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基于遗传神经计算的有限元方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用适当的神经网络可以把优化计算问题映射为一动态电路,从而在电路时间常数范围内获得问题的解。为了保证系统在矩阵非正定的条件下收敛到稳定态,可以利用遗传算法使系统流动到最终稳定点。本文利用神经网络的这种特点,把结构力学的有限元计算问题统一描述为约束二次优化问题,为现代结构分析的实时化和复杂力学行为的模拟分析提供必要的手段。  相似文献   

本文对声波与弹性波方程进行有限元法离散,构造有限元法频散关系的一般特征值问题,分析了时间离散格式为中心差分的三角网格有限元法声波与弹性波模拟的频散特性. 比较了三种质量矩阵即分布式质量矩阵、集中质量矩阵和混合质量矩阵对有限元法频散的影响;选取四种典型三角网格,分析了混合质量矩阵有限元(MFEM)频散的方向各向异性;数值频散、方向各向异性随插值阶数的增加逐渐减弱,当空间为三阶插值时,频散主要表现为随采样率的变化而几乎无明显方向各向异性, 其频散幅值也较小. 控制其他影响因素不变的情况下,研究了不同波速比介质中弹性波的数值频散. 最后给出了三角网格MFEM的数值耗散性.  相似文献   

This paper describes a nonlinear finite element (FE) analysis of high strength concrete (HSC) columns, and verifies the results through laboratory experiments. First, a cyclically lateral loading test on nine cantilever column specimens of HSC is described and a numerical simulation is presented to verify the adopted FE models. Next, based on the FE model for specimen No.6, numerical simulations for 70 cases, in which different concrete strengths, stirrup ratios and axial load ratios are considered, are presented to explore the effect of these parameters on the behavior of the HSC columns, and to check the rationality of requirements for these columns specified in the China Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GB 50011- 2001). In addition, three cases with different stirrup strengths are analyzed to investigate their effect on the behavior of HSC columns. Finally, based on the numerical results some conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of elastomers can change significantly due to air temperature variations. In particular, prolonged exposure to subzero temperatures can result in rubber crystallization, with a considerable increase in the shear stiffness of the material. As a result, the seismic response of structures with elastomeric isolators can be strongly influenced by air temperature. Current seismic codes, indeed, require an upper and lower bound analysis, using suitable modification factors, to account for the changes in the cyclic behavior of elastomeric isolators due to air temperature variations. In this study, the sensitivity of the cyclic behavior of elastomeric isolators to air temperature variations is investigated based on the experimental results of an extensive test program on six different elastomeric compounds for seismic isolators, characterized by a shear modulus ranging from 0.5 to 1.2 MPa at 100% shear strain and 20°C. The cyclic tests have been performed on small-size specimens, subjected to shear strain amplitudes and frequency of loading typical for elastomeric seismic isolators, at seven different air temperatures, ranging from 40 to −20°C. The effects of rubber crystallization due to prolonged exposure to low-temperatures have been also investigated. A finite element model for the evaluation of the temperature contour map inside a full-size elastomeric isolator exposed to low air temperatures has been also developed. In the paper, the experimental outcomes are compared with the modification factors provided by the current seismic codes to account for the temperature effects on the mechanical properties of elastomeric isolators.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering - This paper reports the results of different finite and discrete element simulations on a well-known benchmark of an unreinforced plane masonry structure....  相似文献   

目前在地球物理数值计算领域,尚缺乏简便易行的可视化的前处理和后处理方法,这使得复杂计算模型较难建立和分析,也使得已有计算程序较难与生产实际相结合.本文以直流电法三维有限元数值模拟前后处理为例,研究了通用三维前后处理软件GiD在地球物理有限元前处理和后处理中的应用方法.通过编写用户自定义“问题类型”,建立并输出了可用于已有有限元计算程序的初始模型.计算过程结束之后,通过调用GiDpost后处理函数库,使计算程序方便的生成特定格式的后处理文件.最后,将前处理、计算和后处理功能整合,成功实现整个过程的图形化.与目前其他地球物理有限元前后处理方法相比,此套方法效率高、简单易行,最重要的是通用性好,可适用于各种已有的地球物理有限元计算程序.  相似文献   

基于MVFOSM有限元可靠度方法的结构整体概率抗震能力分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
结构整体概率抗震能力分析既属于结构体系抗力统计分析研究内容,也属于地震易损性分析研究范畴,多采用数值模拟方法.作为一种不确定性传递的近似解析分析工具,平均值一次二阶矩方法(MVFOSM)广泛地应用于结构构件抗力的统计分析,但是很难应用于结构整体抗力的统计分析,主要困难在于结构反应是基本随机变量的隐式函数,梯度信息很难得到.将结构体系抗力的统计分析和地震易损性分析结合起来,通过基于MVFOSM的有限元可靠度方法,以新一代的地震工程模拟仿真软件OpenSees为计算平台,以最大层间位移角作为结构整体抗震能力参数,对钢筋混凝土框架结构的整体概率抗震能力进行分析,并用Monte Carlo模拟法结果进行验证,从而建立了钢筋混凝土框架结构的整体概率抗震能力模型.算例分析表明,MVFOSM有限元可靠度方法的精度和效率都很高,只需要进行一次有限元分析即可较为准确地获得结构整体概率抗震能力的前二阶矩信息.  相似文献   


目前大地电磁法三维反演大多基于有限差分正演.反演使用规则六面体网格无法有效模拟复杂地形, 同时正反演网格同套存在严重影响反演可靠性的问题.针对上述两个问题, 本文利用自适应有限元算法, 开发了基于非规则六面体的高精度大地电磁三维正演方法; 反演中, 使用独立的反演网格和正演网格来提高正演计算精度和反演可靠性.这一思路既保证了正演响应和灵敏度矩阵计算的精确性, 又降低了因反演参数过多造成的不唯一性.最后, 通过算例验证了正演算法的精确性和反演算法对地形处理的有效性.


橡胶座非线性弹性压缩特性的理论和试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文系统地研究分析了与橡胶隔震支座(以下简称为橡胶座)压缩特性有关的基础理论,提出了原点纵向压缩弹性模量、原点压缩刚度、偏压弹性模量、偏压竖向刚度的基本概念,同时还提出了计算剪切变形状态下橡胶座竖向刚度的计算理论。基于纯压缩原点竖向刚度和偏压原点刚度理论,提出了预测橡胶座压缩变形量的计算理论。文中针对新提出的概念和计算理论采用天然橡胶和铅芯橡胶座共计16个原型试件进行了系统的试验研究工作,试验结果表明本文建立的计算理论能够较理想地定量分析橡胶座的刚度和变形特性。  相似文献   

橡胶座非线性弹性拉伸特性的理论和试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文系统地研究分析了橡胶隔震支座(简称橡胶座)拉伸相关的基础理论,提出了原点拉伸纵弹性模量、拉伸刚度因子、原点拉伸刚度、偏拉原点刚度等基本概念,还提出了计算橡胶座非线性段拉伸刚度的双刚度和原点拉伸刚度应力应变模型等理论。基于原点拉伸刚度和偏拉原点刚度,提出了预测橡胶座的拉伸变形量计算理论。针对新提出的基本概念和计算理论采用低弹性天然橡胶和铅芯橡胶座原型试件进行了试验研究工作,结果表明本文建立的计算理论能够较理想地定量分析橡胶座拉伸相关的刚度和变形特性。  相似文献   

在地震动数值模拟方法中,谱元法和有限元法是应用较广泛的两种方法。基于经典的Lamb问题模型,首先推导给出地表竖向位移的解析解答。然后分别利用常用的四阶谱元法和线性有限元法,模拟了地表脉冲力源作用下模型的位移响应。考虑有意义的最短波长内的采样点个数及单元高宽比的变化,对比了两种方法的模拟精度;结果表明:对于谱元法,观测点与波源之间需至少包含两个网格,在此条件下,最短波长内包含一个网格(最短波长内5个采样点)时,数值解与解析解的误差小于1%,已达很高的精度;对于有限元法,最短波长内需包含10个网格时才能达到这一精度。此外,在满足网格尺寸要求的前提下,单元水平向与垂直向尺寸的比值在1∶1到5∶1的范围内时,谱元法和有限元法的模拟精度均变化不大。因此,单位波长内采样点个数相同时,谱元法的模拟精度比有限元法高的多,同时,在一定范围内两种方法的模拟结果对于宽高比的变化不敏感。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential tensile loads and buckling effects on rubber-steel laminated bearings on bridges. These isolation bearings are typically used to support the deck on the piers and the abutments and reduce the effects of seismic loads and thermal effects on bridges. When positive means of fixing of the bearings to the deck and substructures are provided using bolts, the isolators are exposed to the possibility of tensile loads that may not meet the code limits. The uplift potential is increased when the bearings are placed eccentrically with respect to the pier axis such as in multi-span simply supported bridge decks. This particular isolator configuration may also result in excessive compressive loads, leading to bearing buckling or in the attainment of other unfavourable limit states for the bearings. In this paper, an extended computer-aided study is conducted on typical isolated bridge systems with multi-span simply-supported deck spans, showing that elastomeric bearings might undergo tensile stresses or exhibit buckling effects under certain design situations. It is shown that these unfavourable conditions can be avoided with the rational design of the bearing properties and in particular of the shape factor, which is the geometrical parameter controlling the axial bearing stiffness and capacity for a given shear stiffness. Alternatively, the unfavourable conditions could be reduced by reducing the flexural stiffness of the continuity slab.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the finite element analysis of axisymmetric solids subjected to axisymmetric static and dynamic loading, and taking into account material as well as geometric non-linearities. A general Lagrangian formulation forms the basis for the incremental equations of motion which are solved using direct integration methods. Solution accuracy is improved by applying equilibrium correction loads at each step. Finite element discretization is achieved through the use of quadrilateral plane stress and axisymmetric elements with incompatible modes added for improvement of the element flexural characteristics. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed computer program.  相似文献   

A method for the dynamic finite element analysis of a non-axisymmetric soil model with an axisymmetric boundary is presented. In the non-axisymmetric soil domain an arbitrary discretization with three-dimensional isoparametric solid elements is used. At the boundary a transmitting element is arranged. It is based on the semi-analytical element of Waas and Kausel. The transformation of the stiffness matrix of the Waas/Kausel element with cyclic symmetric displacements to general displacement fields is presented. For earthquake excitation the forces acting on the discretized domain are given. The method is illustrated by the dynamic analysis of an embedded box-type building. The distribution and magnitude of significant section forces are discussed.  相似文献   

Stable unbonded fiber‐reinforced elastomeric isolators (SU‐FREIs) exhibit a characteristic horizontal softening and stiffening response, similar to other adaptive devices such as the triple friction pendulum and sliding systems with variable curvature. The transition between the softening and stiffening occurs at a displacement corresponding to a unique deformation known as full rollover. In this paper, the full rollover displacement of SU‐FREIs is altered by using modified support geometry (MSG), a geometric modification of the upper and lower supports applied to tailor the hysteresis loops of the isolator. Experimental results are used to calibrate a numerical model of a base‐isolated structure. The model demonstrates that the stiffening regime provides minimal restraint against displacements during events that meet or exceed the maximum considered earthquake. A parametric study revealed that the level of stiffening required to restrain displacements during large events is significant. This increase in stiffness is reflected in an increase in the response of the structure and light nonstructural components. Full rollover and MSG is considered advantageous to maintain horizontal stability and provide control over the stiffening of SU‐FREIs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于有限元重度增加法计算边坡稳定系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,有限元分析方法在边坡稳定分析中的应用日益广泛,其具体方法分为强度折减法与重度增加法。与强度折减法相比,重度增加法在边坡平缓或者土体摩擦角较大时,很难得到边坡的稳定系数。文中对重度增加法进行改进,采用调整重度增加法的土体剪切屈服强度进行边坡稳定性分析,通过算例对比改进后方法与强度折减法计算得到稳定系数差别。进一步进行了实际工程算例分析,并与规范方法计算结果进行对比,验证文中方法在实际工程应用中具有可行性。  相似文献   

通过24片1/2模型的空斗墙墙体和3片1/2模型的实砌墙体,在低周反复荷载下试验,研究3种砌筑方式的空斗墙在2种高宽比、4种砂浆强度和2种竖向压应力的影响下,墙体的抗剪承载力和破坏模式。建立有限元分析模型,分析砌筑方式、材料强度、高宽比和竖向压应力对空斗墙抗剪性能的影响。研究表明:不同砌筑方式的空斗墙极限荷载接近,约为实砌墙体的60%~85%;抗剪承载力随着砖和砂浆强度的提高而增大;抗剪承载力随着高宽比的增大而减小,破坏模式从剪切破坏转变为弯曲破坏;当N/Nu=0.6左右时,抗剪承载力最大。在此基础上提出空斗墙的抗剪强度计算公式。  相似文献   

为适应高强材料在土木工程结构中的应用发展需要,本文研究高强混凝土剪力墙在不同参数影响下的受力状态、应力分布以及承载力的变化规律,为高强混凝土剪力墙设计提出合理建议.利用有限元分析软件对高强混凝土剪力墙进行模拟分析,并将模拟结果与试验结果进行对比.在确定数值分析结果的正确性后,进行不同轴压比、剪跨比及不同配筋条件下该类构件数值模拟分析,以研究各参数对高强混凝土剪力墙延性的影响.明确各参数对高强混凝土剪力墙受力性能的影响效果,得出高强混凝土剪力墙承载力随各参数变化的规律.  相似文献   

与圆柱形储液罐相比,预应力蛋形消化池中流体与固体交界面呈弧形面,且结构横截面为变厚度,这就带来了有限元分析的困难。结合厦门市蛋形消化池的结构设计,采用三维有限元技术对预应力蛋形消化池有限元模型进行了整体的静力、动力分析,分析了蛋形消化池中盛有水体时结构的自振频率及在地震载荷作用下的动应力,与国内首次模拟地震振动台试验结果进行了比较,两者符合良好,表明该有限元计算模型是合理的,可以应用于类似特种结构。  相似文献   

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