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We analyzed measurements of the total carbon monoxide (CO) content in the atmosphere in the region of St. Petersburg (59.88°N, 29.83° E; 20 m above sea level) in the period from 1995 to 2009. The average annual behavior for the entire measurement period has a maximum in February–March and a minimum in July with an amplitude of ~20%. In the absence of strong forest fires in the European part of the Russian Federation and Siberia, the annual minimum of the total CO content is usually recorded in August–September. In winter 1995–2009 (November–January), there was a decrease in the total CO content with a gradual shift in the maximum of the annual behavior from January (1995–1999) to February (2000–2004) and March (2005–2009). The total CO content in January–February 2009 was ~20% lower than the multiyear average level. Estimates of the linear trend for the maximum, minimum, and average values for the period of 1996–2009 showed an absence of statistically significant long-term changes in the total CO content. A spectral analysis of data showed that the spectral components with periods of 12, 14, 17, 24, and 46 months are extracted with 80% confidence. It is shown that the irregular component of the time series of the total CO content (calculated for the period from May to September) agrees well with data on the areas of the forest fires and on the volume of the burnt forest and that 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, and 2009 can be considered “background” years with the least numbers of forest fires.  相似文献   

The results of measurements of the total content of carbon monoxide in an atmospheric column over Moscow and the Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS) are given for the period 1993–2005. The simultaneous measurements of the regional background contents of carbon monoxide over a rural area (ZSS) and over Moscow made it possible to isolate an urban portion of the CO content. The total content of CO over the city varies significantly from day to day from values close to the background value to values that are 2.5–3 times greater than the background value. The number of days with such a CO content is 5% of the total number of measurement days. Such a CO content is most often observed during the cold seasons. During the warm seasons, in most of the cases, slight excesses of the CO background value are observed in the urban atmosphere. Variations in the CO content are determined mainly by wind-velocity variations and temperature inversions. In 2002, the high CO concentrations were due to forest and peatbog fires. On some days, over the ZSS, the concentrations of CO were high as never before. Over this period (12 years), the CO content in the surface air layer over the city did not increase.  相似文献   

The influence of air invasions from the upper troposphere on the CO total column amount is studied on the basis of spectroscopic measurements of the CO total column amount, backward trajectories of air-mass motions (the HYSPLIT model), and meteorological data. It is shown that the observed invasions of substratospheric and upper-troposphere air masses determine the minimum CO total column amount in late January-late March. The invasion of air masses from the upper troposphere can result in a decrease in the CO total column amount to 30% (of its mean values). Using January 31, 2000, as an example, we show the influence of the invasion of Arctic air masses from the upper troposphere on the CO total column amount in the St. Petersburg region: the results of measurements of the CO total column amount in the St. Petersburg region and at the Kiruna polar station (NDACC) are in agreement to within 1% if the vertical transport of air masses is taken into account. Thus, for a correct combined analysis of measurement data on the CO total column amount for different observation stations, it is necessary to use data on air-mass trajectories.  相似文献   

The emissions from fires in the boreal zone of northern Eurasia significantly contribute to the global emissions of greenhouse gases, their precursors, and aerosols. These emissions are an important component of the global carbon balance, and they significantly affect both seasonal and long-term variations in the chemical composition and radiation properties of the atmosphere on both regional and global scales. The atmospheric emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) from biomass burning have systematically been estimated for the entire territory of northern Eurasia over the period of 2000–2008 on the basis of satellite (MODIS MCD45A1) data on burned vegetation and the Seiler-Crutzen emission model with consideration for both regional and seasonal features. On the whole, for Russia, the annual emissions of CO from biomass burning ranged from 10.6 to 88.2 Mt/y over the indicated period. Depending on fire activity, the atmospheric emissions of CO from natural fires and agricultural work may yield from 25 to 200% of the total technogenic emissions according to the EDGAR-2000 model. In this case, the dominant contribution is made by boreal forest fires (8–57 Mt/y), whose portion amounts to 63–76% of the total emissions from biomass burning. This relatively short observational series does not allow one to reliably estimate long-term variations; however, on the whole, a stable increase in burned areas has been observed in forest, steppe, and agricultural regions over the last decade. Our analysis suggests significant spatial and seasonal variations in the large-scale fields of fire emissions, which are determined by the physical, geographic, and climatic features of individual regions. The calculated fields of emissions can be used in transport-chemical models, studies of the regional transport and quality of air, and climate models.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variabilities of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and the total carbon monoxide content (CO) in the period of development and weakening of mass forest and peatbog fires in the European Russia territory (ERT) in the summer of 2010 are investigated from data of the AOT and CO satellite observations. The intensities of aerosol and CO emissions in the period of mass fires and the ratio of the emission factors of aerosol particles and CO are estimated on the basis of calculations of the smoke and CO masses over the ERT. The interrelation between variations in the levels of the regional pollution by combustion products and the variability of meteorological parameters is investigated. Various aspects of the manifestation of radiation effects of aerosols are discussed. The synchronization of weekly signals of the AOT, CO, and meteorological parameters in the period of mass fires is noted.  相似文献   

We investigate the air pollution in the central European part of Russia during the 2010 summer fires. The results of ground-based (Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Moscow State University (MSU), and Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS)) and satellite (MOPITT, AIRS, of Terra and Aqua satellites) measurements of the total content and concentration of carbon monoxide (CO), as well as MODIS data on the spatial and temporal distribution of forest and peat fires obtained from Terra and Aqua satellites, are presented. A comparison between similar situations in 2010 and 2002 revealed the causes of higher pollution levels in 2010. The use of trajectory analysis, detailed space imagery, and model calculations made it possible to reveal the location of peat fires and their contribution to the air pollution over the Moscow megalopolis. Fireemission estimates were obtained using two independent methods.  相似文献   

The results of the carbon monoxide total content measurements over Moscow and Zvenigorod for 2005–2008 are compared with the same data sets for Moscow 1986–2005 and Beijing, 1992–2007. Two identical medium resolution diffraction spectrometers (resolution 0.2 cm?1) with solar tracking system were used. The CO total content measured simultaneously over the city and over Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS) of the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (60 km west from Moscow). This method allows to isolate an urban part of CO content. The acoustic locator SODAR LATAN-3 measurements permitted us to study the influence of the carbon monoxide ventilation conditions upon level of pollution. Correlation coefficients between the urban part of CO content and average wind speed for cold and warm seasons were obtained. The data sets analysis showed a preeminent effect of the wind within boundary layer (up to 300 m) over the CO ventilation. The urban part of the CO content hasn’t increased in spite of more than quintuple increase of the motor-vehicles number in Moscow. An increase of the rural CO total column for the 1970–1985 has transformed into its virtually stable amount in between of 1986 to 2000, changed then to a decrease for 2001–2008. We noted the 2008 as “the year of the CO total column minimum” over the past decade. The effect of urban CO sources influence on the CO total column in rural area is small, i.e. on a level of 3% of the total number of measurements. The number of extremal daily values for Moscow is estimated as 5%, and 20% for Beijing.  相似文献   

The refined data obtained from the spectroscopic measurements of carbon dioxide in the column of the continental atmosphere over the Issyk Kul Monitoring Station during the period 1980–2006 and the results of their comparison with the data obtained from the measurements of carbon dioxide in air samples and with the mean zonal empirical model of the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) are given. Seasonal variations and a long-term trend of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmospheric thickness over a 25-year period of measurements are analyzed. The monthly mean concentration of CO2 is increased by ~40.5 ppm, and the linear-trend index is 1.62 ppm per year. The results of the aircraft measurements of CO2 concentration in air samples are, on the average, in agreement with the data obtained from the spectroscopic measurements of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmospheric column. The CO2 concentration in the surface air varies from day to day, and only its minimum values coincide with the CO2 concentration in the atmospheric thickness. The results of measurements of CO2 concentration in the atmospheric thickness and in the atmospheric surface layer over the KZD and KZM stations nearest to each other are, on the whole, in disagreement; moreover, the KZD and KZM data are inconsistent. The CO2 concentration in the atmospheric thickness is, on the average, 1–2% higher than that obtained with the CMDL model for 42.6° N latitude. The coefficient of correlation between the measurement results and model data is high (r= 0.95).  相似文献   

Estimates of some aerosol and radiation characteristics of the atmosphere in the summer of 2010 are obtained according to the results of the measurements made at the Meteorological Observatory (MO) at Moscow State University and are compared with the results of the measurements performed in 2002 and 1972 during the forest and peat fires. In contrast to 1972 and 2002, the period under study in 2010 is characterized by a greater frequency of the highest class of fire danger according to Nesterov, higher aerosol optical depths of the atmosphere up to 4.6, and a more significant weakening of solar radiation in different spectrum regions. In 2010 the smoke aerosol caused losses of the total shortwave radiation of 33%, visible radiation of 39%, ultraviolet radiation of 300–380 nm of 51%, and erythemal radiation of 63%. At the same time, an increase in the downward long-wave radiation to 40–50 W/m2 under extreme aerosol optical depths is recorded.  相似文献   

We study the water vapor (WV) content over European Russia (ER) during the period of forest and peatbog fires in July–August 2010 using total column water vapor observations from MODIS instruments (both Aqua and Terra platforms) as well as aerological data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. It is found that the spatial distribution of total column water vapor (TCWV) over ER in this period was anomalous, with the WV excess in the north of the territory and its deficit in the south of ER. The relationship between WV variations, atmospheric dynamics and the fire situation is analyzed. Along with the processes of the WV advection and evaporation we evaluate the contribution of pyrogenic emission of WV in spatial-temporal evolution of WV over ER during wildfires. The changes of water vapor at different heights in the troposphere and stratosphere are investigated. The results of a comparative analysis of WV contents during the periods of summertime atmospheric blockings in 1972 and 2010 are also presented. The near-infrared total-column precipitable water MODIS products (L3) are validated by upper-air radiosonde data.  相似文献   

Satellite measurements of the fire radiation power, measurements of atmospheric pollution in the network of GPU Mosekomonitoring stations, and the modern CHIMERE chemical transport model (CHIMERE CTM) are used for estimating the influence that forest fires have on the air pollution level in the Moscow megalopolis region during the summer of 2007. The method by which the radiation power caused by natural fires determined from satellite measurements is converted into emissions of individual model species is described. General problems related to the optimization of estimates of fire emission and the effects caused by them based on the combined use of measurement data on the composition of the atmosphere and the CTM are considered using a concrete example. It is shown, in particular, that the use of the standard least squares method for the optimization of fire emissions from leads in the general case to obtaining biased (underestimated) estimates. The results of calculations consistent with measurements show that forest fires near Moscow can occasionally be responsible for a considerable part of the air pollution observed in Moscow and its vicinities, and they can be the main reason for the high level of atmospheric pollution in some neighboring regions.  相似文献   

A physical and mathematical model of the vertical heat and moisture transfer and the carbon exchange in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system is proposed that includes the interaction between these processes. The model describes the interception of precipitation by plants and its further evaporation, transpiration, evaporation from a soil surface as well as vertical moisture transfer, photosynthesis, and plant and soil respiration. The model has been verified against data from observations of heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide fluxes at a grassland site (international FIFE experiment, Kansas, United States), in a pine forest (BOREAS, Saskatoon, Canada), and in a broad-leaved mixed forest (FLUXNET measurements in the southeastern United States). Numerical experiments with the models have been conducted to estimate the influence of soil moisture and atmospheric CO2 concentration on transpiration and carbon exchange of the vegetation cover.  相似文献   

An ensemble experiment with the IAP RAS CM was performed to estimate future changes in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, its radiative forcing, and characteristics of the climate-carbon cycle feedback. Different ensemble members were obtained by varying the governing parameters of the terrestrial carbon cycle of the model. For 1860–2100, anthropogenic CO2 emissions due to fossil-fuel burning and land use were prescribed from observational estimates for the 19th and 20th centuries. For the 21st century, emissions were taken from the SRES A2 scenario. The ensemble of numerical experiments was analyzed via Bayesian statistics, which made the uncertainty range of estimates much narrower. To distinguish between realistic and unrealistic ensemble members, the observational characteristics of the carbon cycle for the 20th century were used as a criterion. For the given emission scenario, the carbon dioxide concentration expected by the end of the 21st century falls into the range 818 ± 46 ppm (an average plus or minus standard deviation). The corresponding global instantaneous radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere (relative to the preindustrial state) lies in the uncertainty range 6.8 ± 0.4 W m?2. The uncertainty range of the strength of the climate-carbon cycle feedback by the end of the 21st century reaches 59 ± 98 ppm in terms of the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and 0.4 ± 0.7 W m?2 in terms of the radiative forcing.  相似文献   

Previously published estimates of the area of the Peru upwelling ecosystem vary by more than an order of magnitude. In an effort to improve this situation, we used a 24-month sequence of SeaWiFS satellite images of chlorophyll in the surface water off Peru from 5°S to 18.5°S during September 1997–August 1999 to estimate the size of the nutrient enhanced productive habitat associated with the upwelling. The first 12-month period was marked by El Niño conditions, the second by strong upwelling. Using a chlorophyll threshold of >1.0 mg m−3 to define the limit of the productive habitat resulted in maximum area estimates of 120×103 km2 during September 1997–August 1998, and 220×103 km2 during September 1998–August 1999. The latter result is consistent with an area estimate we calculated using total fishery landings and a regression relating fishery yields per unit area to annual primary production per unit area. Although year-to-year variation in the annual mean size of the upwelling ecosystem must be significant, even discounting El Niño events, our analysis has shown that at least five of the extreme earlier values are not good estimates of the size of the productive habitat. We may now be close to knowing the average size of the ecosystem to within a factor of about two.  相似文献   

A comparison between the numerical simulation results of ozone fields with different experimental data makes it possible to estimate the quality of models for their further use in reliable forecasts of ozone layer evolution. We analyze time series of satellite (SBUV) measurements of the total ozone column (TOC) and the ozone partial columns in two atmospheric layers (0–25 and 25–60 km) and compare them with the results of numerical simulation in the chemistry transport model (CTM) for the low and middle atmosphere and the chemistry climate model EMAC. The daily and monthly average ozone values, short-term periods of ozone depletion, and long-term trends of ozone columns are considered; all data sets relate to St. Petersburg and the period between 2000 and 2014. The statistical parameters (means, standard deviations, variations, medians, asymmetry parameter, etc.) of the ozone time series are quite similar for all datasets. However, the EMAC model systematically underestimates the ozone columns in all layers considered. The corresponding differences between satellite measurements and EMAC numerical simulations are (5 ± 5)% and (7 ± 7)% and (1 ± 4)% for the ozone column in the 0–25 and 25–60 km layers, respectively. The correspondent differences between SBUV measurements and CTM results amount to (0 ± 7)%, (1 ± 9)%, and (–2 ± 8)%. Both models describe the sudden episodes of the ozone minimum well, but the EMAC accuracy is much higher than that of the CTM, which often underestimates the ozone minima. Assessments of the long-term linear trends show that they are close to zero for all datasets for the period under study.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation fires in the Russian part of Altai-Sayan region over the period of instrumental satellite observations (1996–2014) have been studied. The distribution of fires by landscape categories, natural zones, altitudinal belts, and terrain profile forms is presented. We estimate the confinement of fire development in forests dominated by dark coniferous, light coniferous, and deciduous forest stands. The results are standardized taking into account the ratio between plant-cover areas of the selected categories, classes, and zones in the region. We have found an exponential decrease in the number of fires in the area of transition from plains and lowlands to highlands. Middle mountains are characterized by the largest burnt areas. Up to 50% of all fires are observed in the northern and adjacent slopes. The fire occurrence on concave slopes is 40% higher than that on convex slopes. The logarithmic growth in the number of burnt areas and fire frequency was found for all natural zones (forest, steppe, and forest steppe); the greatest seasonal variability in fire frequency and fire statistics is observed in the forest-steppe zone of the region. It is shown that the spatial distribution of fires is in agreement with the selected climatic facies. On the whole, the long-term dynamics of forest burning in the Altai-Sayan region and Siberia is strongly related to the variation of meteorological parameters characterizing climatic changes.  相似文献   

A 3-D chemical fate prediction model (FATE3D) was applied to predict the dioxin concentrations in the seawater of Tokyo Bay, Japan. The simulations were carried out for a period of one year (from September 2002 to August 2003). Parameters such as meteorological data, flow field conditions, concentrations and sinking rates of organic particulate matter, initial and boundary conditions, and loading fluxes and physico-chemical properties of dioxins were used as the model inputs.The simulation results compared favorably with the field measurements of dioxin concentrations in the bay for both the particulate and dissolved phases, indicating the validity and predictive capability of the model. Furthermore, the differences in the seasonal cycles and distributions between the particulate- and dissolved-phase dioxins in the bay were estimated from the simulation results.However, the particulate-phase dioxin concentrations in the bottom layers (+1 m from the bottom) were underestimated, probably because the resuspension process was not taken into account in the model. The improvement of the model's predictive capability, including the resuspension process, shall be the focus of our next study.  相似文献   

The climate model of intermediate complexity developed at the Oboukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS CM), has been supplemented by a zero-dimensional carbon cycle model. With the carbon dioxide emissions prescribed for the second half of the 19th century and for the 20th century, the model satisfactorily reproduces characteristics of the carbon cycle over this period. However, with continued anthropogenic CO2 emissions (SRES scenarios A1B, A2, B1, and B2), the climate-carbon cycle feedback in the model leads to an additional atmospheric CO2 increase (in comparison with the case where the influence of climate changes on the carbon exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying surface is disregarded). This additional increase is varied in the range 67–90 ppmv depending on the scenario and is mainly due to the dynamics of soil carbon storage. The climate-carbon cycle feedback parameter varies nonmonotonically with time. Positions of its extremes separate characteristic periods of the change in the intensity of anthropogenic emissions and of climate variations. By the end of the 21st century, depending on the emission scenario, the carbon dioxide concentration is expected to increase to 615–875 ppmv and the global temperature will rise by 2.4–3.4 K relative to the preindustrial value. In the 20th–21st centuries, a general growth of the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and ocean and its reduction in terrestrial ecosystems can be expected. In general, by the end of the 21st century, the more aggressive emission scenarios are characterized by a smaller climate-carbon cycle feedback parameter, a lower sensitivity of climate to a single increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, a larger fraction of anthropogenic emissions stored in the atmosphere and the ocean, and a smaller fraction of emissions in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Variations in the concentrations of both primary (PM10, CO, and NOx) and secondary (ozone) pollutants in the atmosphere over the Moscow and Kirov regions, Kiev, and Crimea under the conditions of the anomalously hot summer of 2011 are given and analyzed. The concentrations of ozone, PM10, CO, and NOx in the atmosphere over the Moscow region exceeded their maximum permissible levels almost continuously from late July to late August 2010. The highest level of atmospheric pollution was observed on August 4–9, when the Moscow region was within a severe plume of forest and peatbog fires. The maximum single concentrations of ozone, which exceeded its maximum permissible level two-three times, were accompanied by high concentrations of combustion products: the concentrations of PM10 and CO were also three-seven times higher than their maximum permissible concentrations. The maximum levels of air pollution were observed under the meteorological conditions that were unfavorable for pollution scattering, first of all, at a small vertical temperature gradient in the lower atmospheric boundary layer. The number of additional cases of mortality due to the exceeded maximum permissible concentrations of PM10 and ozone in the atmosphere over Moscow was estimated. Under the weather conditions that were close to those for the Moscow region, the air quality remained mainly satisfactory in the Kirov region, Kiev, and Crimea, which were almost not affected by fires.  相似文献   

二氧化碳海洋倾废的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简要回顾了二氧化碳深海倾废设想提出的背景及其理论依据,阐述了实施二氧化碳深海倾废的可行性,着重讨论了CO2在深海的水合化过程以及最新的现场实验结果。分析了CO2海洋倾废对深海环境和生态系统的潜在影响。在与其他二氧化碳倾废方式进行比较的基础上,对今后的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

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