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HST WFPC2天体测量和测光方法最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈鼎  王家骥  陈力 《天文学进展》2004,22(3):209-218
对于哈勃空间望远镜(HST)来说,其广角行星照相机(WFPC2)的CCD性能的数据处理校正对提高天体测量和测光结果的精度有着重要意义。最近几年由于WFPC2对精度要求越来越高,其数据处理方法和校正方法包括点扩散函数、行误差和畸变修正等各个方面的研究都有了很大改进和进展。对近年来上述方面的最新进展作了介绍,并评价了其优缺点,提出了一些有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Photographic photometry and objective prism spectroscopy has been performed for most of the objects near 5C1 radio sources brighter than 19m.6 discussed by NOTNI and FRöHLICH (1975). Updated samples of identification candidates are presented. The mean reliability of the identifications is better than 90% for blue starlike or concentrated objects and 67% for galaxies. In addition, a few bright galactic stars seem to occur among the radio sources.  相似文献   

It is shown that the known trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) have an absolute magnitude distribution index that increases as a function of orbital perihelion distance. In no perihelion range is the TNO index the same as that found for known short-period comets. However, the fact that the median diameters of the known members of these two populations (220 and 2.9 km respectively) differ by a factor of about 75 means that very small TNOs and short-period comets might still be related.  相似文献   

The magnitude distribution of the trans-Neptunian bodies composed of the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) and Scattered Disk Objects (SDOs) is determined for absolute magnitudes H?7, using maximum likelihood estimation methods. This is translated into a corresponding size distribution. This gave a differential size index of q=3.966±0.15 for KBOs and q=3.016±0.32 for SDOs. It was found that these two distributions were statistically different. The KBOs were further split into classical KBOs and Plutinos which had indices of q=4.074±0.18 and q=3.301±0.37, respectively. There was no statistical evidence that these are different populations. The classical KBOs were further split and examined for four different semi-major axis ranges and it was found that there was moderate evidence that the entire sample was not well represented by one index. The distribution indices of the SDOs were compared with the distributions of short period comets and found to be similar. It is likely that the scattered disk population is the source of the short period comets.  相似文献   

On 1998 December 12 a new trans-Neptunian object, 1998 XY95, was discovered as part of a deep search. Recent observations of this object have placed it amongst the class of objects known as the scattered trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). A total of 39 CCD images of 1998 XY95 were taken over two nights, and these were used to search for a light curve, but no significant periodicity was found. An examination of the possible orbital evolution gives no indication of how it may have arrived on its present orbit. The current best-fitting orbit is unstable, but remains within a band of semi-major axis approximately 2 au wide. The bottom of this band is due to 3:1 mean motion resonance with Neptune, while the reason for the top of the band remains unclear.  相似文献   

A sample of ultraviolet excess objects in a 12.56 square degree field near α = 9h40m, δ = +50° (5C1-radio survey) is presented. In addition to starlike or and nearly starlike objects a sample of more diffuse ones is listed, presumably containing many Markarjan-type galaxies. UBV-photometry and first spectroscopic results are communicated; the number magnitude relation and the projected number-density of the objects are shortly discussed.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects are presently known to move in resonance with Neptune (the principal commensurabilities are 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, and 3/4). We have found that many of the distant (with orbital semimajor axes a > 50 AU) trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) also execute resonant motions. Our investigation is based on symplectic integrations of the equations of motion for all multiple-opposition TNOs with a > 50 AU with allowance made for the uncertainties in their initial orbits. Librations near such commensurabilities with Neptune as 4/9, 3/7, 5/12, 2/5, 3/8, 4/27, and others have been found. The largest number of distant TNOs move near the 2/5 resonance with Neptune: 12 objects librate with a probability higher than 0.75. The multiplicity of objects moving in 2/5 resonance and the longterm stability of their librations suggest that this group of resonant objects was formed at early formation stages of the Solar system. For most of the other resonant objects, the librations are temporary. We also show the importance of asymmetric resonances in the large changes in TNO perihelion distances.  相似文献   

We have measured the bi-directional reflectance phase function on selected meteorite samples (1 howardite, 1 eucrite, 1 diogenite, Orgeuil (CI), Tagish Lake (CC), Allende (CV), Lunar meteorite (MAC 88105), Forest Vale (H4)) covering part of the geochemical and petrologic diversity expected for asteroid surfaces. Samples were measured as powders, for which we achieved reflectance measurements from phase angles down to 3°, and up to 150°, at five different wavelengths covering the VIS–NIR spectral region. The data were fitted by the photometric model of Hapke (Hapke, B. [1993]. Theory of reflectance and emittance spectroscopy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). The physical sense of the retrieved Hapke’s parameters seems unclear but they permit to interpolate the data to any observation geometry. Strong opposition effects were observed for all samples. The absolute intensity of this effect appears moderately variable among our sample suite, and is not correlated with the average sample reflectance. We interpret this observation as Shadow-Hiding Opposition Effect (SHOE). In the case of samples presenting intense absorption bands (the Fe crystal field band at 1 μm of HED and the ordinary chondrite), we observe significant dependence of band depth to phase angle, up to 70°, even for moderate variation of phase angle. In addition, a general trend of spectral reddening with phase angle is observed. This reddening, linear with phase angle, is present in all meteorites studied. This behavior is not predicted by classical radiative theories. We propose that small-scale roughness (of the order of or below the wavelength) may induce such a behavior.  相似文献   

Observatios of Phoebe (S9) in the V filter at small solar phase angles (0.2° to 1.2°) with the MIT SNAPSHOT CCD are presented. The value of Phoebe's sideral rotational period is refined to 9.282 ± 0.015hr. Assuming the Voyager-derived 110 km radius, Phoebe's observed mean opposition V magnitude of 16.176 ± 0.033 (extrapolated from small angles) corresponds to a geometric albedo of 0.084 ± 0.003. A strong opposition effect is indicated by the 0.180 ± 0.035 mag/deg solar phase coefficient observed at these small phase angles. The data are shown to be compatible with a phase function for C-type asteroids (K. Lumme and E. Bowell, 1981, Astron. J. 86, 1705–1721; K. Lumme, E. Bowell, and A. W. Harris, 1984, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 16, 684), but give a poorer fit to the average asteroid phase relation of T. Gehrels and E.F. Tedesco (1979, Astron. J. 84, 1079–1087). Phoebe's rotational lightcurve in the V filter is roughly sinusoidal, with a 0.230-mag peak-to-peak amplitude and weaker higher order harmonics indicating primarily bimodal surface feature contrast. In addition to these photometric results, precise positions on 3 nights are given.  相似文献   

Photometry is one of the most efficient investigation techniques. It provided a large body of data on albedos, sizes, shapes, rotation, optical properties, and structural characteristics of asteroids and other minor bodies of the solar system. The contribution of photometry to the determination of asteroid parameters was most crucial. This review summarizes main results of asteroid studies in three most important areas: i) determination of the shape and rotation parameters of asteroids, ii) investigation of optical properties of asteroid surfaces, and iii) detection and investigation of binary asteroid systems.  相似文献   

The dependences of inclinations of orbits of secondaries in the discovered trans-Neptunian binaries on the distance between the primary and the secondary, on the eccentricity of orbits of the secondary around the primary, on the ratio of diameters of the secondary and the primary, and on the elements of heliocentric orbits of these binaries are studied. These dependences are interpreted using the model of formation of a satellite system in a collision of two rarefied condensations composed of dust and/or objects less than 1 m in diameter. It is assumed in this model that a satellite system forms in the process of compression of a condensation produced in such a collision. The model of formation of a satellite system in a collision of two condensations agrees with the results of observations: according to observational data, approximately 40% of trans-Neptunian binaries have a negative angular momentum relative to their centers of mass.  相似文献   

The formation of trans-Neptunian satellite systems at the stage of rarefied preplanetesimals (i.e., condensations of dust and/or objects less than 1 m in diameter) is discussed. It is assumed that trans-Neptunian objects (including those with satellites) could form as a result of compression of parental rarefied preplanetesimals. The formulas for calculating the angular momentum of two colliding condensations with respect to their center of mass, which were applied earlier in (Ipatov, 2010) in the comparison of such momenta with the angular momenta of observed satellite systems, are used to estimate the angular momenta of condensations needed to form satellite systems. It is demonstrated that the angular velocities of condensations used in (Nesvorny et al., 2010) as the initial data in the computer simulation of compression of rarefied preplanetesimals and subsequent formation of trans-Neptunian satellite systems may be obtained in collisions of preplanetesimals with their radii comparable to the corresponding Hill radii. For example, these angular velocities are in the range of possible values of angular velocities of a parental rarefied preplanetesimal formed as a result of a merger of two colliding rarefied preplanetesimals that moved in circular heliocentric orbits before a collision. Some rarefied preplanetesimals formed as a result of collision of preplanetesimals in the region of formation of solid small bodies acquire such angular momenta that are sufficient to form satellite systems of small bodies. It is likely that the ratio of the number of rarefied preplanetesimals with such angular momenta to the total number of rarefied preplanetesimals producing classical trans-Neptunian objects with diameters larger than 100 km was 0.45 (the initial fraction of satellite systems among all classical trans-Neptunian objects).  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the bright eclipsing binary system HU Tauri are presented. The observations were made with standardB andV filters. Observations made during the eclipses yielded six epochs of minimum light. A study of all the available times of minimum light has been made. Analysis of all the photoelectric times of minimum light yielded the following new ephemeris: JD 2441275.3166 +2 . d 0563107E. Asymmetries in the light curves of HU Tauri were noticed.  相似文献   

An analysis of data spanning 24 years shows that a secondary 20m periodicity is a persistent feature in photometric observations of TT Ari. This period decreases from 27m in 1961 to 17m in 1985. The 4d beat period of 3 . h 2 photometric and 3 . h 3 spectroscopic periods is also apparent in observations of 1966.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

本文利用Thomson CCD,在北京天文台兴隆站施密特望远镜上进行BVRI四色测光,得到了该测光系统的颜色转换方程,并对所得结果进行了分析探讨。同时论证了BAO-CCD系统在施密特望远镜上用于测光的可行性。  相似文献   

Photometric observations of EX Hya inB andVfilters are reported. The 67 min modulation of the light curve also is found to be in good agreement with the results of earlier studies. The (B-V) colour variation with respect to the 67 min variation is found to be opposite to those of typical colour variation during hump/superhump activity in other dwarf novae. The model of an intermediate polar is discussed.  相似文献   

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