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The effect of solar radiation on the near-term rotation rate of Asteroid Itokawa via the YORP effect is predicted using the detailed shape model, rotation pole, mass estimate, and optical properties derived from the Hayabusa mission to Itokawa. Based on these estimates Itokawa is decelerating at a rate which will halve its rotation rate in only 50-90 thousand years, a large deceleration that should be detectable in a future appartion. The implications of such a large deceleration for Itokawa's past history are discussed and related to possible seismic shaking.  相似文献   

Keith A. Holsapple 《Icarus》2010,205(2):430-442
The alteration of the spin states of small Solar-System bodies by the YORP thermal effect has recently become a plausible and, for some, the favorite candidate for the formation of binary asteroids. The idea is that if an asteroid is slowly spun up to a state where some strength measure is exceeded; it can no longer remain rigid and adjusts to a new configuration. Such a process might involve global fission, global shape changes without fission, or gradual surface mass loss with subsequent mass re-accumulations forming a secondary body.Here I analyze the changes in the shape, spin, and state during slowly increasing angular momentum of rubble-pile, self-gravitating, homogeneous ellipsoidal bodies undergoing homogeneous motions. I use, as appropriate for rubble-pile asteroids, the strength models of granular materials with zero tensile strength (cohesionless but arbitrary dilatancy); those are characterized by the “angle of friction” material constant. There are distinct limit spins depending on that angle of friction and the shape, which were previously presented [Holsapple, K.A., 2001. Icarus 154, 432-448; Holsapple, K.A., 2004. Icarus 172, 272-303]. Here the deformations and state changes when the angular momentum is slowly increased from that of a limit spin state are determined, to study the YORP processes. When a body is at its limit spin and the angular momentum increases further, the body deforms in a unique way along definite paths in the ellipsoidal shape space: it evolves as an elongating shape with an increasing rotational inertia, which in most cases produces a decreasing spin. I give exact analytical solutions for those shape and spin histories, as well as the histories of the mass density, angular momentum and energy. Comparison to other approaches is made.  相似文献   

D. ?apek 《Icarus》2004,172(2):526-536
The Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect has been recently suggested to significantly change, on a long-term, rotation state of small asteroids and meteoroids. Though YORP is closely related to the Yarkovsky (orbital) effect, it differs from the latter in two aspects: (i) YORP needs bodies of irregular shape to be effective, and (ii) YORP acts on bodies of zero surface thermal conductivity. To simplify computations, YORP has been so far investigated in the zero surface thermal conductivity limit only. Here we analyze the role of the surface conductivity and we find it substantially changes previous conclusions. Most importantly, unlike in the zero-conductivity limit, (i) YORP preferentially tilts obliquity toward two asymptotic states perpendicular to the orbital plane, and (ii) YORP asymptotically decelerates and accelerates rotation rate in about equal number of cases. Our work also indicates that direct detection of the YORP effect for a small asteroid may significantly constrain its mass.  相似文献   

On the sub-kilometer S-type asteroid, 25143 Itokawa, some boulders on rough terrains seem to be exposed without any powdery material covering. Based on surface morphological features, there are two major types of boulders: one has rounded edges and corners (rounded boulders), while the other has angular edges and corners (angular boulders). The surface features of the rounded boulders suggest that they have hardness heterogeneity and that some may be breccias. The angular boulders appear to be more resistant to impact disruption than the rounded ones, which may be due to a difference in lithology. The major constituents of Itokawa may be LL chondrite-like brecciated lithology (rounded boulders) along with a remarkable number of boulders suggesting that lithology is atypical among LL chondrites (angular boulders). Some of both types of boulders contain intersecting and stepped planar foliations. Comparison with meteorite ALH76009 suggests that the planar foliations may be marks where rocks were torn apart. As lithified breccias cannot be formed on present-day sub-kilometer-sized Itokawa, it is reasonable that boulders with various lithologies on Itokawa were formed on its large ancestor(s). The rubble-pile structure of Itokawa suggested by its low density (∼1.9 g/cm3) indicates that boulders on Itokawa are reassembled fragments formed by catastrophic disruption of large ancestor(s).  相似文献   

D.J. Scheeres 《Icarus》2007,188(2):430-450
A detailed derivation is given of the effect of solar radiation on the rotational dynamics of asteroids, commonly called the YORP effect. The current derivation goes beyond previous discussions published in the literature and provides a comprehensive secular dynamical analysis of the effect of solar radiation torques acting on a uniformly rotating body, and the evolution of its rotation state over time. Our predicted model has the global radiation properties of the asteroid as explicit parameters, and hence can be specified independent of these parameters. The resulting secular equations for the rotation rate and rotation pole are characterized by three parameters of the body's shape and explicitly includes the effect of thermal inertia on the evolution of these rotation state parameters. With this detailed model, in conjunction with estimated asteroid shapes and poles, we compute the expected YORP torques and dynamic response of several asteroids and the change in rotation rate for specific shapes as a function of obliquity. Finally, we define a convenient dimensionless parameter that is only a function of the body geometry and that can be used to characterize the effects of YORP.  相似文献   

We present a model of near-Earth asteroid (NEA) rotational fission and ensuing dynamics that describes the creation of synchronous binaries and all other observed NEA systems including: doubly synchronous binaries, high-e binaries, ternary systems, and contact binaries. Our model only presupposes the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect, “rubble pile” asteroid geophysics, and gravitational interactions. The YORP effect torques a “rubble pile” asteroid until the asteroid reaches its fission spin limit and the components enter orbit about each other (Scheeres, D.J. [2007]. Icarus 189, 370-385). Non-spherical gravitational potentials couple the spin states to the orbit state and chaotically drive the system towards the observed asteroid classes along two evolutionary tracks primarily distinguished by mass ratio. Related to this is a new binary process termed secondary fission - the secondary asteroid of the binary system is rotationally accelerated via gravitational torques until it fissions, thus creating a chaotic ternary system. The initially chaotic binary can be stabilized to create a synchronous binary by components of the fissioned secondary asteroid impacting the primary asteroid, solar gravitational perturbations, and mutual body tides. These results emphasize the importance of the initial component size distribution and configuration within the parent asteroid. NEAs may go through multiple binary cycles and many YORP-induced rotational fissions during their approximately 10 Myr lifetime in the inner Solar System. Rotational fission and the ensuing dynamics are responsible for all NEA systems including the most commonly observed synchronous binaries.  相似文献   

Dramatic alteration of an asteroid's morphology need not involve high energy impacts between bodies. Simple sunlight shining on an asteroid can, through the YORP effect, cause it to undergo dramatic reconfigurations, fission into a binary asteroid or, in some cases, even undergo a catastrophic disruption with the asteroid losing a large fraction of its initial mass. This paper discusses the system level constraints and conditions for these reconfigurations to occur for a body modeled as a collection of rigid bodies as its spin rate changes.  相似文献   

The distribution of axial rotation velocities of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) substantially differs from that of the Main-Belt asteroids by an excess of both quickly and slowly rotating objects. Among the possible causes of this difference is the influence of the solar radiation—the so-called YORP effect—that arises from the absorption of solar energy and its reemission in the thermal range by a rotating body of irregular shape. It is known that the magnitude of this effect depends on the asteroid size and the quantity of received solar energy (the insolation). Analysis of the observational data showed that the mean diameter of NEAs decreases from the middle of the distribution to the edges, i.e., the excess of both slowly (ω ≤ 2 rev/day) and quickly (ω = 8–11 rev/day) rotating objects is formed due to the asteroids with sizes smaller than those in the middle of the distribution, which agrees well with the influence of the YORP effect. Moreover, the dependence of the axial rotation velocity of NEAs on the relative insolation shows that, for the NEAs referred to, both excesses are found in orbits where, on average, they receive 8–10% more solar energy than the NEAs in the middle of the distribution. This result also agrees with the character of the influence of the YORP effect and can be considered as an additional argument in its support. Thus, the study showed that one can infer that the currently available observational data suggest the possible influence of the YORP effect on the axial rotation of the near-Earth asteroids having sizes of D ~ 2 km and less. This is the first attempt to find the influence of the YORP effect on the axial rotation of the NEA family as a whole.  相似文献   

David Parry Rubincam   《Icarus》2007,192(2):460-468
Photon thrust from shape alone can produce quasi-secular changes in an asteroid's orbital elements. An asteroid in an elliptical orbit with a north–south shape asymmetry can steadily alter its elements over timescales longer than one orbital trip about the Sun. This thrust, called here orbital YORP (YORP = Yarkovsky–O'Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack), operates even in the absence of thermal inertia, which the Yarkovsky effects require. However, unlike the Yarkovsky effects, which produce secular orbital changes over millions or billions of years, the change in an asteroid's orbital elements from orbital YORP operates only over the precession timescale of the orbit or of the asteroid's spin axis; this is generally only thousands or tens of thousands of years. Thus while the orbital YORP timescale is too short for an asteroid to secularly journey very far, it is long enough to warrant investigation with respect to 99942 Apophis, which might conceivably impact the Earth in 2036. A near-maximal orbital YORP effect is found by assuming Apophis is without thermal inertia and is shaped like a hemisphere, with its spin axis lying in the orbital plane. With these assumptions orbital YORP can change its along-track position by up to ±245 km, which is comparable to Yarkovsky effects. Though Apophis' shape, thermal properties, and spin axis orientation are currently unknown, the practical upper and lower limits are liable to be much less than the ±245 km extremes. Even so, the uncertainty in position is still likely to be much larger than the 0.5 km “keyhole” Apophis must pass through during its close approach in 2029 in order to strike the Earth in 2036.  相似文献   

Asteroids have a wide range of rotation states. While the majority spin a few times to several times each day in principal axis rotation, a small number spin so slowly that they have somehow managed to enter into a tumbling rotation state. Here we investigate whether the Yarkovsky-Radzievskii-O'Keefe-Paddack (YORP) thermal radiation effect could have produced these unusual spin states. To do this, we developed a Lie-Poisson integrator of the orbital and rotational motion of a model asteroid. Solar torques, YORP, and internal energy dissipation were included in our model. Using this code, we found that YORP can no longer drive the spin rates of bodies toward values infinitely close to zero. Instead, bodies losing too much rotation angular momentum fall into chaotic tumbling rotation states where the spin axis wanders randomly for some interval of time. Eventually, our model asteroids reach rotation states that approach regular motion of the spin axis in the body frame. An analytical model designed to describe this behavior does a good job of predicting how and when the onset of tumbling motion should take place. The question of whether a given asteroid will fall into a tumbling rotation state depends on the efficiency of its internal energy dissipation and on the precise way YORP modifies the spin rates of small bodies.  相似文献   

The secular effect of YORP torque on the rotational dynamics of an asteroid in non-principal axis rotation is studied. The general rotational equations of motion are derived and approximated with an illumination function expanded up to second order. The resulting equations of motion can be averaged over the fast rotation angles to yield secular equations for the angular momentum, dynamic inertia and obliquity. We study the properties of these secular equations and compare results to previous research. Finally, an application to several real asteroid shapes is made, in particular we study the predicted rotational dynamics of the asteroid Toutatis, which is known to be in a non-principal axis state.  相似文献   

In March 2001, the Hayabusa spacecraft target, Asteroid 25143 Itokawa, made its final close approach to Earth prior to the spacecraft's launch. We carried out an extensive observing campaign from January to September 2001 to better characterize this near-Earth asteroid. Global physical properties of the surface of Itokawa were characterized by analyzing its photometric properties and behavior. Results included here capitalize on analysis of broadband photometric observations taken with a number of telescopes, instruments, and observers. We employed a Hapke model to estimate the surface roughness, single particle scattering albedo, single particle scattering characteristics, phase integral, and geometric and bond albedo. We find that this asteroid has a higher geometric albedo than average main belt S-class asteroids; this is consistent with results from other observers. The broadband colors of Itokawa further support evidence that this is an atypical S-class asteroid. Broadband colors show spectral characteristics more typically found on large-diameter main-belt asteroids believed to be space-weathered, suggesting the surface of this small diameter, near-Earth asteroid could likewise be space-weathered.  相似文献   

The outcomes of asteroid collisional evolution are presently unclear: are most asteroids larger than 1 km size gravitational aggregates reaccreted from fragments of a parent body that was collisionally disrupted, while much smaller asteroids are collisional shards that were never completely disrupted? The 16 km mean diameter S-type asteroid 433 Eros, visited by the NEAR mission, has surface geology consistent with being a fractured shard. A ubiquitous fabric of linear structural features is found on the surface of Eros and probably indicates a globally consolidated structure beneath its regolith cover. Despite the differences in absolute scale and in lighting conditions for NEAR and Hayabusa, similar features should have been found on 25143 Itokawa if present. This much smaller, 320 m diameter S-asteroid was visited by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Comparative analyses of Itokawa and Eros geology reveal fundamental differences, and interpretation of Eros geology is illuminated by comparison with Itokawa. Itokawa lacks a global lineament fabric, and its blocks, craters, and regolith may be inconsistent with formation and evolution as a fractured shard, unlike Eros. An object as small as Itokawa can form as a rubble pile, while much larger Eros formed as a fractured shard. Itokawa is not a scaled-down Eros, but formed by catastrophic disruption and reaccumulation.  相似文献   

311P/PANSTARRS是一颗活动小行星, 具有小行星和彗星的双重特征, 是中国``天问二号''的探测目标之一. 311P/PANSTARRS直径较小, 约为400 m, 非引力效应可能会对其长期动力学演化产生较大的影响. 通过假定不同表面组分, 研究了Yarkovsky效应对311P/PANSTARRS轨道演化的影响, 讨论了密近交汇、 非破坏性碰撞和YORP (Yarkovsky-O''Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack)效应等非引力效应, 计算了小行星与大行星密近交汇及碰撞概率, 估计了311P/PANSTARRS达到自转周期分裂极限的时标. 模拟结果显示与纯引力模型相比, Yarkovsky效应可能会加快311P/PANSTARRS离开当前共振区域, 大约在10Myr以后311P/PANSTARRS会离开当前所在共振带, 在表面覆盖风化层的情况下有机会通过v6长期共振成为越火小行星; 在考虑YORP效应的情况下, 311P/PANSTARRS在2 Myr时标内可达到自转周期分裂极限; 在考虑Yarkovsky效应及YORP效应等因素的情况下, 311P/PANSTARRS在10 Myr时标内仍可保持其动力学稳定性, 且YORP效应不会显著影响其半长径偏移量.  相似文献   

We examine the shape of a “rubble pile” asteroid as it slowly gains angular momentum by YORP torque, to the point where “landsliding” occurs. We find that it evolves to a “top” shape with constant angle of repose from the equator up to mid-latitude, closely resembling the shapes of several nearly critically spinning asteroids imaged by radar, most notably (66391) 1999 KW4 [Ostro, S.J., Margot, J.-L., Benner, L.A.M., Giorgini, J.D., Scheeres, D.J., Fahnestock, E.G., Broschart, S.B., Bellerose, J., Nolan, M.C., Magri, C., Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Rose, R., Jurgens, R.F., De Jong, E.M., Suzuki, S., 2006. Science 314, 1276-1280]. Similar calculations for non-spinning extremely prolate or oblate “rubble piles” show that even loose rubble can sustain shapes far from fluid equilibrium, thus inferences based on fluid equilibrium are generally useless for inferring bulk properties such as density of small bodies. We also investigate the tidal effects of a binary system with a “top shape” primary spinning at near the critical limit for stability. We find that very close to the stability limit, the tide from the secondary can actually levitate loose debris from the surface and re-deposit it, in a process we call “tidal saltation.” In the process, angular momentum is transferred from the primary spin to the satellite orbit, thus maintaining the equilibrium of near-critical spin as YORP continues to add angular momentum to the system. We note that this process is in fact dynamically related to the process of “shepherding” of narrow rings by neighboring satellites.  相似文献   

The distribution of near‐Earth asteroid (NEA) rotation rates differs considerably from the similar distribution of Main Belt asteroids (MBAs) by the presence of excesses of fast and slow rotators, which are not observed or not so prominent in the distribution for MBAs. Among possible reasons for the difference, there can be influence of solar radiation on spin rate of small NEAs, the so‐called “YORP effect,” which appears due to reflection, absorption, and IR re‐emission of the sunlight by an irregularly shaped rotating asteroid. It is known that the YORP‐effect action strongly depends on the amount of solar energy obtained by the body (insolation), its size, and albedo. The analysis of observation data has shown that: (1) the mean diameter of NEAs decreases from the middle of the distribution to its ends, that is, the excesses of slow rotators (ω ≤ 2 rev day?1) and fast rotators (ω ≥ 8 rev day?1) are composed of smaller NEAs than in the middle of the distribution; (2) NEAs of both excesses are in the orbits where their insolation is about 8–10% larger than that of NEAs in the middle of the distribution; and (3) the objects in both excesses have a little lower albedo on average than that of objects in the middle of the distribution. All these results qualitatively agree well with the YORP‐effect action and may be considered as independent arguments in favor of it.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present June 2004 radar images of asteroid 25143 Itokawa (1998 SF36) that improve upon the longitude‐latitude coverage of images obtained in 2001 by Ostro et al. (2004) and use the 2001–2004 data to refine that paper's constraints on Itokawa's shape. The 2004 images, the first of the asteroid's southern side, look distinctly different from the 2001 images, revealing leading edges that are much more curved and rugged than the nearly convex leading edges seen at northern latitudes in 2001. Itokawa is shaped like a slightly asymmetrical, bent, lumpy ellipsoid with dimensions along the principal axes within 10% of 594 times 320 times 288 m. To illustrate the uncertainty space associated with shape reconstruction from images with suboptimal orientational coverage, we present two alternative three‐dimensional models of the object.  相似文献   

We investigate the formation and evolution of isothermal collapse nonuniformity for rotating magnetic interstellar clouds. The initial and boundary conditions correspond to the statement of the problem of homogeneous cloud contraction from a pressure equilibrium with the external medium. The initial uniform magnetic field is collinear with the angular velocity. Fast and slow magnetosonic rarefaction waves are shown to be formed and propagate from the boundary of the cloud toward its center in the early collapse stages. The front of the fast rarefaction wave divides the gas mass into two parts. The density, angular velocity, and magnetic field remain uniform in the inner region and have nonuniform profiles in the outer region. The rarefaction wave front surface can take both prolate and oblate shapes along the rotation axis, depending on the relationship between the initial angular velocity and magnetic field. We derive a criterion that separates the two regimes of rarefaction wave dynamics with the dominant role of electromagnetic and centrifugal forces. Based on analytical estimations and numerical calculations, we discuss possible scenarios for the evolution of collapse nonuniformity for rotating magnetic interstellar clouds.  相似文献   

Dynamic environment near heterogeneous asteroids is worth studying since many small bodies have varied internal structures. In this paper, we investigated the effect of temporary resonance with the heterogeneous Itokawa. Zero-power curves divide the space into four regions. The test particle experiences orbital energy-enhancing in the Region I and Region III, but receding in the Region II and Region IV. Moreover, there are differences in zero-power curves between the heterogeneous and homogeneous cases. The absolute values of gravity power in the gravitational field of heterogeneous Itokawa are more significant than those of the homogeneous one. It means the particle suffers from stronger energy change near the heterogeneous body. Numerical simulations conducted in Region II and Region III verify the difference. Thus, vicinal ejecta is easier to run away from a heterogeneous Itokawa, which may lead to a more frequent exchange of materials on the surface. These results give a better understanding of dust’s motion near a heterogeneous body. Moreover, the performance of temporary resonance near a heterogeneous body might serve as a guiding principle for probe orbiting an asteroid with a varied internal structure.  相似文献   

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