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In order to advance our understanding of the long-term stability of subsurface ice, the diurnal martian water cycle, and implications for liquid water, we determined diffusion coefficients and adsorption kinetics for the water vapor produced by the sublimation of ice buried beneath various layers of fine-grained (<63, 63-125, and 125-250 μm) basaltic powder under simulated martian conditions. Sublimation rates at shallower depths, <10 mm, were determined to be affected by mass transfer through the atmosphere in addition to the basalt layer. For greater depths, the measured diffusion coefficients for water vapor moving through basalt grains were 1.56±0.53×10−4, 2.05±0.82×10−4, and for the <63, 63-125, and 125-250 μm basaltic layers, respectively. Through the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) isotherm, which assumes multiple molecular layers of adsorbed water, we determined the adsorption constants of 52.6±8.3 at 270 K for <63 μm, 39.0±6.4 at 267 K for 63-125 μm, and 54.3±9.3 at 266 K for 125-250 μm, resulting in surface areas of 2.6±0.1×104, 1.7±0.3×104, , respectively. These results suggest that while diffusion is too rapid to explain the purported diurnal cycle in water content of the atmosphere, adsorption is efficient and rapid, and does provide an effective mechanism to explain such a cycle. The present diffusion data suggest that very thin, <50 pr μm, shallow, 10 mm, ice deposits would last for >10 h at ∼224 K, just above the freezing point of saturated CaCl2. Temperatures can remain above ∼224 K over most of the planet, which means that water, even as saturated brine, will sublimate before the freezing point is reached and liquid could be formed. On the other hand, 1 m ice layers below 1 m of fine-grained basaltic regolith at 235 K and 10 Pa of atmospheric water could last 600 to 1300 years. At deeper depths and lower temperatures, ice could last since the last major obliquity change 400,000 years ago.  相似文献   

We calculate new estimates of ground-ice stability and the depth distribution of the ice table (the depth boundary between ice-free soil above and ice-cemented soil below) and compare these theoretical estimates of the distribution of ground ice with the observed distribution of leakage neutrons measured by the Neutron Spectrometer instrument of the Mars Odyssey spacecraft's Gamma Ray Spectrometer instrument suite. Our calculated ground-ice distribution contains improvements over previous work in that we include the effects of the high thermal conductivity of ice-cemented soil at and below the ice table, we include the surface elevation dependence of the near-surface atmospheric humidity, and we utilize new high resolution maps of thermal inertia, albedo, and elevation from Mars Global Surveyor observations. Results indicate that ground ice should be about 5 times shallower than in previous predictions. While results are dependent on the atmospheric humidity, depths are generally between a few millimeters and a few meters with typical values of a few centimeters. Results are also geographically similar to previous predictions with differences due to the higher resolution of thermal inertia and the inclusion of elevation effects on humidity. Comparison with the measured epithermal-neutron count rates in the southern hemisphere indicate that the geographic distribution of the count rate is best correlated with ground ice in equilibrium with 10 to 20 pr μm (precipitable micrometers) column abundance of atmospheric water, assuming a uniform distribution with CO2; however, given the uncertainties, 5 to 30 pr μm also may be viable. This water abundance represents a longer-term average over 100 to 1000 yr. There is a high degree of correlation between the depth of the ice table and the epithermal count rate that agrees remarkably well with predicted count rates as a function of ice-table depth. These results indicate that ground ice in the upper meter of the martian soil is in diffusive equilibrium with the atmosphere. Since ground ice in this depth zone is expected to undergo saturation/desiccation cycles with orbital variations, this ice should be younger than about 500 kyr and was emplaced under similar cold and dry climate conditions of today. Remaining differences between the predicted depths of the ice table and those inferred from the neutron data are likely to be due to subpixel heterogeneity in the martian surface including the presence of rocks, slopes, and patches of soil with varying thermophysical properties.  相似文献   

Following the work of Kieffer and Titus (2001, Icarus 154, 162-180), we present results of thermal IR observations of Korolev crater, located at ∼73° latitude in the martian northern polar region. Similar to techniques employed by Titus et al. (2003, Science 299, 1048-1050), we use infrared images from the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) aboard Mars Odyssey to identify several regions within the crater basin with distinct thermal properties that correlate with topography. The THEMIS results show these regions exhibit temperature variations, spatially within the crater and throughout the martian year. In addition to the variations identified in the THEMIS observations, Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) observations show differences in albedo and temperature of these regions on both daily and seasonal cycles. Modeling annual temperature variations of the surface, we use TES observations to examine the thermal properties of these regions. This analysis reveals the crater interior deposits are likely thick layers (several meters) of high thermal inertia material (water ice, or extremely ice-rich regolith). Spatial variations of the physical properties of these regions are likely due to topography and possibly variations in the subsurface material itself. The nature of these deposits may help constrain polar processes, as well as provide context for the polar lander mission, Phoenix.  相似文献   

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   

Experimental studies related to the sublimation of ice, in bulk or as small particles, alone or mixed with dust similar to that expected on the surface of Mars, are reported. The experiments, a cloud physics particle sublimation model, and a convection model presented by Ingersoll, all indicate a strong dependence of sublimation rate on temperature, and this appears to be the dominant factor, assuming that the relative humidity of the air is fairly low. In addition the rate of loss of water vapour appears to depend primarily on exposed surface area and less on particle size and the total mass of the sample, or the mass of ice in the sample. The 2007/8 Phoenix Scout mission plans to obtain and analyse samples of sub-surface ice from about 70° N on Mars. A concern is that these samples, in the form of ice chips of size about 1 mm diameter, could be prone to sublimation when exposed for prolonged periods (many hours) to a relatively warm and dry atmosphere. Our laboratory simulations confirm that this could be a problem if particles are simply left lying on the surface, but also indicate that samples kept suitably cold and collected together in confined piles will survive long enough for the collection and delivery (to the analysis instruments) procedure to be completed.  相似文献   

Downward-looking spectra of the martian surface from the Miniature Thermal Emission spectrometer (Mini-TES), onboard each of the two Mars Exploration Rovers, are modeled in order to retrieve surface and near-surface atmospheric temperatures. By fitting the observed radiance in the vicinity of the 15-μm CO2 absorption feature, the surface temperature and the near-surface atmospheric temperature, approximately 1.1 m above the surface, are determined. The temperatures from the first 180 sols (martian days) of each surface mission are used to characterize the diurnal dependence of temperatures. The near-surface atmospheric temperatures are consistently 20 K cooler than the surface temperatures in the warmest part of each sol, which is 1300-1400 LTST (local true solar time) depending on the location. Seasonal cooling trends are seen in the data by displaying the temperatures as a function of sol. Long ground stares, 8.5 min in duration, show as much as 8 K fluctuation in the near-surface atmospheric temperatures during the early afternoon hours when the near-surface atmosphere is unstable.  相似文献   

The presence of pingos on Mars has been hypothesized since the period of the Viking mission. In fact, a diverse range of pingo-like features has been found at various martian sites including Elysium, Chryse and Utopia Planitiae in the northern lowlands. Due to the morphology and the geological setting, some of those features were interpreted in different ways, creating some controversies, as happened in Athabasca Valles. This reflects the complexity of interpreting these features by remote sensing and multiple plausible interpretations of the same feature. With the objective of identifying new possible pingos or rootless cones on Mars, we selected a study area in Utopia Planitia (10-55° N, 210-260° W) where the presence of both features is possible due to its geological history (volcanic and hydrological). We analyzed more than 2100 Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)-narrow angle images in addition to Viking, Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), and High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) images, together with Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA)-derived Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) with a Geographic Information System (GIS). We found in 94 MOC-narrow angle images dome, cone, and ring-shaped features. We analyzed them from morphological and morphometrical points of view in order to compare them with relevant features on Mars and Earth. We tested different possible origins for those features following the approach of multiple working hypotheses. We conclude that the dome, cone, and ring-shaped features could be pingos, which is in agreement with their geological settings. Regarding the driving heat source for the formation of the purported pingos, we propose the existence of a heat source, possibly a magma chamber, underneath the surface of the Utopia basin. Together with possible climatic shifts, the past activities of the heat source may have caused melting of ground ice. The pingo growth due to freezing of the water would have occurred during the following cold climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The evolution of the martian atmosphere with regard to its H2O inventory is influenced by thermal loss processes of H, H2, nonthermal atmospheric loss processes of H+, H2+, O, O+, CO2, and O2+ into space, as well as by chemical weathering of the surface soil. The evolution of thermal and nonthermal escape processes depend on the history of the intensity of the solar XUV radiation and the solar wind density. Thus, we use actual data from the observation of solar proxies with different ages from the Sun in Time program for reconstructing the Sun's radiation and particle environment from the present to 3.5 Gyr ago. The correlation between mass loss and X-ray surface flux of solar proxies follows a power law relationship, which indicates a solar wind density up to 1000 times higher at the beginning of the Sun's main sequence lifetime. For the study of various atmospheric escape processes we used a gas dynamic test particle model for the estimation of the pick up ion loss rates and considered pick up ion sputtering, as well as dissociative recombination. The loss of H2O from Mars over the last 3.5 Gyr was estimated to be equivalent to a global martian H2O ocean with a depth of about 12 m, which is smaller than the values reported by previous studies. If ion momentum transport, a process studied in detail by Mars Express is significant on Mars, the water loss may be enhanced by a factor of about 2. In our investigation we found that the sum of thermal and nonthermal atmospheric loss rates of H and all nonthermal escape processes of O to space are not compatible with a ratio of 2:1, and is currently close to about 20:1. Escape to space cannot therefore be the only sink for oxygen on Mars. Our results suggest that the missing oxygen (needed for the validation of the 2:1 ratio between H and O) can be explained by the incorporation into the martian surface by chemical weathering processes since the onset of intense oxidation about 2 Gyr ago. Based on the evolution of the atmosphere-surface-interaction on Mars, an overall global surface sink of about 2×1042 oxygen particles in the regolith can be expected. Because of the intense oxidation of inorganic matter, this process may have led to the formation of considerable amounts of sulfates and ferric oxides on Mars. To model this effect we consider several factors: (1) the amount of incorporated oxygen, (2) the inorganic composition of the martian soil and (3) meteoritic gardening. We show that the oxygen incorporation has also implications for the oxidant extinction depth, which is an important parameter to determine required sampling depths on Mars aimed at finding putative organic material. We found that the oxidant extinction depth is expected to lie in a range between 2 and 5 m for global mean values.  相似文献   

David Horne  Michael D. Smith 《Icarus》2009,200(1):118-128
The Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument has returned over 200 million thermal infrared spectra of Mars taken between March 1999 and August 2004. This represents one of the most complete records of spatial and temporal changes of the martian atmosphere ever recorded by an orbiting spacecraft. Previous reports of the standard TES retrieval of aerosol optical depth have been limited to those observations taken over surfaces with temperatures above 210 K, limiting the spatiotemporal coverage of Polar Regions with TES. Here, we present an extension to the standard TES retrieval that better models the effects of cold surfaces below 200 K. This modification allows aerosol optical depth to be retrieved from TES spectra over a greater spatiotemporal range than was previously possible, specifically in Polar Regions. This new algorithm is applied to the Polar Regions to show the seasonal variability in dust and ice optical depth for the complete temporal range of the TES database (Mars Year 24, Ls=104°, 1 March 1999 to Mars Year 24, Ls=82°, 31 August 2004).  相似文献   

There is much interest on the occurrence of water and ice in the past history of Mars. Because landslides on Mars are much better conserved than their terrestrial counterparts, a physical examination and morphological analysis can reveal significant details on the depositional environment at the instant of failure. A study of the landslides in Valles Marineris based on their physical aspect is presented and the velocity of the landslides is calculated with a stretching block model. The results show that the landslides were subject to strong basal lubrication that made them travel at high speed and to long distances. We use physical analysis to explore the four alternative possibilities that the natural lubricant of the landslides in Valles Marineris was either ice, deep water, a shallow carpet of water, or evaporites. Examination of the furrows present on the surface of the landslide deposits shows that either sub-surface ice or evaporites were likely present on the floor of Valles Marineris during the mass failures.  相似文献   

The proposed existence of magnetic lineations in the Terra Cimmeria and Terra Sirenum regions of Mars was initially explained by Earth-like sea-floor spreading. Here we argue instead that these lineations could have been formed at a convergent plate margin through collision and accretion of terranes. A similar process produced banded magnetic anomalies, similar in geometry and even in size to those in Earth's North American Cordillera. Because only sparse and generally weak anomalies have been detected in the martian northern lowlands, which could constitute an analog to the terrestrial oceanic crust, it is possible that the magnetic field stopped its activity while crustal recycling was still active in Mars.  相似文献   

The case for an ocean having once occupied the northern lowlands of Mars has largely been based indirectly on the debouching of the outflow channels into the lowlands, and directly on erosional features along the margins of the lowlands interpreted to be the result of wave action. Two global shorelines were previously mapped from albedo variation, embayment relationships, and scarps interpreted as coastal cliffs. However, not since the early, Viking-based studies, has there been a focused assessment of the presence or absence of coastal constructional landforms such as barrier ridges and spits, located on or near the mapped “shorelines.” Such constructional landforms are typically found in association with coastal erosional features on Earth, and therefore warrant a detailed search for their presence on Mars. All presently available THEMIS VIS and MOC NA images located on or near either of the two “shorelines,” within the Chryse Planitia/Arabia Terra region (10° to 44° N; 300° to 0° E) and the Isidis Planitia region (0° to 30° N; 70° to 105° E), were examined in search of any features that could reasonably be considered candidate coastal ridges. Additionally, raw MOLA profiles were used in conjunction with a technique developed from Differential Global Positioning System profiles across terrestrial paleo-shorelines, to search for coastal ridges throughout these same regions. Out of 447 THEMIS VIS and 735 MOC NA images examined, only four candidates are observed that are plausibly interpreted as coastal ridges; no candidate coastal ridges are observed in the MOLA profiles. This overwhelming paucity of candidate features suggests one of five possible scenarios in terms of the existence of standing bodies of water within the martian lowlands: (1) No ocean existed up to the level of either of the previously mapped “shorelines”; (2) An ocean existed, however wave action, the primary agent responsible for construction of coastal landforms, was minimal to non-existent; (3) An ocean existed, but sediment input was not significant enough to form coastal deposits; (4) An ocean existed, but readily froze, and over time sublimated; and lastly (5) An ocean existed and coastal landforms were constructed, but in the intervening time since their formation they have nearly all been eroded away.  相似文献   

We have found sorted stone circles and polygons near the equator of Mars, using new 25 cm/pixel NASA HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) images. The sorted circles occur in geologically recent catastrophic flood deposits in the equatorial Elysium Planitia region, and are diagnostic of periglacial processes: sorted polygons do not form from volcanic activity, as has been suggested for non-sorted polygons in this region. These landforms indicate that (i) a long-lived, geologically recent, active cryoturbation layer of ground ice was present in the regolith, (ii) there was some degree of freeze-thaw, and thus (iii) there were sustained period(s), likely within the last 10 Ma, in which the martian climate was 40 to 60 K warmer than current models predict.  相似文献   

Ralf Greve  Rupali A. Mahajan 《Icarus》2005,174(2):475-485
The evolution and dynamics of the north-polar cap (residual-ice-cap/layered-deposits complex) of Mars is simulated with a thermomechanical ice-sheet model. We consider a scenario with ice-free initial conditions at 5 Ma before present due to the large obliquities which prevailed prior to this time. The north-polar cap is then built up to its present shape, driven by a parameterized climate forcing (surface temperature, surface mass balance) based on the obliquity and eccentricity history. The effects of different ice rheologies and different dust contents are investigated. It is found that the build-up scenarios require an accumulation rate of approximately 0.15-0.2 mm a−1 at present. The topography evolution is essentially independent of the ice dynamics due to the slow ice flow. Owing to the uncertainties associated with the ice rheology and the dust content, flow velocities can only be predicted within a range of two orders of magnitude. Likely present values are of the order of 0.1-1 mm a−1, and a strong variation over the climatic cycles is found. For all cases, computed basal temperatures are far below pressure melting.  相似文献   

We use Viking and new MGS and Odyssey data to characterize the lobate deposits superimposed on aureole deposits along the west and northwest flanks of Olympus Mons, Mars. These features have previously been interpreted variously as landslide, pyroclastic, lava flow or glacial features on the basis of Viking images. The advent of multiple high-resolution image and topography data sets from recent spacecraft missions allow us to revisit these features and assess their origins. On the basis of these new data, we interpret these features as glacial deposits and the remnants of cold-based debris-covered glaciers that underwent multiple episodes of advance and retreat, occasionally interacting with extrusive volcanism from higher on the slopes of Olympus Mons. We subdivide the deposits into fifteen distinctive lobes. Typical lobes begin at a theater-like alcove in the escarpment at the base of Olympus Mons, interpreted to be former ice-accumulation zones, and extend outward as a tongue-shaped or fan-shaped deposit. The surface of a typical lobe contains (moving outward from the basal escarpment): a chaotic facies of disorganized hillocks, interpreted as sublimation till in the accumulation zone; arcuate-ridged facies characterized by regular, subparallel ridges and interpreted as the ridges of surface debris formed by the flow of underlying ice; and marginal ridges interpreted as local terminal moraines. Several lobes also contain a hummocky facies toward their margins that is interpreted as a distinctive type of sublimation till shaped by structural dislocations and preferential loss of ice. Blocky units are found extending from the escarpment onto several lobes; these units are interpreted as evidence of lava-ice interaction and imply that ice was present at a time of eruptive volcanic activity higher on the slopes of Olympus Mons. Other than minor channel-like features in association with lava-ice interactions, we find no evidence for the flow of liquid water in association with these lobate features that might suggest: (1) near-surface groundwater as a source for ice in the alcoves in the lobe source region at the base of the scarp, or (2) basal melting and drainage emanating from the lobes that might indicate wet-based glacial conditions. Instead, the array of features is consistent with cold-based glacial processes. The glacial interpretations outlined here are consistent with recent geological evidence for low-latitude ice-rich features at similar positions on the Tharsis Montes as well as with orbital dynamic and climate models indicating extensive snow and ice accumulation associated with episodes of increased obliquity during the Late Amazonian period of the history of Mars.  相似文献   

There is now widespread agreement that the surface of Mars underwent some degree of fluvial modification, but there is not yet full understanding of its surface hydrological cycle and the nature of standing bodies of water, rivers, and precipitation that affected its surface. In this paper we explore Erythraea Fossa (31.5 W, 27.3 S), a graben adjacent to Holden crater, which exhibits strong evidence that it once housed a chain of three lakes, had overland water flow, and was subject to precipitation. The inlet valley, outlet valley, and fan morphologies in the paleolakes are used to qualitatively discern the hydrologic history of the paleolakes; based on topography constraints, the three basins combined once held 56 km3 of water. Depositional features within the basins that change with drainage area and nearby valleys that start near drainage divides indicate that the paleolakes may have been fed by precipitation driven runoff. This suggests the presence of an atmosphere, at least locally, that was capable of supporting a hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Polygonal crack systems with domal microrelief imaged by the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity show remarkable similarity to terrestrial crack systems developed on outcrop surfaces. Study of Jurassic Navajo Sandstone surfaces show development of crack systems in relatively isotropic host rock as a result of tensile weathering stresses. These terrestrial analogs are utilized to understand potential weathering processes on Mars.  相似文献   

The North Polar Layered Deposits (PLD) of Mars are climatologically significant because they represent the largest actively-exchanging reservoir of martian water. The kilometer-scale topography of the North PLD is dominated by troughs and scarps, which exhibit highly-correlated surface slopes and total depths. The most widespread theories of PLD evolution presume that the asymmetrical nature of North PLD troughs (characterized by equatorward-facing slopes that are generally steeper than poleward-facing slopes) is the result of preferential H2O sublimation from equatorward-facing trough walls. However, our orbitally-modulated simulations indicate that there is no long-term sublimation advantage of equatorward-facing trough walls, because of the effects of obliquity upon the slope dependence of sublimation rate. In contrast, we propose that viscous relaxation of subsurface water is consistent with the slope and depth distributions of North PLD troughs and scarps. The results of our finite element simulations suggest that a mere 2 K difference in the subsurface temperatures of opposing trough walls is sufficient to produce the observed slope disparity, due to the slower rate of uplift of colder poleward-facing trough walls. Both our sublimation and relaxation simulations indicate that present-day North PLD troughs have formed since 5 Ma and are not sites of long-term deposition; additionally, our results imply that glacial flow may govern the large-scale evolution of the North PLD, especially at high obliquity.  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt to answer the question, how formation of a small-scale trench in the martian regolith affects local distribution of the subsurface ice. We are especially interested in the consequences of digging a trench to search for buried ice, as has been done during the Phoenix Mars Lander mission. However, the results may be also applicable for natural troughs, or cracks. We present results of simulations of diurnal exchange of water between the regolith and the atmosphere. Our model includes the heat and vapor migration in the regolith surrounding the trench, as well as formation of diurnal frost. We take into account scattering of light in the atmosphere and on the trench facets, as well as changes of atmospheric humidity on diurnal and seasonal time scales. Our calculations show, that the measurements of ice content in a sample obtained within one, or two days from the beginning of digging should not be affected. However, on somewhat longer time scale at the south facing site of the trench the regolith can be significantly depleted from ice. This effect should be taken into account if the excavation and taking samples from different depths will be performed in stages separated in time by a month, or more.  相似文献   

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