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Predicting sediment flux from fold and thrust belts   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
The rate of sediment influx to a basin exerts a first-order control on stratal architecture. Despite its importance, however, little is known about how sediment flux varies as a function of morphotectonic processes in the source terrain, such as fold and thrust growth, variations in bedrock lithology, drainage pattern changes and temporary sediment storage in intermontane basins. In this study, these factors are explored with a mathematical model of topographic evolution which couples fluvial erosion with fold and thrust kinematics. The model is calibrated by comparing predicted topographic relief with relief measured from a DEM of the Central Zagros Mountains fold belt. The sediment-flux curve produced by the Zagros fold belt simulation shows a delay between the onset of uplift and the ensuing sediment flux response. This delay is a combination of the natural response time of the geomorphic system and a time lag associated with filling, and then subsequently uplifting and re-eroding, the proximal part of the basin. Because deformation typically propagates toward the foreland, the latter time lag may be common to many ancient foreland basins. Model results further suggest that the response time of the bedrock fluvial system is a function of rock resistance, of the width of the region subject to uplift and erosion, and, assuming a nonlinear dependence of fluvial erosion upon channel gradient, of uplift rate. The geomorphic response time for the calibrated Zagros model is on the order of a few million years, which is commensurate with, or somewhat larger than, typical recurrence intervals for episodes of thrusting. However, model experiments also highlight the potential for significant variations in both geomorphic response time and in sediment flux as a function of varying rock resistance. Given a reasonable erodibility contrast between resistant and erodible lithologies, model sediment flux curves show significant sediment flux variations that are related solely to changes in rock resistance as the outcrop pattern changes. An additional control on sediment flux to a basin is drainage diversion in response to folding or thrusting, which can produce major shifts in the location and magnitude of sediment source points. Finally, these models illustrate the potential for a significant mismatch between tectonic events and sediment influx to a basin in cases where sediment is temporarily ponded in an intermontane basin and later remobilized.  相似文献   

The Zagros fold and thrust belt is a seismically active orogen that has accommodated the N–S shortening between the Arabian and Eurasian plates since the Miocene. Whereas the southeast parts of the belt have been studied in detail, the northwest extent has received considerably less attention, being part of the Republic of Iraq. In this study, we investigate fold growth in the area NE of Erbil (Kurdistan, Iraq). In particular, we focus on the interaction of the transient development of drainage patterns along growing antiforms, as this directly reflects the kinematics of progressive fold growth. Detailed geomorphological studies of the Bana Bawi‐, Permam‐ and Safeen‐fold trains show that these anticlines did not develop from a single embryonic fold but by lateral linkage of several different fold segments. These segments, with length between 5 and 25 km, have been detected by mapping ancient and modern river courses; these initially cut the nose of growing folds until eventually defeated, leaving curved wind gaps behind. Depending on the alignment of the initial embryonic folds, the segments can either record a linear‐ or an en‐echelon linkage. Comparison of natural examples from the Zagros fold and thrust belt in Iraq with published numerically modelled fold growth suggests that both linear‐linkage and en‐echelon linkage are mechanically feasible and are common processes during progressive shortening and fold growth.  相似文献   

Scaled sandbox models simulated primary controls on the kinematics of the early structural evolution of salt‐detached, gravity‐driven thrust belts on passive margins. Models had a neutral‐density, brittle overburden overlying a viscous décollement layer. Deformation created linked extension–translation–shortening systems. The location of initial brittle failure of the overburden was sensitive to perturbations at the base of the salt. Salt pinch‐out determined the seaward limit of the thrust belt. The thrust belts were dominated by pop‐up structures or detachment folds cut by break thrusts. Pop‐ups were separated by flat‐bottomed synclines that were partially overthrust. Above a uniformly dipping basement, thrusts initiated at the salt pinch‐out then consistently broke landward. In contrast, thrust belts above a seaward‐flattening hinged basement nucleated above the hinge and then spread both seaward and landward. The seaward‐dipping taper of these thrust belts was much lower than typical, frictional, Coulomb‐wedge models. Towards the salt pinch‐out, frictional resistance increased, thrusts verged strongly seawards and the dip of the taper reversed as the leading thrust overrode this pinch‐out. We attribute the geometry of these thrust belts to several causes. (1) Low friction of the basal décollement favours near‐symmetric pop‐ups. (2) Mobile salt migrates away from local loads created by overthrusting, which reduces the seaward taper of the thrust belt. (3) In this gravity‐driven system, shortening quickly spreads to form wide thrust belts, in which most of the strain overlapped in time.  相似文献   

The Khazar fault is an active thrust fault in the northern part of the Alborz Range, which is associated with folding (the Khazar anticline) in its hanging‐wall. Regional geological studies indicate activity of the fault in Cenozoic time, and active propagation of the fault‐related folding towards the west. The Neka river drainage basin, which is a longitudinal river flowing mostly in the backlimb of the Khazar anticline, shows evidence for active folding and faulting influencing drainage evolution. Observations are made in different parts of the Neka river course, according to which a new morphotectonic feature is introduced within the river basin, termed as ‘tilted reach’. This feature is considered as a result of river course tilting in the backlimb of the growing fold, diversion, and capture of the river by other rivers. Consecutive episodes of similar events would have resulted in the development of a long drainage basin parallel to the growing fold structure.  相似文献   

Summary. Fold belts form due to shortening of deep basins on oceaic and continental crust. Basins on the oceanic crust should be characterized by a pronounced seismic anisotropy in the mantle lithosphere. Deep basins on the continental crust may develop from the stretching or the destruction of the lower crust under asthenospheric upwelling. These processes can produce seismic anisotropy in both the crust and mantle lithosphere. The character of the anisotropy is different for different basin forming processes. Considerable anisotropy should also arise from compression of the crust and mantle in fold belts. The formation of fold belts produces the original seismic anisotropy in continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

Extensional faults and folds exert a fundamental control on the location, thickness and partitioning of sedimentary deposits on rift basins. The connection between the mode of extensional fault reactivation, resulting fault shape and extensional fold growth is well‐established. The impact of folding on accommodation evolution and growth package architecture, however, has received little attention; particularly the role‐played by fault‐perpendicular (transverse) folding. We study a multiphase rift basin with km‐scale fault displacements using a large high‐quality 3D seismic data set from the Fingerdjupet Subbasin in the southwestern Barents Sea. We link growth package architecture to timing and mode of fault reactivation. Dip linkage of deep and shallow fault segments resulted in ramp‐flat‐ramp fault geometry, above which fault‐parallel fault‐bend folds developed. The folds limited the accommodation near their causal faults, leading to deposition within a fault‐bend synclinal growth basin further into the hangingwall. Continued fold growth led to truncation of strata near the crest of the fault‐bend anticline before shortcut faulting bypassed the ramp‐flat‐ramp structure and ended folding. Accommodation along the fault‐parallel axis is controlled by the transverse folds, the location and size of which depends on the degree of linkage in the fault network and the accumulated displacement on causal faults. We construct transverse fold trajectories by tracing transverse fold hinges through space and time to highlight the positions of maximum and minimum accommodation and potential sediment entry points to hangingwall growth basins. The length and shape of the constructed trajectories relate to the displacement on their parent faults, duration of fault activity, timing of transverse basin infill, fault linkage and strain localization. We emphasize that the considerable wavelength, amplitudes and potential periclinal geometry of extensional folds make them viable targets for CO2 storage or hydrocarbon exploration in rift basins.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study has been carried out on late Palaeozoic rocks exposed in the Sierras Australes thrust and fold belt of Buenos Aires province (Argentina), in the early Permian red sandstones and clay siltstones of the Tunas Formation. The sections sampled are exposed in the eastern parts of the belt, in Sierra de las Tunas (north) and Sierra de Pillahuincó (south). More than 300 specimens were collected from 25 sites, in three localities with different structural attitudes. Demagnetization at high temperatures isolated a characteristic remanence at 20 sites. All the localities have a reverse characteristic remanence, suggesting that the magnetization was acquired during the Kiaman interval. Stepwise tectonic tilt correction suggests that the Tunas Formation in these localities acquired its magnetization during folding in early Permian times. Palaeomagnetic poles were computed for each locality based on partial tilt-corrected remanence directions. Taking into account the fact that these localities are close to one another and that the rocks are all of reverse polarity, a group syntectonic palaeomagnetic pole called Tunas was calculated: longitude: 13.9°E, latitude: 63.0°S; A 95 = 5.4°, K = 39.7, N = 19. This pole is consistent with previously calculated poles from South America assigned to the early Permian. In age it corresponds to the early Permian San Rafaelic tectonic phase of the Sierras Australes. Independent geological evidence indicates that the Tunas Formation underwent syndepositional deformation. We conclude that the Tunas Formation was deposited, deformed and remagnetized, all during the early Permian.  相似文献   

The outer Adriatic zones of the central Apennines (Italy) provide good conditions for analysing geometry and kinematics of the earliest normal faults, superposed onto the thrust belt. During the latest stages of thrusting onto the Adriatic foreland (late Pliocene–early Pleistocene), the outermost imbricates of the thrust belt were subjected to normal faulting, coeval with differential uplift. Crosscutting normal faults get younger towards the foreland, thus the easternmost normal faults record the latest stages of fault propagation and growth. The Caramanico fault, on the western flank of Mt. Maiella, is the largest outcropping normal fault of the outer zones. This high‐angle fault (dip > 70°) has cumulative offsets ≤ €4.2 km, and propagated with slip rates of 2.6 mm/year in a short time interval (≤ 1.6 Ma), concomitant with intense uplift of Mt. Maiella. In contrast with normal faults in a more internal position, the Caramanico fault maintains a high‐angle planar geometry, and does not reach the major basal detachment of the thrust belt. Thus the fault did not cause large extensional displacements; its major role was rather to accommodate ongoing components of vertical uplift of the overthickened thrust wedge. Downfaulting of the thrust belt on the western flank of Mt. Maiella represents the youngest end member of the same processes that have operated since 11 Ma in the Tyrrhenian hinterland, where large extensional strains and crustal thinning of the orogenic belt were achieved by long‐lasting activity of listric normal faults detached at lower crustal depths.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional mathematical model considering coupling between a deforming elasto‐visco‐plastic fold–thrust belt, flexural subsidence and diffusional surface processes is solved using the Finite Element Method to investigate how the mechanical behaviour of brittle–ductile wedges influences the development of foreland basins. Results show that, depending mainly on the strength of the basal décollement, two end‐member types of foreland basin are possible. When the basal detachment is relatively strong, the foreland basin system is characterised by: (1) Highly asymmetrical orogen formed by thrusts concentrated in the incoming pro‐wedge. (2) Sedimentation on retro‐side takes place in one major foredeep basin which grows throughout orogen evolution. (3) Deposition on the pro‐side occurs initially in the foredeep, and continues in the wedge‐top before isolated basins are advected towards the orogen core where they become uplifted and exhumed. (4) Most pro‐wedge basins show an upward progression from low altitude, foredeep deposits at the base to high altitude, wedge‐top deposits near the surface. In contrast, when the basal detachment behaves weakly due to the presence of low viscosity material such as salt, the foreland basin system is characterised by (1) Broad, low relief orogen showing little preferential vergence and predominance of folding relative to faulting. (2) Deposition mainly in wedge‐top basins showing growth strata. (3) Many basins are initiated contemporaneously but form discontinuously due to the locus of active deformation jumping back and forth between different structures. Model results successfully reproduce first order observations of deforming brittle–ductile wedges and foreland basins. Moreover, the results support and provide a framework for understanding the existence of two main end‐member foreland basin types, simple and complex, associated with fold–thrust belts whose detachments are relatively strong and weak, respectively.  相似文献   

The active growth of a fault-and-thrust belt in frontal zones of Himalaya is a prominent topographical feature, extending 2500 km from Assam to Pakistan. In this paper, kinematical analysis of frontal anticlines and spatial mapping of active faults based on geomorphological features such as drainage pattern development, fault scarps and uplifted Quaternary alluvial fans are presented. We analyse the geomorphic and hydrographic expressions of the Chandigarh and the Janauri active anticlines in the NW India Siwaliks. To investigate the morphological scenario during the folding process, we used spatial imagery, geomorphometric parameters extracted from digital elevation models and fieldwork. Folding between the Beas and Sutlej Rivers gives clear geomorphological evidence of recent fold growth, presumably driven by movements of blind thrust faults. Structural style within the Janauri and Chandigarh anticlines is highly variable (fault-propagation folds, pop-up structures and transfer faults). The approach presented here involves analysis of topography and drainage incision of selected landforms to detect growth of active anticlines and transfer faults. Landforms that indicate active folding above a southwest-dipping frontal thrust and a northeast-dipping back-thrust are described. Along-strike differences in ridge morphology are measured to describe the interaction of river channel patterns with folds and thrust faults and to define history of anticline growth. The evolution of the apparently continuous Janauri ridge has occurred by the coalescence of independent segments growing towards each other. By contrast, systematic drainage basin asymmetry shows that the Chandigarh anticline ridge has propagated laterally from NW to SE.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(2):187-216
This study aims at understanding the origin and nature of syn‐orogenic fluid flow in the Jaca basin from the South Pyrenean fold and thrust‐belt, as recorded in calcite and quartz veins of the Sierras Interiores (Spain) and the turbiditic basin, which cover upper Cretaceous to Late Eocene syntectonic deposits. The fracture network consists of a classical pattern of transverse and longitudinal fractures related to Layer Parallel Shortening (LPS) and folding respectively. Veins filled equally about the third of fractures in the carbonate shelf and turbidites. Carbon and oxygen isotopes of calcite veins mostly indicate precipitation from isotopically buffered water, consistent with high water‐rock interaction. In the Sierras Interiores, petrographical observations and fluid inclusion microthermometry are consistent with two distinct stages of precipitation. The first stage is characterized by relatively low Th and low salinities (155–205 °C and 0.5–3.2 wt% eq. NaCl). The second stage, which was characterized both by the formation of mode‐I joints and by mode‐I reactivation of pre‐existing veins, shows higher Th and salinities (215–270 °C and 2.2–5.7 wt% eq. NaCl). Waters recorded in the second stage are interpreted to have interacted with underlying Triassic evaporites and flowed along major thrusts before vein precipitation, which are locally in thermal disequilibrium with host‐rocks. We suggest the transition from a rather closed hydrological system during the first stage of vein formation, interpreted to have occurred during Eaux‐chaudes thrusting (upper Lutetian‐Bartonian), to a more open hydrological system during the second stage, which likely occurred during Gavarnie thrusting (Priabonian‐early Rupelian). Finally, we also document the migration in space and time of hydrothermal pulses along the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin, related to the westward propagation of major thrusts during the Pyrenean orogeny.  相似文献   

Along‐strike structural linkage and interaction between faults is common in various compressional settings worldwide. Understanding the kinematic history of fault interaction processes can provide important constraints on the geometry and evolution of the lateral growth of segmented faults in the fold‐and‐thrust belts, which are important to seismic hazard assessment and hydrocarbon trap development. In this study, we study lateral structural geometry (fault displacement and horizon shortening) of thrust fault linkages and interactions along the Qiongxi anticline in the western Sichuan foreland basin, China, using a high‐resolution 3D seismic reflection dataset. Seismic interpretation suggests that the Qiongxi anticline can be related to three west‐dipping, hard‐linked thrust fault segments that sole onto a regional shallow detachment. Results reveal that the lateral linkage of fault segments limited their development, affecting the along‐strike fault displacement distributions. A deficit between shortening and displacement is observed to increase in linkage zones where complex structural processes occur, such as fault surface bifurcation and secondary faulting, demonstrating the effect of fault linkage process on structural deformation within a thrust array. The distribution of the geometrical characteristics shows that thrust fault development in the area can be described by both the isolated fault model and the coherent fault model. Our measurements show that new fault surfaces bifurcate from the main thrust ramp, which influences both strain distribution in the relay zone and along‐strike fault slip distribution. This work fully describes the geometric and kinematic characteristics of lateral thrust fault linkage, and may provide insights into seismic interpretation strategies in other complex fault transfer zones.  相似文献   

Phil Hubbard 《Area》1999,31(3):229-237
Summary Against the backdrop of ongoing debates about the nature of 'critical' geography, this paper considers the importance of intensive, action-oriented and conversational research methodologies in providing a 'Voice' to excluded populations. The distinct contribution of such methods to the understanding of exclusion is illustrated with reference to research on female prostitution, drawing on the author's own experiences as well as those of feminist researchers in health and the social sciences. However, the paper concludes by comparing the emancipatory potential of such qualitative methods with more quantitative approaches, arguing that no one method can be prioritized in the search for 'useful' know.  相似文献   

We study the effects of structural inhomogeneity on the quasi-static growth of strike-slip faults. A layered medium is considered, made up of an upper layer bounded by a free surface and welded to a lower half-space with different elastic property. Mode III crack is employed as a mathematical model of strike-slip fault, which is nucleated in the lower half-space and then propagates towards the interface. We adopt FEM-β, newly proposed analysis method for failure, to simulate the quasi-statistic crack growth governed by the stress distribution in layered media. Our results show that along planar traces across interfaces a compliant upper layer has significant effects on promoting/suppressing crack growth before/after its extension into the layer and vice versa for a rigid one. This proposes a possibility that surface breaks due to strike-slip faulting could be arrested by deposit layers at the topmost part of the Earth's crust.  相似文献   

Sand wedges, formed mainly in a Late Pleistocene alluvial gravel in the Hexi Corridor are described in detail in this paper. 14C ages of the infilling eolian sand indicate that the sand wedges were products of the Last Ice Age. During the period of formation, the mean annual air temperature in the Hexi Corridor was about −5.3 °C, i.e. 12.6–14.6 °C lower than that of the present day. This estimated value is coincident with the fall in mean air temperature of 13 °C, which is predicated from a mirabilite (Na2SO4·10H2O) sedimentary layer, and also agrees with research on the estimated amplitude of air temperature lowering in middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the last glacial period. The annual precipitation in the Western Hexi Corridor at that time was probably 100–200 mm, about 100 mm more than at present.  相似文献   

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