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Using the S-band radar at Arecibo Observatory, we observed six new M-class main-belt asteroids (MBAs), and re-observed one, bringing the total number of Tholen M-class asteroids observed with radar to 19. The mean radar albedo for all our targets is , significantly higher than the mean radar albedo of every other class (Magri, C., Nolan, M.C., Ostro, S.J., Giorgini, J.D. [2007]. Icarus 186, 126-151). Seven of these objects (Asteroids 16 Psyche, 129 Antigone, 216 Kleopatra, 347 Pariana, 758 Mancunia, 779 Nina, 785 Zwetana) have radar albedos indicative of a very high metal content , and consistent with a remnant iron/nickel core interpretation (irons) or exotic high metal meteorite types such as CB. We propose designating these high radar albedo objects as Mm. Two asteroids, 110 Lydia and 678 Fredegundis, have more moderate radar albedos , but exhibit high values at some rotation phases suggesting a significant metal content. The remaining 10 objects have moderate radar albedos at all rotation phases. Most of our targets have visible/near-infrared spectra (Hardersen, P.S., Gaffey, M.J., Abell, P.A. [2005]. Icarus 175, 141-158; Fornasier, S., Clark, B.E., Dotto, E., Migliorini, A., Ockert-Bell, M., Barucci, M.A. [2009]. Icarus, submitted for publication) that indicate the presence of at least some silicate phases. All of the non-Mm asteroids show a positive correlation between visual and radar albedo but the reasons for this are not clear. All of the higher radar albedo targets (the 7 Mm asteroids, Lydia, and Fredegundis) show moderate to large variations in radar albedo with rotation phase. We suggest that their high radar reflectivity exaggerates irregularities in the asteroid shape to cause this behavior. One-third of our targets show evidence for asteroid-scale concavities or bifurcation. Based on all the evidence available, we suggest that most Tholen M-class asteroids are not remnant iron cores or enstatite chondrites, but rather collisional composites of silicates and irons with compositions more analogous to stony-iron meteorites and high-iron carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

We have conducted a radar-driven observational campaign of 22 main-belt asteroids (MBAs) focused on Bus–DeMeo Xc- and Xk-type objects (Tholen X and M class asteroids) using the Arecibo radar and NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF). Sixteen of our targets were near-simultaneously observed with radar and those observations are described in a companion paper (Shepard, M.K., and 19 colleagues [2010]. Icarus, in press). We find that most of the highest metal-content asteroids, as suggested by radar, tend to exhibit silicate absorption features at both 0.9 and 1.9 μm, and the lowest metal-content asteroids tend to exhibit either no bands or only the 0.9 μm band. Eleven of the asteroids were observed at several rotational longitudes in the near-infrared and significant variations in continuum slope were found for nine in the spectral regions 1.1–1.45 μm and 1.6–2.3 μm. We utilized visible wavelength data (Bus, S.J., Binzel, R.P. [2002b]. Icarus 158, 146–177; Fornasier, S., Clark, B.E., Dotto, E., Migliorini, A., Ockert-Bell, M., Barucci, M.A. [2010]. Icarus 210, 655–673.) for a more complete compositional analysis of our targets. Compositional evidence is derived from our target asteroid spectra using two different methods: (1) a χ2 search for spectral matches in the RELAB database, and (2) parametric comparisons with meteorites. This paper synthesizes the results of the RELAB search and the parametric comparisons with compositional suggestions based on radar observations. We find that for six of the seven asteroids with the highest iron abundances, our spectral results are consistent with the radar evidence (16 Psyche, 216 Kleopatra, 347 Pariana, 758 Mancunia, 779 Nina, and 785 Zwetana). Three of the seven asteroids with the lowest metal abundances, our spectral results are consistent with the radar evidence (21 Lutetia, 135 Hertha, 497 Iva). The remaining seven asteroids (22 Kalliope, 97 Klotho, 110 Lydia, 129 Antigone, 224 Oceana, 678 Fredegundis, and 771 Libera) have ambiguous compositional interpretations when comparing the spectral analogs to the radar analogs. The number of objects with ambiguous results from this multi-wavelength survey using visible, near-infrared, and radar wavelengths indicates that perhaps a third diagnostic wavelength region (such as the mid-infrared around 2–4 μm, the mid-infrared around 10–15 μm, and/or the ultraviolet around 0.2–0.4 μm) should be explored to resolve the discrepancies.  相似文献   

We report Arecibo observations of 55 main-belt asteroids (MBAs) during 1999-2003. Most of our targets had not been detected previously with radar, so these observations more than double the number of radar-detected MBAs. Our bandwidth estimates constrain our targets' pole directions in a manner that is geometrically distinct from optically derived constraints. We present detailed statistical analyses of the disk-integrated properties (radar albedo and circular polarization ratio) of the 84 MBAs observed with radar through March 2003; all of these observations are summarized in the online supplementary information. Certain conclusions reached in previous studies are strengthened: M asteroids have higher mean radar albedos and a wider range of albedos than do other MBAs, suggesting that both metal-rich and metal-poor M-class objects exist; and C- and S-class MBAs have indistinguishable radar albedo distributions, suggesting that most S-class objects are chondritic. Also in accord with earlier results, there is evidence that primitive asteroids from outside the C taxon (F, G, P, and D) are not as radar-bright as C and S objects, but a convincing statistical test must await larger sample sizes. In contrast with earlier work, we find S-class MBAs to have higher circular polarization ratios than other MBAs, indicating greater near-surface structural complexity at decimeter scales, due to different mineralogy (material strength or loss tangent), a different impactor population, or both.  相似文献   

We have conducted a radar-driven observational campaign of main-belt asteroids (MBAs) focused on X/M class asteroids using the Arecibo radar and NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF). M-type asteroids have been identified as metallic, enstatite chondrites and/or heavily altered carbonaceous chondrites [Bell, J.F., Davis, D., Hartmann, W.K., Gaffey, M.J., 1989. In: Binzel, R.P., Gehrels, T., Matthews, M.S. (Eds.), Asteroids II. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 921-948; Gaffey, M.J., McCord, T.B., 1979. In: Gehrels, T., Matthews, M.S. (Eds.), Asteroids. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 688-723; Vilas, F., 1994. Icarus 111, 456-467]. Radar wavelength observations can determine whether an asteroid is metallic and provide information about the porosity and regolith depth. Near-infrared observations can help determine the grain size, porosity and composition of an object. Concurrent observations with these tools can give us a wealth of information about an object. Our objectives for this observation program were to (a) determine if there are any consistent relationships between spectra in the near-infrared wavelengths and radar signatures and (b) look for rotationally resolved relationships between asteroid radar properties and near-infrared spectral properties. This paper describes preliminary results of an ongoing survey of near-infrared observations of M-type asteroids and is a companion paper to radar observations reported by Shepard [Shepard, M.K., and 19 colleagues, 2008a. Icarus 195, 184-205]. In the analysis of 16 asteroid near-infrared spectra and nine radar measurements, we find a trend indicating a correlation between continuum slope from 1.7 to 2.45 μm and radar albedo—an asteroid with a steep continuum slope also has a bright radar albedo, which suggests a significant metal content. This may provide a means to use near-IR observations to predict the most likely metallic candidates for radar studies.  相似文献   

We report new radar observations of E-class Asteroid 64 Angelina and M-class Asteroid 69 Hesperia obtained with the Arecibo Observatory S-band radar (2480 MHz, 12.6 cm). Our measurements of Angelina’s radar bandwidth are consistent with reported diameters and poles. We find Angelina’s circular polarization ratio to be 0.8 ± 0.1, tied with 434 Hungaria for the highest value observed for main-belt asteroids and consistent with the high values observed for all E-class asteroids (Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J., Magri, C., Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Giorgini, J.D., Jurgens, R.F., Margot, J.L., Taylor, P.A., Busch, M.W., Shepard, M.K. [2008]. Icarus 198, 294-304; Shepard, M.K., Kressler, K.M., Clark, B.E., Ockert-Bell, M.E., Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Magri, C., Giorgini, J.D., Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J. [2008b]. Icarus 195, 220-225). Our radar observations of 69 Hesperia, combined with lightcurve-based shape models, lead to a diameter estimate, Deff = 110 ± 15 km, approximately 20% smaller than the reported IRAS value. We estimate Hesperia to have a radar albedo of , consistent with a high-metal content. We therefore add 69 Hesperia to the Mm-class (high metal M) (Shepard, M.K., Clark, B.E., Ockert-Bell, M., Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Magri, C., Giorgini, J.D., Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J., Harris, A.W., Warner, B.D., Stephens, R.D., Mueller, M. [2010]. Icarus 208, 221-237), bringing the total number of Mm-class objects to eight; this is 40% of all M-class asteroids observed by radar to date.  相似文献   

We describe Arecibo (2380 MHz, 12.6 cm) Doppler-only radar detections of near-Earth Asteroids 1915 Quetzalcoatl, 3199 Nefertiti, 3757 (1982 XB), and 4034 (1986 PA) obtained between 1981 and 1989. Estimates of the echo spectral bandwidths, radar cross-sections, and circular polarization ratios of these objects constrain their sizes, radar albedos, surface roughnesses, taxonomic classes, rotation periods, and pole directions. Our radar constraints on the diameters of Quetzalcoatl and Nefertiti are most consistent with sizes determined using thermal-radiometry and the Fast Rotation Model (FRM); this consistency may indicate that these asteroids have surfaces of high thermal inertia (i.e., little or no regolith). Constraints on Quetzalcoatl's radar albedo rule out a “metallic M” classification. The radar constraints for Nefertiti are inconsistent with a rotation pole published by Kaasalainen et al. (2004, Icarus 167, 178). Our estimates of 1982 XB's size are consistent with previously published estimates. The radar bandwidth of 1986 PA places an upper bound of about 24 h on its rotation period.  相似文献   

The Karin cluster is one of the youngest known families of main-belt asteroids, dating back to a collisional event only 5.8±0.2 Myr ago. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope we have photometrically sampled the thermal continua (3.5-22 μm) of 17 Karin cluster asteroids of different sizes, down to the smallest members discovered so far, in order to make the first direct measurements of their sizes and albedos and study the physical properties of their surfaces. Our targets are also amongst the smallest main-belt asteroids observed to date in the mid-infrared. The derived diameters range from 17.3 km for 832 Karin to 1.5 km for 75176, with typical uncertainties of 10%. The mean albedo is pv=0.215±0.015, compared to 0.20±0.07 for 832 Karin itself (for H=11.2±0.3), consistent with the view that the Karin asteroids are closely related physically as well as dynamically. The albedo distribution (0.12?pv?0.32) is consistent with the range associated with S-type asteroids but the variation from one object to another appears to be significant. Contrary to the case for near-Earth asteroids, our data show no evidence of an albedo dependence on size. However, the mean albedo is lower than expected for young, fresh “S-type” surfaces, suggesting that space weathering can darken main-belt asteroid surfaces on very short timescales. Our data are also suggestive of a connection between surface roughness and albedo, which may reflect rejuvenation of weathered surfaces by impact gardening. While the available data allow only estimates of lower limits for thermal inertia, we find no evidence for the relatively high values of thermal inertia reported for some similarly sized near-Earth asteroids. Our results constitute the first observational confirmation of the legitimacy of assumptions made in recent modeling of the formation of the Karin cluster via a single catastrophic collision 5.8±0.2 Myr ago.  相似文献   

We present the results of thermal-infrared observations of 20 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) obtained in the period March 2000-February 2002 with the 10-m Keck-I telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The measured fluxes have been fitted with thermal-model emission continua to determine sizes and albedos. This work increases the number of NEAs having measured albedos by 35%. The spread of albedos derived is very large (pv=0.02−0.55); the mean value is 0.25, which is much higher than that of observed main-belt asteroids. In most cases the albedos are in the ranges expected for the spectral types, although some exceptions are evident. Our results are consistent with a trend of increasing albedo with decreasing size for S-type asteroids with diameters below 20 km. A number of objects are found to have unexpectedly low apparent color temperatures, which may reflect unusual thermal properties. However, the results from our limited sample suggest that high thermal-inertia, regolith-free objects may be uncommon, even amongst NEAs with diameters of less than 1 km. We discuss the significance of our results in the light of information on these NEAs taken from the literature and the uncertainties inherent in applying thermal models to near-Earth asteroids.  相似文献   

We observed near-Earth asteroid (NEA) 2100 Ra-Shalom over a six-year period, obtaining rotationally resolved spectra in the visible, near-infrared, thermal-infrared, and radar wavelengths. We find that Ra-Shalom has an effective diameter of Deff=2.3±0.2 km, rotation period P=19.793±0.001 h, visual albedo pv=0.13±0.03, radar albedo , and polarization ratio μc=0.25±0.04. We used our radar observations to generate a three-dimensional shape model which shows several structural features of interest. Based on our thermal observations, Ra-Shalom has a high thermal inertia of ∼103 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1, consistent with a coarse or rocky surface and the inferences of others [Harris, A.W., Davies, J.K., Green, S.F., 1998. Icarus 135, 441-450; Delbo, M., Harris, A.W., Binzel, R.P., Pravec, P., Davies, J.K., 2003. Icarus 166, 116-130]. Our spectral data indicate that Ra-Shalom is a K-class asteroid and we find excellent agreement between our spectra and laboratory spectra of the CV3 meteorite Grosnaja. Our spectra show rotation-dependent variations consistent with global variations in grain size. Our radar observations show rotation-dependent variations in radar albedo consistent with global variations in the thickness of a relatively thin regolith.  相似文献   

Cassini radar tracks on Saturn’s icy satellites through the end of the Prime Mission in 2008 have increased the number of radar albedo estimates from 10 (Ostro et al., 2006) to 73. The measurements sample diverse subradar locations (and for Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus almost always use beamwidths less than half the target angular diameters), thereby constraining the satellites’ global radar albedo distributions. The echoes result predominantly from volume scattering, and their strength is thus strongly sensitive to ice purity and regolith maturity. The combination of the Cassini data set and Arecibo 13-cm observations of Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea (Black et al., 2007), and Iapetus (Black et al., 2004) discloses an unexpectedly complex pattern of 13-to-2-cm wavelength dependence. The 13-cm albedos are generally smaller than 2-cm albedos and lack the correlation seen between 2-cm and optical geometric albedos. Enceladus and Iapetus are the most interesting cases. We infer from hemispheric albedo variations that the E-ring has a prominent effect on the 13-cm radar “lightcurve”. The uppermost trailing-side regolith is too fresh for meteoroid bombardment to have developed larger-scale heterogeneities that would be necessary to elevate the 13-cm radar albedo, whereas all of Enceladus is clean and mature enough for the 2-cm albedo to be uniformly high. For, Iapetus, the 2-cm albedo is strongly correlated with optical albedo: low for the optically dark, leading-side material and high for the optically bright, trailing-side material. However, Iapetus’ 13-cm albedo values show no significant albedo dichotomy and are several times lower than 2-cm values, being indistinguishable from the weighted mean of 13-cm albedos for main-belt asteroids, 0.15 ± 0.10. The leading side’s optically dark contaminant must be present to depths of at least one to several decimeters, so 2-cm albedos can mimic the optical dichotomy; however, it does not have to extend any deeper than that. The fact that both hemispheres of Iapetus look Asteroid-like at 13 cm means that coherent backscattering itself is not nearly as effective as it is at 2 cm. Since Iapetus’ entire surface is mature regolith, the wavelength dependence must involve composition, not structure. Either the composition is a function of depth everywhere (with electrical loss much greater at depths greater than a decimeter or two), or the intrinsic electrical loss of some pervasive constituent is much higher at 13 cm than at 2 cm. Ammonia is a candidate for such a contaminant. If ammonia’s electrical properties do not depend on frequency, and if ammonia is globally much less abundant within the upper one or two decimeters than at greater depths, then coherent backscattering would effectively be shut down at 13 cm, explaining the Asteroid-like 13-cm albedo.  相似文献   

We observed the E-class main-belt Asteroids (MBAs) 44 Nysa and 434 Hungaria with Arecibo Observatory's S-band (12.6 cm) radar. Both asteroids exhibit polarization ratios higher than those measured for any other MBA: Nysa, μc=0.50±0.02 and Hungaria, μc=0.8±0.1. This is consistent with the high polarization ratios measured for every E-class near-Earth asteroid (NEA) observed by Benner et al. [Benner, L.A.M., and 10 collegues, 2008. Icarus, submitted for publication] and suggests a common cause. Our estimates of radar albedo are 0.19±0.06 for Nysa and 0.22±0.06 for Hungaria. These values are higher than those of most MBAs and, when combined with their high polarization ratios, suggest that the surface bulk density of both asteroids is high. We model Nysa as an ellipsoid of dimension 113×67×65 km (±15%) giving an effective diameter Deff=79±10 km, consistent with previous estimates. The echo waveforms are not consistent with a contact binary as suggested by Kaasalainen et al. [Kaasalainen, M., Torppa, J., Piironen, J., 2002. Astron. Astrophys. 383, L19-L22]. We place a constraint on Hungaria's maximum diameter, Dmax?11 km consistent with previous size estimates.  相似文献   

In March 2001, the Hayabusa spacecraft target, Asteroid 25143 Itokawa, made its final close approach to Earth prior to the spacecraft's launch. We carried out an extensive observing campaign from January to September 2001 to better characterize this near-Earth asteroid. Global physical properties of the surface of Itokawa were characterized by analyzing its photometric properties and behavior. Results included here capitalize on analysis of broadband photometric observations taken with a number of telescopes, instruments, and observers. We employed a Hapke model to estimate the surface roughness, single particle scattering albedo, single particle scattering characteristics, phase integral, and geometric and bond albedo. We find that this asteroid has a higher geometric albedo than average main belt S-class asteroids; this is consistent with results from other observers. The broadband colors of Itokawa further support evidence that this is an atypical S-class asteroid. Broadband colors show spectral characteristics more typically found on large-diameter main-belt asteroids believed to be space-weathered, suggesting the surface of this small diameter, near-Earth asteroid could likewise be space-weathered.  相似文献   

S. Fornasier  B.E. Clark 《Icarus》2011,214(1):131-146
We present reflected light spectral observations from 0.4 to 2.5 μm of 24 asteroids chosen from the population of asteroids initially classified as Tholen X-type objects (Tholen, 1984). The X complex in the Tholen taxonomy comprises the E, M and P classes which have very different inferred mineralogies but which are spectrally similar to each other, with featureless spectra in visible wavelengths.The data were obtained during several observing runs in the 2004-2007 years at the NTT, TNG and IRTF telescopes. Sixteen asteroids were observed in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range, seven objects in the visible wavelength range only, and one object in the near-infrared wavelength range only. We find a large variety of near-infrared spectral behaviors within the X class, and we identify weak absorption bands in spectra of 11 asteroids. Our spectra, together with albedos published by Tedesco et al. (2002), can be used to suggest new Tholen classifications for these objects. We describe 1 A-type (1122), 1 D-type (1328), 1 E-type (possibly, 3447 Burckhalter), 10 M-types (77, 92, 184, 337, 417, 741, 758, 1124, 1146 and 1355), 5 P-types (275, 463, 522, 909, 1902), and 6 C-types (50, 220, 223, 283, 517, and 536). In order to constrain the possible composition of these asteroids, we perform a least-squares search through the RELAB spectral database. Many of the best fits are consistent with meteorite analogue materials suggested in the published literature. In fact, we find that seven of the new M-types can be fit with metallic iron (or pallasite) materials, and that the low albedo C/P-type asteroids are best fitted with CM meteorites, some of which have been subjected to heating episodes or laser irradiation. Our method of searching for meteorite analogues emphasizes the spectral characteristics of brightness and shape, and de-emphasizes minor absorption bands. Indeed, faint absorption features like the 0.9 μm band seen on four newly classified M-type asteroids are not reproduced by the iron meteorites. In these cases, we have searched for geographical mixture models that can fit the asteroid spectrum, minor bands, and albedo. We find that a few percent (less than 3%) of orthopyroxene added to iron or pallasite meteorite, results in good spectral matches, reproducing the weak spectral feature around 0.9 μm seen on 92 Undina, 417 Suevia, and 1124 Stroobantia. For 337 Devosa, a mixture model that better reproduces its spectral behavior and the 0.9 μm feature is made with Esquel pallasite enriched with goethite (2%).Finally, we consider the sample of the X-type asteroids we have when we combine the present observations with previously published observations for a total of 72 bodies. This sample includes M and E-type asteroid data presented in [Fornasier et al., 2008] and [Fornasier et al., 2010]. We find that the mean visible spectral slopes for the different E, M and P Tholen classes are very similar, as expected. An analysis of the X-type asteroid distribution in the main belt is also reported, following both the Tholen and the Bus-DeMeo taxonomies (DeMeo et al., 2009).  相似文献   

The potentially hazardous Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24 approached the Earth within 0.0125 AU on 2001 December 16 and was the target of a number of optical, infrared, and radar observing campaigns. Interest in 1998 WT24 stems from its having an orbit with an unusually low perihelion distance, which causes it to cross the orbits of the Earth, Venus, and Mercury, and its possibly being a member of the E spectral class, which is rare amongst near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We present the results of extensive thermal-infrared observations of 1998 WT24 obtained in December 2001 with the 3-m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii and the ESO 3.6-m telescope in Chile. A number of thermal models have been applied to the data, including thermophysical models that give best-fit values of 0.35±0.04 km for the effective diameter, 0.56±0.2 for the geometric albedo, pv, and 100-300 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1 for the thermal inertia. Our values for the diameter and albedo are consistent with results derived from radar and polarimetric observations. The albedo is one of the highest values obtained for any asteroid and, since no other taxonomic type is associated with albedos above 0.5, supports the suggested rare E-type classification for 1998 WT24. The thermal inertia is an order of magnitude higher than values derived for large main-belt asteroids but consistent with the relatively high values found for other near-Earth asteroids. A crude pole solution inferred from a combination of our observations and published radar results is β=−52°, λ=355° (J2000), but we caution that this is uncertain by several tens of degrees.  相似文献   

A.S. Rivkin  R.P. Binzel  S.J. Bus  A. Saxena 《Icarus》2004,172(2):408-414
We have obtained near-infrared (0.8-2.5 μm) spectra of Hermes (1937 UB) using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea. We find Hermes to have spectral properties consistent with L/LL chondrites, with a strong visual similarity to Gaffey (1976, J. Geophys. Res. 81, 905) average L6 chondrites. We define a ratio of band areas (RBA) using the Modified Gaussian Method (MGM: Sunshine and Pieters, 1990, in: Lunar and Planetary Institute Conference Abstracts, p. 1223, 1993, J. Geophys. Res. 98, 9075) to quantify near-infrared asteroidal data lacking a visible component. Hermes has a spectrum nearly indistinguishable from (19356) 1997 GH3. Together, these asteroids represent new endmembers on the continuum of spectra from ordinary chondrite meteorites to large main-belt S-class asteroids. We discuss regolith effects that may be occurring on Hermes and other possible ordinary chondrite parent bodies, and constrain the albedo of Hermes to 0.4 or higher (effective diameter 650 m or smaller) if it has a regolith. This value for albedo/diameter is consistent with radar results.  相似文献   

The Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) can be used to obtain direct determination of the sizes and the albedos of asteroids. We present results of the first attempt to carry out interferometric observations of asteroids with the Mid Infrared Interferometric Instrument (MIDI) at the VLTI. Our target was 1459 Magnya. This is the only V-type asteroid known to exist in the outer main-belt, and its IRAS-albedo turns out to be rather low for an object of this taxonomic class. Interferometric fringes were not detected, very likely due to the fact that the flux emitted by the asteroid was lower than expected and below the MIDI threshold for fringe detection. However, by fitting the Standard Thermal Model to the N-band infrared flux measured by MIDI in photometric mode and to the visible absolute magnitude, obtained from quasi-simultaneous B- and V-band photometric observations, we have derived a geometric visible albedo of 0.37±0.06 and an effective diameter of 17±1 km. This new estimate of the albedo differs from that previously obtained by IRAS and is more consistent with the V-type taxonomic classification of 1459 Magnya.  相似文献   

Jack Drummond  Jerry Nelson 《Icarus》2009,202(1):147-159
Five main belt asteroids, 2 Pallas, 129 Antigone, 409 Aspasia, 532 Herculina, and 704 Interamnia were imaged with the adaptive optics system on the 10 m Keck-II telescope in the near infrared on one night, August 16, 2006. The three axis dimensions and rotational poles were determined for Pallas, Antigone, Aspasia, and Interamnia, from their changing apparent sizes and shapes as measured with parametric blind deconvolution. The rotational pole found for Interamnia is much different from all previous work, including our own at Lick Observatory the previous month. Although images of Herculina were obtained at only two rotational phases, its rotation appears to be opposite to that predicted from the lightcurve inversion model of M. Kaasalainen, J. Torppa, and J. Piironen [2002. Icarus 159, 369-395]. A search for satellites was made in all of the asteroid images, with negative results, but three trailing stars around Herculina (200 km diameter), down to 8.9 magnitudes fainter and between 1 and 115 asteroid radii (100 to 11,500 km) from the asteroid, establishes an upper limit of 3.3 km for any object with the same albedo near Herculina.  相似文献   

The results of photometric observations of eight main-belt asteroids with low surface albedo are presented. The magnitude-phase dependences including low phase angles (<1 deg) have been obtained for Asteroids 76 Freia (down to phase angle 0.1 deg, P-type), 190 Ismene (0.3 deg, P-type), 303 Josephina (0.2 deg, C-type), 309 Fraternitas (0.1 deg, C-type), 313 Chaldaea (0.1 deg, C-type), 444 Gyptis (0.8 deg, P-type), 615 Roswitha (0.1 deg, C-type), and 954 Li (0.03 deg, FCX-type). The behavior of brightness in the range of opposition effect is found to be practically linear for 190 Ismene with amplitude of opposition effect only 0.03 mag. Amplitudes of the opposition effect for other asteroids are close to a mean for this type. The obtained data allowed us also to determine the rotation periods of asteroids: 303 Josephina (12.497±0.001 h), 309 Fraternitas (11.205±0.005 h), 615 Roswitha (4.422±0.001 h) and 954 Li (7.207±0.002 h). The color indexes B-V, V-R and R-I have been determined for some asteroids.  相似文献   

The highest resolution (pixel scale 30 km) images of Ceres to date have been acquired by the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard Hubble Space Telescope, through three wide band filters, centered at 535, 335, and 223 nm, covering more than one rotation of Ceres. The lightcurve at 535 nm agrees with earlier observations at V-band [Tedesco, E.F., Taylor, R.C., Drummond, J., Harwood, D., Nickoloff, I., Scaltriti, F., Schober, H. J., Zappala, V., 1983. Icarus 54, 23-29] in terms of magnitude, amplitude, and shape. The 0.04 magnitude lightcurve amplitude cannot be matched by Ceres' rotationally symmetric shape, and is modeled here by albedo patterns. The geometric albedos at the above three wavelengths are measured to be 0.087±0.003, 0.056±0.002, and 0.039±0.003, respectively. V-band geometric albedo is calculated to be 0.090±0.003, consistent with earlier observations [Tedesco, E.F., 1989. In: Binzel, R.P., Gehrels, T., Matthews, M.S. (Eds.), Asteroids II. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 1090-1138]. A strong absorption band (30%) centered at about 280 nm is observed, but cannot be identified with either laboratory UV spectra or the spectra of Europa or Ganymede. The single-scattering albedo has been modeled to be 0.070±0.002, 0.046±0.002, and 0.032±0.003, respectively. The photometric roughness of Ceres' surface is found to be about 44°±5° from photometric modeling using Hapke's theory, consistent with earlier radar observations [Mitchell, D.L., Ostro, S.J., Hudson, R.S., Rosema, K.D., Campbell, D.B., Velez, R., Chandler, J. F., Shapiro, I.I., Giorgini, J.D., Yeomans, D.K., 1996. Icarus 124, 113-133]. The first spatially resolved surface albedo maps of Ceres at three wavelengths have been constructed from HST observations, as well as the corresponding color maps. Eleven surface albedo features are identified, ranging in scale from 40-350 km. Overall the range of these albedo and color variations is small compared to other asteroids and some icy satellites.  相似文献   

Isotopic and chemical compositions of meteorites, coupled with dynamical simulations, suggest that the main belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter contains objects formed in situ as well as a population of interlopers. These interlopers are predicted to include the building blocks of the terrestrial planets as well as objects that formed beyond Neptune ( [Bottke et al., 2006] , [Levison et al., 2009] and [Walsh et al., 2011] ). Here we report that the main belt asteroid (21) Lutetia – encountered by the Rosetta spacecraft in July 2010 – has spectral (from 0.3 to 25 μm) and physical (albedo, density) properties quantitatively similar to the class of meteorites known as enstatite chondrites. The chemical and isotopic compositions of these chondrites indicate that they were an important component of the formation of Earth and other terrestrial planets. This meteoritic association implies that Lutetia is a member of a small population of planetesimals that formed in the terrestrial planet region and that has been scattered in the main belt by emerging protoplanets (Bottke et al. 2006) and/or by the migration of Jupiter (Walsh et al. 2011) early in its history. Lutetia, along with a few other main-belt asteroids, may contains part of the long-sought precursor material (or closely related materials) from which the terrestrial planets accreted.  相似文献   

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