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We calculated the expected neutrino signal in Borexino from a typical Type II supernova at a distance of 10 kpc. A burst of around 110 events would appear in Borexino within a time interval of about 10 s. Most of these events would come from the reaction channel , while about 30 events would be induced by the interaction of the supernova neutrino flux on 12C in the liquid scintillator. Borexino can clearly distinguish between the neutral-current excitations 12C(ν,ν)12C* (15.11 MeV) and the charged-current reactions 12C(νe,e)12N and , via their distinctive event signatures. The ratio of the charged-current to neutral-current neutrino event rates and their time profiles with respect to each other can provide a handle on supernova and non-standard neutrino physics (mass and flavor oscillations).  相似文献   

The Kamioka liquid scintillator antineutrino detector (KamLAND), which consists of 1000 tones of ultra-pure liquid scintillator surrounded by 1879 photo-multiplier tubes (PMT), is the first detector sensitive enough to detect geoneutrinos. Earth models suggest that KamLAND observes geoneutrinos at a rate of 30 events/1032-protons/year from the 238U decay chain, and 8 events/1032-protons/year from the 232Th decay chain. With 7.09×1031 proton-years of detector exposure and detection efficiency of 0.687 ± 0.007, the ‘rate-only’ analysis gives geoneutrino candidates. Assuming a Th/U mass concentration ratio of 3.9, the ‘rate + shape’ analysis gives the 90% confidence interval for the total number of geoneutrinos detected to be from 4.5 to 54.2. This result is consistent with predictions from the Earth models. The 99% C.L. upper limit is set at 1.45×10−31 events per target proton per year, which is 3.8 times higher than the central value of the model prediction that gives 16 TW of radiogenic heat production from 238U and 232Th. Although the present data have limited statistical power, they provide by direct means an upper limit for the Earth’s radiogenic heat of U and Th. Sanshiro Enomoto (on behalf of the KamLAND Collaboration)  相似文献   

A future large-volume liquid scintillator detector such as the proposed 50 kton LENA (Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy) detector would provide a high-statistics measurement of terrestrial antineutrinos originating from β-decays of the uranium and thorium chains. Additionally, the neutron is scattered in the forward direction in the detection reaction . Henceforth, we investigate to what extent LENA can distinguish between certain geophysical models on the basis of the angular dependence of the geoneutrino flux. Our analysis is based on a Monte-Carlo simulation with different levels of light yield, considering an unloaded PXE scintillator. We find that LENA is able to detect deviations from isotropy of the geoneutrino flux with high significance. However, if only the directional information is used, the time required to distinguish between different geophysical models is of the order of severals decades. Nonetheless, a high-statistics measurement of the total geoneutrino flux and its spectrum still provides an extremely useful glance at the Earth’s interior.  相似文献   

A cryogenic search for WIMP Dark Matter with small sapphire bolometers through the WIMP scattering off Al2O3 nuclei, the ROSEBUD (Rare Objects SEarch with Bolometers UndergrounD) experiment, is being installed in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (Spain) at 2450 m water equivalent. The performances of the bolometers, the radioactive background expected from the measurement of the radiopurity of the ROSEBUD components and the estimated sensitivity of the experiment for low mass WIMP detection are presented.  相似文献   

InFOCμS is a new generation balloon-borne hard X-ray telescope with focusing optics and spectroscopy. We had a successful 22.5-hour flight from Fort Sumner, NM on September 16,17, 2004. In this paper, we present the performance of the hard X-ray telescope, which consists of a depth-graded platinum/carbon multilayer mirror and a CdZnTe detector. The telescope has an effective area of 49 cm2 at 30 keV, an angular resolution of 2.4 arcmin (HPD), and a field of view of 11 arcmin (FWHM) depending on energies. The CdZnTe detector is configured with a 12 × 12 segmented array of detector pixels. The pixels are 2 mm square, and are placed on 2.1 mm centers. An averaged energy resolution is 4.4 keV at 60 keV and its standard deviation is 0.36 keV over 128 pixels. The detector is surrounded by a 3-cm thick CsI anti coincidence shield to reduce background from particles and photons not incident along the mirror focal direction. The inflight background is 2.9 × 10−4 cts cm−2 sec−1 keV−1 in the 20–50 keV band.  相似文献   

We discuss the resolution of pulsar magnetospheres using interstellar scintillation. The two-dimensional spatial structure of pulsar emission zones can be obtained from analysis of diffractive scintillations at low frequencies. Based on refractive and diffractive scintillation of pulsars we can also reconstruct the distribution of turbulent plasma along the line of sight, and using this analysis a new approach to pulsar distance estimation can be made. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在上合期间,日冕和太阳风严重影响深空通信链路。论述了非均匀太阳风对深空通信的影响,综述了基于深空探测器下行信号的太阳风观测,以及通过反演技术进行太阳风和日冕特性研究的国内外进展。以我国的深空探测为背景,提出一套基于探测器下行信号的太阳风观测方案,并可利用现有探测器进行预先观测研究。在我国深空探测任务开始后,在数据通信和测轨的同时,进行全过程的观测实验。  相似文献   

Having in mind the potential impact of the results presented by Veprev and Muromtsev (2012) [13] on our knowledge of the universe, we reinvestigated the liquid scintillation measurement of the count rate variations of 3H. Making use of the sophisticated Quantulus liquid scintillation spectrometer, we found that the measurement of the high-energy tail of 3H spectrum may be significantly influenced by instrumental instability. Thus, the possible explanation for the relatively high count rate variations of Veprev and Muromtsev (2012) [13] can be attributed mainly to the walk of the cut-off in the integrated spectrum, although weak variations of different origin could be masked by such cut-off drifts. In our experiment we have also registered the oscillatory behavior of measured high-energy tail of 3H spectrum, but with very small amplitude (less than 0.5%), which cannot be easily explained only by instrumental instability. When the total 3H spectrum was measured, no significant variations in the count rate were found.  相似文献   

利用星际介质的折射闪烁理论解释在BLLac天体0716+71中观测到的射电快速变化的结构函数,确定了对射电源结构和散射介质特性所提出的条件。为了解释这个源内观测到的射电变化的“快模式”和“慢模式”的转换,必须考虑时电源内致密结构的角径或运动状态的快速变化。射电变化和光学变化的相关性仍然是析射闪烁解释的一个难于克服的困难。  相似文献   

A review is given of the interplay between studies of compact radio sources and the scattering and scintillations that occur as the signals travel through the irregular refractive index of the interstellar and interplanetary plasmas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Until the ULYSSES spacecraft reached high latitude, the only means for measuring the solar wind velocity in the polar regions was from radio scattering observations (IPS), and these remain the only way to measure the velocity near the sun. However, IPS, like many remote sensing observations, is a line-of-sight integrated measurement. This integration is particularly troublesome when the line-of-sight passes through a fast stream but that stream does not occupy the entire scattering region. Observations from the HELIOS spacecraft have shown that the solar wind has a bimodal character which becomes more pronounced near the sun. Recent observations from ULYSSES have confirmed that this structure is clear at high latitudes even at relatively large solar distances. We have developed a method of separating the fast and slow contributions to an IPS observation which takes advantage of this bimodal structure. In this paper I will describe the technique and its application to IPS observations made using the receiving antennas of the EISCAT incoherent backscatter radar observatory in northern Scandinavia.  相似文献   

The index of scintillation measurement is a good parameter to compare different sites for image quality or ‘seeing’. We have developed a scintillometer, which is deployed on the high resolution SPAR telescope in the island site of Udaipur Solar Observatory, for the site characterization to specify the proposed MAST (Multi Application Solar Telescope). The scintillometer consists of a miniature telescope, termed as micro telescope (4 mm aperture, 15 mm focal length) mounted on a drive which tracks the Sun continuously, associated amplifiers and a data acquisition system. A photodiode is used as the detector. The telescope along with detector was obtained from National Solar Observatory (NSO), and is similar to the one used for Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) site survey. At USO we developed the amplifier and data acquisition system for the scintillometer. A 24-bit analog to digital converter based system was designed, assembled, tested and used as the data acquisition system (DAS). In this paper, we discuss the instrumentation and present the initial results.  相似文献   

本文探讨脉冲星PSR2217+47分米波段流量变化的星际折射闪烁解释。利用衍射闪烁测量所获得的星际介质参数和连续介质的折射闪烁理论,计算了多频率(0.31,0.42,0.61和0.75GHz)上的折射闪烁结构函数,并与观测结构函数加以比较。结果表明,如果星际介质电子密度不均匀性具有幂律谱,那么幂律指数β=4要比β=11/3(即Kolmogorov谱)能更好地符合观测。  相似文献   

We perform a frequentist analysis of the bispectrum of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe first-year data. We find clear signal domination up to  ℓ≈ 200  , with overall consistency with Gaussianity, except for the following features. There is a flat patch (i.e. a low χ2 region) in the same-ℓ components of the bispectrum spanning the range  ℓ= 32–62  ; this may be interpreted as ruling out Gaussianity at the 99.6 per cent confidence level. There is also an asymmetry between the north and south inter-ℓ bispectrum components at the 99 per cent confidence level. The preferred asymmetry axis correlates well with the  (ℓ, b ) = (57, 10)  direction quoted in the literature for asymmetries in the power spectrum and three-point correlation function. However, our analysis of the quadrupole (its bispectrum and principal axes) fails to make contact with previously claimed anomalies.  相似文献   

To correctly analyse data sets from current microwave detection technology, one is forced to estimate the sky signal and experimental noise simultaneously. Given a time-ordered data set we propose a formalism and method for estimating the signal and associated errors without prior knowledge of the noise power spectrum. We derive the method using a Bayesian formalism and relate it to the standard methods; in particular we show how this leads to a change in the estimate of the noise covariance matrix of the sky signal. We study the convergence and accuracy of the method on two mock observational strategies and discuss its application to a currently-favoured calibration procedure.  相似文献   

We provide a new way of constraining the relative scintillation efficiency Leff for liquid xenon. Using a simple estimate for the electronic and nuclear stopping powers together with an analysis of recombination processes we predict both the ionization and the scintillation yields. Using presently available data for the ionization yield, we can use the correlation between these two quantities to constrain Leff from below. Moreover, we argue that more reliable data on the ionization yield would allow to verify our assumptions on the atomic cross sections and to predict the value of Leff. We conclude that the relative scintillation efficiency should not decrease at low nuclear recoil energies, which has important consequences for the robustness of exclusion limits for low WIMP masses in liquid xenon Dark Matter searches.  相似文献   

The Chatterton Astronomy Department aims to apply interferometers with very high resolving power to optical astronomy. The programme of the stellar intensity interferometer at Narrabri Observatory was completed in 1972 and since then the work has been directed towards building a more sensitive instrument with higher resolving power. As a first step a much larger intensity interferometer was designed but was not built because it was large, expensive and not as sensitive as desired. Efforts are now being made to design a more sensitive and cheaper instrument. A version of Michelson’s stellar interferometer is being built using modern techniques. It is hoped that it will reach stars of magnitude +8 and will work reliably in the presence of atmospheric scintillation. It is expected to cost considerably less than an intensity interferometer of comparable performance. The pilot model of this new instrument is almost complete and should be ready for test in 1984. Text of an Academy Lecture delivered at the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore on January 27, 1984.  相似文献   

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