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在偏移问题中引入吸收边界条件,既可以消除由人工边界激发的虚假反射,从而提高剖面质量。又可以减少计算工作量.本文讨论了三维吸收边界条件方程,提出了求解具有吸收边界条件的三维波动方程偏移定解问题的分解与拟合方法。理论分析与合成记录及野外实际地震资料处理结果表明,本文方法为一有效的三维吸收边界深度偏移方法。 相似文献
地震相干偏移与数据自参照偏移的关系 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2
地震相干偏移和数据自参照偏移是最近几年发展起来的地震成像新方法,并且已在地震勘探研究领域开始应用.该方法在VSP(垂直地震剖面)中的应用尤其值得关注,因为它部分地解决了一些在地面反射地震方法中难以解决的问题.地震相干偏移是用地震数据的互相关处理后的数据进行偏移,而数据自参照偏移则不必在偏移前对数据进行互相关处理,而是通过记录数据中的两个不同部分波场的延拓来互相参照进行偏移.二者的优点都是在偏移运算中可以不考虑原始震源位置、激发时间以及地震波初始传播路径.本文从偏移成像的理论出发分析了这两类算法,发现二者在成像原理上是一致的.本文还通过一个二维VSP多次波偏移的数值模拟实验,比较和归纳了这两类算法在实际应用中的特点. 相似文献
山地地震资料叠前时间偏移方法及其GPU实现 总被引:19,自引:10,他引:9
山地地区地下地质结构复杂,地表高差大,变化剧烈.目前该类地区地震勘探中主要的成像手段依然是Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移.但地表高程的剧烈变化使叠前时间偏移的基准面很难选择.本文在传统方法的基础上,提出了一种在浮动基准面上修正常规叠前时间偏移走时计算的叠前时间偏移方法,该方法能够很大程度上提高山地地区、特别是地表高差变化大地区的成像效果.本文还介绍了GPU 在叠前时间偏移上的应用,通过GPU 对〖JP2〗叠前时间偏移的优化和实现,得出如下结论:应用单颗NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU 进行叠前时间偏移,相比应用主频2.5 GHz〖JP〗的单核CPU计算效率可提高70倍以上. 相似文献
叠前地震数据的平面波深度偏移法 总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7
提出了一套基于平面波分解的波动方程叠前地震数据深度偏移方法. 通过对共炮点道集和共偏移距道集地震数据的平面波分解,分别得到适用于单平方根波场外推方程和双平方根波场外推方程的共ps(炮点坐标平面波参数)平面波道集和共ph(偏移距坐标平面波参数)平面波道集. 在对共炮点道集和共偏移距道集地震数据的平面波分解时,不需要进行通常意义下的τ p变换计算. 通过对共ps平面波道集和共ph平面波道集的偏移效果对比,我们认为在速度弱横向变化介质中,两种平面波道集偏移方法的效果相当,但对于速度强横向变化介质,共ps平面波道集偏移方法的效果要优于共ph平面波道集偏移方法. 在计算效率方面,共ps平面波道集偏移方法与共ph平面波道集偏移方法基本相同. 相似文献
拉东投影法三维叠前深度偏移 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对地下地质构造进行正确成像是地震勘探的最终目的,由于三维地震资料采集不可能都沿垂直构造走向的方向进行,为地震资料的三维处理带来了许多困难. 本文将三维叠后拉东投影偏移思想应用于三维叠前处理中,提出了三维叠前投影偏移算法. 利用拉东投影变换的原理,将整个三维叠前数据体投影到一系列各方向的径向线上,各方位角的构造都包含在其中某条或多条径向剖面上. 投影完成后,形成一系列的独立的二维叠前测线,可采用二维叠前深度偏移成像方法来实现各径向线的叠前偏移,当各径向剖面偏移完成后,在时间切片上进行反投影,从而最终形成三维叠前深度偏移结果. 实际应用表明,用本方法进行三维叠前深度偏移时,深度偏移剖面对横向分辨率有所提高,对陡地层和小断层的成像效果有所改善. 相似文献
张北近场资料处理及震源区地震分布三维图像 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
简要介绍张北近场地震资料处理软件平台的主要功能,提出了计算机自动查找近场地震事件的快速有效方法,解决了小震、微震的快速查找,提出了利用密集的震源区精确地震定位结果获得该区地震分布三维图像的方法,可以反映震源区活动构造的三维形态,获得了张北震源区地震分布的三维图像,它展现了该区域现今活动断裂分布的三维构造格局。该震源区周围存在五条断裂,北东和北西向的四条断裂围成的“棱形”边界包围了震中区,北东向的(1)和北西向的(2)及北北西向的(3)三条断裂交汇于单晶河附近,地震分布最密集的区域位于该三条断裂的交汇处附近,该区域的地震主要是由这三条断裂的活动所造成。 相似文献
地震波数值模拟的非规则网格PML吸收边界 总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10
以格子法为基础,以声波方程为例研究非规则网格PML(Perfectly Matched Layer)方法.本方法的核心是建立局部坐标系下的分裂方程和基于积分近似的微分方程弱形式.该非规则网格模拟方法允许在计算域内设置任意形状的人工边界.对于二维半空间问题,与采用矩形人工边界相比,采用半圆形人工边界可减少计算量20%以上.采用光滑的曲边界,不仅可减少计算区域,还可避免常规的PML吸收边界在吸收带角点区域的特殊处理.本方法事先计算和存储边界单元的局部几何参数,在计算的每一时间步查表调用这些参数,与常规的直边界PML方法相比,不增加任何计算量. 相似文献
Haiqiang Lan Jingyi Chen Zhongjie Zhang Youshan Liu Jianguo Zhao Ruiqi Shi 《Geophysical Prospecting》2016,64(1):112-128
Recently, an effective and powerful approach for simulating seismic wave propagation in elastic media with an irregular free surface was proposed. However, in previous studies, researchers used the periodic condition and/or sponge boundary condition to attenuate artificial reflections at boundaries of a computational domain. As demonstrated in many literatures, either the periodic condition or sponge boundary condition is simple but much less effective than the well‐known perfectly matched layer boundary condition. In view of this, we intend to introduce a perfectly matched layer to simulate seismic wavefields in unbounded models with an irregular free surface. We first incorporate a perfectly matched layer into wave equations formulated in a frequency domain in Cartesian coordinates. We then transform them back into a time domain through inverse Fourier transformation. Afterwards, we use a boundary‐conforming grid and map a rectangular grid onto a curved one, which allows us to transform the equations and free surface boundary conditions from Cartesian coordinates to curvilinear coordinates. As numerical examples show, if free surface boundary conditions are imposed at the top border of a model, then it should also be incorporated into the perfectly matched layer imposed at the top‐left and top‐ right corners of a 2D model where the free surface boundary conditions and perfectly matched layer encounter; otherwise, reflections will occur at the intersections of the free surface and the perfectly matched layer, which is confirmed in this paper. So, by replacing normal second derivatives in wave equations in curvilinear coordinates with free surface boundary conditions, we successfully implement the free surface boundary conditions into the perfectly matched layer at the top‐left and top‐right corners of a 2D model at the surface. A number of numerical examples show that the perfectly matched layer constructed in this study is effective in simulating wave propagation in unbounded media and the algorithm for implementation of the perfectly matched layer and free surface boundary conditions is stable for long‐time wavefield simulation on models with an irregular free surface. 相似文献
在分析现有一些地震属性预测油气的应用效果及局限性基础上,提出了一种新型的地震参数提取方法——局部指数拟合异常提取法(曾称之为\"地震数据体结构特征预测油气方法\").该方法首先假定地震波形局部是由背景和异常组成,其背景用指数函数拟合,拟合残差沿深度积分符合最小二乘原则;然后,进行灰度矢量相关分析,并借以预测油气储集体所在位置和分布特征.应用该法,可以实现油气储层预测中纵、横向算法和划分标准的统一,图与表的联动对比,最大限度地减少了人为因素的影响,从而较大地提高了钻前油气预测的成功率.最后,以普光气田为例,利用该方法所研究的结果,经4口实钻井验证,均获得巨厚气层,取得了显著的经济效益,证明了该方法的有效性和实用性,值得推广应用. 相似文献
数字地震仪的发展历史及展望 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4
地震仪经历了光点,模拟和数字的变化,数字地震仪本身由16位发展到24位,其附属设备(电缆,检波器)也是到了不同程度的发展。近年来,I/O等公司利用MEMS技术研制了新型地震检波器,这一新的发展对于地震采集尤其是多分量采集带来重要影响。 相似文献
The multi-axial perfectly matched layer (M-PML) is a material boundary condition for wave propagation problems in unbounded domains. It is obtained by extending the formulation of the split-field perfectly matched layer to a more general absorptive medium, for which damping profiles are specified along all dimensions of the problem. Under the hypothesis of small damping, it has been demonstrated that the stability of the system of partial differential equations of the M-PML can be related to the ratio of the damping profiles, and stable M-PML terminations for isotropic and orthotropic elastic media have been constructed. In the present work, we use the Routh–Horwitz determinants to demonstrate that the conclusions regarding the stability of M-PML for isotropic media for small damping are in fact valid for the more general case of damping coefficients of any (positive) value. The effectiveness of the M-PML is demonstrated by constructing stable terminations for the abovementioned media. The stability analysis is presented for 2-D in-plane (P-SV) wave propagation in elastic isotropic continua. 相似文献
用于不规则界面多层介质的地震波方法比较研究:不规则地形问题 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
通过研究SH波入射时各种地形的散射,从计算结果的精确性、稳定性和计算效率三个方面研究Aki Larner方法、Bouchon Campillo方法、以及全局广义反-透射矩阵方法(Chen's方法),比较这三种计算具有不规则界面多层介质中理论地震图的离散波数方法. 由于利用了FFT算法,Aki Larner方法速度最快,但由于方法本身受到Rayleigh假设的限制,结果精度最差. Bouchon Campillo方法非常稳定,结果较精确;但其计算效率最低,并且不能正确地处理非常陡峭的地形问题. 全局广义反-透射矩阵方法非常稳定,结果最精确,能够很好地处理非常陡峭的地形问题,并具有适中的计算效率;因此是三种方法中的最佳方法,为计算复杂介质中的地震波动问题提供了十分有效的工具. 相似文献
随着多波多分量技术的发展,宽频数据采集逐渐成为地震勘探的发展趋势.通过高保真获取全波场信息,并尽可能保留高频有效成分,进而利用多种波场信息相互验证和补充,是提高地震勘探精度的有效方法.受仪器带宽限制,常规设备在高频段很难同时保持高分辨率和大动态范围特征,在多波地震采集时,极容易出现分辨率不足和限幅失真等现象,极大影响多波多分量方法的实际应用效果.鉴于此,本文给出一种利用积分器、高频ADC、DAC和抽取滤波器构成的低成本宽频数据采集方法.通过构造环路滤波器(调制器),对高频ADC输出数据中的量化噪声二次整形,并配合抽取滤波,对带外噪声进行有效压制.实际测试表明,通过精细电路结构设计,采集站有效分辨率可达24位(采样率为2 kHz),动态范围超过140 dB,SNR达142 dB.相比传统设备,其采集数据在5~25 Hz的低频段和100 Hz以上的高频段都具有更加丰富的有效信息,非常适合多波多分量数据采集.
Joint analysis of Rayleigh- and Love-wave dispersion is performed with the aim of evaluating how their joint use can improve retrieved vertical VS profiles. In fact, non-uniqueness of the solution and complex energy distribution among different modes represent problems which, if not properly considered, can eventually lead to ambiguous or erroneous subsurface models.Some tests performed on synthetic datasets show that for the deepest layers the improvements obtained by the joint inversion cannot be considered as fully decisive in terms of ultimate solution of non-uniqueness. Nevertheless joint analysis of dispersive properties of Rayleigh and Love waves reveals as a highly valuable tool able to clarify possible interpretation issues of the single components. Under some stratigraphical circumstances, velocity spectra of Rayleigh waves can in fact be extremely complex in terms of energy distribution among different modes and erroneous interpretations of dispersion curves can thus occur. Beneficial aspects of the joint analysis is shown in the light of possible inconsistencies of the Pareto front, since major interpretative errors can be revealed in the outcomes of the proposed inversion procedure. Two field datasets are analysed also suggesting some improvements in the field acquisition procedures aimed at the acquisition of both Rayleigh and Love waves. 相似文献
Since its introduction in the late 1950s, hydraulic vibrators have become the dominant source for land seismic surveys. The hydraulic vibrators typically used for commercial land seismic acquisition, however, are large, costly to operate and expensive to purchase. This inhibits their use for small-scale and short-duration surveys as well as Vibroseis research. In this paper we describe, in detail, the construction of a portable vibrator from commercially available components for a cost of less than $US2,000. Data shows that the vibrator is able to successfully transmit sweeps from 15 to 180 Hz with different spectral contents. The vibrator produces a stronger signal than a sledgehammer and we estimate its output to be around 1 kN. The frequency content of the data was concentrated at lower frequencies (<100 Hz) and the ground-roll was far more energetic than that produced using a sledgehammer. 相似文献