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在风机大尺度化与风场大型化的趋势下,如何通过合适的控制策略以降低尾流损失成为关键问题。以包括30台NREL-5MW风机并采用5行6列平行四边形布置方式的小型风场为研究对象,基于显示尾流模型,以各风机偏航角度为优化参数,风场总功率为目标函数,使用粒子群优化算法对比分析了偏航控制对不同风速、风向、湍流强度下的风场性能提升效果。结果表明,偏航控制优化可在风向与风机行或列方向平行时发挥明显效果,当风机行列间距为4倍风轮直径且湍流强度为5%时,在不同风速下偏航控制可分别将风场总体发电量提升15%~20%,但对于布置间距大于7倍风轮直径或湍流强度高于15%时的风场,其作用十分有限,总体发电量提升在5%以内。  相似文献   

基于气泡群平衡方程(BPBE),提出一种用于更系统表征舰船气泡尾流变化特征的数值模型。模型的创新处在于既能反映气体传质因素的影响,又考虑了尾流中实际存在的气泡聚并现象,且具有简单易行,运算效率高的特点。分析结果表明:聚并在近尾流区作用强烈,传质在远程尾流区作用明显;聚并对BND的分布变化影响不大,对气含量的发展变化则发挥着主要作用;尺寸为70~80 um的气泡BND最大,尺寸为200 um的气泡气含量最大。  相似文献   

以海底细长柔性管跨结构为研究对象,分析了当管外流体流经管道时产生涡激振动的动力学特性及其相关影响参数。为了考察海底管跨的振动响应,将尾流振子模型与管跨的振动方程相结合,得到了流固耦合系统的振动响应分别由两个变量为管跨位移和尾流举升力的偏微分方程描述。使用van der Pol非线性振子模拟作用在管跨上的振动尾流,通过实例的计算与分析,确定几个重要参数对管跨振动响应的影响程度。  相似文献   

曲孟祥  杨博  梁丙臣  刘欣  张嶔 《海洋工程》2022,40(2):97-105
近年来,海底管道对于近海油气工业中碳氢化合物的运输十分重要,预测海底管道周围水动力特征对于研究管道损坏机理具有重要意义。基于Spalart-Allmaras改进延迟分离涡模拟(improved detached eddy simulation,简称IDDES)湍流模型,利用开源OpenFOAM求解器计算单管冲刷过程中4个特征阶段管道周围水动力特征。在数值模拟中先计算了无圆管时均匀来流充分发展后的流场,依据该流场中进口流速分布设定有管道时的边界层及进口边界条件。通过将最终模拟结果与前人试验数据及数值模拟结果进行对比,表明了该模型计算结果相对于k-ε模型及LES模型更加贴合试验结果,验证了定义边界层方法的可靠性及IDDES模型在预测管道周围流场的适用性。模型计算结果显示,随着冲刷坑深度的逐渐增加,管道下游回流区会经历一个大幅缩减又逐渐扩大的过程,且逐渐关于圆管中心所在水平线对称;通过对不同冲刷阶段尾涡形态的分析表明,冲刷前期并没有涡脱产生,中期已经有产生涡脱的趋势,后期出现了明显的且较为稳定的涡脱。  相似文献   

液舱晃荡是船舶与海洋工程领域的热点问题,有效地抑制液舱晃荡、减小壁面冲击载荷关系着船体结构的安全。使用内嵌隔板是抑制舱内晃荡,减小壁面冲击载荷的有效手段。实际工程中,内嵌隔板的最优设计的前提是对隔板抑制晃荡的机理有深入了解。CIP法具有高精度、低耗散等特点,以THINC格式捕捉自由液面,可以再现液面破碎、翻卷、涡旋以及液滴飞溅等现象。基于此法,建立了数值液舱,对比了单一隔板和组合隔板抑制晃荡的效果。结果表明,内嵌隔板的安装在水平位置上应尽量靠近舱底中线,在垂直位置上应尽量靠近自由液面,且液面附近安装的双垂直隔板抑制晃荡能力最佳。  相似文献   

为了降低空化造成的水动力性能损失,基于仿生学原理,参考座头鲸鳍肢剖面形状,将前缘波浪构型引入到水翼设计中,研究波状前缘水翼的非定常空化特性,并探究前缘参数改变对空化控制的效果和规律。选用NACA634-021水翼为基准模型,进行前缘参数化重构,设计出3种不同的波状水翼进行对比研究。采用大涡模拟(LES)方法对空化流场进行精细化数值模拟,针对基准水翼和不同波幅与波长参数下的波状水翼开展了空化周期、升阻力系数、压力脉动以及流向涡结构的对比分析。结果发现,波状水翼在抑制空化和降低压力脉动方面都取得了显著效果。其中,3种不同的波状水翼空化抑制率分别为15.7%、18.6%和27.9%,压力脉动幅值分别降低了55.3%、67.3%和74.6%。分析表明,波浪前缘的引入使得空化的分区效应更加凸显,空化从波谷处初生,增大波幅或减小波长都可以加强对空化的抑制效果,并可以提高升力系数以及显著降低水翼表面的压力脉动。前缘波浪构型还将诱发向下游发展的对转涡结构,不同前缘参数的波状水翼涡结构的演化是相似的,空泡发展与溃灭的整个过程对涡结构的发展也具有显著影响。  相似文献   

评估结构耐撞性能最可靠的方法是实尺度碰撞试验,然而对于大尺度结构物的碰撞试验,因其耗资巨大而不易开展,适当开展比例模型试验可以为简化解析算法及数值仿真计算提供验证依据,也可在一定程度上评估结构的耐撞性能。但是在进行碰撞模型试验时,材料应变率的敏感性会使得缩尺模型的动态响应与实尺度结构结果出现偏差,模型试验得到的数据与实际结构的动响应不完全遵循相似关系,这就限制了相似理论在大型结构物冲击问题上的应用。本文给出了一种通过改变冲击质量来修正应变率效应的方法,不同于传统量纲分析法中选取时间、质量和长度为基本量纲,而是以冲击质量、初始冲击速度和动态应力代替,得到计及应变率效应的质量相似关系。以此为基础,将该修正方法应用于船舶-自升式海洋平台的碰撞分析中。研究结果表明,该修正方法可以有效降低由于应变率效应而造成的缩尺误差,修正后的缩尺模型在碰撞冲击载荷下的位移、碰撞力和撞击时间等动态响应参数与实尺度模型结果的一致性更好。本文研究成果可以为大型结构物冲击模型试验设计提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

An in vivo three-dimensional fluorescence method for the determination of algae community structure was developed by parallel factor analysis(PARAFAC) and CHEMTAX. The PARAFAC model was applied to fluorescence excitation-emission matrix(EEM) of 60 algae species belonging to five divisions and 11 fluorescent components were identified according to the residual sum of squares and specificity of the composition profiles of fluorescent. By the 11 fluorescent components, the algae species at different growth stages were classified correctly at the division level using Bayesian discriminant analysis(BDA). Then the reference fluorescent component ratio matrix was constructed for CHEMTAX, and the EEM–PARAFAC–CHEMTAX method was developed to differentiate algae taxonomic groups. The correct discrimination ratios(CDRs) when the fluorometric method was used for single-species samples were 100% at the division level, except for Bacillariophyta with a CDR of 95.6%. The CDRs for the mixtures were above 94.0% for the dominant algae species and above 87.0% for the subdominant algae species. However, the CDRs of the subdominant algae species were too low to be unreliable when the relative abundance estimated was less than 15.0%. The fluorometric method was tested using the samples from the Jiaozhou Bay and the mesocosm experiments in the Xiaomai Island Bay in August 2007. The discrimination results of the dominant algae groups agreed with microscopy cell counts, as well as the subdominant algae groups of which the estimated relative abundance was above 15.0%. This technique would be of great aid when low-cost and rapid analysis is needed for samples in a large batch. The fluorometric technique has the ability to correctly identify dominant species with proper abundance both in vivo and in situ.  相似文献   

半潜式平台由于吃水浅、水线面小导致垂荡响应较大,为采油树的选择以及钻井、采油等作业带来了许多制约因素,增加维护和作业成本。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种带有非线性能量阱(Nonlinear energy sink, NES)的半潜式平台结构。根据NES减振原理,将活动式垂荡板作为NES系统的具体结构,通过建立带有NES系统的半潜式平台动力学模型,以减小平台垂荡响应为目标,优化设计了NES系统参数。考虑海况变化问题,对NES系统和调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned mass damper, TMD)系统的垂荡响应抑制性能、系统能量传递进行了对比分析。结果表明:NES系统对半潜式平台的垂荡响应具有明显抑制效果,NES系统的共振俘获现象可以使平台与其发生靶能量传递(Targeted energy transfer, TET),同TMD系统相比,NES系统对不同海况波浪谱峰周期变化的鲁棒性更强。  相似文献   

基于模糊影响图(FPID)和失效模式与效果分析(FMEA)建立了一种海洋结构风险分析方法。鉴于风险分析中某些事件发生概率和关系概率两个重要参数确定时需借助专家主观判断,本文将模糊概率的概念引入海洋结构影响图评估方法中。该方法成功地应用到海洋平台人员伤害分析中。虽然这里仅给出了该方法在海洋平台风险评估中的应用,但其具有更广泛应用价值。  相似文献   

研究了阻尼防振锤对深水导管架圆管风致涡激振动的抑制。建立了防振锤动力学模型,分析了防振锤的动力学特性;将在建深水导管架圆管简化为固支梁,建立了结构有限元模型,通过瞬态分析计算了圆管的振动幅值;在圆管中部添加防振锤,分析了防振锤对圆管振动的抑制效果;进行了现场测试,对比了数值模拟和实际测试管道的振动响应。研究表明,文中设计的防振锤可以有效地抑制圆管的涡激共振;数值模拟结果与测试结果非常接近,验证了数值分析方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Laminar flow past a circular cylinder with 3 small control rods is investigated by numerical simulation. This study is concerned with the suppression efficacy of vortex induced vibration by small control rods located around a main cylinder. The effects of the attack angle and rod-to-cylinder gap ratio on the hydrodynamics and vibration responses of the main cylinder are investigated. The attack angle of α = 45° is performed as the critical angle for VIV suppression of 3 control rods. The 3 control rods have no effect on VIV suppression when the attack angle is less than the critical angle. The 3 control rods have an excellent VIV suppression efficacy when the attack angle is larger than the critical angle. The transverse vibration frequency of the cylinder with 3 control rods is less than that for an isolated cylinder for all the configurations. The numerical results for the configurations of α = 45° & 60°, G/D = 0.6–1.2 show excellent suppression efficient among the cases investigated in this study. The best suppression efficient is found at α = 45°, G/D = 0.9 for 3 control rods. 2 rods in behind of the main cylinder perform more efficient than that of 1 rod in front for VIV suppression as the gap ratio of G/D less than 1.0.  相似文献   

This investigation arose from the practical necessity of placing a centrifugal pump rigidly attached to a thin, circular cover plate of a water tank in a medium size ocean vessel. Due to lack of space, it was necessary to locate the system off—center of the circular configuration. It was considered necessary to calculate the fundamental frequency of the coupled system.The first part of the present study is concerned with the determination of the fundamental frequency of vibration of a circular plate carrying a concentrated mass at an arbitrary position, using a variational approach.Numerical results are obtained for the stated problem for several combinations of the intervening geometric and mechanical parameters.An experimental investigation is also performed in the case of clamped plates.Based on the results for solid circular plates, the fundamental frequency of annular plates with a free inner edge and a concentrated mass is also obtained.Circular plates are fundamental structural elements in ocean engineering applications: from off-shore platforms to underwater acoustic transducers. In a great variety of circumstances, they must carry operational systems in an eccentric fashion. Since the dynamic performance is always of interest, one must know at least some of the basic dynamic parameters.  相似文献   

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