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The method of Lie series is used to construct a solution for the elliptic restricted three body problem. In a synodic pulsating coordinate system, the Lie operator for the motion of the third infinitesimal body is derived as function of coordinates, velocities and true anomaly of the primaries. The terms of the Lie series for the solution are then calculated with recurrence formulae which enable a rapid successive calculation of any desired number of terms. This procedure gives a very useful analytical form for the series and allows a quick calculation of the orbit.The project is supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissénschaftlichen Forschung under Project No. 4471.  相似文献   

The convergence of Lagrange series is studied on a part of the elliptical orbit for values of eccentricity exceeding the Laplace limit. The regions in the vicinity of the two apses of the orbit are identified in which the Lagrange series converge absolutely and uniformly for the values of the eccentricity greater than the Laplace limit. The obtained results are of practical interest for astronomy when studying motions of stellar bodies in orbits with high eccentricity. In particular, these series may be used to calculate the orbits of comets or asteroids with high eccentricity as they pass through the neighborhood of perihelion or to calculate the orbits of artificial satellites with high eccentricity “hanging” in the vicinity of apogee. In stellar dynamics, these series may be used in cases of close binary stars, many of which move in orbits with an eccentricity greater than the Laplace limit.  相似文献   

Branching solutions of algebraic equations are treated using Lie series. A new method is proposed to derive Puiseux expansions. Newton's diagram is considered in the context of Lie series. An application of finding equilibrium points of a Hamiltonian system near resonances is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The integration of the equations of motion in gravitational dynamical systems—either in our Solar System or for extra-solar planetary systems—being non integrable in the global case, is usually performed by means of numerical integration. Among the different numerical techniques available for solving ordinary differential equations, the numerical integration using Lie series has shown some advantages. In its original form (Hanslmeier and Dvorak, Astron Astrophys 132, 203 1984), it was limited to the N-body problem where only gravitational interactions are taken into account. We present in this paper a generalisation of the method by deriving an expression of the Lie terms when other major forces are considered. As a matter of fact, previous studies have been done but only for objects moving under gravitational attraction. If other perturbations are added, the Lie integrator has to be re-built. In the present work we consider two cases involving position and position-velocity dependent perturbations: relativistic acceleration in the framework of General Relativity and a simplified force for the Yarkovsky effect. A general iteration procedure is applied to derive the Lie series to any order and precision. We then give an application to the integration of the equation of motions for typical Near-Earth objects and planet Mercury.  相似文献   

The existence of power series, analogous to the familiarf andg series of the two-body problem, is demonstrated in the case of then-body problem, and recursive formulae are deduced for the derivation of the coefficients of these series. In addition a proof of the convergence of the power series solution of then-body problem is given, based on the developed series.  相似文献   

A second-order libration solution of theIdeal Resonance Problem is construeted using a Lie-series perturbation technique. The Ideal Resonance Problem is characterized by the equations $$\begin{gathered} - F = B(x) + 2\mu ^2 A(x)sin^2 y, \hfill \\ \dot x = - Fy,\dot y = Fx, \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ together with the property thatB x vanishes for some value ofx. Explicit expressions forx andy are given in terms of the mean elements; and it is shown how the initial-value problem is solved. The solution is primarily intended for the libration region, but it is shown how, by means of a substitution device, the solution can be extended to the deep circulation regime. The method does not, however, admit a solution very close to the separatrix. Formulae for the mean value ofx and the period of libration are furnished.  相似文献   

The problem of expanding the transform of a function under a near-identity change of coordinates is reviewed. A common derivation is given for Musen's Faà di Bruno operators and Kamel's Lie series, and both are related to Arbogast's Rule for composing power series.  相似文献   

We give a constructive proof of the existence of elliptic lower dimensional tori in nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems. In particular we adapt the classical Kolmogorov normalization algorithm to the case of planetary systems, for which elliptic tori may be used as replacements of elliptic Keplerian orbits in Lagrange-Laplace theory. With this paper we support with rigorous convergence estimates the semi-analytic work in our previous article (Sansottera et al., Celest Mech Dyn Astron 111:337–361, 2011), where an explicit calculation of an invariant torus for a planar model of the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus system has been made. With respect to previous works on the same subject we exploit the characteristic of Lie series giving a precise control of all terms generated by our algorithm. This allows us to slightly relax the non-resonance conditions on the frequencies.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the Lie transformation algorithm for autonomous Birkhoff systems. Here, we are referring to Hamiltonian systems that obey a symplectic structure of the general form. The Birkhoff equations are derived from the linear first-order Pfaff–Birkhoff variational principle, which is more general than the Hamilton principle. The use of 1-form in formulating the equations of motion in dynamics makes the Birkhoff method more universal and flexible. Birkhoff’s equations have a tensorial character, so their form is independent of the coordinate system used. Two examples of normalization in the restricted three-body problem are given to illustrate the application of the algorithm in perturbation theory. The efficiency of this algorithm for problems of asymptotic integration in dynamics is discussed for the case where there is a need to use non-canonical variables in phase space.  相似文献   

In order to accelerate the numerical evaluation of torque-free rotation of triaxial rigid bodies, we present a fast method to compute various kinds of elliptic functions for a series of the elliptic argument when the elliptic parameter and the elliptic characteristic are fixed. The functions we evaluate are the Jacobian elliptic functions and the incomplete elliptic integral of the second and third kinds regarded as a function of that of the first kind. The key technique is the utilization of the Maclaurin series expansion and the addition theorems with respect to the elliptic argument. The new method is around 25 times faster than the method using the incomplete elliptic integral of general kind and around 70 times faster than the method using mathematical libraries given in the latest version of Numerical Recipes.  相似文献   

Planetary, stellar and galactic physics often rely on the general restricted gravitational $N$ -body problem to model the motion of a small-mass object under the influence of much more massive objects. Here, I formulate the general restricted problem entirely and specifically in terms of the commonly used orbital elements of semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination, longitude of ascending node, argument of pericentre, and true anomaly, without any assumptions about their magnitudes. I derive the equations of motion in the general, unaveraged case, as well as specific cases, with respect to both a bodycentric and barycentric origin. I then reduce the equations to three-body systems, and present compact singly- and doubly-averaged expressions which can be readily applied to systems of interest. This method recovers classic Lidov–Kozai and Laplace–Lagrange theory in the test particle limit to any order, but with fewer assumptions, and reveals a complete analytic solution for the averaged planetary pericentre precession in coplanar circular circumbinary systems to at least the first three nonzero orders in semimajor axis ratio. Finally, I show how the unaveraged equations may be used to express resonant angle evolution in an explicit manner that is not subject to expansions of eccentricity and inclination about small nor any other values.  相似文献   

In the algebraA of functions periodic in the mean anomaly we relate the problem of integrating over the mean anomaly with that of decomposing an element ofA as the direct sum of two functions, one in the kernel of the Lie derivative in the Keplerian flow and one in the image of this Lie derivative. We propose recursive rules amenable to general purpose symbolic processors for accomplishing such decomposition in a wide subclass ofA. We introduce the dilogarithmic function to express in exact terms quadratures involving the equation of the center.  相似文献   

Following Hori, the Lie transformation is presented in a form that is independent of any extraneous parameters. The transformation is canonical, and its inverse is obtained by changing the sign of the generating function. The introduction of a small parameter into the generating function and the Hamiltonian then yields a recursive, triangular algorithm. The case of a Hamiltonian containing the time explicitly is included by adjoining an additional pair of conjugate variables. The necessary and sufficient condition that this transformation be identical to Deprit's transformation is given as a recursive relation between successive terms in the generating functions. Explicit formulas are obtained through the sixth order.After submitting the present paper the author learned of similar and independent work by Campbell and Jefferys and by Kamel (Ph.D. thesis).  相似文献   

New expansions of elliptic motion based on considering the eccentricitye as the modulusk of elliptic functions and introducing the new anomalyw (a sort of elliptic anomaly) defined byw=u/2K–/2,g=amu–/2 (g being the eccentric anomaly) are compared with the classic (e, M), (e, v) and (e, g) expansions in multiples of mean, true and eccentric anomalies, respectively. These (q,w) expansions turn out to be in general more compact than the classical ones. The coefficients of the (e,v) and (e,g) expansions are expressed as the hypergeometric series, which may be reduced to the hypergeometric polynomials. The coefficients of the (q,w) expansions may be presented in closed (rational function) form with respect toq, k, k=(1–k 2)1/2,K andE, q being the Jacobi nome relatedk whileK andE are the complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind respectively. Recurrence relations to compute these coefficients have been derived.on leave from Institute of Applied Astronomy, St.-Petersburg 197042, Russia  相似文献   

As a preparation step to compute Jacobian elliptic functions efficiently, we created a fast method to calculate the complete elliptic integral of the first and second kinds, K(m) and E(m), for the standard domain of the elliptic parameter, 0 < m < 1. For the case 0 < m < 0.9, the method utilizes 10 pairs of approximate polynomials of the order of 9–19 obtained by truncating Taylor series expansions of the integrals. Otherwise, the associate integrals, K(1 − m) and E(1 − m), are first computed by a pair of the approximate polynomials and then transformed to K(m) and E(m) by means of Jacobi’s nome, q, and Legendre’s identity relation. In average, the new method runs more-than-twice faster than the existing methods including Cody’s Chebyshev polynomial approximation of Hastings type and Innes’ formulation based on q-series expansions. Next, we invented a fast procedure to compute simultaneously three Jacobian elliptic functions, sn(u|m), cn(u|m), and dn(u|m), by repeated usage of the double argument formulae starting from the Maclaurin series expansions with respect to the elliptic argument, u, after its domain is reduced to the standard range, 0 ≤ u < K(m)/4, with the help of the new method to compute K(m). The new procedure is 25–70% faster than the methods based on the Gauss transformation such as Bulirsch’s algorithm, sncndn, quoted in the Numerical Recipes even if the acceleration of computation of K(m) is not taken into account.  相似文献   

Oscillator strengths calculated by the STF method for selected transitions of V i and Co i have permitted to deduce, from an LTE study of weak lines, photospheric abundances in agreement with those obtained from carbonaceous chondrites. A summary of results is also presented for all the iron-group elements.  相似文献   

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