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枇杷坪古滑坡位于重庆市万州区东缘,是三峡库区重点勘察的滑坡之一。近年来滑体部分地区出现蠕滑变形,存在局部复活的可能。枇杷坪古滑坡及移民房屋稳定性监测预警系统始建于2004年初,主要监测手段为GPS及精密水准测量。2a多的监测成果表明,枇杷坪古滑坡局部出现较大的顺坡向位移变形及不均匀沉降。滑体出现蠕滑变形的主要原因:①库水位的升高使地下水位升高;②频繁的人类工程活动。文章依据监测成果,运用Winsurf软件绘制出滑体水平形变场及垂直形变场,综合分析位移监测信息,并运用Mapinfo地理信息系统平台,依据滑体的形变场,试勾描出枇杷坪的强变形区域,该区域对应在滑体中段的中前部,区域内监测点均一致朝向长江方向滑移及倾斜。文章拟通过滑坡变形区的划分,探讨滑体的稳定性区划、变形特征及发展趋势。  相似文献   

金沙江结合带由于地质构造发育,地震活动频繁,河谷切割强烈,岸坡高陡狭窄, 岩体极为破碎,历史上发生过多起大型滑坡堵江事件。以白格滑坡两次堵江事件(2018年10月11日、2018年11月3日)为例,采用2009年12月4日至2020年10月16日多期、多源卫星遥感数据源,通过遥感判识、对比分析等方法对滑坡体滑前斜坡变形特征、滑后滑坡堆积特征、滑后斜坡残留体变形特征进行特大型堵江滑坡链式特征遥感动态分析。根据多期遥感影像,将白格滑坡变形特征划分为早期滑动变形阶段(2009—2011年)、稳定变形阶段(2011—2015年)、快速变形阶段(2015—2017年)、剧烈变形阶段(2017—2018年)、变形破坏阶段(2018年以后)等5个阶段。根据滑坡第一次滑后的变形破坏特征,将滑坡划分为滑源区、铲刮区、堆积区以及拉裂变形区。根据滑坡第二次滑后的变形破坏特征,将滑坡划分为二次滑坡滑源区、二次滑坡堆积区(堰塞体)、二次铲刮(堆积)区、二次铲刮区影响区以及拉裂变形区。基于上述研究成果,对白格滑坡灾害链式特征进行总结分析,为金沙江结合带高位远程滑坡灾害链式特征研究提供参考。  相似文献   

三峡库区藕塘滑坡变形失稳机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡库区藕塘滑坡是巨型顺层基岩古滑坡,滑坡面积1.78km2,体积约9.0107m3,威胁3900余人的生命财产安全,涉及场镇整体搬迁,同时对长江航道形成潜在堵塞隐患,是近年来三峡库区重大滑坡灾害之一。基于大量的现场地质调查及工程地质勘探,详细介绍了滑坡地质地貌及地质结构特征; 充分利用现场监测数据,深入分析了滑坡变形特征; 在此基础上,从地质成因和环境成因两方面对滑坡变形失稳机制展开系统研究,并结合滑坡稳定性计算对其变形发展的趋势进行了预测。相关的结论主要包括:(1)该滑坡具有多级多期次滑动特征,主要表现为三级滑动,且空间形态具有视向倾斜滑动的特征; (2)特殊的地形地貌、地层岩性及地质构造等因素是滑坡长期孕育形成的地质内因; (3)库水位周期性波动及集中降雨是诱发滑坡复活变形的环境外因,研究表明该滑坡变形与库水位下降及集中降雨的相关性显著; 库水位下降导致坡体内外地下水落差形成指向坡外的渗透压力,促进滑坡体变形; 集中降雨则增加滑坡体自重和下滑力,并使得大量的水富集于易滑软层,软化滑带土,促使滑坡蠕动变形加速; (4)三级滑坡体与西侧变形区在极端工况下存在欠稳定状态可能性,推断现阶段滑坡以局部失稳破坏形式为主。鉴于此,建议进一步加强监测,采取相应的工程防治措施。  相似文献   

滑坡监测的指标体系与技术方法   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
滑坡监测目的:了解和掌握滑坡体的演变过程,及时捕捉崩滑灾害的特征信息,为崩塌滑坡的正确分析、评价、预测、预报及治理工程等提供可靠资料和科学依据。滑坡监测指标包括地质宏观形迹监测、地面位移监测、深部位移监测、诱发因素监测、水压力监测和滑坡地球物理、地球化学场监测等。滑坡监测技术方法通常有地面宏观形迹的简易观测、地面仪器监测、空间遥测和遥感监测、综合的实时监测预报系统等。论文还介绍了宝塔滑坡监测系统实例。   相似文献   

随着人类建设活动的日益频繁,天然边坡人工扰动诱发的滑坡灾害逐渐增多,已经严重威胁到人员和工程构筑物的安全与稳定,滑坡监测变得越来越重要。介绍了一种经过改进后的滑坡监测预警系统,该装置基于北斗卫星和通用分组无线服务技术(GPRS)双路通讯平台,采用zigbee技术构建多跳自组织无线传感器网络,利用具有能量吸收特性的恒阻大变形锚索替换原来的常规锚索作为传力装置,保证边坡岩体变形2 m锚索不被拉断,实现了对大变形滑坡灾害的全过程监测预警目标。另外,按照红、橙、黄、蓝4个颜色等级,建立了临滑、近滑、次稳定和稳定4级预警准则,并开发出3D自动搜索和处理软件系统,嵌入监测区地形地貌遥感图、地质断面图、监测点分布图等矢量地图,具有自动搜索、监测数据智能处理、监测曲线自动显示和监测信息快速查询等功能。该系统已在南芬露天铁矿推广应用,根据预警准则成功对2011年10月5日发生的滑坡灾害提前5 d发出预警信息,并结合降雨量和累计采矿量监测数据,耦合对比分析滑坡前、后各参数的演变特征,证明滑动力监测参数是滑坡超前预警的惟一有效参数。该系统的成功应用为其他类似边坡的超前监测预警提供了理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

三峡大坝自2003年蓄水以来,库区形成大量涉水滑坡。长江三峡库区的浮托减重型滑坡随库水位升降,变形非协调性增加,此类滑坡变形与库水位关系的不明确性,为其监测预警预报工作带来困惑。以木鱼包滑坡为研究对象,通过全自动GPS变形监测系统获取的滑坡监测资料,结合多次的野外考察、15年专业监测和库水位升降等资料进行分析,运用有限元软件Geo-studio进行数值模拟,模拟库水位以不同速率在175~145m间升降下对滑坡稳定性的影响。研究表明:(1)库水位由145m升至175m的过程中,滑坡的稳定系数变化为先减后增再减,库水上升速率越大,前期稳定系数减小的时间段越小,随后稳定系数增加的速率也越快;(2)在库水位由175m下降到145m的过程中,整个稳定系数变化趋势为先减小后增大,呈“V”字形,存在一个最危险水面,不同的库水下降速率对应的最危险水面高度也不一样,库水位以0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.6m/d的速率下降时对应的最危险水位分别在169.8,167.8,162.6,162.0,162.2m左右;(3)木鱼包滑坡作为三峡库区典型的浮托减重性滑坡,在库水位大幅度及周期性升降的影响下,一直保持着蠕滑状态,平均日位移量为0.4mm/d,目前处于基本稳定状态。所得结论对三峡库区浮托减重型滑坡预警预报工作有一定的参考与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

巴彦淖尔市位于内蒙古自治区西部,区内第四系松散沉积层厚度大,具有发育地面沉降的基础条件。为填补该地区地面沉降研究的空白,利用PS-InSAR和SBAS-InSAR技术分别对巴彦淖尔市2007—2011年(ALOS PALSAR数据,98景)和2015—2016年(Radarsat-2数据,10景)的地面沉降情况进行定量...  相似文献   

A methodology for monitoring system of an impoundment-induced landslide in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China is introduced. Currently, based on landslide geological classification, the monitoring regions and methods which include types of monitoring instruments, placement and calibration precision of instruments, and appropriate periods for instrumental placement is confirmed. To optimize the monitoring system, sensitivity analysis of displacements and the water table in landslides affected by reservoir surface fluctuation is completed to determine the layout of the monitoring cross sections and the monitoring points. As a case study, the behavior of displacements and the potential fluctuation of the water table in the Shiliushubao landslide, produced by the gradual water impoundment at Three Gorges Reservoir, has been simulated using 3D finite element method analysis. The sensitivity analysis of Shiliushubao landslide is investigated by the fuzzy set evaluation method. As a result, the monitoring network of Shiliushubao landslide is established.  相似文献   

A special monitoring and warning system has been established and improved in the Three Gorges Reservoir area since 1999. It is necessary to develop a real-time monitoring system on landslides because there are dense populations centered in the reservoir area and geo-hazards may be triggered by a 30-m water level fluctuation between 145 and 175 m in elevation during reservoir operation; the regular monitoring could not be suitable to the early warning on landslides. Since 2003, the authors have carried out a real-time monitoring and early warning project on landslides at the relocated Wushan town in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The monitoring station includes Global Positioning System with high-accuracy double frequency to monitor ground displacement, time domain reflection technology, and immobile borehole, inclinometer to monitor deep displacement, piezometer to monitor pore water pressure, and precipitation and reservoir water level monitoring. Compared with traditional methods, the real-time monitoring is continuous and traceable in the acquisition process, and the cycle of data acquisition is very short, usually within hours, minutes, or even shorter. Based on the landslide monitoring experience at the Three Gorges Reservoir area, the early warning criteria on landslide are established in which the critical situation is classified into four levels: blue, yellow, orange, and red, respectively, expressed by no, slight, moderate, and high risk situation. Comprehensive judgment from multimonitoring data of Yuhuangge landslide in this area since 2004 suggested that the new Wushan town will be at the blue early warning level, although some monitoring data of individual displacement at deep borehole showed that the displacement was increased by 5 mm in 5 months with an average velocity of 1.0 mm/month, and the data of BOTDR also showed an obvious dislocation along a stairway on the landslide.  相似文献   

Because of terrain, geological structure, river down-incising and human activities, the upriver Minjiang Valley in Sichuan Province, Southwest China, constitutes a disaster area prone to frequent landslides. During the roadway rebuilding periods, the Xiaozongqu landslide reactivated on the G213 Roadway in Maoxian District of Sichuan Province. From the September to November in 2002, the landslide sped up, reaching a maximum movement rate of 32 mm/d. The rapid slide seriously threatened the road. To stabilize the landslide and eliminate the damage of landslide to the road, remedying its damage and monitoring further developments are crucial. Based on its kinematic behaviour, remediation was implemented in two phases from November 2002 to October 2003. Systematic monitoring has been carried out since 18 June 2003 to determine kinematic variations of the landslide during the post-remediation period and to assess the effects of remediation and the potential of the landslide for further destructive influences on the roadway.  相似文献   

An early warning system can be an effective measure to reduce the damage caused by landslides by facilitating the timely evacuation of residents from a landslide-prone area. Early detection of landslide triggering across a broad range of natural terrain types can be accomplished by monitoring rainfall and the physical property changes of soils in real time or near-real time. This study involved the installation of a real-time monitoring system to observe physical property changes in soils in a valley during rainfall events. This monitoring included the measurement of volumetric water content, which was compared with the results of laboratory flume tests to identify landslide indicators in the soils. The response of volumetric water content to rainfall events is more immediate than that of pore-water pressure, and volumetric water content retains its maximum value for some time before slope failure. Therefore, an alternative method for landslide monitoring can be based on the observation of volumetric water content and its changes over time at shallow soil depths. Although no landslide occurred, the field monitoring results showed a directly proportional relationship between the effective cumulative rainfall and the gradient of volumetric water content per unit time (t/t max). This preliminary study thus related slope failure to the volumetric water content gradient as a function of rainfall. Laboratory results showed that a high amount of rainfall and a high gradient of volumetric water content could induce slope failure. Based on these results, it is possible to suggest a threshold value of the volumetric water content gradient demarcating the conditions for slope stability and slope failure. This threshold can thus serve as the basis of an early warning system for landslides considering both rainfall and soil properties.  相似文献   

三峡库区张桓侯庙东侧滑坡为一大型土质滑坡。为了掌握滑坡的变形状态,对滑坡实施应急动态监测,采用了地表位移、地表沉降、深部位移、地下水位、降雨量及泉流量监测等手段,确定了滑坡的变形范围、主滑方向、滑面深度等基本要素及内部、外部变形特征,通过对监测成果的综合分析将滑坡分为强变形区与弱变形区,确认滑坡性质总体上为推移式,右侧前缘具有牵引式的性质。判断滑坡在监测期间处于匀速变形阶段,降雨是影响滑坡稳定性的主要因素,起到了加速滑面形成的作用。利用监测成果修正了滑面形态,反演滑带参数。建议对滑坡的防治加强地表排水,切忌对强变形区前缘进行开挖。  相似文献   

王爽  王晴  李倩 《华北地质》2015,(2):155-160
根据天津市地质灾害特点及与气象条件的关系,从气象因素和地质灾害隐患入手,深化研究地质环境和降水因素与地质灾害发生的关系,综合利用数学算法和GIS技术,建立了天津市地质灾害气象预警模型和预警系统。此外,重点介绍了五名山东滑坡自动化远程监测系统示范工程,运行结果显示,监测系统的实施保证了监测数据的连续性,可以较好的反应滑坡的变形特征及变形趋势。实践证明,应用基于GIS 的地质灾害预警系统已在我市近几年的地质灾害气象预警预报中不断完善,预警精度得到提高,防灾减灾效果明显,对保护人民生命财产安全发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Guo-Quan Wang 《Landslides》2012,9(1):117-130
Global positioning system (GPS) technologies have been increasingly employed to monitor landslide movements. This paper demonstrates the use of GPS in the study of a creeping landslide in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The landslide is primarily composed of chalk colluvium that extends to depths of about 30 m at the head zone and 2 to 3 m at the toe zone. The slip surface lies at the base of the chalk colluvium, which slides southeast over a weathered brown mudstone unit. GPS monitoring of the landslide began in March 2008. Both campaign rapid static and continuous static GPS surveying methods were applied. Precision at the level of 0.5 mm horizontally and 1.3 mm vertically was achieved through 24-h continuous GPS monitoring. Rainfall data from a local weather station was also integrated into the study. Rainfall heavily influenced the movements of the landslide. A heavy rainfall in September 2008, which dumped 50 cm rain on the landslide area over a 4-day period, temporarily accelerated the sliding and generated rapid movement of 1 m horizontally and 0.5 m vertically. The slide slowed markedly after this significant movement. A prolonged moderate rainfall in November 2009 also temporarily accelerated the sliding. The landslide remains active. The creeping appears likely to continue in the future with short bursts of rainfall-induced rapid movements. Potential landslide causes are investigated, and two measures to minimize future risk are proposed at the end of the article.  相似文献   

After the deadly Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, the Wenjiagou landslide produced steep topography, a narrow gully and abundant loose sediments; these factors have contributed to the high debris flow risk in the Wenjiagou area during subsequent rainy seasons. At least five debris flows have occurred in the Wenjiagou area between September 24, 2008, and September 18, 2010, which resulted in seven casualties and an economic loss of approximately 446 million RMB. To reduce the risk of debris flows and landslides, the Wenjiagou Valley Debris Flow Control Project (WVDFCP), which cost over 2 billion RMB, was carried out and completed in 2011. The control measures of the project effectively reduced the scale and damage of the following debris flows. In this paper, the recent deformation of the giant landslide and its effect on the WVDFCP are evaluated by applying a time-series interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) technique based on distributed scatterers (DSs) to the Radardat-2 SAR data collected from June 2014 to September 2015. In addition, the experimental results show that most areas of the landslide are stable, with an average deformation rate of less than 5.0 mm/year. The results demonstrate that the control measures of the WVDFCP not only reduced the damage caused by the later debris flows but also contributed to the consolidation of the loose sediments in the Wenjiagou landslide area. The time-series InSAR technique based on the DSs of high-resolution SAR images is an important tool for deformation monitoring of earthquake-induced landslides.  相似文献   

滑坡监测点多信息相似性度量方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  胡宝丹  陈喆 《岩土力学》2019,40(10):4001-4010
滑坡监测点在一段时间内对外界影响因素的响应可以看作滑坡在当前时刻的状态。滑坡监测点在相似的状态下受到相似的外界激励时会表现出相似的响应。据此,可以对相似的状态进行类比,从而将相似状态运用于滑坡的稳定性分析、数据修正和预测预报等。提出一种基于多信息的状态单元矩阵的相似性度量方法,运用该方法同时对滑坡的外界影响因素和运动状态进行相似性匹配,既保证了外界影响因素的相似性,也保证了滑坡当前运动状态的相似性。为验证该方法的有效性,运用三峡库区4个滑坡34个监测点的1 770个状态作为状态单元集,对白水河滑坡2015年1月至2016年6月的位移数据进行预测。预测结果显示,该方法优于现有的BP神经网络、支持向量回归等经典预测方法。  相似文献   

岷江某水电站库区1#滑坡,系白水寨古地滑堆积体下部,受1933年叠溪地震影响,而形成的一个老滑坡。2001年水库正常蓄水(1475m)后,滑坡出现明显变形迹象,2003年初,库水位下调至1470m,滑坡变形开始趋缓。笔者根据滑坡区地形地质条件,结合现场调查访问、监测资料分析,认为水库蓄水所引起的孔压(浮托力)增加是古滑坡复活的主要动因。二维FLAC数值模拟表明,在库水位由1450m(蓄水前)1475m1470m的变动过程中,滑坡变形呈现出相对平稳急剧增加增速减缓的特征,证实了上述认识。稳定性计算表明,在蓄水1475及暴雨或地震条件下,滑坡稳定性系数为0.90~0.99,即该滑坡将失稳。为使水库恢复至正常蓄水位,对该滑坡进行治理非常必要,治理方案建议以抗滑支挡为主,排水措施为辅。  相似文献   

Sun  Shu-wei  Pang  Bo  Hu  Jia-bing  Yang  Zhao-xi  Zhong  Xiao-yu 《Landslides》2021,18(7):2593-2607

Owing to the heavy rainfall, a landslide occurred at the Anqian Iron mine, at 18:00(UTC + 8) on November 24, 2019, in China. The landslide was about 3.0?×?104 m3 and caused damage to the road of transporting waste materials. Failure characteristics and the mechanism of this landslide were analyzed in this study. The landslide area was divided into three parts: the rear tension cracking area, the middle sliding deformation area, and the front colluvium area. A contact-free measuring technique using the new ShapeMetrix3D system was applied and 204 joints were analyzed based on equal-angle stereographic projection. Thus, a conceptual model of the mechanism of the landslide was constructed and the formation process of the landslide was divided into three stages: the first shearing and dislocation stage; the second sliding, front bulging, and rear tractive cracking stage; and the third local rock mass collapse and colluvium depositing stage. Numerical modeling was performed to discover the landslide mechanism by progressively reducing the shear strength of rock mass. The results showed that the original slope was stable, whereas heavy rainfall triggered the landslide, and the predicted failure surface matched closely the field investigations. The factor of safety obtained by real three-dimensional analyses was slightly higher than that obtained by plane problem analyses, and the difference was attributed to the three-dimensional effect of the landslide. This paper also presents the results obtained from the parametric analysis in order to understand the impact of shear strength parameters on the overall stability of the slope.


FEFLOW在某市岩溶地下水四氯化碳污染中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
某市是我国北方的一座大型城市,七里沟盆地是该市的三个主要岩溶水源地之一,供应该市南部20余万人的生产生活用水,2000年11月发现该岩溶含水层受到四氯化碳的污染,本文结合前人所做的工作和研究区检测资料的分析,建立了研究区水文地质概念模型和地下水数学模型,采用基于有限元方法的FEFLOW软件对模型求解,在水流模型的基础上...  相似文献   

柴湾滑坡是三峡库区结构复杂的大型老滑坡之一,三峡水库蓄水后,该滑坡出现明显复活迹象。本文基于滑坡结构和2007-2015年监测数据,分析了该滑坡活动对库水位变化的响应特征;采用数值模拟手段分析了库水位变化时滑体内渗流场及孔隙水压力变化特征。研究发现,该滑坡在平、剖面上分别呈现牵引式分块与浅、中层分层的缓慢活动特征;当库水位降速>0 8 m/d时,滑坡活动呈现滞后的台阶式加剧趋势;越接近地表,滑坡活动对库水位变化愈敏感。柴湾滑坡活动特征受其复杂结构控制,滑坡中前部地下水与库水密切的水力联系以及中层、深层滑体良好的渗透性决定了滑坡的分块和分层活动特征。库水位上升时透水性较强滑体内的扬压力和库水位下降时透水性较弱滑体内的动水压力是造成滑坡分块分层活动的内在动力。  相似文献   

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