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Details are presented of an improved technique to use atmospheric absorption of magnetically reflecting solar wind electrons to constrain neutral mass densities in the nightside martian upper thermosphere. The helical motion of electrons on converging magnetic field lines, through an extended neutral atmosphere, is modeled to enable prediction of loss cone pitch angle distributions measured by the Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) experiment on Mars Global Surveyor at 400 km altitude. Over the small fraction of Mars' southern hemisphere (∼2.5%) where the permanent crustal magnetic fields are both open to the solar wind and sufficiently strong as to dominate the variable induced martian magnetotail field, spherical harmonic expansions of the crustal fields are used to prescribe the magnetic field along the electron's path, allowing least-squares fitting of measured loss cones, in order to solve for parameters describing the vertical neutral atmospheric mass density profile from 160 to 230 km. Results are presented of mass densities in the southern hemisphere at 2 a.m. LST at the mean altitude of greatest sensitivity, 180 km, continuously over four martian years. Seasonal variability in densities is largely explained by orbital and latitudinal changes in dayside insolation that impacts the nightside through the resulting thermospheric circulation. However, the physical processes behind repeatable rapid, late autumnal cooling at mid-latitudes and near-aphelion warming at equatorial latitudes is not fully clear. Southern winter polar warming is generally weak or nonexistent over several Mars years, in basic agreement with MGS and MRO accelerometer observations. The puzzling response of mid-latitude densities from 160° to 200° E to the 2001 global dust storm suggests unanticipated localized nightside upper thermospheric lateral and vertical circulation patterns may accompany such storms. The downturn of the 11-year cycle of solar EUV flux is likely responsible for lower aphelion densities in 2004 and 2006 (Mars years 27 and 28).  相似文献   

Jane L. Fox 《Icarus》2011,216(2):625-639
We have modeled the near and post-terminator thermosphere/ionosphere of Venus with a view toward understanding the relative importance of EUV solar fluxes and downward fluxes of atomic ions transported from the dayside in producing the mean ionosphere. We have constructed one-dimensional thermosphere/ionosphere models for high solar activity for seven solar zenith angles (SZAs) in the dusk sector: 90°, 95°, 100°, 105°, 110°, 115° and 125°. For the first 4 SZAs, we determine the optical depths for solar fluxes from 3 Å to 1900 Å by integrating the neutral densities numerically along the slant path through the atmosphere. For SZAs of 90°, 95°, and 100°, we first model the ionospheres produced by absorption of the solar fluxes alone; for 95°, 100°, and 105° SZAs, we then model the ion density profiles that result from both the solar source and from imposing downward fluxes of atomic ions, including O+, Ar+, C+, N+, H+, and He+, at the top of the ionospheric model in the ratios determined for the upward fluxes in a previous study of the morphology of the dayside (60° SZA) Venus ionosphere. For SZAs of 110°, 115° and 125°, which are characterized by shadow heights above about 300 km, the models include only downward fluxes of ions. The magnitudes of the downward ion fluxes are constrained by the requirement that the model O+ peak density be equal to the average O+ peak density for each SZA bin as measured by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer. We find that the 90° and 95° SZA model ionospheres are robust for the solar source alone, but the O+ peak density in the “solar-only” 95° SZA model is somewhat smaller than the average value indicated by the data. A small downward flux of ions is therefore required to reproduce the measured average peak density of O+. We find that, on the nightside, the major ion density peaks do not occur at the altitudes of peak production, and diffusion plays a substantial role in determining the ion density profiles. The average downward atomic ion flux for the SZA range of 90–125° is determined to be about 1.2 × 108 cm−2 s−1.  相似文献   

We study the propagation of gravity waves in the martian atmosphere using a linearized one-dimensional full-wave model. Calculations are carried out for atmospheric parameters characteristic of Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (on Mars Global Surveyor MGS) observations of apparent gravity waves in high latitude clouds and MGS radio occultation measurements of temperature variations with height suggestive of gravity wave activity. Waves that reach the thermosphere produce fluctuations in density comparable in amplitude with the density variations detected in Mars Odyssey aerobraking data. Gravity waves of modest amplitude are found to deposit momentum and generate significant heating and cooling in the martian atmosphere. The largest heating and cooling effects occur in the thermosphere, at altitudes between about 130 and 150 km, with heating occurring at the lower altitudes and cooling taking place above.  相似文献   

We present measurements of ratios of elements of the scattering matrix of martian analogue palagonite particles for scattering angles ranging from 3° to 174° and a wavelength of 632.8 nm. To facilitate the use of these measurements in radiative transfer calculations we have devised a method that enables us to obtain, from these measurements, a normalized synthetic scattering matrix covering the complete scattering angle range from 0° to 180°. Our method is based on employing the coefficients of the expansions of scattering matrix elements into generalized spherical functions. The synthetic scattering matrix elements and/or the expansion coefficients obtained in this way, can be used to include multiple scattering by these irregularly shaped particles in (polarized) radiative transfer calculations, such as calculations of sunlight that is scattered in the dusty martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

Radiative control of surface temperature is a key characteristic of the martian environment and its low-density atmosphere. Here we show through meteorological modeling that surface temperature can be far from radiative equilibrium over numerous sloping terrains on Mars, where nighttime mesoscale katabatic winds impact the surface energy budget. Katabatic circulations induce both adiabatic atmospheric heating and enhancement of downward sensible heat flux, which then becomes comparable to radiative flux and acts to warm the ground. Through this mechanism, surface temperature can increase up to 20 K. One consequence is that warm signatures of surface temperature over slopes, observed through infrared spectrometry, cannot be systematically associated with contrasts of intrinsic soil thermal inertia. Apparent thermal inertia maps retrieved thus far possibly contain wind-induced structures. Another consequence is that surface temperature observations close to sloping terrains could allow the validation of model predictions for martian katabatic winds, provided contrasts in intrinsic thermal inertia can be ruled out. The thermal impact of winds is mostly discussed in this paper in the particular cases of Olympus Mons/Lycus Sulci and Terra Meridiani but is generally significant over any sloped terrains in low thermal inertia areas. It is even general enough to apply under daytime conditions, thereby providing a possible explanation for observed afternoon surface cooling, and to ice-covered terrains, thereby providing new insights on how winds could have shaped the present surface of Mars.  相似文献   

Ozone is an important observable tracer of martian photochemistry, including odd hydrogen (HOx) species important to the chemistry and stability of the martian atmosphere. Infrared heterodyne spectroscopy with spectral resolution ?106 provides the only ground-based direct access to ozone absorption features in the martian atmosphere. Ozone abundances were measured with the Goddard Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer and the Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. Retrieved total ozone column abundances from various latitudes and orbital positions (LS=40°, 74°, 102°, 115°, 202°, 208°, 291°) are compared to those predicted by the first three-dimensional gas phase photochemical model of the martian atmosphere [Lefèvre, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Forget, F., 2004. J. Geophys. Res. 109, doi:10.1029/2004JE002268. E07004]. Observed and modeled ozone abundances show good agreement at all latitudes at perihelion orbital positions (LS=202°, 208°, 291°). Observed low-latitude ozone abundances are significantly higher than those predicted by the model at aphelion orbital positions (LS=40°, 74°, 115°). Heterogeneous loss of odd hydrogen onto water ice cloud particles would explain the discrepancy, as clouds are observed at low latitudes around aphelion on Mars.  相似文献   

Winter polar warmings in the middle atmosphere of Mars occur due to the adiabatic heating associated with the downward branch of the cross-equatorial meridional circulation. Thus, they are the manifestation of the global meridional transport rather than of local radiative effects. We report on a series of numerical experiments with a recently developed general circulation model of the martian atmosphere to examine the relative roles of the mechanical and thermal forcing in the meridional transport. The experiments were focused on answering the question of whether the martian circulation is consistent with the thermally driven nearly inviscid Hadley cell, as was pointed out by some previous studies, or it is forced mainly by zonally asymmetric eddies. It is demonstrated that, under realistic conditions in the middle atmosphere, the meridional transport is maintained primarily by dissipating large-scale planetary waves and solar tides. This mechanism is similar to the “extratropical pump” in the middle atmosphere on Earth. Only in the run with artificially weak zonal disturbances, was the circulation reminiscent of thermally induced Hadley cells. In the experiment with an imposed dust storm, the modified atmospheric refraction changes the vertical propagation of the eddies. As the result, the Eliassen-Palm fluxes convergence increases in high winter latitudes of the middle atmosphere, the meridional transport gets stronger, and the polar temperature rises. Additional numerical experiments demonstrated that insufficient model resolution, increased numerical dissipation, and, especially, neglect of non-LTE effects for the 15 μm CO2 band could weaken the meridional transport and the magnitude of polar warmings in GCMs.  相似文献   

Adam Edson  Sukyoung Lee 《Icarus》2011,212(1):1-13
Circulations and habitable zones of planets orbiting low-mass stars are investigated. Many of these planets are expected to rotate synchronously relative to their parent stars, thereby raising questions about their surface temperature distributions and habitability. We use a global circulation model to study idealized, synchronously rotating (tidally locked) planets of various rotation periods, with surfaces of all land or all water, but with an Earth-like atmosphere and solar insolation. The dry planets exhibit wide variations in surface temperature: >80 °C on the dayside to <−110 °C on the nightside for the 240-h rotator, for example. The water-covered aquaplanets are warmer and exhibit narrower ranges of surface temperatures, e.g., ∼40 °C to >−60 °C for the 240-h orbiter. They also have a larger habitable area, defined here as the region where average surface temperatures are between 0 °C and 50 °C. This concept has little relevance for either dry or aquaplanets, but might become relevant on a planet with both land area and oceans.The circulations on these tidally locked planets exhibit systematic changes as the rotation period is varied. However, they also reveal abrupt transitions between two different circulation regimes and multiple equilibria. For the dry planet, the transition occurs between a 4-day and a 5-day period, while for the aquaplanet, it occurs between a 3-day and a 4-day period. For both dry and aqua planets, this transition occurs when the Rossby deformation radius exceeds half the planetary radius. Further investigation on the dry planet reveals that multiple equilibria exist between 100- and 221-h periods. These multiple equilibria may be relevant for real planets within the habitable zones of late K and M stars, because these planets are expected to have rotation periods between 8 and 100 Earth days.  相似文献   

Downward-looking spectra of the martian surface from the Miniature Thermal Emission spectrometer (Mini-TES), onboard each of the two Mars Exploration Rovers, are modeled in order to retrieve surface and near-surface atmospheric temperatures. By fitting the observed radiance in the vicinity of the 15-μm CO2 absorption feature, the surface temperature and the near-surface atmospheric temperature, approximately 1.1 m above the surface, are determined. The temperatures from the first 180 sols (martian days) of each surface mission are used to characterize the diurnal dependence of temperatures. The near-surface atmospheric temperatures are consistently 20 K cooler than the surface temperatures in the warmest part of each sol, which is 1300-1400 LTST (local true solar time) depending on the location. Seasonal cooling trends are seen in the data by displaying the temperatures as a function of sol. Long ground stares, 8.5 min in duration, show as much as 8 K fluctuation in the near-surface atmospheric temperatures during the early afternoon hours when the near-surface atmosphere is unstable.  相似文献   

Stephen D. Eckermann  Jun Ma 《Icarus》2011,211(1):429-442
Using a Curtis-matrix model of 15 μm CO2 radiative cooling rates for the martian atmosphere, we have computed vertical scale-dependent IR radiative damping rates from 0 to 200 km altitude over a broad band of vertical wavenumbers ∣m∣ = 2π(1-500 km)−1 for representative meteorological conditions at 40°N and average levels of solar activity and dust loading. In the middle atmosphere, infrared (IR) radiative damping rates increase with decreasing vertical scale and peak in excess of 30 days−1 at ∼50-80 km altitude, before gradually transitioning to scale-independent rates above ∼100 km due to breakdown of local thermodynamic equilibrium. We incorporate these computed IR radiative damping rates into a linear anelastic gravity-wave model to assess the impact of IR radiative damping, relative to wave breaking and molecular viscosity, in the dissipation of gravity-wave momentum flux. The model results indicate that IR radiative damping is the dominant process in dissipating gravity-wave momentum fluxes at ∼0-50 km altitude, and is the dominant process at all altitudes for gravity waves with vertical wavelengths ?10-15 km. Wave breaking becomes dominant at higher altitudes only for “fast” waves of short horizontal and long vertical wavelengths. Molecular viscosity plays a negligible role in overall momentum flux deposition. Our results provide compelling evidence that IR radiative damping is a major, and often dominant physical process controlling the dissipation of gravity-wave momentum fluxes on Mars, and therefore should be incorporated into future parameterizations of gravity-wave drag within Mars GCMs. Lookup tables for doing so, based on the current computations, are provided.  相似文献   

M. Kocifaj  J. Kla?ka 《Icarus》2011,211(1):832-838
Temperature gradients in dust beds embedded in a low pressure gaseous environment induce a lift of particles under certain conditions. This effect can erode planetesimals and enables entrainment of dust into the martian atmosphere. Here, we consider a numerical model to calculate the temperature profile in a dust bed which is subject to illumination. We consider the situation when the illumination is switched on and heats the dust bed’s surface and when it is switched off again after a certain time. The calculations focus on the heat transfer by infrared radiation within the dust layer. We find that radiative transfer within the dust bed modifies the absolute temperatures and temperature gradients significantly. This is important for effects which are sensitive to absolute temperatures, i.e. ice sublimation or melting of solids. For low thermal conductivity dust beds of 0.001 W m−1 K−1 it determines the temperature structure of the dust. For higher thermal conductivities the modifications are moderate with respect to dust eruptions as the order of magnitude of temperature gradients stays the same.  相似文献   

The recent measurements of the vertical distribution and optical properties of haze aerosols as well as of the absorption coefficients for methane at long paths and cold temperatures by the Huygens entry probe of Titan permit the computation of the solar heating rate on Titan with greater certainty than heretofore. We use the haze model derived from the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) instrument on the Huygens probe [Tomasko, M.G., Doose, L., Engel, S., Dafoe, L.E., West, R., Lemmon, M., Karkoschka, E., See, C., 2008a. A model of Titan's aerosols based on measurements made inside the atmosphere. Planet. Space Sci., this issue, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2007.11.019] to evaluate the variation in solar heating rate with altitude and solar zenith angle in Titan's atmosphere. We find the disk-averaged solar energy deposition profile to be in remarkably good agreement with earlier estimates using very different aerosol distributions and optical properties. We also evaluated the radiative cooling rate using measurements of the thermal emission spectrum by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) around the latitude of the Huygens site. The thermal flux was calculated as a function of altitude using temperature, gas, and haze profiles derived from Huygens and Cassini/CIRS data. We find that the cooling rate profile is in good agreement with the solar heating profile averaged over the planet if the haze structure is assumed the same at all latitudes. We also computed the solar energy deposition profile at the 10°S latitude of the probe-landing site averaged over one Titan day. We find that some 80% of the sunlight that strikes the top of the atmosphere at this latitude is absorbed in all, with 60% of the incident solar energy absorbed below 150 km, 40% below 80 km, and 11% at the surface at the time of the Huygens landing near the beginning of summer in the southern hemisphere. We compare the radiative cooling rate with the solar heating rate near the Huygens landing site averaging over all longitudes. At this location, we find that the solar heating rate exceeds the radiative cooling rate by a maximum of 0.5 K/Titan day near 120 km altitude and decreases strongly above and below this altitude. Since there is no evidence that the temperature structure at this latitude is changing, the general circulation must redistribute this heat to higher latitudes.  相似文献   

W.B. Hubbard 《Icarus》1978,35(2):177-181
We extend a Jovian convective-cooling model to Uranus and Neptune. The model assumes that efficient interior convection prevails, so that escape of interior heat is governed by the radiative properties of the atmosphere. A comparison of the thermal evolution of Uranus and Neptune indicates that the larger amount of solar radiation absorbed in Uranus' atmosphere tends to differentially suppress the escape of interior heat. The model is shown to be consistent with recent infrared observations of the thermal balance of Uranus and Neptune, and with the presumed age of these planets.  相似文献   

A simple, idealized model for the rapid escape of a hydrogen thermosphere provides some quantitative estimates for the energy-limited flux of escaping particles. The model assumes that the atmosphere is “tightly bound” by the gravitational field at lower altitudes, that diffusion through the lower atmosphere does not limit the flux, and that the main source of heating is solar euv. Rather low thermospheric temperatures are typical of such escape and a characteristic minimum develops in the temperature profile as the escape flux approaches its maximum possible value. The flux is limited by the amount of euv energy absorbed, which is in turn controlled by the radial extent of the thermosphere. Regardless of the amount of hydrogen in the thermosphere, the low temperatures accompanying rapid escape limit its extent, and thus constrain the flux. Applied to the Earth and Venus, the results suggest that the escape of hydrogen from these planets would have been energy-limited if their primordial atmospheres contained total hydrogen mixing ratios exceeding a few percent. Hydrogen and deuterium may have been lost in bulk, but heavier elements would have remained in the atmosphere. These results place constraints on hypotheses for the origin of the planets and their subsequent evolution.  相似文献   

The effect of large-scale magnetic fields on total solar irradiance (TSI) was studied both in time–frequency and in time–longitude aspects. A continuous wavelet analysis revealed that the energy of thermomagnetic disturbances due to sunspots and faculae cascades into the magnetic network and facular macrostructure. A numerical technique of time–longitude analysis was developed to study the fine structure of temporal changes in the TSI caused by longitudinal brightness inhomogeneities and rotation of the Sun. The analysis facilitates mapping large-scale thermal inhomogeneities of the Sun and reveals patterns of radiative excesses and deficits relative to the undisturbed solar photosphere. These patterns are organized into 2- and 4-sector structures that exhibit the effects of both activity complexes and magnetically active longitudes. Large-scale patterns with radiative excess display a facular macrostructure and bright patterns in the magnetic network caused by the dissipation of large-scale thermomagnetic disturbances. Similar global-scale temperature patterns were found in the upper solar atmosphere. These temperature patterns are also causally related to long-lived magnetic fields of the Sun. During activity cycles 21–23 the patterns with radiative excess tend to be concentrated around the active longitudes which are centered at about 60° and 230° in the Carrington system.  相似文献   

Roger V. Yelle 《Icarus》2004,170(1):167-179
One-dimensional aeronomical calculations of the atmospheric structure of extra-solar giant planets in orbits with semi-major axes from 0.01 to 0.1 AU show that the thermospheres are heated to over 10,000 K by the EUV flux from the central star. The high temperatures cause the atmosphere to escape rapidly, implying that the upper thermosphere is cooled primarily by adiabatic expansion. The lower thermosphere is cooled primarily by radiative emissions from H+3, created by photoionization of H2 and subsequent ion chemistry. Thermal decomposition of H2 causes an abrupt change in the composition, from molecular to atomic, near the base of the thermosphere. The composition of the upper thermosphere is determined by the balance between photoionization, advection, and H+ recombination. Molecular diffusion and thermal conduction are of minor importance, in part because of large atmospheric scale heights. The energy-limited atmospheric escape rate is approximately proportional to the stellar EUV flux. Although escape rates are large, the atmospheres are stable over time scales of billions of years.  相似文献   

According to recent simulations of the Earth’s thermosphere, the exospheric temperature is not expected to rise above 7000-8000 K even under extreme solar EUV conditions anticipated for the early Earth. Rather, when the solar EUV flux exceeds some critical value, the escaping flow of the bulk upper thermosphere starts cooling it due to adiabatic expansion, which results in a decrease of the exobase temperature. Under these extreme conditions, the exobase might have expanded above the magnetopause and the magnetosphere had not been able to protect the upper atmosphere against strong non-thermal erosion by the solar wind.This study shows that a nitrogen-rich terrestrial atmosphere with a present-day composition would have been removed within a few million years during the extreme EUV and solar wind conditions that are expected to have prevailed before the late heavy bombardment period ∼3.8 Ga ago. Our results suggest that a CO2 amount in the early nitrogen-rich terrestrial atmosphere of at least two orders of magnitude higher than the present-time level was needed to confine the upper atmosphere after the onset of the geodynamo within the shielding magnetosphere and thus might have protected it from complete destruction.  相似文献   

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