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We have used HST/NICMOS to observe approximately 57% of the martian surface in 7 narrow band filters (0.97, 1.08, 1.13, 1.66, 1.90, 2.12, and 2.15 μm) during the 2003 opposition (Ls∼250°) and at a resolution of ∼12 km/pixel. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the dataset has identified regional variability on scales of hundreds of kilometers associated with differences in the near-infrared spectrum of Mars. Visualization of the data in principal component space has allowed us to identify spectral endmembers associated with the south polar cap, the classic bright terrains, northern Syrtis Major, southern Syrtis Major, Tyrrhena Terra, and Acidalia Planitia. The two Syrtis Major endmembers and the Tyrrhena Terra endmember differ in their absolute reflectivities but have the same spectral shape at wavelengths longer than 1.6 μm. The Acidalia endmember is distinct from the other dark terrain endmembers because it exhibits a strong negative near-IR spectral slope. Comparisons with spectral library measurements cannot provide unique constraints on the surface mineralogy for these sparsely-sampled spectral data. However, the observed spectral variations between Tyrrhena Terra and Syrtis Major are consistent with variations in iron- and sulfur-bearing minerals, and the relatively strong negative spectral slope in the spectrum of Acidalia is consistent with the presence of hydrated alteration products. Additional comparison with previous NICMOS observations taken in 1997 at Ls∼150° indicate that the average near-IR spectral slope of the Acidalia region is more negative during the late northern fall than during the mid northern summer. This may indicate seasonal variations in the presence of either adsorbed water or re-hydrated minerals in the regolith of Acidalia.  相似文献   

Syrtis Major Planum is a volcanic plain dominated by lava flows. High resolution stereo camera (HRSC) images of the northern Syrtis Major region display erosional features such as grooves, teardrop-shaped islands and valleys. These landforms are characteristics of outflow channels seen on Mars, therefore implying that a flood event took place in this region. The flow of 100 km long and a few kilometer wide followed the local slopes in most locations. Maximum flood discharges estimated from images and topography vary from about 0.3×106 to 8×106 m3/s, and therefore are in the range of terrestrial mega-floods in the Scablands or Lake Bonneville. In North Syrtis Major, the relationships with surrounding lava flows and the timing of the flood coeval to Syrtis Major volcanic activity suggest that it could be related to the subsurface water discharge mobilized by the volcanic activity. The proximity of Noachian age basement rocks 20 km away from the flood and below lava flows might have played a role in its formation and water presence.  相似文献   

Recent radar observations of Syrtis Major have shown it to be smooth and relatively homogeneous when sensed at centimeter wavelengths λ. There is a gradual decrease in surface roughness east to west across the basin, which correlates with an apparent decrease in small (< 1 km diameter) crater density. Root mean square surface slopes σ range from more than 1.5–2.0° in the east to less than 0.5° along the western margin at λ = 12.6 cm. The surface appears somewhat rougher at λ = 3.6 cm; a σ ∝ λ?0.3 dependence is inferred. Radar reflectivity increases from about 5% to about 12% across Syrtis Major, being greatest near the western margin. High-resolution (8 to 20 m/pixel) Viking images suggest that an increasing amount of resurfacing has occurred in western Syrtis Major compared with the eastern parts. The radar, infrared, and optical imaing evidence are consistent with resurfacing by geologically recent, low-viscosity lavas which were subsequently mantled by thin layers of aeolian material. Each data set may be taken as a unique source of scale-dependent information on surface materials and properties. From comparison of radar-derived surface roughness with image-derived crater density curves we conclude that processes other than cratering control the surface texture on 0.03- to 100-m surface scales.  相似文献   

HiRISE has imaged a graben wall on the western flank of Arsia Mons volcano, Mars. This graben is ∼3×16 km in plan-view size and is oriented almost perpendicular to the general volcano slope. We have identified 1318 individual sub-horizontal layers, which we interpret to be lava flows, in the 885 m high, nearly vertical, eastern wall of this graben. The average and median outcrop widths of each layer are 149 and 85 m, respectively. No layers extend >1.72 km across the width of the section, arguing against these being either areally-extensive ash or paleo-glacial deposits, which has implications for the reoccurrence interval of glacial events and/or the long-term magma production rate of the volcano. Measurements (N=118) made at a 100-m spacing across the width of the section reveal that there are, on average, 17.3 layers at each location. This implies an average layer thickness of ∼51 m. Locally, however, as many as 7 layers can be counted within a 70 m-high part of the section, implying, if these layers are indeed lava flows, that Arsia Mons occasionally erupted flows that were only ∼10 m thick.  相似文献   

During the last two minutes before closest approach of Deep Space 1 to Comet 19P/Borrelly, a long exposure was made with the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) imaging spectrometer. The observation yielded 46 spectra covering 1.3-2.6 μm; the footprint of each spectrum was ∼160 m × width of the nucleus. Borrelly's highly variegated and extremely dark 8-km-long nucleus exhibits a strong red slope in its short-wavelength infrared reflection spectrum. This slope is equivalent to J-K and H-K colors of ∼0.82 and ∼0.43, respectively. Between 2.3-2.6 μm thermal emission is clearly detectable in most of the spectra. These data show the nucleus surface to be hot and dry; no trace of H2O ice was detected. The surface temperature ranged continuously across the nucleus from ?300 K near the terminator to a maximum of ∼340 K, the expected sub-solar equilibrium temperature for a slowly rotating body. A single absorption band at ∼2.39 μm is quite evident in all of the spectra and resembles features seen in nitrogen-bearing organic molecules that are reasonable candidates for compositional components of cometary nuclei. However as of yet the source of this band is unknown.  相似文献   

Loki Patera (310° W, 12° N) is Io's largest patera at ∼180 km in diameter. Its morphology and distinct thermal behavior have led researchers to hypothesize that Loki Patera may either be an active lava lake that experiences periodic overturn, or a shallow depression whose floor is episodically resurfaced with thin flows. Using results from mathematical models, we suggest that a better model for Loki's behavior is the terrestrial superfast spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR), near 17°30 south. We propose that, like at the southern EPR, Loki Patera is underlain by a thin, persistent magma “lens” that feeds thin, temporary lava lakes within the patera. Also like the southern EPR, overspilling of the volcanic depression is rare, with most of the lava volume being emplaced via a subsurface network of lava tubes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The objective of this study was to identify and map possible source regions for all 5 known martian meteorite lithologies (basalt, lherzolite, clinopyroxenite, orthopyroxenite, and dunite) using data from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS TES). We deconvolved the TES data set using laboratory spectra of 6 martian meteorites (Los Angeles, Zagami, ALH A77005, Nakhla, ALH 84001, and Chassigny) as end members, along with atmospheric and surface spectra previously derived from TES data. Global maps (16 pixels/degree) of the distribution of each meteorite end member show that meteorite‐like compositions are not present at or above TES detectability limits over most of the planet's dust‐free regions. However, we have confidently identified local‐scale (100s‐1000s km2) concentrations of olivine‐ and orthopyroxene‐bearing materials similar to ALH A77005, Chassigny, and ALH 84001 in Nili Fossae, in and near Ganges Chasma, in the Argyre and Hellas basin rims, and in Eos Chasma. Nakhla‐like materials are identified near the detection limit throughout the eastern Valles Marineris region and portions of Syrtis Major. Basaltic shergottites were not detected in any spatially coherent areas at the scale of this study. Martian meteorite‐like lithologies represent only a minor portion of the dust‐free surface and, thus, are not representative of the bulk composition of the ancient crust. Meteorite‐like spectral signatures identified above TES detectability limits in more spatially restricted areas (<tens of km) are targets of ongoing analysis.  相似文献   

Using speckle imaging techniques on the 10-m W.M. Keck I telescope, we observed near-infrared emission at 2.2 μm from volcanic hotspots on Io in July-August 1998. Using several hundreds of short-exposure images we reconstructed diffraction-limited images of Io on each of three nights. We measured the positions of individual hotspots to ±0.004″ or better, corresponding to a relative positional error of ∼20 km on Io's surface. The sensitivity of normal ground-based images of Io is limited by confusion between overlapping sources; by resolving these multiple points we detected up to 17 distinct hotspots, the largest number ever seen in a single image.During the month-long span of our 1998 observations, several events occurred. Loki was at the end of a long brightening, and we observed it to fade in flux by a factor of 2.8 over the course of one month. At the 3-sigma level we see evidence that Loki's position shifts by ∼100 km. This suggests that the brightening may not have been located at the “primary” Loki emission center but at a different source within the Loki caldera. We also see a bright transient source near Loki. Among many other sources we detect a dim source on the limb of Io at the latitude of Pele; this source is consistent with 2.7% of the thermal emission from the Pele volcano complex being scattered by the Pele plume, which would be the first detection of a plume through scattered infrared hotspot emission.  相似文献   

Alan R. Peterfreund 《Icarus》1981,45(2):447-467
Estimation of surface properties and physical setting of three common Martian wind streak types (bright, dark, and splotch related) provides constraints on models of the formation and variability of streaks. Bright streaks form independently of surface properties other than local topography. This is consistent with their formation being due to deposition of atmospheric dust in the lee of topographic features. Although they are widespread on Mars, dark streaks are noted as variable only in regions near 30°S latitude and elevations between 3 and 7 km, and are associated with dark surfaces that have relatively high thermal inertias. Splotch-related streaks occur at elevations between 0 and 6 km and in regions of relatively high thermal inertia. Splotch-related streaks occur near the boundaries of thermally defined regions, such as the south polar cap and other areas of either low or high thermal inertia. These thermal conditions are responsible for the production of surface winds which form and modify these streaks. The source of sidements which form splotch-related streaks varies from dunes to well-indurated stratified deposits. Regional studies of the various types in Syrtis Major, Syria Planum-Claritas Fossae, Oxia Palus, Mesogea, and Pettit craters and Noachis confirm that the correlations found at the global level occur at regional scales.  相似文献   

The Goldstone radar system was operated at wavelengths of 3.5 and 12.6 cm to probe the Martian surface during the 1975 opposition. Regions studied in detail by range-Doppler techniques are Syrtis Major, Sinus Meridiani, and the crater Schiaparelli. Average rms slopes of 1.6° and 1.1° were measured in Syrtis Major at 3.5 and 12.6 cm, respectively, while the average reflectivity was 0.064 ± 0.02 at both wavelengths. No wavelength dependence of surface roughness was seen in Sinus Meridiani, where rms surface slopes averaged 1.8° and the reflectivity was 0.08 ± 0.02. The regions around Schiaparelli were probed at a 12.6-cm wavelength. The echo from the bottom of the crater was undetectable. Hence ρ0C < 25, where ρ0 is the reflectivity and C is the Hagfors roughness parameter. Operating at 3.5 cm during May and June of 1976, 149 continous-wave echo spectra were obtained near latitude 18°, sampling most longitudes including the early Viking landing sites A1 and A2. The average total radar cross section is 4.8% of the geometrical cross section. The diffuse component was estimated to be 1.9%, leaving 2.9% to the average quasi-specular component. The average rms slope is 4.1°. Six spectra obtained at site A1 indicate that rms slopes are 5 to 9° between latitudes 17 and 19°. Three spectra obtained at s site A2 indicate an rms slope of 3.9°.  相似文献   

We present radiometrically calibrated spectrophotometric images of Mars taken at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) near and during the 1995 and 1999 oppositions. Absolute intensity and radiance factor (rF = I/F) values have been calculated for approximately 95% of the surface over all longitudes between −70° to 90° latitude in the 1.5- to 4.1-μm spectral region at a spectral resolution (Δλ/λ) of 1.5%. Values of radiance factor range from rF = 0.4 to 0.6 at 2.2 μm for the bright regions such as Moab and Arabia to rF = 0.12 to 0.3 at 2.2 μm around the dark regions Syrtis Major and Acidalia Planitia. Variations are seen due to seasonal dust and/or condensate cloud cover and viewing geometry. Our results are generally consistent with the few reported previous radiance factor determinations for Mars. These data are unique among ground-based data in their relatively high spatial resolution (?200 km/pixel at the sub-Earth point) and coverage combined with their spectral resolution and coverage. These radiometrically calibrated observations can be used as input to studies focusing on spectral unmixing of surface and atmospheric components, radiative transfer modeling of disk and limb radiances, and photometric modeling of the martian phase function.  相似文献   

Evidence of volcano-ground ice interactions on Mars can provide important constraints on the timing and distribution of martian volcanic processes and climate characteristics. Northwest of the Elysium Rise is Hrad Vallis, a ∼370 m deep, 800 km long sinuous valley that begins in a source region at 34° N, 218° W. Flanking both sides of the source region is a lobate deposit that extends ∼50 km perpendicular from the source and is an average of ∼40 m thick. Previous studies have suggested the formation of the Hrad Vallis source region was the result of explosive magma-ice interaction and that the lobate deposit is a mudflow; here we use newly available MOLA, MOC, and THEMIS data to investigate the evidence supporting this hypothesis. Within the lobate deposit we have identified 12 craters with thermal infrared signatures and morphologies that are distinct from any other craters or depressions in the region. The thermally distinct craters are distinguished by their cool interiors surrounded by warm ejecta in the nighttime THEMIS IR data and warm interiors surrounded by cool ejecta in the daytime THEMIS IR data. The craters are typically 1100-1800 m in diameter (one crater is ∼2300 m across) and 30-40 m deep, but may be up to 70 m. The craters are typically circular and have central depressions (several with interior dune fill) surrounded by ∼1 to >6 concentric fracture sets. The distribution of the craters and their morphology suggests that they are likely the result of the interaction between a hot mudflow and ground ice.  相似文献   

We present near-infrared spectral measurements of Themis family Asteroid (379) Huenna (D ∼ 98 km) and its 6 km satellite using SpeX on the NASA IRTF. The companion was farther than 1.5″ from the primary at the time of observations and was approximately 5 magnitudes dimmer. We describe a method for separating and extracting the signal of a companion asteroid when the signal is not entirely resolved from the primary. The spectrum of (379) Huenna has a broad, shallow feature near 1 μm and a low slope, characteristic of C-type asteroids. The secondary’s spectrum is consistent with the taxonomic classification of C-complex or X-complex. The quality of the data was not sufficient to identify any subtle feature in the secondary’s spectrum.  相似文献   

D. Ravat 《Icarus》2011,214(2):400-412
Using model studies, the total gradient (TG) of the Z-component magnetic field is shown to be a useful quantity for delineating sources of satellite-altitude magnetic anomalies; this field is used to constrain the location and lateral boundaries of sources of high amplitude magnetic anomalies of southern highlands of Mars. The TG field suggests two parallel linear and oppositely magnetized sources of 1000 and 1800 km length separated by 1000 km of region of intervening non-parallel sources. The simplest interpretation of the long, linear features is that they are zones of multitudinous crustal scale dikes formed in separate episodes of rifting, and not features associated with the mechanism of seafloor spreading. Forward modeling with uniformly magnetized sources suggests that magnetizations of the order of 10-50 A/m (40 km thickness) over ∼100 km width in the case of the southern source and of 12.5-27.5 A/m (40 km thickness) and ∼200 km width for the northern source are necessary to explain the Z-component amplitudes and features of the TG field. If the crustal magnetization on Mars were to be distributed fractally as on Earth, magnetizations matching the largest amplitude features on Mars may be spatially correlated from a 50-100 km distance range (β ∼ 3) to approaching nearly uniform magnetization (β ∼ 5) values. To keep magnetization intensity as small as possible, the higher end of β values are preferred, whereas, small amplitude anomaly features could be generated from sources with β ∼ 3. Many of the Mars anomaly features could be coalescence effects similar to the coalescence of anomaly features observed on http://icarus.cornell.edu/information/keywords.html.Earth.  相似文献   

J. Warell 《Icarus》2002,156(2):303-317
Multicolor photometric observations of the “unknown” hemisphere of Mercury have been performed with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope on La Palma at maximal elongations from the Sun in 1997 and 1998. A set of six interference filters with central wavelengths from 450 to 940 nm were used. Multicolor photometry of Mercury was performed on disk-resolved images of the unknown hemisphere (longitudes 160°-340°) with a highest resolution of ∼200 km (J. Warell and S. Limaye 2001, Planet. Space Sci.49, 1531-1552).Disk-integrated spectrophotometry shows that (1) the spectrum of Mercury displays a linear slope from 650 to 940 nm, indicating that the average mercurian regolith is considerably more mature than relatively immature pure anorthosite regions on the Moon; (2) there is negative evidence for the presence of the putative 1-μm absorption feature near 940 nm due to the presence of ferrous iron (Fe2+) in pyroxenes; and (3) no effect of phase reddening of the integrated disk is observed between phase angles of 63° and 84°.For the first time, disk-resolved spectrophotometry of Mercury's surface has been obtained, from which it is inferred that (4) the scattering properties of Mercury's regolith are more homogeneous than for the Moon and that there is no clear relation between reflectance and chemical properties at spatial scales of ∼300 km on the unknown hemisphere and (5) there exists an inverse relation of spectral slope with emission angle which is larger for Mercury than for the Moon, indicating that the average mercurian regolith is more backscattering and that this effect increases with wavelength.Finally, from filter ratio images of Mercury's disk it is found that (6) no color variations larger that 2% with respect to the surroundings are detected at a spatial resolution of ∼300 km.  相似文献   

A review of the available spectral geometric albedo measurements for Mars was presented earlier for the spectral region 0.3 to 1.1μ. A new observational study has greatly increased the store of data, especially for small Martian regions and for the infrared spectral region 1.0 to 2.5μ. Here we combine the new data with data both from the earlier review and, for the infrared spectral region, from the literature. We present a more complete picture of Martian spectral reflectivity properties than was available. This study should provide a more firm basis upon which models of Martian surface composition can be built. At visible wavelengths the Mars dark area Syrtis Major is red rather than green or grey in color; the bright area Arabia is even redder than Syrtis Major. Absorption bands, which differ between bright and dark areas, appear in the reflection curves. The 1μ absorption feature for dark areas is confirmed and more completely described. A previously unreported absorption band near 0.95μ for bright areas appears along with several absorption features in the infrared. The geometric albedo for Arabia reaches a maximum of about 0.43 at 1μ. The Bond albedo for this same area reaches a maximum of 60%. The bright area Arabia is occasionally three times brighter than the dark area Syrtis Major at red wavelengths. Published infrared reflection data available for Mars are not in complete agreement. Changes in brightness and color of Arabia are discussed which are not in agreement with traditional darkening wave theory.  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of the Martian surface is investigated by a Multiple-Endmember Linear Spectral Unmixing Model (MELSUM) of the Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité (OMEGA) imaging spectrometer onboard Mars Express. OMEGA has fully covered the surface of the red planet at medium to low resolution (2–4 km per pixel). Several areas have been imaged at a resolution up to 300 m per pixel. One difficulty in the data processing is to extract the mineralogical composition, since rocks are mixtures of several components. MELSUM is an algorithm that selects the best linear combination of spectra among the families of minerals available in a reference library. The best fit of the observed spectrum on each pixel is calculated by the same unmixing equation used in the classical Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA). This study shows the importance of the choice of the input library, which contains in our case 24 laboratory spectra (endmembers) of minerals that cover the diversity of the mineral families that may be found on the Martian surface. The analysis is restricted to the 1.0–2.5 μm wavelength range. Grain size variations and atmospheric scattering by aerosols induce changes in overall albedo level and continuum slopes. Synthetic flat and pure slope spectra have therefore been included in the input mineral spectral endmembers library in order to take these effects into account. The selection process for the endmembers is a systematic exploration of whole set of combinations of four components plus the straight line spectra. When negative coefficients occur, the results are discarded. This strategy is successfully tested on the terrestrial Cuprite site (Nevada, USA), for which extensive ground observations exist. It is then applied to different areas on Mars including Syrtis Major, Aram Chaos and Olympia Undae near the North Polar Cap. MELSUM on Syrtis Major reveals a region dominated by mafic minerals, with the oldest crustal regions composed of a mixing between low-calcium pyroxenes (LCPs) (orthopyroxenes (OPx)) and high-calcium pyroxenes (HCPs) (clinopyroxenes (CPx)). The Syrtis volcanic edifice appears depleted in LCP (OPx) and enriched in HCP (CPx), which is consistent with materials produced with a lower partial fusion degree at an age younger to the surrounding crust. Strong olivine signatures are found between the two calderas Nili Patera and Meroe Patera and in Nili Fossae. A strong signature of iron oxides is found within Aram Chaos, with a spatial distribution also consistent with thermal emission spectrometer (TES). Gypsum is unambiguously detected in the northern polar region, in agreement with the study of Langevin et al. [2005. Sulfates in the north polar region of Mars detected by OMEGA/Mars Express. Science 307(5715), 1584–1586]. Our results show that the linear spectral unmixing provides good first order results in a variety of mineralogical contexts, and can therefore confidently be used on a wider scale to analyze the complete archive of OMEGA data.  相似文献   

Galileo's Solid State Imager (SSI) observed Tvashtar Catena four times between November 1999 and October 2001, providing a unique look at a distinctive high latitude volcanic complex on Io. The first observation (orbit I25, November 1999) resolved, for the first time, an active extraterrestrial fissure eruption; the brightness temperature was at least 1300 K. The second observation (orbit I27, February 2000) showed a large (∼500 km2) region with many, small, hot, regions of active lava. The third observation was taken in conjunction with Cassini imaging in December 2000 and showed a Pele-like, annular plume deposit. The Cassini images revealed an ∼400 km high Pele-type plume above Tvashtar Catena. The final Galileo SSI observation of Tvashtar (orbit I32, October 2001), revealed that obvious (to SSI) activity had ceased, although data from Galileo's Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) indicated that there was still significant thermal emission from the Tvashtar region. In this paper, we primarily analyze the style of eruption during orbit I27 (February 2000). Comparison with a lava flow cooling model indicates that the behavior of the Tvashtar eruption during I27 does not match that of simple advancing lava flows. Instead, it may be an active lava lake or a complex set of lava flows with episodic, overlapping eruptions. The highest reliable color temperature is ∼1300 K. Although higher temperatures cannot be ruled out, they do not need to be invoked to fit the observed data. The total power output from the active lavas in February 2000 was at least 1011 W.  相似文献   

Ground-based observations of the CO2 distribution on Mars were made this past opposition from Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. Almost complete coverage of the Martian surface from 40°N to 60°S was obtained. Agreement with previous Kitt Peak observations is good, and confirmation of a pressure anomaly in the Tharsis region has been obtained. The ridge whose eastern slope is Syrtis Major stops at about 15°S, in agreement with the 1971 radar data. The Noachis-Hellas region south of Syrtis Major appears at about average altitude, indicating that the dust storm of 1971 was already active in that region as early as the end of August.  相似文献   

The modeling of thermal emission from active lava flows must account for the cooling of the lava after solidification. Models of lava cooling applied to data collected by the Galileo spacecraft have, until now, not taken this into consideration. This is a flaw as lava flows on Io are thought to be relatively thin with a range in thickness from ∼1 to 13 m. Once a flow is completely solidified (a rapid process on a geological time scale), the surface cools faster than the surface of a partially molten flow. Cooling via the base of the lava flow is also important and accelerates the solidification of the flow compared to the rate for the ‘semi-infinite’ approximation (which is only valid for very deep lava bodies). We introduce a new model which incorporates the solidification and basal cooling features. This model gives a superior reproduction of the cooling of the 1997 Pillan lava flows on Io observed by the Galileo spacecraft. We also use the new model to determine what observations are necessary to constrain lava emplacement style at Loki Patera. Flows exhibit different cooling profiles from that expected from a lava lake. We model cooling with a finite-element code and make quantitative predictions for the behavior of lava flows and other lava bodies that can be tested against observations both on Io and Earth. For example, a 10-m-thick ultramafic flow, like those emplaced at Pillan Patera in 1997, solidifies in ∼450 days (at which point the surface temperature has cooled to ∼280 K) and takes another 390 days to cool to 249 K. Observations over a sufficient period of time reveal divergent cooling trends for different lava bodies [examples: lava flows and lava lakes have different cooling trends after the flow has solidified (flows cool faster)]. Thin flows solidify and cool faster than flows of greater thickness. The model can therefore be used as a diagnostic tool for constraining possible emplacement mechanisms and compositions of bodies of lava in remote-sensing data.  相似文献   

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