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We hypothesize that during past epochs of high obliquity seasonal snowfields at mid-latitudes melted to produce springtime sediment-rich surface flows resulting in gully formation. Significant seasonal mid-latitude snowfall does not occur on Mars today. General Circulation Model (GCM) results, however, suggest that under past climate conditions there may have been centimeters of seasonal mid-latitude snowfall [Mischna, M.A., Richardson, M.I., Wilson, R.J., McCleese, D.J., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 108, doi:10.1029/2003JE002051. 5062]. Gully locations have been tabulated by several researchers (e.g. [Heldmann, J.L., Mellon, M.T., 2004. Icarus 168, 285–304; Heldmann, J.L., Carlsson, E., Johansson, H., Mellon, M.T., Toon, O.B., 2007. Icarus 188, 324–344; Malin, M.C., Edgett, K.S., 2000. Science 288, 2330–2335]) and found to correspond to mid-latitude bands. A natural question is whether the latitudinal bands where the gullies are located correspond to areas where the ancient snowfalls may have melted, producing runoff which may have incised gullies. In this study we model thin snowpacks with thicknesses similar to those predicted by [Mischna, M.A., Richardson, M.I., Wilson, R.J., McCleese, D.J., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 108, doi:10.1029/2003JE002051. 5062]. We model these snowpacks under past climate regimes in order to determine whether snowmelt runoff could have occurred, and whether significant amounts of warm soil (T>273 K) existed on both poleward and equatorward slopes in the regions where gullies exist. Both warm soil and water amounts are modeled because soil and water may have mixed to form a sediment-rich flow. We begin by applying the snowpack model of Williams et al. [Williams, K.E., Toon, O.B., Heldmann, J.E., Mellon, M., 2008. Icarus 196, 565–577] to past climate regimes characterized by obliquities of 35° (600 ka before present) and 45° (5.5 ma before present), and to all latitudes between 70° N and 70° S. We find that the regions containing significant snowmelt runoff correspond to the regions identified by Heldmann and Mellon [Heldmann, J.L., Mellon, M.T., 2004. Icarus 168, 285–304], Heldmann et al. [Heldmann, J.L., Carlsson, E., Johansson, H., Mellon, M.T., Toon, O.B., 2007. Icarus 188, 324–344] and Malin and Edgett [Malin, M.C., Edgett, K.S., 2000. Science 288, 2330–2335] as containing large numbers of gullies. We find that the snowmelt runoff (>1 mm, with equivalent rainfall rates of 0.25 mm/h) and warm soil (>1 cm depth) would have occurred on slopes within the gullied latitudinal bands. The snowfall amounts modeled are predicted to be seasonal [Mischna, M.A., Richardson, M.I., Wilson, R.J., McCleese, D.J., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 108, doi:10.1029/2003JE002051. 5062], and our modeling finds that under the previous climate regimes there would have been meltwater present on the slopes in question for brief periods of time, on the order of days, each year. Our model provides a simple explanation for the latitudinal distribution of the gullies, and also suggests that the gullies date to times when water migrated away from the present poles to the mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

Recent observations of the surface of Mars have shown several fresh mid-latitude craters. Some of these craters show exposed ice (Byrne, S. et al. [2009]. Science 325, 1674-1676.). In some craters, albedo of ice slowly decreases, while in others, it remains nearly constant. We attempt to determine influence of the regolith structure on the rate of sublimation of ice. For this purpose we performed numerical simulations describing evolution of the exposed ice in model craters located at middle latitudes.We consider a new model for the structure and evolution of the material at- and beneath the crater floors. In contrast to the previous study by Dundas and Byrne (Dundas, C.M., Byrne, S. [2010]. Icarus 206, 716-728.) we do not investigate sublimation of dirty ice, and the related formation of a sublimation lag. Instead, we consider sublimation of a pure ice layer on top of layered regolith. In our model the observed reflectivity decreases due to the sublimation-driven changes of the optical properties of thinning clean ice. This offers an alternative to the deposition of the dust embedded in ice (sublimation lag).We have shown that in our model among many parameters affecting ice sublimation rate, volumetric fraction of water ice in the subsurface beneath the crater has the strongest influence. Hence observed darkening of the ice patch on the crater floor might be sufficient to determine the content of water ice in the subsurface. Our calculations show that an albedo decrease of fresh ice patches in mid-latitude craters can be explained by either strong dust sedimentation or, if this is excluded, by sublimation of a thin layer of water ice from the regolith with large thermal inertia. This is consistent with a large volumetric fraction of water ice beneath the crater floor and contributes to evidence for an extended subsurface water reservoir on Mars.The overall conclusion of our work is that a thin post-impact surface ice coating over ice-rich ground beneath the crater floors is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

Recent geomorphic, remote sensing, and atmospheric modeling studies have shown evidence for abundant ground ice deposits in the martian mid-latitudes. Numerous potential water/ice-rich flow features have been identified in craters in these regions, including arcuate ridges, gullies, and small flow lobes. Previous studies (such as in Newton Basin) have shown that arcuate ridges and gullies are mainly found in small craters (∼2-30 km in diameter). These features are located on both pole-facing and equator-facing crater walls, and their orientations have been found to be dependent on latitude. We have conducted surveys of craters >20 km in diameter in two mid-latitude regions, one in the northern hemisphere in Arabia Terra, and one in the southern hemisphere east of Hellas basin. In these regions, prominent lobes, potentially ice-rich, are commonly found on the walls of craters with diameters between ∼20-100 km. Additional water/ice-rich features such as channels, valleys, alcoves, and debris aprons have also been found in association with crater walls. In the eastern Hellas study region, channels were found to be located primarily on pole-facing walls, whereas valleys and alcoves were found primarily on equator-facing walls. In the Arabia Terra study region, these preferences are less distinct. In both study regions, lobate flows, gullies, and arcuate ridges were found to have pole-facing orientation preferences at latitudes below 45° and equator-facing orientation preferences above 45°, similar to preferences previously found for gullies and arcuate ridges in smaller craters. Interrelations between the features suggest they all formed from the mobilization of accumulated ice-rich materials. The dependencies of orientations on latitude suggest a relationship to differences in total solar insolation along the crater walls. Differences in slope of the crater wall, differences in total solar insolation with respect to wall orientation, and variations in topography along the crater rim can explain the variability in morphology of the features studied. The formation and evolution of these landforms may best be explained by multiple cycles of deposition of ice-rich material during periods of high obliquity and subsequent modification and transport of these materials down crater walls.  相似文献   

Slope steaks are one of the most intriguing modern phenomena observed on Mars. They have been mostly interpreted as some specific type of granular flow. We propose another mechanism for slope streak formation on Mars. It involves natural seasonal formation of a modest amount of highly concentrated chloride brines within a seasonal thermal skin, and runaway propagation of percolation fronts. Given the current state of knowledge of temperature regimes and the composition and structure of the surface layer in the slope streak regions, this mechanism is consistent with the observational constraints; it requires an assumption that a significant part of the observed chlorine to be in form of calcium and ferric chloride, and a small part of the observed hydrogen to be in form of water ice. This “wet” mechanism has a number of appealing advantages in comparison to the widely accepted “dry” granular flow mechanism. Potential tests for the “wet” mechanism include better modeling of the temperature regime and observations of the seasonality of streak formation.  相似文献   

Microscopic liquid layers of water can evolve via adsorption on grain and mineral surfaces at and in the soil of the surface of Mars. The upper parts of these layers will start to freeze at temperatures clearly below the freezing point of bulk water (freezing point depression). A sandwich structure with layers of ice (top), liquid water (in between) and mineral surface (bottom) can evolve. The properties of the interfacial water (of adsorption water and premelted ice) on grain surfaces are described by a sandwich-model of a layer of liquid-like adsorption water between the adsorbing mineral surface layer and an upper ice layer. It is shown that the thickness or number of mono-layers of the interfacial water (of adsorption water and premelted ice) depends on temperature and atmospheric relative humidity. The derived equations for the sandwich model fit well to a known phenomenological relation between thickness of the liquid layer and relative humidity, and can be a tool to estimate or to determine for appropriate materials Hamaker's constant for van der Waals interactions on grains and in porous media. The curvature of grain surfaces is shown to have no remarkable effects for particles in the μm-range and larger. The application of these equations to thermo-physical conditions on Mars shows that the thickness of frost-layers, which can evolve over several hours on cooling surface parts of Mars, is typically of the order or a few tenths of one millimeter or less. This is in agreement with observations. Furthermore, an equation is derived, which relates the freezing point depression for van der Waals force governed interfacial water to the value of the Hamaker constant, to the latent heat of solidification, to the mass density of water ice, and to the thickness of the liquid-like layer. Again, this equation fits well to a known phenomenological relation between freezing point depression and thickness of the liquid-like layer. The derived equation shows that the lower limiting temperature of the liquid phase can reach about 180 K under martian conditions having an atmospheric water content of around 10 pr μm. An “Equilibrium Moisture Content” (EMC)/“Equilibrium Relative Humidity” (ERH) relation for the water content of martian soil has been derived, which relates, for equilibrium conditions, soil water content and atmospheric relative humidity. This relation indicates that the content of liquid interfacial water in the upper surface of Mars can reach up to 10% by weight and more in course of saturation during night hours, and it can be of about 2% by weight during the dry daytime hours.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, General Circulation Models (GCM) have been used to simulate the current martian climate. The calibration of these GCMs with the current seasonal cycle is a crucial step in understanding the climate history of Mars. One of the main climatic signals currently used to validate GCMs is the annual atmospheric pressure cycle. It is difficult to use changes in seasonal deposits on the surface of Mars to calibrate the GCMs given the spectral ambiguities between CO2 and H2O ice in the visible range. With the OMEGA imaging spectrometer covering the near infra-red range, it is now possible to monitor both types of ice at a spatial resolution of about 1 km. At global scale, we determine the change with time of the Seasonal South Polar Cap (SSPC) crocus line, defining the edge of CO2 deposits. This crocus line is not symmetric around the geographic South Pole. At local scale, we introduce the snowdrop distance, describing the local structure of the SSPC edge. Crocus line and snowdrop distance changes can now be used to calibrate GCMs. The albedo of the seasonal deposits is usually assumed to be a uniform and constant parameter of the GCMs. In this study, albedo is found to be the main parameter controlling the SSPC recession at both global and local scale. Using a defrost mass balance model (referred to as D-frost) that incorporates the effect of shadowing induced by topography, we show that the global SSPC asymmetry in the crocus line is controlled by albedo variations. At local scale, we show that the snowdrop distance is correlated with the albedo variability. Further GCM improvements should take into account these two results. We propose several possibilities for the origin of the asymmetric albedo control. The next step will be to identify and model the physical processes that create the albedo differences.  相似文献   

Recent modeling of the meteorological conditions during and following times of high obliquity suggests that an icy mantle could have been emplaced in western Utopia Planitia by atmospheric deposition during the late Amazonian period [Costard, F.M., Forget, F., Madeleine, J.B., Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., 2008. Lunar Planet. Sci. 39. Abstract 1274; Madeleine, B., Forget, F., Head, J.W., Levrard, B., Montmessin, F., 2007. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38. Abstract 1778]. Astapus Colles (ABa) is a late Amazonian geological unit — located in this hypothesized area of accumulation — that comprises an icy mantle tens of meters thick [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. For the most part, this unit drapes the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis interior unit (ABvi); to a lesser degree it overlies the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis marginal unit (ABvm) and the early to late Hesperian UP plains unit HBu2 [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. Landscapes possibly modified by late-Amazonian periglacial processes [Costard, F.M., Kargel, J.S., 1995. Icarus 114, 93-112; McBride, S.A., Allen, C.C., Bell, M.S., 2005. Lunar Planet. Sci. 36. Abstract 1090; Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112, doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Seibert, N.M., Kargel, J.S., 2001. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 899-902; Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., Osinski, G.R., Costard, F., 2007. Icarus 191, 95-112; Soare, R.J., Osinski, G.R., Roehm, C.L., 2008. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 272, 382-393] and glacial processes [Milliken, R.E., Mustard, J.F., Goldsby, D.L., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E6), doi:10.1029/2002JE002005. 5057; Mustard, J.F., Cooper, C.D., Rifkin, M.K., 2001. Nature 412, 411-414; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888] have been reported within the region. Researchers have assumed that the periglacial and glacial landscapes occur within the same geological unit, the ABa [i.e., Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112; doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. In this study we use HiRISE (High Resolution Image Science Experiment, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) imagery to identify the stratigraphical separation of the two landscapes and show that periglacial landscape modification has occurred in the geological units that underlie the ABa, not in the ABa itself. Moreover, we suggest that the periglacial landscape extends well beyond the perimeter of the ABa and could be the product of “wet” cold-climate processes. These processes involve freeze-thaw cycles and intermittently stable liquid-water at or near the surface. By contrast, we propose that the ABa is a very recent late-Amazonian geological unit formed principally by “dry” cold-climate processes. These processes comprise accumulation (by atmospheric deposition) and ablation (by sublimation).  相似文献   

In order to advance our understanding of the long-term stability of subsurface ice, the diurnal martian water cycle, and implications for liquid water, we determined diffusion coefficients and adsorption kinetics for the water vapor produced by the sublimation of ice buried beneath various layers of fine-grained (<63, 63-125, and 125-250 μm) basaltic powder under simulated martian conditions. Sublimation rates at shallower depths, <10 mm, were determined to be affected by mass transfer through the atmosphere in addition to the basalt layer. For greater depths, the measured diffusion coefficients for water vapor moving through basalt grains were 1.56±0.53×10−4, 2.05±0.82×10−4, and for the <63, 63-125, and 125-250 μm basaltic layers, respectively. Through the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) isotherm, which assumes multiple molecular layers of adsorbed water, we determined the adsorption constants of 52.6±8.3 at 270 K for <63 μm, 39.0±6.4 at 267 K for 63-125 μm, and 54.3±9.3 at 266 K for 125-250 μm, resulting in surface areas of 2.6±0.1×104, 1.7±0.3×104, , respectively. These results suggest that while diffusion is too rapid to explain the purported diurnal cycle in water content of the atmosphere, adsorption is efficient and rapid, and does provide an effective mechanism to explain such a cycle. The present diffusion data suggest that very thin, <50 pr μm, shallow, 10 mm, ice deposits would last for >10 h at ∼224 K, just above the freezing point of saturated CaCl2. Temperatures can remain above ∼224 K over most of the planet, which means that water, even as saturated brine, will sublimate before the freezing point is reached and liquid could be formed. On the other hand, 1 m ice layers below 1 m of fine-grained basaltic regolith at 235 K and 10 Pa of atmospheric water could last 600 to 1300 years. At deeper depths and lower temperatures, ice could last since the last major obliquity change 400,000 years ago.  相似文献   

Ralf Greve  Rupali A. Mahajan 《Icarus》2005,174(2):475-485
The evolution and dynamics of the north-polar cap (residual-ice-cap/layered-deposits complex) of Mars is simulated with a thermomechanical ice-sheet model. We consider a scenario with ice-free initial conditions at 5 Ma before present due to the large obliquities which prevailed prior to this time. The north-polar cap is then built up to its present shape, driven by a parameterized climate forcing (surface temperature, surface mass balance) based on the obliquity and eccentricity history. The effects of different ice rheologies and different dust contents are investigated. It is found that the build-up scenarios require an accumulation rate of approximately 0.15-0.2 mm a−1 at present. The topography evolution is essentially independent of the ice dynamics due to the slow ice flow. Owing to the uncertainties associated with the ice rheology and the dust content, flow velocities can only be predicted within a range of two orders of magnitude. Likely present values are of the order of 0.1-1 mm a−1, and a strong variation over the climatic cycles is found. For all cases, computed basal temperatures are far below pressure melting.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed neutron spectroscopy data gathered by the High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) instrument onboard Mars Odyssey for comparison of polar regions. It is known that observation of the neutron albedo of Mars provides important information about the distribution of water-ice in subsurface layers and about peculiarities of the CO2 seasonal cycle. It was found that there are large water-rich permafrost areas with contents of up to ∼50% water by mass fraction at both the north and south Mars polar regions. The water-ice layers at high northern latitudes are placed close to the surface, but in the south they are covered by a dry and relatively thick (10-20 cm) layer of soil. Analysis of temporal variations of neutron flux between summer and winter seasons allowed the estimation of the masses of the CO2 deposits which seasonally condense at the polar regions. The total mass of the southern seasonal deposition was estimated as 6.3×1015 kg, which is larger than the total mass of the seasonal deposition at the north by 40-50%. These results are in good agreement with predictions from the NASA Ames Research Center General Circulation Model (GCM). But, the dynamics of the condensation and sublimation processes are not quite as consistent with these models: the peak accumulation of the condensed mass of CO2 occurred 10-15 degrees of Ls later than is predicted by the GCM.  相似文献   

We combine thermal simulations of ground ice stability near small rocks with extrapolations of the abundance of rocks at the Phoenix landing site based on HiRISE rock counts to estimate the degree of ice table depth variability within the 3.8 m2 workspace that can be excavated during the mission. Detailed predictions of this kind are important both to test current ground-ice theory and to optimize soil investigations after landing. We find that Phoenix will very likely have access to at least one rock in the diameter range 5 cm to 1 m. Our simulations, which assume the ice to be in diffusive equilibrium with atmospheric water vapor, indicate that all rocks in this size range are associated with an annulus of deep ice-free soil. Ice table depth variability of 1-5 cm is very likely at the landing site due to the presence of small rocks. Further, there are scenarios in which Phoenix might exploit the presence of individual large rocks and/or the arrangement of small rocks to sample soils at depths >10 cm below the average depth predicted from orbit (∼4 cm). Scale analysis to constrain uncertainties in simulation results indicates that estimates of maximum depths may be somewhat conservative and that ice table depressions associated with individual rocks could be deeper and laterally more extended than indicated by formal predictions by mm to cm.  相似文献   

Ares Vallis is one of the greatest outflow channels of Mars. Using high-resolution images of recent missions to Mars (MGS, 2001 Odyssey, and Mars Express), we investigated Ares Vallis and its valley arms, taking advantage of 3-dimensional analysis performed using the high-resolution stereo capability of the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC). In our view, Ares Vallis is characterized by catastrophic flood landscapes partially superimposed by ice-related morphologies. Catastrophic flood landforms include erosional terraces, grooved terrains, streamlined uplands, giant bars, pendant bars, and cataract-like features. Ice-related morphologies include probable kame features, thermokarstic depressions, and patterned grounds. Our investigations outline that throughout the Hesperian age, Ares Vallis and its valley arms had been sculpted by several, time-scattered, catastrophic floods, originating from Iani, Hydaspis and Aram Chaos. Geomorphological evidence suggests that catastrophic floods were ice-covered, and that climatic conditions of Mars at this time were similar to those of the present day. At the end of each catastrophic flood, ice masses grounded, forming a thick stagnant dead-ice body. Each catastrophic flood was followed by a relatively brief period of warmer-wetter climatic conditions, originated as a consequence of catastrophic flooding. During such periods thermokarstic depressions originated, liquid water formed meandering channels, and ice-contact deposits were emplaced by ice-walled streams. Finally, the climate turned into cold-dry conditions similar to the present-day ones, and ice masses sublimated.  相似文献   

The morphology of materials on the floor of Gusev Crater (14° S, 175° W), Mars, imply a history of volcanism and subsequent removal of an ice-rich deposit. Fluid lava flows observed in the western portion of Gusev Crater paradoxically terminate in a steep, thick (<60 m) flow front adjacent to hummocky terrain. The hummocky terrain is morphologically similar to deglaciated terrain on Earth, generated when glacial debris are left behind after the glacier has retreated. We propose the following scenario for the floor of Gusev Crater. First, ice-rich material was deposited adjacent to Thira Crater. Second, fluid lavas were emplaced and ponded against the ice-rich deposits. At some later time, the ice within the deposit sublimated, leaving hummocky terrain. Current age estimates for the Gusev flows are Hesperian, suggesting that the ice removal occurred in the upper Hesperian or more recently. If this hypothesis is correct, quench features (glassy rinds, columnar jointing) should be observed at the lava flow margin; the hummocky deposit should be poorly sorted, angular debris.  相似文献   

Norbert Schorghofer 《Icarus》2010,208(2):598-607
Subsurface water ice on Mars evolves due to exchange of vapor with the atmosphere, in the form of loss of ice to the atmosphere or in the form of the growth of interstitial ice. Described here is an accelerated numerical method for the long-term evolution of subsurface ice. This accelerated method is five orders of magnitude faster than explicit vapor transport calculations, enabling fundamentally new types of climate models. Its speed matches that of purely thermal models. The speedup is achieved primarily by solving time-averaged equations for vapor transport and ice volume change. Processes incorporated are growth of interstitial pore ice, retreat of pore ice, retreat of an ice sheet, and retreat of pore ice due to geothermal heating from below. Two example applications illustrate this numerical method’s capabilities. Near the permafrost margin at 55° latitude, ice is periodically depleted and slowly recharged, leading to a pore ice layer estimated to be currently no more than a few meters thick. At the Phoenix Landing Site, it shows the formation of a three layered structure, whereby the layer of pore ice can be very thin.  相似文献   

Springtime low albedo features, called Dark Dune Spots, on the seasonal frost covered dunes on Mars between 77°N and 84°N latitude have been analyzed. Two groups of these spots have been identified: “small” and “large” ones, where large spots have diameters above 4 m, and complex internal structure. From these “large” spots branching seepage-like features emanate and grow on the steep slopes. They show a characteristic sequence of changes: first only wind-blown features emanate from them, while later a bright circular and elevated ring forms, and dark seepage-features start from the spots. These streaks grow with a speed between 0.3 m/day and 7 m/day respectively, first only from the spots, later from all along the dune crest.During this “seepage period” the temperature is between 150 K and 180 K at a 3-9 km spatial resolution scale, indicating that CO2 ice-free parts must be present at the observed dark spots. Around the receding northern seasonal CO2 cap, an annulus of water ice lags behind, which is probably present in the spots too where the CO2 frost has sublimated. Our model estimates show in the present work and in Kereszturi et al. (Kereszturi, A., Möhlmann, D., Berczi, Sz., Ganti, T., Kuti, A., Sik, A., Horvath, A. [2009b]. Icarus 201, 492-503) that the warming driven by solar insolation may produce not only interfacial water, but also bulk brines around the dune grains. The brine can support the movement of liquids and dune grains, enhances the sublimation of CO2 frost, and produce the dark features, as well as liquid modifies the optical properties of the surface.Signs of movement of dune material after the total defrosting of the terrain is also visible but it is uncertain because of the limit of resolution. In our previous work (Kereszturi et al., 2009b) we showed that resembling seepage-like streaks at the southern hemisphere might have been formed by ephemeral interfacial water, as well as these northern features. Such wet environments may have astrobiological importance too.  相似文献   

It is shown that viscous liquid film flow (VLF-flow) on the surfaces of slopes of martian dunes can be a low-temperature rheological phenomenon active today on high latitudes. A quantitative model indicates that the VLF-flows are consistent with the flow of liquid brines similar to that observed by imaging at the Phoenix landing site. VLF-flows depend on the viscosity, dynamics, and energetics of temporary darkened liquid brines. The darkening of the flowing brine is possibly, at least partially, attributed to non-volatile ingredients of the liquid brines. Evidence of previous VLF-flows can also be seen on the dunes, suggesting that it is an ongoing process that also occurred in the recent past.  相似文献   

A fretted valley system on Mars located at the northern mid-latitude dichotomy boundary contains lineated valley fill (LVF) with extensive flow-like features interpreted to be glacial in origin. We have modeled this deposit using glacial flow models linked to atmospheric general circulation models (GCM) for conditions consistent with the deposition of snow and ice in amounts sufficient to explain the interpreted glaciation. In the first glacial flow model simulation, sources were modeled in the alcoves only and were found to be consistent with the alpine valley glaciation interpretation for various environments of flow in the system. These results supported the interpretation of the observed LVF deposits as resulting from initial ice accumulation in the alcoves, accompanied by debris cover that led to advancing alpine glacial landsystems to the extent observed today, with preservation of their flow texture and the underlying ice during downwasting in the waning stages of glaciation. In the second glacial flow model simulation, the regional accumulation patterns predicted by a GCM linked to simulation of a glacial period were used. This glacial flow model simulation produced a much wider region of thick ice accumulation, and significant glaciation on the plateaus and in the regional plains surrounding the dichotomy boundary. Deglaciation produced decreasing ice thicknesses, with flow centered on the fretted valleys. As plateaus lost ice, scarps and cliffs of the valley and dichotomy boundary walls were exposed, providing considerable potential for the production of a rock debris cover that could preserve the underlying ice and the surface flow patterns seen today. In this model, the lineated valley fill and lobate debris aprons were the product of final retreat and downwasting of a much larger, regional glacial landsystem, rather than representing the maximum extent of an alpine valley glacial landsystem. These results favor the interpretation that periods of mid-latitude glaciation were characterized by extensive plateau and plains ice cover, rather than being restricted to alcoves and adjacent valleys, and that the observed lineated valley fill and lobate debris aprons represent debris-covered residual remnants of a once more extensive glaciation.  相似文献   

D. Möhlmann  K. Thomsen 《Icarus》2011,212(1):123-377
Brines, i.e. aqueous salty solutions, increasingly play a role in a better understanding of physics and chemistry (and eventually also putative biology) of the upper surface of Mars. Results of physico-chemical modeling and experimentally determined data to characterize properties of cryobrines of potential interest with respect to Mars are described. Eutectic diagrams, the related numerical eutectic values of composition and temperature, the water activity of Mars-relevant brines of sulfates, chlorides, perchlorides and carbonates, including related deliquescence relative humidity, are parameters and properties, which are described here in some detail. The results characterize conditions for liquid low-temperature brines (“cryobrines”) to evolve and to exist, at least temporarily, on present Mars.  相似文献   

Seth J. Kadish  James W. Head 《Icarus》2011,213(2):443-450
An outstanding question in Mars’ climate history is whether or not pedestal craters represent the armored remnants of ice-rich paleodeposits. We address this question using new high-resolution images; in a survey of several hundred high-latitude pedestal craters, we have identified 12 examples in which visible and/or topographically expressed layers are exposed on the marginal scarp of the pedestal. One example, located on the south polar layered deposits, preserves ice-rich layers that have otherwise been completely removed from the polar cap. These observations provide empirical evidence that the pedestal crater formation mechanism is capable of armoring and preserving ice-rich layered paleodeposits. Although layered exposures have not yet been observed in mid-latitude pedestal craters, high-latitude instances of discontinuous, partially covered layers suggest that layers can be readily concealed, likely through mantling and/or mass wasting processes along the marginal scarp. This interpretation is supported by the observation that high-latitude pedestals with exposed layers along their margins are, on average, taller than mid-latitude examples, and have larger, steeper marginal scarps, which may help to maintain layer exposures. These observations favor the interpretation that mid- to high-latitude pedestal craters represent the armored remnants of ice- and dust-rich paleodeposits, which occurred transiently due to changes in the climate regime. Preservation of fine-scale layering of ice and dust at these latitudes implies that the climate change did not involve regional melting conditions.  相似文献   

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