphere, and particularly in the longitudinal corridor of the perennial cap. In the eastern hemisphere, the cap consists mainly of CO2 frost deposits, as a consequence of direct vapor deposition. The differences in the nature of the surface ice deposits are the main cause for the residual south polar cap asymmetry. Results from selected PFS orbits have also been compared with the results provided by the martian general circulation model (GCM) of the Laboratoire de Météorologie dynamique (LMD) in Paris, with the aim of putting the observations in the context of the global circulation. This first attempt of cross-validation between PFS measurements and the LMD GCM on the one hand confirms the interpretation of the observations, and on the other hand shows that the climate modeling during the southern polar night on Mars is extremely sensitive to the dynamical forcing.  相似文献   

We have remapped the geology of the north polar plateau on Mars, Planum Boreum, and the surrounding plains of Vastitas Borealis using altimetry and image data along with thematic maps resulting from observations made by the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. New and revised geographic and geologic terminologies assist with effectively discussing the various features of this region. We identify 7 geologic units making up Planum Boreum and at least 3 for the circumpolar plains, which collectively span the entire Amazonian Period. The Planum Boreum units resolve at least 6 distinct depositional and 5 erosional episodes. The first major stage of activity includes the Early Amazonian (∼3 to 1 Ga) deposition (and subsequent erosion) of the thick (locally exceeding 1000 m) and evenly-layered Rupes Tenuis unit (Abrt), which ultimately formed approximately half of the base of Planum Boreum. As previously suggested, this unit may be sourced by materials derived from the nearby Scandia region, and we interpret that it may correlate with the deposits that regionally underlie pedestal craters in the surrounding lowland plains. The second major episode of activity during the Middle to Late Amazonian (1 Ga) began with a section of dark, sand-rich and light-toned ice-rich irregularly-bedded sequences (Planum Boreum cavi unit, Abbc) along with deposition of evenly-bedded light-toned ice- and moderate-toned dust-rich layers (Planum Boreum 1 unit, Abb1). These units have transgressive and gradational stratigraphic relationships. Materials in Olympia Planum underlying the dunes of Olympia Undae are interpreted to consist mostly of the Planum Boreum cavi unit (Abbc). Planum Boreum materials were then deeply eroded to form spiral troughs, Chasma Boreale, and marginal scarps that define the major aspects of the polar plateau's current regional topography. Locally- to regionally-extensive (though vertically minor) episodes of deposition of evenly-bedded, light- and dark-toned layered materials and subsequent erosion of these materials persisted throughout the Late Amazonian. Sand saltation, including dune migration, is likely to account for much of the erosion of Planum Boreum, particularly at its margin, alluding to the lengthy sedimentological history of the circum-polar dune fields. Such erosion has been controlled largely by topographic effects on wind patterns and the variable resistance to erosion of materials (fresh and altered) and physiographic features. Some present-day dune fields may be hundreds of kilometers removed from possible sources along the margins of Planum Boreum, and dark materials, comprised of sand sheets, extend even farther downwind. These deposits also attest to the lengthy period of erosion following emplacement of the Planum Boreum 1 unit. We find no evidence for extensive glacial flow, topographic relaxation, or basal melting of Planum Boreum materials. However, minor development of normal faults and wrinkle ridges may suggest differential compaction of materials across buried scarps. Timing relations are poorly-defined mostly because resurfacing and other uncertainties prohibit precise determinations of surface impact crater densities. The majority of the stratigraphic record may predate the recent (<20 Ma) part of the orbitally-driven climate record that can be reliably calculated. Given the strong stratigraphic but loose temporal constraints of the north polar geologic record, a comparison of north and south polar stratigraphy permits a speculative scenario in which major Amazonian depositional and erosional episodes driven by global climate activity is plausible.  相似文献   

A detailed examination of the location and orientation of sand dunes and other aeolian features within the north polar chasmata indicates that steep scarps strongly influence the direction and intensity of prevailing winds. These steep scarps are present at the heads and along the margins of the north polar chasmata. Topographic profiles of the arcuate head scarps and equator-facing wall of Chasma Boreale reveal unusually steep polar slopes ranging from ∼6°-30°. The relatively steep-sloped (∼8°), sinuous scarp at the head of two smaller chasmata, located west of Chasma Boreale, exhibits an obvious resistant cap-forming unit. Scarp retreat is occurring in places where the cap unit is actively being undercut by descending slope winds. Low-albedo surfaces lacking sand dunes or dust mantles are present at the base of the polar scarps. A ∼100-300 m deep moat, located at the base of the scarps, corresponds with these surfaces and indicates an area of active aeolian scour from descending katabatic winds. Small local dust storms observed along the equator-facing wall of Chasma Boreale imply that slope wind velocities in Chasma Boreale are sufficient to mobilize dust and sand-sized particles in the Polar Layered Deposits (PLD). Two amphitheater forms, located above the cap-forming unit of the sinuous scarp and west of Chasma Boreale, may represent an early stage of polar scarp and chasma formation. These two forms are developing within a younger section of polar layered materials. The unusually steep scarps associated with the polar chasmata have developed where resistant layers are present in the PLD, offering resistance during the headward erosion and poleward retreat of the scarps. Steep slopes that formed under these circumstances enhance the flow of down-scarp katabatic winds. On the basis of these observations, we reject the fluvial outflood hypothesis for the origin of the north polar chasmata and embrace a wind erosion model for their long-term development. In the aeolian model, off-pole katabatic winds progressively remove materials from the steep slopes below chasmata scarps, undermining resistant layers at the tops of scarps and causing retreat by headward erosion. Assuming a minimum age for the onset of formation of Chasma Boreale (105 yr) results in a maximum volumetric erosion rate of . Removal of this volume of material from the equator-facing wall and head scarps of chasma would require a rate for scarp retreat of .  相似文献   

High-resolution observations of atmospheric phenomena by the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) during its first mapping year are presented. An atmospheric campaign was implemented on the basis of previous spacecraft imaging. This campaign, however, proved of limited success. This appears to be due to the late local time of the Odyssey orbit (the locations of activity at 4–6 p.m. appear to be different from those at 2 p.m.). Ironically, images targeting the surface were more useful for study of the atmosphere than those images specifically targeting atmospheric features. While many previously recognized features were found, novel THEMIS observations included persistent clouds in the southern polar layered deposits, dust or condensate plumes on the northern polar layered deposits, dust plumes as constituent parts of local dust storms, and mesospheric clouds. The former two features tend to be aligned parallel and normal to polar troughs, respectively, suggesting a wind system directed normal to troughs and radially outward from the center of the polar deposits. This is consistent with katabatic drainage of air off the polar deposits, analogous to flow off Antarctica. The observation of dust lifting plumes at unprecedented resolution associated with local dust storms not only demonstrates the importance of mean wind stresses (as opposed to dust devils) in initiation of dust storms, but is also seen to be morphologically identical to dust lifting in terrestrial dust storms. As Odyssey moves to earlier local times, we suggest that the atmospheric campaign from the first mapping year be repeated.  相似文献   

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed neutron spectroscopy data gathered by the High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) instrument onboard Mars Odyssey for comparison of polar regions. It is known that observation of the neutron albedo of Mars provides important information about the distribution of water-ice in subsurface layers and about peculiarities of the CO2 seasonal cycle. It was found that there are large water-rich permafrost areas with contents of up to ∼50% water by mass fraction at both the north and south Mars polar regions. The water-ice layers at high northern latitudes are placed close to the surface, but in the south they are covered by a dry and relatively thick (10-20 cm) layer of soil. Analysis of temporal variations of neutron flux between summer and winter seasons allowed the estimation of the masses of the CO2 deposits which seasonally condense at the polar regions. The total mass of the southern seasonal deposition was estimated as 6.3×1015 kg, which is larger than the total mass of the seasonal deposition at the north by 40-50%. These results are in good agreement with predictions from the NASA Ames Research Center General Circulation Model (GCM). But, the dynamics of the condensation and sublimation processes are not quite as consistent with these models: the peak accumulation of the condensed mass of CO2 occurred 10-15 degrees of Ls later than is predicted by the GCM.  相似文献   

New insight into the seasonal, diurnal and spatial distribution of water vapor on Mars has been obtained from analyzing the spectra of the short-wavelength channel (SW) of the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard Mars Express. The processed dataset, recorded between January 2004 and April 2005, covers the seasons from LS=331° of Mars Year 26 to LS=196° of the following year. In this period the mean column density around vernal equinox was 8.2 pr. μm. The maximum values during northern summer were about 65 pr. μm, located around 75° N latitude with a longitudinally inhomogeneous distribution. Regarding the atmospheric transport, the majority of polar water vapor remains in the north polar region while only about a quarter is transported southward. Geographically there are two water vapor maxima visible, over Arabia Terra and the Tharsis plateau, that are most likely caused both by atmosphere-ground interaction and by atmospheric circulation. A comparison with other instruments generally shows a good agreement, only the SPICAM results are systematically lower. Compared to the results from the PFS long-wavelength channel the results of this work are slightly higher. A strong discrepancy is visible northward of about 50° N during the northern summer that is possibly explained by a non-uniform vertical H2O mixing. In particular, a confinement of the water to the lower few kilometers yields a much better agreement between the retrieved column densities of the two PFS channels.  相似文献   

The Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera wide-angle cameras were used to obtain images of the north and south seasonal and residual polar caps between 1999 and 2003. Wide-angle red camera images were used in assembling mosaics of the north and south polar recessions and regression rates were measured and compared. There are small variations in the north polar recession between 2000 and 2002, especially between LS=7° and LS=50°, however there is no evidence for the plateau in the recession curves that has been observed in some prior years. The south polar recession changes very little from year to year, and the 2001 dust storm had little if any effect on the average cap recession that year. Albedo values of the geographic north pole were measured using wide-angle red and blue camera images, and the residual south polar cap configuration was compared between the three years observed by MOC. The albedo of the geographic north pole generally varies between 0.5 and 0.6 as measured from MOC wide-angle red camera images. There were only minor variations near the edges of the residual south polar cap between the three years examined.  相似文献   

Atmospheric water vapor abundances in Mars’ north polar region (NPR, from 60° to 90°N) are mapped as function of latitude and longitude for spring and summer seasons, and their spatial, seasonal, and interannual variability is discussed. Water vapor data are from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Viking Orbiter (VO) Mars Atmospheric Water Detector (MAWD). The data cover three complete northern spring-summer seasons in 1977-1978, 2000-2001 and 2002-2003, and shorter periods of spring-summer seasons during 1975, 1999 and 2004. Long term interannual variability in the averaged NPR abundances may exist, with Viking MAWD observations showing twice as much water vapor during summer as the MGS TES observations more than 10 martian years (MY) later. While the averaged abundances are very similar in TES observations for the same season in different years, the spatial distributions in the early summer season do vary significantly year over year. Spatial and temporal variabilities increase between Ls ∼ 80-140°, which may be related to vapor sublimation from the North Polar Residual Cap (NPRC), or to changes in circulation. Spatial variability is observed on scales of ∼100 km and temporal variability is observed on scales of <10 sols during summer. During late spring the TES water vapor spatial distribution is seen to correlate with the low topography/low albedo region of northern Acidalia Planitia (270-360°E), and with the dust spatial distribution across the NPR during late spring-early summer. Non-uniform vertical distribution of water vapor, a regolith source or atmospheric circulation ‘pooling’ of water vapor from the NPRC into the topographic depression may be behind the correlation with low topography/low albedo. Sublimation winds carrying water vapor off the NPRC and lifting surface dust in the areas surrounding the NPRC may explain the correlation between the water vapor and dust spatial distributions. Correlation between water vapor and dust in MAWD data are only observed over low topography/low albedo area. Maximum water vapor abundances are observed at Ls = 105-115° and outside of the NPRC at 75-80°N; the TES data, however, do not extend over the NPRC and thus, this conclusion may be biased. Some water vapor appears to be released in plumes or ‘outbursts’ in the MAWD and TES datasets during late spring and early summer. We propose that the sublimation rate of ice varies across the NPRC with varying surface winds, giving rise to the observed ‘outbursts’ at some seasons.  相似文献   

David Horne  Michael D. Smith 《Icarus》2009,200(1):118-128
The Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument has returned over 200 million thermal infrared spectra of Mars taken between March 1999 and August 2004. This represents one of the most complete records of spatial and temporal changes of the martian atmosphere ever recorded by an orbiting spacecraft. Previous reports of the standard TES retrieval of aerosol optical depth have been limited to those observations taken over surfaces with temperatures above 210 K, limiting the spatiotemporal coverage of Polar Regions with TES. Here, we present an extension to the standard TES retrieval that better models the effects of cold surfaces below 200 K. This modification allows aerosol optical depth to be retrieved from TES spectra over a greater spatiotemporal range than was previously possible, specifically in Polar Regions. This new algorithm is applied to the Polar Regions to show the seasonal variability in dust and ice optical depth for the complete temporal range of the TES database (Mars Year 24, Ls=104°, 1 March 1999 to Mars Year 24, Ls=82°, 31 August 2004).  相似文献   

Huiqun Wang  Jenny A. Fisher 《Icarus》2009,204(1):103-113
The complete archive of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Mars Daily Global Maps (MDGM) are used to study north polar clouds and dust storms that exhibit frontal structures during the spring and summer (Ls 0-180°). Results show that frontal events generally follow the edge of the polar cap during spring and mid/late summer with a gap in the distribution in early summer. The exact duration and timing of the gap vary from year to year. Ten to twenty percent of spring and summer time frontal events exhibit complex morphologies. Distinct temperature signatures are associated with features observed in images in many but not all cases. The general travel paths of the frontal events are eastward around the polar cap. Westward paths exist only at the edge of the polar cap in late spring/early summer. Occasionally, the paths curve toward or away from the polar cap in certain longitude sectors.  相似文献   

We examine the stratigraphy of the polar layered deposits (PLD) within the north polar cap of Mars to assess its layer continuity, correlations, cyclicity and structure and implications for the recent climate record. PLD sequences characterized using Fourier analysis and curve shape matching algorithms show that layers correlate throughout the upper part of the PLD. We tested for cyclicity and found that the uppermost ∼300 m contain a dominant wavelength layer packet of ∼30 m, interpreted to be a climate signal related to the 51 kyr precession cycle. Directly below this region we document a section of polar layered deposits ∼100 m thick without a dominant periodic signal; this is interpreted to represent a phase of low net accumulation and lag deposits formed during the last ice age, about 0.5-2 Ma ago. We further analyzed layer structure by combining these results with three-dimensional determinations of layer orientation (strike and dip) to assess the internal stratigraphy of the PLD and its implications for polar history. We show that individual layers within the PLD stratigraphy are not horizontal (no dip) but rather show broad variation in elevation with distance. Correlations suggest that the layer strikes and dips broadly follow present cap surface topography. Local variations in layer orientations in the vicinity of the troughs suggest that (1) trough structures were present at the time of layer accumulation and (2) dips may have been influenced by ice flow and/or static ice accumulation in the presence of preexisting troughs. This new information favors models in which the troughs are long-term structures of the PLD rather than (1) recently eroded into the PLD, or (2) very active and laterally migrating around the PLD. Our results strongly support the hypothesis that significant volumes of polar volatiles are mobilized and transported equator-ward during periods of increased obliquity. Our results predict that the upper ∼300 m of the north polar PLD accumulated in the last 500 ka, yielding net accumulation rates of ∼0.06 cm/yr. The presence and albedo of the no periodic signal zone suggest that polar net accumulation rates are very low and that dust rich lag deposits form during periods of sustained high obliquity. Layer sequences in the south polar and equatorial regions are examined and compared to those in the north; rhythmic sequences are observed in both regions but no direct correlations to the dominant signals of the north polar deposits have yet been found. These new techniques and observations provide a paradigm for further analysis of recent polar history (the upper kilometer of the record) and a basis for extending assessments to the lower part of the polar deposits and to other cyclic deposits in the geological record of Mars.  相似文献   

We have used the complete set of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Daily Global Maps (MDGMs) to study martian weather in the southern hemisphere, focusing on curvilinear features, including frontal events and streaks. “Frontal events” refer to visible events that are morphologically analogous to terrestrial baroclinic storms. MDGMs show that visible frontal events were mainly concentrated in the 210-300°E (60-150°W) sector and the 0-60°E sector around the southern polar cap during Ls = 140-250° and Ls = 340-60°. The non-uniform spatial and temporal distributions of activity were also shown by MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer transient temperature variations near the surface. “Streaks” refer to long curvilinear features in the polar hood or over the polar cap. They are an indicator of the shape of the polar vortex. Streaks in late winter usually show wavy segments between the 180° meridian and Argyre. Model results suggest that the zonal wave number m = 3 eastward traveling waves are important for their formation.  相似文献   

Mars is continuously subjected to surface loading induced by seasonal mass changes in the atmosphere and ice caps due to the CO2 sublimation and condensation process. It results in surface deformations and in time variations of gravity. Large wavelength annual and semi-annual variations of gravity (particularly zonal coefficients ΔJn) have been determined using present day geodetic satellite measurements. However loading deformations have been poorly studied for a planet like Mars. In this paper, we compute these deformations and their effect on spacecraft orbiting around Mars. Loading deformations of terrestrial planet are typically investigated assuming a spherical planet, radially symmetric. The mean radial structure of Mars is not well known. In particular the radius of the liquid or solid core remains not precisely determined. One may then wonder what is the effect of these uncertainties on loading deformations. Moreover, Mars presents a strong topography and probably large lateral variations of crustal thickness (relative to the Earth). The paper answer the questions of what is the effect of such lateral heterogeneities on surface deformations, and is the classical way to calculate loading deformation well adapted for a planet like Mars. In order to answer these questions we have investigated theoretically loading deformations of Mars-like planets. We first investigated classical load Love numbers. We show that for degrees inferior to 10, the load Love numbers mainly depend on the radius of the core and on its state, and that for degree greater than 10, they depend on the mean radius of mantle-crust interface. Using a General Circulation Model (GCM) of atmosphere and ice caps dynamics we show that loading vertical displacements have a 4-5 cm magnitude and present a North-South pattern with periodic transitions. Finally we investigated the effect of lateral variations of the crustal thickness on these loading deformations. We show that thickness heterogeneities perturb the deformations and the time variation of gravity at about 0.5%. However this perturbation on ΔJn is only about 1‰ due to main direct attraction of surface fluid layers. We conclude that lateral variations of crustal thickness are today negligible. However, observation of load Love numbers would bring information on the radial internal structure of the planet, particularly on the core radius. ΔJn study would permit to infer the load Love number , particularly for degree 2 and 3, knowing surface fluid layer dynamics. However load Love numbers are quite small (about 0.05), and despite the present good agreement between GCM and ΔJn observations, will only be estimated in the near future when a slightly better precision in observation and modeling will make it possible to infer these numbers. The investigation of load Love number , which are larger than numbers, would be particularly interesting. It would permit to study degree 1 contribution of atmosphere and ice caps dynamics, which is the most important component of surface fluid dynamics on Mars. Surface displacement measurements would be necessary on a few places near the pole regions, which may be possible in the future, with a project involving precise positioning of a lander on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

The relation between gravity anomalies, topography and volcanism can yield important insights about the internal dynamics of planets. From the power spectra of gravity and topography on Earth, Venus and Mars we infer that gravity anomalies have likely predominantly sources below the lithosphere up to about spherical harmonic degree l=30 for Earth, 40 for Venus and 5 for Mars. To interpret the low-degree part of the gravity spectrum in terms of possible sublithospheric density anomalies we derive radial mantle viscosity profiles consistent with mineral physics. For these viscosity profiles we then compute gravity and topography kernels, which indicate how much gravity anomaly and how much topography is caused by a density anomaly at a given depth. With these kernels, we firstly compute an expected gravity-topography ratio. Good agreement with the observed ratio indicates that for Venus, in contrast to Earth and Mars, long-wavelength topography is largely dynamically supported from the sublithospheric mantle. Secondly, we combine an empirical power spectrum of density anomalies inferred from seismic tomography in Earth’s mantle with gravity kernels to model the gravity power spectrum. We find a good match between modeled and observed gravity power spectrum for all three planets, except for 2?l?4 on Venus. Density anomalies in the Venusian mantle for these low degrees thus appear to be very small. We combine gravity kernels and the gravity field to derive radially averaged density anomaly models for the Martian and Venusian mantles. Gravity kernels for l?5 are very small on Venus below ≈800 km depth. Thus our inferences on Venusian mantle density are basically restricted to the upper 800 km. On Mars, gravity anomalies for 2?l?5 may originate from density anomalies anywhere within its mantle. For Mars as for Earth, inferred density anomalies are dominated by l=2 structure, but we cannot infer whether there are features in the lowermost mantle of Mars that correspond to Earth’s Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs). We find that volcanism on Mars tends to occur primarily in regions above inferred low mantle density, but our model cannot distinguish whether or not there is a Martian analog for the finding that Earth’s Large Igneous Provinces mainly originate above the margins of LLSVPs.  相似文献   

P.B. James  P.C. Thomas 《Icarus》2010,208(1):82-85
We have used Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data from 2007 and 2009 to compare summer behaviors of the seasonal and residual south polar caps of Mars in those two years. We find that the planet-encircling dust storm that occurred in the first of the two Mars years enhanced the loss of seasonal CO2 deposits relative to the second year but did not have a large effect on the continuing erosion of the pits and mesas within the residual cap materials. This suggests that the increase of bright frost in some regions of the residual cap observed between Mariner 9 and Viking can be accommodated within observed martian weather variability and does not require unknown processes or climate change.  相似文献   

Previous observations have noted the change in albedo in a number of North Pole bright outliers and in the distribution of bright ice deposits between Mariner 9, Viking, and Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) data sets. Changes over the summer season as well as between regions at the same season (Ls) in different years have been observed. We used the bolometric albedo and brightness temperature channels of the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) on the MGS spacecraft to monitor north polar residual ice cap variations between Mars years and within the summer season for three northern Martian summers between July 1999 and April 2003. Large-scale brightness variations are observed in four general areas: (1) the patchy outlying frost deposits from 90 to 270°E, 75 to 80°N; (2) the large “tail” below the Chasma Boreale and its associated plateau from 315 to 45°E, 80 to 85°N, that we call the “Boreale Tongue” and in Hyperboreae Undae; (3) the troughed terrain in the region from 0 to 120°E longitude (the lower right on a polar stereographic projection) we have called “Shackleton's Grooves” and (4) the unit mapped as residual ice in Olympia Planitia. We also note two areas which seem to persist as cool and bright throughout the summer and between Mars years. One is at the “source” of Chasma Boreale (∼15°E, 85°N) dubbed “McMurdo”, and the “Cool and Bright Anomaly (CABA)” noted by Kieffer and Titus 2001. TES Mapping of Mars’ north seasonal cap. Icarus 154, 162-180] at ∼330°E, 87°N called here “Vostok”. Overall defrosting occurs early in the summer as the temperatures rise and then after the peak temperatures are reached (Ls∼110) higher elevations and outlier bright deposits cold trap and re-accumulate new frost. Persistent bright areas are associated with either higher elevations or higher background albedos suggesting complex feedback mechanisms including cold-trapping of frost due to albedo and elevation effects, as well as influence of mesoscale atmospheric dynamics.  相似文献   

Mark A. Wieczorek 《Icarus》2008,196(2):506-517
The polar caps of Mars have long been acknowledged to be composed of unknown proportions of water ice, solid CO2 (dry ice), and dust. Gravity and topography data are here analyzed over the southern cap to place constraints on its density, and hence composition. Using a localized spectral analysis combined with a lithospheric flexure model of ice cap loading, the best fit density of the volatile-rich south polar layered deposits is found to be 1271 kg m−3 with 1-σ limits of 1166 and 1391 kg m−3. The best fit elastic thickness of this geologically young deposit is 140 km, though any value greater than 102 km can fit the observations. The best fit density implies that about 55% dry ice by volume could be sequestered in these deposits if they were completely dust free. Alternatively, if these deposits were completely free of solid CO2, the dust content would be constrained to lie between about 14 and 28% by volume. The bulk thermal conductivity of the polar cap is not significantly affected by these maximum allowable concentrations of dust. However, even if a moderate quantity of solid CO2 were present as horizontal layers, the bulk thermal conductivity of the polar cap would be significantly reduced. Reasonable estimates of the present day heat flow of Mars predict that dry ice beneath the thicker portions of the south polar cap would have melted. Depending on the quantity of solid CO2 in these deposits today, it is even possible that water ice could melt where the cap is thickest. If independent estimates for either the dust or CO2 content of the south polar cap could be obtained, and if radar sounding data could determine whether this polar cap is presently experiencing basal melting or not, it would be possible to use these observations to place tight constraints on the present day heat flow of Mars.  相似文献   

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