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印尼大地震震前次声异常信号的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年12月26日发生在印尼苏门答腊岛附近印度洋海斌的地震震级高达9.0(Mw9.0),引起了巨大海啸.造成了几十万人的伤亡,至今全世界的人们还记忆犹新。美国地质调查局把此次地震列为百年以来全球第五大地震。时隔3个月,2005年3月29日在印尼又发生了Ms8.7地震,5月17日再次发生了7.1级地震。北京工业大学地震研究所在这几次印尼地震前都收到次声波异常信号,本文对这些异常信号进行了初步的分析与探讨。  相似文献   

在基于连续小波变换的大地电磁信号谱估计方法中 ,通过引入整体平均、小波系数收缩和显著性检验等统计技术 ,以提高谱估计的精度 .文中同时讨论了连续小波变换中各种参数的选取问题 ,给出了Morlet小波函数中尺度与傅里叶频率之间转换的经验公式 ,并给出了谱估计的具体算法 .结果表明 ,本文方法可有效压制较强的白噪声和局部相关噪声 .与FFT谱估计方法相比 ,该方法大大降低了对信号记录长度的要求 ,因而对大地电磁信号的处理有实际意义 .  相似文献   

基于连续小波变换的大地电磁信号谱估计方法   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
在基于连续小波变换的大地电磁信号谱估计方法中 ,通过引入整体平均、小波系数收缩和显著性检验等统计技术 ,以提高谱估计的精度 .文中同时讨论了连续小波变换中各种参数的选取问题 ,给出了Morlet小波函数中尺度与傅里叶频率之间转换的经验公式 ,并给出了谱估计的具体算法 .结果表明 ,本文方法可有效压制较强的白噪声和局部相关噪声 .与FFT谱估计方法相比 ,该方法大大降低了对信号记录长度的要求 ,因而对大地电磁信号的处理有实际意义 .  相似文献   

时间信号时—频联合分析的几种方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了时-频联合分析的几种方法,其中似正交吉勃离散展式和自适应高斯基表达式是信号分析领域有重要意义的最新成果,为地震数据处理开辟了新的途径。文中还给出了时-频联合表示的地震记录处理实例。  相似文献   

基于连续不波变换的大地电磁信号谱估计方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在基于连续小波变换的大地电磁信号谱估计方法中,通过引入整体平均、小波系数收缩和显著性检验等统计技术,以提高谱估计的精度。文中同时计论了连续小波换中各种参数的选 取问题,给出了Morlet小波函数中尺度与傅里叶频率之间转换的经验公式,并给出了谱估计的具体算法。结果表明,本文方法可有效压制较强的白噪声和局产中相关噪声。与FFT谱估计方法相比,该方法大大降低了对信号记录长度的要求,因而对大地电磁信号的处  相似文献   

基于同步大地电磁时间序列依赖关系的噪声处理   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文从信号与系统的角度讨论了同步大地电磁时间序列信号之间的依赖关系,选取高信噪比的时间序列信号作为先验数据,用最小二乘法估算依赖关系;结合参考道的数据,合成本地道含噪声时段的数据,最后用合成数据替代噪声段数据,组成新数据,从而在时域中去除大地电磁噪声.西藏地区高信噪比实测数据的试算结果表明,无论电场还是磁场,信号之间的依赖关系是相对稳定的,只与先验数据的长度有关,与时间无关;虽然不同参考点之间的依赖关系不同,但都可以精确合成本地点数据,与参考点地下电性结构和参考距离无关.仿真实验显示,去噪后的信号与原始信号基本一致.实测数据处理结果表明,该方法可以有效去除强噪声干扰,抑制中高频段的近场源效应,同时保留了微弱的有效信号,保证了处理结果的正确性.最后针对方差比方法无法识别的方波噪声,提出了一种简单的平移方法,成功去除了持续时间大于窗口长度的方波噪声;将该方法与远参考技术结合,可以有效抑制近场源噪声干扰,获得光滑连续并且可信的测深资料.  相似文献   

大地电磁信号统计特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
王书明  王家映 《地震学报》2004,26(6):669-674
大地电磁测深法(MT)中,以往基于功率谱的各种处理方法,对MT信号的统计特性设定了许多前提条件,如信号应具有高斯性、线性和最小相位性等特征.如果实际信号并非如此,则处理结果存在以下几个问题:①对于非线性、非高斯信号,不能充分获取隐含在数据中的信息;②若信号不仅是非高斯的而且还是非最小相位的,所得到的处理结果反映不出原信号的非最小相位的特点(姚天任,孙洪,1999;李宏伟,程乾生,2002;Nikias,Petropulu,1993;张贤达,1996).因此,有必要对MT信号特征作系统深入地分析.否则,则无法判断基于传统功率谱方法处理结果的可信度,从而给MT的实际应用带来许多无法预知的后果.  相似文献   

为了减小大地电磁信号的非平稳性给谱估计带来的偏差,本文从时-频域上,提出了一种基于EMD和伪Wigner-Ville分布的大地电磁信号功率谱估计方法.将MT信号的幅度表示为频率和时间的函数,然后从时间-频率谱中统计估算功率谱,并引进EMD和伪Wigner-Ville分布来抑制Wigner-Ville分布中的交叉项.文章...  相似文献   

对于迭代方式的参数化反演方法,如何使反演结果稳定地收敛到整体极小仍是目前大地电磁(MT)反演中急需解决的问题.本文利用小波变换理论中的多尺度分析方法将大地电磁反问题分解为依赖于尺度变量的反问题序列,然后按尺度从大到小的次序依次求解,求解过程中前一个尺度反问题的解作为下一个尺度反问题的初始模型,直到来出对应于尺度为0的原反问题的解为止.该方法称为多尺度反演方法.数值试验和实际资料的反演结果表明,该方法可有效改善传统广义逆反演方法易陷入局部极小的弊端.  相似文献   

针对天然大地电磁场信号在人文活动密集地区易受噪声干扰的问题,本文提出利用两个同步测点天然电磁场时间序列之间的单位脉冲响应,合成本地点受干扰时段的数据,从而去除大地电磁噪声.首先,选择高信噪比时段的数据,采用最小二乘法,估算本地点与参考点之间的单位脉冲响应,再根据卷积定律,结合参考磁场合成本地点的磁场和电场.最后用合成数据替换含噪声时段数据,实现时间域去噪.实测高信噪比数据和含噪数据的处理结果表明,该方法可以高精度合成本地点磁场与电场信号,有效去除本地点电场和磁场噪声,包括相关噪声,提高大地电磁数据质量.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of climate data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The complexity of climate variability on all time scales requires the use of several refined tools to unravel its primary dynamics from observations. Indeed, ideas from the theory of dynamical systems have provided new ways of interpreting the information contained in climatic time series.We review the properties of several modern time series analysis methods. Those methods belong to four main classes: Fourier techniques (Blackman-Tukey and Multi-Taper), Maximum Entropy technique, Singular-spectrum techniques and wavelet analysis. Their respective advantages and limitations are illustrated by numerical experiments on synthetic time series. As climate data can be irregularly spaced in time, we also compare three interpolating methods on those time series. Those tests are aimed at showing the pitfalls of the blind use of mathematical or statistical techniques on climate data.We apply those methods to real climatic data from temperature variations over the last century, and the Vostok ice core deuterium record over the last glacial cycle. Then we show how interpretations on the dynamics of climate can be derived on those time scales.  相似文献   

The collection of time series data is an essential component in the investigation of earth surface processes. Spectral analysis of these time series can provide an invaluable insight into the behaviour of geophysical processes. Spectral analysis of a single time series produces an auto-spectrum which provides a representation of the amount variance of the time series as a function of frequency. Prior to spectral analysis, the time series should be plotted to identify the presence of any trends in the mean or the variance of the series, and to identify anomalies in the data which should be corrected. To satisfy the assumption of stationarity, any trend (in either the mean or variance) should be removed from the time series. Consequently, the probability density function of the time series should be plotted and compared with the Gaussian distribution. The final stage in preparing the time series for spectral analysis is to apply a taper to reduce spectral leakage and distortion of the auto-spectrum. Following the calculation of the periodogram, spectral estimates should be combined to reduce the variability associated with the estimates and thereby ensure that the autospectrum is more representative. Finally, confidence limits should be constructed around the spectral density function so that statistically significant spectral peaks (or troughs) can be identified.  相似文献   

孔隙介质地震电磁信号的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用最近开发的孔隙介质震电波场算法开展了数值模拟研究,重点探讨不同结构模型中双力偶点源以及有限断层面源作用下产生的地震波及其伴随的电磁信号的时域和频域特征,考察了不同震源时间函数类型对震电波场数值模拟结果的影响,并以Ricker子波为例讨论了震电波场的频率响应特征.结果表明:地震电磁信号的波形、振幅和持续时间等都不同程度受到模型结构的影响,结构越复杂,波形也越复杂;不同震源(双力偶点源与有限断层面源、震源时间函数类型、Ricker子波峰值频率)产生的位移场和电磁场在波形和频谱响应方面整体上呈现相似的特征,但在波形和频谱的幅度和复杂程度方面存在一定差异.  相似文献   

In this paper,we analyze the time series of site coordinates of 27 continuously monitoring GPS sites covered bythe Crustal Movement Observation Network of China over the whole country.The data are obtained in the periodfrom the beginning of the observation to the November of 2005.On the basis of data processing,we analyze thepower spectrum density of coordinate component noise at each site and calculate the spectral indexes manifestingthe noise property of each component.The spectral indexes indicate that for most sites,the noise of time series ofeach coordinate component can be addressed by the model of white noise flicker noise;and for a small amountof sites,it can be described by the model of white noise flicker noise random walk noise.We also quantita-tively estimate each noise component in the model by using the criterion of maximum likelihood estimation.Theresult shows that the white noise in the time series of GPS site coordinates does not constitute the main part ofnoise.Therefore,the error estimation of site movement parameters is usually too small,or too optimistic if weconsider the white noise only.Correspondingly,if this factor is not fully considered in explaining these movementparameters,it might mislead the readers.  相似文献   

A well-known but rarely used powerful method to investigate the presence of harmonic signals in time series is the Phasor Walkout method (other names are: Graphical Fourier Transform, Summation Dial, Complex Demodulation). At a given test frequency the complex contributions (phasors) to the Fourier Transform of each sample in an equidistantly sampled series are added vectorially in the complex plane. The resulting pattern, the walkout, reveals information about the properties of the signal which is not easy to obtain by other methods. Synthetic examples are used to demonstrate the resolving power of the method. The following geophysical examples for the application of this method are shown: determination of the frequency of the breathing mode0 S 0 of the earth after a large earthquake; the study of superconducting gravimeter records after a large deep earthquake used in the core mode interpretation of a spectral peak, the study of the residualS 3 (8 h period) signal in a tidal record and the bichromatic Rayleigh-waves from Mount Pinatubo on June 15, 1991.  相似文献   

A Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis of the geological time series of the oxygen isotope 18 for the last 782,000 years showed 98,000 years as the most prominent periodicity, followed by 40,000 years of less than half the amplitude and still smaller peaks at 24,000, 67,000, 84,000, 107,000 and 786,000 years. Among the astronomical parameters, only eccentricity showed a similar periodicity viz. 96,000 years. Obliquity had a prominent periodicity at 41,000 years which was reflected in the oxygen isotope series also. Corresponding to the bimodal precession peaks (23,000 and 19,000 years), the oxygen isotope series showed a peak at 24,000 years and smaller peaks at 22,000 and 19,000 years. Our results compare well with those obtained byThomson (1990) with a more sophisticated method.  相似文献   

利用2005年1月至2010年11月DEMETER卫星记录的NWC发射站的VLF电场功率谱数据,采用指数拟合的方法,分析了VLF电磁波在卫星高度激发的电场空间分布和衰减特征.研究结果表明: (1) VLF电场在发射站上空及其磁共轭区有着很强的对应关系,存在南、北2个强电场中心涡; (2) 相对于发射站的位置,VLF电场中心点具有经度和纬度偏移,日侧地磁经度偏移均值大于夜侧,而地磁纬度偏移均值则小于夜侧; (3) 日侧VLF电场强度呈现出周期性的年变化; (4) 在VLF电场中心10°范围内,电场强度随距离快速衰减,衰减常数b在长达6年的时间内保持稳定.在以上研究结果基础上初步构建的卫星高度人工源电磁波空间分布特征,将为研究地表-电离层电磁波传播机理提供基础技术支撑.  相似文献   

首先以Lorenz混沌方程产生的非线性时间序列为例,讨论了在不同时间序列长度下各种延迟时间算法对噪声的适用性.研究发现,采用C_C算法计算延迟时间的鲁棒性强.在此基础上,给出了垂直上升管中气水两相流电导波动信号混沌表征结果,发现在较低水相表观速度时,随着气相表观速度增加,泡状流及混状流动力学特性变得愈加复杂,而段塞流动力学特性受液相表观速度影响较大;在较高水相表观速度时,随着气相表观速度增加,当流型从泡状流向段塞流转变时,气液两相流动力学特性变得相对简单.但是,由于受液相湍流作用影响,段塞流的动力学特性表现出了涨落现象,呈现不稳定性,当流型从段塞流向混状流转变时,气液两相流动力学特性则变得愈加复杂.研究结果表明:基于电导波动信号的混沌分析可以较好地表征气液两相流流型变化,是理解流型转变机理及其动力学演变特性的有用工具.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to provide a detailed characterization of spatial patterns and temporal trends in the regional and local dust source areas within the desert of the Alashan Prefecture (Inner Mongolia, China). This problem was approached through multi‐scale remote sensing analysis of vegetation changes. The primary requirements for this regional analysis are high spatial and spectral resolution data, accurate spectral calibration and good temporal resolution with a suitable temporal baseline. Landsat analysis and field validation along with the low spatial resolution classifications from MODIS and AVHRR are combined to provide a reliable characterization of the different potential dust‐producing sources. The representation of intra‐annual and inter‐annual Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) trend to assess land cover discrimination for mapping potential dust source using MODIS and AVHRR at larger scale is enhanced by Landsat Spectral Mixing Analysis (SMA). The combined methodology is to determine the extent to which Landsat can distinguish important soils types in order to better understand how soil reflectance behaves at seasonal and inter‐annual timescales. As a final result mapping soil surface properties using SMA is representative of responses of different land and soil cover previously identified by NDVI trend. The results could be used in dust emission models even if they are not reflecting aggregate formation, soil stability or particle coatings showing to be critical for accurately represent dust source over different regional and local emitting areas. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目前,国内大多数地噪声功率谱计算程序得到的都是加速度坐标系下的结果,且最高计算频率仅为20 Hz,而我国数字地震观测普遍使用速度平坦型特性,从计算上来考虑,使用速度坐标系绘制地噪声功率谱曲线更直观.另外,由于水库诱发地震观测将其频带上限扩展至40 Hz,台址地噪声分析频带也需要作相应的扩展.本文作者在向家坝数字遥测地震台网台址勘选数据的分析处理中,结合水库诱发地震监测的需要,编写了地动速度功率谱密度计算程序,计算出了勘选台站的功率谱密度及1/3倍频程1~40 Hz带宽的均方根值.  相似文献   

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