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Prior to the impact event, Deep Impact monitored the ambient inner coma of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 at high spatial resolution in July 2005. Gaseous H2O and CO2 are unambiguously detected in the infrared spectra collected with the HRI-IR spectrometer aboard Deep Impact. Detailed distribution maps of these volatiles in the inner coma, within 60 km from the nucleus, are produced from the integrated emission bands of H2O (2.66 μm) and CO2 (4.26 μm). Uncorrelated asymmetries are determined in the spatial distribution of both species indicating chemical heterogeneities within the nucleus. Although present at some abundance surrounding the entire nucleus, H2O has a pronounced enhancement in abundance in the sunward direction rotational phases, evidence that the dominant process of subliming water ice from the nucleus is solar heating. In contrast, CO2 is enhanced in the regions near the negative rotational pole of the nucleus, suggesting localized outgassing there. Both species show an increase in radiance above the limb of the nucleus toward Ecliptic North. The distribution maps also suggest that the process of dust removal from the nucleus is strongly connected to the outgassing of volatiles. Detailed study of these coma asymmetries gives insight to the relative abundances of the dominant molecular components of the inner coma, source regions of the native volatiles, anisotropic outgassing of the nucleus, and the formation and evolution of the nucleus. A quiescent water production rate for Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005, is estimated to be .  相似文献   

The fragmentation of the split Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 B was observed with the prime-focus camera Suprime-Cam attached to the Subaru 8.2-m telescope. The fragmentation revealed dozens of miniature comets [Fuse, T., Yamamoto, N., Kinoshita, D., Furusawa, H., Watanabe, J., 2007. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn. 59 (2), 381-386]. We analyzed the Subaru/Suprime-Cam images, detecting no fewer than 154 mini-comets, mostly extending to the southwest. Three were close to the projected orbit of fragment B. We applied synchrone-syndyne analysis, modified for rocket effect analysis, to the mini-fragment spatial distribution. We found that most of these mini-comets were ejected from fragment B by an outburst occurring around 1 April 2006, and three fragments on the leading side of nucleus B could have been released sunward on the previous return. Several fragments might have been released by successive outbursts around 24 April and 2 May 2006. The ratio of the rocket force to solar gravity was 7-23 times larger than that exerted on fragment B. No significant color variation was found. The mean color index, V-R = 0.50 ± 0.07, was slightly redder than that of the Sun and similar to that of the largest fragment, C, which suggests that these mini-fragments were detected mainly through sunlight reflected by dust particles and materials on the nuclei. We examined the surface brightness profiles of all detected fragments and estimated the sizes of 154 fragments. We found that the radius of these mini-fragments was in the 5- to 108-m range (equivalent size of Tunguska impactor). The power-law index of the differential size distribution was q = −3.34 ± 0.05. Based on this size distribution, we found that about 1-10% of the mass of fragment B was lost in the April 2006 outbursts. Modeling the cometary fragment dynamics [Desvoivres, E., Klinger, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A.C., Lecacheux, J., Jorda, L., Enzian, A., Colas, F., Frappa, E., Laques, P., 1999. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 303 (4), 826-834; Desvoivres, E., Klinger, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A.C., Jones, G.H., 2000. Icarus 144, 172-181] revealed that it is likely that mini-fragments smaller than ∼10-20 m could be depleted in water ice and become inactive, implying that decameter-sized comet fragments could survive against melting and remain as near-Earth objects. We attempted to detect the dust trail, which was clearly found in infrared wavelengths by Spitzer. No brightness enhancement brighter than 30.0 mag arcsec−2 (3σ) was detected in the orbit of fragment B.  相似文献   

During 2006 March-2007 January, we used the IRAC and MIPS instruments on the Spitzer Space Telescope to study the infrared emission from the ensemble of fragments, meteoroids, and dust tails in the more than 3° wide 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 debris field. We also investigated contemporaneous ground-based and HST observations. In 2006 May, 55 fragments were detected in the Spitzer image. The wide spread of fragments along the comet’s orbit indicates they were formed from the 1995 splitting event. While the number of major fragments in the Spitzer image is similar to that seen from the ground by optical observers, the correspondence between the fragments with optical astrometry and those seen in the Spitzer images cannot be readily established, due either to strong non-gravitational terms, astrometric uncertainties, or transience of the fragments’ outgassing. The Spitzer data resolve the structure of the dust comae at a resolution of ∼1000 km, and they reveal the infrared emission due to large (mm to cm size) particles in a continuous dust trail that closely follows the projected orbit. We detect fluorescence from outflowing CO2 gas from the largest fragments (B and C), and we measure the CO2:H2O proportion (1:10 and 1:20, respectively). We use three dimensionless parameters to explain dynamics of the solid particles: the rocket parameter α is the reaction force from day-side sublimation divided by solar gravity, the radiation pressure parameter β is the force due to solar radiation pressure divided by solar gravity, and the ejection velocity parameter ν is the particle ejection speed divided by the orbital speed of the comet at the time of ejection. The major fragments have ν>α>β and are dominated by the kinetic energy imparted to them by the fragmentation process. The small, ephemeral fragments seen by HST in the tails of the major fragments have α>ν>β and are dominated by rocket forces (until they become devolatilized). The meteoroids along the projected orbit seen by Spitzer have βν?α and are dominated by radiation pressure and ejection velocity, though both influences are much less than gravity. Dust in the fragments’ tails has β?(ν+α) and is dominated by radiation pressure.  相似文献   

The Deep Impact flyby spacecraft includes a 1.05 to 4.8 μm infrared (IR) spectrometer. Although ice was not observed on the surface in the impact region, strong absorptions near 3 μm due to water ice are detected in IR measurements of the ejecta from the impact event. Absorptions from water ice occur throughout the IR dataset beginning three seconds after impact through the end of observations, ∼45 min after impact. Spatially and temporally resolved IR spectra of the ejecta are analyzed in conjunction with laboratory impact experiments. The results imply an internal stratigraphy for Tempel 1 consisting of devolatilized materials transitioning to unaltered components at a depth of approximately one meter. At greater depths, which are thermally isolated from the surface, water ice is present. Up to depths of 10 to 20 m, the maximum depths excavated by the impact, these pristine materials consist of very fine grained (∼1±1 μm) water ice particles, which are free from refractory impurities.  相似文献   

We present results from the Chandra X-ray Observatory's extensive campaign studying Comet 9P/Tempel 1 (T1) in support of NASA's Deep Impact (DI) mission. T1 was observed for ∼295 ks between 30th June and 24th July 2005, and continuously for ∼64 ks on July 4th during the impact event. X-ray emission qualitatively similar to that observed for the collisionally thin Comet 2P/Encke system [Lisse, C.M., Christian, D.J., Dennerl, K., Wolk, S.J., Bodewits, D., Hoekstra, R., Combi, M.R., Mäkinen, T., Dryer, M., Fry, C.D., Weaver, H., 2005b. Astrophys. J. 635 (2005) 1329-1347] was found, with emission morphology centered on the nucleus and emission lines due to C, N, O, and Ne solar wind minor ions. The comet was relatively faint on July 4th, and the total increase in X-ray flux due to the Deep Impact event was small, ∼20% of the immediate pre-impact value, consistent with estimates that the total coma neutral gas release due to the impact was 5×106 kg (∼10 h of normal emission). No obvious prompt X-ray flash due to the impact was seen. Extension of the emission in the direction of outflow of the ejecta was observed, suggesting the presence of continued outgassing of this material. Variable spectral features due to changing solar wind flux densities and charge states were clearly seen. Two peaks, much stronger than the man-made increase due to Deep Impact, were found in the observed X-rays on June 30th and July 8th, 2005, and are coincident with increases in the solar wind flux arriving at the comet. Modeling of the Chandra data using observed gas production rates and ACE solar wind ion fluxes with a CXE mechanism for the emission is consistent, overall, with the temporal and spectral behavior expected for a slow, hot wind typical of low latitude emission from the solar corona interacting with the comet's neutral coma, with intermittent impulsive events due to solar flares and coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Radio OH observations of 9P/Tempel 1 before and after Deep Impact   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We observed 18-cm OH emission in Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before and after Deep Impact. Observations using the Arecibo Observatory 305 m telescope took place between 8 April and 9 June, 2005, followed by post-impact observations using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory 100 m Green Bank Telescope 4-12 July, 2005. The resulting spectra were analyzed with a kinematic Monte Carlo model which allows estimation of the OH production rate, neutral gas outflow velocity, and distribution of the out-gassing from the nucleus. We detected typically 24% variability from the overall OH production rate trend in the two months leading up to the impact, and no dramatic increase in OH production in the days post-impact. Generally, the coma is well-described, within uncertainties, by a symmetric model with OH production rates from 1.6 to , and mean water outflow velocity of . At these low production rates, collisional quenching is expected to occur only within 20,000 km of the nucleus. However, our best-fit average quenching radius is 64,200 ± 22,000 km in April and May.  相似文献   

On 4 July 2005 at 5:52 UT the Deep Impact mission successfully completed its goal to hit the nucleus of 9P/Tempel 1 with an impactor, forming a crater on the nucleus and ejecting material into the coma of the comet. NASA's Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) observed the 110-101 ortho-water ground-state rotational transition in Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before, during, and after the impact. No excess emission from the impact was detected by SWAS and we derive an upper limit of 1.8×107 kg on the water ice evaporated by the impact. However, the water production rate of the comet showed large natural variations of more than a factor of three during the weeks before and after the impact. Episodes of increased activity with alternated with periods with low outgassing (). We estimate that 9P/Tempel 1 vaporized a total of N∼4.5×1034 water molecules (∼1.3×109 kg) during June-September 2005. Our observations indicate that only a small fraction of the nucleus of Tempel 1 appears to be covered with active areas. Water vapor is expected to emanate predominantly from topographic features periodically facing the Sun as the comet rotates. We calculate that appreciable asymmetries of these features could lead to a spin-down or spin-up of the nucleus at observable rates.  相似文献   

C.M. Lisse  K.E. Kraemer  A. Li 《Icarus》2007,187(1):69-86
Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph observations of the Deep Impact experiment in July 2005 have created a new paradigm for understanding the infrared spectroscopy of primitive solar nebular (PSN) material—the ejecta spectrum is the most detailed ever observed in cometary material. Here we take the composition model for the material excavated from Comet 9P/Tempel 1's interior and successfully apply it to Infrared Space Observatory spectra of material emitted from Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) and the circumstellar material found around the young stellar object HD 100546. Comparison of our results with analyses of the cometary material returned by the Stardust spacecraft from Comet 81P/Wild 2, the in situ Halley flyby measurements, and the Deep Impact data return provides a fundamental cross-check for the spectral decomposition models presented here. We find similar emission signatures due to silicates, carbonates, phyllosilicates, water ice, amorphous carbon, and sulfides in the two ISO-observed systems but there are significant differences as well. Compared to Tempel 1, no Fe-rich olivines and few crystalline pyroxenes are found in Hale-Bopp and HD 100546. The YSO also lacks amorphous olivine, while being super-rich in amorphous pyroxene. All three systems show substantial emission due to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The silicate and PAH material in Hale-Bopp is clearly less processed than in Tempel 1, indicating an earlier age of formation for Hale-Bopp. The observed material around HD 100546 is located ∼13 AU from the central source, and demonstrates an unusual composition due to either a very different, non-solar starting mix of silicates or due to disk material processing during formation of the interior disk cavity and planet(s) in the system.  相似文献   

T.Y Brooke  H.A Weaver  G Chin  S.J Kim 《Icarus》2003,166(1):167-187
High resolution infrared spectra of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) were obtained during 2-5 March 1997 UT from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, when the comet was at r≈1.0 AU from the Sun pre-perihelion. Emission lines of CH4, C2H6, HCN, C2H2, CH3OH, H2O, CO, and OH were detected. The rotational temperature of CH4 in the inner coma was Trot=110±20 K. Spatial profiles of CH4, C2H6, and H2O were consistent with release solely from the nucleus. The centroid of the CO emission was offset from that of the dust continuum and H2O. Spatial profiles of the CO lines were much broader than those of the other molecules and asymmetric. We estimate the CO production rate using a simplified outflow model: constant, symmetric outflow from the peak position. A model of the excitation of CO that includes optical depth effects using an escape probability method is presented. Optical depth effects are not sufficient to explain the broad spatial extent. Using a parent+extended-source model, the broad extent of the CO lines can be explained by CO being produced mostly (∼90% on 5 March) from an extended source in the coma. The CO rotational temperature was near 100 K. Abundances relative to H2O (in percent) were 1.1±0.3 (CH4), 0.39±0.10 (C2H6), 0.18±0.04 (HCN), 0.17±0.04 (C2H2), 1.7±0.5 (CH3OH), and 37-41 (CO, parent+extended source). These are roughly comparable to those obtained for other long-period comets also observed in the infrared, though CO appears to vary.  相似文献   

Comet Hale-Bopp was imaged at wavelengths from 1.87 to 2.22 μm by HST/NICMOS in post-perihelion observations starting on UT 1997 August 27.95. Diffraction-limited (∼02) images were obtained at high signal-to-noise (∼1500) to probe the composition and dynamics of the inner coma and also the size and activity of the nucleus. The velocities of several unusual morphological features over a 1.7 h period, indicate that a significant outburst occurred 7.4 h prior to these images while the comet was at a heliocentric distance of 2.49 AU. Similar features are also apparent after re-analysis of pre-perihelion ground-based images. The inner coma (radius ?2500 km) is dominated by an “arc” feature, which expanded and became more diffuse with time. This feature can be modeled as the bright central portion of a “jet of outburst” from a near-equatorial region of the nucleus. Less prominent, time-variable linear and circular morphologies are also apparent. The expansion rates of both the arc feature and the circular morphologies imply a common origin and also suggest a grain size distribution with two broad maxima. In addition, several static linear features extend to the edge of the field of view (21,100 km). Radial brightness profiles are highly asymmetric and only approach a ρ−1 decline at distances ?15,000 km. Images in a narrow-band filter at 2.04 μm exhibit a ∼4% absorption feature relative to nearly simultaneous images at wavelengths of 2.22, 1.90, and 1.87 μm. This absorption is attributed to H2O ice in the coma grains. The spatial distribution and expansion velocity of the absorption at 2.04 μm indicate that these grains are associated with the outburst. The constancy of the absorption feature indicates no appreciable sublimation over 1.7 h. The unresolved nucleus has a flux density consistent with a 40±10 km diameter assuming a 4% geometric albedo.  相似文献   

We discuss the composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of Comet Hale-Bopp. We do this using a model fit for the infrared emission measured by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and the measured degree of linear polarization of scattered light at various phase angles and wavelengths. The effects of particle shape on the modeled optical properties of the dust grains are taken into account. Both the short wavelength (7-44 μm) and the long wavelength (44-120 μm) infrared spectrum are fitted using the same dust parameters, as well as the degree of linear polarization at twelve different wavelengths in the optical to near-infrared domains. We constrain our fit by forcing the abundances of the major rock forming chemical elements to be equal to those observed in meteorites. The infrared spectrum at long wavelengths reveals that large grains are needed in order to fit the spectral slope. The size and shape distribution we employ allows us to estimate the sizes of the crystalline silicates. The ratios of the strength of various forsterite features show that the crystalline silicate grains in Hale-Bopp must be submicrometer-sized. On the basis of our analysis the presence of large crystalline silicate grains in the coma can be excluded. Because of this lack of large crystalline grains combined with the fact that we do need large amorphous grains to fit the emission spectrum at long wavelengths, we need only approximately 4% of crystalline silicates by mass (forsterite and enstatite) to reproduce the observed spectral features. After correcting for possible hidden crystalline material included in large amorphous grains, our best estimate of the total mass fraction of crystalline material is ∼7.5%, which is significantly lower than deduced in previous studies in which the typical derived crystallinity is ∼20-30%. The implications of this low abundance of crystalline material on the possible origin and evolution of the comet are discussed. We conclude that the crystallinity we observe in Hale-Bopp is consistent with the production of crystalline silicates in the inner Solar System by thermal annealing and subsequent radial mixing to the comet forming region (∼30 AU).  相似文献   

The Deep Impact encounter with the Jupiter family Comet 9P/Tempel 1 on UT 2005 July 4 was observed at high spectral resolving power (λ/δλ∼25,000) using the cross-dispersed near-infrared echelle spectrometer (NIRSPEC) at Keck-2. We report the temporal evolution of parent volatiles and dust (simultaneously measured) resulting from the event. Column abundances are presented for H2O and C2H6 beginning 30 min prior to impact (T−30) and ending 50 min following impact (T+50), and for H2O and HCN from T+50 until T+96, in time steps of approximately 6 min post-impact. The ejecta composition was revealed by an abrupt increase in H2O and C2H6 near T+25. This showed C2H6/H2O to be higher than its pre-impact value by a factor 2.4±0.5, while HCN/H2O was unchanged within the uncertainty of the measurements. The mixing ratios for C2H6 and HCN in the ejecta agree with those found in the majority of Oort cloud comets, perhaps indicating a common region of formation. The expanding dust plume was tracked by continuum measurements, both through the 3.5-μm spectral continuum and through 2-μm images acquired with the SCAM slit-viewing camera, and each showed a monotonic increase in continuum intensity following impact. A Monte Carlo model that included dust opacity was applied to the dust coma, and its parameters were constrained by observations; the simulated continuum intensities reproduced both spectral and SCAM data. The relatively sudden appearance of the volatile ejecta signature is attributed to heating of icy grains (perhaps to a threshold temperature) that are decreasingly shadowed by intervening (sunward) dust particles in an optically thick ejecta plume, perhaps coupled with an accelerated decrease in dust optical depth near T+25.  相似文献   

Comet 9P/Tempel 1 was the target of a multi-wavelength worldwide investigation in 2005. The NASA Deep Impact mission reached the comet on 4.24 July 2005, delivering a 370-kg impactor which hit the comet at 10.3 km s−1. Following this impact, a cloud of gas and dust was excavated from the comet nucleus. The comet was observed in 2005 prior to and after the impact, at 18-cm wavelength with the Nançay radio telescope, in the millimeter range with the IRAM and CSO radio telescopes, and at 557 GHz with the Odin satellite. OH observations at Nançay provided a 4-month monitoring of the outgassing of the comet from March to June, followed by the observation of H2O with Odin from June to August 2005. The peak of outgassing was found to be around between May and July. Observations conducted with the IRAM 30-m radio telescope in May and July 2005 resulted in detections of HCN, CH3OH and H2S with classical abundances relative to water (0.12, 2.7 and 0.5%, respectively). In addition, a variation of the HCN production rate with a period of 1.73±0.10 days was observed in May 2005, consistent with the 1.7-day rotation period of the nucleus. The phase of these variations, as well as those of CN seen in July by Jehin et al. [Jehin, E., Manfroid, J., Hutsemékers, D., Cochran, A.L., Arpigny, C., Jackson, W.M., Rauer, H., Schulz, R., Zucconi, J.-M., 2006. Astrophys. J. 641, L145-L148], is consistent with a rotation period of the nucleus of 1.715 days and a strong variation of the outgassing activity by a factor 3 from minimum to maximum. This also implies that the impact took place on the rising phase of the “natural” outgassing which reached its maximum ≈4 h after the impact. Post-impact observations at IRAM and CSO did not reveal a significant change of the outgassing rates and relative abundances, with the exception of CH3OH which may have been more abundant by up to one order of magnitude in the ejecta. Most other variations are linked to the intrinsic variability of the comet. The Odin satellite monitored nearly continuously the H2O line at 557 GHz during the 38 h following the impact on the 4th of July, in addition to weekly monitoring. Once the periodic variations related to the nucleus rotation are removed, a small increase of outgassing related to the impact is present, which corresponds to the release of ≈5000±2000 tons of water. Two other bursts of activity, also observed at other wavelengths, were seen on 23 June and 7 July; they correspond to even larger releases of gas.  相似文献   

In order to understand the cometary plasma environment it is important to track the closely linked chemical reactions that dominate ion evolution. We used a coupled MHD ion-chemistry model to analyze previously unpublished Giotto High Intensity Ion Mass Spectrometer (HIS-IMS) data. In this way we study the major species, but we also try to match some minor species like the CHx and the NHx groups. Crucial for this match is the model used for the electrons since they are important for ion-electron recombination. To further improve our results we included an enhanced density of supersonic electrons in the ion pile-up region which increases the local electron impact ionization. In this paper we discuss the results for the following important ions: C+, CH+, CH+2, CH+3, N+, NH+, NH+2, NH+3, NH+4, O+, OH+, H2O+, H3O+, CO+, HCO+, H3CO+, and CH3OH+2. We also address the inner shock which is very distinctive in our MHD model as well as in the IMS data. It is located just inside the contact surface at approximately 4550 km. Comparisons of the ion bulk flow directions and velocities from our MHD model with the data measured by the HIS-IMS give indication for a solar wind magnetic field direction different from the standard Parker angle at Halley's position. Our ion-chemical network model results are in a good agreement with the experimental data. In order to achieve the presented results we included an additional short lived inner source for the C+, CH+, and CH+2 ions. Furthermore we performed our simulations with two different production rates to better match the measurements which is an indication for a change and/or an asymmetric pattern (e.g. jets) in the production rate during Giotto's fly-by at Halley's comet.  相似文献   

C.M. Lisse 《Icarus》2008,195(2):941-944
This response is to address the comments made by Drs. J. Crovisier and D. Bockelee-Morvan concerning the spectral analysis of Lisse et al. [Lisse, C.M., Kraemer, K.E., Nuth, J.A., Li, A., Joswiak, D., 2007. Icarus 187, 69-86] of the mid-IR ISO SWS spectrum of Comet Hale-Bopp 1995 O1 taken on October 6, 1996, and to support the conclusions made in Lisse et al. concerning the positive detection of PAHs in this comet. We also present some additional information determined from the Deep Impact and STARDUST missions, demonstrating the presence of PAHs in other comets, to support the plausibility of the Hale-Bopp PAH detection.  相似文献   

I. Toth  P. Lamy 《Icarus》2005,178(1):235-247
The investigation of fragmented comets provides information on the physical properties and internal structure of cometary nuclei, as well as insights into the mechanisms responsible for cometary breakups. The Jupiter-family Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (73P/SW3) fragmented non-tidally into at least four components, and probably more, in the autumn of 1995. Fragment C was detected with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) on 26 November 2001 when it was 3.26 AU from the Sun and 2.34 AU from the Earth. The high spatial resolution of the HST allowed us to separate the signal of the fragment from that of its coma, and to determine its R magnitude in the Johnson-Kron-Cousins photometric system from four images taken with the F675W filter. Assuming a spherical body with a geometric albedo of 0.04 and a linear phase coefficient of 0.04 mag deg−1 for the R band, we derived an effective radius of . The pre-breakup radius of the original nucleus was estimated to be 1.1 km, which implies that the volume of fragment C is ∼25% of the total volume of the pre-breakup nucleus. The limited temporal coverage of our observations preclude deriving an accurate shape or rotational period; our measurements are consistent with a rather spherical body but an elongated shape cannot be excluded. Fragment C was very active despite its rather large heliocentric distance, with an estimated dust production rate of (∼130 metric tons day−1). A very large fraction of the surface area of fragment C must have been sublimating to sustain such a high level of activity. Fragment C may be recovered at its next return in 2006, if it does not experience further fragmentation.  相似文献   

Based on long-slit infrared spectroscopic observations, it has been suggested that half of the carbon monoxide present in the atmosphere of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) close to perihelion was released by a distributed source in the coma, whose nature (dust or gas) remains unidentified. We re-assess the origin of CO in Hale-Bopp’s coma from millimeter interferometric data and a re-analysis of the IR lines.Simultaneous observations of the CO J(1–0) (115 GHz) and J(2–1) (230 GHz) lines were undertaken with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer in single-dish and interferometric modes. The diversity of angular resolutions (from 1700 to 42,000 km diameter at the comet) is suitable to study the radial distribution of CO and detect the extended source observed in the infrared. We used excitation and radiative transfer models to simulate the single-dish and interferometric data. Various CO density distributions were considered, including 3D time-dependent hydrodynamical simulations which reproduce temporal variations caused by the presence of a CO rotating jet. The CO J(1–0) and J(2–1) observations can be consistently explained by a nuclear production of CO. Composite 50:50 nuclear/extended productions with characteristic scale lengths of CO parent Lp > 1500 km are rejected.Based on similar radiation transfer calculations, we show that the CO v = 1–0 ro-vibrational lines observed in Comet Hale-Bopp at heliocentric distances less than 1.5 AU are severely optically thick. The broad extent of the CO brightness distribution in the infrared is mainly due to optical depth effects entering in the emitted radiation. Additional factors can be found in the complex structure of the CO coma, and non-ideal slit positioning caused by the anisotropy of dust IR emission.We conclude that both CO millimeter and infrared lines do not provide compelling evidence for a distributed source of CO in Hale-Bopp’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

We have observed the coma of Comet 9P/Tempel 1, the target of the Deep Impact mission, by the polarization imaging technique, before and after the impact event (−32, −7, +43 and +65 h). Our observations were conducted in the red wavelength domain from Haute-Provence Observatory (France), with the 80-cm telescope. The overall polarization of 9P/Tempel 1, as obtained near 41° phase angle, is monitored and compared to data from other (active and less active) comets studied by the same technique. The linear polarization of the dust ejected by the impact is compared to previous observations of dust present in jets, ejected during outbursts or released when comets happen to split. At phase angles of about 41°, the difference in polarization between the comets with a low maximum in polarization and the comets with a high maximum in polarization is about 1%; it may thus be difficult to conclude about the classification. Nevertheless, the overall polarization after the impact rapidly reached a value corresponding to the high polarization class of comets, and later progressively decreased to its initial value. The polarization was measured to be slightly lower (about 1%) before the impact than after it in a 26,000-km aperture. The plume formed from dust ejected by the impact was still present 65 h after it. The variations of the intensity and the polarization in the coma provide some clues to variations of the physical properties of the particles; comparison with other techniques corroborates the presence of large particles and of submicron-sized grains in aggregates.  相似文献   

Lisse et al. [Lisse, C.M., Kraemer, K.E., Nuth III, J.A., Li, A., Joswiak, D., 2007. Icarus 187, 69-86] recently presented a new analysis of an ISO spectrum of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), from which they claimed the identification of many new dust species. Among them are PAHs, which were not found in our first analysis of the ISO spectra. We present here a re-examination of the ISO observations of Comet Hale-Bopp. From the absence of PAHs features in the 5.25-8.5 μm region, we infer that PAHs are at least twice less abundant than derived by Lisse et al. The carbonate feature at 7.00 μm is marginally present, but lower by a factor 2 to 3 than predicted by the model of Lisse et al.  相似文献   

The neutral gas environment of a comet is largely influenced by dissociation of parent molecules created at the surface of the comet and collisions of all the involved species. We compare the results from a kinetic model of the neutral cometary environment with measurements from the Neutral Mass Spectrometer and the Dust Impact Detection System onboard the Giotto spacecraft taken during the fly-by at Comet 1P/Halley in 1986. We also show that our model is in good agreement with contemporaneous measurements obtained by the International Ultraviolet Explorer, sounding rocket experiments, and various ground based observations.The model solves the Boltzmann equation with a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo technique (Tenishev, V., Combi, M., Davidsson, B. [2008]. Astrophys. J. 685, 659-677) by tracking trajectories of gas molecules and dust grains under the influence of the comet’s weak gravity field with momentum exchange among particles modeled in a probabilistic manner. The cometary nucleus is considered to be the source of dust and the parent species (in our model: H2O, CO, H2CO, CO2, CH3OH, C2H6, C2H4, C2H2, HCN, NH3, and CH4) in the coma. Subsequently our model also tracks the corresponding dissociation products (H, H2, O, OH, C, CH, CH2, CH3, N, NH, NH2, C2, C2H, C2H5, CN, and HCO) from the comet’s surface all the way out to 106 km.As a result we are able to further constrain cometary the gas production rates of CO (13%), CO2 (2.5%), and H2CO (1.5%) relative to water without invoking unknown extended sources.  相似文献   

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