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The Berezovsk coal mine in western Siberia has yielded the most diverse Middle Jurassic limnic and terrestrial vertebrate assemblage of Asia.The vertebrate remains were recovered by screen washing from flood-plain deposits on top of a thick coal seam of the Bathonian Itat Formation.A total of 29 vertebrate taxa has been recorded so far,including hybodontiform sharks,acipenseriforms,palaeonisciforms,amiiforms,dipnoans,anu-rans,caudates,turtles,squamates,choristoderans,crocodyliforms,pterosaurs,dinosaurs,tritylodontids,and a diverse mammaliaform and mammalian assemblage (eleutherodontids,docodontans,?amphilestids,dryo-lestids,and zatherians).The caudates are among the oldest in the fossil record and the anurans represent the oldest Asian record of this group.Among the mammals,Anthracolestes is the oldest and most basal known mem-ber of Dryolestidae and so far the only record from Asia.The vertebrate assemblage from the Berezovsk coal mine is very similar to that from the British Forest Marble Formation (Bathonian)and suggests a limited provin-cialism in the Middle Jurassic Laurasian landmass.  相似文献   

This article presents the results ofhydrochemical and hydrobiological studies of shallow saline lakes of the Borzya group (Zabaikalsky K_rai, Russia) at the initial filling phase. The lake-margin ecosystems of the studied lakes are characterized by varying degrees of salinity from polyhaline to brine water. Cyclical variations of meteorological conditions and high salinity determined that the compositions of the aquatic organisms are specific, mostly between stenohaline and euryhaline species, the quantities are low, and the community structures are simple.  相似文献   

The Bamsk gold-ore deposit is located in the Amur region, the Far East of Russia. It is confined to the Early Cretaceous volcanic-plutonic uplift of central type, located in the Stanov folded-clumpy Pre-Cambrian system. The deposit is presented by a series of gold-bearing quartz and carbonate-quartz vein-stringer zones. They are confined to the super-intrusive zone of the Nevachansk subvolcanic intrusion of sienite-porphyric composition. The mineralization is being controlled by zone of fractures developed in the autochthone ofthe Bamsk fault. Quartz, carbonates and sericite prevail in the composition of ores. The quantity of ore minerals doesn't exceed 1%~5%. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and native gold are widely spread. Sheelite, gold and silver tellurides, sulphobismuthites, acanthite, sphalerite and cinnabar are less developed. Four stages of mineralization have been distinguished. Gold-sulphide-sulphosalt ore with tellurides of gold and silver is productive for gold. The following set of elements is typomorphic for the ores of the deposit: Au, Ag, Cu, Bi,Mo, Pb and Sb (W1, Pb1, Mo) -Cu- (Ag, Bi, Sb, Mn, W1, Pb2) form the vertical series of zoning. Rocks, enclosing the mineralization are exposed to the processes of listvenitization-beresitization. The processes of gumbeization and argillization are less manifested. The age of the gold mineralization, determined by Rb-Sr method on ore-accompanying minerals, is 130.6 Ma.  相似文献   

The Bamsk gold-ore deposit is located in the Amur region, the Far East of Russia. It is confined to the Early Cretaceous volcanicoplutonic uplift of central type, located in the Stanov folded-clumpy Pre-Cambrian system. The deposit is presented by a series of gold-bearing quartz and carbonate-quartz vein-stringer zones. They are confined to the super-intrusive zone of the Nevachansk subvolcanic intrusion of sienite-porphyric composition. The mineralization is being controlled by zone of fractures developed in the autochthone of the Bamsk fault. Quartz, carbonates and sericite prevail in the composition of ores. The quantity of ore minerals doesn‘t exceed 1% ~ 5%. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and native gold are widely spread, Sheelite, gold and silver tellurides, sulphobismuthites, acanthite, sphalerite and cinnabar are less developed. Four stages of mineralization have been distinguished. Gold-sulphide-sulphosalt ore with tellurides of gold and silver is productive for gold. The following set of elements is typomorphic for the ores of the deposit: Au, Ag, Cu, Bi, Mo, Pb and Sb (W1, Pb1, Mo) -Cu- (Ag, Bi, Sb, Mn, W2,, Pb2) form the vertical series of zoning. Rocks, enclosing the mineralization are exposed to the processes of listvenitization-beresitization. The processes of gumbeization and argillization are less manifested. The age of the gold mineralization, determined by Rb-Sr method on ore-accompanying minerals, is 130.6 Ma.  相似文献   

黑龙江(又称为阿穆尔河)是中国和俄罗斯之间的国际界河,近年来洪水事件频发,给流域内中俄两国带来巨大的人口伤亡和经济损失,加强该流域的洪水监测是两国面临的共同紧迫需求。传统的光学遥感影像受制于洪水期间多云多雨的天气状况,难以及时获得无云影像。本文充分利用全天候雷达数据的优势,提出了一种基于哨兵1号(Sentinel-1)合成孔径雷达数据监测大面积区域洪水的方法。通过Gamma分布和高斯分布拟合SAR影像后向散射系数的概率密度分布,迭代后验概率差值,自动获得全局阈值来分割初始的水体,基于辅助数据细化去除了初始水体中与水体相似的误分类型,并由形态学操作后处理提高了提取的洪水的均匀性。结果表明:(1)与传统的分割算法相比,本文提出的方法基于SAR影像后向散射系数的分布规律进行概率密度函数分段拟合,将全局统计划分为局部关系,显著地改善了常规分割算法在水体和非水体像素量级相差过大而表现不佳的情况;(2)研究获得了2017—2020年逐年的洪水分布,结果总体精度在87.78%~94.89%之间,Kappa系数在0.76~0.89之间;(3)特别是对于大面积半干旱地区,本文结合了后向散射特性、地形和其...  相似文献   

The Baraba and Kulunda steppes are located in southwestern Siberia in an area with an arid continental climate. This paper presents results of the first study of the hypersaline Lake Krasnovishnevoye(Baraba steppe, TDS(total dissolved solids)=297 g/L, pH 7.88). The major chemical, mineralogical and biological features of the lake were studied and compared to those of Lake Malinovoe, a typical saline neutral lake of Kulunda steppe(TDS=396 g/L, pH 7.63). The phytoplankton composition and the culturable diversity of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria from Lake Krasnovishnevoye correspond to the ones in the Kulunda lakes. Nevertheless, the peculiarities of water composition and regime of Lake Krasnovishnevoye reduce the biodiversity to prokaryotes and unicellular algae.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous flora from the coal-bearing strata(Ussuri and Lipovtsy formations)in the Markovsky peninsula of South Primorye,Far East Russia,is reported in some detail in this paper.The flora containing over 80 species of about 50 genera can be divided into two assemblages.The paleofloristic characteristics and the comparisons of this flora with its coeval floras from the adjacent region of the eastern Heilongjiang of Northeast China,indicate the flora and its coal-bearing strata of the Markovsky peninsula can be compared to those of the Chengzihe and Muling formations of the Jixi area of Heilongjiang,representing probably the late Barremian and Aptian age,respectively.  相似文献   

The paper describes the sedimentary features and biostratigraphy of the transitional Jurassic to Cretaceous deposits in the continental basins of Priamurie formed after the collision between the Siberian and North China blocks. In Upper Priamurie, the collision occurred in the late Early Jurassic as dated by the emplacement of the post-collisional granites (191Ma) . While in Lower Priamurie and West Priokhotie it could take place in the late Middle Jurassic on the basis of fossil evidence from an accretionary turbidite complex. This event reflected the environmental change from coastal-marine to alluvial plains, often boggy, where coals accumulated. The environmental change is in harmony with that of biota. Systematic study of floral and spores/pollen assemblages, particularly in the sections of interbedded marine and non-marine deposits, makes clear the chronostratigraphic succession of floral associations and shows the possibility of their application for subdivision and correlation of the continental deposits of Priamurie. The coastal-marine environment of the residual post-collisional sublatitudinal basins in the western part of Priamurie (Upper Amur and Dep basins) was replaced by the continental in the late Middle Jurassic and in the eastern part in the Berriasian-Valanginian ( Torom Basin) . Similar environmental change commenced in the submeridional rift basins: the Bureya Basin in the Callovian and the Partizansk Basin in the Hauterivian. Changes in ecosystems occurred frequently during theMiddle Jurassic-Neocomian, but the most substantial changes took place in the late Middle Jurassic and in the end of Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

The Kamchatka Peninsula – situated in the Pacific "Ring of Fire" – has 29 active and over 400 extinct volcanoes. Since it is situated in the northeastern extremity of Russia, in subarctic climate,the volcanic landforms are overprinted by the 446 glaciers. This research focuses on the 1~(st) Mutnaya catchment which drains the southern slopes of two active volcanoes: Avachinsky and Koryaksky. Those volcanoes are a permanent threat for the cities of Petropavlovsk and Elizovo, which are the 2 of 3 cities of the peninsula. Hence, most of the studies carried out in the area dealt with the natural hazards and only few focus on landscape evolution. Thus, the purpose of this study was to elaborate a cartographic approach which integrates classic geomorphology with state of the art GIS and remote sensing techniques. As result,different landforms and related processes have been analysed and included in the first general geomorphologic map of the 1~(st) Mutnaya catchment.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples collected off the Huanghe (Yellow) River mouth during the period 2007–2009 were analyzed for major and trace element concentrations. Concentrations of 16 elements were measured using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Results demonstrate that sediment grain size is the dominant factor controlling the spatial variations of elemental concentrations. Correlation and cluster analyses allowed classification of the study area into four geochemical regions: Regions I and III are characterized by high concentrations of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, Na2O, K2O, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, and contain fine-grained sediments with mean grain size (M z)<22 μm; and; Regions II and IV contain mostly coarse-grained sediments, and are characterized by high concentrations of SiO2, Na2O, and Zr. The sediment entering the sea from the Huanghe River and its tributaries is enriched in Ca. Thus, the Ca/Al ratio was used as an indicator of the proportion of sediments in the study area that originated from the Huanghe River. Ca/Al ratios decrease from Regions I and II (located in the nearshore zone of the Huanghe River delta) to Regions III and IV (distributed in the offshore zone of the northern Huanghe River delta, southern and southeastern Laizhou Bay area).  相似文献   

The Volgian-Valanginian succession of shallow-water deposits from the Olenek section(Anabar-Lena region, Arctic Siberia) has been studied by sedimentological and palaeontological methods. High-resolution biostratigraphy of studied interval is based on the ammonites, foraminifers, marine and terrestrial palynomorphs. Foraminiferal and palynological zones have important regional implications providing well-constrained biostratigraphy of the Anabar-Lena region. Sedimentological studies together with ecological analysis of the associations of microbenthos, microphytoplankton and terrestrial palynomorphs allow the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions for the marginal area of the Anabar-Lena palaeosea and coastal land areas.  相似文献   

Fossil woods were collected from the Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene beds distributed around Heilong-jang(Amur)River area of China and Russia. A total of 43 specimens were collected from Baishantou,Longgushan,and Yong ’ancun in Jiayin,China,and 85 specimens from Zeya-Bureya Basin lying southeast of Blagoveshchensk in Russia. Selected specimens were sectioned and studied anatomically. The source deposits of almost all identifiable specimens belong to the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Taipinglinchang Formation and the Paleocene Wuyun Formation in China,and the Paleocene Upper Tsagayan Formation in Russia. Al- though the results obtained are still far from complete,the taxonomic composition of the fossil woods show marked stratigraphic differences between the two horizons beyond the K/T boundary in China. There is also a strong similarity in wood flora between the Wuyun Formation of China and the Upper Tsagayan Formation of Russia. All identified specimens from the Taipinglinchang Formation are Xenoxylon latiporosum. This is one of the stratigraphically younger records of Xenoxylon,which is a conifer morphogenus of uncertain affinity most common in the Triassic to Early Cretaceous. Only one specimen with possible derivation from either the Wuyun or the Maastrichtian Furao Formation in China was identified as Taxodioxylon sp. The Wuyun Formation yielded both conifers and dicotyledonous woods. The conifers include Taxodioxylon sequoianum of the Taxodiaceae,and Protopiceoxylon amurense,which is attributable to the extant genera Keteleeria or Nothotsuga of the Pinaceae, both are at present endemic to China. At least two morphotypes of dicotyledonous woods were recognized,with one identified as cf. Hamamelidoxylon ,and the other diffuse porous wood is characterized by numerous hetero- geneous rays. From the Zeya-Buleya Basin of Russia,Taxodioxylon sequoianum and cf. Hamamelidoxylon sp. were identified from the Upper Tsagayan Formation. The similarity of wood composition in both Wuyun and Up- per Tsagayan Formations support lithological as well as biostratigraphic correlations proposed for the two forma- tions.  相似文献   

Four main dinosaur-bearing sites have been investigated in latest Cretaceous deposits from the Amur/Heilongjiang Region: Jiayin and Wulaga in China (Yuliangze Formation) ,Blagoveschensk and Kundur in Rus- sia (Udurchukan Formation) . More than 90% of the bones discovered in these localities belong to hollowcrested lambeosaurine hadrosaurids: Charonosaurus jiayinensis at Jiayin,Amurosaurus riabinini at Blagoveschensk, Olorotitan arharensis at Kundur,and Sahaliyania elunchunorum at Wulaga. Flat-headed hadrosaurine hadrosau- rids are much less numerous,but appear well diversified as well: Kerberosaurus manakini at Blagoveschensk, Wulagasaurus dongi at Wulaga,and a new genus at Kundur. Theropods are represented by shed teeth and isolated bones; isolated scutes and teeth discovered at Kundur are tentatively attributed to nodosaurids. Palynologi- cal studies suggest that these sites are probably synchronous with the Lancian’ vertebrate localities of western North America,which represent the youngest dinosaur faunas in this area. However,the latest Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages are completely different in the Amur/Heilongjiang region (lambeosaurines abundant,ceratopsids absent) and in western North America (ceratopsids abundant,lambeosaurines extremely rare or absent) . This probably reflects some kind of geographical barrier between both areas by Maastrichtian time rather than strong differences in palaeoecological conditions.  相似文献   

Meromictic soda and saline lakes are unique ecosystems characterized by the stability of physical,chemical and biological parameters,and they are distributed all over the world.Lakes located in regions with average annual negative air temperature are of particular interest because of the presence of two periods with intensive and dynamic processes:the so-called biological summer and the long ice season with the biological spring.Soda Lake Doroninskoe is located in Eastern Transbaikalia(51°14′N,112°14′E) in the permafrost zone in an extreme continental climate,and is covered by ice for seven months per year.The structure and diversity of the microbial communities throughout the water column of the lake was studied by 16 S r RNA gene amplicon metasequencing.Different species with specific functions were found to dominate at different depths.Metabolically flexible bacteria with a capacity to switch between anoxygenic photosynthesis and aerobic chemotrophic metabolism dominate in soda Lake Doroninskoe.  相似文献   

为了研究多金属结核的成矿机理,对中国大洋第45航次在东太平洋CC区(Clarion-Clipperton zone)所获得的20枚多金属结核进行了主量、微量及铂族元素分析测试,并与其他区域不同类型的多金属结核进行了对比。结果表明,研究区多金属结核基本为混合型结核,其PGEs总质量分数(w(ΣPGE))为77.2×10-9~197×10-9,平均值为136×10-9,明显低于库克(Cook)岛海域典型的水成型结核的值(w(ΣPGE)=306×10-9);研究区结核球粒陨石标准化PGEs配分模式与水成型结核及富钴结壳非常相似,均呈现明显的Pt正异常及从Os到Pt逐渐富集、从Pt到Pd逐渐亏损的特征,结合海水的PGEs配分特征及前人研究结果,表明结核中PGEs应该直接来源于海水;研究区多金属结核w(ΣPGE)与w(Fe2O3)表现为正相关,与w(MnO)表现为负相关,而Cook岛海域水成型结核w(ΣPGEs)则与w(MnO)表现为正相关,与w(Fe2O3)表现为负相关,表明不同成因类型的多金属结核PGEs的赋存载体有所不同,水成型结核中PGEs主要赋存在锰矿物相中,而混合-成岩型结核则主要赋存在铁矿物相中,且成岩作用越强,结核富集PGEs的能力越低。研究成果对于东太平洋多金属结核成矿机理及其赋存载体研究有一定的指示意义。   相似文献   

比较东平湖鲤与俄罗斯鲤、建鲤的含肉率和肌肉营养成分。结果表明:东平湖鲤含肉率显著高于其他2种鲤鱼(P0.05);在常规营养成分上,东平湖鲤的水分低于建鲤(P0.05),粗蛋白、粗灰分含量最低,与其他2种鲤鱼差异有统计学意义(P0.05);粗脂肪含量最高,显著高于其他2种鲤鱼(P0.05)。在检测出的17种氨基酸中,东平湖鲤EAA质量分数为39.82±0.39,与其他2种鲤鱼差异有统计学意义(P0.05);东平湖鲤单不饱和脂肪酸含量为46.17±0.32,高于其他2种鲤鱼,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。东平湖鲤鱼肌肉中含有丰富的、人体所需的矿物元素。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Historically ,thestudyoflightintheoceanshasbeeninvolvedprimarilyintwothemes :therolelightplaysinmarinelivesanditskeycontrolofprimaryproductivity .Consequently ,thephotochemicalinter actionofsunlightwithseawaterconstituentsandtheresultingenvironmentalconsequenceshasbecomeanimportantstudythemeinthefieldofmarinesciences .Currently ,investigationsinmarine photochemistrymainlyinclude (1)examinationofthenatureandre activityofthechromophoresfoundinthedissolvedor ganicmatterinseawater…  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of dried macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiform (Rhodophyta) on photosynthesis of the bloom-forming microalga Chaetoceros curvisetus. C. curvisetus was cultured with different amounts of dried G. lemaneiformis under controlled laboratory conditions. We measured the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate and established the chlorophyll a fluorescence transient (OJIP) curve coupled with its specific parameters. We observed concentration-dependent and time-dependent relationships between dried G. lemaneiformis and inhibition of photosynthesis in C. curvisetus. Co-culture with dried G. lemaneiformis also resulted in a decrease in the light-saturated maximum photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate (P~ax) in C. curvisetus, and a decrease in the OJIP curve along with its specific parameters; the maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (FJFm), the amount of active PSII reaction centers per excited cross section at t=0 and t=--tFM (RC/CS0 and RC/CSm, respectively), the absorption flux per excited cross section at t=0 (ABS/ CS0), and the efficiency with which a trapped exciton moves an electron into the electron transport chain (~u0). The dark respiration rate (Rd) increased in C. curvisetus co-cultured with dried G. lemaneiformis. The JIP-test and the oxygen evolution results indicated that dried G. lemaneiJbrmis decreased the number of active reaction centers, blocked the electron transport chain, and damaged the oxygen-evolving complex of C. curvisetus. This result indicated that dried fragments of G. lemaneiformis could effectively inhibit photosynthesis of C. curvisetus, and thus, could serve as a functional product to control and mitigate C. curvisetus blooms.  相似文献   

In order to find out whether long interspersed elements (LINEs) existed in macro-algae ge- nomes or not, we tested the LINE homologues in representative families (species): Gracilaria (G. eucheumoides Harv., G. tenuistipitata Chang et Xia, and G. textorii (Sur) De-Toni), Laminaria (L. longis- sima Miyabe and L. japonica Aresch.), and Ulva (U. lactuca L. and U. pertusa Kjellm.) during 2004 to 2005. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was carried out with degenerate oligonucleotide primers de- signed from LINEs of rice homologues and Cin4 of maize. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the PCR products revealed that 4 clones that derived from 3 species of Gracilaria have LINE homologues. The nucleotide sequences of the 4 LINE homologues diverged greatly, but the amino acid sequences deduced from them were relatively conserved. The endonuclease regions of the LINE homologues greatly di- verged from that of other plants, but they had closer phylogenetic relationship to Zepp elements in Chlor- ella sp., which indicated that sequence divergence by vertical transmission has been a major influence on the evolution of algal LINEs.  相似文献   

The general trend of three elements (precipitation, runoff and evaporation) of the water balance of the Changjiang River Basin is discussed from the regional distribution of the mean annual values of view, i.e. isogram. The distribution of precipitation is non-uniform. The distribution of runoff mainly supplied from precipitation is more uniform than that of precipitation. The distribution of the evaporation from land is much more uniform than that of precipitation and runoff. Time distribution of these three elements shows the characteristics of comparatively distinct yearly variation and few variation between years. The relationship between precipitation and runoff, and between precipitation and evaporation in the humid region in the Changjiang River is analyzed. The slopes of their straight line correlation are nearly equal. The internal relationship between variables should be paid attention to, otherwise, a pseudo correlation may be resulted in. The paper provides the method of quantitative computa  相似文献   

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