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中国HY-2卫星雷达高度计有效波高真实性检验   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
Chinese Haiyang-2(HY-2) satellite is the first Chinese marine dynamic environment satellite. The dual-frequency(Ku and C band) radar altimeter onboard HY-2 has been working effective to provide operational significant wave height(SWH) for more than three years(October 1, 2011 to present).We validated along-track Ku-band SWH data of HY-2 satellite against National Data Buoy Center(NDBC) in-situ measurements over a time period of three years from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2014, the root mean square error(RMSE) and mean bias of HY-2SWH is 0.38 m and(–0.13±0.35) m, respectively. We also did cross validation against Jason-2 altimeter SWH data,the RMSE and the mean bias is 0.36 m and(–0.22±0.28) m, respectively. In order to compare the statistical results between HY-2 and Jason-2 satellite SWH data, we validated the Jason-2 satellite radar altimeter along-track Ku-band SWH data against NDBC measurements using the same method. The results demonstrate the validation method in this study is scientific and the RMSE and mean bias of Jason-2 SWH data is 0.26 m and(0.00±0.26) m,respectively. We also validated both HY-2 and Jason-2 SWH data every month, the mean bias of Jason-2 SWH data almost equaled to zero all the time, while the mean bias of HY-2 SWH data was no less than –0.31 m before April2013 and dropped to zero after that time. These results indicate that the statistical results for HY-2 altimeter SWH are reliable and HY-2 altimeter along-track SWH data were steady and of high quality in the last three years. The results also indicate that HY-2 SWH data have greatly been improved and have the same accuracy with Jason-2SWH data after April, 2013. SWH data provided by HY-2 satellite radar altimeter are useful and acceptable for ocean operational applications.  相似文献   

随着技术的进步和数据处理方法的完善,经过修正的卫星高度计数据已获得普遍认可.但在南大洋缺少波浪现场数据,卫星高度计在极端恶劣气候条件下获得数据的准确度仍受到一定程度的质疑.中国于2020年第36次南极考察中,在南大洋布放了一套感应耦合漂流浮标,可提供可靠的南大洋现场波浪数据.本文利用该漂流浮标2020年1月27日至9月...  相似文献   

HY-2A卫星高度计有效波高信息提取业务化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年8月16日我国成功发射了第一颗自主海洋动力环境卫星HY-2A,有效波高是其搭载的雷达高度计可获取的重要海洋动力环境参数之一。本文详细介绍了应用于HY-2A雷达高度计的有效波高信息提取业务化算法,该算法通过迭代最小二乘拟合方法提取有效波高信息。同时,基于HY-2A雷达高度计业务化运行获取的有效波高数据,分别与Jason-2卫星高度计有效波高和NDBC浮标海浪波高数据进行了比对分析。比较结果表明,HY-2A雷达高度计与Jason-2有效波高的标准偏差为-0.26m,RMS为0.58m;HY-2A高度计与NDBC浮标数据间的标准偏差为-0.22m,RMS为0.37m。结果证明了目前应用于HY-2A雷达高度计业务化运行中的有效波高信息提取算法的可行性。  相似文献   

With the launch of altimeter,much effort has been made to develop algorithms on the wind speed and the wave period.By using a large data set of collocated altimeter and buoy measurements,the typical wind speed and wave period algorithms are validated.Based on theoretical argument and the concept of wave age,a semi-empirical algorithm for the wave period is also proposed,which has the wave-period dimension,and explicitly demonstrates the relationships between the wave period and the other variables.It is found that Ku and C band data should be applied simultaneously in order to improve either wind speed or wave period algorithms.The dual-band algorithms proposed by Chen et al.(2002) for the wind speed and Quilfen et al.(2004) for the wave period perform best in terms of a root mean square error in the practical applications.  相似文献   

“SZ-4”飞船高度计天线指向角反演方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2003年2月7到8日“SZ-4”高度计的波形数据,经过波形数据预处理(波形为1 s的平均、去除热噪声和波形归一化)后,对海面回波波形后沿进行拟合,计算出了高度计天线的指向角,结果表明,“SZ-4”飞船高度计天线的指向角几乎全部在0.024°以内,天线指向在计算时间内比较稳定.  相似文献   

HY-2 has been launched by China on August 16, 2011 which assembles multi-microwave remote sensing payloads in a body and has the ability of monitoring ocean dynamic environments. The HY-2 satellite data need to be calibrated and validated before being put into use. Based on the in-situ buoys from the Nation- al Data Buoy Center (NDBC), Ku-band significant wave heights (SWH, hs) of HY-2 altimeter are validated. Eleven months of HY-2 altimeter Level 2 products data are chose from October 1, 2011 to August 29, 2012. Using NDBC 60 buoys yield 902 collocations for HY-2 by adopting collocation criteria of 30 min for tempo- ral window and 50 km for a spatial window. An overall RMS difference of the SWH between HY-2 and buoy data is 0.297 m. A correlation coefficient between these is 0.964. An ordinary least squares (OLS) regression is performed with the buoy data as an independent variable and the altimeter data as a dependent vari- able. The regression equation of hs is hs (HY-2)=0.891 × hs (NDBC)+0.022. In addition, 2016 collocations are matched with temporal window of 30 rain at the crossing points of HY-2 and Jason-2 orbits. RMS difference of Ku-band SWH between the two data sets is 0.452 m.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to propose a newly developed ocean Significant Wave Height(SWH) retrieval method from Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar(ASAR) imagery. A series of wave mode imagery from January, April and May of 2011 are collocated with ERA-Interim reanalysis SWH data. Based on the matched datasets, a simplified empirical relationship between 22 types of SAR imagery parameters and SWH products is developed with the Genetic Algorithms Partial Least-Squares(GA-PLS) model. Two major features of the backscattering coefficient σ_0 and the frequency parameter S_(10) are chosen as the optimal training feature subset of SWH retrieval by using cross validation. In addition, we also present a comparison of the retrieval results of the simplified empirical relationship with the collocated ERA-Interim data. The results show that the assessment index of the correlation coefficient, the bias, the root-mean-square error of cross validation(RMSECV) and the scattering index(SI) are 0.78, 0.07 m, 0.76 m and 0.5, respectively. In addition, the comparison of the retrieved SWH data between our simplifying model and the Jason-2 radar altimeter data is proposed in our study.Moreover, we also make a comparison of the retrieval of SWH data between our developed model and the wellknown CWAVE_ENV model. The results show that satisfying retrieval results are acquired in the low-moderate sea state, but major bias appears in the high sea state, especially for SWH5 m.  相似文献   

本文基于Amarouche的二阶理论回波模型,导出了带有偏度系数的二阶理论回波模型;针对HY-2A卫星高度计波形特点,引入了奇异值分解滤波,并根据最大似然估计算法反演参数的不同得到6种重跟踪方案;利用其中的五参数方案处理该波形数据,获得海面散射点高度概率密度函数中偏度的合理取值为0.15;将结果分别与浮标、Jason-1和HY-2AIDR有效波高对比,分析6种方案反演有效波高的准确度,确定了MLE4_SVD(波形重跟踪之前进行滤波)对HY-2A高度计重跟踪更适合反演有效波高。  相似文献   

The HY-2 satellite was successfully launched on 16 August 2011. The HY-2 significant wave height (SWH) is validated by the data from the South China Sea (SCS) field experiment, National Data Buoy Center (NDBC/ buoys and Jason-1/2 altimeters, and is corrected using a linear regression with in-situ measurements. Com- pared with NDBC SWH, the HY-2 SWH show a RMS of 0.36 m, which is similar to Jason- 1 and Jason-2 SWH with the RMS of 0.35 m and 0.37 m respectively; the RMS of corrected HY-2 SWH is 0.27 m, similar to 0.27 m and 0.23 m of corrected Jason-1 and Jason-2 SWH. Therefore the accuracy of HY-2 SWH products is close to that of Jason-1/2 SWH, and the linear regression function derived can improve the accuracy of HY-2 SWH products.  相似文献   

Chinese Gaofen-3(GF-3) is the first civilian satellite to carry C-band(5.3 GHz) synthetic aperture radar(SAR).During the period of August 2016 to December 2017, 1 523 GF-3 SAR images acquired in quad-polarization(vertical-vertical(VV), horizontal-horizontal(HH), vertical-horizontal(VH), and horizontal-vertical(HV)) mode were recorded, mostly around China's seas. In our previous study, the root mean square error(RMSE) of significant wave height(SWH) was found to be around 0.58 m when compared with retrieval results from a few GF-3 SAR images in co-polarization(VV and HH) with moored measurements by using an empirical algorithm CSAR_WAVE. We collected a number of sub-scenes from these 1 523 images in the co-polarization channel,which were collocated with wind and SWH data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) reanalysis field at a 0.125° grid. Through the collected dataset, an improved empirical wave retrieval algorithm for GF-3 SAR in co-polarization was tuned, herein denoted as CSAR_WAVE2. An additional 92 GF-3 SAR images were implemented in order to validate CSAR_WAVE2 against SWH from altimeter Jason-2, showing an about 0.52 m RMSE of SWH for co-polarization GF-3 SAR. Therefore, we conclude that the proposed empirical algorithm has a good performance for wave retrieval from GF-3 SAR images in co-polarization.  相似文献   

研究基于RNN、LSTM、GRU深度学习模型,针对NOAA浮标数据集中的44013、44014、44017浮标的数据,通过斯皮尔曼相关性分析提高模型预测效果。实验结果表明,在进行相关性分析后,S-RNN、S-LSTM、 S-GRU的预测效果均比原始RNN、LSTM、GRU模型预测效果好。此外,提出一种基于LSTM的LSTM-Attention 波高预测模型,并进行相关实验,量化LSTM-Attention模型的预测效果,实验结果表明LSTM-Attention模型有更好的预测效果。为评估模型的泛化能力,研究还提出了一种采用邻近浮标数据进行学习,预测浮标缺失数据的方 法。实验结果表明,该方法的预测精度可以达到97.93%。本研究为海浪预测提供了新的方法和思路,也为未来深 度学习模型在海浪预测中的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

多源卫星高度计有效波高数据融合方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
有效波高数据融合可以弥补单颗卫星高度计数据存在的时间和空间分辨率不足的问题,为有效波高的海洋学应用提供更精确的分析资料.对反距离加权法、克里金插值法和逐步订正法等数据融合方法进行了研究,得到了适合于有效波高数据融合的模型和参数,并利用GFO,Jason-1和Envisat高度计获取的我国海域及其邻近海域有效波高数据,对不同融合方法、滤波器窗口和卫星个数等影响融合结果的因素进行了分析,结果表明:(1)融合后的有效波高分布特征与前人多年统计分析结果基本一致;(2)数据较密集时,不同融合方法的结果差别不大;(3)选择的滤波器窗口大小与时间分辨率有关,对于时间分辨率为10d的融合而言,采用2.5°×2.5°~3°×3°大小的滤波器窗口所得到的融合结果最合适;(4)参加融合的卫星个数至少为3颗.  相似文献   

通过数值试验验证卫星高度计波高数据同化对西北太平洋3 d海浪预报的改进效果。驱动海浪模式的强迫场采用国家海洋环境预报中心基于MM5模式预报的风场,波高数据同化使用的观测数据是Jason-1卫星高度计有效波高。用最优插值数据同化方法获得海浪有效波高的最优估计并重构相应的海浪方向谱,以此为初始场进行为期3 d的数值预报试验。与没有同化的预报进行了比较和分析,结果表明卫星高度计海浪数据同化对0~72 h预报有不同程度的明显改善,改进程度随预报时效的增加而减少。  相似文献   

神舟四号高度计波形数据预处理和信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神舟四号(SZ-4)高度计在国内首次提供了星载雷达高度计回波波形数据.本文中作者分析了SZ-4高度计回波波形的特点,完成波形数据的预处理,并在此基础上完成初步的信息提取.在数据预处理方面,通过SZ-4高度计水陆边界处波形的特点,提出了波形最大幅度控制的方法,筛选回波波形.在波形归一化处理过程中,发现SZ-4高度计波形中存在双峰现象,并指出第二个峰为异常波形区.在波形信息提取方面,利用波形重新跟踪得到的半功率点计算出SZ-4高度计高度跟踪补偿误差,并根据高度计天线指向角和回波波形下降沿斜率之间的关系,从波形后沿提取天线指向角信息.分析结果表明,SZ-4高度计天线指向比较平稳,而跟踪补偿由于变化较大,在计算海面高度时,应作为一项误差源被考虑到.  相似文献   

Many synthetic aperture radar(SAR) wave height retrieval algorithms have been developed.However,the wave height retrievals from most existing methods either depend on other input as the first guess or are restricted to the long wave regime.A semiempirical algorithm is presented,which has the objective to estimate the wave height from SAR imagery without any prior knowledge.The proposed novel algorithm was developed based on the theoretical SAR ocean wave imaging mechanism and the empirical relation between two types of wave period.The dependency of the proposed model on radar incident and wave direction was analyzed.For Envisat advanced synthetic aperture radar(ASAR) wave mode data,the model can be reduced to the simple form with two input parameters,i.e.,the cutoff wavelength and peak wavelength of ocean wave,which can be retrieved from SAR imagery without any prior knowledge of wind or wave.Using Envisat ASAR wave mode data and the collocated buoy measurements from NDBC,the semiempirical algorithm is validated and compared with the Envisat ASAR level 2 products.The root-mean-square-error(RMSE) and scatter index(SI) in respect to the in situ measurements are 0.52 m and 19% respectively.Validation results indicate that,for Envisat ASAR wave mode data,the proposed method works well.  相似文献   

利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料分析东中国海的风、浪场特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用TOPEX卫星高度计和日本气象厅浮标观测资料,对东中国海的有效波高和风速进行比较,分析了卫星高度计资料的有效性。利用有效波高和风速的3种概率密度函数分布,结合TOPEX卫星高度计资料,并采用最大似然方法对统计分布参数进行估计,结果表明,有效波高的对数-正态概率密度分布与观测资料的直方图在有效波高的整个范围内符合较好,风速的直方图与Weibul概率密度分布符合较好。同时,分析了有效波高大于4 m的巨浪在东中国海的时空分布特征,表明巨浪多出现在冬、秋两季,平均有效波高最大值出现在夏季,且主要分布在东中国海东南部。  相似文献   

Significant wave height(SWH) can be computed from the returning waveform of radar altimeter, this parameter is only raw estimates if it does not calibrate. But accurate calibration is important for all applications, especially for climate studies. HY-2a altimeter has been operational since April 2012 and its products are available to the scientific community. In this work, SWH data from HY-2A altimeters are calibrated against in situ buoy data from the National Data Buoy Center(NDBC), Distinguished from previous calibration studies which generally regarded buoy data as "truth", the work of calibration for HY-2A altimeter wave data against in situ buoys was applied a more sophisticated statistical technique—the total least squares(TLS) method which can take into account errors in both variables. We present calibration results for HY-2A radar altimeter measurement of wave height against NDBC buoys. In addition, cross-calibration for HY-2A and Jason-2 wave data are talked over and the result is given.  相似文献   

王燕  钟建  张志远 《海洋预报》2020,37(3):29-34
基于支持向量回归(SVR)方法,建立了渤海海域近岸海浪有效波高短期预测模型,并设计了多组风浪信息组合输入方案,开展了有效波高预测敏感性试验。研究发现:综合考虑当前风浪信息作为模型的输入,对3 h和6 h有效波高预测具有较高的预报技巧,但随着预测时效的延长其预测准确性迅速降低;若此时引入未来预测风速信息作为模型输入,则可极大提高对12 h和24 h有效波高的预测能力;此外,若输入信息与预测对象之间不存在显著相关,多个信息的输入对有效波高预测效果提高无显著作用。建立的机器学习模型对小样本数据集具有良好的适应能力,能够有效解决海浪预报中的非线性问题,可为近岸海浪有效波高短期预测提供合理的技术参考。  相似文献   

The significant wave height (SWH) is one of the main parameters that describe wave characteristics and is widely used in wave research fields. Wave parameters measured by radar are influenced by the offshore distance and sea state. Validation and calibration are of great significance for radar data applications. The nadir beam of surface wave investigation and monitoring (SWIM) detects the global-ocean-surface SWH. To determine the product quality of SWIM SWH, this paper carried out time-space matching between SWIM and buoy data. The data qualities were evaluated under different offshore distances and sea states. An improved calibration method was proposed based on sea state segmentation, which considered the distribution of the point collocation numbers in various sea states. The results indicate that (1) the SWIM SWH accuracy at offshore distances greater than 50 km is higher than that at distances less than 50 km, with an root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.244 4 m, scatter index (SI) of 0.115 6 and relative error (RE) of 9.97% at distances greater than 50 km and those of 0.446 0 m, 0.223 0 and 18.66% at distances less than 50 km. (2) SWIM SWH qualities are better in moderate and rough sea states with RMSEs of 0.284 8 m and 0.316 9 m but are worse in slight and very rough sea states. (3) The effect of the improved calibration method is superior to the traditional method in each sea state and overall data, and the RMSE of SWIM SWH is reduced from the raw 0.313 5 m to 0.285 9 m by the traditional method and 0.198 2 m by the improved method. The influence of spatiotemporal window selection on data quality evaluation was analyzed in this paper. This paper provides references for SWIM SWH product applications.  相似文献   

基于浮标站海浪历史数据,利用回归分析方法建立了海浪数值模式有效波高预报产品的一元二次回归方程订正统计模型。通过2017年7月1日-2018年10月10日期间业务试运行结果发现:订正方程能有效改善有效波高数值预报产品的预报精度,且预报时效越短订正效果越显著。其中,第6~11 h预报时效内的订正前后平均绝对误差值减小0.17~0. 241 m,第6~18 h预报时效内订正前后均方根误差减小幅度为0.103~0. 28 m。这说明应用订正统计模型对海浪模式输出产品进行订正,也是改进海浪模式预报准确率的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

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