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Julie M. Groenleer 《Icarus》2008,193(1):158-181
The original model developed to explain cycloidal cracks on Europa interprets cycloids as tensile fractures that grow in a curved path in response to the constantly rotating diurnal tidal stress field. Cusps form when a new cycloid crack segment propagates at an angle to the first in response to a rotation of the principal tidal stress orientation during a period of no crack growth. A recent revised model states that a cycloid cusp forms through the creation of a secondary fracture called a tailcrack at the tip of an existing cycloid segment during shearing motion induced by the rotating tidal stress field. As the tailcrack propagates away from the cusp, it becomes the next cycloid segment in the chain. The qualitative tailcrack model uniquely accounts for the normal and shear stresses that mechanically must resolve onto the tip of an existing cycloid segment at the instant of cusp formation. In this work, we provide a quantitative framework and test of the hitherto purely conceptual tailcrack model. We first present a relative age sequence inferred from geologic mapping of multiply cross-cutting cycloids in Europa's trailing hemisphere and place this into the context of the global stress history. The age sequence requires a cumulative minimum of 630° of shell reorientation due to nonsynchronous rotation to account for the observed range of orientations of cycloids of different ages. We determined the back-rotated longitudes of formation of two cycloid chain examples and used mathematical modeling of europan tidal stresses to show that the tailcrack model for cusp formation is not only viable, but places constraints on the overall development of a cycloid chain by controlling the timing of cusp development within Europa's orbit. For all cusps analyzed, the exact ratio of resolved shear to normal stress required to form the cusp angles by a process of tailcracking, as governed by the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics, is produced at the tip of a shearing cycloid segment during Europa's orbit. Cusp formation occurs after the point in the orbit at which the maximum tensile principal tidal stress occurs, implying that tensile tidal stresses are not directly responsible for cusp development. Instead, cusps develop when a tailcrack forms at the tip of a cycloid segment in response to the highly perturbed stress field induced during concomitant opening and shearing at the tip of the cycloid segment.  相似文献   

G. Tobie  O. ?adek 《Icarus》2008,196(2):642-652
Earth, Jupiter's moon Io and Saturn's tiny moon Enceladus are the only solid objects in the Solar System to be sufficiently geologically active for their internal heat to be detected by remote sensing. Interestingly, the endogenic activity on Enceladus is only located on a specific region at the south pole, from which jets of water vapor and ice particles have been observed [Spencer, J.R., and 9 colleagues, 2006. Science 311, 1401-1405; Porco, C.C., and 24 colleagues, 2006. Science 311, 1393-1401]. The current polar location of the thermal anomaly can possibly be explained by diapir-induced reorientation of the satellite [Nimmo, F., Pappalardo, R.T., 2006. Nature 441, 614-616], but the thermal anomaly triggering and the heat power required to sustain it over geological timescales remain problematic. Using a three-dimensional viscoelastic numerical model simulating the response of Enceladus to tidal forcing, we explore the effect of a low-viscosity anomaly in the ice shell, localized to the south polar region, on the tidal dissipation patterns. We demonstrate that only interior models with a liquid water layer at depth can explain the observed magnitude of dissipation rate and its particular location at the south pole. Moreover, we show that tidally-induced heat must be generated over a relatively broad region in the southern hemisphere, and it is then transferred toward the south pole where it is episodically released during relatively short resurfacing events. As large tidal dissipation and internal melting cannot be induced in the south polar region in the absence of a pre-existing liquid decoupling layer, we propose that liquid water must have been present in the interior for a very long period of time, and possibly since the satellite formation. Owing to the orbital equilibrium requirement [Meyer, J., Wisdom, J., 2007. Icarus 188, 535-539], sustaining some liquid water at depth is impossible if heat is continuously emitted at a rate of 4-8 GW at the south pole. Based on that requirement, we propose that the current thermal emission is not in equilibrium with the heat production, and that the thermal emission rate is abnormally high at present time. Alternatively, continuous dissipation at a rate of 1-2 GW in the ice shell at the south pole should be sufficient to induce internal melting and it could sustain a layer of liquid water at depth over geologic timescales.  相似文献   

We consider the scenario in which the presence of ammonia in the bulk composition of Enceladus plays a pivotal role in its thermochemical evolution. Because ammonia reduces the melting temperature of the ice shell by 100 K below that of pure water ice, small amounts of tidal dissipation can power an “ammonia feedback” mechanism that leads to secondary differentiation of Enceladus within the ice shell. This leads to compositionally distinct zones at the base of the ice shell arranged such that a layer of lower density (and compositionally buoyant) pure water ice underlies the undifferentiated ammonia-dihydrate ice layer above. We then consider a large scale instability arising from the pure water ice layer, and use a numerical model to explore the dynamics of compositional convection within the ice shell of Enceladus. The instability of the layer can easily account for a diapir that is hemispherical in scale. As it rises to the surface, it co-advects the warm internal temperatures towards the outer layers of the satellite. This advected heat facilitates the generation of a subsurface ocean within the ice shell of Enceladus. This scenario can simultaneously account for the origin of asymmetry in surface deformation observed on Enceladus as well as two global features inferred to exist: a large density anomaly within the interior and a subsurface ocean underneath the south polar region.  相似文献   

Sets of ridges of uncertain origin are seen in twenty-nine high-resolution Galileo images, which sample seven locales on Io. These ridges are on the order of a few kilometers in length with a spacing of about a kilometer. Within each locale, the ridges have a consistent orientation, but the orientations vary from place to place. We investigate whether these ridges could be a result of tidal flexing of Io by comparing their orientations with the peak tidal stress orientations at the same locations. We find that ridges grouped near the equator are aligned either north-south or east-west, as are the predicted principal stress orientations there. It is not clear why particular groups run north-south and others east-west. The one set of ridges observed far from the equator (52° S) has an oblique azimuth, as do the tidal stresses at those latitudes. Therefore, all observed ridges have similar orientations to the tidal stress in their region. This correlation is consistent with the hypothesis that tidal flexing of Io plays an important role in ridge formation.  相似文献   

The proposed past eruption of liquid water on Europa and ongoing eruption of water vapor and ice on Enceladus have led to discussion about the feasibility of cracking a planetary ice shell. We use a boundary element method to model crack penetration in an ice shell subjected to tension and hydrostatic compression. We consider the presence of a region at the base of the ice shell in which the far-field extensional stresses vanish due to viscoelastic relaxation, impeding the penetration of fractures towards a subsurface ocean. The maximum extent of fracture penetration can be limited by hydrostatic pressure or by the presence of the unstressed basal layer, depending on its thickness. Our results indicate that Europa's ice shell is likely to be cracked under 1-3 MPa tension only if it is ?2.5 km thick. Enceladus' ice shell may be completely cracked if it is capable of supporting ∼1-3 MPa tension and is less than 25 km thick.  相似文献   

T.A. Hurford  A.R. Sarid  B.G. Bills 《Icarus》2009,202(1):197-215
Tectonic patterns on Europa are influenced by tidal stress. An important well-recognized component is associated with the orbital eccentricity, which produces a diurnally varying stress as Jupiter's apparent position in Europa's sky oscillates in longitude. Cycloidal lineaments seem to have formed as cracks propagated in this diurnally varying stress field. Maps of theoretical cycloid patterns capture many of the characteristics of the observed distribution on Europa. However, a few details of the observed cycloid distribution have not been reproduced by previous models. Recently, it has been shown that Europa has a finite forced obliquity, so Jupiter's apparent position in Europa's sky will also oscillate in latitude. We explore this new type of diurnal effect on cycloid formation. We find that stress from obliquity may be the key to explaining several characteristics of observed cycloids such as the shape of equator-crossing cycloids and the shift in the crack patterns in the Argadnel Regio region. All of these improvements of the fit between observation and theory seem to require Jupiter crossing Europa's equatorial plane 45° to 180° after perijove passage, suggestive of complex orbital dynamics that locks the direction of Europa's pericenter with the direction of the ascending node at the time these cycloids were formed.  相似文献   

The tidal stress at the surface of a satellite is derived from the gravitational potential of the satellite's parent planet, assuming that the satellite is fully differentiated into a silicate core, a global subsurface ocean, and a decoupled, viscoelastic lithospheric shell. We consider two types of time variability for the tidal force acting on the shell: one caused by the satellite's eccentric orbit within the planet's gravitational field (diurnal tides), and one due to nonsynchronous rotation (NSR) of the shell relative to the satellite's core, which is presumed to be tidally locked. In calculating surface stresses, this method allows the Love numbers h and ?, describing the satellite's tidal response, to be specified independently; it allows the use of frequency-dependent viscoelastic rheologies (e.g. a Maxwell solid); and its mathematical form is amenable to the inclusion of stresses due to individual tides. The lithosphere can respond to NSR forcing either viscously or elastically depending on the value of the parameter , where μ and η are the shear modulus and viscosity of the shell respectively, and ω is the NSR forcing frequency. Δ is proportional to the ratio of the forcing period to the viscous relaxation time. When Δ?1 the response is nearly fluid; when Δ?1 it is nearly elastic. In the elastic case, tensile stresses due to NSR on Europa can be as large as ∼3.3 MPa, which dominate the ∼50 kPa stresses predicted to result from Europa's diurnal tides. The faster the viscous relaxation the smaller the NSR stresses, such that diurnal stresses dominate when Δ?100. Given the uncertainty in current estimates of the NSR period and of the viscosity of Europa's ice shell, it is unclear which tide should be dominant. For Europa, tidal stresses are relatively insensitive both to the rheological structure beneath the ice layer and to the thickness of the icy shell. The phase shift between the tidal potential and the resulting stresses increases with Δ. This shift can displace the NSR stresses longitudinally by as much as 45° in the direction opposite of the satellite's rotation.  相似文献   

Jennifer Meyer  Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2008,198(1):178-180
The main equations in the paper “Episodic volcanism of tidally heated satellites with application to Io” by Ojakangas and Stevenson [Icarus 66, 341-358] are presented; numerical integration of these equations confirms the results of Ojakangas and Stevenson [Icarus 66, 341-358] for Io. Application to Enceladus is considered. It is shown that Enceladus does not oscillate about the tidal equilibrium in this model by both new nonlinear stability analysis and numerical integration of the model equations.  相似文献   

Tidal heating in Enceladus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jennifer Meyer  Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2007,188(2):535-539
The heating in Enceladus in an equilibrium resonant configuration with other saturnian satellites can be estimated independently of the physical properties of Enceladus. We find that equilibrium tidal heating cannot account for the heat that is observed to be coming from Enceladus. Equilibrium heating in possible past resonances likewise cannot explain prior resurfacing events.  相似文献   

A fracture mechanics model is developed for the initiation and propagation of a crack through a porous ice layer of finite thickness under gravitational overburden. It is found that surface cracks generated in response to a tidally induced stress field may penetrate through the entire outer brittle layer if a subsurface ocean is present on Europa. Such penetration is found to be very unlikely in the absence of an ocean. A cycloidal crack would then form as a sequence of near instantaneous discrete failures, each extending roughly the brittle layer thickness in range, linked with a much lower apparent propagation speed set by the moving tidal stress field. The implications of this porous ice fracture model for ice-penetrating radar scattering loss and seismic activity are quantified.  相似文献   

The effect of the dense atmosphere of Titan on the tidal variations of the external gravitational potential of degree two is quantified. The atmospheric tides perturb the external gravitational potential of Titan in two ways. First, the atmosphere itself contributes directly to the external gravitational potential with a period of 15.945 days. Second, the variable loading of the atmosphere induces mass redistribution within Titan, which also changes the external gravitational potential. It is shown that the relative atmospheric contributions to the tides are most likely less than 2% and vanish almost completely for the most plausible models with a subsurface ocean. This suggest that atmospheric tidal perturbations will contribute only negligibly to Cassini measurements of Titan's gravitational field so that the tidal Love numbers derived from these observations can be directly interpreted in terms of the satellite's interior.  相似文献   

Ran Qin  W. Roger Buck 《Icarus》2007,189(2):595-597
We show Lee, Pappalardo, and Makris' [2005. Icarus 177, 367-379] argument that surface cracks in Europa's icy shell penetrate 3-10 times deeper in the presence of subsurface ocean is not correct. We use numerical calculations to demonstrate that there is at most 50% increase in penetration depth for a crack opening in a shell of finite thickness compared to a half-space. We also propose a simple equation based on force balances to estimate the maximum thickness of an ice shell that can be opened under tensile stress. Our calculations show that a crack can only penetrate 330-m-thick ice shell under 200 kPa far-field tensile stress and half of that if the stress is 100 kPa. But the presence of water would allow crack penetrate ∼4.0 km into the ice shell with zero porosity.  相似文献   

The eclipse mosaic (PIA08329) of the Saturn system, taken on September 15, 2006 when Cassini was in Saturn’s shadow, contains numerous color images of the Enceladus plume and the E ring at phase angles ranging from 173° to 179°. These forward-scattering observations sample the diffraction peak for particle radii in the 1–5 μm range. The phase angle dependence and total brightness are sensitive indicators of the total mass of solid material in the plume. We fit the data with a variety of particle shapes and size distributions, and find that the median radius of the equivalent-volume sphere is 3.1 μm, with an uncertainty of ±0.5 μm. The total mass of particles in the plume is (1.45 ± 0.5) × 105 kg. We have not considered variations with altitude in the particle size and shape distribution, and we leave that for another paper. We find that the brightness of the E ring varies with position in the orbit, not only because of the viewing geometry, e.g., variations in phase angle, but also because of some unknown intrinsic variability. The total mass of solid material in the E ring is (12 ± 5.5) × 108 kg. For the plume, the production rate of particles – the mass per unit time leaving the vents is 51 ± 18 kg s−1. We estimate that 9% of these particles are escaping from Enceladus, implying lifetimes of ∼8 years for the E ring particles. Based on three comparisons with vapor amounts from ultraviolet spectroscopy, the ice/vapor ratio is in the range 0.35–0.70. This high ratio poses a problem for theories in which particles form by condensation from the gas phase, and could indicate that particles are formed as spray from a liquid reservoir.  相似文献   

Photometric and spectral analysis of data from the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) has yielded significant results regarding the properties and composition of the surface of Saturn's satellite Enceladus. We have obtained spectral cubes of this satellite, containing both spatial and spectral information, with a wavelength distribution in the infrared far more extensive than from any previous observations and at much higher spatial resolution. Using a composite mosaic of the satellite, we map the distribution of crystalline and amorphous ices on the surface of Enceladus according to a “crystallinity factor” and also the depth of the temperature- and structure-dependent 1.65 micron water-ice band. These maps show the surface of Enceladus to be mostly crystalline, with a higher degree of crystallinity at the “tiger-stripe” cracks and a larger amorphous signature between these stripes. These results suggest recent geological activity at the “tiger stripe” cracks and an intriguing atmospheric environment over the south pole where amorphous ice is produced either through intense radiative bombardment, flash-freezing of cryovolcanic liquid, or rapid condensation of water vapor particles on icy microspherules or on the surface of Enceladus.  相似文献   

In this study we present a semi-analytical Maxwell-viscoelastic model of the variable tidal stress field acting on Europa’s surface. In our analysis, we take into account surface stresses induced by the small eccentricity of Europa’s orbit, the non-zero obliquity of Europa’s spin axis - both acting on a diurnal 3.55-days timescale - and the reorientation of the ice shell as a result of non-synchronous rotation (NSR). We assume that Europa’s putative ocean is covered by an ice shell, which we subdivide in a low-viscous and warm lower ice layer (asthenosphere, viscosity 1012-1017 Pa s), and a high-viscous and cold upper ice layer (lithosphere, viscosity 1021 Pa s).Viscoelastic relaxation influences surface stresses in two ways: (1) through viscoelastic relaxation in the lithosphere and (2) through the viscoelastic tidal response of Europa’s interior. The amount of relaxation in the lithosphere is proportional to the ratio between the period of the forcing mechanism and the Maxwell time of the high-viscous lithosphere. As a result, this effect is only relevant to surface stresses caused by the slow NSR mechanism. On the other hand, the importance of the viscoelastic response on surface stresses is proportional to the ratio between the relaxation time (τj) of a given viscoelastic mode j and the period of the forcing function. On a diurnal timescale the fast relaxation of transient modes related to the low viscosity of the asthenosphere can alter the magnitude and phase shift of the diurnal stress field at Europa’s surface. The effects are largest, up to 20% in magnitude and 7° in phase for ice rigidities lower than 3.487 GPa, when the relaxation time of the aforementioned transient modes approaches the inverse of the average angular rate of Europa’s orbit. On timescales relevant for NSR (>104 years) the magnitude and phase shift of NSR surface stresses can be affected by viscoelastic relaxation of the ocean-ice boundary. This effect, however, becomes only important when the behavior of the lithosphere w.r.t. NSR approaches the fluid limit, i.e. for strong relaxation in the lithosphere. The combination of NSR and diurnal stresses for different amounts of viscoelastic relaxation of NSR stresses in the lithosphere leads to a large variety of global stress fields that can explain the formation of the large diversity of lineament morphologies observed on Europa’s surface. Variation of the amount of relaxation in the lithosphere is likely due to changes in the spin rate of Europa and/or the rheological properties of the surface.In addition, we show that a small obliquity(<1°) can have a considerable effect on Europa’s diurnal stress field. A non-zero obliquity breaks the symmetric distribution of stress patterns with respect to the equator, thereby affecting the magnitude and orientation of the principal stresses at the surface. As expected, increasing the value of Europa’s obliquity leads to larger diurnal stresses at the surface, especially when Europa is located 90° away from the nodes formed by the intersection of its orbital and equatorial planes.  相似文献   

We vapor deposit at 20 K a mixture of gases with the specific Enceladus plume composition measured in situ by the Cassini INMS [Waite, J.H., Combi, M.R., Ip, W.H., Cravens, T.E., McNutt, R.L., Kasprzak, W., Yelle, R., Luhmann, J., Niemann, H., Gell, D., Magee, B., Fletcher, G., Lunine, J., Tseng, W.L., 2006. Science 311, 1419-1422] to form a mixed molecular ice. As the sample is slowly warmed, we monitor the escaping gas quantity and composition with a mass spectrometer. Pioneering studies [Schmitt, B., Klinger, J., 1987. Different trapping mechanisms of gases by water ice and their relevance for comet nuclei. In: Rolfe, E.J., Battrick, B. (Eds.), Diversity and Similarity of Comets. SP-278. ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 613-619; Bar-Nun, A., Kleinfeld, I., Kochavi, E., 1988. Phys. Rev. B 38, 7749-7754; Bar-Nun, A., Kleinfeld, I., 1989. Icarus 80, 243-253] have shown that significant quantities of volatile gases can be trapped in a water ice matrix well above the temperature at which the pure volatile ice would sublime. For our Enceladus ice mixture, a composition of escaping gases similar to that detected by Cassini in the Enceladus plume can be generated by the sublimation of the H2O:CO2:CH4:N2 mixture at temperatures between 135 and 155 K, comparable to the high temperatures inferred from the CIRS measurements [Spencer, J.R., Pearl, J.C., Segura, M., Flasar, F.M., Mamoutkine, A., Romani, P., Buratti, B.J., Hendrix, A.R., Spilker, L.J., Lopes, R.M.C., 2006. Science 311, 1401-1405] of the Enceladus “tiger stripes.” This suggests that the gas escape phenomena that we measure in our experiments are an important process contributing to the gases emitted from Enceladus. A similar experiment for ice deposited at 70 K shows that both the processes of volatile trapping and release are temperature dependent over the temperature range relevant to Enceladus.  相似文献   

Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2008,193(2):637-640
Expressions for tidal dissipation in a body in synchronous rotation at arbitrary orbital eccentricity and obliquity are derived. The rate of tidal dissipation for a synchronously rotating body is compared to that in a body in asymptotic nonsynchronous rotation.  相似文献   

Tidal evolution of Mimas, Enceladus, and Dione   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jennifer Meyer  Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2008,193(1):213-223
The tidal evolution through several resonances involving Mimas, Enceladus, and/or Dione is studied numerically with an averaged resonance model. We find that, in the Enceladus-Dione 2:1 e-Enceladus type resonance, Enceladus evolves chaotically in the future for some values of k2/Q. Past evolution of the system is marked by temporary capture into the Enceladus-Dione 4:2 ee-mixed resonance. We find that the free libration of the Enceladus-Dione 2:1 e-Enceladus resonance angle of 1.5° can be explained by a recent passage of the system through a secondary resonance. In simulations with passage through the secondary resonance, the system enters the current Enceladus-Dione resonance close to tidal equilibrium and thus the equilibrium value of tidal heating of 1.1(18,000/QS) GW applies. We find that the current anomalously large eccentricity of Mimas can be explained by passage through several past resonances. In all cases, escape from the resonance occurs by unstable growth of the libration angle, sometimes with the help of a secondary resonance. Explanation of the current eccentricity of Mimas by evolution through these resonances implies that the Q of Saturn is below 100,000. Though the eccentricity of Enceladus can be excited to moderate values by capture in the Mimas-Enceladus 3:2 e-Enceladus resonance, the libration amplitude damps and the system does not escape. Thus past occupancy of this resonance and consequent tidal heating of Enceladus is excluded. The construction of a coherent history places constraints on the allowed values of k2/Q for the satellites.  相似文献   

Hauke Hussmann  Frank Sohl 《Icarus》2006,185(1):258-273
The detection of induced magnetic fields in the vicinity of the jovian satellites Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto is one of the most surprising findings of the Galileo mission to Jupiter. The observed magnetic signature cannot be generated in solid ice or in silicate rock. It rather suggests the existence of electrically conducting reservoirs of liquid water beneath the satellites' outermost icy shells that may contain even more water than all terrestrial oceans combined. The maintenance of liquid water layers is closely related to the internal structure, composition, and thermal state of the corresponding satellite interior. In this study we investigate the possibility of subsurface oceans in the medium-sized icy satellites and the largest trans-neptunian objects (TNO's). Controlling parameters for subsurface ocean formation are the radiogenic heating rate of the silicate component and the effectiveness of the heat transfer to the surface. Furthermore, the melting temperature of ice will be significantly reduced by small amounts of salts and/or incorporated volatiles such as methane and ammonia that are highly abundant in the outer Solar System. Based on the assumption that the satellites are differentiated and using an equilibrium condition between the heat production rate in the rocky cores and the heat loss through the ice shell, we find that subsurface oceans are possible on Rhea, Titania, Oberon, Triton, and Pluto and on the largest TNO's 2003 UB313, Sedna, and 2004 DW. Subsurface oceans can even exist if only small amounts of ammonia are available. The liquid subsurface reservoirs are located deeply underneath an ice-I shell of more than 100 km thickness. However, they may be indirectly detectable by their interaction with the surrounding magnetic fields and charged particles and by the magnitude of a satellite's response to tides exerted by the primary. The latter is strongly dependent on the occurrence of a subsurface ocean which provides greater flexibility to a satellite's rigid outer ice shell.  相似文献   

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