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The meteorological data of ablation season in 2005 were recorded by two automatic weather stations on Keqicar Glacier, in the southwest Tianshan Mountains of China. One is operated on the glacier near the equilibrium line with an altitude of 4,265 m (Site A) and another is operated on the glacier ablation area with an altitude of 3,700 m (Site B). These data were used to analyze the meteorological conditions and the surface energy balance (SEB) of Keqicar Glacier. Net radiation was directly measured, and turbulent heat fluxes were calculated using the bulk aerodynamic approach, including stability correction. The ablation value of 0.68 m w.e. derived from four ablation stakes is in close correspondence to the modeled value of 0.71 m w.e. During the observation period, net radiation accounts for 81.4% of the total energy with its value of 63.3 W/m2. The rest energy source is provided by the sensible heat flux with a value of 14.4 W/m2. Energy is consumed mainly by melting and evaporation, accounting for 69.5% and 29.7% of the total energy with their values of 54.0 and 23.0 W/m2, respectively. Radiative energy dominates energy exchanges at the glacier-atmosphere interface, governed by the variation in net shortwave radiation. Net short-wave radiation varies significantly due to the effects of cloudiness and the high albedo caused by solid precipitation. Wind speed influences the turbulent heat fluxes distinctively and sensible heat flux and latent heat flux are much larger in July with high wind speed.  相似文献   

In September 2002, a catastrophic geomorphic event occurred in the Caucasus Mountains, southern Russia, in which almost the entire mass of Kolka Glacier detached from its bed, accelerated to a very high velocity (max. 65–80 m/s), and traveled a total distance of 19 km downstream as a glacier-debris flow. Based on the interpretation of satellite imagery obtained only 8.5 h before the event occurred, the analysis of seismograms from nearby seismic stations, and subsequent detailed field observations and measurements, we suggest that this remarkable event was not a response to impulse loading from a rock avalanche in the mountainside above the glacier, or to glacier surging, but due entirely to the static and delayed catastrophic response of the Kolka glacier to ice and debris loading over a period of months prior to the September 20 detachment. We reconstruct the glacier-debris flow using field observations in conjunction with the interpretation of seismographs from nearby seismic stations and successfully simulate the behaviour (runout, velocity, and deposition) of the post-detachment glacier-debris flow using a three-dimensional analytical model. Our demonstration of a standing-start hypothesis in the 2002 Kolka Glacier detachment has substantial implications for glacier hazard assessment and risk management strategies in valleys downstream from unstable debris-covered glaciers in the mountain regions of the world.  相似文献   

Remote rural areas have encountered significant change and the need for renegotiation of economic and social priorities in the late 20th and early 21st century. In our broader research, we ask how have such communities been responding to this change? What role have different organisations and agencies played? And, how have they acted on the aspirations of marginalised communities? In this paper we examine these issues through a case study of Westland District on the west coast of Aotearoa New Zealand's South Island. We probe the general shift towards prioritising tourism in the District, and highlight particular experiences in regard to Indigenous endeavour in tourism. We find that those engaged in leading local development and tourism have not collaborated strategically across the sector and have not established meaningful partnerships with the community that recognise both economic and socio‐cultural aspirations.  相似文献   

Hooker Glacier in the central Southern Alps of New Zealand has undergone significant downwasting and recession (~2.14 km) during the last two centuries. High retreat rates (51 m a?1 1986–2001, 43 m a?1 2001–2011) have produced a large (1.22 km2) proglacial lake. We present a retreat scenario for Hooker Glacier. A retreat scenario predicts that the glacier terminus will stabilise >3 km up‐valley of the current lake outlet after 2028 when ice velocity equals calving rate.  相似文献   

Feature tracking of orthorectified pairs of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer satellite images is used to calculate velocities for the Tasman Glacier, New Zealand (2002–2014) and the Khumbu Glacier, Nepal (2001–2008). Velocities in the middle and upper ablation zones of both glaciers show a long‐term decrease of ~10–20%, while the terminus of Khumbu Glacier has remained near stagnation throughout the study period. In contrast, there has been a recent acceleration of the lower terminus of Tasman Glacier, from ~5 m a–1 in 2002 to 40 m a–1 in 2014. Both of these glaciers have an extensive supraglacial debris cover across their lower ablation regions, with the Khumbu Glacier terminating on land and the Tasman Glacier terminating in a proglacial lake. The rapid recent increase in velocity of the terminus of Tasman Glacier is closely correlated with the increase in size of its proglacial lake. These results indicate the complex dynamic changes that mountain valley glaciers may undergo in response to long‐term negative mass balance.  相似文献   

The movement of a glacier can redistribute glacier mass balance and change water and thermal conditions of the glacier.Thus,the glacier can maintain its dynamic balance.Surface velocity of a glacier is a basic feature of glacier movement.With successive monthly observations from 2006 to 2008,we obtained spatial and temporal variations for surface velocity of Glacier No.1 at the headwater of Urumqi River,Tianshan Mountain.Dynamic simulation was used to verify the findings.Results show that altitudinal distribution of glacier velocity was influenced by synthetic effects such as glacier thickness,slope,and bedrock morphology.However,seasonal variation was influenced by changing glacier thickness.  相似文献   

Based on the data observed at two sites (site H1, 4,473 m a.s.l., and site H2, 4,696 m a.s.l.) on Qiyi Glacier in Qilian Mountains, China, by automatic weather station and spectral pyranometer during the period of June 9 through September 27, 2006, we investigated the temporal and spatial variations in surface albedo and spectral reflectance on the glacier. At site H1, the daily mean surface albedos fluctuated between 0.233 and 0.866, which were significantly affected by the air temperature on the glacier. It was found that the albedos clearly showed a diurnal cycle with the lowest value at noon at the two observation sites over the study period, and the difference of albedos between the upper site H2 and the lower site H1 also showed diurnal cycle but with the highest value at noon. The reflectance on the glacier was higher in the ultraviolet (0.28-0.4 μm) and visible (0.4-0.76 μm) wavelengths, lower in the near infrared wavelength (0.76-3 μm), which is quite contrary to the spectral reflectance on other ground surfaces. At the two observation sites, the spectral reflectance declined in all wavelengths with the ablation of snow generally. However, it declined drastically in ultraviolet (0.28-0.4 μm) and 0.6-0.7 μm wavelength, and declined less in 0.4-0.5 μm wavelength. On fresh snow surface, the spectral reflectance had the high values of 0.983 and 0.815 in the ultraviolet and visible (0.4-0.76 μm) wavelengths, respectively; but it had a relatively lower value of 0.671 in near infrared (0.76-3 μm) wavelengths. However, on dirty and melting ice surfaces, the reflectance had the very low values of 0.305 and 0.256 in the ultraviolet and visible wavelengths, with the lowest value of 0.082 in near infrared wavelengths. The spectral reflectance also showed a diurnal cycle like that of albedo. The diurnal variations of spectral reflectance on snow surface in ultraviolet and visible wavelength changed to a greater degree than that on ice surface. The diurnal variation curves were asymmetrical before and after t  相似文献   

Glacier shape factors (area, length, and thickness), climatic factors (annual temperature and precipitation), mass balance, and other influence factors, of the Qiyi glacier velocity and their intensity were analyzed with the application of the path analysis method during 1958–2007. Results indicate that glacier velocity was mainly influenced by glacier shape, followed by mass balance and climatic conditions. Among the influence factors, glacier area and thickness are most significant, and direct and indirect path coefficients are respectively 6.56, 4.71, 19.29 and 13.57. This research provides information for further understanding glacier velocity and its influencing factors.  相似文献   

The degree-day model is one important method to estimate glacier melt, which is based on the specific relationship between glacial melting and the sum of daily mean temperatures above the melting point. According to the observation data on the Koxkar Glacier(KG) from 2005 to 2010, we analyzed the temporal and spatial variation of degree-day factors(DDF) and its influential factors. The results indicate that the average value of DDF was 7.2~10.4 mm/(°C·d) on the KG from 2005 to 2010. It showed a decreasing trend between 3,700 m and 4,200 m, and the deceasing trend was more obvious in the upper part of the KG. On a spatial scale, the DDF increased evidently with increasing altitude. The DDF ranged from3.6 to 9.3 mm/(°C·d) at 3,700 m a.s.l., with the average value of 9.3 mm/(°C·d). It varied from 6.9 to 13.0 mm/(°C·d) at4,000 m a.s.l., with the average value of 10.2 mm/(°C·d). During the period of ablation, the fluctuation of DDF was not significant at the lower altitude(3,700 m a.s.l.), but it decreased at the higher altitudes(4,000 m a.s.l. and 4,200 m a.s.l.).The debris changes the transmission of heat, which accelerates the melting of a glacier; and the DDF showed high value.This paper will provide the reference for temporal–spatial parameterization schemes of DDF on Tuomuer glaciers of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

为认识全球变暖背景下中国西部大陆性冰川与海洋性冰川物质平衡变化及其对气候响应,本研究以天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和藏东南帕隆94号冰川为例,结合大西沟与察隅站气象资料,对1980 — 2015年两条冰川的物质平衡变化特征及差异进行了分析。结果表明:36 a来乌源1号冰川与帕隆94号冰川物质平衡总体上均呈下降趋势,累积物质平衡达-17102与-8159 mm w.e.,相当于冰川厚度减薄19与9.01 m,且分别于1996、2004年左右发生突变。同期两条冰川所处区域年均温呈显著上升趋势,而降水量却表现出不同的变化态势;二者年内气温分配相仿,但降水分配差异较大。初步分析认为气温上升是导致乌源1号冰川与帕隆94号冰川物质亏损的主要原因,冰川区气温和降水变化幅度的差异和地性因子(坡度、冰川面积)的不同使得乌源1号冰川对气候变化响应的敏感性高于帕隆94号冰川,由于目前海洋性冰川物质平衡监测时段相对较短,为深入研究中国西部冰川物质平衡变化及过程仍需加强对冰川的持续观测。  相似文献   

Oliver Korup   《Geomorphology》2005,66(1-4):167
Quantitative assessments of landslide hazard usually employ empirical, heuristic, deterministic, or statistical methods to derive estimates of magnitude–frequency distributions of landsliding. The formation and failure of landslide dams are common geomorphic processes in mountain regions throughout the world, causing a series of consequential off-site hazards such as catastrophic outburst floods, debris flows, backwater ponding, up- and downstream aggradation, and channel instability.Conceptual and methodological problems of quantifying geomorphic hazard from landslide dams result from (a) aspects of defining “landslide-dam magnitude”, (b) scaling effects, i.e. the geomorphic long-range and long-term implications of river blockage, and (c) paucity of empirical data. Geomorphic hazard from a landslide dam-break flood on the basis of conditional probabilities is being analysed for the alpine South Westland region of New Zealand, where formation and failure of landslide dams is frequent. Quantification of the annual probability of landsliding and subsequent dam formation in the area is limited by historical and only partially representative empirical data on slope instability. Since landslide-dam stability is a major control governing the potential of catastrophic outburst flooding, the ensuing hazard is best assessed on a recurring basis. GIS-based modelling of virtual landslide dams is a simple and cost-effective approach to approximate site-specific landslide dam and lake dimensions, reservoir infill times, and scaled magnitude of potential outburst floods. Although crude, these order-of-magnitude results provide information critical to natural hazard planning, mitigation, or emergency management decisions.  相似文献   

Worldwide examination of glacier change is based on detailed observations from only a small number of glaciers. The ground-based detailed individual glacier monitoring is of strong need and extremely important in both regional and global scales. A long-term integrated multi-level monitoring has been carried out on Urumqi Glacier No. 1 (UG1) at the headwaters of the Urumqi River in the eastern Tianshan Mountains of Central Asia since 1959 by the Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Acamedey of Sciences (CAS), and the glaciological datasets promise to be the best in China. The boundaries of all glacier zones moved up, resulting in a shrunk accumulation area. The stratigraphy features of the snowpack on the glacier were found to be significantly altered by climate warming. Mass balances of UG1 show accelerated mass loss since 1960, which were attributed to three mechanisms. The glacier has been contracting at an accelerated rate since 1962, resulting in a total reduction of 0.37 km2 or 19.3% from 1962 to 2018. Glacier runoff measured at the UG1 hydrometeorological station demonstrates a significant increase from 1959 to 2018 with a large interannual fluctuation, which is inversely correlated with the glacier's mass balance. This study analyzes on the changes in glacier zones, mass balance, area and length, and streamflow in the nival glacial catchment over the past 60 years. It provides critical insight into the processes and mechanisms of glacier recession in response to climate change. The results are not only representative of those glaciers in the Tianshan mountains, but also for the continental-type throughout the world. The direct observation data form an essential basis for evaluating mountain glacier changes and the impact of glacier shrinkage on water resources in the interior drainage rivers within the vast arid and semi-arid land in northwestern China as well as Central Asia.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of Geography 108(1):137–142, 2008

During field observations in August 2005 antler remains of a reindeer were found at a recently deglaciated site at about 500 m asl., and bones from a polar bear were found at about 300 m asl. along the margin of Mittivakkat Glacier, Southeast Greenland. Radio carbon dating determined the age of the samples to 720 14C years and 350 14C years, respectively. In August 2006 old surface vegetation covering peaty material became exposed due to ice recession close to the site where the antler was found. The radio carbon age of small roots from the material was determined to 1530 14C years, and is in agreement with dating of woody remains of Salix glauca found close by, at the top of a nearby nunatak in 1999. The antler indicates that reindeer lived in the area when the glacier began to advance from a position where it was close to or smaller than today. The vegetation surface and peaty material indicate that the climate was warmer before the onset of the Little Ice Age in Southeast Greenland than today.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Coastal research and monitoring on New Zealand beaches have typically examined seasonal and event-driven (storms) changes in the coast. However, historical records are now of sufficient length to indicate that change occurs at longer timescales. This paper presents examples of multi-decadal change at three case-study locations around New Zealand. Results show that morphological adjustment of the coast occurs at multi-decadal scales and is much larger than short-term dynamics. Physical mechanisms driving changes are ill defined but may be associated with El Niños and La Niña episodes which modulate waves and sea level, as well as changes in sediment supply.  相似文献   

珠穆朗玛峰北坡东绒布冰川成冰作用的新认识   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
冰川成冰作用的研究对于选择冰芯钻取点具有重要的科学意义。前人对珠穆朗玛峰北坡冰川成冰作用的研究,由于缺少高海拔区域的实测资料而具有一定的局限性。文章通过1998年东绒布冰川垭口处(6 500 m a. s. l.)11 m冰芯和海拔6 450 m处20 m冰芯剖面的成冰作用过程研究,认识到由于水、热条件的逐年波动,冰川成冰作用也处于变化之中。珠穆朗玛峰北坡东绒布冰川高海拔区域,在一定的水、热条件下(如气温较低和降水量较大等),再冻结-重结晶作用依然占主导地位,该成冰作用至少在垭口部位是有分布的。而一般在气温较高或降水量较少等条件下,冰川的成冰作用则以冷渗浸-重结晶作用为主。  相似文献   

In october 1990 an automatic weather station was established at the Arctic Station (65° 15', 53°31'W), Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Central West Greenland. The Station register parameters each 20 minutes, and the paramters have been described in an earlier paper in this journal by Nielsen et al.(1995). The present paper summarizes meteorological parameters during 1999.

During a field campaign in 1999, woody remains from Salix glauca were found on a nunatak, 515 m. a.s.l. on the Mittivakkat Glacier, South East Greenland. Radio carbon dating determined the age of a wood sample to AD 640. Together with analyses of macroscopic botanical remains and insect rests in peaty material found nearby, these results indicate, that a warmer climate prevailed near the glacier around AD 600. These findings are in accordance with temperature records based on studies of ice cores from the Greenland Ice sheet.  相似文献   

The Tasman Glacier is the largest glacier in New Zealand. Although 20th century warming caused down-wastage, it remained at its Little Ice Age terminus until the late 20th century. Since then, rapid calving retreat (Ur) has occurred, allowing a large (5.96 × 106 m2) proglacial lake to form (maximum depth ∼240 m). From sequential satellite image analysis and echo sounding of Tasman Lake, we document (Ur) from 2000 to 2008. Ur varies temporally, with mean Ur of 54 m/a from 2000 to 2006 and a mean Ur of 144 m/a from 2007 to 2008. Consistent with global data sets, calving rate appears closely associated with lake depth at the calving terminus.  相似文献   

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