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Ravit Helled  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2008,198(1):156-162
Sedimentation rates of silicate grains in gas giant protoplanets formed by disk instability are calculated for protoplanetary masses between 1 MSaturn to 10 MJupiter. Giant protoplanets with masses of 5 MJupiter or larger are found to be too hot for grain sedimentation to form a silicate core. Smaller protoplanets are cold enough to allow grain settling and core formation. Grain sedimentation and core formation occur in the low mass protoplanets because of their slow contraction rate and low internal temperature. It is predicted that massive giant planets will not have cores, while smaller planets will have small rocky cores whose masses depend on the planetary mass, the amount of solids within the body, and the disk environment. The protoplanets are found to be too hot to allow the existence of icy grains, and therefore the cores are predicted not to contain any ices. It is suggested that the atmospheres of low mass giant planets are depleted in refractory elements compared with the atmospheres of more massive planets. These predictions provide a test of the disk instability model of gas giant planet formation. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn were found to be ∼0.25 M and ∼0.5 M, respectively. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn can be substantially larger if planetesimal accretion is included. The final core mass will depend on planetesimal size, the time at which planetesimals are formed, and the size distribution of the material added to the protoplanet. Jupiter's core mass can vary from 2 to 12 M. Saturn's core mass is found to be ∼8 M.  相似文献   

New numerical simulations of the formation and evolution of Jupiter are presented. The formation model assumes that first a solid core of several M accretes from the planetesimals in the protoplanetary disk, and then the core captures a massive gaseous envelope from the protoplanetary disk. Earlier studies of the core accretion-gas capture model [Pollack, J.B., Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J., Podolak, M., Greenzweig, Y., 1996. Icarus 124, 62-85] demonstrated that it was possible for Jupiter to accrete with a solid core of 10-30 M in a total formation time comparable to the observed lifetime of protoplanetary disks. Recent interior models of Jupiter and Saturn that agree with all observational constraints suggest that Jupiter's core mass is 0-11 M and Saturn's is 9-22 M [Saumon, G., Guillot, T., 2004. Astrophys. J. 609, 1170-1180]. We have computed simulations of the growth of Jupiter using various values for the opacity produced by grains in the protoplanet's atmosphere and for the initial planetesimal surface density, σinit,Z, in the protoplanetary disk. We also explore the implications of halting the solid accretion at selected core mass values during the protoplanet's growth. Halting planetesimal accretion at low core mass simulates the presence of a competing embryo, and decreasing the atmospheric opacity due to grains emulates the settling and coagulation of grains within the protoplanet's atmosphere. We examine the effects of adjusting these parameters to determine whether or not gas runaway can occur for small mass cores on a reasonable timescale. We compute four series of simulations with the latest version of our code, which contains updated equation of state and opacity tables as well as other improvements. Each series consists of a run without a cutoff in planetesimal accretion, plus up to three runs with a cutoff at a particular core mass. The first series of runs is computed with an atmospheric opacity due to grains (hereafter referred to as ‘grain opacity’) that is 2% of the interstellar value and . Cutoff runs are computed for core masses of 10, 5, and 3 M. The second series of Jupiter models is computed with the grain opacity at the full interstellar value and . Cutoff runs are computed for core masses of 10 and 5 M. The third series of runs is computed with the grain opacity at 2% of the interstellar value and . One cutoff run is computed with a core mass of 5 M. The final series consists of one run, without a cutoff, which is computed with a temperature dependent grain opacity (i.e., 2% of the interstellar value for ramping up to the full interstellar value for ) and . Our results demonstrate that reducing grain opacities results in formation times less than half of those for models computed with full interstellar grain opacity values. The reduction of opacity due to grains in the upper portion of the envelope with has the largest effect on the lowering of the formation time. If the accretion of planetesimals is not cut off prior to the accretion of gas, then decreasing the surface density of planetesimals lowers the final core mass of the protoplanet, but increases the formation timescale considerably. Finally, a core mass cutoff results in a reduction of the time needed for a protoplanet to evolve to the stage of runaway gas accretion, provided the cutoff mass is sufficiently large. The overall results indicate that, with reasonable parameters, it is possible that Jupiter formed at 5 AU via the core accretion process in 1 Myr with a core of 10 M or in 5 Myr with a core of 5 M.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations, based on the core-nucleated accretion model, are presented for the formation of Jupiter at 5.2 AU in three primordial disks with three different assumed values of the surface density of solid particles. The grain opacities in the envelope of the protoplanet are computed using a detailed model that includes settling and coagulation of grains and that incorporates a recalculation of the grain size distribution at each point in time and space. We generally find lower opacities than the 2% of interstellar values used in previous calculations (Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J. [2005]. Icarus 179, 415-431; Lissauer, J.J., Hubickyj, O., D’Angelo, G., Bodenheimer, P. [2009]. Icarus 199, 338-350). These lower opacities result in more rapid heat loss from and more rapid contraction of the protoplanetary envelope. For a given surface density of solids, the new calculations result in a substantial speedup in formation time as compared with those previous calculations. Formation times are calculated to be 1.0, 1.9, and 4.0 Myr, and solid core masses are found to be 16.8, 8.9, and 4.7 M, for solid surface densities, σ, of 10, 6, and 4 g cm−2, respectively. For σ = 10 and σ = 6 g cm−2, respectively, these formation times are reduced by more than 50% and more than 80% compared with those in a previously published calculation with the old approximation to the opacity.  相似文献   

Stephen J. Kortenkamp 《Icarus》2005,175(2):409-418
Numerical simulations of the gravitational scattering of planetesimals by a protoplanet reveal that a significant fraction of scattered planetesimals can become trapped as so-called quasi-satellites in heliocentric 1:1 co-orbital resonance with the protoplanet. While trapped, these resonant planetesimals can have deep low-velocity encounters with the protoplanet that result in temporary or permanent capture onto highly eccentric prograde or retrograde circumplanetary orbits. The simulations include solar nebula gas drag and use planetesimals with diameters ranging from ∼1 to ∼1000 km. Initial protoplanet eccentricities range from ep=0 to 0.15 and protoplanet masses range from 300 Earth-masses (M) down to 0.1M. This mass range effectively covers the final masses of all planets currently thought to be in possession of captured satellites—Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Mars. For protoplanets on moderately eccentric orbits (ep?0.1) most simulations show from 5-20% of all scattered planetesimals becoming temporarily trapped in the quasi-satellite co-orbital resonance. Typically, 20-30% of the temporarily trapped quasi-satellites of all sizes came within half the Hill radius of the protoplanet while trapped in the resonance. The efficiency of the resonance trapping combined with the subsequent low-velocity circumplanetary capture suggests that this trapped-to-captured transition may be important not only for the origin of captured satellites but also for continued growth of protoplanets.  相似文献   

Using the helium abundance measured by Galileo in the atmosphere of Jupiter and interior models reproducing the observed external gravitational field, we derive new constraints on the composition and structure of the planet. We conclude that, except for helium which must be more abundant in the metallic interior than in the molecular envelope, Jupiter could be homogeneous (no core) or could have a central dense core up to 12M. The mass fraction of heavy elements is less than 7.5 times the solar value in the metallic envelope and between 1 and 7.2 times solar in the molecular envelope. The total amount of elements other than hydrogen and helium in the planet is between 11 and 45M.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Attay Kovetz 《Icarus》2006,185(1):64-71
We follow the contraction and evolution of a typical Jupiter-mass clump created by the disk instability mechanism, and compute the rate of planetesimal capture during this evolution. We show that such a clump has a slow contraction phase lasting ∼3×105 yr. By following the trajectories of planetesimals as they pass through the envelope of the protoplanet, we compute the cross-section for planetesimal capture at all stages of the protoplanet's evolution. We show that the protoplanet can capture a large fraction of the solid material in its feeding zone, which will lead to an enrichment of the protoplanet in heavy elements. The exact amount of this enrichment depends upon, but is not very sensitive to the size and random speed of the planetesimals.  相似文献   

S. Inaba  G.W. Wetherill 《Icarus》2003,166(1):46-62
We have calculated formation of gas giant planets based on the standard core accretion model including effects of fragmentation and planetary envelope. The accretion process is found to proceed as follows. As a result of runaway growth of planetesimals with initial radii of ∼10 km, planetary embryos with a mass of ∼1027 g (∼ Mars mass) are found to form in ∼105 years at Jupiter's position (5.2 AU), assuming a large enough value of the surface density of solid material (25 g/cm2) in the accretion disk at that distance. Strong gravitational perturbations between the runaway planetary embryos and the remaining planetesimals cause the random velocities of the planetesimals to become large enough for collisions between small planetesimals to lead to their catastrophic disruption. This produces a large number of fragments. At the same time, the planetary embryos have envelopes, that reduce energies of fragments by gas drag and capture them. The large radius of the envelope increases the collision rate between them, resulting in rapid growth of the planetary embryos. By the combined effects of fragmentation and planetary envelope, the largest planetary embryo with 21M forms at 5.2 AU in 3.8×106 years. The planetary embryo is massive enough to start a rapid gas accretion and forms a gas giant planet.  相似文献   

We present results from 44 simulations of late stage planetary accretion, focusing on the delivery of volatiles (primarily water) to the terrestrial planets. Our simulations include both planetary “embryos” (defined as Moon to Mars sized protoplanets) and planetesimals, assuming that the embryos formed via oligarchic growth. We investigate volatile delivery as a function of Jupiter's mass, position and eccentricity, the position of the snow line, and the density (in solids) of the solar nebula. In all simulations, we form 1-4 terrestrial planets inside 2 AU, which vary in mass and volatile content. In 44 simulations we have formed 43 planets between 0.8 and 1.5 AU, including 11 “habitable” planets between 0.9 and 1.1 AU. These planets range from dry worlds to “water worlds” with 100+oceans of water (1 ocean=1.5×1024 g), and vary in mass between 0.23M and 3.85M. There is a good deal of stochastic noise in these simulations, but the most important parameter is the planetesimal mass we choose, which reflects the surface density in solids past the snow line. A high density in this region results in the formation of a smaller number of terrestrial planets with larger masses and higher water content, as compared with planets which form in systems with lower densities. We find that an eccentric Jupiter produces drier terrestrial planets with higher eccentricities than a circular one. In cases with Jupiter at 7 AU, we form what we call “super embryos,” 1-2M protoplanets which can serve as the accretion seeds for 2+M planets with large water contents.  相似文献   

The Theory of Alfven drag (Drell et al. in J Geophys Res 70: 3131–3145 1965; Anselmo and Farinella in Icarus, 58, 182–185 1983) is applied here to show that the existence of a possible solar ring structure at a radial distance of 0.02 AU (~4R , R  = radius of the sun) predicted by earlier authors (Brecher et al. in Nature 282, 50–52 1979; Rawal in Bull. Astr. Soc. India 6, 92–95 1978, Moon Planets 24, 407–414 1981, Moon Planets 31, 175–182 1984, J Astrophys Astr 10, 257–259 1989) may not survive Alfven drag produced during even moderate solar magnetic storms which take place from time to time through the age of the sun, but a possible solar ring structure at a radial distance of 0.13 AU (~27R ) (Brecher et al. in Nature 282, 50–52 1979; Rawal in Bull. Astr. Soc. India 6, 92–95 1978, Moon Planets 24, 407–414 1981, Moon Planets 31, 175–182 1984, J Astrophys Astr 10, 257–259 1989) may survive intense Alfven drag produced during even strong magnetic storms of magnetic field value up to 1,000 G.  相似文献   

The early thermal evolution of Moon has been numerically simulated to understand the magnitude of the impact-induced heating and the initially stored thermal energy of the accreting moonlets. The main objective of the present study was to understand the nature of processes leading to core–mantle differentiation and the production and cooling of the initial convective magma ocean. The accretion of Moon was commenced over a time scale of 100 yr after the giant impact event around 30–100 million years in the early solar system. We studied the dependence of the planetary processes on the impact scenarios, the initial average temperature of the accreting moonlets, and the size of the protomoon that accreted rapidly beyond the Roche limit within the initial 1 yr after the giant impact. The simulations indicate that the accreting moonlets should have a minimum initial averaged temperature around 1600 K. The impacts would provide additional thermal energy. The initial thermal state of the moonlets depends upon the environment prevailing within the Roche limit that experienced episodes of extensive vaporization and recondensation of silicates. The initial convective magma ocean of depth more than 1000 km is produced in the majority of simulations along with the global core–mantle differentiation in case the melt percolation of the molten metal through porous flow from bulk silicates was not the major mode of core–mantle differentiation. The possibility of shallow magma oceans cannot be ruled out in the presence of the porous flow. Our simulations indicate the core–mantle differentiation within the initial 102 to 103 yr of the Moon accretion. The majority of the convective magma ocean cooled down for crystallization within the initial 103 to 104 yr.  相似文献   

An analytical theory of lunar physical librations based on its two-layer model consisting of a non-spherical solid mantle and ellipsoidal liquid core is developed. The Moon moves on a high-precision orbit in the gravitational field of the Earth and other celestial bodies. The defined fourth mode of a free libration is caused by the influence of the liquid core, with a long period of 205.7 yr, with amplitude S = 0″0395 and with an initial phase Π0 = ?134° (for the initial epoch 2000.0). Estimates of dynamic (meridional) oblatenesses of a liquid core of the Moon have been estimated: ?D = 4.42 × 10?4, μD = 2.83 × 10?4 (?D + μD = 7.24 × 10?4). These results have been obtained as a result of comparison of the developed analytical theory of physical librations of the Moon with the empirical theory of librations of the Moon constructed on the basis of laser observations.  相似文献   

M. Ozima  Y.N. Miura 《Icarus》2004,170(1):17-23
Surface-correlated noble gases in lunar soils are primarily implanted SW (solar wind) noble gases. However, they also include apparently orphan radiogenic 40Ar, 129Xe, and 244Pu-derived fission Xe in excess of plausible primordial solar origin. These orphan radiogenic components are usually assigned a lunar origin, in a scenario in which radiogenic noble gases produced in the lunar interior were degassed into the transient atmosphere and then re-implanted to the lunar surface together with SW. There are some quantitative difficulties with this scenario, however, and it requires special constraints on the degassing history of the Moon that have not emerged from more general thermal history models. We therefore urge consideration of alternative hypotheses. As a possible source for the orphan radiogenic noble gases, we have examined planetary pollution of the Sun, as suggested by studies of extrasolar planetary systems (e.g., Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815; Israelian et al., 2001, Nature 411, 163-166). Pollution of the Sun by 2M (two Earth mass) planetary materials (Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815) is likely not significant for Ar but could be important to account for orphan Xe in the Moon.  相似文献   

More than 80 giant planets are known by mass and radius. Their interior structure in terms of core mass, number of layers, and composition however is still poorly known. An overview is presented about the core mass M core and envelope mass of metals M Z in Jupiter as predicted by various equations of state. It is argued that the uncertainty about the true H/He EOS in a pressure regime where the gravitational moments J 2 and J 4 are most sensitive, i.e. between 0.5 and 4 Mbar, is in part responsible for the broad range \(M_{\mathit{core}}=0{-}18\:M_{\oplus }\), \(M_{Z}=0{-}38\:M_{\oplus }\), and \(M_{\mathit{core}}+M_{Z}=14{-}38\:M_{\oplus }\) currently offered for Jupiter. We then compare the Jupiter models obtained when we only match J 2 with the range of solutions for the exoplanet \(\mathrm{GJ}\:436\mathrm{b}\), when we match an assumed tidal Love number k 2 value.  相似文献   

Hidekazu Tanaka  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》1996,120(2):371-386
We have developed a semi-analytic method of calculating the changes in heliocentric Keplerian orbital elements due to gravitational scattering by a protoplanet as a three-body problem. In encounters with high incident velocities, either the gravity of the protoplanet or the solar gravity can be regarded as perturbation force. In close encounters, by taking into account the solar gravity as a perturbation, we modified the two-body gravitational scattering. On the other hand, in slightly distant encounters, we apply the perturbing force of the protoplanet to the heliocentric Keplerian orbit of planetesimals. As a result, as for high-velocity encounters, the three-body problem is semi-analytically solvable. Our semi-analytic method can reproduce the numerical result of the orbital changes of individual planetesimals for the broad range of high-energy encounters with surprising high accuracy. We found that our method is valid under the conditions (i)b0? 2 and (ii) (e20+i20b20)1/2? 4, wheree0andi0are eccentricity and inclination of relative motion normalized by the reduced Hill radius andb0is the difference between semimajor axes normalized by the Hill radius. Though our method needs some numerical procedure, its cpu time is negligibly short compared with that of the direct orbital integration. In simulation of orbital evolution of planetesimals around a protoplanet in the gas, which we will perform in the subsequent paper, most encounters can be calculated by the semi-analytic method. This makes it possible to perform the long term (∼105years) orbital calculation of ∼103–4planetesimals.  相似文献   

We model the subnebulae of Jupiter and Saturn wherein satellite accretion took place. We expect each giant planet subnebula to be composed of an optically thick (given gaseous opacity) inner region inside of the planet’s centrifugal radius (where the specific angular momentum of the collapsing giant planet gaseous envelope achieves centrifugal balance, located at rCJ ∼ 15RJ for Jupiter and rCS ∼ 22RS for Saturn) and an optically thin, extended outer disk out to a fraction of the planet’s Roche-lobe (RH), which we choose to be ∼RH/5 (located at ∼150 RJ near the inner irregular satellites for Jupiter, and ∼200RS near Phoebe for Saturn). This places Titan and Ganymede in the inner disk, Callisto and Iapetus in the outer disk, and Hyperion in the transition region. The inner disk is the leftover of the gas accreted by the protoplanet. The outer disk may result from the nebula gas flowing into the protoplanet during the time of giant planet gap-opening (or cessation of gas accretion). For the sake of specificity, we use a solar composition “minimum mass” model to constrain the gas densities of the inner and outer disks of Jupiter and Saturn (and also Uranus). Our model has Ganymede at a subnebula temperature of ∼250 K and Titan at ∼100 K. The outer disks of Jupiter and Saturn have constant temperatures of 130 and 90 K, respectively.Our model has Callisto forming in a time scale ∼106 years, Iapetus in 106-107 years, Ganymede in 103-104 years, and Titan in 104-105 years. Callisto takes much longer to form than Ganymede because it draws materials from the extended, low density portion of the disk; its accretion time scale is set by the inward drift times of satellitesimals with sizes 300-500 km from distances ∼100RJ. This accretion history may be consistent with a partially differentiated Callisto with a ∼300-km clean ice outer shell overlying a mixed ice and rock-metal interior as suggested by Anderson et al. (2001), which may explain the Ganymede-Callisto dichotomy without resorting to fine-tuning poorly known model parameters. It is also possible that particulate matter coupled to the high specific angular momentum gas flowing through the gap after giant planet gap-opening, capture of heliocentric planetesimals by the extended gas disk, or ablation of planetesimals passing through the disk contributes to the solid content of the disk and lengthens the time scale for Callisto’s formation. Furthermore, this model has Hyperion forming just outside Saturn’s centrifugal radius, captured into resonance by proto-Titan in the presence of a strong gas density gradient as proposed by Lee and Peale (2000). While Titan may have taken significantly longer to form than Ganymede, it still formed fast enough that we would expect it to be fully differentiated. In this sense, it is more like Ganymede than like Callisto (Saturn’s analog of Callisto, we expect, is Iapetus). An alternative starved disk model whose satellite accretion time scale for all the regular satellites is set by the feeding of planetesimals or gas from the planet’s Roche-lobe after gap-opening is likely to imply a long accretion time scale for Titan with small quantities of NH3 present, leading to a partially differentiated (Callisto-like) Titan. The Cassini mission may resolve this issue conclusively. We briefly discuss the retention of elements more volatile than H2O as well as other issues that may help to test our model.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2009,199(2):368-377
We present ‘empirical’ models (pressure vs. density) of Saturn's interior constrained by the gravitational coefficients J2, J4, and J6 for different assumed rotation rates of the planet. The empirical pressure-density profile is interpreted in terms of a hydrogen and helium physical equation of state to deduce the hydrogen to helium ratio in Saturn and to constrain the depth dependence of helium and heavy element abundances. The planet's internal structure (pressure vs. density) and composition are found to be insensitive to the assumed rotation rate for periods between 10h:32m:35s and 10h:41m:35s. We find that helium is depleted in the upper envelope, while in the high pressure region (P?1 Mbar) either the helium abundance or the concentration of heavier elements is significantly enhanced. Taking the ratio of hydrogen to helium in Saturn to be solar, we find that the maximum mass of heavy elements in Saturn's interior ranges from ∼6 to 20 M. The empirical models of Saturn's interior yield a moment of inertia factor varying from 0.22271 to 0.22599 for rotation periods between 10h:32m:35s and 10h:41m:35s, respectively. A long-term precession rate of about 0.754 yr−1 is found to be consistent with the derived moment of inertia values and assumed rotation rates over the entire range of investigated rotation rates. This suggests that the long-term precession period of Saturn is somewhat shorter than the generally assumed value of 1.77×106 years inferred from modeling and observations.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Geochronology and Thermochronology by the 40Ar/39Ar Method: Second Edition by Ian McDougall and T. Mark Harrison. Protostars and Planets IV edited by V. Mannings, A. P. Boss, and S. S. Russell. The Star Formation Newsletter edited by Bo Reipurth. Astronomical Origins of Life: Steps Towards Panspermia by F. Hoyle and N. C. Wickramasinghe. Here Be Dragons: The Scientific Quest for Extraterrestrial Life by David Koerner and Simon LeVay.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of a rotating star with a mass of 16M and an angular momentum of 3.25 × 1052 g cm2 s?1, along with the hydrodynamic transport of angular momentum and chemical elements in its interiors. When the partial mixing of matter of the turbulent radiative envelope and the convective core is taken into account, the efficiency of the angular momentum transport by meridional circulation in the stellar interiors and the duration of the hydrogen burning phase increase. Depending on the Schmidt number in the turbulent radiative stellar envelope, the ratio of the equatorial rotational velocity to the circular one increases with time in the process of stellar evolution and can become typical of early-type Be stars during an additional evolution time of the star on the main sequence. Partial mixing of matter is a necessary condition under which the hydrodynamic transport processes can increase the angular momentum of the outer stellar layer to an extent that the equatorial rotational velocity begins to increase during the second half of the evolutionary phase of the star on the main sequence, as shown by observations of the brightest stars in open star clusters with ages of 10–25 Myr. When the turbulent Schmidt number is 0.4, the equatorial rotational velocity of the star increases during the second half of the hydrogen burning phase in the convective core from 330 to 450 km s?1.  相似文献   

Impact craters on planetary bodies transition with increasing size from simple, to complex, to peak-ring basins and finally to multi-ring basins. Important to understanding the relationship between complex craters with central peaks and multi-ring basins is the analysis of protobasins (exhibiting a rim crest and interior ring plus a central peak) and peak-ring basins (exhibiting a rim crest and an interior ring). New data have permitted improved portrayal and classification of these transitional features on the Moon. We used new 128 pixel/degree gridded topographic data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) instrument onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, combined with image mosaics, to conduct a survey of craters >50 km in diameter on the Moon and to update the existing catalogs of lunar peak-ring basins and protobasins. Our updated catalog includes 17 peak-ring basins (rim-crest diameters range from 207 km to 582 km, geometric mean = 343 km) and 3 protobasins (137-170 km, geometric mean = 157 km). Several basins inferred to be multi-ring basins in prior studies (Apollo, Moscoviense, Grimaldi, Freundlich-Sharonov, Coulomb-Sarton, and Korolev) are now classified as peak-ring basins due to their similarities with lunar peak-ring basin morphologies and absence of definitive topographic ring structures greater than two in number. We also include in our catalog 23 craters exhibiting small ring-like clusters of peaks (50-205 km, geometric mean = 81 km); one (Humboldt) exhibits a rim-crest diameter and an interior morphology that may be uniquely transitional to the process of forming peak rings. A power-law fit to ring diameters (Dring) and rim-crest diameters (Dr) of peak-ring basins on the Moon [Dring = 0.14 ± 0.10(Dr)1.21±0.13] reveals a trend that is very similar to a power-law fit to peak-ring basin diameters on Mercury [Dring = 0.25 ± 0.14(Drim)1.13±0.10] [Baker, D.M.H. et al. [2011]. Planet. Space Sci., in press]. Plots of ring/rim-crest ratios versus rim-crest diameters for peak-ring basins and protobasins on the Moon also reveal a continuous, nonlinear trend that is similar to trends observed for Mercury and Venus and suggest that protobasins and peak-ring basins are parts of a continuum of basin morphologies. The surface density of peak-ring basins on the Moon (4.5 × 10−7 per km2) is a factor of two less than Mercury (9.9 × 10−7 per km2), which may be a function of their widely different mean impact velocities (19.4 km/s and 42.5 km/s, respectively) and differences in peak-ring basin onset diameters. New calculations of the onset diameter for peak-ring basins on the Moon and the terrestrial planets re-affirm previous analyses that the Moon has the largest onset diameter for peak-ring basins in the inner Solar System. Comparisons of the predictions of models for the formation of peak-ring basins with the characteristics of the new basin catalog for the Moon suggest that formation and modification of an interior melt cavity and nonlinear scaling of impact melt volume with crater diameter provide important controls on the development of peak rings. In particular, a power-law model of growth of an interior melt cavity with increasing crater diameter is consistent with power-law fits to the peak-ring basin data for the Moon and Mercury. We suggest that the relationship between the depth of melting and depth of the transient cavity offers a plausible control on the onset diameter and subsequent development of peak-ring basins and also multi-ring basins, which is consistent with both planetary gravitational acceleration and mean impact velocity being important in determining the onset of basin morphological forms on the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

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