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Michael W. Busch 《Icarus》2009,200(1):347-349
When the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is completed, it will synthesize angular resolution as fine as 5 milliarcseconds. With such resolution and ALMA's large number of stations and collecting area, it will be possible to rapidly map the shapes, large-scale surface features, and surface temperature distributions of the 700 largest objects in the main asteroid belt and the hundred largest Jupiter Trojans. Such information would provide great insights into the dynamics and history of the asteroid belt, and potentially determine the surface compositions of otherwise spectrally ambiguous objects.  相似文献   

Based on long-slit infrared spectroscopic observations, it has been suggested that half of the carbon monoxide present in the atmosphere of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) close to perihelion was released by a distributed source in the coma, whose nature (dust or gas) remains unidentified. We re-assess the origin of CO in Hale-Bopp’s coma from millimeter interferometric data and a re-analysis of the IR lines.Simultaneous observations of the CO J(1–0) (115 GHz) and J(2–1) (230 GHz) lines were undertaken with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer in single-dish and interferometric modes. The diversity of angular resolutions (from 1700 to 42,000 km diameter at the comet) is suitable to study the radial distribution of CO and detect the extended source observed in the infrared. We used excitation and radiative transfer models to simulate the single-dish and interferometric data. Various CO density distributions were considered, including 3D time-dependent hydrodynamical simulations which reproduce temporal variations caused by the presence of a CO rotating jet. The CO J(1–0) and J(2–1) observations can be consistently explained by a nuclear production of CO. Composite 50:50 nuclear/extended productions with characteristic scale lengths of CO parent Lp > 1500 km are rejected.Based on similar radiation transfer calculations, we show that the CO v = 1–0 ro-vibrational lines observed in Comet Hale-Bopp at heliocentric distances less than 1.5 AU are severely optically thick. The broad extent of the CO brightness distribution in the infrared is mainly due to optical depth effects entering in the emitted radiation. Additional factors can be found in the complex structure of the CO coma, and non-ideal slit positioning caused by the anisotropy of dust IR emission.We conclude that both CO millimeter and infrared lines do not provide compelling evidence for a distributed source of CO in Hale-Bopp’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

Radio observations from decimetric to submillimetric wavelengths are now a basic tool for the investigation of comets. Spectroscopic observations allow us: (i) to monitor the gas production rate of the comets, by directly observing the water molecule, or by observing secondary products (e.g., the OH radical) or minor species (e.g., HCN); (ii) to investigate the chemical composition of comets; (iii) to probe the physical conditions of cometary atmospheres: kinetic temperature and expansion velocity. Continuum observations probe large-size dust particles and (for the largest objects) cometary nuclei.Comets are classified from their orbital characteristics into two separate classes: (i) nearly isotropic, mainly long-period comets and (ii) ecliptic, short-period comets, the so-called Jupiter-family comets (JFCs). These two classes apparently come from two different reservoirs, respectively, the Oort cloud and the trans-Neptunian scattered disc. Due to their different history and—possibly—their different origin, they may have different chemical and physical properties that are worth being investigated.The present article reviews the contribution of radio observations to our knowledge of the JFCs. The difficulty of such a study is the commonly low gas and dust productions of these comets. Long-period, nearly isotropic comets from the Oort cloud are better known from Earth-based observations. On the other hand, JFCs are more easily accessed by space missions. However, unique opportunities to observe JFCs are offered when these objects come by chance close to the Earth (like 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 in 2006), or when they exhibit unexpected outbursts (as did 17P/Holmes in 2007).About a dozen JFCs were successfully observed by radio techniques up to now. Four to ten molecules were detected in five of them. No obvious evidence for different properties between JFCs and other families of comets is found, as far as radio observations are concerned.  相似文献   

Radio spectroscopic observations of Comet 19P/Borrelly were performed during the 1994 apparition and at, and near, the time of the Deep Space 1 flyby in 2001. HCN, CS, CH3OH, and H2CO were detected using the 30-m telescope of the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and their production rates relative to water are estimated to be 0.06-0.11, 0.07, 1.7, and 0.4%, respectively. Only upper limits are derived for H2S and CO. The upper limit for CO/H2O (<15%) is not very constraining, while the upper limit for the H2S/H2O ratio of 0.45% is near the bottom of the range of values measured for other comets. Observations of the OH radical at the Nançay radio telescope provide water production rates a few weeks before the 1994 and 2001 perihelia. Observations of the 110-101 water line at 557 GHz with the Odin satellite yield a water production rate of (2.5±0.5)×1028 s−1 on September 22, 2001, at the time of the Deep Space 1 encounter, and (3.3±0.6)×1028 s−1 averaged over the September 22-24, 2001 period. The line shapes are asymmetric and blueshifted by V0∼−0.18 km s−1 for the best observed HCN lines recorded one week after perihelion. The HCN line shapes, and the similar OH and HCN velocity shifts over the September-November 1994 and August-September 2001 periods, favor anisotropic outgassing towards the Sun. Strong outgassing directed along the primary dust jet seen on visible images is not excluded by the HCN line shapes, but unrealistically high gas expansion velocities are required to explain the line shapes in that case.  相似文献   

Near-infrared and mid-infrared observations of the site of the 2009 July 19 impact of an unknown object with Jupiter were obtained within days of the event. The observations were used to assess the properties of a particulate debris field, elevated temperatures, and the extent of ammonia gas redistributed from the troposphere into Jupiter’s stratosphere. The impact strongly influenced the atmosphere in a central region, as well as having weaker effects in a separate field to its west, similar to the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impact sites in 1994. Temperatures were elevated by as much as 6 K at pressures of about 50-70 mbar in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere near the center of the impact site, but no changes above the noise level (1 K) were observed in the upper stratosphere at atmospheric pressures less than ∼1 mbar. The impact transported at least ∼2 × 1015 g of gas from the troposphere to the stratosphere, an amount less than derived for the SL9 C fragment impact. From thermal heating and mass-transport considerations, the diameter of the impactor was roughly in the range of 200-500 m, assuming a mean density of 2.5 g/cm3. Models with temperature perturbations and ammonia redistribution alone are unable to fit the observed thermal emission; non-gray emission from particulate emission is needed. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of material delivered by the impacting body implies that, in addition to a silicate component, it contains a strong signature that is consistent with silica, distinguishing it from SL9, which contained no evidence for silica. Because no comet has a significant abundance of silica, this result is more consistent with a “rocky” or “asteroidal” origin for the impactor than an “icy” or “cometary” one. This is surprising because the only objects generally considered likely to collide with Jupiter and its satellites are Jupiter-Family Comets, whose populations appear to be orders of magnitude larger than the Jupiter-encountering asteroids. Nonetheless, our conclusion that there is good evidence for at least a major asteroidal component of the impactor composition is also consistent both with constraints on the geometry of the impactor and with results of contemporaneous Hubble Space Telescope observations. If the impact was not simply a statistical fluke, then our conclusion that the impactor contained more rocky material than was the case for the desiccated Comet SL9 implies a larger population of Jupiter-crossing asteroidal bodies than previously estimated, an asteroidal component within the Jupiter-Family Comet population, or compositional differentiation within these bodies.  相似文献   

A 7 year survey using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR), a specular backscattering orbital radar, has produced three million individually measured meteoroid orbits for particles with mean mass near 10−7 kg. We apply a 3D wavelet transform to our measured velocity vectors, partitioning them into 1° solar longitude bins while stacking all 7 years of data into a single “virtual” year to search for showers which show annual activity and last for at least 3 days. Our automated stream search algorithm has identified 117 meteor showers. We have recovered 42 of the 45 previously described streams from our first reconnaissance survey (Brown, P., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., Jones, J. [2008]. Icarus 195, 317-339). Removing possible duplicate showers from the automated results leaves 109 total streams. These include 42 identified in survey I and at least 62 newly identified streams. Our large data sample and the enhanced sensitivity of the 3D wavelet search compared to our earlier survey have allowed us to extend the period of activity for several major showers. This includes detection of the Geminid shower from early November to late December and the Quadrantids from early November to mid-January. Among our newly identified streams are the Theta Serpentids which appears to be derived from 2008 KP and the Canum Venaticids which have a similar orbit to C/1975 X1 (Sato). We also find evidence that nearly 60% of all our streams are part of seven major stream complexes, linked via secular invariants.  相似文献   

Submillimeter lightcurves of Vesta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal lightcurves of Asteroid Vesta with significant amplitude have been observed at 870 μm (345 GHz) using the MPIfR 19-channel bolometer of the Heinrich–Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. Shape and albedo are not sufficient to explain the magnitude of this variation, which we relate to global variations in thermal inertia and/or other thermophysical parameters. Vesta's lightcurve has been observed over several epochs with the same general shape. However, there are some changes in morphology that may in part be related to viewing geometry and/or asteroid season. Inconsistent night-to-night variations exhibit the inherent difficulties in photometry at this wavelength. We are able to match the observed brightness temperatures with a relatively simple thermal model that integrates beneath the surface and assumes reasonable values of thermal inertia, loss tangent and refractive index, and without having to assume low values of emissivity in the submillimeter. High flux portions of the submillimeter lightcurve are found to correspond to regions with weak mafic bands observed in Hubble Space Telescope images.  相似文献   

Photometry and thermal lightcurves of six large asteroids (1-Ceres, 2-Pallas, 3-Juno, 12-Victoria, 85-Io and 511-Davida) have been observed at 870 μm (345 GHz) using the MPIfR 19-Channel Bolometer of the Heinrich-Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. Only Ceres displayed a lightcurve with an amplitude (∼50%, peak to peak) that was significantly greater than the uncertainty in the observations. When thermal fluxes and brightness temperatures are corrected for heliocentric distance and albedo, there is a significant relation with the sub-solar latitude of the asteroid, or the local season of the asteroid. No such trend can be found between observations with solar phase angle. These results are evidence that most of the submillimeter thermal radiation is emitted from below the diurnal thermal wave. Comparing the observed trend with model output suggests that the submillimeter radiation from all the asteroids we observed is best modeled by surface material with low thermal inertia (<15 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1, consistent with mid-infrared observations of large main-belt asteroids) and a refractive index closer to unity relative to densities inferred from radar experiments, implying a veneer of material over the asteroid surface with a density less than 1000 kg m−3. More data with better signal-to-noise and aspect coverage could improve these models and constrain physical properties of asteroid surface materials. This would also allow asteroids to be used as calibration sources with accurately known and stable, broadband fluxes at long wavelengths.  相似文献   

H. Meng  J. Zhu  X. Gong  B. Yang  M. Guan  D. Xia 《Icarus》2004,169(2):385-389
The calculation of the orbit of the potentially hazardous Asteroid 2001 YB5 suggests a possible meteor shower around January 7.5, 2002 UT. Video observations revealed an unidentified radiant around the predicted maximum time, at RA=121.5°, Dec=+11.5°(for solar longitude 287.30°). Visual observers also reported unusually high rates from that region on the same night, indicating that 2001 YB5 did produce a weak meteor shower. Furthermore, it is noticed that 2001 YB5 is a rare B-type asteroid in same spectral class with Asteroid (3200) Phaethon, the parent body of the only previously known asteroid-associate meteor shower, Geminids.  相似文献   

The first of a new class of objects now known as main belt comets (MBCs) or “activated asteroids” was identified in 1996. The seven known members of this class have orbital characteristics of main belt asteroids yet exhibit dust ejection like comets. In order to constrain their physical and orbital properties we searched the Thousand Asteroid Light Curve Survey (TALCS; Masiero, J.R., Jedicke, R., Durech, J., Gwyn, S., Denneau, L., Larsen, J. [2009]. Icarus 204, 145-171) for additional candidates using two diagnostics: tail and coma detection. This was the most sensitive MBC survey effort to date, extending the search from MBCs with H ∼ 18 (D ∼ 1 km) to MBCs as small as H ∼ 21 (D ∼ 150 m).We fit each of the 924 objects detected by TALCS to a PSF model incorporating both a coma and nuclear component to measure the fractional contribution of the coma to the total surface brightness. We determined the significance of the coma detection using the same algorithm on a sample of null detections of comparable magnitude and rate of motion. We did not identify any MBC candidates with this technique to a sensitivity limit on the order of cometary mass loss rate of about 0.1 kg/s.Our tail detection algorithm relied on identifying statistically significant flux in a segmented annulus around the candidate object. We show that the technique can detect tail activity throughout the asteroid belt to the level of the currently known MBCs. Although we did not identify any MBC candidates with this technique, we find a statistically significant detection of faint activity in the entire ensemble of TALCS asteroids. This suggests that many main belt asteroids are active at very low levels.Our null detection of MBCs allows us to set 90% upper confidence limits on the number distribution of MBCs as a function of absolute magnitude, semi-major axis, eccentricity, and inclination. There are ?400,000 MBCs in the main belt brighter than HV = 21 (∼150-m in diameter) and the MBC:MBA ratio is ?1:400.We further comment on the ability of observations to meaningfully constrain the snow line’s location. Under some reasonable and simple assumptions we claim 85% confidence that the contemporary snow line lies beyond 2.5 AU.  相似文献   

The MPC database of the asteroid observations (each position from near 20 millions) was used in analysis of observational accuracy for more than 300 active world observatories both professional and amateur. The values of the “Mean error of a single observation” σ (for α,δ) were derived based on the Pulkovo method of accuracy estimation. These values may be used for observatory weight assignment in the orbital improvement procedures. The accuracy of the best amateur observations is proved to be comparable with professional one (σ=±0.20). The detailed results in electronic format are accessible from the first author.  相似文献   

Impacts of comets and asteroids play an important role in volatile delivery on the Moon. We use a novel method for tracking vapor masses that reach escape velocity in hydrocode simulations of cometary impacts to explore the effects of volatile retention. We model impacts on the Moon to find the mass of vapor plume gravitationally trapped on the Moon as a function of impact velocity. We apply this result to the impactor velocity distribution and find that the total impactor mass retained on the Moon is approximately 6.5% of the impactor mass flux. Making reasonable assumptions about water content of comets and the comet size-frequency distribution, we derive a water flux for the Moon. After accounting for migration and stability of water ice at the poles, we estimate a total 1.3×108-4.3×109 metric tons of water is delivered to the Moon and remains stable at the poles over 1 Ga. A factor of 30 uncertainty in the estimated cometary impact flux is primarily responsible for this large range of values. The calculated mass of water is sufficient to account for the neutron fluxes poleward of 75° observed by Lunar Prospector. A similar analysis for water delivery to the Moon via asteroid impacts shows that asteroids provide six times more water mass via impacts than comets.  相似文献   

Radio OH observations of 9P/Tempel 1 before and after Deep Impact   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We observed 18-cm OH emission in Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before and after Deep Impact. Observations using the Arecibo Observatory 305 m telescope took place between 8 April and 9 June, 2005, followed by post-impact observations using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory 100 m Green Bank Telescope 4-12 July, 2005. The resulting spectra were analyzed with a kinematic Monte Carlo model which allows estimation of the OH production rate, neutral gas outflow velocity, and distribution of the out-gassing from the nucleus. We detected typically 24% variability from the overall OH production rate trend in the two months leading up to the impact, and no dramatic increase in OH production in the days post-impact. Generally, the coma is well-described, within uncertainties, by a symmetric model with OH production rates from 1.6 to , and mean water outflow velocity of . At these low production rates, collisional quenching is expected to occur only within 20,000 km of the nucleus. However, our best-fit average quenching radius is 64,200 ± 22,000 km in April and May.  相似文献   

On 4 July 2005 at 5:52 UT the Deep Impact mission successfully completed its goal to hit the nucleus of 9P/Tempel 1 with an impactor, forming a crater on the nucleus and ejecting material into the coma of the comet. NASA's Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) observed the 110-101 ortho-water ground-state rotational transition in Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before, during, and after the impact. No excess emission from the impact was detected by SWAS and we derive an upper limit of 1.8×107 kg on the water ice evaporated by the impact. However, the water production rate of the comet showed large natural variations of more than a factor of three during the weeks before and after the impact. Episodes of increased activity with alternated with periods with low outgassing (). We estimate that 9P/Tempel 1 vaporized a total of N∼4.5×1034 water molecules (∼1.3×109 kg) during June-September 2005. Our observations indicate that only a small fraction of the nucleus of Tempel 1 appears to be covered with active areas. Water vapor is expected to emanate predominantly from topographic features periodically facing the Sun as the comet rotates. We calculate that appreciable asymmetries of these features could lead to a spin-down or spin-up of the nucleus at observable rates.  相似文献   

Comet 9P/Tempel 1 was the target of a multi-wavelength worldwide investigation in 2005. The NASA Deep Impact mission reached the comet on 4.24 July 2005, delivering a 370-kg impactor which hit the comet at 10.3 km s−1. Following this impact, a cloud of gas and dust was excavated from the comet nucleus. The comet was observed in 2005 prior to and after the impact, at 18-cm wavelength with the Nançay radio telescope, in the millimeter range with the IRAM and CSO radio telescopes, and at 557 GHz with the Odin satellite. OH observations at Nançay provided a 4-month monitoring of the outgassing of the comet from March to June, followed by the observation of H2O with Odin from June to August 2005. The peak of outgassing was found to be around between May and July. Observations conducted with the IRAM 30-m radio telescope in May and July 2005 resulted in detections of HCN, CH3OH and H2S with classical abundances relative to water (0.12, 2.7 and 0.5%, respectively). In addition, a variation of the HCN production rate with a period of 1.73±0.10 days was observed in May 2005, consistent with the 1.7-day rotation period of the nucleus. The phase of these variations, as well as those of CN seen in July by Jehin et al. [Jehin, E., Manfroid, J., Hutsemékers, D., Cochran, A.L., Arpigny, C., Jackson, W.M., Rauer, H., Schulz, R., Zucconi, J.-M., 2006. Astrophys. J. 641, L145-L148], is consistent with a rotation period of the nucleus of 1.715 days and a strong variation of the outgassing activity by a factor 3 from minimum to maximum. This also implies that the impact took place on the rising phase of the “natural” outgassing which reached its maximum ≈4 h after the impact. Post-impact observations at IRAM and CSO did not reveal a significant change of the outgassing rates and relative abundances, with the exception of CH3OH which may have been more abundant by up to one order of magnitude in the ejecta. Most other variations are linked to the intrinsic variability of the comet. The Odin satellite monitored nearly continuously the H2O line at 557 GHz during the 38 h following the impact on the 4th of July, in addition to weekly monitoring. Once the periodic variations related to the nucleus rotation are removed, a small increase of outgassing related to the impact is present, which corresponds to the release of ≈5000±2000 tons of water. Two other bursts of activity, also observed at other wavelengths, were seen on 23 June and 7 July; they correspond to even larger releases of gas.  相似文献   

The availability of new accurate radio flux densities of Jupiter in and around the λ?1.3 cm ammonia absorption band, one from ground-based radio data and five from the WMAP satellite, permits re-examination of the structure of the jovian upper troposphere. These flux densities, with accuracies of 1-3%, indicate that the jovian atmospheric ammonia is globally subsaturated within and above the ammonia cloud tops, 0.4 bar?P?0.6 bar, and subsolar (by a factor of 2) below the cloud base, 0.6 bar?P?2 bar.  相似文献   

The Deep Impact encounter with the Jupiter family Comet 9P/Tempel 1 on UT 2005 July 4 was observed at high spectral resolving power (λ/δλ∼25,000) using the cross-dispersed near-infrared echelle spectrometer (NIRSPEC) at Keck-2. We report the temporal evolution of parent volatiles and dust (simultaneously measured) resulting from the event. Column abundances are presented for H2O and C2H6 beginning 30 min prior to impact (T−30) and ending 50 min following impact (T+50), and for H2O and HCN from T+50 until T+96, in time steps of approximately 6 min post-impact. The ejecta composition was revealed by an abrupt increase in H2O and C2H6 near T+25. This showed C2H6/H2O to be higher than its pre-impact value by a factor 2.4±0.5, while HCN/H2O was unchanged within the uncertainty of the measurements. The mixing ratios for C2H6 and HCN in the ejecta agree with those found in the majority of Oort cloud comets, perhaps indicating a common region of formation. The expanding dust plume was tracked by continuum measurements, both through the 3.5-μm spectral continuum and through 2-μm images acquired with the SCAM slit-viewing camera, and each showed a monotonic increase in continuum intensity following impact. A Monte Carlo model that included dust opacity was applied to the dust coma, and its parameters were constrained by observations; the simulated continuum intensities reproduced both spectral and SCAM data. The relatively sudden appearance of the volatile ejecta signature is attributed to heating of icy grains (perhaps to a threshold temperature) that are decreasingly shadowed by intervening (sunward) dust particles in an optically thick ejecta plume, perhaps coupled with an accelerated decrease in dust optical depth near T+25.  相似文献   

Results of observations of the Galilean satellites during the week of the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter are reported. These observations have been carried out at the Pico dos Dias observatory, at Brasópolis, Brazil. The satellites's light flux was monitored with a photometer during the time of the predicted impact of fragments B, F, J and L. No conclusive flash was observed in any of the data adquired. This non-detection imposes an upper limit to the energy released during the impact of these fragments.Observations carried out at the Observatório do Pico dos Dias, operated by the Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica/CNPq/MCT, Brazil  相似文献   

Isotopic-geochemical investigations were carried out on peat samples from the 1908 Tunguska Cosmic Body (TCB) explosion area. We analyzed two peat columns from the Northern peat bog, sampled in 1998, and from the Raketka peat bog, sampled during the 1999 Italian expedition, both located near the epicenter of the TCB explosion area. At the depth of the “catastrophic” layer, formed in 1908, and deeper, one can observe shifts in the isotopic composition of nitrogen (up to Δ15N = +7.2‰) and carbon (up to Δ13C = +2‰) and also an increase in the nitrogen concentration compared to those in the normal, upper layers, unaffected by the Tunguska event. One possible explanation for these effects could be the presence of nitrogen and carbon from TCB material and from acid rains, following the TCB explosion, in the “catastrophic” and “precatastrophic” layers of peat. We found that the highest quantity of isotopically heavy nitrogen fell near the explosion epicenter and along the TCB trajectory. It is calculated that 200,000 tons of nitrogen fell over the area of devastated forest, i.e., only about 30% of the value calculated by Rasmussen et al. (1984). This discrepancy is probably caused by part of the nitrogen having dispersed in the Earth’s atmosphere. The isotopic effects observed in the peat agree with the results of previous investigations [Kolesnikov et al 1998a], [Kolesnikov et al 1998b], [Kolesnikov et al 1999] and [Rasmussen et al 1999] and also with the increased content of iridium and other platinoids found in the corresponding peat layers of other columns [Hou et al 1998] and [Hou et al 2000]. These data favor the hypothesis of a cosmochemical origin of the isotopic effects.  相似文献   

During 2006 March-2007 January, we used the IRAC and MIPS instruments on the Spitzer Space Telescope to study the infrared emission from the ensemble of fragments, meteoroids, and dust tails in the more than 3° wide 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 debris field. We also investigated contemporaneous ground-based and HST observations. In 2006 May, 55 fragments were detected in the Spitzer image. The wide spread of fragments along the comet’s orbit indicates they were formed from the 1995 splitting event. While the number of major fragments in the Spitzer image is similar to that seen from the ground by optical observers, the correspondence between the fragments with optical astrometry and those seen in the Spitzer images cannot be readily established, due either to strong non-gravitational terms, astrometric uncertainties, or transience of the fragments’ outgassing. The Spitzer data resolve the structure of the dust comae at a resolution of ∼1000 km, and they reveal the infrared emission due to large (mm to cm size) particles in a continuous dust trail that closely follows the projected orbit. We detect fluorescence from outflowing CO2 gas from the largest fragments (B and C), and we measure the CO2:H2O proportion (1:10 and 1:20, respectively). We use three dimensionless parameters to explain dynamics of the solid particles: the rocket parameter α is the reaction force from day-side sublimation divided by solar gravity, the radiation pressure parameter β is the force due to solar radiation pressure divided by solar gravity, and the ejection velocity parameter ν is the particle ejection speed divided by the orbital speed of the comet at the time of ejection. The major fragments have ν>α>β and are dominated by the kinetic energy imparted to them by the fragmentation process. The small, ephemeral fragments seen by HST in the tails of the major fragments have α>ν>β and are dominated by rocket forces (until they become devolatilized). The meteoroids along the projected orbit seen by Spitzer have βν?α and are dominated by radiation pressure and ejection velocity, though both influences are much less than gravity. Dust in the fragments’ tails has β?(ν+α) and is dominated by radiation pressure.  相似文献   

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