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We have investigated the abundances of Titan's stratospheric oxygen compounds using 0.5 cm−1 resolution spectra from the Composite Infrared Spectrometer on the Cassini orbiter. The CO abundance was derived for several observations of far-infrared nadir spectra, taken at a range of latitudes (75° S-35° N) and emission angles (0°-60°), using rotational lines that have not been analysed before the arrival of Cassini at Saturn. The derived volume mixing ratios for the different observations are mutually consistent regardless of latitude. The weighted mean CO volume mixing ratio is 47±8 ppm if CO is assumed to be uniform with latitude. H2O could not be detected and an upper limit of 0.9 ppb was determined. CO2 abundances derived from mid-infrared nadir spectra show no significant latitudinal variations, with typical values of 16±2 ppb. Mid-infrared limb spectra at 55° S were used to constrain the vertical profile of CO2 for the first time. A vertical CO2 profile that is constant above the condensation level at a volume mixing ratio of 15 ppb reproduces the limb spectra very well below 200 km. This is consistent with the long chemical lifetime of CO2 in Titan's stratosphere. Above 200 km the CO2 volume mixing ratio is not well constrained and an increase with altitude cannot be ruled out there.  相似文献   

A strong, broad spectral emission feature at 85° N latitude centered at 221 cm−1 remains unidentified after candidate ices of H2O and pure crystalline CH3CH2CN are unambiguously ruled out. A much shallower weak emission feature starts at 160 cm−1 and blends into the strong feature at ∼190 cm−1. This feature is consistent with one formed by an HCN ice cloud composed of ?5 μm radius particles that resides in the lower stratosphere somewhere below an altitude of 160 km. Titan's stratospheric aerosol appears to have a spectral emission feature at about 148 cm−1. The aerosol abundance at 85° N is about a factor 2.2 greater than at 55° S.  相似文献   

Mid- and far-infrared spectra from the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) have been used to determine volume mixing ratios of nitriles in Titan's atmosphere. HCN, HC3N, C2H2, and temperature were derived from 2.5 cm−1 spectral resolution mid-IR mapping sequences taken during three flybys, which provide almost complete global coverage of Titan for latitudes south of 60° N. Three 0.5 cm−1 spectral resolution far-IR observations were used to retrieve C2N2 and act as a check on the mid-IR results for HCN. Contribution functions peak at around 0.5-5 mbar for temperature and 0.1-10 mbar for the chemical species, well into the stratosphere. The retrieved mixing ratios of HCN, HC3N, and C2N2 show a marked increase in abundance towards the north, whereas C2H2 remains relatively constant. Variations with longitude were much smaller and are consistent with high zonal wind speeds. For 90°-20° S the retrieved HCN abundance is fairly constant with a volume mixing ratio of around 1 × 10−7 at 3 mbar. More northerly latitudes indicate a steady increase, reaching around 4 × 10−7 at 60° N, where the data coverage stops. This variation is consistent with previous measurements and suggests subsidence over the northern (winter) pole at approximately 2 × 10−4 m s−1. HC3N displays a very sharp increase towards the north pole, where it has a mixing ratio of around 4 × 10−8 at 60° N at the 0.1-mbar level. The difference in gradient for the HCN and HC3N latitude variations can be explained by HC3N's much shorter photochemical lifetime, which prevents it from mixing with air at lower latitude. It is also consistent with a polar vortex which inhibits mixing of volatile rich air inside the vortex with that at lower latitudes. Only one observation was far enough north to detect significant amounts of C2N2, giving a value of around 9 × 10−10 at 50° N at the 3-mbar level.  相似文献   

R. de Kok  P.G.J. Irwin  N.A. Teanby 《Icarus》2008,197(2):572-578
In Titan's north polar region stratospheric clouds are expected to form due to a combination of low temperatures and downward motion of volatile-enriched air. Here we investigate possible sources of stratospheric clouds at Titan's pole using data from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer and a simple condensation model. An upper limit for C4N2 gas was determined to be 9×10−9, which is less than required to make the C4N2 cloud at the Voyager epoch. Hence, the presence of this cloud after equinox remains a mystery. The largest cloud seen in far-infrared spectra has a feature around 220 cm−1 and is located around an altitude of 140 km. The upper limit for propionitrile (C2H5CN) gas shows that the feature around 220 cm−1 is probably not due to pure propionitrile ice. Instead, our model calculations show that HCN should cause by far the largest cloud around 140 km. We therefore propose that HCN ice plays an important role in the formation of the massive polar cloud, because of the unavailability of sufficient condensable gas other than HCN to produce a strong enough condensate feature. However, the signature at 220 cm−1 is not consistent with that of pure HCN ice at 172 cm−1 and mixing of HCN ice with other ices, or chemical alteration of HCN ice might mask the HCN ice signature.  相似文献   

Four broad spectral features were identified in far-infrared limb spectra from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS), two of which have not been identified before. The features are broader than the spectral resolution, which suggests that they are caused by particulates in Titan's stratosphere. We derive here the spectral properties and variations with altitude for these four features for six latitudes between 65° S and 85° N. Titan's main aerosol is called Haze 0 here. It is present at all wavenumbers in the far-infrared and is found to have a fractional scale height (i.e., the aerosol density scale height divided by the atmospheric density scale height) between 1.5 and 1.7 with a small increase in opacity in the north. A second feature around 140 cm−1 (Haze A) has similar spatial properties to Haze 0, but has a smaller fractional scale height of 1.2-1.3. Both Haze 0 and Haze A show an increase in retrieved abundance below 100 km. Two other features (Haze B around 220 cm−1 and Haze C around 190 cm−1) have a large maximum in their density profiles at 140 and 90 km, respectively. Haze B is much more abundant in the northern hemisphere compared to the southern hemisphere. Haze C also shows a large increase towards the north, but then disappears at 85° N.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Titan's stratosphere is discussed in this study, based on a comparison between observations by the CIRS instrument on board the Cassini spacecraft, and results of the 2-dimensional circulation model developed at the Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace, available at http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/titanDbase [Rannou, P., Lebonnois, S., Hourdin, F., Luz, D., 2005. Adv. Space Res. 36, 2194-2198]. The comparison aims at both evaluating the model's capabilities and interpreting the observations concerning: (1) dynamical and thermal structure using temperature retrievals from Cassini/CIRS and the vertical profile of zonal wind at the Huygens landing site obtained by Huygens/DWE; and (2) vertical and latitudinal profiles of stratospheric gases deduced from Cassini/CIRS data. The modeled thermal structure is similar to that inferred from observations (Cassini/CIRS and Earth-based observations). However, the upper stratosphere (above 0.05 mbar) is systematically too hot in the 2D-CM, and therefore the stratopause region is not well represented. This bias may be related to the haze structure and to misrepresented radiative effects in this region, such as the cooling effect of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The 2D-CM produces a strong atmospheric superrotation, with zonal winds reaching 200 m s−1 at high winter latitudes between 200 and 300 km altitude (0.1-1 mbar). The modeled zonal winds are in good agreement with retrieved wind fields from occultation observations, Cassini/CIRS and Huygens/DWE. Changes to the thermal structure are coupled to changes in the meridional circulation and polar vortex extension, and therefore affect chemical distributions, especially in winter polar regions. When a higher altitude haze production source is used, the resulting modeled meridional circulation is weaker and the vertical and horizontal mixing due to the polar vortex is less extended in latitude. There is an overall good agreement between modeled chemical distributions and observations in equatorial regions. The difference in observed vertical gradients of C2H2 and HCN may be an indicator of the relative strength of circulation and chemical loss of HCN. The negative vertical gradient of ethylene in the low stratosphere at 15° S, cannot be modeled with simple 1-dimensional models, where a strong photochemical sink in the middle stratosphere would be necessary. It is explained here by dynamical advection from the winter pole towards the equator in the low stratosphere and by the fact that ethylene does not condense. Near the winter pole (80° N), some compounds (C4H2, C3H4) exhibit an (interior) minimum in the observed abundance vertical profiles, whereas 2D-CM profiles are well mixed all along the atmospheric column. This minimum can be a diagnostic of the strength of the meridional circulation, and of the spatial extension of the winter polar vortex where strong descending motions are present. In the summer hemisphere, observed stratospheric abundances are uniform in latitude, whereas the model maintains a residual enrichment over the summer pole from the spring cell due to a secondary meridional overturning between 1 and 50 mbar, at latitudes south of 40-50° S. The strength, as well as spatial and temporal extensions of this structure are a difficulty, that may be linked to possible misrepresentation of horizontally mixing processes, due to the restricted 2-dimensional nature of the model. This restriction should also be kept in mind as a possible source of other discrepancies.  相似文献   

We have analyzed data recorded by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) aboard the Cassini spacecraft during the Titan flybys T0-T10 (July 2004-January 2006). The spectra characterize various regions on Titan from 70° S to 70° N with a variety of emission angles. We study the molecular signatures observed in the mid-infrared CIRS detector arrays (FP3 and FP4, covering roughly the 600-1500 cm−1 spectral range with apodized resolutions of 2.54 or 0.53 cm−1). The composite spectrum shows several molecular signatures: hydrocarbons, nitriles and CO2. A firm detection of benzene (C6H6) is provided by CIRS at levels of about 3.5×10−9 around 70° N. We have used temperature profiles retrieved from the inversion of the emission observed in the methane ν4 band at 1304 cm−1 and a line-by-line radiative transfer code to infer the abundances of the trace constituents and some of their isotopes in Titan's stratosphere. No longitudinal variations were found for these gases. Little or no change is observed generally in their abundances from the south to the equator. On the other hand, meridional variations retrieved for these trace constituents from the equator to the North ranged from almost zero (no or very little meridional variations) for C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4 and CO2 to a significant enhancement at high northern (early winter) latitudes for HCN, HC3N, C4H2, C3H4 and C6H6. For the more important increases in the northern latitudes, the transition occurs roughly between 30 and 50 degrees north latitude, depending on the molecule. Note however that the very high-northern latitude results from tours TB-T10 bear large uncertainties due to few available data and problems with latitude smearing effects. The observed variations are consistent with some, but not all, of the predictions from dynamical-photochemical models. Constraints are set on the vertical distribution of C2H2, found to be compatible with 2-D equatorial predictions by global circulation models. The D/H ratio in the methane on Titan has been determined from the CH3D band at 1156 cm−1 and found to be . Implications of this deuterium enrichment, with respect to the protosolar abundance on the origin of Titan, are discussed. We compare our results with values retrieved by Voyager IRIS observations taken in 1980, as well as with more recent (1997) disk-averaged Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) results and with the latest Cassini-Huygens inferences from other instruments in an attempt to better comprehend the physical phenomena on Titan.  相似文献   

We use five and one-half years of limb- and nadir-viewing temperature mapping observations by the Composite Infrared Radiometer-Spectrometer (CIRS) on the Cassini Saturn orbiter, taken between July 2004 and December 2009 (LS from 293° to 4°; northern mid-winter to just after northern spring equinox), to monitor temperature changes in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere of Titan. The largest changes are in the northern (winter) polar stratopause, which has declined in temperature by over 20 K between 2005 and 2009. Throughout the rest of the mid to upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere, temperature changes are less than 5 K. In the southern hemisphere, temperatures in the middle stratosphere near 1 mbar increased by 1-2 K from 2004 through early 2007, then declined by 2-4 K throughout 2008 and 2009, with the changes being larger at more polar latitudes. Middle stratospheric temperatures at mid-northern latitudes show a small 1-2 K increase from 2005 through 2009. At north polar latitudes within the polar vortex, temperatures in the middle stratosphere show a ∼4 K increase during 2007, followed by a comparable decrease in temperatures in 2008 and into early 2009. The observed temperature changes in the north polar region are consistent with a weakening of the subsidence within the descending branch of the middle atmosphere meridional circulation.  相似文献   

Mid-infrared limb spectra in the range 600-1400 cm−1 taken with the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) on-board the Cassini spacecraft were used to determine vertical profiles of HCN, HC3N, C2H2, and temperature in Titan's atmosphere. Both high (0.5 cm−1) and low (13.5 cm−1) spectral resolution data were used. The 0.5 cm−1 data gave profiles at four latitudes and the 13.5 cm−1 data gave almost complete latitudinal coverage of the atmosphere. Both datasets were found to be consistent with each other. High temperatures in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere were observed at Titan's northern winter pole and were attributed to adiabatic heating in the subsiding branch of a meridional circulation cell. On the other hand, the lower stratosphere was much colder in the north than at the equator, which can be explained by the lack of solar radiation and increased IR emission from volatile enriched air. HC3N had a vertical profile consistent with previous ground based observations at southern and equatorial latitudes, but was massively enriched near the north pole. This can also be explained in terms of subsidence at the winter pole. A boundary observed at 60° N between enriched and un-enriched air is consistent with a confining polar vortex at 60° N and HC3N's short lifetime. In the far north, layers were observed in the HC3N profile that were reminiscent of haze layers observed by Cassini's imaging cameras. HCN was also enriched over the north pole, which gives further evidence for subsidence. However, the atmospheric cross section obtained from 13.5 cm−1 data indicated a HCN enriched layer at 200-250 km, extending into the southern hemisphere. This could be interpreted as advection of polar enriched air towards the south by a meridional circulation cell. This is observed for HCN but not for HC3N due to HCN's longer photochemical lifetime. C2H2 appears to have a uniform abundance with altitude and is not significantly enriched in the north. This is consistent with observations from previous CIRS analysis that show increased abundances of nitriles and hydrocarbons but not C2H2 towards the north pole.  相似文献   

We have analyzed infrared spectra of Titan recorded by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) to measure the isotopic ratio 12C/13C in each of three chemical species in Titan's stratosphere: CH4, C2H2 and C2H6. This is the first measurement of 12C/13C in any C2 molecule on Titan, and the first measurement of 12CH4/13CH4 (non-deuterated) on Titan by remote sensing. Our spectra cover five widely-spaced latitudes, 65° S to 71° N and we have searched for both latitude variability of 12C/13C within a given species, and also for differences between the 12C/13C in the three gases. For CH4 alone, we find (1-σ), essentially in agreement with the 12CH4/13CH4 measured by the Huygens Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer instrument (GCMS) [Niemann, H.B., and 17 colleagues, 2005. Nature 438, 779-784]: 82.3±1.0, and also with measured values in H13CN and 13CH3D by CIRS at lower precision [Bézard, B., Nixon, C., Kleiner, I., Jennings, D., 2007. Icarus 191, 397-400; Vinatier, S., Bézard, B., Nixon, C., 2007. Icarus 191, 712-721]. For the C2 species, we find in C2H2 and 89.8±7.3 in C2H6, a possible trend of increasingly value with molecular mass, although these values are both compatible with the Huygens GCMS value to within error bars. There are no convincing trends in latitude. Combining all fifteen measurements, we obtain a value of , also compatible with GCMS. Therefore, the evidence is mounting that 12C/13C is some 8% lower on Titan than on the Earth (88.9, inorganic standard), and lower than typical for the outer planets (88±7 [Sada, P.V., McCabe, G.H., Bjoraker, G.L., Jennings, D.E., Reuter, D.C., 1996. Astrophys. J. 472, 903-907]). There is no current model for this enrichment, and we discuss several mechanisms that may be at work.  相似文献   

The Composite Infrared Radiometer-Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument, on the NASA Cassini Saturn orbiter, has been acquiring thermal emission spectra from the atmosphere of Titan since orbit insertion in 2004. Observation sequences for measuring stratospheric temperatures have been obtained using both a nadir mapping mode and a limb viewing mode. The limb observations give better vertical resolution, and give information from higher altitudes, while the nadir observations provide more complete longitude coverage. Because the scale height of Titan's atmosphere is large enough so that emission from a grazing ray is influenced by horizontal temperature variations in the atmosphere, we have developed a two-dimensional temperature retrieval algorithm for reducing the limb spectra, which solves simultaneously for meridional and vertical temperature variations. The analyzed nadir mapping data have sampled nearly all longitudes at latitudes from about 90° S to 60° N, providing temperatures between pressure levels of about 5 to 0.2 mbar. The limb data covers latitudes between about 75° S and 85° N, and yields temperatures between about 1 and 0.005 mbar, at a small number of longitudes. The retrieved temperatures are consistent with early results from nadir observations [Flasar, F.M., and 44 colleagues, 2005. Science 308, 975-978] between 0.5 and 5 mbar where both results are valid, with the warmest temperatures at the equator, and much stronger meridional temperature gradients in the northern (winter) hemisphere than in the southern. At higher altitudes not probed by nadir viewing, the limb data reveal that the stratopause is nearly 20 K warmer in the northern polar regions than at the equator and southern hemisphere, and that the altitude of the stratopause shifts from ≈0.1 mbar (300 km) near the equator to 0.01 mbar (400 km) poleward of about 40° N. When the gradient wind equation is used to construct a zonal mean wind, the reversal in sign of the temperature leads to capping of the winter westerly flow. The core of the resulting jet is about 190 m s−1 in magnitude, spans between 30° N and 60° N, and peaks near 0.1 mbar. Estimates of the radiative heating associated with the radiative disequilibrium lead to a meridional overturning timescale of about three Earth years.  相似文献   

Far-IR (25-50 μm, 200-400 cm−1) nadir and limb spectra measured during Cassini's four year prime mission by the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument have been used to determine the abundances of cyanogen (C2N2), methylacetylene (C3H4), and diacetylene (C4H2) in Titan's stratosphere as a function of latitude. All three gases are enriched at northern latitudes, consistent with north polar subsidence. C4H2 abundances agree with those derived previously from mid-IR data, but C3H4 abundances are about 2 times lower, suggesting a vertical gradient or incorrect band intensities in the C3H4 spectroscopic data. For the first time C2N2 was detected at southern and equatorial latitudes with an average volume mixing ratio of 5.5±1.4×10−11 derived from limb data (>3-σ significance). This limb result is also corroborated by nadir data, which give a C2N2 volume mixing ratio of 6±3×10−11 (2-σ significance) or alternatively a 3-σ upper limit of 17×10−11. Comparing these figures with photochemical models suggests that galactic cosmic rays may be an important source of N2 dissociation in Titan's stratosphere. Like other nitriles (HCN, HC3N), C2N2 displays greater north polar relative enrichment than hydrocarbons with similar photochemical lifetimes, suggesting an additional loss mechanism for all three of Titan's main nitrile species. Previous studies have suggested that HCN requires an additional sink process such as incorporation into hazes. This study suggests that such a sink may also be required for Titan's other nitrile species.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an in-depth study of the distributions of various neutral species in Titan's upper atmosphere, between 950 and 1500 km for abundant species (N2, CH4, H2) and between 950 and 1200 km for other minor species. Our analysis is based on a large sample of Cassini/INMS (Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer) measurements in the CSN (Closed Source Neutral) mode, obtained during 15 close flybys of Titan. To untangle the overlapping cracking patterns, we adopt Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to determine simultaneously the densities of different species. Except for N2, CH4, H2 and 40Ar (as well as their isotopes), all species present density enhancements measured during the outbound legs. This can be interpreted as a result of wall effects, which could be either adsorption/desorption of these molecules or heterogeneous surface chemistry of the associated radicals on the chamber walls. In this paper, we provide both direct inbound measurements assuming ram pressure enhancement only and abundances corrected for wall adsorption/desorption based on a simple model to reproduce the observed time behavior. Among all minor species of photochemical interest, we have firm detections of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CH3C2H, C4H2, C6H6, CH3CN, HC3N, C2N2 and NH3 in Titan's upper atmosphere. Upper limits are given for other minor species.The globally averaged distributions of N2, CH4 and H2 are each modeled with the diffusion approximation. The N2 profile suggests an average thermospheric temperature of 151 K. The CH4 and H2 profiles constrain their fluxes to be and , referred to Titan's surface. Both fluxes are significantly higher than the Jeans escape values. The INMS data also suggest horizontal/diurnal variations of temperature and neutral gas distribution in Titan's thermosphere. The equatorial region, the ramside, as well as the nightside hemisphere of Titan appear to be warmer and present some evidence for the depletion of light species such as CH4. Meridional variations of some heavy species are also observed, with a trend of depletion toward the north pole. Though some of the above variations might be interpreted by either the solar-driven models or auroral-driven models, a physical scenario that reconciles all the observed horizontal/diurnal variations in a consistent way is still missing. With a careful evaluation of the effect of restricted sampling, some of the features shown in the INMS data are more likely to be observational biases.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared spectra of Saturn from 10-1400 cm−1 at 15 cm−1 spectral resolution and a spatial resolution of 1°-2° latitude have been obtained by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer [Flasar, F.M., and 44 colleagues, 2004. Space Sci. Rev. 115, 169-297]. Many thousands of spectra, acquired over eighteen-months of observations, are analysed using an optimal estimation retrieval code [Irwin, P.G.J., Parrish, P., Fouchet, T., Calcutt, S.B., Taylor, F.W., Simon-Miller, A.A., Nixon, C.A., 2004. Icarus 172, 37-49] to retrieve the temperature structure and para-hydrogen distribution over Saturn's northern (winter) and southern (summer) hemispheres. The vertical temperature structure is analysed in detail to study seasonal asymmetries in the tropopause height (65-90 mbar), the location of the radiative-convective boundary (350-500 mbar), and the variation with latitude of a temperature knee (between 150 and 300 mbar) which was first observed in inversions of Voyager/IRIS spectra [Hanel, R., and 15 colleagues, 1981. Science 212, 192-200; Hanel, R., Conrath, B., Flasar, F.M., Kunde, V., Maguire, W., Pearl, J.C., Pirraglia, J., Samuelson, R., Cruikshank, D.P., Gautier, D., Gierasch, P.J., Horn, L., Ponnamperuma, C., 1982. Science 215, 544-548]. Uncertainties due to both the modelling of spectral absorptions (collision-induced absorption coefficients, tropospheric hazes, helium abundance) and the nature of our retrieval algorithm are quantified.Temperatures in the stratosphere near 1 mbar show a 25-30 K temperature difference between the north pole and south pole. This asymmetry becomes less pronounced with depth as the radiative time constant for the atmospheric response increases at deeper pressure levels. Hemispherically-symmetric small-scale temperature structures associated with zonal winds are superimposed onto the temperature asymmetry for pressures greater than 100 mbar. The para-hydrogen fraction in the 100-400 mbar range is greater than equilibrium predictions for the southern hemisphere and parts of the northern hemisphere, and less than equilibrium predictions polewards of 40° N.The temperature knee between 150-300 mbar is larger in the summer hemisphere than in the winter, smaller and higher at the equator, deeper and larger in the equatorial belts and small at the poles. Solar heating on tropospheric haze is proposed as a possible mechanism for this effect; the increased efficiency of ortho- to para-hydrogen conversion in the southern hemisphere is consistent with the presence of larger aerosols in the summer hemisphere, which we demonstrate to be qualitatively consistent with previous studies of Saturn's tropospheric aerosol distribution.  相似文献   

D Luz  F Hourdin 《Icarus》2003,166(2):328-342
We present a numerical study of barotropic waves in Titan's stratosphere based on a shallow-water model. The forcing of the zonal flow by the mean meridional circulation is represented by a relaxation towards a barotropically unstable wind profile. The relaxation profile is consistent with observations and with previous results from a 3D general circulation model. The time constant of the forcing that best matches the northward eddy-transport of zonal momentum from the 3D model is τ∼5 Titan days. The eddy wind field is a zonal wavenumber-2 wave with a peak amplitude about 10% of the mean wind speed. The latitudinal transport of angular momentum by the wave tends to keep the flow close to marginal stability by carrying momentum upgradient, from the core of the jets into the low latitudes. Although the strongest eddy motions occur at the latitudes of the wind maxima, the strongest mixing takes place at the barotropically unstable regions, close to ±30° and spanning about 30° in latitude. An eddy-mixing time constant of the order of 1 Titan day is inferred within these regions, and of a few tens of days within regions of stable flow. Horizontal gradients in transient tracer fields are less than 10% of the latitudinal gradient of the meridional tracer profile. Cassini's detection of such waves could provide a direct observation of wind speeds at stratospheric levels.  相似文献   

D. Luz  F. Hourdin  S. Lebonnois 《Icarus》2003,166(2):343-358
We present a 2D general circulation model of Titan's atmosphere, coupling axisymmetric dynamics with haze microphysics, a simplified photochemistry and eddy mixing. We develop a parameterization of latitudinal eddy mixing by barotropic waves based on a shallow-water, longitude-latitude model. The parameterization acts locally and in real time both on passive tracers and momentum. The mixing coefficient varies exponentially with a measure of the barotropic instability of the mean zonal flow. The coupled GCM approximately reproduces the Voyager temperature measurements and the latitudinal contrasts in the distributions of HCN and C2H2, as well as the main features of the zonal wind retrieved from the 1989 stellar occultation. Wind velocities are consistent with the observed reversal time of the North-South albedo asymmetry of 5 terrestrial years. Model results support the hypothesis of a non-uniform distribution of infrared opacity as the cause of the Voyager temperature asymmetry. Transport by the mean meridional circulation, combined with polar vortex isolation may be at the origin of the latitudinal contrasts of trace species, with eddy mixing remaining restricted to low latitudes most of the Titan year. We interpret the contrasts as a signature of non-axisymmetric motions.  相似文献   

The global distribution of phosphine (PH3) on Jupiter and Saturn is derived using 2.5 cm−1 spectral resolution Cassini/CIRS observations. We extend the preliminary PH3 analyses on the gas giants [Irwin, P.G.J., and 6 colleagues, 2004. Icarus 172, 37-49; Fletcher, L.N., and 9 colleagues, 2007a. Icarus 188, 72-88] by (a) incorporating a wider range of Cassini/CIRS datasets and by considering a broader spectral range; (b) direct incorporation of thermal infrared opacities due to tropospheric aerosols and (c) using a common retrieval algorithm and spectroscopic line database to allow direct comparison between these two gas giants.The results suggest striking similarities between the tropospheric dynamics in the 100-1000 mbar regions of the giant planets: both demonstrate enhanced PH3 at the equator, depletion over neighbouring equatorial belts and mid-latitude belt/zone structures. Saturn's polar PH3 shows depletion within the hot cyclonic polar vortices. Jovian aerosol distributions are consistent with previous independent studies, and on Saturn we demonstrate that CIRS spectra are most consistent with a haze in the 100-400 mbar range with a mean optical depth of 0.1 at 10 μm. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn's tropospheric haze shows a hemispherical asymmetry, being more opaque in the southern summer hemisphere than in the north. Thermal-IR haze opacity is not enhanced at Saturn's equator as it is on Jupiter.Small-scale perturbations to the mean PH3 abundance are discussed both in terms of a model of meridional overturning and parameterisation as eddy mixing. The large-scale structure of the PH3 distributions is likely to be related to changes in the photochemical lifetimes and the shielding due to aerosol opacities. On Saturn, the enhanced summer opacity results in shielding and extended photochemical lifetimes for PH3, permitting elevated PH3 levels over Saturn's summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

High spectral resolution observations from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer [Flasar, F.M., and 44 colleagues, 2004. Space Sci. Rev. 115, 169-297] are analysed to derive new estimates for the mole fractions of CH4, CH3D and 13CH4 of (4.7±0.2)×10−3, (3.0±0.2)×10−7 and (5.1±0.2)×10−5 respectively. The mole fractions show no hemispherical asymmetries or latitudinal variability. The analysis combines data from the far-IR methane rotational lines and the mid-IR features of methane and its isotopologues, using both the correlated-k retrieval algorithm of Irwin et al. [Irwin, P., and 9 colleagues, 2008. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 109, 1136-1150] and a line-by-line approach to evaluate the reliability of the retrieved quantities. C/H was found to be enhanced by 10.9±0.5 times the solar composition of Grevesse et al. [Grevesse, N., Asplund, M., Sauval, A., 2007. Space Sci. Rev. 130 (1), 105-114], 2.25±0.55 times larger than the enrichment on Jupiter, and supporting the increasing fractional core mass with distance from the Sun predicted by the core accretion model of planetary formation. A comparison of the jovian and saturnian C/N, C/S and C/P ratios suggests different reservoirs of the trapped volatiles in a primordial solar nebula whose composition varies with distance from the Sun. This is supported by our derived D/H ratio in methane of (1.6±0.2)×10−5, which appears to be smaller than the jovian value of Lellouch et al. [Lellouch, E., Bézard, B., Fouchet, T., Feuchtgruber, H., Encrenaz, T., de Graauw, T., 2001. Astron. Astrophys. 370, 610-622]. Mid-IR emission features provided an estimate of , which is consistent with both the terrestrial ratio and jovian ratio, suggesting that carbon was accreted from a shared reservoir for all of the planets.  相似文献   

The reaction kinetics of the butadinyl radical, C4H, with various hydrocarbons detected in the atmosphere of Titan (methane, ethane, propane, acetylene, ethene and methylacetylene) are studied over the temperature range of 39-298 K using the Rennes CRESU (Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme) apparatus. Kinetic measurements were made using the pulsed laser photolysis—laser induced fluorescence technique. The rate coefficients, except for the reaction with methane, all show a negative temperature dependence and can be fitted with the following expressions over the temperature range of this study: ; ; , , . These expressions are not intended to be physically meaningful but rather to provide an easy way to introduce experimental results in photochemical models. They are only valid over the temperature range of the experiments. Possible channels of these reactions are discussed as well as possible consequences of these results for the production of large molecules and hazes in the atmosphere of Titan. These results should also be considered for the photochemistry of Giant Planets.  相似文献   

Although propane gas (C3H8) was first detected in the stratosphere of Titan by the Voyager IRIS infrared spectrometer in 1980, obtaining an accurate measurement of its abundance has proved difficult. All existing measurements have been made by modeling the ν26 band at : however, different analyzes over time have yielded quite different results, and it also suffers from confusion with the strong nearby ν5 band of acetylene. In this paper we select large spectral averages of data from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) obtained in limb-viewing mode at low latitudes (30°S-30°N), greatly increasing the path length and hence signal-to-noise ratio for optically thin trace species such as propane. By modeling and subtracting the emissions of other gas species, we demonstrate that at least six infrared bands of propane are detected by CIRS, including two not previously identified in Titan spectra. Using a new linelist for the range 1300-1400 cm-1, along with an existing GEISA list, we retrieve propane abundances from two bands at 748 and 1376 cm-1. At 748 cm-1 we retrieve 4.2±0.5×10-7 (1-σ error) at 2 mbar, in good agreement with previous studies, although lack of hotbands in the present spectral atlas remains a problem. We also determine 5.7±0.8×10-7 at 2 mbar from the 1376 cm-1 band — a value that is probably affected by systematic errors including continuum gradients due to haze and also an imperfect model of the ν6 band of ethane. This study clearly shows for the first time the ubiquity of propane's emission bands across the thermal infrared spectrum of Titan, and points to an urgent need for further laboratory spectroscopy work, both to provide the line positions and intensities needed to model these bands, and also to further characterize haze spectral opacity. The present lack of accurate modeling capability for propane is an impediment not only for the measurement of propane itself, but also for the search for the emissions of new molecules in many spectral regions.  相似文献   

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